11 Project Zomboid Mechanics You MIGHT NOT KNOW YET

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some people have played lots of zomboid some people have played just a few hours no matter your experience there is a lot to learn because this game is really complex and maybe there are some things that you don't know yet hello welcome to Vivy doodled world and today I tell you about 11 mechanics you may not know yet in Project zomboid quick disclaimer before we begin I did say mechanics but not the in-game mechanics skill no as in game mechanics as real istic as pz feels it is still a video game still subject to the limitations of coding and whatnot and that's what this video is about I also try not to be all you should do this or don't do this because that'll affect your play style that's for you to figure out play the game and develop a style of your own which the game does allow to an amazing degree what I'll mention here are more about convenience or some stuff that isn't obvious to add to your knowledge in general actually maybe some of them are bugs now that I think about it with that said let's start off with number one you can start the game sooner than advertised when you start a game you might go like oops I forgot to tweak this setting or I forgot to add a mod depending on your processor it can take quite a bit of loading to get into a world you have to stare at the D3 end times yada yo die text while all you're doing is waiting for the game to say click to start thing is even though click to start won't pop up until the sender text Fades away completely the game could be done loading if well the loading text disappears so try to click and you should be able to skip the loading screen it is finicky on your first game per session however sometimes I have to alt Tab out first and go back in and I can skip the loading screen then but for next play sessions you should be good also only happens when starting up solo games multiplayer games will always tell you when it's done loading for number two spawning inside the building gives you the key to it this is simple and straightforward if you spawn inside a building or a house which you usually do you might have the key to that structure you can check your key ring for it and hey lucky for you if you spawn inside a police station per se gives you a pretty good chance to start up with guns I uh personally was surprised that even a highly experienced sweat Lord that I played with didn't know or maybe they just forgot I don't know he ended up looking for tools to disassemble the door to the Gun Room instead boy did he feel dumbfounded afterwards when the second door just popped open when he tried wait I think we had y I had a I had a key the entire time oh come moving on to number three let's take a look at the mini map the mini map is an optional feature in your game you can enable or disable it completely in the game settings the mini map has these obvious buttons here which when you press Zooms in and out toggles between top view and isometric you know some basic functionality but did you know that you could also drag the map around yeah just hold left click on the map and drag voila actually this may be something only I didn't know of because I main play with the controller but it's there if you need it very useful when you're guiding someone focused on driving at number four it is always faster to drop something on the floor than putting it away in a container or your backpack naturally you'll be picking up a lot of stuff in this game but if you pick up too much it'll affect how fast you move putting away in your backpack is viable however that takes time also you could be short on Space dropping stuff on the floor however is near instant you can even do it while walking yes you can take off your pants and plop it on the pavement while walking if this is an oversight no it's not an oversight let's just pretend every single trouser in this game is one of those tear away pants I don't know maybe Kentucky really had a trend like that in 1993 I'm not from there so I I don't know next up at number five you can get up from sitting much quicker maybe you're out there kicking Z but you didn't get the lung smoole you sit on the ground out in the open just to recover some stamina right quick and then bam he zombie coming in hot from behind getting up is a matter of just pressing any movement button but you can actually get up faster with the Run button you have to do it right though you have to be holding the Run button before moving otherwise you'll get the slow get up this one is a bit absurd I think like I don't ever recall needing to hold it any buttons in real life to stand up right quick but eh at number six removing glass as your game goes on windows are just going to break mostly caused by zombies sometimes by you trying to break into homes either way it ain't a good idea to climb over while they're glass shards remaining so you might want to remove it but the game says you need something in your hands first no other specifics though and that's actually the case too doesn't have to be a weapon or tool literally anything you can equip on primary will do like say maybe a key ring that came from somewhere I I'm not very subtle you can even use some to Red how that's supposed to work I do not know personally I'm in the habit of clearing away glass when I see it mostly because it's a thing that harms you but not the zombies on to number seven something about pushing and multi-hit enabling multi- hit lets you hit multiple zombies in one attack and overall makes combat easier Some Like It some don't but regardless of your taste if you do have it on it doesn't automatically apply to your pushing when you push on armed you can only shove one zombie at a time but if you equip something you can shove up the tree unlike with the glass shards though it doesn't work on everything specifically it'll only work when you equip an actual weapon could be a crowbar or something smaller like a ballpen hammer or what's this yep a pen pens work ball pin and ball pens again absurd but that's zomb for you number eight speaking of pushing you can guarantee a knockdown if you push a zombie climbing over something shoving zombies isn't always a guaranteed knockdown sometimes you have to push them several times sometimes a lot but if you do it while they're leaping over low fences or to open Windows they always plop down actually did I say leaping it's more like they worm over this is great for controlling the pace of combat and if you want to slow them down even more you can put some sort of low Furniture behind the window like this chair here get you way more time to push them down and also the zombies can't lunge from there at all now let's get into some broken stuff with number nine you can alternate pushing and weapon attacks in melee combat whenever you attack with a weapon after the full animation you can't attack again for a short moment but while you're waiting you can still push when the push is done there is still a bit of delay but it's usually not as long as the weapons so you can alternate attacking with your weapon and pushing to hit more often well not really hit the zombies aren't taking damage when you just shove them and you're also attacking with your weapon a bit slower but you are making more actions per second might help in keeping larger zombie numbers at Bay also the delay isn't Universal for example Spears don't have the delay so keep that in mind for number 10 there's a way to move faster while limping or encumbered maybe you hug the tree with your car a bit too forcefully or maybe you like the movie Die Hard and ran through some glass with no shoes on either way you might might mess up your feet quite badly maybe to the point of limping and it sucks sucks even more when it makes you jog slower or you just completely disables it if the injur is severe enough well actually you don't have to limp it off cuz if you hold down the jog button and tap a direction you'll go into running start first before you start limping and that's what you do you hold jog press a direction and then you let go of the direction when your character starts limping and then press again it's also useful when you're fully encumbered the only limitation is that you can't do it if you're fully exhausted and among everything in this list this is the one that feels mostly like a bug might get fixed in the future who knows but for now it's there and it's neat and finally at number 11 there's a way to cancel your Stomps so stomping is the other combat option you always have because you play as a human and humans have feet each stomp takes about a second but if you do it just right you can end it at any point what you do is you have to be moving before you do the stomp after that you can end the Stomp Anytime by starting up a jog and it's actually a lot trickier to pull off than it sounds you can't be running to enter combat stance plus you have to get out of combat stance to start jogging and also you can't start up a run if your character's exhausted but oh boy if you get the hang of it it's a powerful tool you can use it to run away in a pinch and even better it lets you stomp a lot faster I have been practicing this for a bit and it feels amazing though this isn't a new trick at all there are other videos out there that that explain this in more depth but I did figure it out on my own so I wanted to mention it it is my favorite trick by far it may also be more versatile with a controller because of the analog movement which lets you Face a single Direction more consistently but I'm not sure I haven't tried this on keyboard and mouse maybe you can pull it off let me know and that's it did you learn something new from this or want to add some of your own if so why not leave a like And subscribe add yourself to the amazing 117 others that have supported me thanks again every one for all the support have a lovely day and see you next video
Channel: Vivi's Doodled World
Views: 12,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9pEGPB5hwXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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