Prompting Revolution: ChatGPT Meets Dall-e 3

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forget everything you know about AI image prompting the game has changed and it's more interactive than you ever imagined this is real time Dynamic collaboration between you and your AI turning every generated image into a co-created work of art this isn't an upgrade it's a prompting Revolution and if you think Dolly 3 won't change aspect ratios you are in for a surprise it can do that and so much more are you ready to experience the next Frontier in AI power creativity today we explore the gamechanging integration of Dolly 3 and chat pt4 if you're a chat GPT subscriber you may have noticed a new Option start a new chat and choose doll 3 your chat doesn't look any different but it is you've just taken your first step into a new world of prompting let me show you what I mean type a prompt any prompt I'm going to work with one of my favorite two-word prompts simply ask for an image chat GPT returns a grid of four diverse images created using Dolly 3 wow and you can easily download them by clicking the icon in the corner let's take a closer look click on one of the images to expand wait a second this isn't my prompt and yet it is chat GPT 4 interpret and expands on your idea to create diverse images it tries to capture the essence of your concept it adds details and backgrounds and moods it even gives you a choice of mediums in my case it included photographs an illustration and a painting can you ask Chachi PT to run your prompt exactly of course but why would you want to limit the creative potential of the AI your prompt is no longer the final idea it's the opening line in an artistic dialogue let's see what we can do with one of these images you can refer to one of the images in the grid by number or type in the first few words of the prompt let's make some variations and now let's upscale the image wait that's not a square image Dolly has always been just Square images but no more Dolly 3 now has aspect ratios upscaling automatically gives you a 16x9 aspect ratio but you can ask for a tall 9 by6 image a wide image or a square image currently it doesn't take precise aspect ratios at least not yet but it can change your orientation now watch you can zoom in and you can zoom out now notice it's changing your image a little bit each time if you look at the prompt you'll notice there are details that have changed that's because cat GPT is changing the prompt it's keeping the vibe but the details change so when you expand your image it's not exactly out painting it's rerunning the prompt with your new instructions so what else can you change well you can't actually inpaint in the traditional sense but you can remix and change features of your image you can change colors or lighting you can change elements of your image and note what you want to see as well as what you don't want to see you can prompt for new textures or give your image an historical look in a particular art style and feel free to change the medium you can change all sorts of features of your image just ask CET GPT will rerun The Prompt and include your request each time your image will be slightly different but it will be getting closer and closer to your ultimate Vision if you want to go back to an earlier version simply ask you can refer to an image by the first few words of the prompt or conversationally now you can start exploring a new line of creativity can you keep your image the same but change details well sort of you can ask for the same seed but CG pt4 isn't really able to change the technical details of the generation process but you can ask the AI to keep the image the same and it will try and sometimes it can get pretty close so let's look at a couple other things you can do you can make tiles by asking for a repeated pattern it doesn't work 100% of the time but it does work you can upload images into cat GPT in the default mode and in the Advanced Data analysis mode but there's no way to upload images into the dolly 3 Plugin or is there you can't upload an image but if there's one online you can reference an image chpt recognized what was in this image and used it as part of the prompt and what about waiting you can easily ask chat GPT to wait part of your prompt use conversational language or use the waiting system that mid Journey uses jgpt seems to understand this it's not a direct waiting but it does change the prompt and try to add the emphasis now before you start Conjuring up a limitless realm of possibilities it's good to touch base with the current limitations there is a resolution cap I did try to upssize the image and while chat GPT said it did it it when I downloaded the image it was the same size as the original and the AI isn't perfect sometimes the generations might not fully capture what you intend but it's super simple to just correct the AI and have it run the image again and there is a rate limit too many prompts too quickly and you might get a friendly reminder to take a break you can keep chatting with the AI and ask it questions but you can't Run images and sadly these wonderful images are only stored in your chat TBT chats they aren't in your Dolly 3 collections so there you have it we're not just experiencing a new tool we're entering into a new era of prompting creativity we now have a dialogue between you and the AI the machine understands not just the pixels but the context emotion and nuance and it remembers what you prompted before so you can build on it with the integration of Dolly 3 and cpt4 your prompt isn't the end it's just the beginning give us your top tips and tricks for creating images in Dolly 3 using cat pt4 in the comments below this is Jen at making the photo let's make something amazing [Music] [Music] together
Channel: Making AI Magic
Views: 6,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI prompts, ai art prompts, prompt engineering, ai tools, generative art, ai art, chatgpt prompt engineering, chat gpt 4, chatgpt tutorial, upload images chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt plus, chatgpt ai explained, AI image generation, Dalle, GANart, AI image editing, AI image synthesis, openai, dall-e 3, dall-e 3 tutorial, dall-e 3 ai, dali 3, web-based interface, image generator, accessing dalle 3, ai image generators, dalle test, dalle, dalle 3, chat gpt prompts
Id: CunfPJjbHPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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