7 Map Secrets In Project Zomboid

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today we're on a hunt for project zomboid Secrets creepy buildings hidden doors and Unexplained Mysteries all around the map let's kick off the list with number seven suspicious trailer house if you wander through the Mulder Countryside you might come across this lonely house surrounded by a fence it looks pretty normal from the outside but something's just a little bit off if you step inside you'll find a microscope standing on one of the tables and strange burn marks all over the floor inside the cabinets there'll be some variation of cooking pots painkillers coveralls and surgical gloves not your average kitchen equipment now let's talk about the abandoned looking building next door which is even more strange the place is completely covered in trash and random furniture There are crates scattered around the place full of miscellaneous tools and random weapons if I were to take a guess I think these people were running some kind of a legal lab before the apocalypse hit it would explain why they chose to set up in the middle of nowhere next up we have number six murder mystery Motel if you visit the Econo rooms motel in Louisville you'll come across a sealed of crime scene on the ground floor you'll see a room with barriers set up outside the door and a medical Gurney close by when you step inside you'll find blood splatter on the walls on the floor but no body there's nothing else out of the ordinary either and no ambulance or police vehicles no murder weapon either everything was cleaned up before the apocalypse started and the gurney just happened to be left behind or everyone involved turned into a zombie and walked away from the scene I looked all around the motel hoping to find some evidence of a murderer in one of the rooms but nothing so far the murder remains a mystery also the blood splatter is permanent you can't wash it out with bleach so maybe don't set up base here moving on to number five The Hermit Survivor house if you travel to the northwest of the map you'll find an eerily abandoned Town rows of houses with shattered Windows graffiti all over the walls and trash littering the floor each house has this long forgotten for sale sign out the front all except one in the top right corner of the town There's a small house which is perfectly maintained it has its own fence and garage unlike any of the others and it is anything but abandoned inside is a modest living room with an antique TV a tidy bedroom with a single bed and a storage room with animal traps the garage also has some survival Essentials including an improvised Farm a generator and a radio it seems like at some stage everybody just chose to abandon this town and sell their homes for some reason maybe the cgu Corp closed its offices or there was some other issue in the area this one person however chose to stay behind and live off the land maybe they even survived and will get to meet them someday in build 42. fingers crossed number four quarantine rooms if you're brave enough to visit the hospital during a zombie apocalypse you won't be disappointed by the absolute chaos you'll find the ICU rooms are covered with blood splatter all over the walls and the whole area is an absolute Mess send Peregrine hospital however has something special on the third floor you'll find what looks like a research wing of the hospital there are several rooms set up with tables and microscopes at the center of it all are eight heavily protected quarantine rooms there are monitors set up just outside it looks like these rooms could have been used to study the infected during the first stage of the outbreak there is some blood splatter on the walls indicating things got violent at some stage it's too bad not even the heavily guarded cells was strong enough to protect the workers from the undead number three hidden observation room if you've completed the tutorial you'll remember that spiffo teaches you the basics of survival step by step before feeding you to a horde of zombies if you choose to ignore him however and look around the area instead you'll find some mysterious buildings hidden in the corners of the map first there's this locked building in the top right corner with keep out written outside the door will always be locked here so the only way to check it out for yourself is to clip through with debug mode spiffer will not be happy about you doing this aside you'll see a huge graphic of spiffle on the wall in a room full of monitoring equipment this room is actually good evidence for the spiffle infection Theory I made a whole video about infection lore if you're into that kind of thing you can check it out here there is also a second locked room on the opposite side of the map filled with called lockers which is even more evidence that you're not the first or the last test subject to be used for this experiment number two real life TV sets if you're able to survive the busiest Street in the center of Louisville you'll be rewarded with something truly unique a chance to see life and living with your own eyes well kind of there's this building called the news now Network which from the outside looks just like any other ordinary office on the second floor though you'll find the sets for Woodcraft cook show at exposure survival there isn't much loot here aside from one gun safe but it's really fun to look around the sets and monitoring rooms if you like this kind of thing there's a second building for the turbo Network which has more more fun film sets and Equipment there's one setup to look like a courtroom and another one like the front of a house there are also these creepy mannequins hidden in some of the rooms this is a really fun place to clear if you're up for the challenge and finally number one creepy barricaded room there's this one house on the Mansion Lane that has two pools in the front yard it looks just like any other Mansion style building with large rooms fancy furniture and expensive decorations if you go up to the attic however you'll find a door barricaded with four planks inside is a room that has been sealed away for so long there's cracks running down the Walls it looks like it used to belong to a child it seems like this family couldn't come to terms with the loss so they just barricaded everything the way it was this is one of the saddest scenes I've seen so far in Project zomboid bonus Hidden Fortress now this area is technically not part of the game because it's outside of the map's bounds but the building is very unique located in the East close to Louisville there's this two-story Fortress in the shape of a Square it is completely empty in the center with this single statue with a street lamp on it along the walls inside is what looks like a military Barracks with a dining room some prison cells and sleeping quarters right outside there's also this military office building I wonder if this has something to do with the plan for Knox map expansions have you stumbled across the map secret let me know in the comments below and subscribe to the channel for more Survival game content thanks for watching
Channel: Mauvasa
Views: 93,166
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Keywords: project zomboid, secrets in project zomboid, project zomboid secret places, environmental storytelling project zomboid, project zomboid story, project zomboid stories, project zomboid storytelling, project zomboid map stories, project zomboid tutorial map secrets, project zomboid map secrets, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid secrets, pz secrets, project zomboid secret location, project zomboid secret areas, zomboid secrets, project zomboid classified, pz stories, pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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