Promise Over Perception - Chris Green

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somebody just say amen amen Romans chapter four let me start my stopwatch I'm sorry I should have started already amen Romans chapter four I'm gonna read verses 17 through 21 to give quick context this is Paul speaking about the relationship between God and Abraham so he's he's tracing back the memory of what God spoke to Abraham and how Abraham responded to that word he said as it is written this is what God's fed said Abraham I have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were now if I did that I would be a liar but it says God can look at something that's not and say it is and it becomes what he says it is we'll get to that in a moment I'll get a few more amens later that's all right verse 18 he says who against hope this is now speaking of the response of Abraham this is unbelievable to me who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken everybody say spoken so shall thy seed be verse 19 here's Abraham's response and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb two more verses verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God and being fully persuaded not a little persuaded not half-hearted persuaded but fully persuaded that what God had promised he was able also to perform what a powerful of Scripture I want to preach to you on this subject promise over perception promise over perception somebody say in Jesus name come on say it again with faith in Jesus name Amen you may be seated in Jesus name Amen thank you so much media team for your help if there are any juice left on these monitors give me all you got make my ears bleed my throat's bleeding so I need some help I think I've had I think I've preached like 16 it's like somewhere around 16 times and 15 days or 17 times in 16 days and Australia just works you to death and I love it I love it I love it I don't like sitting on my thumbs I love being worked to death I love having revival amen amen amen but with that Jesus said the spirit was willing but the flesh is weak my my voice is a little hoarse tonight I can't reach the octaves I normally reach when I preach but I want to let you know that the power of the word is not in the power of my voice or in my volume amen and I'm glad that you know that today such an honor to be here because I am so glad every time I get to step in to the presence of a revival church your pastor and this worship team tonight was very much in the Holy Ghost I kept writing the things down that we're saying and that were spoken that I felt God has put on my heart tonight we sang that second to last song waymaker and we said this that even when I don't see it you are working we went on to the next song and we sang that every one will see and fall down at your feet I'm looking forward to that day when everyone sees who God really is and everyone sees what God is really all about because no matter who or what they are all about no matter who or where they've come from they might be an atheist and agnostic they might be some sort of other religious background or something or another but when they see God in Huli really is the song said everyone will see and fall down at their feet and pasture before he introduced me he said tonight we need to open our spiritual eyes and if you do that he said you will leave differently than the way that you came upon approaching this nation about three weeks ago the Lord spoke to me a very direct word from my time in Australia we've spent close to three weeks now and and the Lord gave me a very direct word for this nation of Australia in this church of Australian is a very short and simple word but God said tell the people to expand their vision expand their vision would you say that with me expand their vision one more time expand their vision I just wanted you to say that so it can kind of sink in tonight because I believe that our perception has the ability to either propel or to hinder God's power what I see you know we have that adage that says your perception is your reality your perception is your reality that's the day of course that we're living in today that we believe that if I don't see it then it didn't happen I'll probably get a few more amens on this statement right here if I didn't post it it didn't happen we were eating a meal just the other day I forgot who it was with or where we were at and they said hey take a picture that I said your eye they said you need to post that on Instagram that's a beautiful plate of food I said yeah because if I don't post it on Instagram it really didn't go down my Billy we've got to see it in order for us to grasp it and we've got to see it in order for us to understand it and to believe it and for it to be so but I'm gonna run free run through just a few scriptures very quickly to lay some groundwork and then God's going to speak hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 the Bible says now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things everybody shout not seen verse 3 goes on and says by faith we understand that the words were framed by the Word of God so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible so let me lock that up into a statement like this so what you see is not as important as what God speaks just laying a little groundwork that's all right what you see is not as powerful as what God has said what you perceive is not as important or powerful as what God promised you see if God gives you a promise but then everything you see is in opposition to what God has spoken it does not matter what you perceive 2nd Corinthians 4:17 says for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us four more except far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen he says we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal they have a time limit a shelf life but the things which are not seen are eternal that's why in Romans chapter 8 verse 24 Paul said for we were saved in this hope but hope that is seen is not hope for why does one still hope for what he sees but if we hope for what we do not see we eagerly wait for it with perseverance he says if you can see it it's hope that's why we've got to unsee what we see and see what God sees you see if I can see it for instance if God said I'm going to heal your body and then he heals my body and I see the miracle I don't have to hope for it anymore but as long as it's unseen to my visible eye I've got to keep hoping for what God has promised and that's why going back to Romans 8 we find the famous scripture that Paul wrote and said who shall separate us from the love of Christ he speaks the things that we see in this life he says tribulation or distress or persecution famine nakedness peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay he said in all these things what things the things that I see the things that I know the things that I perceive the things that are knocking on my door the things that are tearing apart my family the things that are shaking up my home in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us he goes on in verse 8 and gives us the revelation of persuasion he says for I am persuaded that neither death nor life angels or principalities or powers or things present nor things to come nor height or depth or any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Church you gotta hear what the Spirit is saying to us tonight he said the things which you see you cannot separate you from the love of God no matter how powerful your perception becomes it has no power against the love of Jesus Christ so I want to know who I'm preaching to tonight and I'm praying my preaching to some perception Pentecostals or some persuasion Pentecostals if you've got persuasion you don't need perception if your persuasion dictates your perception you got a problem because let me say that backwards if your persuade if your perception dictate dictates your percent your persuasion it's a tongue-twister there if your perception dictates your persuasion you got a problem when you say what I see dictates what I pursue what I see dictates what I believe that's when we have a problem you ready I'm gonna break it down here I come all you have to do is wake up in the morning put your pot of coffee on turn on the news open a newspaper get on any sort of media social media and what are you going to see bad news somebody in America once said fake news I don't know if y'all use that out of here but but regardless whether you whether or not you believe it's fake or true it's still bad news one person did a study and found that over 95% of the news that is fed into our perception is bad news so all you've got to do is be awake for a few moments and your perception is going to see and visualize things that are anti-god and anti promise and anti what he has prophesied to us that's why Jesus gave us this prophecy in Matthew 24 verse 4 through 14 yo mind if I preach from the Bible it's a pretty good Bible - pretty good book to preach from right jesus answered and said to them take heed that no man deceive you he said don't be deceived for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled he said first of all pastor don't be deceived by what you see second of all don't be afraid by what you hear he says for all these things must come to pass I want everybody to hear this but the end is not yet still laying that foundation just stay with me for a few more minutes he said there's going to be some bad things that happen but this is not the end now we have eschatology teachers those who teach the study of last things the end times and and they will try to persuade you that the bad news is the end times but watch what Jesus said he said but this is not the end because he goes on and he tells us the bad news he says for nation shall rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom there will be famines pestilences which is diseases earthquakes in diverse places what's what he says but all these things are the beginning of Sorrows he says this is not your end this is a sign foreshadowing the end so he goes on and then he says then and he points his finger at you and he says then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved now don't go to the next verse yet let me break down what Jesus just said he gave he gave a preface of foundation and he said I'm about to tell you some crazy stuff but before I tell you the stuff let me give you the truth don't be deceived and don't be afraid by what I'm about to tell you this is not the end it's just a sign of the end so watch what he does faster he points to three entities he points the earth he points to the ecology he he points to he points to the earthquakes and he points to the the famines and he points to the earth the planet he says the planet is going to begin to deteriorate and I'm not here to speak to you about ecology and and all this biology stuff I'm not smart enough I can't even spell biology but then he speaks for the second entity he says but then the end times is going to shake the world it'll shake the earth and then it'll shake the world the people who inhabit the earth he said the world is going to begin to fall and crumble they're going to attack one another there's going to be Wars nation against nation of wars and rumors of wars there's going to be all these things that begin to happen in the people humanity but then he gives us the third entity and he says but then it's going to begin to shape the church he said it's going to come against the church he said they're going to look at you and they're going to persecute you and they're going to try and to divide you they're going to hate you they're going to afflict you he said they're going to kill you for my namesake but remember this is not the end but but God oh I see is an earth that's falling apart earthquakes and hurricanes that are going on on all over play all over the place volcanoes erupting and now our world is divided see it's not even just nation against another nation it's a nation against its own nation you go to the United States and we are more divided than we've ever been we are fighting our own selves and we look and we perceive trouble and we perceive bad news how could we have unity when there's all this division how could we have a harvest when there's all this famine how could we have all this healing when there's all this sickness how God and then we see we begin to perceive what's going on in the church false doctrine beginning to rise up and I don't have time to go into all of it what God is prophesying here but he's saying that same spirit that's going to try to shake this world in this earth it's going to try to come into your homes it's gonna try to come into your marriages I feel a prophetic anointing right now it's gonna try to disrupt your marriage it's gonna try to disrupt your children it's going to try to disrupt their schools it's going to try to disrupt the government it's gonna try to divide the church but Jesus said remember this is not the end when you perceive bad news when you perceive in your front yard the spirit of the Antichrist coming against your home what you need to stand and declare is is the understanding and memory of what God said this is not the end he goes on to verse 14 and he says and this gospel and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in somebody shout that next word oh don't be shy shout it oh this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come I don't have everybody persuaded yet so I'm gonna keep preaching huh what you need to open your spiritual eyes to tonight and close your eyes a perception tonight is to understand that yes sir right now pastor we've got more sinners out in doubt in the city then we've got Saints in the pews yes pastor we've got more people with a gun to their head tonight wanting to take their own life then we've got people giving their lives to Jesus yes we have more drug addicts then we've got apostolic sir yes we've got more homicides and murderers then we've got healings and deliverances yes we've got more sinners than we've got Saints but this is not the end the end is when God steps forth and said this gospel is gonna be preached unto all the world and I shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh oh if you believe that why don't you clap your hands with faith clap your hands with expectation [Applause] hallelujah we've got to perceive the truth we've got to perceive the promise we've got to perceive what God has said that's why I didn't give them this verse but in Revelation chapter 7 verse 9 John the Baptist he was faced with a powerful perception of opposition he was banished to the island of Patmos they tried to kill him in a vat of oil boiling oil that didn't work so they said well we just throw you on the island where you can't preach anymore God say he don't need to preach I'll give him revelation where he can begin to write and what I put in his spirit it's going to preach for the next few thousand years he began to see visions and dreams and prophetic utterances came into his mouth and he began to see exactly what God was going to do he closed his eyes of faith and carnal perception and God opened his eyes of the Spirit and he said this after this I beheld I saw I perceived what God was going to do he said and lo a great multitude wait watch this a great multitude which no man good number of all nations and Kindred's and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and when and palms in their hands you know it's on the Baptist said he said can you number the people in Sydney what is it a couple million five million he said oh you can number the people in Sydney well I've got good news I saw and I saw a group of people you can't number oh how many people in Australia twenty five million you can number that you can number that population but John the Baptist said I got better news than that I saw a great multitude that no man could number what's here it is expand your vision I'm gonna preach tonight as long as it takes for somebody to let God expand your vision we've got seven billion souls on the face of this earth and I can count to seven billion it might take me a while but I can get there eventually and John the Baptist Sarah I beheld a multitude that no man could number you've got to expand your vision that what God is going to do is greater than what the enemy is going to do lift up your hands and just receive faith for the moment just receive faith for a moment come on lift up your voice I released the spirit of prophecy in this room he condor about sunday ray baja he told or ababa ha ha Sandara baja you've got to expand your vision you know why because his promise is greater than your perception I don't have time to get into it all but it was the twelve spies of Israel that had they had all just been taken out of Egypt after the ten plagues see you think that man if I had seen just one play I never doubted God they saw ten plagues and continued to doubt then they saw the Red Sea divided and continued to doubt then they saw Happy Meals from heaven fall every morning and they continued to doubt so God said fine go into the promised land twelve spies go in twelve spies come out forty days later and ten spies begin to give what the Bible says an evil report what was so evil about it their perception overwhelmed God's promised you you watch what they said and numbers chapter 13 I'm out of giving them this in numbers chapter 13 they said for we've seen the opposition we have seen Giants perception I've seen an opposition a problem that is greater than we are and then they said and we've seen ourselves and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were and their sight you better be careful how you perceive this church now you didn't hear me you better be careful what you say about this church because what's this they caught a revelation that how I perceive myself is how the enemy perceives me if I perceive myself as a grasshopper the devil's gonna say they're small if I perceive myself is weaker and I'm just an old good-for-nothing I don't have anything else to give I've got a past full of failures then the enemy is gonna say hey hey guess what I heard him talking last night they went out to Nando's and they started talking about their problems in the church and saying yeah we might be the biggest UPC Church but we are nothing we're a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the churches in the world and compared to the rest of the sinners in this nation we are grasshoppers in our own sight we don't have it we don't have the great programs we don't have the best this and we don't have all this and we don't have all of that the enemy's gonna start spreading your words and saying hey what guess what they perceive themselves as small so let's pounce on them let's pray Orma let's attack them but let's flip the coin over on the other side when you begin to say no I'm a child of God I'm a son of the king of kings and the Lord of lords greater is He that's inside of me then he that's in the world and no weapon formed against us is able to prosper there is no devil in hell that can take you down I'm not done preaching just put your hands over your eyes and say God expand my vision to not see who we are now but to see who we're gonna be tomorrow to see what you've designed us to become a God in the name of Jesus I rebuke every perception of doubt every perception of opposition it's time to lift your eyes unto the hills beyond Olivas he under trouble Cody he all know that y'all might have heard about some of this for about two two and a half years ago two and a half years ago April of 2016 we traveled to Vienna Austria we've been there many times we love Vienna long story short we got there in missionary Charles Robinette he's a mentor of ours he's in my opinion he's just the greatest apostolic man today and I mean he he could go into Meijer and pray manikins through to the Holy Ghost you know it's just scary and he's crazy but he calls us to come to his church where he was pastoring there in Vienna we get there I gotta make a long story short we get there and he says hey tomorrow I'm sorry I didn't tell you this but we're having a Muslim of Iowa I said of what he said and then on Sunday we're having a Trinitarian revival I said bro what are you talking about he said well let me tell you he said we have a man on our church that's from Iran and he was a Muslim man when he got here but he came to our church and God filled them filled him with the Holy Ghost baptized him in Jesus name he's now an apostolic Christian of God and he said in the last couple weeks God has given this man he's a new convert and God's giving him dreams and visions expanding his visions man I just I'm gonna get in trouble yeah I don't know me I'm gonna tell you something real quick I'm gonna stop pause right there but tell you something we've got to expand our vision to a place where we can allow God to use people that we never thought God could use we've got to expand our vision we've got to understand that we don't have time for everybody to cross the finish line for God to finally use them I was just in a church where a drug lord not just a drug addict a drug lord of that city the number one drug dealer came in to church Sunday morning got filled with the Holy Ghost baptized in Jesus name but watch this that night God used that fresh convert drug lord to give tongues and interpretation and watch what the church did pastor you know the pastor of US citizen he walked up to the pulpit and he said I rebuke every one of your spirit of pride in this room he said you didn't receive the Word of God because God used somebody that you didn't think was good enough well I'll take it a step further I'll get back to Vienna here in a few minutes I was in Michigan and I'm working the altars and I see a lady on Sunday morning that is broken down with sin and I went to her and I said hey lemon from a pray for you what do you need and she said I don't know exactly what it is she said I've tried everything it was a first time visitor she said I've tried everything and and it's only gotten worse she said but you said some funny words today I said yeah I said a lot of funny words she said no no you said something like holy ghost did I hear that right I said yeah Holy Ghost she said that's it the moment you said Holy Ghost something stirred up inside of me and said that's what's going to help me she said what is the Holy Ghost I told her real quickly what it was and I said God can fill you with His Holy Spirit and with the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty and it's going to happen right now and I said you're going to get the Holy Ghost right now and she said I'm sorry but I'm not going to get it I said why not her words not mine she said because God would never give a lesbian the Holy Ghost I said ma'am I need to ask you a question who lied to you and what book have you been reading because my book says that Jesus spoke these words I've come to seek and save those who are lost he said I went he said I'm going to find those who are lost now he said I pulled you out of darkness and put you in my mother's life now watch because you don't know me I've got to give a purpose and qualify everything just because God goes into your darkness does not mean he endorses your lifestyle it means he's going in there to snatch you out of that sin she got the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues a baptized in Jesus name and that night pastor God spoke a prophetic word to her and said these words he said you've been living in a life of darkness he said but I have just filled you with my light of truth what's this he said but you still have a world of darkness behind you that will never hear the voice of your pastor he will never be able to reach them he does not know them he doesn't know their names doesn't know where they live he said but you have a world that's in darkness and I'm sending you back to them to tell them what I've done for you he didn't speak that to the pastor or to the soloist he didn't speak that to the prayer ward he spoke that to a brand-new convert that said hey I pulled you out of that world it's the same thing he did to Moses he pulled noses out of Egypt and then said go back to Egypt I've got some people to save and I got a prophetic anointing upon me pastor God did not speak to Jethro his father-in-law but he used Jethro later and the submission of Moses to his father-in-law to expand the revival but God said Moses I pulls you out and I saved you and now I'm sending you back church you gotta hear the word of God tonight you have a world that will never hear the voice of your pastor unless you go back to Egypt [Applause] and so I get there and he says we're heaven I don't have time into everything now but he says a Rosh the new convert has had dreams and visions of him standing on a city train and every time he looks over his shoulder and there's hundreds of Iranian Muslims in that train with him headed to the Apostolic Church in Vienna he said so he not to my door two days to go crying and saying for the robinette the dreams are still coming to me I can't sleep anymore because it's disturbing me I've got to do something about it but the robinette said we're gonna do it right now we're gonna have a Muslim revival this weekend in two days we're not gonna drop the blueprints for twenty years from now no we don't have time he said we're gonna get every one we can while we can he said go to that refugee oh I'm sorry I got to tell this part he said but he said a rush told brother Robinette but are we gonna get Iranian Muslims from he said well good news he said I just read in the newspaper the other day that in the last 12 months there's been over 100,000 Muslim Iranian Muslims move into Vienna as refugees pushed out of their country out of their homes as refugees living in the camp with no home no dignity left some of them separated from spouses and children living in Vienna he said you go there tomorrow and you start inviting people to come I got to get the long story short here he goes into that refugee camp he gets 67 of those Muslim people to come with him out of that refugee camp some of them got mixed up on which train to get on they got on the wrong train we had about 25 show up at that service on Saturday afternoon now you got to understand this they spoke Farsi I've never spoken Farsi a day in my life only one person in that whole church spoke Farsi and that was a rush and he had never held a microphone he had never been on the platform never done anything in ministry for God and here he was now trying to lead this group of 25 Muslim people and we're all trying to greet them in Jesus name they don't understand what we're saying we start singing our songs and we start having a Holy Ghost mosh pit people dancing and shouting and running I'm telling you what those Muslim people from Iran their eyes were like this thinking what in God's name have I gotten myself involved with you people laughing or thinking yeah I thought that too when I first came here all right this ought to be different than anything else you've ever been to but by the third song some of them Muslim people started filing out with tears pouring down their cheeks they said I don't know the name of the guy you're serving I don't know the words you're singing but they were experiencing something they had never felt before I go up to preach and I Ross couldn't hardly speak English that's the problem when your interpreter don't speak your language I would say praise the Lord everybody it took me five whole minutes forget for him to translate praise the Lord so this is me and my ignorant faith I shut off my iPad and I shut off my faith and I said well God no one's getting the Holy Ghost tonight that's what I said in my spirit I'm confessing to you I said no one's getting it you know why because my perception said unless they understand it unless I can teach it my way no one's going to get it so I feel like I struck something right there let me tell you why I struck something right there because the reason why some of us are being held back we're hitting this roadblock into the next dimension is because we're trying to walk by understanding let let's just play a game here you ready I want you to be loud on this one what's two plus two well praise God I do that in some churches and they say uh not in Australia y'all smart people now did you need faith to answer that question I hope not you've learned that question when you were kid you don't need faith to answer what you understand that's why they said what we see is not hope three plus three hey you're good I understand math I understand science I understand history but how does God whose infinite and glory holiness power how does God who's bigger than the universe who has no sin in him feel somebody that is full of sin how I've got the answer I don't know it's a step of faith [Applause] the Holy Ghost spoke to me and said I don't care if they don't understand if they have enough faith I will give it to them and their understanding will come through a life of submission to me so I got a Ross it took a long time I said Arash find a way to tell these people come to the front and when they do to lift up their hands and just say Jesus I give my life to you and when they do they're going to get the Holy Ghost they didn't know anything about Jesus they didn't know anything about the Holy Ghost they didn't know anything about speaking in tongues but when they came to that altar and they lifted their hands and said Jesus I give my life to you instantaneously 15 Muslims started speaking in tongues pastor Harvey I will never forget this as long as I live I watched as these Muslims started elbowing each other tapping their friends going like this look at my tongue look at my mouth something funny is happening to my mouth we baptize them in Jesus name a Ross took them back to the refugee camp when they got there we were out eating that's what we do we were out eating breaking bread or enchiladas or something like that and brother Robinette gets the phone call what's this perception became his reality when he got back to the refugee camp he said brother Robinette the revival of the Muslim people is over for the rubber net said what are you talking about it's just started he said well we just got back to the refugee camp and there were two radical Islam spies that were with us in that service tonight and when we got back they came out with clubs and bats and other friends gathered with him and they beat every one of them down to a bloody pulp he said the ones that were filled the Holy Ghost and baptized they are now on the ground in the street with broken bones unconscious he said then they put a bat in my face and they said Arash if you ever show your face here again we will kill you and anyone that goes with you I cannot tell you what came over me as I was sitting there eating brother Robinette he began to tell a rush he said rush the revival of the Muslim people isn't not over he said it's only just begun he said because right now we are going to pray he said and when you go back tomorrow morning which would have been Sunday morning he said when you step foot on to that refugee camp he said a warring angel of God will go with you and he said no weapon formed against you will prosper he said and we will see the greatest revival and harvest of Muslim souls that this nation has ever seen so the next morning I Ross went back to the refugee camp he was a little afraid he didn't see any any spies he didn't see any opposition but guess what he saw he saw a group of over 65 Muslim people standing out front and the people that were in the front of that group were the same 15 that had been beaten the night before they came back to church that day they filled the front two or three pews and God filled another 20 Muslims with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues two minutes I got to share this part this is this is unbelievable to me I got to share this part I was preaching that day and I remember I was working the altars and there was a man about 23 or 24 years old named Nabi he was there at the altar and they came over to me and they said brother Greene you got to pray with Nabi he received the Holy Ghost last night but after being beaten he is so severely afraid to speak in tongues again because of what happened to him the last time go pray with him I went and prayed with him and and we began to fight against that spirit of fear and all of a sudden boom he started speaking in tongues and and I worked the altars again it had been over an hour I come back and Nabi was slain in the spirit another hour goes by they pick up Nabi and take him to the prayer room because they had a vacuum the altar they had a vacuum all the carpet in the sanctuary so they carried this drunken this drunken new converted Christian into the prayer room speaking in tongues they lay him in the prayer room literally had been now three hours they come back to me and someone was a little confused they said please go speak to Nabi he is shaking because he's so afraid he's shaking because he's terrified I went in there and I saw him and I said he's not afraid he's drunk in the Holy Ghost a few minutes later someone else came to me and said brother Greene you've got to go speak to Nabi he's so afraid he won't get up he won't leave the prayer room I thought okay maybe I missed it I walked in there with an interpreter and I said now be sitting up and we had to pick him up sit him on a chair and he just set like this just speaking in tongues and I said come on stop praying speak to me what's going on and finally in his language he would speak a few words then speaking tongues speak a few words then speaking tongues and when I got his attention I said Nabi are you afraid he looked at me through the interpreter he said afraid afraid of what he said I literally I have been filled with so much power this weekend I'm not afraid of anything this is what he said he said for the last twenty plus years I have been taken to a mosque to worship Allah and I did not realise but he was just a figment of my imagination he said what happened is every day of my life I would go to the mosque I would pray for hours to Allah and never one time did Allah speak back to me he said but just one prayer to your God Jesus not only did he speak to me but he gave me his spirit this is his exact words he said I can literally feel the heat coming out of my lips as I'm speaking to you right now I can feel the power coming out of my mouth as I'm speaking to you right now pastor Harvey in the next 18 months just one and a half years later over 200 Muslim refugees from Iran had been filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost baptized in Jesus name at the Apostolic Church of AXA in Vienna Austria so don't you tell me devil that there's a neighborhood that God can't reach don't you tell me that there's a soul that God can't convince don't you tell me that there's a prostitute that God can't say don't you tell me that there's a drug addict that God can't deliver God can do whatever he wants to do why don't you stand to your feet right now and why don't you cut your hands with all of your might and why don't you lift up your voice with the Holy Ghost praise of desperation [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] remain standing remain standing remain standing let's just feel like I've got one word from the Lord tonight for this congregation the Lord did not speak to Abraham and say I will make you a father of many nations he spoke to a fatherless a childless father he was not a father he had no children of God's promise a hundred-year-old man that the scripture says his body speaking of his ability to reproduce was now dead you hear me church he did not have the ability to produce the new birth but God said I have made thee how so thought about I have you see prophecy is speaking of things to come in the future but there's another term called proleptic which means speaking of things to come as if they've already happened he's not saying to the Pentecostals of Sydney I will send revival he's not saying I will make you a church of a refuge of salvation to the city he is not saying I will give you a pastor I will give you souls I will give you harvest I will give you a great worship team I will give you leadership I was not saying those things tonight he is saying I have made thee a father of many nations tonight there's parents standing in here with children not by your side and you're praying that God will prophesy I will bring them back but I hear a proleptic word of the Lord tonight saying I have I have already saved them I have already delivered them I have already brought them back if you're sick tonight he's not saying I will heal you he is shouting us I have I have I have already healed he own the robber God is saying get the word can out of your vocabulary and start saying he's already done it why don't everybody come to this altar right now with hands lifted everyone everyone in this room every man every woman every child I want you to come as quickly as you can come on everybody as a church he caught us he called Dora hey I said come on we didn't come tonight just to play games we didn't come just to play Church we came to hear what thus saith the Lord and I feel that God is speaking a prophetic word to you tonight I believe that God is speaking politically to you tonight he is shouting I've already done it it's already been taken care of I've already provided now stand and know I am God I am God I am God [Music] as you lift up your hands he caught total about say honey as you lift up your voice I want you to allow God to remove your perception tonight to remove the obstacles of what you have seen I know it looks Bleeker I know it looks decilitre I know it looks dry but oh but David said yea yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil would you lift up your voice tonight in one Accord would you lift up your voice in unity would you lift up your voice I will say in the name of Jesus [Music] you
Channel: POSydney
Views: 2,382
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: faith, miracles, pentecostal, church, Sydney, apostolic, Chris Green
Id: 08R1-uAPbM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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