Project Zomboid How To Setup Dedicated Server | Steam CMD | 2023

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[Music] what's up guys scuzzy here I would like to give you guys a guide in 2023 on how to host your own dedicated project zomboid server at the end I'll even show you how to mod it so we'll be doing this with steam CMD this is optional I love this program and it's free notepad plus plus it's just an upgraded notepad Okay we're going to need to download Steam CMD you're going to click on downloading steam CMD you're going to click on this little number one option here which will download Steam CMD so before we continue if you have this project Zomboy dedicated server installed already do me a favor and uninstall it now the other thing I want you to do is I do want you to uninstall or unsubscribe any mods that you currently have it is very important so you'll click on workshop and you'll hover over your files you'll click on subscribed items unsubscribe from all we're going to start fresh I want you to go to your local disk users your username scroll down and if you have this zomboid folder delete it empty the recycling bin get it out of here I want you to navigate to where you've installed um Steam steam apps common scroll down to project zomboid and you should only have project zomboid here installed if you have project Zomboy dedicated server please delete that as well we need to install Steam CMD so go into your C drive and create a new folder and name it steam CMD Now open up that folder you can drag steam CMD inside and you can extract this right inside the folder double click on the application it's going to download the entire steam CMD package for you shouldn't take too long I'll check back in a second alright so you'll get this message here when it basically shows you um update complete and it shows a steam marker here you're good to go so next step is we're going to need to log in anonymously to the Steam servers I'm following a guide by the way that I found online in the pz wiki so you can just simply log in anonymous okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to tell steam CMD that we need to download all of the project zomboid server files we're going to use the app update command so it is app underscore update 380870 space validate you'll get yourself something to drink this is literally just going to download the server files and we'll come back after this you are done when you see success and at this point you can type exit and we're on to the next step this next one is the trickiest part port forwarding and yes if you want your friends to be able to connect to you you have to forward a port to get to your router typically it's going to be a address of and everybody's access is going to be different okay keep that in mind another thing before you log into the router you're going to open up Windows and type CMD to open up the command prompt then type ipconfig all one word and hit enter this is important because you're going to need to know what your ipv4 address is okay for my settings here I choose from a drop down I will then choose my IP address this is why I wanted to pull it up for you and you're going to say you know custom ports and I'm going to put on screen the ports that you need to forward here now that that's out of the way let's go ahead and navigate back to where we installed steam CMD inside steam apps common you will find Project Zomboy dedicated server right click this go to Properties or sorry send to desktop which will create a shortcut to this folder we're just going to focus on start server 64. right click this and I want you to go ahead and show more options and edit with notepad we'll make this a little bit bigger and all I want you to do is look for XMS 16g this is uh telling the server how many gigs of RAM you are going to give it 16 gigs for this little project Zomboy server is just too much just delete the one on both of them hit save and we're good to go on that one we can close that document out and now what we're going to do is we are going to double click it and start the server for the first time and the reason why we're doing this is because it wants to create an admin password there it is please please please do yourself a favor and write this information down we're going to do this together you're going to write admin username the username is always going to be lowercase admin it's asking for an administrator password and for this video we're going to type test one two three hit enter it wants you to confirm test123 enter okay it's going to continue to load up the server but let's write that down and if this pops up by the way please hit allow access so now if we look here you can actually scroll up on this and you can get a lot of information when this console is up you can see that it says here that the server is started it is steam enabled and it is listening on that Port that you opened now that that's done what we need to do next is get your public IP very simple way to get that what you're going to do is just go to what is my IP .org and hit enter now obviously I'm going to be blurring this copy that and we can try and attempt to join our server so go ahead and launch projects envoid let's join our server now I want you to come up here to favorite name and name it something like local server or our server or whatever name and then for IP you're going to be putting in that public IP that we found paste it in there the port is already here make sure that it's there one six two six one for now since we started a brand new server there is no password right now we're just seeing if we can connect to it okay give yourself an account username and password you get to create this right now uh for me I'm going to do scuzzy and remember it's case sensitive so also write this down so I'm going to do one two three four five just for the sake of this video when you've done that click add and at first when you see it up here it should say the server is not responding just click refresh let's see if we can join the server if you did your port forwarding correctly all should be well fantastic if you see joining game this is a good sign at this point you should be okay to back out and I say this because you're going to obviously want to change a bunch of server settings if you're somebody who likes vanilla settings and you don't want to change a thing you're all good to go is go play with your friends and if you are somebody that wants to adjust settings and or add mods stick around we're getting right into it we're going to create another folder shortcut so go to your local disk see go to users your username scroll down and now you're going to see a zomboid folder double click into zombroid and you're going to see a server folder now right click the server folder and send to desktop a shortcut okay so that's actually where your server settings lie if we open up this server folder you're going to see four files first things first just create a new folder and I'd like you to just name it backup and then I want you to highlight all four of these copy them go into the backup folder and paste them we backed up a fresh server install if you screw this up don't even worry about it you can just copy all these files and just paste them back in here we're going to start with server test so right click it and I want you to open with and you can choose notepad or notepad plus plus you are going to see everything in here that you can change and everything that's labeled with a pound sign is a description of what that function means I'm only going to go through just a few of them that are like kind of important if you want it to be open or not so I would recommend just leaving it open so say true scroll down here change this public to true we're gonna scroll down further password not archon password you're looking for password guys I'm gonna write down the password is password one two three four five save the document the next document you want to edit is the server test sandbox variables right click it open with notepad Okay can um edit you know loot options so how rare do you want loot to be the most important one that people might want to change is the XP multiplier um the game can be really slow maybe change the multiplier effects passive to true because that means all your passive skills also will level up you can also give yourself a starter kit so you can get a backpack you can get a bottle of water and a baseball bat on every spawn if you die you'll spawn with a little starter kit Every Time mods are some of the coolest things about this game um it's not that the base game isn't fun but man there are some great mods out there so first things first what you need to do is you need to go to your project zomboid in Steam and click on Workshop okay and what you want to do is just find a mod you know the best way I like to look is sort by most subscribed you need to make sure one that the mod is going to work with the version of the game you have I found a good one I'm gonna add this autosar motor club to my server and this adds a bunch of cool vehicles so if you scroll down please read the description pay attention to if there are any required items you have to have that Mod on your server as well or this mod to work we're going to create one more new list okay one more new file and I want you to name this mods on the server I'm just gonna highlight the name autosar motor club and I'm gonna say number one autosar motor club there are two things that you need for installing a mod you scroll to the very bottom and get what's known as the workshop ID and the mod ID go back to your file and save all this mod list and I'm putting this on my desktop go ahead and scroll up and hit subscribe and then it's going to tell you if there's a required item it's gonna say you need SARS common library and the yacht club we found out we don't need the yacht club but you do need the common Library copy the name go back to your list add number two SARS common Library scroll down to the bottom and you're going to take just the workshop ID and the mod ID put it into the document okay I'm going to show you how to add these mods to your server super easy we're gonna go back to our server folder we're going to go back to that server test file we open it in notepad scroll down and you're going to see this first section it simply says mods and it says you're going to enter the mod loading ID here go back to your other list that we have here you can see it's just going to be am Club so copy am Club paste it if you have multiple mods you have to separate them with a semicolon we need to enter in the steam ID for this mod so if you scroll down you're going to find Workshop items go back to your list it's going to be the number so copy that go back to this we're going to paste it and you're gonna hit semicolon and you're going to hit save you just installed your first mod onto the server and this is why I recommend you write down a mod list because if you do remove mods you're gonna have to go back to this list and take that number out that's how you remove a mod from your server okay so let's add the other one real quick SARS common Library do the workshop ID copy that after the semicolon no spaces paste it for now we're not adding another mod don't put a semicolon hit save now we need to add the mod ID so scroll back up and we need to enter this mod ID SARS lib again no spaces SARS lib is after am Club go ahead and hit save let's launch our server go into your project Zomboy dedicated server folder and double click on start server 64. your server as you can see right now has to download those mods there we go server started we can launch projects on Boyd and try and join password one two three four five you're going to hit save refresh join server fingers crossed if you did everything right it should say joining game that's fantastic Choose Your Spawn and there you go guys you are now playing on your own server with mods should be good to go remember to always read the mod instructions I hope you guys really enjoyed and you know go out there and have some fun with your friends and uh yeah I'll see you in the next one guys
Channel: Skuzzy
Views: 70,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, zomboid, pz, server, project zomboid server, dedicated server, project zomboid dedicated server, zomboid steam cmd, how to make a server, how to make a pz server, how to make a project zomboid server, project zomboid dedicated server 2023, pz steam cmd server, zomboid server 2023, how to make a zomboid server, how to host a project zomboid server, how to host a pz server, mods, pz mods, project zomboid mods, how to mod project zomboid, how to mod zomboid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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