Project Zomboid Episode 1(?) | Exploring the Lost Province Map Mod (stand alone map)

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what's happening you guys how you doing good morning good afternoon and good evening to you happy New Year uh this wonderful New Year's Day New Year's Day uh before anybody ask me what's on my lip I'm going to show you cut myself shaving just just we'll just get get that all out of the way right now okay um I don't need I don't need any any lip from you guys telling me you know all sorts of stuff what's happening bam how you doing Peter Doon yo yo yo Gremlin it's good to see you jack Veo Veo Lael Michelle my one Facebook viewer Boris John Doe Dr mutilated where where's the poll for how long the stream will last today hopefully it won't it won't die on me maybe my next door neighbor took a day off or something right Jason it's good to see you happy New Year to you wolf that's that's fake News man Max auto lock it's good to see you guys let's go ahead and just jump right in we're going to do a solo we're going to go custom s sandbox this is first and this is our world we can go to Kings County we can go to Prince County we can go to Queens County or we can wash up on shore and it's going to show us where we can do we can do over on this area we can do over on this area we can do this a giant map by the way good old Canadian we're going to find ourselves a house as they say over there it looks like uh 46% are saying my choice so I the question is is do you guys want me to do like a uh like an actual in in the city run because I think that that would probably be so we could actually see stuff or uh if we wash up on shore it could be anywhere I know Paul I'm sorry Ian called it he was like yeah he's going to he's going to do it maybe we'll do Queens County let's see the central County of Island Queens County is the agricultural Heartland of this of the island it's also home to largest city on the island Charlotte Town numerous smaller towns are scattered across the county as well do Kings County which is the E eastern most County of the island Kings County is the most Rural and least populous of the counties we're not going to do that is rugged and heavily forested we're not going to do that Prince county is the is the Western most County of the island Prince county is itself naturally divided into three distinct sub regions the uh Naro ismos on the Eastern end of the county is home to the second largest city on the island Summerside and just east of that is in pedestal Hub of Kensington some days are just zombie days yeah I know he just he just called it drunk made a move on the couch and his his wife popped him one yeah that's what it was good thing I got this big microphone in front of me hiding hiding my uh my my M step I say we probably do uh if we're going to do this you're saying my choice but I say if we're going to go in we should probably do Queens County that's right in the middle so we can kind of do whatever we want to what's up jakan how you doing we'll go we'll do that all right so what are we going to do here I think I'm going to go with uh this time around maybe a park ranger or construction worker we'll go with park ranger and we'll make him um H we'll make him lucky and we'll just do a brawler and that'll be it that'll be everything that that that we know lucky and a brawler and for uh we'll go shortsighted on this we'll go weak stomach we're just going to get rid of all of our our points prone to illness uh let's see feeble High thirst uh out of shape Restless sleeper slow healer just cuz I like that and [Music] um Speed Demon all right who is this going to be this is going to be Jack Jack Spain Jack Spain not going to do the Mohawk we'll we'll go with um give him some old messy hair he's got the messy hair and the stubble and uh the goatee yeah with with the with the brown hair oh yeah that reminds me speaking of uh speaking of absolutely nothing my wife got me this for for uh for Christmas you guys might might have enjoyed this [Music] today's good mood is sponsored by punk rock it's not a Hawaii shirt it's a punk rock shirt shut the hell up Mr cat oh [ __ ] I didn't do I didn't do it right I didn't do it right hold on I'm going to back [Music] out you have to be the worst park ranger I've ever heard of but you have heard of me we we're going back out of this cuz I didn't I didn't set up [Music] [Laughter] everything [Music] oopsie all right let's see let's let's let's quit this sorry y'all I thought I did custom sandbox I did do custom sandbox Why didn't it give me any options in Queens County oh here we go all right so uh we're going to go with uh high or very high I think we'll do very high Urban Focus yes we'll start in July uh we'll keep the water and electricity on for right now why not anything else nah all that stuff can be fine sadistic we'll just do the helicopter one one time meta events sometimes generator spawn extremely rare Random mized House very often very often very often actually we'll just do that never because I doubt he has annotated map so it won't really matter just be a tease um should we just should we just make everything rare we'll make everything extremely rare we won't go insane on this since we're starting we're not doing a six months later [Music] run there we go other rare we'll just do that rare character that all looks okay ingame map we are going to allow the uh the mini map just so we we know know where we are uh recent survival Vehicles we're going go High car spine rate will go high chance has gas will be low low everything else looks fine we'll make this rare instead of extremely [Music] rare instant on infection mortality so we can just get on with it everything else I think looks fine we'll allow him to uh trigger house alarms as well and the reason why I'm going very high on this y'all is is because [Music] um because with map mods you just don't know what it's going to look like there we go finally Mr park ranger we we'll do we'll try this again lucky and a brawler [Music] we go shortsighted weak stomach thrown to illness flow healer gives us one Beed demon this map is huge look like a small map is extremely is extremely rare good idea it's a pretty big map all right Let's do let's do Jack again jack farmer come on down the hungry hound we we'll make you a tan fella there you go nice little tan and uh oh let's see give you some grease back here some stubble some stubble on your beard type and we'll uh give you a porn stash just for luck there we go looking good baby gety up honey buy what's happening juice first time seeing someone click add trait not double tap oh did I oh yeah I don't know I don't know why I I I don't know why I do that just a uh just I don't know I don't know maybe all streamers are just smarter than me or something I don't know they're like I just want to get it [Music] on cool oh let's let's keep that right there oh we got a oh looky here go and grab this we got we got we got weapons already little red wine they're already coming Get Wrecked it ain't zombie day I'll just take your watch and I'll wear it on my hand oh what's this dog gun it's locked matches a little twine come on I just need a weapon now I mean I got a weapon in my hand oh an empty gas can cool East bounding down do we uh do we have can we siphon gas we can I'm going go and siphon this gas out as well the maple syrup well we're in Canada man didn't everybody have maple syrup in this in in this town no alarm oh [ __ ] nothing to look at here fellas straight armed that [ __ ] you got something to say to me might need to get get away from that that that side [ __ ] I'm not used to having this many [Music] [Music] books [Music] i g [Music] it not a smoker so I don't need to worry about that we had the Strategic reserve of Maple serp and trees I think us Pro uh USA produce a lot too in the northern states well this is kind of lame o shooting a gun is probably not a good idea now is it be nice and quiet just pistol whipped her no alarms no uh no whammies come on baby give me something good well Hellfire there's nothing in here oh should I wait and watch I think I'm going to wait and watch uh some life and living oh wow they don't have life and living [Music] interesting not really a Canadian I live an Alberta so we kind of uh like the Northern Texas we're kind of like Northern Texans hope you had a good uh you two had a good wrestling uh day brother what was that off to work my man but I'll definitely back and watch this later happy New Year hey Brian thank you very much Happy New Year to you too well I guess we won't have any life and living there's another car though oh look we're we're next to a uh isn't this [Music] nice jeez Jesus Christ there you go come on out a Gana why must everything be locked [ __ ] Brian y yoro with a the 1999 thank you very much I appreciate it coming in strong thank you I do really do appreciate it thank you very much Happy New Year brother smash them Zs I know right I was almost going to do it's it's funny because I was like looking at what I was going to do and and and somebody had mentioned and they're right they were like yeah you know you could probably do uh put together a rim World thing really quick I knew he was right but at the same time I was like yeah you know maybe I uh maybe instead maybe maybe instead I'll I'll try to work this but see the the challenge for me is actually coming up with a decent thumbnail I mean I mean decent is kind of a stretch right all right Brian yarbough super chatted $19.99 happy New Year brother those Zs indeed thank you very much I appreciate [Music] [Music] you kind a weird looking house these Canadians they don't they don't really uh [ __ ] she almost got me I just don't have I don't have the ammo so I'm not going to worry about it but I will read this and we got a metal working one I'm going stick that in my in my weeny warmer thank you very much little girl what's what's going on Happy New Year happy New Year all you Mr simy this uh this guy got me learning the rim and they're not and you're not playing I'm going to be playing I'm probably going to do it tomorrow I'm going to do a tribal run I think yeah it's because um I changed my my uh my chat b b options oh there's a police car come this way I'm going to try to be all stealthy and [Music] stuff there's my backpacks right [Music] there [Music] H sure's A lot of them over there too many guns I know right autolock I was just thinking the exact same thing wonder if I come over here they might see me oh [ __ ] run [ __ ] well that wasn't a very good decision that I made I S I do [Music] that all right I guess We're Off to the Races now of course it's locked i g it why I go off and do that all these Canadians with their guns man wonder what I can do here first day indeed first day how far are we in this is this isep episode absolutely one it ain't looking so good for your for your uh for your friendly hero here it's 1410 and I've like got gone through like three houses I have no idea where I'm at but I figure if I can just find homeboy with the [Music] uh with the uh thing ofama jig his uh his backpack I don't know where he went though that's the problem [Music] [Music] I'm walking over this way I don't I don't see him though we look to be okay I'd really like to find a uh oh [ __ ] why do I keep doing that [ __ ] [Music] me come on well Hellfire [Music] there's a two-story up [Music] there [Music] it's gone on everything he sees I don't mean to I shouldn't have what I shouldn't have done is I shouldn't have like uh set it up like that let's just wander down this way I'm assuming I can come down there maybe I really need to find a place to [Music] stay go this way [Music] hasn't worked out so well for me so [Music] far might as well yell to I didn't mean to man wasn't like I this was like some sort of like intentional thing or something it wasn't it was just me like uh I don't know just uh I thought I was pushing when I was actually [Music] shooting I'm just going to follow the road actually I'm going to follow underneath the road I just need to find a weapon I find a weapon I should be okay a weapon and a house or is US say a [Music] house [Music] I'd put the gas down and grab it later yeah you're probably right there you go so anara oh we got a couple houses up here weird the burned out house but that's all right we we we'll we'll we'll come around around it cuz I think I have a lot of yeah I got I got I got a army um behind [Music] me what's happening man happy New Year yeah I'm I'm playing this new uh this this uh new map which is like in it's it's not Knox County we're in uh we're in uh Canada trying to I'm wondering if I should loop around I'm going loop around [Music] maybe not the best idea to loop around [Music] actually so my lucky trade hasn't really been too lucky here [Music] lately V plays Super Chat at $537 sense what's in your cherry can Mr hooligan Mr hooligan thanks for the uh Super Chat I appreciate it Mi Mr V I appreciate [Music] you doesn't look like uh thing on the road is such a good [Music] idea hopefully Canadian trees are nicer than American trees all I know is that I'm kind of in a pickle here cuz there are a lot of zombies and and I I don't even have a way to clear out although I could fire my weapon wondering if I do I mean I guess that would be a a potentially a potentially good way to clear I suppose well unfortunately Ian I don't know where I'm going and I don't know where I've been here I am Stuck In The Middle With You blood and O water and oil uh Ian well it seems like anytime I ditch them they they they keep coming you know what I'm [Music] [Music] saying we can follow the railroad tracks problem is we don't really have any any way to any way to sleep like uh like a we I could have grabbed that tarp we could have made like some sort of a m so we could make some sort of makeshift uh tent this looks like [Music] something [Music] just a weapon that's all I [Music] need hell is [Music] this [Music] [Music] kind of tempted to go in there but I I just just know that's going to be death someone has put together a 90 map mod compatible with other uh with each other uh Tom Mr Tomic D done a video on it yeah I saw that I saw that um I'm kind of wondering how much uh how much memory you got to have for that you know what I mean it's a golf course okay got it them Canadians in their golf courses makes total sense come on man just give me a weapon a weapon any kind of [Music] weapon I'm not real picky he said it runs fine with the mall yeah I imagine it would but the question is isn't isn't that like I mean how big would the file be let's say you go to like U half of those Maps right your file would have to be like gigs of storage it had to be like something crazy here we go here here here's a place I can sink my my teeth into two stories it looks good might be able to sneak [Music] in [ __ ] man why are these Canadians lock their lock their freaking trunks we're staying here this is where we're staying I'm going dra drag all these [ __ ] up up the road come on baby check this over here too come on [ __ ] get stitches come on good deal where can I drag them to though that's the question B [Music] come down here good deal good deal bring them all the way down to the street and then I'll I'll I'll I'll race up I'll race up this way normally I'd fight these guys but uh they aren't making it so easy on me there we go please be open [Music] [Music] might have to do [Music] after you say I can understand fighting is not your strong point in zomboid here we [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] w all right good deal got somebody up there not a safe [Music] place wow see I've noticed now no gas well I guess that would have been it would have been quite useful to have had a gas can huh at this [Music] point getting late one of the things I don't want to do it could potentially happened to me too is is uh have an alarm Car Alarm don't know if I want to take my chances here but I would like to find a weapon baseball bat good deal [Music] we in business now where's he upstairs there's one right there [ __ ] sucky ass baseball bat cool I don't even know what that baseball bat was about a well this really [Music] [Applause] sucks oh boy come on give me something good well at least we got some food I've read that mean it's not a bad start no singing no l luck give me something good B tell me that you love me yeah all right then Canadians we well we we've got we've got the hard part out of the way right we don't have we we don't have a uh a weapon really but I think we're [Music] [Music] okay if we have any weapons in any of these places food or anything [Music] burrito it's probably the Gideon Bible okay this is search they go in here [Music] man that's a good thing we didn't do like um insanely rare loot Now isn't it [Music] bless there just nothing my best bet is to is to keep searching those cars we could go and and get a uh a gas can too down the road we'll do that after we search the houses though a Bible I don't know a b baseball bat we found a baseball bat go and read that the standard and we'll go down we'll go downstairs here in a second and search all the other uh places I mean we got lucky we found a baseball bat granted ain't it wouldn't worth [ __ ] but I mean still it got us it got us out of trouble for a [Music] second there's somebody down there I believe haven't searched down here you got St something stuck in your belly letter [Music] opener [Music] come on baby another screwdriver I'll grab that just in case got a few more cars we can check we know that this car has uh has a potential oh no no no no so far no car alarms one more card we got these cars too that duct tape I can uh repair my uh my bat with yeah that's what exactly what I was thinking Ian nothing you can check this this out and then if we don't see anything we'll head back up there and repair This Bat kind of go from [Music] there of course the Lock's broken they don't see me let's go [Music] back no drop frames yet that's good cuz I'm not I'm not paying [Music] [Music] attention [Music] ah terrible terrible look at that I just barely uh could barely repair it can I repair it [Music] again 10% not worth [Music] it well this seems to be like a dud we can check out the kitchen and then we'll we'll we'll keep moving [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] doesn't look like it's any there might be in here cigarettes in a lighter I don't need them I'm hoping for a key I'm not going to get [Music] [Music] [Music] one really helping for [Music] food try typing out names like yours on a on a phone I wish mobile had a reply option go and fill this water bottle up we're going to go ahead and cook this all up and and take it with us I still don't know where we are we do have we do have a gas can that's down the road but I just don't know if that's going to be uh something that we're going to want to want to pursue or not for [Music] oh the guys are the big sacks follow you we can go back I don't think they followed us [Music] though [Music] those guys did though we'll wander down the road and see if we can find something else we got food that's good I'm leaving like the uh the safety of my house but um you know I mean I guess it could be worse everyone must be hung over 98 people watching very nice if you guys are enjoying this give us a thumbs up this is the Canada Standalone map I forget what it's called Last Resort or something like that we' mentioned trying to put this on the um the hardcore um server um by the way I do have uh some uh public servers if anybody's interested uh we have one public server that's open right now and I don't know if kpk has done anything with our hardcore server um he might not have but yes if you guys are enjoying this give this a thumbs up it helps the channel and all that stuff or don't it's up to you totally [Music] we're playing with a very high populations I I I'm kind of I'm kind of weird about doing uh in in extremely rare loot not rare loot uh partially cuz I don't know the map at all so it puts me at like a extreme disadvantage fact I have the mini map up so I can kind of like get it get it get an [Music] idea [Music] we just finished uh we hit this hotel and um and now we're just kind of heading uh looks like I guess I guess this is East I suppose lost Province map mod that's what it is which is like apparently like a uh a according to the map mod modder this is like a as good of a replica as they can get for uh for the um the map for uh for for Canada for this particular place lots of Canadian uh cities and stuff like that I'm not hung over I never stopped drinking pretty stoked to see a run in the uh Merry times with uh why I nurse my Mickey of CZ yeah you know it's funny cuz everybody was asking me cuz I started so late today they were like yeah did you have a long night you know what I mean did you drink a lot or whatever but you know the truth be told I really don't drink as weird as that sounds I know it sounds weird that uh for someone that happens to work in restaurants not to drink here's another uh yeah we got a few I'm going to I'm going to bring them over here bring a round robin here looks like another uh maybe another another road down here as well not a road that's all right though and now what I'm doing is I'm kind of I'm I'm basically um trying to lose them like these big groups as best as I can oh that's a uh that might be a pretty good house to go for wonder if I can aggro [Music] anybody [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Applause] do not like this oh boy I'm going to do [Music] it need to make sure I don't run into stuff and I'm going let those guys [Music] Bang [Applause] my Nimble isn't really hitting me very hard [Applause] what [Music] cool [Music] [Music] wondering nice for fight house yeah we we just can't get in cuz I don't have a I don't have a hammer of course I I can always make one I might try to go down down here why am I heavy drop [Music] that oh fancy finding a broken uh go and eat this ground [Music] beef oh boy it'd be nice if we could find maybe a [Music] stick [ __ ] there there they are don't want to mess with that the cops have a baton um they sometimes they do but we but not in my case I have I've not found anybody with baton we'll wear this let's see if I can find any kind of a like a branch or [Music] something Acorn [ __ ] is that just got to keep it where nice and quiet and hopefully these guys will eventually like wear down these uh these doors I wish there was more of them on it but there's not poison and you can cook it oh boy feel like the luckiest guy in the world an acorn and the zombie apocalypse my goodness that's that's like striking gold I just can't get lucky right now come on baby give me something good give me something good because if we can just get in there my biggest problem has been finding yeah we'll pick it up all right wondering let's go ahead and eat this big groups everywhere baby there there we go hey DT let's clear these guys [Music] out [Music] I'm coming through the trees I saw him go [Music] but trust me y'all I got to I I I'm not leaving this house [ __ ] done G and bit me for got an axe we cooking with gas now [Music] few axes good deal well let's drop some of our stuff here I'm going to uh guess move this here press chicken here stick the broken bat right there just in case we find some something go ahead and do uh this right [Music] here hipstone can stay there that can stay there uh the the um duct tape we'll drop this we'll drop that pce of bandages in the book we'll uh stick over here did I search all these places I didn't did [Music] I we're still alive downstairs [Music] [Music] someplace good deal but we're looking pretty good now we got a katana we have two axes in here and we got a fortified house I mean I can't really ask for anything anything [Music] [Music] more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looking pretty damn [Music] good [Music] there we go damn Boris and bamsey are right I didn't realize power was on turn the turn on the lights and watch TV man well see here's the problem I I I thought about it I was like hey you know what maybe I'll watch TV but look at this ready for this we'll go down here and watch TV look Global DT channel it's all it's all [ __ ] Canadian TV I mean what do you do with that I'm going to check on uh when it goes to 2100 we'll go through all the channels and see if maybe there's uh nothing [Music] there nothing there nothing on channel four nothing on channel five [Music] nothing like European Vacation cheese or snow right what is this over here [Music] again I don't know if I checked this or not I think I did yeah we got pineapple and mushroom soup I'll go and grab that we're going to move all this stuff over [Music] I didn't grab that other thing never [Music] mind here we go English man in Canada asking if anyone can speak English I know right pineapple mushroom soup Canadians are wild I know right you think it'd be like a pineapple and Canadian Canadian bacon uh Pizza look at this I cut myself myself y'all I cut myself I shower I I shave in the shower I wasn't really paying attention I was kind of moving too fast I'm going to stretch my legs you [Music] [Music] guys learn to shave old man I know right go to Poland they eat cabbages with mayo do they really I mean anything with mayo is good we'll read to about 2300 I you know what I'm kind of curious we we'll take a look at at what we got here as well 44 Pages that's good and uh we'll go ahead and remove this just scratch we'll disinfect it put some re rip sheets on there I I guess bandages might be all right too um and I might take some painkillers as well let's take a look at our our stuff yeah this map ain't going to help us now is it what's even the purpose oh boy I want to say up yeah right here let's go ahead and Mark this hotel with books right there it would have been really funny if it drunk was forging all they could find was Canadian maple leaves I know right some map that it looks yeah it's it's not going to help me at all is it I'm going to eat something and then we'll go downstairs and I'm going to check uh we'll get some which one should I get steak minus 52 ground beef we'll go ahead and make a meat Patty out of [Music] this I'm a little bit better protected [Music] now [Music] [Music] lame what about over here oh it has all of them oh we got CBC Channel [Music] [Music] not going to do me much of any good [Music] they're my [Music] friends now we can really start to work on on this stuff this whole area [Music] yeah real scary there zambies real scary she get an Axe and save the katana for big groups yeah you're probably right let me uh let me do that cuz I do have the axe the car right there [Music] my uh my screen is not working with me just checking to see if that had any uh G any uh if the keys were already in [Music] it go check this uh this house this uh this room out this building it looks like it might have like all sorts of good stuff in it maybe oh look he has a satchel a man purse I'll take [Music] it there we go perfect yeah this is looking good [Music] maybe a school maybe exactly what it is little bitt school oh I saw him maybe we'll go inside there sure a lot of people with tracksuits on around here it's like the tracksuit gang or something oh Jesus what a find oh yeah put that on our back [Music] instead feel like they went someplace oh yeah very nice good carpentry volume one I'm just going to take all the volume ones may as well [Music] right [Music] be reading for days for looking for love and all the wrong places leaves Caron true because uh but take one F first aid two go figure did I I did not did I yeah I didn't take first aid [Music] one let's go see what's what in this [Music] building [Music] I we're right next to it you know what I'm saying look watch this watch this [Music] chat safe house right [Music] there Co with books there we go [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] search jet desk for chips and snacks yeah we're doing that I was just making sure that that we were uh in the [Music] clear looks like we [Music] are lots of bleach [Music] come on little kitties give me some of your [Music] [Music] snacks looks like we're going to have to make our own uh what is glue for it says melee repairs but I don't think you can do anything with [Music] it keep that door open [Music] I have a feeling I'm not going to find anything in here yeah not a smoker this time around my uh my stuff just so you can see it it's uh I got a slow healer I'm prone to illness weak stomach shortsighted uh Speed Demon lucky and we are a brawler so really I've just really paired down like a lot of the uh the things you would normally uh you would normally see me do my usual uh my usual stuff is like um I'm going to go ahead and bring some of these down here as well matches lighter all that stuff I grab one of these do look like the kitties had any snacks a [Music] lollipop it looks like the only only thing that we were having to really worry about would the I guess there were survivalist in this uh in this school and that was it [Music] [Music] this is he took lucky he might actually Dodge a few trees maybe so drunk and a speed demon because why not well I mean I had one point I was like well why not just why not take it no snack just video games which is fine because we we'll uh we'll end up using it for sure [Music] see what my torso looks like just scratch we'll disinfect it and use a little rip sheets for [Music] it [Music] well the first uh this isn't this has been an okay find not [Music] terrible [Music] we got lucky all these Canadians with their video games ah chips take this comic book too let's uh let's lower our our weight here a little bit [Music] I might just continue on with this run since I don't know what what uh what it looks like you know we have Jack the story of Jack a good [Music] story you might last longer than 3 [Music] months what's up Max Million good to see you peace Goins excellent to see you as well a lot of G to dismantle if you need nailo yes so we can we can do that too I was hoping that one of those guys had a um thought he had one of those guys had a hammer on him but it didn't look like they [Music] did [Music] [Music] just Jinx te yeah well I mean yeah this this is true it could uh it could definitely the jinxing could be definitely on I think I'll be all right very high populations it doesn't look like it's swarming might be wrong about that now the challenge is going to be uh honestly is it's probably going to be uh more about um there's paper clips we can grab those we'll wait on that [Music] though is going to be the be the ability to find a um a [Music] car now we could make a we could make a run for it and head back [Music] down oh there is no [Music] uh where do these [ __ ] eat [Music] I think that's it all right we'll drop off our stuff 1710 best yoka 2024 is drunk lasting more than 3 months what was that get red zamie they scared me I mean what more could I ask for you know I mean I found a house where' this guy go yeah see that's what I [Music] [Music] thought let's drop off all this stuff before we do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of course I'm tired that's fine I'll just read myself a book there we go no kitty snacks oh the war on school time has spread to Canada it's crazy right I mean that were were they like eating at home and then just coming to to work what's up with that I just realized my hair is all jacked up isn't [Music] it it is every house should have a a bundle of hockey sticks yeah so what we'll do um I'm just going to read read through this book maybe we can finish this and then I can un uh start to uh dismantle this stuff we need to get we need to get a car going um and the we have two choices for the car I can either go grab the um the gas and we do have a car back in the uh back ways we could go that way or we could just like start to like uh really cement this area which I think that's what I'm going to do I might go a little bit out a little bit further [Music] [Music] out beautiful take the yo-yo and use it as a weapon when I was a kid we ate poison rocks for uh breakfast and we were happy [Music] what a little bit hungry I wonder if there's anything to eat in here got some fresh cooked steak I can also do this right here let's uh doesn't look like there's a lot left is it oh it's uncooked that's the reason okay don't want to eat that I'll go ahead and and down down some chicken it's dry is this chicken breast [Music] garbage they're right here yeah see that's what I thought oh yeah we're going to keep moving down the road I do want to check to see I thought there was a hammer over here one of those guys but maybe I was wrong for thinking that most people get a haircut before Christmas I guess strugg didn't get the memo my wife has reminded me I just keep forgetting why do I need a haircut anyway what I need a haircut [Music] for sure you guys have all sorts of reasons why I should get a haut Dr and I would be great roommates we would buy rotisserie chicken from Costco You' have the dark meat and I'd have the white meat dark meat's the best no be you don't know what you're missing good old nothing like a good old dry piece of uh piece of chicken uh what mid game done in no [Music] time now we got weapons you know nothing's going to stop us now look at these guys where these guys come from I do want I'm going to check and make sure that this uh she's not very Canadian like is she there it is thought I saw a hammer got military gloves as well and we are outfitted and ready ready for Combat Baby be I need to rust up a little bit before I tackle these guys actually I might go to the front to the front and just follow the follow the road instead that might be a better a better deal for us ah Hellfire really we rest up I think drunk should add a new piece of uh Tiss paper every stream and not acknowledge his you guys see it I'm I'm real torn if I if I tear it off it's going to like rip the scab off isn't it how do I how do I approach that do I wash it off is that how I Works what is the way water it down okay run you ain't so bad I've never I've never tried the tissue uh paper approach on on shaving for for shaving cuts and stuff so I don't know I don't know how that's how that's supposed to play out you know did I bring any water with me you go back and get water looks like there's another place up there too so we'll just clear this whole entire area out [ __ ] why [Music] not I'm all wet I'm not even moist anymore probably the uh this leather jacket I'm going to take it [Music] off I'm surprised it can of look so much like Kentucky who knew I didn't shave in a decade or more clippers for me really well see I do it in I do it in the shower right and I very rarely have this kind of issue got something stuck in her back what could this be eh it's like it might be a butcher knife I'll take that meat cleaver from [Music] you [Music] now there should be a big city someplace on in this in this area I don't want you to think that it's this is going to be just a bunch of like nothing this is not true a little meat cleavage in your life what is [Music] [Music] this I think her boyfriend was mad [Music] come down here and see if the this [Music] car oh a scarf that's actually a pretty good find I won't I won't wear it right now but it's really good for your [Music] neck and a key no gas [Music] go in here and see what's going [Music] on [Music] help [Music] weird what kind of place is this has like oh a sack of potatoes has all the ear marks of like uh it being like an actual like like it it should it should be like a uh you know like there there should be I don't know a kitchen or something in it I don't see a kitchen anywhere I maybe that there's a kitchen back there maybe that's what I'm missing right here D And uncooked we'll go ahead and grab these Cornflower now we're playing all vanilla so a lot of the stuff that I'm seeing is kind of is kind of new to be honest with you yes it's a potato place I know right I was kind of wondering about that I was like I was like where is the uh somehow missed the all right both of those are cooked we'll turn that off you can probably wander back uh Wonder can I stick this in here that might drop me down a little bit collecting all the watches there another car right there yeah we we we we're hitting into Civilization now one of my gazillion uh watches are going off what's the POP setting very high the reason why I um I chose uh hold on the reason why I chose very high was was because this is a this is a a mod a map mod so I wasn't sure what to [Music] expect might as well dump all [Music] these their house everything's going to be [Music] [Applause] locked go inside got lots of food [Music] I'm going and cook it up Big G Cole he's in the Mary Browns Chicken and ters I'm I'm from mcow island northeast tip of well great this is they're Maximillion they're actually saying that this is like fairly uh a fairly decent replica I don't know if it's true we're going to cook this once it's cooked I I'll um I'm going to put some of the stale steak into it you know actually we're not turn that off am all the way full I'm all the way full up a't that crazy what I'm looking for is a key hoping I'll get lucky here I'm not all we'll head back home but it seems like we've uh we've done a pretty good job the Lord's work baby the Lord's work we got lots of food we're good on food right now um we need to find a car I'm going to I'm going to read some more car I'm going to read my carpentry book um I do have a I I do have everything but a saw so I need a saw I can if I can find a saw then we'll be in we'll be in uh cooking with gas for real I know I dropped a gas can way on back and there's a couple cars that we can grab if we want let's say why is that music all of a sudden starting am I getting followed I got a piece of toilet paper on my lip few more down here right next to my house you zombies you are trespassing run jez Louise that was scary are they on my door I'm be all sneaky this going to be a problem isn't it I don't know what to think about that maybe I can find myself some cereal for don't need that uh hammer I'm not really hungry so we'll hold off my axe is about to go other books do we got let's go ahead and uh and maybe dismantle all this stuff see how close we can get to uh level one uh electronics we're going to be really close I think go and grab mechanics one I think actually we need to do that before we do anything else let's see what what our skills are now yeah look at that electrical 47 out of 75 we'll be in mid game really quick that's uh that's the upside to uh to me like kind of like Meandering around here T to make a Costco run to get more toilet paper for your lip got to keep changing out that dirty rags it's it's going to heal don't kiss the wife with that with your lip and my wife was like she she woke up this morning and she was like what is that I was like that's a that that is a uh malfunction the Shaving malfunction let me stretch my legs a little bit we haven't dropped hardly any frames 147 frames that's not not bad not bad at all be right back [Music] go yes I really need four pin why do you [Music] ask so if you guys are really are enjoying this you uh give this a thumbs up so I can kind of gauge as to whether you want me to continue this run or or do a a brand new run in Knox County I was just wanting to explore this map and we we've done a fairly decent job of exploring I'm going to fast forward this let's get right through [Music] it look at that axe look at that baby we're almost a level four already wowers need some wood glue for this when this breaks we'll we'll uh we'll go back to uh whatever I have I'm g go aad and drop this stuff off and let's check our um our upper torso here looking good baby all right so safe house is here school with books is here hotel with books is up there and then right about right here is the beginning of like what looks like to be civilization of some sort it might be a small town it might be something else I don't know we'll we we we'll sort it out you should try the 0 map M I might I might do that probably shouldn't play uh play with fire like I am Let's uh let me grab this I might be able to do some more stuff with the pasta but I'm not 100% sure do a little red wine good enough eat something and head on down there what day are we on day three 202 zombies killed most of it with an axe been asking them a question ghost Al Lama what's happening how you doing man good to see you I'm going to give that game a a whirl as well ghost I I I was going to do it today but then I was like you know somebody actually I was going to play Tribal uh room world today but uh somebody was like yeah you know you might want to like uh I don't know it's almost like the first of to to do um anything but zomboid on the first of the year is just it just seems like blasphemy oh my God I'm so full that was good cool you know this being Canadian and all that I don't know if I'm going to be able to see if there's like a uh let me attach that to my back um if I'm going to be able to actually see um if the helicopter's coming I might not even know it it's it might be one of those deals happy New Year indeed [Music] they thought they were going to come over here and uh and try to kill me they know I'm an Axe Murderer drunk so easily and manipulated I was wouldn't I well I mean to be fair about it like when I when I played uh when we died that uh what Sunday and I only did like a like a uh when I when I only did like a uh like an hour and a half because I died I kind of felt bad about it I mean part of me wants to start a tribal run on rim world but I mean it it doesn't really matter leel with the $2 Canadian dollars thank you very much I appreciate it thank you for the uh support you guys you guys have been uh wonderful today I mean you're you're wonderful every day I shouldn't just say that that's that's like that's like saying you're you're you're pretty nice for looking for a old lady or something you know I mean it's that's just not fair you guys are wonderful all the time it's late in the evening and then you tell me should I turn out the lights and I say oh you are wonderful tonight oh my God most days yesir super chatted $147 mawe zombies thank you very much once again I appreciate it oh we are in Civilization now Canadian style they're all going to be locked it just feels bad I'm going to come in here first no alarms no whammies baby that's the key I was looking for we all can get lucky here there any beer yeah we got beer wouldn't cook start that uh start that up we're playing on easy mode y'all I'm okay with that every once in a while a boy needs an easy mode to to build himself back up after being you know Bamboozled by the zomes in the zambie apocalypse Valley Station was fun in fact you know it it's such a it's such a drag like I read comments you know every once in a while and so like I open I opened up and I read this comment from not the last stream but the stream before they were like oh man I'm really digging the fact that you're like taking out all of uh all of Valley Station I've seen like people take out West Point I've seen people take out uh Louisville but the fact that you're taking out West Point makes it so so good you know and of course I didn't want to I didn't want to tell them but uh if they if they went to the other other uh deal they would have noticed that I was dead I like didn't last it's it's it's like such a it's a drag it's like where were you why couldn't you have said that like three uh three uh three uh sessions ago or four sessions ago Uncle Billy's Kentucky moonshine see if this car has any juice in it now you know what first let's kill some [Music] zombies and there's cigarettes everywhere well to be fair I didn't I didn't do uh I didn't do the last um this last time like well what I'm trying to say not not to not that I didn't do smokes what I'm trying to say is is that I didn't do uh a a smoker and I didn't do insanely rare loot oh yeah we're in business now I got a uh I'm going to check this house out first because it is a uh one of them um Survivor houses a [ __ ] I took my um I didn't take I didn't bring my uh my hammer with me Liam what's happening yes it's okay get wrecked I want to look behind me and make sure that there's nothing behind [Music] me [Music] might want to like uh clear these guys out first before I do it [Music] oh boy yeah we got the herbalist book already and we're in the process of reading uh of reading um mechanics one oo a better [Applause] backpack a I hear him oh they got a long way to go oh wait a minute can I jump in no I can't not yet do a tour of the car to show us the map in in good time my friend no alarms no uh whammies two boxes of rounds what is just I think one of these needs a uh is that a 45 we'll probably we we'll probably continue on with this this this run because why not looks like we're about to hit civilization I'm going to grab this car we'll get in this car and then uh and and then drop off all my stuff grab my hammer and then come and take care of this uh this this right here the room [Music] boom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] real you could double click and and and come oh yeah let me grab my uh my hammer I was a hammer where's my hammer there it is how long will this car last loot the kiosk what k ask are you talking about Get Wrecked it's not it's not pink so not long salt on your inventory is warning against the evil spirits did I have salt I I missed it if I did I wouldn't even paying attention to be honest with you I have no idea if this has a hood or anything I'm just glad to have a car we should go get gas too we we can go back back the way we came right now I think oh yeah here we go oh there's a whole bunch of them down here we we'll go ahead and take these guys out as well and we'll we'll we'll loot this uh this Survivor house w oh blocked damn it we got the time we've got the time babe who needs tomorrow let's make it last turn out the lights ah Hellfire oh there were my ax done gone and broke my axe I really would like them to go ahead and just there we go that's what I'm talking [Music] [Applause] about peaches mov to the country going to eat a lot of peaches move into the country going to eat a lot of peaches the peaches come from a can they were put here by the man in a Factory downtown I was hoping for a little bit more than just a freaking hand axe maybe there'll be something in here that everything damn it where's a bathroom oh right here such an idiot it' be cool if the katana had a has a run through animation that would be cool let's say let's let's drive up [Music] there did I check this car out I don't know if I did or not I [Music] didn't [Music] maybe we won't check that out maybe we'll head back home I can read a little bit do a little dance all that that works for me we got food I can cook I brain you brained you [Music] too make sure there's nothing on this side Jesus hear something really crazy is what we're going to do as far as uh what we're going to do as far as um being able to do literally like anything I have no idea like as far as when the helicopter comes cuz I have no idea where we where to go that could be a a big problem right there we'll do R wine do some fresh cooked fresh cooked steak do it again do a little Mater throw some salt on that on that [ __ ] no at least the house is pink I want the devs to add zombie animals imagine being hunted by a zombified Grizzly or pelican pelican that's very uh I don't know what to say about that confused beard that's uh that's very like specific if you know what I'm saying I mean I can see a grizly bear it'd be really frightening but I don't know man it's it's like it's kind of like room world when you see that you're being hunted by man eating uh you know Chihuahuas you don't think it's that big of a deal but of course it is because uh man a lot of man eating Chihuahuas can mess up an entire Colony but still go need half of [Music] that [Music] where we at right now look at that we're so close 59 out of 75 didn't take us hardly any time at all 74 out of 220 we we'll read this polar bears I know right zombified Canadian geese would be the worst man have you seen like any of those videos where they grab the geese by the neck I watched this woman uh she was I guess the the the goose was like terrorizing her kid or something she walks straight up to it you know it's like it's like freaking out you know the goose is like doing all this whatever angry Goose do and she grabs it by its neck just just grabs it by its neck and just like chunks it like across you know into the water it's like wow that's really crazy [Music] see it doesn't matter the weight it doesn't matter if I eat like uh fattening food or whatever it doesn't it doesn't freaking matter it's like it's it's almost like here let me once this goes down I'll uh try a different kind of food there we go let's go let's go and try chips cuz chips should be high calorie right I know I know for a fact that if I eat chips uh I like Gro just thinking about it [Music] do I have chips I don't have any chips never [Music] mind oh yeah I got I do have ice cream I do have ice cream you're right it's not the calories account it's the fat amount really that's a messed up way of looking at it cuz right V say it says it there they no there there's no fat and beans you eat a whole thing of dried beans and you're like uh you're like [Music] [Music] pudgy I do I I I grow like a tree man just just the thought of like eating uh eating chips I love chips chips are the best one of my favorite uh favorite foods to [Music] eat beans are loaded with carbs right well I mean but you were you were saying that that it's it's the fat can I what's my skill level in this two so I don't even need a level one trapping what else can I read maybe metal work [Music] working we'll do one more day I'm going to just sit here by my lonesome and read The Musical Fruit indeed hey hey sagus did you end up uh did did you end up uh having to work the restaurant the bar last night and how was it if you did my le one of my least favorite days to work I always start at 70 I just eat a bar of a butter cereal or margarine or vegetable oil and it's it's instance to Chevrons but it kind of takes away from the whole idea of cooking you know what I mean p SC like I mean I mean yeah I mean you can you can chug some vegetable oil but I mean why would you want to do that when you could make like you know with a little corn flour and some onions you could like you could make some um onion rings ings you know what I mean but instead you're so we're so concerned about um you know about waiting all you can cook all you want once you get to 75 let's go out there and and take care of [Music] business plus underweight is not that bad of a malice what about overweight for someone like me that just like ignores weight wouldn't overweight be better I get like ignored all the way all the way down for like a like two [Music] [Music] weeks I got it [Music] dumb car alarm goes off Rel come here come here you dumb zombies [Music] this probably would have been a lot more serious had I not uh cleared out so much go to the [Music] back got a little group down here a little group right there there's quite a few [ __ ] man that's what the [ __ ] with [Music] this quite a few of them over there they're actually all over the place I got three tonsils in what and is scheduled to have one removed three that sounds like a joke comically the butter on every uh Survivor is what kind of breaks the stalker survivor mode oh mod yeah I can see that maybe I'll use a katana for this there's just too many [Music] seem like there were a lot more in there than just yeah there they are [Music] again man all this zombie killings make me hungry [Music] them them [Music] them looks like we got that we got this we last try few last year he said trouble's been in the hospital twice and then has diagnosed virus induced asthma really wow that's really crazy I I mean honestly I thought that you were joking because I've never even heard of somebody having three uh three tonsils I mean I've heard of two tonsils my goodness got speed for your uh for your child [Music] [Music] oh there's one more one [Music] more [Music] there's three right there I'm not going to worry about those guys we'll just move down into that little [Music] area I had mine out as a kid and and sadly uh they grew back and I had to get them out again as a teenager really they grow back man you learn something new every day [Music] oh wow [Music] [Music] beta blockers it's good it's might be a fire axe over there let's check it out I'm just finding finding axes for days pretty glad that I ended up Ching this I go up that road I kind of curious what this is more cigarettes cigarettes everywhere oh hell yeah super easy so far them hit them and them [Music] need a bowl for fresh and uncooked Pike that's a good one fresh and fresh just making sure all this stuff is fresh because if it's fresh I'm not going to worry about [Music] it [Music] it's too bad that the map isn't working you know what I mean like I did this mini map thinking that it was going to be something but it's really not much of anything at all to be honest with [Music] you how heavy is the freezer right now $799 we'll go ahead and do this all of this how's balone how does baloney get still weird I got a lot of ice cream we'll go ahead and eat that I got out five of them we need all of this I'll give me a little bit of space in here was it a 0 2 stack incumbrance is 08 probably not enough but that's all right for [Music] well that [Music] sucks [Music] you have a huge window eat your balone not like bananas you have to make an appointment otherwise it's no longer edible the next day well this somehow the baloney just just ended up being uh stale which is really weird because you know you would think that it would be like it just wouldn't be the case this is going to make me very unhappy bad weepy by the time I'm finished I'm going to be depressed and want to like kill myself I'm [Music] sure [Music] nothing a good book won't cure maybe I read my book while we're while we're sitting here I could have put the baloney in a roas or a stew I don't have any like we still don't the reason why I'm like storing the stuff as opposed to like actually making it into stews and stuff is because we have no no containers we've not found a container yet it seems like it would have been better you know rather than when I sliced it up right I had like five it was minus it was minus 50 right but when I ate if I would have eaten it it would have just been like a a minus 20 or something I probably shouldn't have sliced it up I didn't know [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] we're going to head back [Music] out I'm going to drop this katana [Music] what I do with the [Music] katana I'm caring ing it [Music] [Music] duh we got a few more hours [Music] we go down south if we wanted to but I think we're going to come up here a little bit a little bit closer to this area come down here looks like there might be something down here as well we're going to we're going to hit this definitely don't want to jump through that window hell is this it's just an office Get Wrecked love me love me say that you love me need me need me I'm going to take your watches and get level one electrical look at that just like this is this another one of these dumb uh offices oh a disposable camera there's absolutely nothing to look at here Canadian house anybody uh see cop 28 uh they didn't eat lab grown meat or plant-based things what what is [Music] that a generator for us might just take a little looky over here kind of cool I can actually see in [Music] locked [Music] this is how you die I know right it's really really super tight but it's not how I die it's all good in the neighborhood [Music] now I might as well just wait I I might as well just keep this here because I can't it's not like I can do anything with [Music] it good find I grab that as well and a generator oh a wood axe we'll grab that frozen salmon lacking it is seriously lacking in the map Department it is it is yucky hell yeah course is locked oh [ __ ] the Canadians not like use like regular like utensils and stuff just curious asking for a friend [Applause] ooh shotgun [ __ ] yeah starting to find some stuff now I mean there's like literally like nothing uh we we have no uh we have not found one pot we don't even have a pot to piss in that's pretty much all she wrote we got we can check out this uh the inside of this uh fired fire house and I might actually go up there we're just GNA see what's up there yeah we're going to drive up up up up here and just see what's up here I mean they there's like there's literally we we we've been through all these houses and it's almost like did they just like uh everybody just loot pots and pans or something oh [Music] wow that's cool but I'm tired and to get myself some shter I did eat some ice cream how did did my uh weight no my weight's still going down I turn it off I did oh you know what it just occurred to me we have a we have two fridges I about that for [Music] cool we actually have a lot of space we might actually have three fridges in [Music] [Music] here [Music] oh yeah well I'm thinking about it what do I have here metal working one there we go we need a poll who thinks drun should baptize a Canadian map with a proper Molotov cocktail just Pike no small uh regular medium just Pike like I don't know I didn't I didn't check it probably should shouldn't I oh honey banani thank you very much for the uh for for the gosh man you guys have been too too crazy kind to me today thank you very much and Happy New Year's Day to you as well Happy New Year period you know not just New Year's Day anytime I pick up four or more passengers at the airport and every one of them is polite and nice and I say y'all must come from must be from Canada 90% of the time I'm right well you know the south is we're we're pretty honey Boni super chatted $20 thanks for being here and being you happy New Year drunk honey banoni honey ban thank you very much I appreciate it that's that's very kind of you number three in the super chats today that's that's a uh I mean who would ever think it whoever than it thank you very much well I got about half of that done let's take a look at our our map here isn't really going to show much of anything hotel with books right there there's our safe house Fel with books we have a generator with frozen salmon up here is going to be um it looks like something that we could actually build on you yeah but folks in the Midsouth don't don't visit Phoenix m i I guess you're right I'm in Nashville you know you know all about that southern hospitality don't you indeed indeed well you guys I think I I this is where this this is where I sto for the day um it's 4 o'clock and I don't know 375 zombie zombies killed 5 days and 14 hours on your way out if you can give this a thumbs up uh do appreciate and thank you so much for the super chats I really do appreciate it V and honey banani um there was somebody else I know it's on the tip of my tongue thank you very much thank you I I do appre I appreciate that and uh everything this is yeah this is if you guys want me to you guys want me to continue with this one um with this thing we can we can move on through jack Farmers uh story and see if we can get through it maybe maybe actually make it to Winter this time y'all tomorrow we'll be playing um probably going to do a a tribal uh Rim world I might do this again too I don't know maybe I guess I'll wake up and decide I actually have the thumbnail for it we also have a I also have a thumbnail there's a new game that we're going to look at called ceper I think I'm GNA take a look at that probably um I don't know maybe uh sometime this week or maybe next week just got it on sale and all that stuff Canadian winter and zomboid I know it's it's it's leel it's it's probably not going to be uh it's probably not going to be anything like that in thank you thank you Lael the other super chatter s the lip out for tomorrow maybe I might or maybe I'll like do what snow Beetle says instead of I'll just have them all over my face you guys y'all have a a Happy New Year's day for the rest of the day and I will see you guys on the fli eye B shizel thank you so much y'all appreciate it
Channel: Drunkonlife
Views: 4,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -MLNhd_YnuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 8sec (12908 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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