The BEST Project Zomboid Mods To Try in 2024! Top Project Zomboid Mods, January 2024!

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Howdy Folks and welcome back to the channel now we're well and truly into 2024 now and the modding Community for project zomboid has been incredibly busy so in this video I'll be taking a look at some of the best mods on the workshop right now to get you started with some new things to try this year just a quick note that there will be a link to all of the mods in this video down in the description and that this list will contain no app mods since I did a video on that recently I'll leave a link for that video in the description too lastly be sure to drop the video a like if you enjoy and subscribe for more project zomboid videos like these okay so let's start this video off strong with a mod that was only created on the 20th of December 2023 this is a mod simply called Plumbing but despite its simple name it actually is pretty detailed in the way that it works this mod essentially allows you to form a network of water pipes so long as you install one pump in that Network these can be constructed next to a water source after reading the metal work magazine volume to You'll also need a torch and a propane mask to construct the water pump itself once built you can then attach the pump to the water source and begin running water through the pipes as an irrigation system lakes rivers and ponds will provide tainted water and if you use a well you'll actually be able to run fresh water although there is a way to filter tainted water built in too the mod goes into quite a bit of detail when it comes to the maintenance of the pump malfunctions if they aren't maintained correctly and the usage of fuel to ensure the pump stays powered there's even a system where over time pump efficiency will decrease and if your metal working skill is a higher level you'll be able to make a pump that's more efficient from the get-go if you decide to give this mod a go and you're wondering about all the features it can accomplish the mod does a pretty good job of a walk through on their Steam Workshop page next on our list today is something for all of those people out there that like to play fashion boy the ones that like to dress the part for the activity that they're undertaking this is the mod Dress for Success released on the 12th of December and put simply this mod essentially gives you a reason to find collect and wear specific clothing for certain tasks it accomplishes this by providing certain XP bonuses to particular skills depending on the item of clothing for example if you're looking to practice your aim skill you can wear some police clothing to increase your XP gains the same goes for wearing overalls to gain some farming XP nurse or doctor's clothing for first aid XP and you get the idea from there it's a very simple concept but provides another stepping stone on the path to self-sufficiency in project zomboid and gives the players more items to collect on their Adventure in return for some valuable Point gains now if you're looking for some new fashion options and you've been through some of the mods on the workshop that have been around for quite some time now you're in luck because there's a new fashion mod on the Block called Bianca's wardrobe released on the 16th of January this mod adds a bunch of clothing items and claims to have a grand total of 1,751 different variations of items which is absolutely wild that someone has gone to the effort of creating this much variety what's more the modder says on the Steam Workshop page that they'll be adding all sorts of clothing items to the mod in future as well to further increase the diversity of items available interestingly there is a host of magazines that can be found in game too which will allow you to craft your own versions of the items that are included in the mod itself and the additional choice to take a trait on the character creation screen to know all of these recipes in advance the mod includes accessories like jewelry and glasses as well as items like crop tops jackets and dresses to name just a couple of the items available overall it's a fantastic choice for the Avid fashion boy player and one that will hopefully develop into an even better mod than it is right now okay so let's move away from Fashion with this next one and take a look at something for all of you folks out there that enjoy a little bit of realism this is obvious collecting which will be a godsend for those of you that have ever felt the pain of not being able to find a simple tool such as a hammer rather simply this mod allows you to collect items from elements of the map design that make sense for example if there's a bundle of sticks or a rock in the map design itself you'll be able to find a rock or a stick from that location this means you'll never be stuck for supplies to build craftable tools and gives you more locations to check out for loot items as you explore Kentucky it's a dead simple and awesome mod for those looking to add another layer of realism without putting any outlandish mods that would ruin the vanilla feel keeping on track with all things realism if you want to experience some more serious weather events in Project zomboid the mod real weather is exactly what you should be looking for essentially you'll face much higher temperatures in summer which of course opens you up to actual issues you'd see in reality such as fatigue sweating and so on the same goes for winter which will now be much colder as you'd expect it to be you'll experience periods of heavy rain with high temperatures during the summer and dry periods as well in which you'll need to keep a serious eye on your crops if you're getting into some farming at your safe house all to basically say that this is a great mod if you're looking to experience some more serious weather effects within project zomboid now project zomboid has had its fair share of weapons mods over the years is but it's fair to say that right now there's one or two that are dominating the modding scene like rits or vanilla Firearms expansion mods that said there's now a new Firearms mod on the workshop as of November 9th called guns of 93 and having spent some more time testing this one for myself it's definitely right up there with some of the best the mod adds a frankly massive amount of firearms in fact over 100 of them have made it into the game thanks to this mod it also replaces the vanilla firearms in the game with some of their own all of which have been rebalanced to ensure that larger caliber weapons have larger sound radiuses and the mod even makes a note that rifles and carbines should be usable at a lower level than in the vanilla version of the game which I'm sure will be music to the ears of many firearms enjoyers that hate grinding the aim skill for rifles to add to all that the mo has made slug shells for shotguns you can use 38 Special in 357 Magnum chambered guns and there's some usable bayonets that can be attached to multiple weapons too it's not just the weapons that receive some love either there's a whole list of attachments that comes with the mod itself with the only exception being suppressors or silencers the mo has mentioned that they may look into those in future but for now you've got plenty to play around with so we've got you some new weapons but how about learning how to use them even with the mods that make it slightly easier leveling the aim skill in Project zomboid can be more of a a pain in the rear than a zombie taking a chunk from your rump to make things easier for you the mod training Target does exactly as the name suggests and offers the players the chance to construct different types of targets and training dummies for use in practicing with both firearms and Mele weapons of course you'll still draw a crowd if you haven't cleared the area appropriately first but it does offer you a consistent way to level your skills without putting yourselves in immediate danger personally I'm a big fan of the training can targets where you can make use of all those bottles or tin cans you've no idea what to do with from eating the supplies in your pantry all right let's take a look at some quality of life stuff next nothing that's going to change the way you play in a major sense but that could make your life that little bit easier first on that list is container tool tips which rather simply allows you to apply a name to containers on the inventory panel so that when you hover your mouse over them you can see exactly what kind of loot you've chosen to store with within them it's not intrusive and allows you to determine an organization system easily just a quick note you'll need to run the mod rename containers for this to work as intended if you prefer something that's more visible at a glance though you could try container tags which instead allows you to apply floating text on the container of your choice so that you can see what the containers are for without even needing to open the inventory tab either of these mods should brighten the day of anyone that likes to keep their safe house need and tidy so that's your safe house storage sorted but what about your bags well with the reorder containers mod you'll be able to move things like your backpack the direct inventory and other containers around on the inventory panel so that you can basically put them wherever you see fit the same mod also makes a similar mod known as reorder the hot bar allowing you to do exactly the same with anything that's at the bottom of your screen too it's nothing major but a nice quality of life upgrade for those that want to shuffle things around to that liking now have you ever wondered what effects gaining a level in a skill will actually have on your character sure the quick answer is that you'll be able to do that skill better right well with the more descriptive tool tips for skill levels you'll actually start to see that there's a lot more behind some of these level UPS than just completing things faster this mod breaks down every level of each skill to show you the exact gains you're getting from the level for example if we take a look at fishing level three sure we have an increased chance of catching fish with various methods but we also find out that our character no longer gets bored from fishing at this level at level four foraging we can see that we can actually find ammunition amongst a host of other benefits and well you get the idea you'll be surprised what you learn about each skill when running this mod and honestly this is something I think the vanilla game could do a much better job at displaying for the player so it makes a fantastic addition to any Quality of Life mod pack okay so this next one isn't exactly new in fact it's been around since April of 2022 that said it's had a lot of updates since then and has quickly become a very popular mod on the Steam Workshop within the last few months chances are when it comes to Vehicles you might be using something like phillybuster Rhymes used cars and I don't blame you it's a fantastic mod that said this mod has solidified itself as a serious Contender this is the motorious Zone which adds a massive host of vehicles to project zomboid that are eror appropriate to 1993 with all of the supporting features that the vanilla game provides the vehicles are made to a high standard and there's some pretty unique ones out there to go and find with some smaller spawn chances too so you've got something to actually hunt down when it comes to Vehicles the same mod has gone on to make mods like vehicle spawn zones expanded which essentially creates specific areas where rare vehicles are more likely to spawn so that you can learn where to go for specific types of Vehicles they've also created an additional mod pack called Hot Pursuit with a variety of police vehicles sporting different paint jobs and representing different departments and if that wasn't enough already there's a collectible diecast cars mod containing all the vehicles within the original Mod and then a motorious Zone posters mod as well so you can start collecting some vehicles that won't take up quite as much space as the real thing seriously if you haven't tried this one yet it's well worth a go next up I've got one for all of you base build out there looking to go further than the vanilla game allows with the current construction system this is the building menu mod which as the name suggest creates an entirely new interface for buildable objects with over 1,500 possibilities all from the vanilla game this means that you can pick from a host of furniture available rather than having to settle for something that looks like it was built in your shed after a few beers the interface allows for you to browse what those items look like before you place them and you can set the opacity of this menu to your preference if you're a fan of using extra tile packs or perhaps you're just running them because a map mod you're using requires it you're in luck there too because this mod comes with a bunch of additional mods for many of the popular tile packs on the workshop such as dyons and Simon MD's tiles as an example there's five extra tile pack mods in total allowing you to build all of the items in those tile packs the mod has been tested with existing saves and multiplayer to confirm that it should work in both instances so that's just about it for me in this one but I hope you found a mod in this video to use in your future playthroughs just a quick reminder before I go that all of the mods in this video can be found in the description and if you want to share some mods you've come across recently please do feel free to put them down in the comments section below just remember that YouTube doesn't tend to be a fan of links in the comments so keep it to names only just in case I'd like to close with a very special thank you to all of my patreon supporters for backing the channel and joining me on our whitelisted project zomboid server dedicated to my supporters we're starting a new wipe at the start of February so if you're interested there's a link in the description to join them thanks folks and I will see you all in the next [Music] one
Channel: MrAtomicDuck
Views: 75,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid mods, project zomboid, project zomboid best mods, project zomboid gameplay, mratomicduck, mratomicduck project zomboid, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid tips and tricks, build 41, how to, project zomboid maps, project zomboid modded maps, project zomboid best modded map, project zomboid modded map, mr atomic duck, best project zomboid mods, project zomboid modded, best mods project zomboid, pz mods, project zomboid top mods, pz top mods, pz best mods
Id: 5IHb2DwEbIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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