Dwarf Fortress - Subtlescribe | 01 (Volcano)

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most of things stating that we are starting a new Fort new Fort same world I'll also update both the titles on YouTube and twitch I guess I need to update a bunch of commands now too don't I [Music] the butterfly effect kind of way oh yeah absolutely when one fort dies another Fort appears well we know who our Expedition leader is it's a Rend clearly fair enough I yeah I I have no idea I mean I I I'm a little I'm a little bit baffled if it's beyond kitfox to repair that that's the part that's a wee bit baffling to me but I mean I'm sure there's some people out there that would be quite happy if the bay12 forms move to a more modern architecture but at the same time yeah I don't know all right well let's find a faction that we recognize right so up until excuse me up until now we've always played as the Emerald irons and every single time I play as the Emerald irons the population goes down currently all they have left is helixes although anabo is still King so I'll hail King anabo in that case Zari I wish that you would just like jump into this son one of these days because like godamn it you always do this at like the least opportune times that Dad did Magic cheese wheels undulate rhythmically on toast for what unaccompanied pants all caught up um now we've always previously played as the Emerald irons was your job well congratulations you've been dethroned but you've been promoted to Pilot so that's good hey good time good to see [Music] you I I tend to agree um but I've definitely seen people like specifically in comment sections on YouTube which you know aren't to be trusted and don't matter generally sorry YouTube comments uh but uh saying things like they they should just not use forums and other things like that anyway so this is always the faction that we played all the way over here this faction is largely dying uh this is a more dead faction way more dead Jesus pedal of ORS population 61 um castle of Fellowship 1600 140 for the castle for them uh the comedic Abbey has 140 this is a pretty well set up also light G that's a good last name veiled this is one that I also I see I see visitors from the veiled Halls pretty consistently I have a question can I sett on that volcano o o o what do you have here literally nothing copper H that's kind of interesting I feel like I never see Mount like I I feel like I never see volcanoes with thick vegetation on them on mountains you know I'm going to do that that cheaty thing that I do sometimes where I'm just going to do a real quick Embark and we're we're going to click play now I just want to see what this looks like you know chat previously we had titty fort fort this is Florida Fort [Music] all that is incredible it is is it isn't true a foot long Fort yeah that that is absolutely true now that's Italy yeah kind of I love how it's coming from telis and it's like suspected spam color it's ts's official help line it's very funny let's live here you guys want to do a fort here it only has copper that's the problem actually let's just unpause for a second pause again what the animals are two humped camels it's calm and it only has copper but it's pretty close to goblins copper good I mean it's enough let's just take a peek at what else we got build a tower on the tippa on the tippa uh the thing Matt cat is we've done that already several times so I'm pretty well acquainted with this world already the very least I mean since that was what the the veiled something or another yeah but it doesn't matter if you have no iron um not historical figures Cobalt Cobalt town I I maintain that Cobalt town still sounds like some British football [Music] team volcano of trampling mhm there it is veiled Halls these guys yeah I I'm pretty well acquainted with this faction already so although the angry demon is still a really funny name the orb of castles is also a good name so they're very much at war with the angry demon and the low fiend which is two other God Goblin cves although the angry demon is just a funny name for a goblin Civ I've encountered them a couple times I think they were stealing my stuff Goblin night steel yeah pretty much don't mind me pondering my castle of orbs yet mhm they've got an elf who's a diplomat all right I'm just looking to see who the current like royalty actually is Baron Baron Baron baroness count lots of celebrations there enemies with a giant wolf is copper Warhammer worthwhile I would do copper Spears or swords before I would do a [Music] Warhammer I would do sharp weapons if I all I had was copper also in an ad break briefly I'm just mostly looking at who they're attacking barricaded ghoul as well and they're mostly at war with goblins all right well bronze Warhammer not bad you know Run's anything not bad actually um you'll never see me use a melt exploit on this channel because I don't cheat you're more than welcome to if you like I'm good bronze is almost steel historically yeah I mean honestly if I'm building a fort on a volcano I'm probably not even going to make weapons cuz you have a volcano um the the only real concern is can I find a lava safe material as long as you can find a single lava safe material why why do you need anything else you have a volcano so this is that that location but if I skim around a little more because you know we can always look at other options of course roasted seals are pretty demolished is that a good Lake no it is not it's just an untamed Wild Lake what other factions do he has rack of lobsters are pretty well equipped as well and they are also very close to the volcano so there's actually two Dwarven SES right here CU there's the rack of lobsters that are like this area and then there's the much bigger faction that's in the same spot so it's actually two different factions that are both near to this volcano rack Lobster yes by the trying to think of like a dwarfy equivalent of B52 okay this could also be a pretty cool spot right [Music] here what do you have though iron silver copper so this has more material variety and is Wilderness and it's called the land of excavation let's just see what this thing looks like okay that one's ugly not a fan it does have another one of those funny little land spikes though okay maybe not maybe now it's selling me on it I do like the top of this pit flux volcano sounds like the D Fortress equivalent of a flux capacitor I'm mostly just not fan of this bit down here this area too [Music] jaggy yeah same that's that's another thing that I'm very much excited about looks like giant cheeks I'm not going to lie I don't particularly want to start another fort in a location that you guys are going to be like blind that looks like a butt I don't want to do that again I did that for like a month I don't want to do it again J [Music] it's like thank you I I can see that as well thanks for making it impossible toget But Blind but chat let's be honest though I did do that for like a very long period of time in creature Keepers for maximum butt-shaped imarks I mean okay so you know that you can use images to generate height Maps into Fortress at that point why don't you just take like goatsy or something and just like generate a world that looks like that if you really really really want like a horrific awful world you could just do somebody in my chat once generated a world that looks like my face which was very weird to look at in asky because this was a long time ago I don't even have it anymore but it's probably in my DM somewhere if I dig everything reminds me of her it's Chad that's doing that not me though so that was that one right there trying to think I think uh was it Boulders gate I think it was Boulders gate was the last volcano Fort I did There's also like okay well we already settled there wondering is there any interesting good biomes on this map actually well there's this whole temperate Savannah joyous Wilds [Music] nonsense just kind of scanning seeing what else is around scorching Untamed Wilds [Music] what's the elevation to this not actually that much I got to say that elevation in Ocean versus land looks really cool to me like that that that does look really cool looks like something in predator's [Music] Vision yeah that was that first one that we were looking at so this Rocky Wasteland down here it has copper and the mountain also has copper so this would be doable there's also no aquafer there which would actually be really annoying for me some streams let's poke around pretty big Rivers here some proper Rivers it's a minor River this river is thinks it's a dwarf but it's a [Music] minor you wonder if dwar Will discover sailing soon I doubt it at least not soon anything else interesting up here I mean okay so Chad seems to just want to do a volcano Fort but I'll be honest chat always seems like they want to do a volcano Fort so there's a major river that's cold which means it would freeze that's actually kind of interesting but there's like no elevation [Music] changes so if I were to do this actually you know if we're still on the quest to find cool Goblin animals to kill this might be a good one to do this volcano with copper that I poked initially and the reason I say it is it's because it's in the middle of one of the biggest factions in in the in this in this world uh which is the veiled Halls right it's right in the middle of the veiled halls and it's also if I zoom in right click day and half travel North goblins it's at war with so if we want to go to war with goblins and see mounts potentially this would be a good place to do it from there's also many dark Goblin fortresses down [Music] here which was the point of this whole world and we've admittedly done a terrible job actually doing that hey there's another volcano what's this one like there's also the rosy Cinders which just has gold and some soil but it's Untamed Wilds do I want to test that one out we could test that one out this one has a no a Cobalt site that is a day's travel North sorry two days travel east what is the thing that the there's a goblin Fort right there human fort what Goblin Town Cobalt Fort fris ran found a Cobalt fort here's back [Music] smack let's let's see what this one looks like no flux just gold it's a freaking volcano you don't need anything aside from the volcano maybe bone bolts I just want to know what this area looks like all right that's a pretty nice slope big flat area not nearly as dramatic as the that other one copper [Music] it's got apricots I mean it would be very high value oh also lots of sand on this one not a big fan of like how Plateau this is there is a puddle there which is [Music] nice there's no haunted volcanoes no I don't really want to do a haunted biome mostly because I don't find them particularly hard I just find them really really really really really really really really really really really really really annoying um so I really have to be bribed into doing volcano [Music] forts not on this world though wait hold on I said this is Untamed Wilds right let's unpause for a sec I mean I don't know what I was expecting harpies [Music] really needs giant salt needs rock salt what else is on the map anything else there's just a singular giant slug and a giant Hedgehog so this place has giant hedgehogs and giant slugs Sanic your tutorial for showed up on haunted biome oh [Music] no your dogs kept resurrecting oh no Charlie refused to die yeah I just find haunted biomes to be tedious I mean I I'll play them if everybody's like fine play haunted biome I'll do it but currently I'm I'm not exactly in the mood it's something that I have to to be in the mood for is there a Sonic the Hedgehog overhaul mod for Dwarf Fortress because if there isn't I'm a little bit [Music] [Music] surprised [Music] I'm just reading a post that got added at me on Discord a little while ago with approximate a th hours I still don't know how to extract seeds from ex from exterior fruits like watermelon and grapes indor Fortress can you even do that also isn't it just brewing uh how large a sistern does a field need to be filled with to last the winter oh wait are we talking about water why are your dwarves drinking water only you you only really need problems you only really run into problems with that if like you're suddenly what's the word got a lot of injuries because that's really what they use water for is injuries h i mean like as far as haunted areas go like there there are absolutely haunted areas in this in this map various different towers with little you know haunted zones around them um no haunted mountains though which is a bit disappointing that was the volcano I was just looking at which you know is close-ish to some of those zones um if I go south most of them have Towers in them there's this kind of area which is terrifying and has a stream in it so yeah there is haunted stuff in this map just nothing with a volcano in it I've seen them before just not in this world haunted forts are just like I said tedious oh there's a haunted Mountain could be conned into doing a haunted Mountain just because of the prospect of finding dark gnomes the meal hate of ignition I think that that River has an eating disorder it's very sad hope it gets help rank Loaf the nature of whatever that word turns into the muddy hip it's The Tragically Hip it's my tragically hip cover band why are they tedious because there's usually like one of three rules with um a haunted biome right if you're doing an evil biome you either a can't use do go to the surface at all because shit's going to completely annihilate your dwarves if you go to the surface so you immediately have to dig underground and lock off the surface so building above ground is basically a no-o in most haunted biomes most haunted biomes if it isn't a resurrecting biome and there aren't zombies on the surface you can creep up to the surface but if it's a Cloud's biome then it's just going to send these clouds over occasionally that just turn everything into something else immediately upon touching them or just killing them um so you have to be really really really really really really really careful whenever you go to the surface basically and that is a lot of micromanagement and it's like I don't find them particularly difficult but they are particularly tedious it isn't just say that they're bad I don't think that they're bad oh there's a major river I'm mostly just looking for interesting embarks it's a human Fortress retreat was kind of curious about how big this river is actually like right here stream stream major river right there let's see what this looks like if I can Embark here probably leaning towards that volcano I'm mostly just curious what the Embark looks like papaya trees no waterfall here but yeah no waterfall just V big [Music] Rea there's a stingray no there is no way to stop a haunted Embark from being haunted there's alligators and iguanas look at that it's a tree bunny iguana adorable never seen a river that big oh yeah they come that big rattlesnake rattlesnake rattlesnake rattlesnake Tomatoes damn I don't think I've ever seen a tomato in this version of the game mung beans rickle berries yeah I think I'm I'm leaning towards that first volcano I know I'm just like exploring the world but you know rank rank ranlo sounds like a villain's cat you know like an evil villain's cat hey come over here rank loaf you know what I mean never plant above ground oh [Music] yeah hey chat room gloves said post beers so post some goddamn beers you need to remember that Arch Crystal literally took sethos about 6 and a half years right and also he has kids and the reason he has that amount of time to put into one fort at such a low frame rate is he makes two little tweaks on his fort gets up leaves and comes back 4 hours later and the one thing he did is done he plays dwar Fortress like an incremental game he's doing it again in a in a fort in some frozen biome but long death took a very long time yeah he plays it like an idol game basically yeah so I really like this volcano not because it's a particularly noteworthy location though there's one of two that I think we should play either this one this is the stupidly steep one that first one that we looked at I think this would be the coolest area to build um the problem with it is it's calm which kind of sucks there is no trees so we would have to dig down to the caverns which is fine um but uh we'd have to we'd have to dig down to the caverns cuz there won't be any wood but it's calm and that part kind of sucks the other one that we looked at is the one over here this one has iron silver copper and his Wilderness um and also has sand this was the second one that we looked at that has the booby or the the butt so I would probably Embark like this on it maybe maybe up here I would try some more embarks on this one although this is Untamed Wilds up here actually hold on let's see what this side looks like I'm curious as to what animal show up and then the the last one is the the one that we looked at most recently oh that's a pretty weird looking bark hold on [Music] that just looks like a giant [Music] Cannon I could build in that I could build in that and be okay that's penis you're a penis well you've ruined this entire Fort immediately so thanks by the way also if your penis has a square tip you might want to go see a doctor got a little bit too much taken off in the [Music] circumcision what I don't want this stream to all be dick jokes chat makes it into dick jokes I didn't do it it's not my fault this is a cool spot this is a pretty cool spot yeah so I'm just going to unpause for a second see what animals want around the O giant birds why is it always giant birds don't even like giant [Music] Birds Blue Jays though so um if we get ourselves a large Dyson and blow it directly at these Birds chat would that make us a giant blue jay fan so anyway that's option two do they erupt no no they do not giant birds are boring yeah oh you've unsubscribed to me billions of times it's fine queno you'll be back what would you do without me speaking of I'm going to be real sad if we don't get it I guess we're not going to get a future of the Fortress this month eh wonder if I could convince turn to do an impromptu stream in place of that you'd like Square tip Fort [Music] mhm mhm what's up rat is there something wrong with the uh ready military schedule my military dwarves happiness have been going down and I assume it's because they aren't gaining happiness from teaching but aren't gaining happiness from some uh it is good to give your dwarves break from in the military I find that when they are in the ready thing they just kind of idly train I would like if you want them to keep their gear on I'd set them to off duty but tell them to keep their gear on at all times which is a pretty easy setting to change in that menu because essentially I I find that what ends up happening is they'll just kind of idle around and try and entertain themselves but they don't generally do a particularly good job of it let's try right here so we've done this up to here this is all just Wilderness though I'm fishing for Untamed Wilds okay so that Untamed Wilds kind of blows oh [ __ ] this this also has iron down here are some trees which is plenty let's just see what this side looks like cuz so we we've done this side which this side is is square dong and uh let's try here ah man that's far too Square again that looks okay um we Chad we have acquired another butt Fort [Music] boy Square dville see a doctor you know what let's just do the one that I like it's a heart you know hearts are shaped that way because they look like butts [Music] right that was a different world that had creature Keepers in it right yeah it was another butt end of the joke yeah have you never like flipped a heart over and looked at it it's a person bending over clearly pretty sure that's the lower intestin you're confusing with the heart but I'll I'll allow it depends on how you look at it on the angle that you look at it from salty can you do a subscribe Fort name I don't think sub is a word that I can use chat's just a bunch of butt enthusiasts that is acceptable all right I'm going to stick with the one where I was like man I want to build here even though it doesn't have wood even though it doesn't have aner even though it's going to have a lot of problems this [Music] one even though it's on a calm biome with no trees at all this is just the most interesting of [Music] them just going to see what this looks like you are bastet this is a known [Music] fact yeah I think I think this is the fort I think this is the Fort I mean just just look at this I could make a bridge going from here into there and that's quartz site I could make a pink bridge going in from here into [Music] there let's go ahead baby blue say it say it you know you want to ruin the fort although I don't like that too much uh YouTube chat you want to fill Chris in a little bit if possible it's kind of cool looking uhhuh waiting on the inuendo but we got marble I mean right now all I'm doing is prospecting that's literally all I'm doing on a Bassel Court sfe [Music] it also concerns me because it just says copper so it's not like it's got to be native copper which is actually going to be kind of hard to find Co yeah like copper nuggets exactly not a fan of that let me let me try something slightly different on this Embark if it lets me do it also for reference once Adventure Mode is out the way these starts of forts are going to look is I'm literally just going to be an adventurer somewhere going like all right where am I going to settle running around on these mountains trying to like you know not starve to death and punch people while I'm at it no that's cheating K carel if you want to cheat you're more than welcome to I will not use DF hack to it give me a Advantage half of the fun for me is digging and finding stuff um the issue that I have with uh one of the bigger issues actually that I have with this whole version is the fact that it tells me what type of metals are there I realized that a lot of people over the years would always just type in dfat commands to tell them what type of metals I don't actually like knowing what kind of metal is there I wish it just said deep metal or shallow metal or Metals plural I I do not like knowing what kind of metals are going to be where I'm embarking it's not a new cheat no someone's just telling me to use a DF Haack command to tell to tell me how many to use the prospect command in DF Haack to tell tell me how many materials are there which is why would I do that so I don't like this side right here right so let's go right there if it lets us oh absolutely very few maps have flux yeah okay so this is the side I'd want to embark on to cuz this doesn't bother me down here this is [Music] fine I'm pretty sure it does I know reveal all does too there's multiple ways to prospect yeah I was going to say more often than not then not there's no [Music] flux so what do you think chat is this spot a keeper press one in chat if you think it's a keeper press two if you think we should keep hunting D cluster I don't know about creature keeper but more just generic statement of keeper some things about this Imark are going to be a pain in the ass though wood is going to be a pain in the ass just as an example it goes down to layer 77 and it goes up to layer 100 26 so it's a very tall map oh also I see [Music] sand it's weird why isn't there a ramp there actually kind of a lot of ramps missing it's a steep ass Hill all right ladies and lses let's start a [Music] fort what about all the stone that's everywhere though this is true Prismatic yeah although I might have to dig pretty although fortunately there's no AER so digging down to Caverns won't be too much of a [Music] challenge it was like glass for glass for glass although I can't do clear glass it would have to be Green Glass there won't be enough [Music] wood yeah I'm just kind of sad that the Embark with the giant slugs and giant hedgehogs isn't like more interesting [Music] looking hopefully there's water in the caverns right hopefully there's water in the camons I didn't want to say anything but like if there's no water in the camons but that's going to be exciting so oops I accidentally no water mths are dry wounds are festering you think haunted biomes are scary right going to war with no water [Music] yeah that stream is the closest source of water also this one listen puzzle so we just did this that was the Embark would you let me Embark like right there yeah you do wait what why did you know I am so used to embarking in scary places that don't let you Embark when you initially click that I just kind of think that you can click there there's no aaer yeah there's no aaer trade for water when uh when a different game comes out but yeah no that would just be like nobody can get injured the fort if there's no water no because then they that would require the cavern to be Hollow or sorry that you can if you throw a cat into a volcano it's not going to show you the cavern layers all it's going it might show you where the magma SE is but how is the cat going to see out of the volcano while it's sinking down right you need to cut through the wall to see through the edge of the volcano what some sort of water ritual trade [Music] yeah clo your DM is making me think that I'm a month behind on future of the Fortress no I'm [Music] not but man it's like you you you made me suddenly think that there was another one I was like what hold on what okay anyway the abetted ash we're going to Aid and ab bet the ash we're going to do we are going to Embark as not this faction with 61 dwarves we're going to be the veiled halls and we are at war with what looks like humans who are very close yeah there was that was a kind of a wild week when Diamond had a bajillions points kind of want the volcano to be a little bit closer to the center you know what let's make it bigam why notum what could possibly go [Music] wrong [Music] you did in fact join on a brand new start I'm just going to screenshot this real quick I'm just going to see what this looks like I realize I've done this like a dozen times and chat's probably going F stop doing this deal with it who needs a wagon anyway you know this looks a lot nicer even though we have these annoying ass right angles [Music] cuz most of the time we're going to be spending up here right here cuz that's obvious that's obviously like the either the front door like where we defend from or something right holy crap T good win same with you devilish and deep space I'm just just I'm bothered by the right angles that often end up like where chunks swap like this but it just kind of happens on such steep embarks what our tickets don't worry about them too much go figure it out yeah I'm not going to do the bigger Embark we're just going to keep it a slightly smaller don't get a lot of tickets you won't win but if you do please give me $10 and say that you won the lottery I can all be [Music] jealous I don't want to like cause a rat race but the dwarf redemption's about to be up $20 per year that's $20 $ more than I've gambled on those yeah I've never actually bought a lottery ticket I've bought scratch and wins before but oh cool you had another Studio laying off 20% of their staff zry got it orith thank you very much for the 13th month welcome VI he Christ figuring it [Music] out I know you won the dwarf Redemption race this is part two all right so we are going to Embark right here but I'm just going to double check origin Civ veiled [Music] halls with Queen um ubal furnace folded [Music] Chad I have I have a question more Wasteland or less Wasteland because this would be less Wasteland this would be more Wasteland woot [Music] woot and Shutterbug thank you very much for the third month appreciate you guys jumping in also I got to say that's the the first notification of monies in 45 minutes so appreciate you let's prepare carefully shall we so this is a calm Embark which means I'm not too worried so let's start off with the fun bit and that's naming things so you asked if I could name a for subscribe I could name it subtle oh yeah 6 months I could name it subtle scribe dra and soul thanks for the six months welcome back this is a very clino Dev uh Imark that's about most I can do I can subtle scribe subtle scribe [Music] um I could also do submerged or submerge subtle scribe are we making a library for actually okay here's an here's an idea chat room we are this this is this is going to be a stretch okay we are pacifist Dwarven authors that want to write books and build a library in this volcano however these godamn pesky goblins and humans keep attacking us and so we throw them into the volcano but none of us are allowed to touch them submerged in lava the library where this subtle scribes and chat don't forget to settle leave a like on the video anyway um thanks for the pipe train uh winky thank you very much for that Prime subscription appreciate you and uh the group name can be the the author the the cre Authority uh the oh man I was going to say the Flaming Authority but burning Auburn it's Auburn Authority the the cremated authority of fires volcanoes the likes of sharing oh my I for going to commit to this is is like likes isn't a word love how is is sharing a word I mean I sharks the love of sharks is the closest thing I can get to that's that's the closest I could get to the likes of Shar I don't but there's no sharks here deep space thanks for the five bucks hold on a second or thanks for checking out a gift sub deep space thanks for the five bucks there we go we're all caught up then they can walk the plank I mean maybe we are the sharks also um David Payne got gifted a subscription by Matt cat on the YouTube side of things so tellen heads up you're being gifted thing you think I know tweeting is a word I I'm I I don't want to invoke the word Twitter more than I have to actually hold [Music] on I was going to say the hot take [Music] but [Music] the follow of tweeting no actually hold on chat I I I can't it's not letting me write the hot take and that's making me kind of sad I could call it the hot taker but that doesn't quite do it soon there sharks uh has entered the room that's a that's a good stupid subreddit the hot taker is pretty good but subtle scribes of the hot taker the hot theft man I didn't realize you thought about Carmen San Diego that way is twitch a word oh boy [Music] I no no we're not going to call it the hot stream because people will say it sounds like P is high rule I mean we could call it the [Music] high high ruler hot stream of life I mean if you insist uh thanks for the five subscriptions and the five bucks appreciate you chat was twitching a word I don't think it's even an adjective the twinkling how about we call it the twinkling fire because the leader cultivates certain herbs I don't cultivate well trying to think what what herbs do I actually have growing I is parsley a herb cuz legitimately some parsley just sprouted what are we naming this is the the group so the The Fortress is called uh subtle scribe because chat wanted me to call it subscribe so I named it subtle scribe um no you can't you can grow hemp hemp is not weed which is a damn shame that hemp get gets like lumped with like proper weed because it is a very very useful uh thing to farm and cultivate that's completely illegal in a lot of places because people are Draconian and [Music] weird the living stream oh boy living is not a word uh in that that sense is living an adjective living is an adjective the living actually the living fire is pretty good yeah I mean I could call it the living stream I kind of want to call it the living fire though living fire is pretty good yes new Fort neic and it's a volcano Fort that only has copper and no trees and no aquifer so and no surface water so here's hoping there's water in Caverns I kind of just like the living fire I think I'm just going to go with the living fire so we are subtle scribe of the living fire and our group symbol is going to very obviously be a dwarf and uh [Music] object the dwarf is embracing the Codex I mean it'll be a relatively short Fort if that if we don't find Cavern water um shape a mountain the mountain is devouring the goblins the Goblins Are [Music] Burning uh I mean that works I mean obviously I can make them scream hey TR freak what's up goblins are screaming you know and obviously the mountain is laughing I don't think it's 100% guaranteed but it's more of a how many Cavern layers do I need to dig through but anyway if we end up in a location with absolutely no water we'll play it it just simply means nobody can get injured is sacrificing a thing no not really also a long time fam how you been holding up and this can be the the mountain of flames the hungry hungry the chunky mountain of flames chunky mountain of flam Flames or hungry mountain of [Music] flames oh yeah you're not wrong at least you're you are correct we could in theory try to dig into a candy Spire to get water out of it but thick isn't a word unfortunately honky isn't either I could call it the big mountain of flames I could call it the fat mountain of flames um I could call it the bloated mountain of flames the nasty mountain of flames the molten mountain of flames uh the Brazen mountain of flames the Furious mountain of flames two Flames to Furious let's go with chunk chat one's hungry so we'll go with hungry Uh Hungry mountain of flames all right sweet done um as far as things I'm going to bring with me [Music] oh well then I like this faction and then the rest I'm just going to spend on wood I don't need crutches I don't need Quivers oh trust me this this is this is going to be a big mountain I'll take the I'll get rid of a bunch of these these seeds also in case you guys missed somebody missed that uh this faction has elephants what else do we have so we got elephants got camels bunnies llamas Yaks reindeer water buffalo Ducks cavies roers hores donkey mule Kitty yeah twitch Prime option not sh apparently they're hiding it apparently it's harder to find now somebody like somebody who just subscribed with prime explain to our friend here how to find it I haven't looked at it recently but apparently they've moved it again let's just bring avocado wood it's got a nice look oh I'm starting it today I mean I've been live for 9 and a half hours I mean realistically go for two more all right so now I just need some some skills on these DFS I'm thinking uh ask somebody who works at twitch not me niic my twitch Prime isn't up so it's hard for me to find it but let me see if I can find it yeah it literally okay hold on I'm already sub to that channel I need somebody I'm not sub to uh yeah it it's not showing for me because my like Prime sub isn't up so I can't even look to help you find it um my bet is because they don't want to incentivize it my bet is because they want to incentivize people to subscribe manually I'm going to go swap this out for water I'll be back in a sec unrelated to anything there's about I don't know Forest Enemies of snow out on the ground that wasn't there an hour and a half ago and it's raining so I don't know what the planet did while I've been sitting here but apparently decided to snow and now it decides it wants the snow to go away so that's exciting you assume that the Goblins are going to be stupid enough to attack us let's worry about like step 12 after we finish the first first few steps thank you very much for the Prime subscription to uh all right so let's let's go with minor minor give you some skills in Brewing give you some skills in planting give you some skills in planting and Brewing as well you can just be a farmer also that reminds me I don't some gem setting skills my Prime some kind of bear thank you very much for the Prime subscription you don't actually use your Prime sub well clearly you just did congrats on the 50k and many more in a couple of months I I mean I I'm up in like in in Vancouver BC and it was like spring weather two days ago so did get cold yeah the elephants cause a diplomatic incident why would they their teame why would they cause a diplomatic incident both a weapon Smith side of armor [Music] smithing um give you high points in [Music] ambushing [Music] is it bad that I'm tempted to give them all like swimming skills I mean at this right I might as well just give them all comedian skills let's just give them all reading and speaking had to click elevate your subscription first to then show the Prime checkbox oh it's probably easier to find it than it was before before it was a weird checkbox I need to actually look at it when I see it but it might be one of those things where like the last one was real bad and they've made it better question mark maybe I'm being too hopeful I don't know give you some points in appraisal an Intimidator how about you let's go Wordsmith writer poet all right so this dumb Fortress of sub subtle scribe of the living fire with the very logical normal dwy dwarfy image of a dwarf and a codex goblins and a mountain the dwarf is embracing the Codex the goblin is the mountain is devouring the Goblins the Goblins are burning the Goblins are screaming the mountain is laughing that's more hidden than it was last time you were active on Twitch fair I don't know they they are um it's getting a regional pricing so it's going down in value so they're probably making it slightly harder to find so that less people use it but honestly I I don't really care it's fine as long as we're able to find it oh good I mean they could honestly get rid of prime and it wouldn't bother me too much it would upset a lot of people but it wouldn't upset me that much because that's just the state of Industry Right Now features are getting cut people getting fired things are getting changed money getting cut all that stuff anyway we're in an ad break real quick so I'll just simply wait for the ad break to end and then we'll dive in also hey blue let's get to see you your sunk cost Amazon cash you're happy that's fair as long as you can get ad free viewing I'm I'm happy find little Den No One give everybody swimming find no water in any of the caverns Eternal [Music] depression all right 37 seconds until the ad break is done and then we dive in chat room are you guys ready to start a brand new fort we have an emote here it's called Crypt pick it's kind of like um a dwarf striking the Earth if you will if you happen to have that emote could I get a wall of it and if you don't have that emote or if you're on YouTube could I just get a pickaxe Emoji let's consider this Earth struck you've arrived after a journey from the Mountain Homes Into the forbiding Wilderness beyond your harsh track has finally ended and your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all B Kon there's almost no supplies left but with steal labor comes sustenance whether by bolt plow hook provide for your dwarves cryp pick Crypt pick Crypt pick Crypt pick Crypt pick Crypt pick up all these emotes thank you very much for the the seventh month off uh but it is spring now enough time to delve s there's almost no supplies left but with Stout labor comes sustenance whether by bolt plow hook provide for your dwarves you are expecting a supply Caravan just before the winter in tbbs you but it is spring now enough time to delve secure lodgings air the Jaguars get hungry a new chapter dwarfing history begins here at this place oor tatur subtle scribe strike the Earth so now the question that I only just started thinking about a few seconds ago this is supposedly dense vegetation but I'm assuming this isn't stuff that I can like pasture my animals on it's cotton grass so we need to find Caverns [Music] quick oopsies I need to find Caverns quick and I also need to find dirt because there's a lot of slate and a lot of bass salt and a lot of this stuff trying yeah it this is true I mean there's also the the Wasteland down here which is just like not going to be particularly useful oh there we go there's native copper it's good to know it's been a while since I've settled anywhere with Native copper so I didn't actually remember what it looked like but weird wagon I mean it's a steep map okay almondes all right so I got two dwarves to name I got to name arende and I got to name Zari so Arend what DF do you want and Zari what DF do you want in order I'm assuming you're both here still otherwise I'll just give one of them a random [Music] one actually did I end up with more of them ah just two elephants God damn planter sounds like a plant you're annoyed when caught in the rain uh she is d as a rule and she is conflicted by this as she values parties of marry making in the abstract she almost never feels discouraged and is confident Under Pressure generally finds herself to be quite hopeful about the future is curious and eager to learn and tends to be a little wasteful when working on projects she has a greedy streak and she is somewhat uncomfortable around those that have that appear unusual or live differently from herself uh she is moved by Art and natural beauty and she has an active sense of humor and she does not easily hate or develop negative feelings uh she occasionally overindulges and she has a noticeable lack of perseverance and talks to herself when she's nervous and needs alcohol to get through the Working Day and likes working outdoors and only grumbles mildly at well weather uh dreams of mastering a skill and personally strongly values tranquility and quiet and is put off by family and uh [Music] zry you always throw in a cat at the start and it tends to find the bottom of the bottom Cavern layer to get grass growing that's a strat that you're more than welcome to use if you like I mean I could throw a yak in see where it ends up but I don't have a cat to throw in there and I ain't throwing one of my one of my um one of my elephants in there cuz that's just that's just a waste oh you you gave it to Wolfie okay I missed that bit um all right so metal Smith you'd like [Music] Olen Wolfie steam gears is your last name lives a slow-going and leisurely Pace can get caught up in internal deliberations when action is necessary desires little for himself in the way of possessions and could be considered rude is brave in the face of imminent danger has a calm demeanor and finds himself quite hopeful about the future is somewhat uncomfortable around those that appear unusual live differently from himself and has a tendency towards forming deep and emotional bonds with others uh he is slow to trust others and and generally is quite confident in his abilities when undertaking specific Ventures and he tends to be passive in discussions and tends to avoid physical confrontations and he works to square this natural tendency with his Respec of Martial prowess he he needs alcal to get through the Working Day and likes working outdoors and only grumbles mildly at weather in [Music] general but uh sincear is not going to let me forget this if I don't do it oh right hi to tutorials please there you go uh right up [Music] here let's make sure it gets a nice good bit of speed going throw a bunny or a cave or something I don't know somebody clearly hates cats also we're getting rained on so this for sof to a good start I mean it does work [Music] yeah I don't think it's going to make it very far [Music] nope everybody uh at Zari and remind them that they a bad person and just made me kill a camel for no reason because I was like I'm pretty sure it's not going to make it down you can go back and hear me say it pretty sure it's not going to make it down now I can tell you that I have proof that's not going to make it okay so we also have surface microcline oh that's interesting So Many Colors okay so I need to be very careful about where I start digging um me horribly murdering a camel for no reason apparently the volcano was hungry this is true the was in fact hungry works with cats Zari throw yourself in there that's all I have to say to you it doesn't work with oh I don't know why it doesn't work with camels shut the [ __ ] up come on man please you're wrong it's not going to make it down maybe in a much shallower volcano please all right I'm going to stare at my um elephant first there's ostriches all over this map stare at my elephant for a second and see if grass [Music] disappear oh actually I can tell you why it works cuz bodies can still see apparently I thought they fixed that bug anyway I know where the um magma c is now it's on layer minus 25 [Music] so I don't think they can graze here like I said bodies can still see that's why it [Music] [Music] works did I drown a dwarf no I threw a uh camel in there the dwarves are all still outside and not burning in the volcano do not worry I'm just trying to decide where to start digging also chat don't let your pets anywhere near Z you here or they will get involuntarily hued into a volcano to um Scout still it's not going to tell you where the caverns are unless there's an open Gap at the bottom of the caverns but anyway so this BG thanks for the 15th month welcome back [Music] dude [Music] bur for the camel bur for the camel I'm trying to decide where to start chipping way into this volcano [Music] because I'm kind of tempted to just like start all the way the hell up here and just like slowly dig down and in but that would be such a long slow process I mean doesn't really help us in any way sorry we're just now minus one camel I I disagree that that is a beneficial thing for the Fortress we just now have a one less camel that is about it sand all the way down there so I don't need to worry too too much uh had that Camel no longer has feelings because it no longer is alive I watched a video the other day that I was kind of hypnotized by of a camel eating a cactus literally just bites a spherical Cactus and just sits there and chews onto this Cactus for a couple minutes I'm like how my throat [Music] hurts camels are kind of [Music] incredible like just in general like the amount they can go without drinking like the fact that they can just eat a cactus because you know I step on a cactus and I'm in debilitating pain for six weeks that go goddamn camel can just like eat one that's like eating a ball of nails I know that they use that I if I understand how the biology of camels works correctly they use the hump to not fil it's not literally filled with water but it is like the part of their body that they store their excess water which is why they don't need to go eat like drink as frequently but I could also be be completely mistaken partly true yeah I mean it's not like a bubble you can't like poke it with a pin and it'll pop but yeah it's it's that's like it's like stating that your body is literally like straight water right but we store water in our body fat camels can inflate their tongues I beg your pardon what no it's not like a gushing it's not it's not literally like my camel back that I take camping like obviously okay so let's check in on the elephants again yeah I don't think that cotton Grass Is grazable So currently I'm not going to lie I'm full of some pretty bad analysis paralysis I have absolutely no idea where the hell I should start building calm down there black ey peas if you'd like your humps in your te you found a downward passage oh that's awesome should run down in it and see what pops out God goly G I wonder why build a library first we also happen to have elephants so the biggest priority is locating a home for these elephants where could he have gone gosh I don't know hi sentient [Music] potato priority numer [Music] [Music] Uno and uh let's just go right here and place one of these to start making blocks and doors and such did chat talk me into eating a caml into the volcano chat what did you talk me into doing and we'll do it again too hey it did in fact find the magma c not like camels really have much use it was for science sure that's what they all say it's for science guys don't worry it's about the science all about that base no camel get it it's all about the for anyway uh let's do door door there two doors and let's make quartzite doors fastest way to cook a camel um sure blind get mad at chat speedrun what a whole camel what a waste of sugar this a diabetic camel with high blood sugar or something I'll tell you this darks I'm pretty sure that the results will be the same regardless of what kind of creature you throw in there is that it'll burn up pretty quickly and then a little bit later you'll get a notification um stating what's at the bottom you wonder which one Falls faster um you could probably ask some like Wiki scientists or like some of the DF hack people and they probably just tell you I'd be willing to bet it doesn't [Music] matter because I'm pretty sure everything reaches the terminal veloc terminal velocity after the same number of tiles so I don't think they have any speed of sinking but if you want to like Embark with 100 cats and like do some science be my guest I will not do that and I don't even like cats really I mean don't I I like cats but I don't like cats that much keep getting emails about a Kickstarter I didn't back from a developer making a I don't care about I blocked their email once they're still emailing [Music] me uh you use uh the pit Pond thing and you set it to a pit and then you assign an animal to it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that magnetite chat room correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this map supposed to only have copper last time I checked magnetite in Copper that's not Co I know right that's that's that's definitely not copper it's like the game lied to us well that's an interesting Discovery what does clo need to [Music] explain this was supposed to be a cop Fort instead it's a [Music] Fort I also need to dig into here and start growing stuff pretty [Music] quick how you feeling though fem it's been a while since we chatted hope you're doing all right last time we talked things were kind of dire do a few tiles of [Music] granite not really loot Goblin instead of a magnetite blob oh yeah no it's not a full-size magnetite blob I can tell you that hey well this isn't promising it is full of um metal though that's a dtha also that's smly [Music] annoying a swarm of flies rotten cave spider Sil save the game okay elephants love mud I mean it's not going to make anything grow which is what I need so get to keep digging actually where did all the water go what water I haven't seen water yet this fort what what what is all this water you speak of it's probably in another Castle clearly oh I I mean I can Farm on mud that's not a problem I'm not worried about farming there's [ __ ] dirt on the surface I could Farm on I could Farm all over the place farming is not the worry here the worry is I have elephants that will starve to death if they're not constantly grazing and elephants can't graze on the surface where we settled Chad can somebody smack Zar for me so that I don't get like put in prison for child abuse please what are you guys doing so when you gets in trouble not me God I feel like I'm just being like stop asking stupid questions just on repeat but um not all Caverns have water in them and ones that have mud are dried up this is the same this is the same World different Sith I kind of have given up on the other one all right so besides all of the cool things about that other Civ died by that I mean the the queen gorac died [Music] rest in peace Queenie long live the [Music] queen no that's not really how that works because stuff from the surface grows down here right and because we're on a mountain biome as I understand Mountain biomes I could be completely off base but I'm pretty sure Mountain biomes you just can't grow anything on them right because you just can't grow anything on them it doesn't if I were to channel down to here all that would happen is stuff from the surface biome would start to grow down here right yes there is in fact a [Music] volcano [Music] you expect that there's an excitement detector hidden in the game clo can you please explain in less words than me why I'm not guaranteed to like or why channeling down to this Cavern ain't going to fix the lack of like growable stuff cuz literally just the stuff from the surface grows down here then and we're on a rocky Wasteland SL Mountain that does have thick vegetation however it's still a mountain biome and I'm pretty sure you just straight up like they just can't eat things on the surface cuz we just have cotton grass this is true putam could probably tell us I mean I can tell you too it's literally just because it's a dry Cavern they happen sometimes if it's not possible I'll butcher you and throw you in the volcano Chestnut and then retire the fort we'll take this I'll pack this fort up and uh drive home as at this rate we're all going to be like main characters and we're all going to be playable characters in Tekken at this rate cuz everybody in Tekken ends up in a volcano right that's that's how that works don't make me turn this foot around exactly like Greenland ah I don't think that's quite how Greenland works but I found an aluminum pillar that's interesting it's a very light pillar there also red zircons this is a pretty cool Cavern star oh I see that's a Kinder Surprise egg right there but I don't know there's plenty of copper down [Music] here aluminum nice yes exactly I've gotone up here let's just do door and [Music] door that does in fact sound like a local brand of beer aluminium aluminum Chad are you aluminum or aluminium aluminum H always been in a aluminum person but I can say I'm both interchangeably and it doesn't really throw me off usually the right one ah I'm definitely a schedule over [Music] schedule lots of mini ums in this chat which is good I I'd much ra I feel much more comfortable being around mini ums than M than massive ums let's in increase the speed at which we dig by telling one dwarf to prioritize one of them white Opals lots of fancy gems here come on obach Alo mass of them oh okay it's like the difference between a MINI Coupe and a massive [Music] Coupe Alo Ford F150 um mhm that's the American way layer eight layer seven I don't really care what the original is to be honest with you all right well we've hit one Cavern there be a shame if I were to dig just directly into the uh fun tube but only after literal decades I I don't see why really there's already enough reasons to settle in the caverns when you settle on mountains [Music] anyway seems like something that would probably be relatively easy to mod into the game as well [Music] there we go that's what I'm talking abort I don't know what I'm AB boarding but it's an interesting Cavern still no water but I mean hey we missed one that's fine there's water we now have everything we need have like a very very very deep well um speaking of that what wood furniture falls apart yes it just takes 400 years for wood to fully degrade down to nothing it takes about 400 years for wood to fully rot so in Long death I had to replace my beds every 200 years because they would start to get tattered and dwares and start to complain about lowquality crappy beds at that point also there's chinchillas on this map all right well let's jump down go up at least now even after I seal this off I will be able to set this up so that we can relatively easily get into the caverns when I need it in fact I'm kind of O hold on look at this Chad do do you see what I'm seeing do do are do you see what I see it's only one layer deep I can very very easily just block block block block block block block block block block block block block block I leave a place for elephants to live new Ellie pasture farming spot it's just you know kind of far away from the fork but that's [Music] okay 1,000 holes in his plant but I mean not really there's only I just need to put floors there floors there floors there floors there floors there floors there floors there walls all the way along here floor floor floor or wall and yeah I don't know as long as we don't get hit by a giant cave spider right away we're okay this will be great trust me I'm a mostly professional [Music] is uh there is in fact water in this Cavern yes we are not doomed we are not in fact doomed it maybe in the future but at least currently we are not in fact doomed although this could be much easier if I block this off right here block this off block that off this this or just floor floor these ones off wall that off so we get this little area down here as well this is where things get a little deeper down here and then that's where the water is no the water's right here we have water it's all good it's water and it's at the edge of the map we have an infinite supply of water right there so we do in fact have water AR we do in fact have water I don't have to reenact Arabian knights we are [Music] okay okay so let's um go to the dwarf right now who's currently making rock blocks and be like yo dorfy stop [Music] it and I'm I'm hotkey this to ra dorus can you please wake up sis please you're snoozing too long don't to freak me out here is are all diorite down here oh yeah but for right now we are just going to you know lock them in here in a tiny little room get walls around it we'll worry about moving the water elsewhere later because pumping the water around isn't going to be too big of a deal I'm just going to need to get some green glass and make some pumps so I'm not too worried about I'm not too worried anymore still a little worried but also that that muddy Cavern could also be the second Cavern but yes we did in fact miss a cavern I'm thinking that we just farm and like basically put our well maybe not put our yeah we should put our food supply down here might as well do all that platypus what about [Music] platypus well that's unexpected so wait that's the edge of the map right so all I need to wall off is this I need to wall off this [Music] I need to wall off [Music] this this is a Cool [Music] Cavern and basically just this right here yeah literally just along here and then we can have access to this side I just need to seal off some bits here and like what could possibly go wrong aside from like you know [Music] everything all right now the next question is how many dwar are going to lock themselves out outside of where I am all right Clock Works what kind of DF would you like we have five to choose from minor Miner Hunter on fire Expedition leader and peasant who actually is probably the smartest dwarf in the fort has lots of skills in reading but you'd like the peasant you're the peasant with axe we're currently hauling Bas salt blocks and um you're 75 years old you're in love with a rendai and let's get you name how can Society function without loyalty we must be able to have faith in each other he feels content after remembering having a fine drink can be very happy and optimistic and is incredibly bve in the bve huh Brave in the face of looming danger perhaps a bit foolheartedly uh dislikes helping others and likes to brawl uh tries to keep his things orderly and doesn't mind wearing something special now and again uh often feels discouraged and often acts with compassion is slow to anger and generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity is quite ambitious and needs alcohol to get through the Working Day and likes working outdoors and only grumbles mildly at most weather uh dreams of skill Mastery and personally sees the attainment and preservation of knowledge as an offensive Enterprise and is and and engaged in by arrogant fools and has a deep dislike of the natural world see his life isn't fair doesn't mind it that way and doesn't care about if others take the time to master skills so this is the Fortress of subtle scribe the whole shtick of this fort is we're building a library I think you're going to be the captain of the Guard or like the militia Commander or something because you are are a skilled WR writer Wordsmith and poet but you hate it you know maybe that's fitting it's a Barron for sure I it's just certainly somebody of importance I mean look at that face obviously this face is happy to be [Music] here um you are in love with our planter obviously you're a member of the faith of jail excuse me you worship a god named zth what the [ __ ] is the faith of jail this is a poet who just writes about how poetry is a farce basically uh Temple what in the world the god of laws discipline and [Music] Order why didn't I have that God in the last Fort like seriously probably loves Judge Judy um so I am not going to name this squad the inky Sachs so my question is what do I name this squad anything but that invisible Bridges you know the invisible Bridges is how we let the enemies into the fort hey guys step onto our invisible Bridge sir that's a that's a volcano yeah there's an invisible bridge on it just walk over it it's fine the secret lettuce it's it's like that one bit in um Indiana Jones when when it looks like there's no Bridge there but it's just painted exactly like the wall on the other side how about just the law I am the law stab stabs ah sounds like a very intelligent name for a Dwarven militia Squad and the great Squad of stab stabbing so this is the concern area up here now that we're going to need to go around this basically well actually here you know what let's not even do this let's go up to here and just block this right here somebody coming to do this one right now no okay let's just let's just follow the dwarves the Bonk Brothers any relation to The Chemical Brothers ah you don't you you need to be as creative as as you want that's don't don't don't worry about like over for doing goofy amounts of creativity I'm pretty happy with this for it so far though you know also hey kmat good evening first time you're watching one of the streams it's 4 a.m. right now and you have a night shift so you're going to watch on the side while working hell [Music] yeah that I see elephants we embarked with elephants yes same world different faction speaking of same world different faction CH I got a question question I got a question anybody here looking forward to uh Rift wizard 2 cuz I started getting the itch after Sunday I was just like skipping through Steam and like landed on it I was like oh man I'm getting the itcher for to like be bad at Rift wizard [Music] again it's coming out it says q1 on the steam page I'm pretty sure we're in q1 right now aren't we it's definitely a soon TM if you will okay so we have to be a okay actually yeah that's okay that side's [Music] clear that's clear this is the last one that needs done we double tapping YouTube re rewound to watch Embark while it's like oh hell yeah there you go using YouTube to its fullest last day of March I think q1 depends on whether or not you're talking about business or uh non- buus quarters and also whether or not you're talking about tax quarters and also whether like what country you're referring to I'm pretty sure a lot of different things can dictate what q1 is but let's just smooth this and fortify it I'm assuming yeah they're mostly pen pastoring stuff some of them are getting drinks and I am going to get some gardening going down here this is going to be real far away and kind of awkward but you know that's what we're going to roll with for right now hold the Coke and instead give me a beer and I'm back [Music] in yeah that's got to be the first Cavern L pop the pack of paprika pingles pingles is hard to say after saying Pringles or after saying paprika [Music] even those elephants are Grazing In Heaven now okay so the next thing I'm going to do just for my own ease is right next to this I'mma just toss a loom just so that we can start getting these webs gathered I swear I just saw web appear and I was like uh I'm kind of expecting giant cave spider to show up with no notice they didn't no they did like clo was saying earlier in chat they get to eat un but the grass never reappears on the surface so they did absolutely get to eat they just didn't get to eat for they were they weren't going to eat for much longer I guess is maybe the better way of putting it uh right here I'm just going to put this CU we are going to build most of the fort up in the surface eventually I think I'll I'll move all of my farming up there but um we got to get things started down here first so let's go to Food let go seeds and go plump helmet spawn [Music] pigtails um sweet pods and Cave wheat and that's all that's going to go there with no [Music] barrels and we're just going to go plump helmets plump hel plump helmets plump helmets surprise more plump helmets oops I accidentally all plump helmets the webs are also going to make it clear that that we did in fact seal everything off which I'm going continue [Music] doing I mean we already sealed that off but that's okay I'd like to seal this one off too are we waterless chat are we waterless let's see how how let's see how many members of chat are are going to pass the test at the end of the stream remember you better be taking notes E re found the vods channel there you [Music] go the elephant doesn't feel upset while in Conflict um with what I didn't see any combat order which is [ __ ] itself is it how so maybe it's um magma crab was getting closes up could have been that as simple as that you know something I that that I saw all the damn time you're also in Conflict you know what I saw all the God damn time in older versions of the game but haven't seen at all in this version of the game firemen just random dudes coming out of lava that and fire imps I haven't seen fire imps in Forever buffering but it stopped probably your connection to it almost all of the time when streams buffer on Twitch it's not actually twitch's fault probably your ISP twitch is actually like weirdly stable probably got something to do with Amazon but bloodman what kind of Embark probably very haunted biomes I would assume oh look at all them elk Birds yeah found another side I got a seal off I think oh no never mind we're we're all good on this then for a second there I thought that went up and over no it doesn't likes elk birds for the Elk birds have gizzards I didn't know that but these elk birds are very annoyed by all of [Music] this oh really interesting yeah I i' I don't think I've ever seen a blood man in this version either I saw a bunch of iron men in a fort once and it was a very long time ago in version 47 and by the time we stopped making like weird jokes and laughing about it we'd all died so you know it was a great Fort it was an excellent Fort everybody had a great time it didn't last very long though [Music] well at least everybody's eating everything and like you know elephants have place to live we're getting walls built this is going to start off as a pretty safe Fort me thinks no you cannot do if somebody's asking if you can domesticate blood people no you can't yeah because that would be slavery because they are in sentient intelligent beings right so you can't domesticate them because that would be slavery and dwarves don't believe in slavery it's against their code of ethics bronze is the only Colossus yes some various migrants have arrived let's see what we got is a high Master armor Smith remember of the I'm you know I'm very happy with the living fire is the name of this fort group that is a good name [Music] wait is [Music] there no way up the mountain or do I just oh I know what's going on I don't have a meeting Zone yet because um the wagon was destroyed when we embarked sure but a blood man is not a construct creature an Iron Man is but a blood man is not a construct creature besides not everything can be tamed intelligent or otherwise there's plenty of creatures in the game that just can't be tamed or trained for that matter so I guess it's just the two dwarves did that migrant bring a camel no that's just a wild camel blood manner constructs well there you go I'm wrong don't listen to anything I'm saying I clearly have no information okay well these can be paused for right now while he's colleting collecting web jobs all right well I can just deconstruct this now CU I don't need this down here anymore because from what I can tell we are all sealed up aside from this one tile we got some nice good gems off the bat the great fire god demands it why and that's me asking as nicely as I can why why why why must I like camel the volcano what did the camel do and what the volcano do to deserve such things also since when do we worship the god of volcanoes actually what gods do we worship let's find out because this is a new faction so the gods that the faction worships are fig who is the god of rivalry song poetry persuasion speech speech depa depravity and lust one of these things are not like the other other uh then there's one worshipper of the god of laws discipline and Order no worshippers of the god of fertility no worshipper of the god of Music Youth and Longevity that's just like the Nirvana God uh nobody worships the god of Lake Coast oceans and salt nobody worships the god of fishing and hunting nobody worships the god of birth creation and rebirth nobody worships the or two people worship the god of beauty okay nobody worships the god of fortresses uh one person worships Mountain the okay so I guess Del would be the volcano God then because it's mountains and volcanoes uh death disease and deformity nobody worships and one person worships the god of wealth Jewels minerals metals and crafts Gods only want one thing and it's disgusting apocalypse okay speaking of one wanting one thing and it's disgusting let's build a fort so we kind of have two options here I can go all out or what I can do is we can use this as like the side SLB back door if we use this as like the side SLB door I would put a little draw bridge right here okay and um that that's a ramp button dig down in here and channel down and around here and then back up into here start holling out back here here and this is where the fort will be primarily I would think and then go all the way up to the surface and have like a bridge that goes down and then like maybe follows the edge of this somehow and then Loops into here and that being the entry way then of course we could use pumps to like pump lava onto it and all other kinds of fun Shenanigans but you know not anymore ads are pausing game so it's fine it's the they worship the gods their parents worshiped you know armok doesn't exist in the world right armok is the omnipotent armok is basically Q from Star Trek armok is an omnipotent being that is mentioned in bay2 g bay12 games is games but actually isn't present in any of the games so in my head Cannon armok is the player we are armok twitch chat is armok YouTube chat is armok streamer is armok and I have a very important question for you chat room is your arm okay if arm not okay then we have a [Music] problem if arm not okay then we can't be armok I mean I referenced that Star Trek episode all the goddamn time because in my head cannon that is we are all like Zoomers are almost at galad and tangara we are almost at that point because people speak in memes to the point where you're practically speaking in metaphor [Music] already at least you're not strong bad okay somebody help out Wolfie with them ads if posses I just want these to match the burninator the destructor um oh trust me metaphor is very apt on Twitch twitch has its own lingo and you know what I kind of love that I'll slate assault I'm trying to decide what layer to start digging on it's Granite kind of want to start digging in the granite layer oh trust me the the strangest thing to me about Star Trek is that all of these so-called aliens are just duded in a funny mask alien oh uh give him wrinkles on his forehead alien uh haven't watched it in so long it's a it's a good episode it's a good piece of sci-fi [Music] I always have a hard time starting volcano forts for some reason [Music] how does that look to you chat this would also be a good place to build the big like the beginnings of the fort in I was end up just building a around the volcano so original yeah it's a little skinny I'm thinking of this isn't the front door this is like the side door this is going to get a draw bridge in front of it which I'll actually just plop here that's not really going to be open very [Music] much at least that's my idea is that it's not really going to be open very much the front door is going to end up being like here basically I'm thinking like front door is kind of like a big walkway kind of around the edge of this or something that will just kind of go up along the edge of the mountain maybe looping back on itself I'm not entirely sure how we're actually going to fight in this fort yet though proba that or make okay H Counterpoint what if this front door so I have a question do you want to upgrade it right now to a tier 2 Sub Big Bang or do you want to wait because you have two options um I don't know when your last resub date was no it doesn't okay first off don't ever subscribe on a phone because it's going to charge you the uh Apple or Android tax based on which whichever store it is which is an extra 30% so first off don't ever subscribe on a phone that's just word of advice second thing um when you you wanted to upgrade now okay so what you can do here let let let me show you if if you go to twitch okay so this is this is this website called twitch you go to settings let me actually just make sure I'm not going to dox myself or anything stupid [Music] uh where they hide that menu okay never mind that I see where they moved it um so you go to just go to subscriptions click here then go to mobile subscriptions and it'll look like these except what you can do is then you can click um change subscription or tier whatever or you can uh say don't renew prescription and then what you can do once you've said don't renew prescription is you can tell it to end your benefits now and so if you end your benefits now what that does is it then um immediately gets rid of like your sub button and then you can resub it's basically like what you do if you're pissed at a person and don't want to stay subbed anymore so what if front door this this already kind of has a ramp going up it that wouldn't even be too hard to widen wonder if front door this yes says chat room okay well chat room approve at least front door for right now maybe not baddy front door door but front [Music] door front door okay so front door now set this is side door maybe side door entryway go to right here uh bay2 forms is down uh we were talking about this earlier there's a there's a post on bay1 12.com about it um uh clo was saying that something about it like maybe not even being recovered which is concerning that's why it looks off solar flare uh did we have a solar flare because that's news to me if that's the [Music] case weirdly symmetrical for me but we'll go with it volcano with a little Valley to funnel them through it'd be really fun if like the bad guys have to come up this way or even like this way and we just like dump lava into this hole right here like just flood this whole thing with lava just [Music] B oh everybody's planting seeds well that makes sense [Music] something else about this fort because it is so freaking tall and because there's no aquafer making a minecart route to go from where I'm farming down in the bottom Cavern layer up to here might actually be pretty doable you don't really drown in lava well I guess kind of I guess probably you kind of isn't that more of a scalding chamber than a drowning chamber I wonder if you could cause okay so I'm going to say a lot of hypotheticals here I have no idea what would actually happen if you are pumping lava into a volcano and you throw a boulder through the lava with a catapult does that make magma missed I don't know which is why I'm saying it out loud it's unpleasant we we we we get that much santian we we know that it's unpleasant I don't know do I have an extra pick bedtime all right you snooze good C have a good sleep SE kind of if you happen to know the answer that's why I was asking so I'm thinking about having little lava streams that follow these [Music] hallways you've really got to get to bed get to bed Stony we'll see when we see you dude have a good nappy Boo and sleepy time I think this is going to be the Dwarven hotels this [Music] starts that's uh four one 2 3 [Music] four o I got an idea n that won't work H will that work nope that won't work there we go that'll do bedrooms what's everyone drinking water nothing crazy enough today has happened for me to drink whiskey so not a bad little yeah water I finished my coffee and it's almost 8:00 Coke of Cola ah what do you think of my uh Dwarven Hotel design I think it looks kind of schnazzy travesty why is water a travesty I'm human not dfish [Music] Paras cider it's pretty sweet but hey if you like sugar your three three beers in only going uh to have one more and your ideas and your ideas may not be so sound that's totally fair like the hotel sweet all right dwarves um so I need let's just say nine beds maybe 10 beds we'll make 10 beds did I make a I did not okay let's just go [Music] Carpenter darfs can can can somebody okay somebody's making astronauts I've owned it for a while um I tried it when it originally came out and it was so so so early I was like well I'm going to give this like 3 years to develop and become an actual video game and I'm still waiting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N9 it's literally okay no that's that game's um I mean when did I last play it hold on let me find out I mean the next to-do thing on my to-do list is astronaut isn't astronauts it's um keeper RL happy new Fort day astronauts I played last in oh my September 9th 2020 so a day before it released into Early Access and I have an hour and 10 minutes which seems about right but cheers lazy man how have you been [Music] doing [Music] this is going to get us some bedrooms which will greatly help General morale getting over bad cold oh that's that's good you're getting over Chad can I get a round of beers for lazy man not bad at the moment when I played it the only tutorial was a PDF file which while kind of cool in in an old school way um not the kind of game I felt like learning at the [Music] time yeah I mean that's it it seemed like more of a simulator than a game and I know that I'm somebody who's literally playing a game that's more of a simulator than a game but um I don't know it's it could be cool I need to take a closer look at it I do remember the original pitch being something that I wanted to play so uh we are in late summer and I don't have a trade Depot so oh boy man finding a flat space to build a trade Depot is going to be um not as challenging as I thought it would be I didn't like Neo Scavenger I bounced off of it pretty quick also I don't think I'm going to get used to calling things goated ever like I I understand the slang I know where it came from I remember the origins of it it's just a very bizarre thing to say out loud to me oh yeah know I mean like aski was never a barrier to entry for me uhoh [Music] H where the heck did you come from H veracious cave crawlers so if you've never seen a voracious cave crawler not friend no uh it's a huge cave monster with hundreds of feet moving along the bottom of its long body in place of a head it has an enormous toothy Ma I'm just more concerned about how it got in here oh probably from there because I didn't finish blocking this in yet no not friend that'll kill my elephant and probably most of my fort so rip Fort it was fun while it lasted we'll see if my one soldier can kill it does anybody else have any soldiering skills nope great well we'll throw Alf the hunter in here and hope that they both go get axes and can beat this thing to [Music] death bring out J wow it's it's a miracle all of the elephants wounds closed I'm trying to keep the elephant alive long enough that I can get my dwarves here oh wow teeth just went everywhere elephant teeth even I'm going to give this uh elephant the nickname [Music] um run away dwarf or run away [Music] elephant got to save 1 minute eh well there goes the armorer who's losing a fight to it yeah know the for [Music] dead where are you you're very far away alth where is alth at least alith is down here toothless is running away from the thing alth gets up into fighting range with it and starts hacking at it it is happy about the fact that it's getting attacked actively recruit attacks it but it jumps away the vicious cave crawler bites the recruit in the hand and the game crashed um I swear I didn't do it new Fort tomorrow mate it's new Fort right now what what's tomorrow in your in your reality no no no no no no no no no thle scribe I'm trying to think uh if I if the save was before or after I started doodling the entrance probably I'm assuming we're done digging yeah know I mean that thing was likely going to kill the whole Fort well not likely to kill the whole Fort but likely to kill a bunch of it right well that's great anyway I guess we'll dig down time to do all of that again hope you guys found that entertaining because we're doing it all again slightly sad not going to [Music] lie block that one wall where the cave [Music] craw yeah I'll do my best we're just hoping we can get it done quicker this time [Music] too um did I okay Clockworks redeemed the PE yes and uh I made the peasant Clockworks into the militia commander and we named the squad the law the Hermetic law about we call it the volcanic law that's a better name the revolting I [Music] mean I'm always disappointed by the options I have in here hermetic law it is then AR gives AR armouth take it away yep yep it is true you don't need to catch up anymore yeah there you go winning I suppose also another dwarf should be up caveman doc thank you very much for chucking out a five pack of gifts appreciate you dude I'll see you landed one on B B shows up sometimes and says nice things and then leaves I like B all right let's do blocks Big Bang what kind of dorfus do you vtis there's not a lot to choose from so pick a name or dorf what dorf do you want be or do you want to give you were literally at the point where I finished blocking up the cavern well I mean it got exciting we'll say it was a nightmare clearly they'll take the minor at the top right risen I'm big bang is 79 years old and has a high canese sense is a member of the coven of glowing and the asteroid bear thank you very much for that Prime subscription uh feel strong urges and seek short-term rewards and uh uh feels a strong need to pay back any favor done done for him he does not he tends to not be swayed by emotional appeals and uh he has a noticeable lack of perseverance sorry and he he has a noticeable lack of perseverance he generally acts impar is rarely moved to Mercy and he tends to avoid any physical confrontations he works to sad his natural tendency with his respect of Martial prowess he is somewhat qusome and he's bothered by this since he vales friendship he doesn't handle stress well and he tends to be a bit stubborn in changing his mind about things doesn't often feel envious of others and rarely feels discouraged doesn't try to get things done perfectly and he tries to keep his things orderly uh he tends to ask guys for help with difficult decisions and he is assertive and he is quick to anger and he generally acts with a narrow focus on current activital uh chat room could somebody came back in the VA and tell me what layer that Cavern was on uh personally finds the pursuit of skill Mastery offputting and does not particularly value the truth doesn't think one way or another about Leisure Time and dreams of raising family big uh oh I put an extra space at the beginning of your name there we go uh he likes layor and tiger iron and giant W warthog Ivory polar bear bone and boots and the words of the fragrant Sheen and the glimmer and fragrant Sheen glimmer and when possible prefers to consume Bat Ray and guava wine and absolutely hates Blood knats thanks a curious maniac [Music] the reason no the I mean the reason I can do that is because I've been reading like the Dwarven descriptions are all very similar right like they're similar lines of text so I only need to see like the first word of a first two words of a trait to know what it is just for memory because I've been doing this like when you stream this game 40 hours a week and you read descriptions out loud constantly you start to memorize the thing or two so I I don't know if I could be the guy who reads car copy I mean if I memorize them I'm sure [Music] but it's like when you read certain disclosure is at work a little I mean sure I mean I'm at work right now believe it or not luck with the caves thank you and you have a good night sleep dude we'll be doing new Fort tomorrow as well well this fort hope hope assuming things don't go horribly arai we'll be playing this fort tomorrow maybe I should just train those elephants for war like right away like right away right when I Tab out find it [Music] excellent all right I'm going to dig us a slightly different entry entry way so things don't look [Music] identical something like this you know popping in here I got a dwarf right here making nice blocks for us very nice of this DWF yeah I'm really curious about the healing magic thing like that's something that that that I haven't seen many people talking about and I don't feel the need to talk about it too much because it's like a thousand speculation but watch there be a giant cave spider there this time that would be something Dolly G wi I hope not actually is uh maybe the easier way of putting [Music] that also I realize we're in an ad break at this exact moment but just going let it run you're going to grab some snacks to go with your beer you're making me want a whiskey come on that's tempting me uh game crashed t so we're back at the beginning you didn't miss anything [Music] basically which is okay cuz the game also happened to crash while we were fighting with a cave crawler and about to die so if anything the crash may have saved the fort so let's go up to here and make a bar block stockpile right there just no metal but not that we'll need [Music] that [Music] I like how both the dwarves fell asleep guys come on okay [Music] fine I like I just want to get these hold out okay fine this will have to do then that'll be seed stockpile here come the blocks yeah it's I mean it's a little bit annoying that I have to redo it but it's okay we can do it better this time yeah if this fort dies killer Spud we'll do another new Fort tomorrow I just I'm relatively hopeful that that won't happen all right we've we've got a weird I'm assuming that was probably stuff pathing [Music] but also on the bright side I I do know exactly where to put all of these the first time so I guess there's that except this time I'm using nice blocks instead of other materials that's where the cave crawler came from all right afternoon [Music] undeath I just have to wait oh this can also go [Music] away well I know exactly why it wasn't properly sealed it's cuz I can't get to the edge of the map without building one at a time I know exactly where it came in from like don't don't don't even worry about that I am well aware of the uh location that it broke in through and also why it broke in it's because I didn't fill finish filling it in because I'm tired it's been a long day we have been live for a very long time speaking of let's just cut this down so I can just build that instead of doing it one at a time let's get this one is pretty high priority on the need to cut it off because there's a bunch of um birdies elk Birds on this side and then this over here can just be become our water source eventually once we need it let's just make sure dwarves don't get stuck on the wrong side what's that uh it means that it's been satisfied I [Music] think pretty sure that's all that we need to do for right here is just seal that off that's sealed and that's solid those are solid that needs to be placed that's about to get placed and it's just a matter of here here here cross here and I'm pretty sure that's all of it and this time it's color coordinated I don't know are they Chad are elk Birds adorable I don't know if I would describe them as adorable they're strange you spent you sent out so this is from the YouTube chat I sent out my barely trained spear dwars to face a bronze Colossus and no one died wow you what what kind of weapons were you using I would say you're pretty lucky um because they can be really really tough Cobalts are adorable sure I admire their enthusiasm but I don't know if I would describe them as aesthetically adorable I like them more because of like the way their language Works than anything we're just waiting on the last few buildings to get constructed mostly just this one that needs to be placed uh this is a new fort and I haven't updated the goal goal yet chat room quick give me a goal based on the things we've been talking about and I'll copy paste one that I like and paste it in there uh no Cobalts have a weird language did I say elk Birds Cobalts Cobalts speak gibberish they have a 100% context based language meaning they don't understand what each other are saying unless they were there when the word was made up I feel like an elk bird is like if a chocobo was really really obsessed with Satan I fractured both legs and then one arm in the first R 10 see I've sent in squads of like only legendary dwarves and they've lost before I think it kind of depends on the weapons they had seal spear yeah that that that would be why you did okay because you basically need steel to fight a bronze Colossus and because I pretty frequently play on Maps where I don't have access to Steel um at least not immediately if a bronze Colossus shows up early I'm basically screwed if you have steel I'm not I'm less surprised now but I'm still impressed if they were like brand new military dwarfs yeah that's kind of impressive but yeah I would I would still say you're pretty lucky all right get the elephants down here um let's go right here and just do [Music] seeds should be pump helmets Pig sweet and Cave also we're going to be operating entirely on Rock [Music] pots not a bad call dude they speak in memes and metaphor sure so considering I have a question are Cobalts like the medieval DND d/ Fantasy Realm version of like the [ __ ] posters in the depth of Tumblr and Reddit then if they speak in Ms none of them know what each other is saying unless they were there for the invention of the word uh they try and steal [ __ ] at random with no real goal in life and uh they're often confused and get into fights with things randomly for me it's it's less Zoomers and more like Elder Millennials but because I don't think not not to be weird mean to Zoomers or anything but I don't think they're like lurking on or rather younger Millennials like late stage Millennials people like me people in their late 20s early 30s not quite Zoomers cuz Zoomers are all on Tik Tok Zoomers are the people you see doing fortnite dances on Tik Tok and not the old man who's trying to be like them all right so the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go over here I'm going to toss that Loom back in okay so we're caught back up I think I don't think there's any way for a cave crawler to get in here I'm not seeing anything that I desperately need to double up on I can however get rid of this no Tik Tok is the name of aesha song that's my oh [ __ ] am I getting old moment actually was when like for for the first week before Tik Tok really blew up I genuinely was wondering I was like did Kesha come back or something why am I hearing people [Music] oh it's always scary when you see a bunch of dwarves being marked as webbed it's like yeah well we need the hotel we need to start working on the surface probably do the hotel first actually we're actually ahead of time as well let's get that [Music] built I think we'll do a slightly different layout this time as well why not [Music] there we go that'll do thanks for that corner there we go that's going to be the hotel yeah no migrant wave yet we're we're we're quite a bit ahead and I also haven't started digging out the main front door which is going to be right here [Music] yeah we'll see you later make a dark fire take care of yourself colls run up to the Justice wores talking about skippity toilet and they take your socks and then do the orange juice I suppose but they don't actually take your socks they run in and start speaking and then a random human stabs them in the head and goes oh God what was that anyways if my younger cousins did that at Christmas um and they ended up getting stabbed in the head I think Christmas would go way worse than it usually [Music] does 100K gets you the fancy play buttons 50k means congratulations I'm still a peasant I don't even get a check mark the gr is in your head now I'll just remember that's tar speaking Cobalt can't hit 100K without 50k the the thing that like just keeps me like doing like a triple blink like really you think that's that easy uh is the frequency at which people are like so uh holy [ __ ] the cundles [Music] oh my God look at them all there's just a stack of crundle Eggs N I ain't open that up cave crawlers be lurking crle party ain't no party like a goddamn crel party okay actually what I what I really need to do here is I'm just going to put an animal training zone right here and I'm just going to go to creatures I'm going to go pets and livestock and going be like wa yo and uh wart wart just just train those elephants for w just just get ahead of [Music] it uh same same world new Civ D Dragon actually speaking of same world Old Fort was all the way the hell over here and um yeah it no longer exists we kind of flattened it we don't even know who these people are over at the Old Fort as for over here we are we're part of the veiled Halls uh apparently goblins have taken over many of our Mountain Halls also apparently we're at war with the rack of lobsters we war with another dwarf infection well that's interesting I thought I stole that artifact maybe they just haven't realized it's been stolen yet gosh darn we're at war with a lot of things actually this is going to be a real active area I think all of the um green stuff is stuff that we are allied with all of the blue stuff is stuff that is on our side and all the red stuff is stuff that wants us to um fall over and die hopefully ooh dark Goblin Fortress with only 200 things in it interesting 200 things and 75,000 scar things elves have taken over helixes oh my word an Elven Fortress Beyond the economy it's been us for a while about you it's a Dwarven Town wow it's also kind of neat we're we are there's plenty of like elves Elven groups that we're allied with as well but like people who we have knowledge of go all the way up to holy [ __ ] pick Twigs that's a lot of things that is a weird Sprite that DW like it almost it almost looks like a helix there like nobody there though and it's also inaccessible that's [Music] weird wheel wheels ankles is the name of that well we are definitely in the center of the world that's for sure also shout outs to this island that from what I can tell just has humans on it yeah I'm pretty sure this this island old has humans on it do you think these humans know that dwarves exist uh so it's it's an ankle but there's an S at the beginning of it so um wor can stop but they can only stop during World gen which means they can only stop while you are starting or ending a fort but it's very unlikely better diplomacy is one of my biggest dreams for this game throw a carpenter [Music] down also going to need a still soonish so something else that I was saying earlier is because this is such a gigant mountain and it has so much open space I could very very very very easily just run a freaking mine cart all the way down to where we're farming and just bring our food up with a goddamn mine cart blissfully unaware yeah probably I always love like random Island that's just full of all humans or all goblins or something cheers ISM what else do I have guess we'll use the [Music] nice I make 10 beds the one problem that I have with my Cavern area down there right now is there's nowhere where I can actually like grow trees because it's only one layer tall so trees in order to grow need to be two layers tall so I'm actually going to need to fight out into the caverns and expand into the caverns a little bit in order to be able to get more out of the caverns I keep I think I'm going I think I'm hallucinating I keep swearing that I'm hearing the like combat sounds you know what I mean like do you ever just swear that you hear the combat Ambience off in the distance anyway uh some migrants have arrived so it looks like two of them just going to go up to here and I'm just going to be like plop meeting Zone see what we get nine dwarves I think yep metub and soal different dwarves this time do you guys have families or are you two just barely passing acquaintances yep they are passing acquaintances well welcome to the Fort new guys me losing it Chad am I losing it I don't think so I mean I I do get auditory hallucinations it's a side effect of the meds I take so and outside of that I just get auditory hallucinations because it's called being uh well a person with a weird brain [Music] I don't know I've been taking my meds so I should be good all right um what is everybody doing making beds okay let's get you two off of that and get you two digging so I can't remember exactly what layer it was I want to say it was this one that looks right yes that does look right I think there's actually one layer below but that's [Music] fine I also just need to make a food stock pile somewhere you have exploding head syndrome I get that when I'm trying to sleep most nights yeah I get it especially bad if I didn't sleep all the night before kind of got used to it after a couple of years of it maybe not the best thing ever [Music] but it's sort of like having sleep paralysis something else I used to get a lot but not so much these days it's like if you have sleep sleep paralysis the first time it's [ __ ] terrifying the 15th time you have sleep paralysis in two in a twoe period you're like [ __ ] this [ __ ] again God damn it and that's about it like it gets better it's always when you wake up it's only when I'm generally when I'm trying to sleep for [Music] [Music] me yep that's a bit much for a [Music] bedroom all right add to here the Expedition leader gets it first [Music] has anybody here watch the YouTuber Carl jopes or Carl jobst or Carl yst covers speedr running stuff uh he put up a video recently and there's a bit in it where he's juggling with his shirt up over his head and like bending his legs at weird ankles at weird angles and I scrolled down and the first comment I saw was Carl jopes juggling with his shirt over his head is my uh is my sleep paralysis demon all I have to say is I hope that's my sleep paralysis demon the next time I get sleep [Music] paralysis I get this feeling of being stabbed in the back while I'm trying to sleep sometimes I used to get a lot when I was younger block Works in [Music] there I need some storage chat what should I do with this big round Ro room right here um this year so 521 what should I do with this big open room I'm thinking [Music] storage it could also be Library could start it off as a library every with gem Windows what gems exactly I mean okay there there's gems everywhere I will admit that we don't need a Tavern right off the bat [Music] though I think I just made the death star shooting a laser if you ever call me Papa again I might have to ban you permanently in my chat please don't do that um can we build a submerged glass Library how in the world would I do that I think I'm a little bit too tired to think about complicated Concepts right now ask me that tomorrow ask me that tomorrow [Music] this is like Pac-Man dying I'm trying to decide if I like this entryway or not or if I should just cut this out but if I just cut this out this isn't going to I'm not going to how about this chat option A on the left or option b on the right which one do you like more kind of leaning B so this this would be a and then this would be B this is a terrible a and a terrible B but you know that same B okay that's actually Galaga ship but you know would also makes sense to have bedrooms above the tavern in here kind of think well okay so like if I encase this area in glass could probably do that yeah I mean I'm just trying to think how I would completely submerge it in glass I'm not going to promise any massive Mega projects until this fort gets rolling but I'm not against the [Music] idea maybe an entrance on both sides of the stairs but like one here and one here kind of deal maybe we'll do one there and one [Music] here well obviously I be build it first and flood [Music] it kind of have to do it that way [Music] and then I guess we'll do food storage over here you guys are like constantly coming up with ideas for taverns we're building a library for we should start with a library this is going to be a library with a dining room quiet down with your partying here come on this is going to be a library and our militia Captain who like hates knowledge is going to love it here Library chat reading books I don't know I mean plans change plans [Music] change [Music] pump the volcano and build fast enough to build wouldn't it be easier to just dump like pump water on the volcano and then slowly mine down into it dwarves do really like reading yes problem is you need books for [Music] reading I'm just going to make a jeweler we in an ad break just steal the books I mean yeah but they also can't like infinitely read the same book so you need to have a progressively larger amount of books also Day After Tomorrow is when uh quali [Music] begins Formula One I'm excited very happy that we're finally back in Formula 1 season I missed it very very very dearly want to make a library for it but sometimes your scribes just don't want to write uh younger worlds if you want your scribes to write if you want unique original books younger worlds because there's a limited number of things that can be air quotes discovered in each world and um the older the world the more things will have already been discovered so in the last Fort there was never a point where everybody had a bedroom so I still need two more let's go down here and do this do this do this I can't hear the I can't read the words here zero without instantly getting ghost in my head so thanks at least it's a solid song [Music] well that's inconvenient that's also inconvenient well okay someone's going to get a much bigger bedroom than everybody else because they're going to have to go this way higher value for your dwarf [Music] bucks there we go hotels same world [Music] yes same world in fact different faction pretty far in the other direction so very different kind of activities going on in the Overworld see I don't want to make an instrument piece let's make two more beds we're on a volcano and we there's no wood and no water and no aquafer but the third Cavern later layer later third Cavern later yeah third Cavern layer has wood and water but we were able to Embark with elephants so I have uh two elephants where are they digging ah down here makes sense [Music] well this is going to be slightly sketchy but e what could possibly go wrong kind of a lot actually um h I don't really I'm looking at this now I actually don't have a particularly easy place to put this [Music] um go ah this is just going to be ugly could you be a war elephant no I named dwarfs it's called name a dwarf not name an elephant I realize I'm pretty Hardline about that but it's the way I run my my forts let me spend your points well then spend them on a dwarf or [Music] don't unless like you're talking to Twitch to let you spend your points I don't name animals because if I name one person an animal then suddenly any anybody who's an animal has to be an can be anybody who wants to be anything can be an animal and then that that's a whole other thing for me to manage but chat room we are squeaking close to the point where we were at when the game crashed so I'm just going to do a real quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick save because the game crashed on the like right before the end of this month it was like the 20 something of Galena uh Cameron Taylor the way that we've been naming dwarves is you have to get a a Redemption here on Twitch so I'm not naming anybody on YouTube currently I might loosen up about that in the future but I'm just I'm tired of reading like 90 dwarves a day so we're easing it off on my end for a little bit I don't even know what you're talking about by the way I don't know what lttp [Music] is uh I have no interest in doing a 50 hour stream to celebrate 50,000 subscribers on YouTube but if you want to do a 50 hour scream on Scream stream on your own on your own time you're more than welcome to in my honor I personally would rather not die what do you redeem on Twitch there is a channel points redemption that's called redeem a dwarf gift a dwarf that's what you redeem and I do not let people name themselves elephants which Nick Rick Albert is very upset about but I I'm sorry you're not even able to like in vanilla give people um or give animals a nickname if you give them a nickname it doesn't show up you have to rename their animal type type to Tong cool down well then then why are you even asking ah I was under the impression it wasn't but I'm also not looking at my activity feed at all so uh Oh's oh there's not that much that's fine uh garbage tastes like taco stuff that Dad did uh Magic cheese wheels un undulate rhythmically on toast for what unoccupied points unoccupied pants not points uh once in once in upon a volcano the peachy Derm base at I don't think those are words but okay I'll CAU up all right well so far so good most of these dwares are doing nothing we doing [ __ ] all okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go Stone worker and stone worker my life is ruined why is this my life was ruined before I got born so you [Music] know I didn't realize that they will just hang out in their bedroom if there's nowhere else for them to go that's interesting pleasure near his own fine bed uh-oh kind of room dwarf jeez chat room did you know that they will just like go sit in their own bedroom if there's nowhere else for them to go cuz I just learned this and we're just going to make slate time you figured out how to marry them they get married when they stand close together I forgot to do a meeting Hall I'm pretty sure I have a meeting Hall yeah it's right here although it's a meeting area it's not actually a meeting Hall uh let's just go down here and just make [Music] a h it's because you guys keep yelling about gems there we go now they have a place to socialize uh no it is not the choose a duck rule well get here uh show back up here at this channel on Twitch in 12 hours and you'll see it or go to the beginning of the vot but simple answer is no no it's not you guys are making me feel like I'm being a bad person but like it's it's just I don't want to do more work than I already have to and keeping track of dwarves and naming dwarves and who already has a dwarf and who doesn't already have a dwarf is already enough 1 2 3 4 1 two three four uh ugdp why want [Music] DF just let me finish clicking on slate a bunch of times CU I happen to like the color of slate but uh what kind of DF would you like ug dpy uh the animal personalities are not actually supposed to show it's a it's a bug that people like enough that they've left it because it was supposed to be removed by the time it would release on Steam but when they were doing the early streams with Kit Fox like I guess November mber 22 um kit Fox's Community manager saw it and thought it was hysterical and so they decided to leave it in I've never had a fortress that's like incredibly wealthy gem cutting wise and I think this might be fun uh you want to be the peasant down down at the bottom what's with people wanting peasants all of a sudden uh U GDP why you have two lovers and a child and you've left them all also you worship every God the hell is wrong with you always pick a peasant really all right um you're a child abandoned abandoner uh he is unbelievably stubborn and will stick with things even if the most futile act uh will stick with even the most futile action I will say this if what you want is me to just read the personality of the elephants I can do that I'm just not going to name them uh he presents himself modestly and frowns on any flashy accents and he has a calm demeanor and he is often cheerful he tends to be swayed by the emotions of others and he tends to not reveal personal information he sometimes acts with little determination and confidence and often feels discouraged and does not inherent and is not inherently does not inherently wow is not inherently proud of his talents and accomplishments uh he scratches his ear when he's nervous and he needs alcohol to get through the Working Day and uh he dreams of crafting a Masterwork someday and personally hates freedom and would crush the independent Spirit whenever it is found he's competition is reasonably important and does not care about family one way or another but clearly you don't crazy dwarf uh he likes lay peeter and indigo torulene Green Glass and breastplates and guinea fouls for their social nature and the words of the uh certainty of Direction and the sound of the rhyming verse and when possible prefers to consume alligator shad and tapier cheese and long yam plants and uh cranberry War wine hates flies cheers [Music] Brandon why in the world would I play a Nintendo game when I don't like nor play Legend of Zelda games I guess I don't understand what has to do with my name sake I suppose oh no he he's just gone off to get a pack of smokes and another pint right du of course oh yeah true he's just going off to grab a an extra a barrel of a barrel of sunshine for the family and instead he got like distracted by Dwarven ADHD and now he's just like you know oops I accidentally embarked into a new Fort see you kids smell you later uh oh seeing crows that's a lot of hungry heads this threw me off again I don't I don't know why the mini map takes a few tiles to update [Music] but oh true his uh his his uh lover had a craving for some uh purring maggot milk promised he'd go get her some right so now we get the last few of these beds placed and at least for now that should put us at a level where everybody gets a bed well we've already progressed further as far as bedrooms goes than the entirety of the last Fort so there is that uh everybody's learning to be oh hey Mom the glassmaker is a dabbling hammer dorf interesting the raising a family bur values deorum dignity and proper behavior do you like the idea of military though military unbelievably stubborn will stick with things often cheerful tends to be swayed scratches I mean maybe I'm sorry [Music] what how did hungry head get into the map what Punch The Hungry head with the left hand brising the bone how did okay I'm suddenly very concerned how the hell did the hungry head get into here oh that's how we got in they can fly I never um finished this also did did I not start a farm I thought I did guess I didn't all right well let's start a farm whole game crashing is going to me short-term God damn memory [Music] loss clearly yeah no [Music] definitely okay so we are into the 24th [Music] right well we'll get that made that done and then the last [Music] thing there we go fine this gets done and then I can get stuff planting and these can have barrels removed because I forgot to do that fortunately I only have two types of seeds so it shouldn't be too bad as a dwarf you get culturally desensitized to it if you grow up with it drinking another animal's milk in the first place is pretty weird are we talking about Dwarven milk right now because they don't come from dwarves L Wang they come from purring maggots I love how you're justifying it in a way that reads like you're justifying Dwarven milk as like oh that's weird why would I drink milk that a dwarf makes no that's not how dwarfen milk works trust me it they're chat's not joking when they say it's worse than you think um hold on how does one milk a PR maggot in Fortress mode I'll be honest with you I've never done it um I think you use a small animal trap and you trap one you get it into a small animal cage and then you milk it I assume I think it's like extract from animal or something some of the things I read in the YouTube chat just Boggle my mind chat room I don't know it's preference there's no advantage or disadvantage to doing anything in Dwarf Fortress it's just what you want to do or don't want to do well I mean I guess I would say that there's a disadvantage to just leaving bodies everywhere and that dwarves will go nuts but like building style is kind kind of irrelevant largely as long as the dwarf's needs are met it doesn't matter I would also argue that there is not real any and there isn't any real reason to like worry about Min maxing either like it's just not something that you need to worry about just to not screw up the tracks Ali asra thank you very much for the raid welcome Raiders we've been on for a really long time it's been kind of a long day but I hope that your stream was good [Music] I'm just digging some ramps real quick I can get mine carts up to where we live in a in a hurry you know for various things there's going to be various different materials I'm going to have to transport up to here everything from like wood to food well that'll pop out nicely right where I need it I got to complain to management um how does that work exactly you know hey Chad pay me twice as much in half the time so I can do six hour streams yeah deal how do you keep your Dum Dums from getting squished by the mine carts uh don't tell them to kick them and don't power them do I even have lunch breaks I ate a sandwich I don't take breaks really I I do pause and eat but it's like it's time for me to stand up take three steps into the kitchen grab my sandwich out of the fridge put it in the microwave for 10 seconds I have this weird thing about super cold sandwiches I'm not a fan um I need them to be like room temperature so I warm it up to room temp uh then immediately like what's the word I'm looking for here then immediately after getting it up to room temp I give myself an injections after stabbing my finger and then walk back over and go back to streaming so I don't really take a break per se but I do eat lunch yes I mean it's kind of the only defense plan [Music] really when do I do that Clockworks can't say I've ever done that at least not intentionally as somebody who does not particularly enjoy ASMR uh I would feel bad if I did [Music] that it's nice that everybody has quarters though wow you are really happy Arend why are you so happy I look at them and the first thing I see is annoyed after having a drink without a goblet cup or mug well balls if somebody made a compilation of me chewing and put it on YouTube I would be very tempted to abuse the crap out of YouTube's takedown policy I wouldn't but I'd be tempted to H Rock mug [Music] Rock um let polish six bass salt on repeat I think dropping 771 from one tile height Miss gen fit why I have a question why are you dropping seven of seven water you just need two buckets worth of water one layer beneath it but yeah I can you can you can kill people with water pressure in this game pretty easily it does kind of look like an elephant like a very angry elephant with a big red eye oh oh are you asking if it can hurt someone because like it it'll instant it'll like make them think they're drowning for a second I'm sorry what [Music] okay I do need to dig down into this Cavern layer a little more at some point but not for the time [Music] being I'll finish digging all that [Music] out let's do make rock blocks and just make slate got mugs and I kind of want to like pave this first but I think I'll just do this this is going to be food uh no seeds please well actually that's not true no seeds that I want to plant so all seeds but no plump helmet no pigtails and no cave wheat and no sweet pods everything else can go there though and then the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to make a still and just plop her down right there and get off to it this game could use like 45521 more filters but so yeah I agree although it is a grim reminder of the winter hardships to come a supply Caravan of the veiled Halls is a welcome sight their eyes are a light with anticipation of inspecting the splendid products of your industrious craft dwares take careful stock of your own stores what these Merchants offer might very well be the difference between a prosperous future and a slow and meaningless death I haven't updated the commands yet I'll update them tomorrow um chat room although I I will say this Celeste I I started the fort off with a uh with a gem Cutters Guild we're already cutting gems actually we're polishing rocks is what we're doing so chat room I'm going to do a thing and that is point out the fact that it's 9 o'clock at night and that I've been streaming for 12 hours and two minutes guess what I have to turn the stream back on in 12 hours it's time to say good night uh twitch chat say good night to YouTube chat YouTube chat I'm turning you guys off now if you would like to raid with us over here on Twitch pop over here onto the twitch side of things otherwise uh I will see you guys tomorrow at 10 a.m. Pacific when they turn the YouTube stream on or like a couple minutes after that if that happens to be the exact moment that um you know I'm waiting for a record to finish or something but we're going to go raid over here on Twitch so thanks for hanging out YouTubes [Music] 11 hours on YouTube and uh 12 hours over here on Twitch not bad not bad got to turn in too tired rate I'll see you when you see you take care of yourself all right friends ladybugs
Channel: Blind Extras
Views: 2,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress steam, lets play, dwarf fortess graphics, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress tutorial, dwarf fortress review, indie games, procedural generation, dwarf fortress playthrough, dwarf fortress for beginners, colony sim, dwarf fortress kitfox, bay12games, dwarf fortress guide, dwarf fortress lets play, dwarf fortress 2023, dwarf fortress tricks, dwarf fortress tips, lets play dwarf fortress
Id: 0fjy7vFDcrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 30sec (13110 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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