How to Make a Modded/Vanilla Project Zomboid Server in 2023

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foreign hey guys welcome back to another video and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to make a project Zomboy server that's both vanilla I'll show you how to make a vanilla one and I'll show you how to make a modded one um I know there are a few videos on vanilla modded servers but I feel like I don't know I was looking up because I made one for me and my friends recently and there was not a lot of information that made it clear and easy for me to make mine I kind of struggled a little bit which is crazy because I actually make a lot of game servers Arc Minecraft Terraria all them all them things all the computer stuff blah blah blah but this one was probably the most challenging I had to make now some of y'all might have found it easy if you've done it already I don't know I just couldn't figure it out but then I had an epiphany and I did you know but um yeah so I'm gonna make this quick video no edits just quick to the point how to make a project Zomboy server assuming dedicated server so you guys can host it for a few friends which is what I did so if you're in the same boat this video will be out there um how y'all doing by the way you know very chilling to me let me open Steam let me open Steam so listen first thing you're gonna do you're gonna come here you're gonna hit project Zomboy on your Workshop right you're gonna see but there's another option see when I was making mine there was an option that didn't pop up you're gonna come here and whole time I've owned steam I did not even know this was a thing if you click this you'll see there's Games soundtrack and tools right I know it's a thing I had never had a reason to click up there I'm just clicking and playing my games always and when I would like look up tutorials or like look up things they were clicking options that I wasn't even seeing and I was confused if you click this tools all types of tools show up that you I don't even Dino D-Day I don't even own games that these servers are for or know what these are talking about but you know they give you everything now if you go back to the project Zomboy Sierra got pushed all the way down project Zomboy now there is a new Option under that project Zomboy dedicated server you also have projects on blade modding tools if you're you know a modder excellent people excellent respect modders uplift the community um but you know you're gonna click on dedicated server and obviously for me this is already installed so I can launch it even though I don't launch it from here you can click install and it will then install the dedicated server now I can pull up and show you what that actually looks like you'll get this folder right here in your main drive or wherever your steam install folder is wherever you choose to download it you know file steam steam as common you know project example dedicated server now I don't know who is going to be running a 32-bit option most likely you are not running that you are running the 64-bit now start server.bat 64. this one will launch the game with steam compatibility so you'll probably be prompted to log in with steam like once the command window pops up and you'll be prompted to make a password for the server for people who joins that's probably optional um so yeah this launches with steam API this is for like Workshop this is for mods it will auto sync it will literally download the latest version of the mods every time you go on the server blah blah blah auto update boom now this is without steam I can make a separate video with this but I find the steam one way easier especially if you're playing modded if you're not playing modded um and you're just playing vanilla then you can go you know steam one if that's what you want to do um but yeah me personally I run the with steam version and the 64. if you go ahead and click edit then you will come here let me make sure my face is not in the way so if you see these two lines right here we got xmx huh XMS and xmx so basically just in simple terms the XMS is going to be handling like the upper limit for like the garbage collection right so you're setting like your memory your RAM blah blah blah Arguments for Java uh like me personally I have my this one for the garbage collection lower bound set at eight and I have the maximum that the program you know should allocate to use as 10. now this obviously will vary whatever machine you're on you know eight gigs 16 32 whatever 64. no Nintendo um and then another important thing that will actually not be there when you get this file uh this like the server name it will not be there like this will just be like that for you to actually determine which World which config which ini you want the project zombie dedicated server to actually launch in you got to put Dash server name Dash server name and you got to put the name of the world right and I'll show you where you get that uh in a little bit now we're actually gonna mute this set this is not in my ears uh we're gonna actually launch the game and I'll show you where the settings for that actually come from it's actually really simple if you want to config if you want to add mods if you want to tweak the things on your server it's actually really easy uh you literally can just do it inside your game client like before you turn on your server so then you'll come in here let the game boot up blah blah blah you know project zombie great game by the way y'all know they adding NPCs bro they're adding NPCs to this game both animals and human I can't wait me and my friends are we already have a server we're already active there's like six of us four to four to six sixes everybody shows up but never it's probably four six people don't ever huh all right bro if you click this host now now you see server name work server so this is the one I actually created it's like when you host the non-dedicated host of land these are those settings that it takes so you see I got all this in here um so you come in here you got your Steam Workshop this is how you add mods to your server uh whatever you are subscribed to in your steam since this is linked with your steam is already added in this list you add them through here you can add something to the list you can come here remove something from the list this is how you add Full Steam Workshop content now things that have like sub mods within the content like for example some of these have sub ones like vehicle spawn zones expanded vehicle sponsors expanded has like or like this one for example it has multiple sub mods like optional ones for you to configure it for your best experience so you handle that here too like this one has so many different ones right so you will handle that uh you can choose pick and choose which mods you want this is if you're doing mod if you're vanilla you're not even touching this this is you're just running vanilla game and you can set all your world settings all your stuff all your things in here right things for your mods I have the mod configs then you're gonna save this you'll save it after you made it you'll save it and then you'll go back right oh my goodness this is gonna be ridiculous okay you'll go back quit this quit this there we go and then you will uh go back here whatever you named that world file you'll go here server name dot server now when I actually click this to launch bring this up it's going to do its thing it's logging steam API blah blah blah all the things it has to do and then you'll see a period now here you go it's doing Workshop content so all those mods that were just in that Steam Workshop in that modulus it is now pulling all of those from Steam directly pretty much um well it's pulling them from it's so basically it checks it checks for updates and it puts them in a folder basically but every time there's an update it will you know change one of those folders but it's linked up with the Steam Workshop it will do all the modding stuff make sure everything's good make sure everything's good to go then it pretty much just boosts the server whatever options initializations you've done to your server it's going to launch with those every time one thing that frequently happens to me is when me and my friends join the server a lot of times the server actually updates mods at least for me updates mods before I've even done it on my clients so a lot of times I get hit with that installer disconnect you just hit install it'll Auto download you can get into your server or say you downloaded mods to your server and a friend does not have mods in their own steam they literally can log in still it'll just say hey this server has these mods you don't have them and it'll install or disconnect if they click install it'll literally in their game install them all for them and then they'll join us over so and there you go see even with all those mods it barely took that long at all to install or to launch and that is the basics of making a project Zomboy server now if I were to go back into the client go click join I would be able to join my server now if your internet is not Port forwarded this thing does try to Auto do it so if that works for you it's cool there's a setting for that in the settings of when you do it in the client if that doesn't work for you though two programs that I recommend using to kind of like make it if you're just playing with friends like for security reasons if you're just playing with friends obviously people that you trust uh log me in Hamachi I can put a link for that in the description is a great uh program for I've been using it for a long time to uh there's plenty of tutorials in it too for making uh connections easier so people can connect you from long range like some of my friends are across the country they can join a problem and another program I would recommend is zero tier literally just found this one a couple weeks ago but it's working pretty cool so I would recommend trying that out those are the basics the quick Basics how many minutes is that 10 minutes those are the quick basis of making a project Zomboy server if you like the video go ahead please subscribe please like if you need any more information if there's anything that you're still curious about leave questions in the comments for sure because I know I was struggling and uh yeah have a good day night evening morning afternoon huh yeah you know I got bars and a numerous like stars about to do my thing get bread and maybe draw some flashy cars you know who I am I'm your boy Jake and I'm not fake but I don't know how much more y'all haters can take listen I ain't done I love to shake and bake and then I freaking hit him with the frying pan you know I'm the man
Channel: YourBoyJake
Views: 92,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid mods, mods, modded, modded project zomboid, weapons project zomboid, pz, new project zomboid mods, new pz mods, mods 2023, project zomboid 2023 mods, project zomboid modded, terraria traits, terraria modifiers, project zomboid modded server, project zomboid dedicated server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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