#75 Feeding the Spaceport in the Megabase of Chaos

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[Applause] hello and welcome to the mega base of gayos one of these days I'm going to look at all these um intros and figure out which one's the best so this is a Factoria build that I did many many many years ago and I'm trying to fix it this that's it that's what this let's play series is about now what we're doing now this plan of now is we're going to fix this Refinery make it more efficient we're going to add a um multiple platformed train station in that's going to be dropping off coal picking up Stone picking up plastic we probably don't need to pick up Stone but you know it's there if we need it and that's what the station is going to be here we just built this here we've just um finessed the uh the junction this was the old Junction that's you know different sized rails and probably too many signals I've cut down on the signals and just to remind you uh this whole block so trains should stop there Trend coming in here it should stop here if there's any uh if that's not EMP if that the TR if there's a train on this bit that will stop there and it won't go on this block here that's the idea and it's the same principle with all and I think this is I'm hoping this is the right build and just to let you not to get distracted but we do have the new space port that is built here here and look at this rocket so that is rocket parts right so because we did see on the production St statistics of all times we saw rocket parts and well what the hell is rocket parts and Rocket Parts is the actual rocket if we can find it where is it now no it's gone no after all that no it can't be in the thousands it was like 500 and something okay we've lost it what so where maybe it was it wasn't buildings it wasn't fluid no it was items and it was called Rocket parts and I assumed that was the rocket would be on consumption would it no anyway we're getting distracted already because we're we're sort of raising a question that we don't seem to know the answer [Music] to [Music] and no okay I can't see so oh there it is rocket part it now it's 236k so we've does that mean we've launched 236,000 Rockets I don't think so uh we'll have to come back on that do some bit of research but anyway that's the space port we're going to be launching six rockets at a time let's see if this works I mean it's a big you know it's a big ask and we're here in the central of all this mess but this is going to be nicely organized now we're going to make this a lot better and maybe even get rid of this solar panel thing here that station is very good we could actually put in another station yeah that may be something that we think about that will come off this line here so yeah okay yes who knows but then this line is right let's first of all let's do the concrete because I don't like these gaps who wants to see grass I mean come on grass that's 1970s here we go uh of course we being ironic I know so let's see if this now the station comes in the station comes out so this is that's coming out this is going in so this is the top and the top no uh yeah we need a bit of space not too much and I'm thinking yeah we did say okay these trains have to go I'm sorry but um and when they go they're not coming back okay you can go there that's fine but we are going to be destroying all this bit okay that's all G I kind of I do remember this that line being built my God obviously too many Bots again oh they've got nowhere to [Laughter] go okay we got to build more homes for them okay you can go here there you go uh okay so this is nice nice and easy does it there we go come down here this could be built out if we wanted it to there we go nicely nicely yes pretty good so first train stop there we go one 2 three one two three it's only a four can we go a bit more let's try a bit more one 2 3 four five yeah I think that can do it and we will will put a signal there and a signal here just so that they don't bash into each other and that can go out that's not a problem so actually this train so what we're going to call this um yeah this uh refinary well it should be South South South refiner fine AR no arry there we go most excellent why not let's have a bit of fun that's how we Define fun F and then we're going to get this train to go there South Refinery now it is WI a KN full quick quick quick quick quick circuit condition um you knew that when I was writing this didn't you you didn't say anything yeah it's with a knee right okay so let's see if you can go oh no you can't go back ah ooh okay that's good so this is the problem we get isn't it this is the same problem the direction so the direction here that's correct but the direction here no yes that is correct then the direction so he's not that's wrong because that dire that should not be a single the direction there should be there now is that try moving no path so he's coming down here and he's going there oh there's no path because I think we need a signal here oh we no we've got one there but we need a chain we have got a signal there we now that's just a chain isn't it that needs to be a signal there we go is it moving [Laughter] no what about here if he's going that way yeah there's no is that a signal it is so we put a chain here so that's a block that's a block train is still not coming now that's blinking because I think we need a chain here yeah so that will be the same will it be the same so that will be coming off here that needs to chain that so this and that he's going that way so he needs to change in there so it does all this does matter we can put a chain there cuz it's [Music] defining yeah that's that should be going there should be that's why we made it bigger isn't it because we couldn't get there needs to be a chain here there's no space Oh quiet damn it and I can prove that to you but if we get rid of that rail that train will go now let's see nope actually we can prove it this way right what's this train called uh trees right interesting then right we add trees and then we know if it is that Junction or if it's the other Junction it's the other Junction so this is correct okay so that's correct the problem then is this Junction which is oh he's trying to go to plastic from there but he should be able to to do a loop if he didn't go there if he went to Cent yeah so it's plastic he um but then would he be able to go but we added so this is a chain that's a it's a long chain isn't it there's two but that's all green let's see if um let's see where he is he is here and he can't go back there so oh my god do you realize what I've done I'm such an idiot OT why am I so I've destroyed the rail he can't go back that that oh my God all that for that all that questioning I probably didn't need this this signal here although when I do that then that I could have I want yeah I wanted to do a minimal right so let's get him see if he can come back what an idiot where the hell is he gone I know he's there let's if he can come back to South Refinery most excellent spelled correctly yes he can so if he can come back this is correct and I think even this can go right he's going to refiner most excellent can he go back to trees he can let's send him back to South Central Station and then back to most excellent yeah so that's now deleted so we're now deleting this station let's make this official so actually this line now we are taking that out very deliciously destroying this mess all these s mess of signals that yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's gone oh yeah that's gone oh yeah oh yeah has anybody made a factory orio song I suppose the game isn't that it's a very um I say it's a niche game but it's a very successful Niche game I think it has how many sales does it have I can't remember right uh right so all this let's stop let's stop everything coming in okay I think that's everything is it no yeah we've stopped we stop that we stop this get the bot something to do well we've got no still coming in here the hell is that accidentally pasted okay we have got way too much stuff so let's get over here we will need to build uh this steel nonsense that can stop for the first thing let's just suck that up back [Music] up we've got red why have we got red there we don't need red there so right so we are going to we are going to make the um Refinery more efficient but before we do that we're going to continue making the plastic okay so let's quickly build this and this is how I quickly build this this is probably horrifying everybody but I just do it like this cuz I just want to get on with it very oh no no no a very quick and very dirty way of doing things but it serves a purpose and the purpose is getting the plastic to where it needs to be in the quickest possible time right stop stop that nonsense there we go go on there right you don't need to be in there you can okay and we need now we're building this for the future so if we want to do the other side one two is that all we is that all we can get yeah so that doesn't need to be there that can go there that can go there and there we go of course this method is a very slow method because the correct method but I don't want to do of course let's stop that let's stop that let's stop that one so this is H yeah I guess this is a pickup point so actually let's do it it's just the space I like try and I I did see someone who put the belts in and it went but then but if you do it this what about yeah I'm going to try a different way I haven't seen this done before but it should be well wait a minute if the storage is there then well that's fine because the belt can go under that's the wrong way does that change that yeah it did right let's put that in there and there we go We've ran out of but we have it here these guys oh yeah that's the walls for the combat you we don't need yeah we can pinch these [Music] we're going to steal these inserters there we go now this setup so I don't actually need these huh I quite like that although we do need a splitter here and then this is yeah that works doesn't it look that um that method of two belts in and the train equally fills up so that may be the most efficient I'm quite liking that now this goes back to not trees it goes to what was that called um so it's this one here isn't it South plastic 2 so we want to send him to not there cuz that doesn't exist anymore actually it does I think I need to destroy the it goes to South Refinery most excellent and we will wait till it's full and we will wait till it's empty at the other end very good yeah that's nice it makes me happy which means and he waits there that is correct so he goes to no not Central South he goes to I forgot its name already oh no what was it my brain is very weak I have a weak brain yeah South plastic too duh South plastic 2 and off he goes and we had a wait station which is empty and then we have a weight station which is full and then that means there's two trains on this line which is fine he's got five cargo well we're going to get rid of that and there yeah those so that has worked this which means this is important for I mean for Me Maybe it's important for you as well I don't know because you're probably more intelligent than I am this works however we need to test it let's test it by doing this we put a train here and then we say to this train oi mate time to get a move on get down to the next station here he he's moving he should wait here he has because that now if we get rid of that there you go so this this is what I think the most efficient train Junction and listen at even the robots approve listen at them uh with signals this is so these two so I'm going to delete these cuz these are right click to open delete do you want to delete oh yes we do oh that's a whole station that's a whole station that's a different and then I think here we've got yeah that's deleted yeah what the hell is that see I don't like it when you just I just quickly copy it automatically what the hell is that no no no no so that is brilliant that is the best station that is the best Junction sorry that's nonsense no I don't need that okay good so robots are liking it they're all full it's kind of crazy uh this is yeah I think this is this is gone um okay let's give them more there's a housing shortage right we've got no Ro no more Robo ports hopefully that will but yeah I'm happy look this is now working we can have we can pick up walls we can pick pick up Stone uh yeah we can in fact we can um let's get that cleared up get a bit of stone in there is no that's not working well I'm very happy with that and what time we got are we are we all right for time yeah yeah we've got 10 more minutes very beautiful now we can put another station in um do we need to we need to ah coal because coal is going to end at some point so we need a drop off station and a drop off station is going to need a belt out only needs one belt out which is going to be this one that's going to be the belt out that's going to be the coal okay oh wait a minute why is that not even producing let's not ask that question because I don't think they're getting coal yeah oh ironically they've not got a bot and we've got yeah we got plenty here yeah let's give them a bot I think that's a car why not where did it go we pic we just picked it up there it is there right you're not having it we have a pinch then so I'm assuming that is coal yeah so somebody should be bringing coal to that and then that should be pushing plastic up here right now if that's the cold train I like doing the bot thing yeah so I think we're going to do this and then passive provided chest with coal although actually yeah it just it just makes it easier right so this is um we've already got Jun call trained so we can't can't call this Jun call Train by the way I just joke but you know obviously JN c train is yeah you know the man when it comes to Jazz oh no he's one of them man because there isn't there's you know mean Miles Davis Charlie Parker you know they're a good to anyway what we why we why are we talking about jazz that thing is in the way o actually if we put that there that does cover that does cover that which means we can get rid of that but with then we've got that problem but then we solve it there okay no no no that's cuz he's not what if we put that there that right so the train comes in here now we know no it doesn't work does it that way why why is it so far away there look it's not but that doesn't reach H and it needs to reach that belt so the width of that picker yeah because when you do that the train track there's an extra uh space so the train track isn't just what you see it's that space either side of the track okay so if that is the case we can't have the train well we can just yeah the train can just uh well we've got to position the track to the train so it's got to be there and then there but that's and then the belt goes there okay yeah that's how it has to be doesn't really change anything does it where's the chest is down there we've got so many Bots oh it's like there pain in the ass aren't they like minions that's what we should be calling the minions there we go that works fantastic okay that's got to go that works excellent in fact we are going to call this the belt is in the way well it's not now we are going to call this Jung train but we are going to spell it the correct way John C train there we go oh how he laughed right you are now going oh yeah where we're going to pick the the coal from oh I wonder if this will be interesting wouldn't it add the station what is the name of that station it is far west oh I didn't call it Forest coal we're going to have to look look it up what if just what if this will I mean this will be the longest coal is coal space port right I wonder if it's still getting coal in so we Chang this to Coal space port no not full because it's only a two uh but we'll put full anyway and then we we'll have to change things yeah this is not this is only temp this is temporary and then JN c train and it's a proof of concept as well that the idea is that we can send any train from any station to any other station without any problems whatsoever I'm saying that way we have yeah full cargo is the same as okay I tell you what let's let's let's take a trip yeah baby yeah baby let's do it right why aren't you moving because we have to put some signals in you silly man we have to put a signal here and a chain signal here and here and then we go and get the train but even then that's yeah it is go oh did it with that again there's no signal yeah but no there's a chain so that'll be okay right let's see if we can go sorry the rocking chair is going on I'm excited let's see if we can get to coold Spaceport wow so yeah that's the theory isn't it I I mean I've not um defined that before that you can take any train from anywhere and get anywhere else now on oh look at that they're all queuing to getting into um Far West that needs to be managed and I think I know what I'm going I'm going to send them to um yeah okay so he's filling up and he's going to fill up quite quickly but what we're going to do cuz we've got a um a q no yeah there is a q here these guys go to Rocket City okay circuit condition Rocket City Rockets uh oh come on where are you there Rocket City you you you sort of filling up the Rocket City is the uh the new um and then these guys can all wait here Rocket City cool and I'm hoping yeah the train is now full so we're going back to jnco train wow that works every station on this map is now EX accessible to every state well it's that's the that's the method that is our Mantra let's just see him go back let's closeup going through yes that's exciting this is a very fulfilling episode fixing that damn Refinery well well now we want to um make the refinery more efficient because now we know we can take coal from anywhere and bring it here we obviously extend the efficacy which is a very nice word of the um train tracks now let's just unload properly why hasn't he got power I think we're going to because we will need okay I don't think we need that substation but there we go he's giving him some power let's put this signal in so we don't have any Crushers actually that so it needs to be separate so it needs to be a chain here and a chain here yeah that should allow that should go Blue which will allow so just as a test we'll send him back and then we'll send him back again yeah so it's blue the blue means you can go either left or you can go right if you go right it's a stop if you go left it's a green that's what that means and it has taken us probably how many 30 hours of playing this game to figure that out you learn by doing you can learn from a book but it doesn't get into the brain that's that's why you know you can watch as many cod in videos as you like on YouTube but you won't be a coder because it's not until you actually build the code it doesn't work you have to fix it and then it works that's when you remember that's it's access in a different part of the brain because emotion okay we're getting into some serious neurological stuff but emotion is um a thing that produces a hormone a specific hormone in the brain that hardens the neurotransmitters and causes memory to happen you look at all the things that you remember in your past emotion is always a part of it rather than just cold you know um information that's why we remember songs and we don't remember um algebra of course some people's brains are a bit different you know the Sheldon Cooper types they remember the algebra but um 99.9% of the people don't because of emotion so the emotional aspect of me building this I'm going to remember that now and on that note oh excuse me I'm going to have a big yawn am going to finish um but this has been a brilliant one I love this this is great I'm hoping you you're liking these videos well and that uh you're learning something from that look the Plastics flowing the CO's coming in the trains are not crashing we the Bots are on strike they're really the minions they're really pissed but we can we can deal with that we can yeah okay so I'm going to say goodbye and um have a good one and I will see you on the next one see you later
Channel: Krunchy Kat
Views: 136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio megabase, factorio spaceport, crafting
Id: G2NSn7nujhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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