Into His Chamber - Sam Emory | TP 2015

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surely the Lord alone is worthy of all praise all glory all honor a man it is his name that we exhaust because there is none greater than he we are mortal men he is self-sustaining he says to us I am the vine you're a branch the stems from the vine and as long as youth branch abides in the blind it is able to bring forth fruit but if the branch does not abide in the vine ye can do nothing what it does that removes the thing that tells us that we can do this all by ourselves the fact of the matter remains that we cannot do this all by ourselves even when I think I'm good I'm not good and even what I think and I don't know how I mean I've been in places that I don't know how I made it through there but I knew it was the Lord that saw me through it and then there was times I thought I did it on my honor he tested me on the shows that I was just working where you couldn't see me work I was moving when you didn't know I was moving I was helping when you didn't know I was helping oh come on somebody [Applause] [Music] you need to understand said whether you're talking about I'm talking about why I give him praise why he is worthy of all of my praise I [Music] could basically do it for a lifetime based on what I know he's done but can I tell you that God does things that you don't even know he's doing when I consider the things I have seen him bring me through my mind begins to wonder how many things that he go in front of me and cleared the way for me [Music] when I consider how many things that god help me with that knock on the door of my life then I must consider how many things that he did not allowed a knock on my door so for all of you that don't think you have any reason to praise the Lord you praise it for things seen and unseen [Music] things known and unknown somebody give it praise for all that he has done he is worthy you need to open your mouth to say like the Angels out worthy O Lord thou art worthy O Lord to receive praise and glory and honor and power and dominion or you can set there with your mouth closed up maybe there's something gotta come out of your mouth you got you can't give God praise with your mouth closed the area just cry holy [Music] now on one of the O Lord the elders for in 20 took gold crowns off their head and cats them at his feet we have no idea the seraphim's fly [Music] for two moons that cover their faces and two wings that cover their feet because everything that's in the presence of the Lord must have a covering we don't want to go into that tonight we'll talk about that if you guys wanted me to come back again some other time [Music] listen again now everything that wants to be in the presence of the Lord must have a covering so I Adam and Eve had to hide because they lost their covering I know you think they were naked but they were not how can you be naked with fig leaves on when the Bible says are you naked he wasn't talking about their flesh he was asking him where is your covering because when I breathe in you and made your living so I gave you a covering he crowned his head with glory and [Music] somebody Malone I don't know about you but I'm glad I have a covering glory of God is in the house come on somebody so we give them praise we give them glory we give him honor we give him power we give him Dominion and authority to reign in our life you have to give it to him if you want to have it in your life Ezekiel chapter 41 verse 1 if you have a shout Amen if you're still trying to find it say wait on me I wait on you then a great time here with y'all excited about being here I was very excited that I would be with my friend pastor King and you do really do need to get the tapes of his teaching these two days they're there they will be life-changing and transform into your church you just get mine because it's just the thoughts of a crazy man babbling he made good sense I don't trust me after ward he brought me to the temple and measured the post six cubits broad on one side and six cubits broad on the other side which was the breadth of the tabernacle and the breadth of the door was ten cubits and the size of the door of five Kier it's one on one side in fact he was on the other side and he measured that left there are 40 cubits and the breadth 20 cubits then wit he inward in Russia inward and one and measured the post of the door two cubits and the door six cubits and the breadth of the door seven cubic so he measured the left there of 20 cubits and the breadth twenty cubits before the temple and he said unto me this is the most holy place after that he measured the wall of the house six cubits and the breadth on every side chamber both human sound about the house on every side and the side chambers were three over three one over another and 30 in order and they entered into the wall which was out of the house for the side chambers roundabout that they might have hold but they had not hold in the wall of the house and there was an enlarging and a winding about stilled upward to the side chambers for the winding about of the house with still upward roundabout therefore the breadth of the house was still upward and so increased from the lower chamber to the highest by the mist I like to appreciate you if I can't unravel all this into his chamber you may be seated and so we pick up our drama our story today and this is it took me forever to figure out what this guy was talking about this is just so convoluted to my head and Ezekiel begins his dissertation with us in Ezekiel one and he starts something and he says and I was among the captives by the river of Chebar the heavens were open and I saw visions of God now we talked about the heavens being open last night him if you weren't here you can get that tape but here he makes a statement that kehna he says I was among the captives but he never said that he was a captive he says I was there with those that were captives but I myself rather than being captive in a foreign land I disposed myself to God and saw visions coming from the Lord the spirit of the law was moving on the prophet Ezekiel even in his captive state and so he sees all of these visions him and the whole situation lends the same as John John who says I was in the Isle of Patmos and he said he was there in Revelation 1 and 9 for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ in verse 10 though he says and I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day it is it is mind-boggling to me that both of these gentlemen in adverse circumstances and situations did not see themselves in dire Ezekiel said I was there with people who were captive but I was not a cat I may have had chains on my hands and on my feet but you cannot chain my spirit and John said they put me on an island to keep me from preaching the Word of God but they could not imprison my praise so when the day of the Lord the Lord Day came around I just acted like I was in church anyhow and it says so I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day I come to preach to you to make my opening statement to you that it doesn't matter what situation you're in if you got a praise on your lips if you got hands you can't clown if you got feet you can move if you got a song you can sing if you got hands you can rave don't ever let the devil think he's catching in a situation that God cannot get you out of oh you're waiting on me to preach and I'm already preaching some of you're sitting there like oh my situation it's overwhelming I come to tell you there is a God that is greater than your situation you need to say I am NOT a captive I am NOT a prisoner you can put me on an island them but me and God are still the majority all God needs is one man the part God doesn't need a crier all he needs is one man to give him praise all he needs is one woman to say I will not die but I will live and so forth the blessings of God I will not be quieter I will not sit still I will not go away you can chain me but there's something in me that can never be saved some of today some of the most minor things coming our life and we become captive to them they hung their hearts by on the trees on the willow trees and they said our captives required us a song but we could not sing in a strange land you got to learn how to sing in a strange land because there's power in a song especially if you're singing that song to the God of all glory something happened when you begin to praise the Lord with the fruit of your something happens when you lift your voice that's why the devil wants to shut you up because the power of life and death is in the mouth and no matter what your situation is a you can speak life and you can speak health and you can speak power fine here Ezekiel and a vision of the temple and he God has shown him this temple that's coming the angel is giving him specific measurements and dimensions so many qubits here in so many qubits there and really I wish I was smart enough to actually tell you what all those mean but I'm not so I can't what I do know is that nothing a no one can stop the moving of God's Spirit the only thing that holds us captive and the only thing that imprisons us is our attitude toward God about our circumstances I made some enemies there well with me you better get used to it I didn't come to make you feel good I came to put some fight inside of you I didn't come to tell you it's gonna be all right it ain't gonna be all right if you don't get up and said devil you can't come on you can sit there and die if you want to but don't call me because I'm not coming to your funeral there's something in here that cannot die that can I'm looking at people and the Holy Ghost saying you have already lost your fight your battle is over that devil has won but if you can just say you know what in the name of Jesus rejoice now that gives me all my enemies when I fall ass I was somebody help me preacher I shall arise I will get up again I will praise again our shout again I would pass I can't you can't keep [Applause] [Music] you must get some grits and I know you think I speak as a man that have no understanding but honey I've been there done that got the t-shirt and the coffee mug but I don't drink coffee so I so on the mug I know what it is to have your back against the wall and there is no way out but I serve a god that if there is no door he will simply make one if there is no way he will simply make if you got a disease that there is no cure I know what God that will create a here if there's a situation that seems I was somebody help me preacher if it seems like you're drowning just stand up because there is a God that is greater somebody shout amen and then he begins to measure the breadth of the post and the measurements of the tabernacle then he begins to move to measure the breadth and length of the door talked all about gates and openings last night for then Paul writes to us in first Corinthians 16 and 9 for a great door and effectual is opened unto me and there are many adversaries I want you to know that the adversary will always be at the door because the door for us is an opportunity doors means something opening that was closed and these are opportunities and these opportunities come with adversities and one of the adversities are is that the door is so far beyond my ability that my enemy wants to make me think that I cannot go through that door that door is too great for you that's that door is for someone else but if God says that's my door then I have to have enough integrity to walk through that door the reason why there is adversaries pastor King is because when we go from one level to another we're going from one devil to another and the devil on the other level is stronger than the one that you fought on the lower level and we're shouting about going the higher you go the stronger the adversary gets and so they meet you at the door and they say you really don't want to come in here because I got something for you little Christian and you need to let him know you may have something from me but I got something for you in the name of Jesus it is the Lord that rebukes me and walk across the specimen the reason why the enemy fights us is because when I walk through the portals of the door I am be fitted with the anointing and the authority that will cause me to operate on a higher dimension but the devil wants me to think that I don't have that authority but the devil has never told the truth he is a liar and the father of enough if God says mother you better move if God says come up a little higher you better come up a little higher if God [Applause] God calls he will cause men to come up higher he because churches that come up higher he will cause movements to come up higher but when you enter or when we intersect that door sometimes we're more focused on the adversary then we are of the advantages of the door trust men when you conquer everything on that level there will be another level higher and the adversaries from that door will come down to where you are to convince you don't come up here you don't have what it takes then I know when he says that to me I must have what it takes do you wouldn't be down here telling me I don't have what it takes anytime the devil says something to you reverse it can I can I just take a little dirt road I'm promised to come back to the freeway the first men come knocks on Jones door your son is dead your daughter's dead and this is happening - ba ba ba Dada yada yada yada and it goes on notice now there is no announcement to joke when your enemy knows what he can do he doesn't give you an announcement you go to bed one night and you're fine you wake up the next morning and all hell has broken loose and locking at your door and you want to what happened contrast now the enemy tells you like some of our pressures ladies y'all are so precious but you let the devil out of you all time you get one little ache in the key the big OC words you have cancer you have a bomb you have a lump you have cancer if he could have took your life he would have took I'll let you sit there then and just fight a voice that hath no power because if the devil could have killed you he would have done it already and the fact that you still here today oughta make you stand up and say I'm still alive what's the you're not hearing what I'm saying if he could kill me he will not announce enter but he can't do anything that God won't allow him to do there is a door that is effectual but do not get stuck on the adversary look at rather the advantages of the door now in Revelation is 3 and 7 it talks about an open door that no man shut and a shut door that no man can open and these doors are opportunities that God puts at our hands to do the work of the kingdom of God as somebody shall amen and then he begins to measure the dimensions of the walls round and about because the walls dictate our harvests let me say it again the walls dictate two things our harvests and our environment okay that was that was good right there that was a hookah mashach cometh and you're driving through the Midwest in America I'm in the wrong crowd cause nothin in America and there are cornfields all over the place corn is growing and in the middle there is what they call a silo the silo is the compartment that will house the harvest of the field they build the silo large enough that at harvest time all of the harvest can go in the silo if they plant more then that means they need a bigger place to house the harvest so wolves at times dictate the harvest and the size of the harvest but more exciting to me is that walls also dictate the environment now what I mean by that is is that in here we have thermostats and thermometers and they're stationed all over the building in order to regulate the environment of what we're doing in here and some of us are right now too hot and then there are some of you that are too cold and then there are some of us that really don't care because it's not that was driving it's the environment what I am in now some of you are thermostats that means and thermometers now the thermometer or the per people that can only register what the atmosphere is the thermometer is just kind of there and it just loses up and down but the thermostat doesn't regulate what it is it drives it to what it wants to be so if I want to change the environment I go and touch the the thermostat and I move the numbers you see you can you can you can change your atmosphere or you can just set there and stick your tongue and say yeah it's cold in here or you can change your in you can change your environment you can regulate your own or with somebody help me preach now and if you think church is dead I come to differ with you you're the one that's dead the church is alive you need to change your environment if you will start worshipping if you will start praising if you will start lifting your environment will change so powerful is it that even in the middle of a closed on quote dead service you can have your own revival all by yourself it is not predicated on what everyone else is doing I am the regulator I can change my environment I can change the very atmosphere if I want to because I know of a name that if I speak the name of Jesus the atmosphere stores change the in fact somebody come on I said that very atmosphere starts changing the environment starts changing you speak the name of Jesus and the molecular atmosphere begins to move and shifter things begin to shift up when you call on the name of the Lord you can't control your environment right now if you want to go higher lift your hands up if you want to go higher Lucho Larsa you are in control of the spiritual environment walls immeasurable dimensions large enough to contain but they also set boundaries for protection against unwanted enemies walls protect us if there are no walls then we would be under the under the helpless assault of the environment that's out there walls help temper things inside if we had no walls and if it rained it would rain in the building if we had no walls are you hearing what I'm saying so walls are not here so much to keep me in but walls are here to keep unwanted things out somebody got to come on and help me and then your house has walls you might as well say Amen or not your big-haired one or the other and then because you don't want the elements coming in your home you don't want an unwanted environment entering into your space even if God gave us houses but he gave us this this is the temple of the Most High condom and I've got a mixture I got boundaries that I will not step over because there's unwanted I was somebody come on and help me preach and then there are boundaries a man that I've got to set in my life there a discipline that I've got put in place because I want to keep my vessel holy and because I want God to move and then God is holy and he wants to move to holy vessels I'm sorry but this is a holy place because the holy God is here because what the presence of the Lord is this is what miraculously changes this building from just a building to the house of God and the fact that you and I here you and I are here does nothing more than elevate the changing situations of the environments that's why corporate worship is so important that's why it is dangerous to stay at home when you should be at the house of God not that God cannot heal you at home not that you cannot pray at home but John said if we walk in the light as he is in the light watch now and have fellowship one with another thing then the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness that's why I need you in my you can't live for God by yourself you can't stay at home and say I can pray in my house you better get yourself to the house of the Lord you can't even just watch us on the internet and say that's that's not good enough because it's the fellowship see so it really doesn't make any difference whether you like us or not the finger may not like the hand but if I disconnect my finger from my hand and lay my finger on this podium my body doesn't die but the disconnected part will die because there is no blood flowing so when you stay at home when you should be in the house there is no blood flowing to you and you are slowly but surely rigor mortis is setting into your limbs and if you stayed long enough and then you won't want to come back because wholeness will set in your soul and if the blood is not circulating through your veins that part of you will die so like it or not we're stuck with one another you better get to likin me cuz I'm not going anyplace and if you don't like the church I can I just I'll get back on the road here man I got one more dirt road thing to do I checked into a hotel to preach at conferences in California and I'm talking to the lady behind the counter and I'm saying you look search it to me are you a church girl she says I'm a church girl she says I love I love God but I don't love the church and of course you know me that goes to where you're an idiot she looked at me said what I said you just I said what if you had a boyfriend and he said to you I love your face but the rest of your body is jacked she said it will be owned I said well that's what you're saying you're saying you like the head but you don't you're saying you don't you like the handle but you don't like the body when I Got News for you the head comes with the body so you can't love Torah and not love the church huh you can't love the hair and not look the body that the hair is passed over the devil is a liar and I will do that in Jesus name [Applause] you better fall in love with this Church of Jesus died for this church he bled for this church he hummed for this treasure he was called for this church I don't know about you but I love the church I love everything about the church if it wasn't for the church I still be a drug addict if it wasn't for the church the church is not my enemy that soldier is [Applause] I love this thing I know there's weirdos in the church and you are one of them I know those folks that get on your nerves in the church I want to remind you you ain't all that girl you get on peoples nerves - I know but you got a hit list that if God would you just mark them off I want you to kill this one but did you ever thought stop to think that you're on somebody's head splits you laid all of that and a bag of chips yourself girlfriend you need to get to the altar and get your attitude straightened and not just straight with Laura but straight with your brother and straight with your sister and said I'm gonna love everything that there is about the church [Applause] Church is like a family you got brothers and sisters I'm telling my naturally you don't like all you just jacked up there's sibling rivalries some of y'all mad cuz you think your mama like your system won't see like you you need to grow up you little two-year-old we got 50 year-old Christians with a two-year-old mentality that's why the devil's messing with your head listen rich fo yo it's my ready to go often I read it derail the train you better grow up and learn something in about them it's about my attitude and as soon as my attitude gets right with God folks don't matter no more and may you didn't die for me so I really don't care about you that much I care what God thinks in my for me to care what God thinks I got a love you whether I like you or nada but if I love you enough I'll like you [Applause] our problem is we think church is Burger King yeah you want to have it your way but it is not and you cannot have it your way you have to have it Yahweh oh that's it I gave you that for free you know you don't have to pay for then he begins to measure and give us an overview of the enter chambers the inner chambers built hard and fast to the wall of the holy place but did not encroach on the exterior wall of the Holies of Holies there was a bill 30 around and in level of three so there were 90 chambers built around the Holies of Holies 3 on every side as you entered into the foyer he says that was a staircase behind in the entering of the for you stood and then there was a winding staircase that went up three levels of us amen and then at little is in this winding staircase as it went up it did two things it got wider as it got higher it started off narrow and then it was enlarging and what higher now your theme is what higher and with every step of this ladder this this staircase things began to broaden unfortunately for some of us we're enamored with the foyer and we just loved everything about it and we don't recognize as as long as I stay in the foyer I'm not going anyplace I've got to elevate myself up the stairway and as I go it begins to wind and get wider always increasing as I go I can tell that doesn't mean anything for you or for you I don't know I'm excited I guess because I actually do know what it means that means that as I go up everything that God has for me increases in size and value and power and anointed my anointing increases as I go higher my wisdom increases as I go higher my pal come on now why would God give me power to stay on the bottom level I've got if I don't I wish somebody help me now not only that but my trials get a little bit heavier as I owe you don't like that part well you can't have one without the other there's a balance amen so you fight the devil on one hand it is south with the tambourine on the other and before you know you on the second level say woo sucker Misaka Misaka Misaka ma and there's one more floor I guess I'll go up there and see what's happening come on somebody so he says on the third floor and Ezekiel 41 and 26 and there were narrow windows and palm trees on one side and on the other and on the side of the porch and upon the side chamber of the house and thick planks so I'm saying what's with the whole window deal several things are going on number one the windows were only on the third floor they were lattices which means they were narrow and they recovered with wood on both sides and in the wood was imprinted palm trees I don't know what all that means I guess whoever liked the tabernacle of palm trees I guess I don't know maybe they wanted to go to Hawaii I don't know what I do know is that in those days when they built these things that the windows were narrow for two reasons number one so that you could see out but no one could see in y'all are so hard to impress cuz that impressed me I mean I'm saying and I've been pressed with myself I love having too much fun I'm sleep-deprived that's part of my problem but they were all so narrow so that an enemy could not take a bow and an arrow and shoot through you don't get it and so he you you get from the third floor and only from that high place could you see beyond where you were you're not getting what I'm preaching yet on the third floor you could see beyond it was the only place where there were windows then there was a door which was opportunity but the window means vision the windows causes me to see far beyond where I am in my present circumstances and I've been on airplanes and sitting on a one-way and the pilot is waiting for the ceiling of the sky to lift to a certain place so that we could take off because it is far then y'all don't know anything about fog here but I live in a central that is very foggy and when you go out and you the fog is thick you can barely see yourself your hands and it's so thick and so now there's a ceiling lift and the pilot takes off and then you will hear the first ding as a participant ago that means you have just broke the 10,000 feet ceiling and miraculously there's a Sun and the clouds are below you and above the clouds it's a sunshine today gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day don't act like you don't know who bar Marley is don't be acting like you lost sanctified please I can see y'all don't be playing with me up in here from the world vision allows me to see that there's something greater than where I am because if I don't see beyond where I am I will die where I am well I can see that there is Sun on the other side of the cloud that causes me to understand that my present circumstance will not always be like this it reminds me that I can see beyond amen my enemies I can see beyond my sickness I can see beyond my pain I can see there's a brighter day up on the other hours somebody come on and help me now you need to get up to the third floor so you can see beyond what you're going through you need to get up to the third floor because the Bible says without a vision without a vision the people will perish I've gotta see something up and then in the spirit world beyond where I am because that gives me hope that gives me driver that causes me to pray when I don't wanna pray I'm not praying because I'm here I'm praying because of what's over there and I will not die here I will not succumb here I will pray until the clouds [Applause] lift up somebody said lift up there are levels and dimensions and we will not know them until we go higher on a level plane things are weird there our vision is not so acute there is times you got to get higher to see better jesus said if then if thine eye is full of light then your whole body is full of light then it makes a really obscurity said but if thine eye be evil then how great how dark is the light and I just can't quote it was that how great is the darkness and and darkness is a light it's just not much of light problem is if we cut all the lights off in here God created your eyes that your pupils will begin to dilate which means this is constrict this is dilate and it will dilate and it will acquire and assimilate all the light that's in the building are you with me that's problem with that is that if we don't turn the lights on we'll get used to living in the shadows when we first start we'll start bumping into stuff but then our memory will start recording where things are it's not that we have more light we're becoming accustomed to the darkness and if we and this somebody said if your eye be evil then how great is that darkness I've read it said a lot and what we'll do is we'll operate in the darkness thinking that we are in the light [Applause] somebody somebody needs to hear what I'm saying and you're bumping the things that your mom will record that's how blind people get around they can't see their know how many steps they can take how many this they can do it and they got hit hitting there it's not that they can see they had they learned how to maneuver around the obstacles in the room but when the light comes on it manifests these things causes my vision to be very acute now the King James says if your eye is evil which is a pretty strong word so I can I just changed it for you I think what the writer is trying to say if your eye is diseased then everything you see is diseased sometimes we can get struck with double vision you see duplicity everywhere sometimes you can get cross-eyed and we don't know who you're looking at we just where everybody's waiting for that's it you can get an extended ism you can get cataracts to cloud your vision come on now we're seeing clearly you think something's wrong with us but something is wrong with your vision and you got to get to the eye doctor you need to get some spiritual spectacles on so you can start seeing things as they really are you need to turn the light on so you can see clearly what's going on in your world I don't want to operate in the darkness I want to walk in the light as he is in the where there is no vision the people perish but where there is no people the visual appearance Abeka said the Lord answered me and said write the vision make it plain upon Tablas that he may run that readeth it it is God desire that we not become frustrated overwhelmed and stuck in the foyer of living for God if you been living for God for a long time and you still in the foreigner you are a miserable person and you think is everybody else's problem but the problem is is that you're still in the foyer and you think that's all to church I love acts 2:38 that's not what's known that's not all to this I love acts 4 and 12 that's not all to this I love baptism in Jesus name but that's not all to this I love receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost but that's not all to this there's wisdom and knowledge and understanding and discretion there is the fear of the Lord I was somebody there are miracles and signs and wonders and power and of Okolona but those things are up the laughs oh come on now those things are up the staircase er you gotta get on the second floor before some things begin to happen and you gotta get up um believe me I better hit me you gotta fight every devil there is a to get on the highest level that there is a so you actually know what's goin on so the people that know I'm talking about they arched up on their feet because they understand Amen that there is more to this we and Paul says that when Paul says we're leaving the doctrine of repentance and all of that he's not talking about we're throwing away he's saying we're maturing to the next level that's my foundation I don't believe that that's how I got saved I don't leave that but if you've been in the church for 30 years and you got still got pampers on I'm not changing that come on up in here you better are with some helpless I've seen people in the church for 10 years come and said pastor stand I love you I love this church but I'm just not getting fed here I've got to go somewhere I can get fed you know what I say to them you are an idiot we feed babies and then when babies grow up they learn how to feed themselves you've been in the church 10 years you don't know how to make a bologna sandwich you oughta just starve to death you better know you gotta get your Bible out and you got to start digging into that book it ain't the pastor's problem it's your problem it ain't what the pastor has to do he's still dealing with babies so you need to grow up you need to get mature you need to start walking you need to start praying you need don't tell me that you ain't getting fed you're lying and the Lord rebuke you the problem is you don't want to eat was on the table your little I didn't like that I want to go to McDonald's well girl you better be glad you ain't living in my house you don't like it don't eat it but leave it on the table cause you ain't getting their nails when you get hungry it's miraculous what hunger adieu to you oh I don't like baked beans mama okay not to eat no what I ain't getting you nothin else parents these days we don't do that anymore you don't you want to be so nice jacket that's mom well let's go to McDonald's baby that's what I want but not in my house it's like I don't know lead leave it right there cuz when you get hungry even if it's three days from now it's gonna say if I was you I would eat it while it's fresh [Applause] you better grow up and start walking with God on your own you better get up and learn how to pray on your own you better get that Bible it feeds yourself of the good word the Living Word the bread of a life or with somebody help me preach now quit lying to your pastor telling him he's not feeding you when the problem is you're not eating what's on the table you don't like this and you don't write better I don't wider [Applause] I was by ready I better just go Bob Marley again that was a time the only way I knew how to pray that's when I listened to my pastor prayed I said I'm his Bible studies but that came a time when I got that book and I started digging in that thing for myself I wasn't trying to prove my pastor wrong I was trying to learn how to feed myself started off with me pouring my own milk in my own bottle I couldn't eat meat so I started sucking on the bones teeth came in I started getting toes one day I woke up and I saw a piece of meat I grabbed it and started chewing on it cuz I could chew this stuff I started saying God what does this mean God will tell you what does that mean then I go to my pastor said what does this mean and if it coincided if what I thought admit and what he thought it meant lined up I'm feeding myself you're not getting what I'm saying you better get yourself a copy get yourself your own copy of the only book that's on the New York seller list every year it is called the Holy Bible and you better open that thing up and said feed me Lord till I won't no more bread of heaven feed me Paul said when I was a child acting like one I spoke he gave us three things so I spoke like a child I thought like a child stood for acting like one but when I grew up I put away childish things if all you can do my friend let's get offended by people you're on the bottom level because the higher you get offenses won't follow you up there if you don't like this and you don't like that you know the problem is you know the bottom level to just down there we all of you understand that they oughta grow up you know you said it on time you grab your kids you know what if you had a child that was 15 years old and still had pepra zone you'd be looking for some help you being your boyfriend oh he's a luka poop it just he's the worst pampers oh my god I have to buy him depends now you're laughing but I see this stuff spiritually you cannot offend me now can offend your easy cuz you're on the bottom floor but you can't offend me you know why great peace have them that love thy law and nothing nothing sell that you don't get it nothing shall offend them nothing nobody know where know how the devil can't your mom okay your brother can't the pastor cake you can't do nothing because my piece is wrapped up in Jesus there beyond my failures I can see vision my future my opportunity is already on the first level as I go back down to go through the door but if I go through the door not knowing where I'm going I'll get lost on the outside of the opportunity so the third floor applies vision to the opportunity and gives me strategy on how to get where I need to go and it gives me this this feeling of wait a minute just beyond the Dale just on the other side of the river just on the other side of the road I see light breaking through the darkness just on the other side of this trial you must understand it you don't go through these things for God to kill you you go through these things for God to develop you God is not trying to destroy him he's trying to develop you he's trying to grow you up so you can walk on your own so you can pull out a song our problem is we pull out a gun and we think we got power but we don't pray but I I'm from the old school little prayer little power no prayer no power you don't even have a water gun you got a gun what you pull the trigger the little slant comes out of said bang when I pull the trigger on the devil it's gonna be a dirty Harry it's gonna be a 45 Magnum and I'm gonna blow his sticking head right up boom I was somebody help me preacher I mean you better hit me I'm gonna pull semi in the name of boom I don't want some little suction cup you come down another bang oh I don't need a bang I need a boom come I come Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy [Applause] [Music] and getting that Prairie start digging around in there I can't be saved on your prayers thank you for praying for me can I can I just let you know I don't depend on your praying for me how're you say you're praying for me - you're lying you know I know you like cuz you don't pray so if you don't pray how you praying for me you don't need to pray for you so if you don't pray for you I have people just live girl oh that's a wonderful that is so wonderful but I don't I don't believe that and I believe in cheese in the moon that's one thing I know you may be praying for me but I know I'm praying for me well you didn't get that I know because if I don't develop that personal relationship I'm not getting up those stairs the walk up the stairs is me getting closer getting going higher means I'm getting closer going up to the second floor means I only got this other stairway and as I go up things get broader things get wider things get better things get deeper God is the only way that you can go up and down at the same time that you when you go up you're actually going down and when you going down you actually going up use ascended heights up but you get deeper and planted and anchored in something I come to priest you guys got chambers on the third floor and we need to get up there and look through a window and said there's something on the other side of my trial there's something on the other side of my sickness there's glory and power and Dominion [Music] there is a light beyond my darkness so he shows us things beyond where we are so we may know there is more than what I can see he calls us beyond our anointing he invites us to places in the spirit beyond our abilities better days or in my future better days or in my future better days better days I don't know where you're at right now but there's better days if you don't believe there's better days you might as well folded up and go home now I came basically to tell the devil one thing it ain't over yet I know it may look like I'm losing but it's not over yet I know it looks like you have the superior hand but it just isn't over yet why do I know that because the devil never has the last word God still has the last word in my life [Applause] [Music] how do you know that because God spoke the first word y'all don't get this step and if he spoke the first word he speaks the last word because the God has server is the he's the first and the last he's my bikini and at my end he knows all about me it's not over yet they're brighter days a better day the storm won't last always the clouds will finally live the darkness will be dispelled your morning will turn into gladness I I am NOT speaking from notes or from sermons [Music] I'm speaking from experience I was slinging balling kilos of dope on the street doing anything and everything I was bad enough to do that 26 years old I came into the church at 28 years old two years being in the church I had a plan a sixth dream guitar at a prison service singing I've got the Holy Ghost down in my soul just like the Bible says and the phone in the back of what we were in a cafeteria began to rain my pastor went back he got the phone and he hung the phone up he said somebody to get me says you need to go home now so down the hill from my bullion Correctional Facility me and a friend go and I walked into an emergency room when I heard the pining of a wounded animal screaming and pining and I thought to myself when the name of God is that and I walk into this chapel and there is my crumpled wife crumpled delirious I looked into her eyes and there was nothing there she was a pioneer and I said somebody has got to tell me what's going on and I said it's Timmy your 15 year old he got hit by a motorcycle he got hit on the motorcycle he's in surgery I'm trying to look at my wife but she is so far away her senses are gone she can't even hardly stand the clouds were low darkness was around I station myself out of the ICU and as I recognized all the physicians and they say Sam what are you doing here I said that's my son in there so dr. Hanson I used to work in the medical field have a degree I know I don't sound like it I'm sorry I could blow your mind but you don't really have that much of one so I'm gonna so I'm sitting there and I saw dr. Hanson was a great surgeon and tears begin to flow down his eyes and I'm thinking this is not going to be good news and so I get my crumpled wife up and we make our way to ICU after four hours of surgery only to get from about here to the door and I hear they'll say code blue and I knew he had expired my wife flopped against the wall and slid down to the floor and the clouds and God was gone faith had alluded praise was not there just me a dead child and a helpless woman it started and 18-month two-year journey there weren't days [Music] we'll never come to the altar there are days that were darker than my nights my body was enough [Music] I would go to church and feel 18 months somehow we made it through the only reason we made it through it's because we had a church family and we had a pastor and when my day was gone and I couldn't see then no if God was real anymore I said God when I was in the world nothing happened to me how is it that these things are happening to me now I'm not preaching to you because I have no empathy no sympathy and you wouldn't even know this if I wasn't telling you this today I say to you they're brighter days because I know that to be true I could say that the Sun will rise again because I know it I didn't read a book I [Music] didn't get a DVD I would have to leave work and go home my wife was having major problems I would have to leave and go home kids are crying it was so devastating I don't even know how so when I preach to you it costs me to stand here today I'm not standing here nothing is listen to me I'm not standing here because I'm privileged I'm not standing here because I'm smarter than you I'm not standing here because I'm greater than you I'm standing here because I know no matter what you're going through right now no matter how dark the day may see how dark your room is and it says like the Sun will never shine again get up from the foyer and crawl up the walls as they get wider and higher and look through the window and know there are better days [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Sun will shine again there are better days my pain one day will live there are better days when God would pick me up there are better days when there's joy in my cup there are better days the story's not all overhead there are dest chapters in your life that have not been written yet don't give up there are stories you still have to tell about how God brought you through when do you think that you can make it through when you didn't even wanna go through but he held your hand and said I'll be with you every step of the way I'll protect you when I can but God never said he would protect us and shelter us from all that life would bring but he did promise pastor that he would be a shelter in the time of my greatest storm he didn't say he would protect me from the hurt and death and sickness and the things that life would bring but he did say in the secret places of the Most High I can hide under the shadow of the Almighty I can say of the Lord he is my refuge I wish I was preaching to somebody to tell you get off the foyer start going up the staircase of winding any creasing and look out of the window it's not over yet there's a better day coming up this more power call me [Music] I opened this altar today to the broken [Music] to the wounded the enemy has assured you that you will never behold again I told you of a story that started in 1982 that ended that didn't end until a few years ago 30 years after 30 years of asking God why why why why the voice of the Lord came through we were driving home one night my wife looked at me still crying she's still broken still confused still after 30 years 28 years I was 28 years then and I said what's wrong honey and she's crying she says you know what's wrong I said tell me she said you already know I said I know but you need to understand she said well tell me what's wrong with me I said what's wrong with you is that you're angry with God because you know he could have saved the child he could have healed the child and you're angry with God because he let your baby die but you're afraid to tell him that you're mad at him she's beginning the week but she says what am I to do I said just tell him he already knows suggest some of you today you're angry with him maybe you've been to a bad divorce and maybe had a bad sickness and and you're telling yourself this shouldn't happen to me I'm a child of God well who better to happen it to than a child of God you got got you know what if our son had a died and rivers in the world without God we wouldn't be here today most statistically families break up after a definite that marriage is dissolved divorce has happened people would fall apart it was only God together it was only God the reason I'm in my right well I was gonna say I'm in my right now but you probably figured out I'm kind of crazy but if you walked some places that I walk then you would know and the even in my midnight hour he's still gone because he dwelleth in the thick darkness it is there I am NOT alone and you're not alone so I'm calling to the hurting I'm calling to the broken you have been literally snapped in pieces by life and you're struggling to love God you're struggling to know God it's because you're still on the bottom floor you've got to get up higher and look through the window just a few days to a few weeks ago a few months ago pastor my wife comes since she says while I was praying the Lord showed me what he had to do my wife was praying God saved my child saved this one save that one save this and then she says whatever it takes which is a dangerous prayer to pray and he said I had to save him and to take him because you prayed and God said I ran down his life I walked past 15 I don't know what God stopped at he said I walked all the way down this life and I saw that although he had the Holy Ghost here at this point in his life he would have become worse he would have been lost for eternity so I saved him I have such a prayer it wasn't the way you want it to our you're not hearing me now God will answer your prayer but it might not be the way you want it to be answered but you gotta say like Joel said I will bless the Lord anyway though you slay me yet will I trust you though you break me yet will I love you though you seem to abandon me I'm on the third floor I can see there's a better day [Applause] so I called for you those of us has lost children been through a divorce [Music] struggling I know it's embarrassing nobody wants to get up now because everybody wants an act like they're so perfect God does not use perfect things if they're perfect he breaks them and puts them back together God gets glory how to take it shatter broken things and putting them back together again talking to some of you that was in a drug life and you did stuff that you don't want anybody to know about you ought to be getting up now and understanding there are better days coming it always way more than this it's waiting for this there are different types of healing today we're going to the healing of our hearts the healing of our emotions the healing of our mind the healing of our spirit God did not come the pastor just to heal my body he came to make do you understand he came to make me whole I'll talk about the things I did before I got here the things I did in the world the things that broke me the heartache is the brokenness in my life tonight God wants to heal how many would run you need to want to this altar that some of you you are struggling right now you don't even like God you're like my wife you're a mad at him you need to say God I've been angry at you for 10 years why did you let this happen to me why did you and if you ask him he'll tell you why and I guarantee the answer is not because he doesn't love you that is not the answer God loves you more than you can believe why don't everybody lift your hands right now with your lift your hands right where you are come on lift your hands everybody lift your hands come on lift them right where you are let me pray the prayer of faith come on we're gonna lose healing in this house just play softly we're gonna lose healing in this house but I'm not talking about physical healing I'm talking about God's gonna heal so many motions God's gonna heal some minds and God's gonna heal some spirits right now some spirits that have been shattered and broken seemingly beyond repair but it is not over
Channel: POSydney
Views: 8,775
Rating: 4.9043064 out of 5
Keywords: healing, pain, loss, forgiveness, joy, hope, preaching, Pentecostal, church, Sydney, Turning Point Conference
Id: ulRNdQO-5VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 5sec (5285 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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