Project Zomboid Occupations Ranked WORST to BEST

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so today I'll be rating project zombo occupations from worst to best everything is my opinion so if you disagree feel free to express yourself in the comments I will be using a tier list to make it easier to visualize how everything looks and with that out of the way let's begin so commenting at number 22 is the farmer nothing needs to be set apart from just why this occupation gives plus three to farming and that's it nothing good to be said about the farmer apart from that it gives plus two to points so respectfully I'm putting it in F tier number 21 is the Burger flipper oh God it gives plus two to cooking plus one to mainenance and plus one to short blade so first off the good things about this profession okay we're done and now the bad things plus two cooking I never cook I don't e it and since this is my opinion I can say that plus one maintenance I don't care it's trash and plus one short blunt I don't even like short blunt weapons if you want to use a spoon as your weapon weon you are welcome to do so F tier number 20 Chef nothing good about this occupation for me you get plus three cooking plus one maintenance and plus one short blade besides those terrible skills it costs minus four points yeah no F tier number 19 the fisherman God damn this occupation is useless plus three to fishing like anyone actually fishes all I do is eat canned food and move on with my day and then the plus one to foraging on top of that minus two points f tier number 18 the nurse who the hell would pick the nurse as their occupation you must be insane and I feel bad for you it gives plus two to First Aid useless and plus one to lightf footed why it doesn't make sense a nurse is quiet or something at least it's plus two points but still F tier number 17 is the doctor just as hes as the nurse it gives plus three to first aid and plus one to short blend which in my opinion is a little better than the nurse but still F tier number 16 is the repair man plus one carpentry plus two maintenance plus one short blend and minus 4 points are you kidding me if it was like zero or plus two points then this would be higher but because of the points it's F tier number 15 the metal worker plus three to metal working and minus 6 points I don't think I have to explain myself number 14 the engineer Plus one carpentry plus one electrical but you can also craft some traps which are useless combine that with minus 6 points and you get a spot in the F tier number 13 the electrician plus three electrical and minus 4 Points the only thing that makes this occupation rank higher than the previous ones is because leveling up electrical is just annoying for me f tier number 12 construction worker plus one carpentry plus three short blend I don't like short blend inant F number number 11 security guard plus one lightf footed plus two sprinting needs less sleep minus two points nothing special F tier number 10 mechanic plus three mechanics plus one short blunt not the best occupation and not the worst but near the worst CT number nine Fitness instructure plus three Fitness plus two sprinting minus 6 points now I like the plus three Fitness and the plus two sprinting is nice but is it worth the minus six points to me not really C tier number eight park ranger plus one axe I love the Axe by the way plus one carpentry plus two foraging plus two trapping all for the cost of minus four points which is actually not that bad even though I use this occupation like two times B tier number seven police officer now let's start off by saying I hate missing my bullets so so having the plus three aiming plus one Nimble and plus two reloading is actually really useful but it costs -4 points but actually a good profession B tier number six the veteran this occupation would probably be one of the best ones if not for the minus8 points plus two aiming plus two reloading and you get the desensitize trade which is an awesome trait if you're willing to give up eight points for that beats you number five the carpenter plus three carpentry plus one short blun plus two points good beginner occupation in my opinion and nothing is wrong about choosing this occupation B tier Number Four The Lumberjack as I said I love the axe so the plus two ax and plus one strength for the cost of zero points is great I use this occupation from time to time and it's really good if you like the axe of course a tier number three is unemployed no skills no nothing but you start with level five strength and fitness you also get plus eight points that's outrageous that's an instant s tier number two the Fire officer plus one A Plus One Fitness plus one sprinting and plus one strength for the cost of zero points is Heaven for a person like me who enjoys the act so much and by far this is the occupation I've used the most so I just have to put in s I'm sorry I'm biased towards axes and stuff like that and finally number one it might be a little overrated but in my opinion the burglar plus two lightf footed plus one Nimble plus two sneaky and you get the holy burglar trait which allows you to instantly after spawning in going to hot wi cause which is a game changer for me and I couldn't live without this profession and now I choose it every time over to the Fire officer which is insane so of course I put it on top of s tier okay so now that I've done the tier list why not make a build that you can use so try the stealth burglar build in Project s boid is great for beginners and you can sneak P zombies and hot wire cars from the start so the negative traits you have to pick is first you have to pick very underweight which gives you minus two Fitness but this will get balanced out by the fit trait uh very underweight is easy to fix there's plenty of high calorie food available like in the gas stations you can eat all the candy and stuff like that uh next you're going to pick High thirst which a bottle will make this a non-issue it's very simple to get a bottle and fill it up and it automatically just you know drinks out of the bottle next you're going to pick slow healer uh just try not to get injured it's pretty going to it's going to be pretty simple because this is a stealth build it's all meant for fighting so you won't be fighting anyway so it's not that hard to not get injured so next you're going to pick pacifist so 75% of exp of melee or aiming skills uh this will be offset by the fast learner traits so next you're going to pick Pro to illness just stay dry and warm uh unlucky plenty of loot to go around in single player so there's no need to you know be super lucky or something there's a lot of uh containers you can loot you'll definitely get all the loot you need uh weak stomach just don't eat R food which is not that hard uh shortsighted uh just this just affects foraging radius in search mode so it's just basically a free free um free points slow reader uh you may want to switch this out uh if you're on multiplayer uh you can pick smoker if you want it's a good alternative but uh if you're in single player definitely pick slow reader because you can just fast forward time and just free points as well so the positive traits now so first you're going to pick Stout uh with this build you will start with seven strength giving you a base carrying capacity of 15 which is very really good actually uh next you're going to pick Keen hearing now this is just to see what's behind you so yeah with Keen hearing you see what's behind you and that's really useful so you don't get bitten in the back which just sucks uh then you're going to pick fit which just gives you plus two Fitness and this offsets your very underweight trade giving you default uh starting Fitness of five uh then you're going to choose fast learner so you're going to get 130 uh% dxp for all skills except strength and fitness this is one of the best traits in the game for actually any occupation so I recommend you pick this for any occupation that you choose from next you're going to pick inconspicuous uh you get a 50% chance of zombies spawning you so half the zombies W half half the chance that zombes spots you just just gone so that's great for this build next you're going to pick graceful 60% footstep sound radius 90% chance to trip while running or sprinting uh vaulting a low fence or lunging zombies so that's pretty good dextrous you can transfer items faster you just useful and the last positive tradeit you're going to pick is Speed Demon uh which which makes you so you can drive faster this is the only positive trade for one point and it's actually quite good even better for burglar since you can just Hotwire CS right from the start and it just it's just so slow the car itself is just so slow without the speed demon trade I'm actually addicted to to this trait uh but yeah it's great for one point so the burglar occupation is great for sneaking around and being undetected by zombies therefore it's not great for multiplayer where you're playing with friends that are making noise and attracting zombies and it's not affecting in PvP unless all of your friends are doing this build as well uh then you all can be stealthy and just probably not see any zombies at all pretty much and just sneak by all of them so as I said uh this burglar Stu build isn't build for combat uh the additional strength is more for the carrying capacity which makes a big difference uh the build doesn't really have anything to boost melee or gun combat if anything this character is just made for avoiding fights which you want to do if you're a beginner so yeah that's it if you disagree with me if you want to comment any builds or anything like that comment them down below I will try to answer as much as I can and yeah subscribe like the video and thank you for watching and I'll see you later goodbye
Channel: Xlebosas
Views: 2,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid mods, project zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid modded maps, project zomboid best modded map, best project zomboid mods, project zomboid modded, project zomboid best mods, xlebosas, xlebosas project zomboid, project zomboid occupation tier list, project zomboid occupation and traits, project zomboid tier list, project zomboid traits, project zomboid occupations, projetc zomboid occupations ranked, project zomboid builds
Id: FAswIhfW_nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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