MESBG TIER LIST: S Tier Fortitude Heroes Ranked

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yeah Su Gamers we're here we're back Liam's in Brisbane I'm in Melbourne why though uh hell it's a [ __ ] te boys we're back with the we're back with the ters boys here we are the one you've all been waiting for well the beginning of a new tier list Series this will be much shorter than the last it will this will not take 3 years to complete it would have taken like seven days to complete if we [ __ ] uh just went off the one t list but we are doing our s tier Heroes we're finally we're getting there we're doing it um with we've got uh a lot together we do went through I went through our [ __ ] s Heroes and holy [ __ ] uh we had uh 80 no 79 of them it was it's mental and mental how do we have that many Heroes at all and how are they all in s yeah the fact we got that many into St uh shocks me uh and the fact that we uh were young and dumb once and put gendale in Esa hurts mile it's not that's not today that's not today we have to worry we don't have to worry about our past mistakes today us another chance to [ __ ] on go so be fine so we're doing uh fortitude and Below today fortitude and below so we had we had five Heroes who were in minor or Independence here so we just toss them into fortitude and I've got to say the uh the distance between seeing uh uh shagrat and and siget and tia on the same teer listc very funny to me um but yeah some quick parameters I guess for everyone this is s tier and we're ranking these guys based off of what is around them within these tier lists yeah so this is this is this is where Buck Wild here this is this is just uh this is just like that that profile uh is it actually good like you know uh and it is is it good around is like is it good enough to be on considered you know s tier of s tier is CET and Tilda better than shagrat well you have to have to watch to find out that's a real tough question but we'll we'll figure it out let's uh dive into it then yeah let's just let's just jump into it why actually share my screen there we go uh ta we're here oh [ __ ] I didn't make the hole that's fine it's a tradition at this point to just not make the hole and make it up on the spot um yeah yeah the wheel the wheel the the the Negros the F the nice um there we go excellent yeah wow I wonder if anyone's going to be in the F this this de who [ __ ] knows um well yeah we're [ __ ] we dive straight we're diving straight on in with uh not a hero of fortitude um but they were they were one day once they were were they were back if you don't read the FAQ they still are exactly you just [ __ ] go off the go off the Army book that hasn't changed in a thousand years um it's it's Kieran Kieran or san or Quan whatever you want to call him um this is this this an interesting little boy he like there's a reason he's no longer fortitude but man the fact that GW fixes profiles to just go on oh now they're not that her tier and it's like you just really [ __ ] with the actual like Alliance on of r as a faction it's yeah he's his Nerf was pretty rough the same as uh uh a yeah like just hey they're not they're not foring their Min now and now it's way harder to build r del list at low but not only that when they changed that they said that was also when they made the change that you had to bring uh fortitude plus into list well Valor for Valor sorry yeah fore for green and that kind of stuff but yeah it's just like anyway it's fine that's years ago it's kid he's still [ __ ] solid he's good I rate him he he he's very good with people uh he's very good with glendell I'll give G yeah 80 Point upgrade for Glo and Delta to make him actually Killy but no like men seeing him like like in last Alliance lists or yeah even a straight up Rivendell that kind of stuff he can be really scary the he got really he's got a really good uh assaultman of spells um or of is is huge yeah yeah for elves it's not as important but it's always nice just to be able to go okay I'm just going to pass those courage J that's it done like R of dismay is [ __ ] having Terror on on else yeah uh blinding light is one of the best utility spells in the game Enchanted blades really really helpful and he's got got a free will cheeky little Free Will cheeky cheeky little free will um where do you reckon he sits God it's I feel like he sits a solid B tier to be honest I was kind of thinking a like he is he is really quite good I don't think he's s tier but he is really quite good I I I I was H yeah like I think low a low yeah I'll take it I'll take it uh this next boys it's the boys it's it's it's it's the party this one this one's cheating a bit um it's three Heroes it's three Heroes holy [ __ ] is it three [ __ ] really solid Heroes um I would be hard pressed to not put them in stia one of the best like valued models points wise yeah like the problem is is like yeah they're they are incredible do not get me wrong uh but like it's it's they're like oh it's it's too my it's like it's to wounds one fate I mean like technically five fate I guess if you really want to the reason you question that is cu you can't roll fate for [ __ ] I mean I can't no I [ __ ] quite regularly the worst person when it comes to Rolling fate holy [ __ ] any other normal gamer sees that five fate and he's like that's good [ __ ] uh I just I think he's top tier I think he's he is very good he is up there as one of the best heroes in the game in my humble humble opinion not that I play or not that I have played uh dwarves in a very long time but if I'm ever playing dwarves or um Moria or C oh he's in the list he's in the list every time even before choosing who my leader is going to be it's him yeah big time and as I said his point the value for points is phenomenal the two might's a bit rough but that's just CU of do in general they don't have any [ __ ] might I don't understand that anyway no you're right I think he's got to go you [ __ ] you're right I I'm right why though um uh Alfred Alfred the [ __ ] weasel himself might battery might Farm I um I really raid him I look it's hard not to it's hard not to when it's like you know a solid like what [ __ ] uh five and six Chads that you're uh uh that you're going to get three might well I guess five and six each but still his cheapest chips to start off with it's 20 points for three Ms essentially if you can find a way to get him will yeah either G or you just it's might battery you've got infinite might Mighty Hero for 20 points okay yeah even just getting three M for 20 points isy [ __ ] massive it is I think the quote unquote Max is a point of M is like five points or something yeah they're abouts I know I think might I mean technically like yeah Five Points in like terms of like battle companies I think does it for five points but yeah I feel like B more than fate and will really but still yeah um like I look I I value it way more than five points I value I value three might more than 20 points that's a [ __ ] sure no absolutely um yeah and like look uh he then just sits at the back of the game and back of the bath and doesn't do much all game but still just go hey here's your big hero here's three might he's he's solid for holding uh home objectives as long as he doesn't run away because he's a [ __ ] coward but be he's pretty good at it uh I don't think he's he's definitely not s that's [ __ ] for sure is he feels really good yeah I mean like look if you think about it like it is it like he's a he's a support hero but like it's like yeah 20 points for three might on on one of your bigger boys like why why would you not yeah absolutely yeah and next boy is one of one of the dwarfs now I I will say because I forgot to do start um I've I've not included uh double instances of anyone obviously of any one profile but we do have double instances of different profiles so we do have two biffers the Biff boys so the Biff boys because biffer is great in any list that he's in um I love biffer he like seriously uh what the hell I I'm I'm going to preface this now I think wherever we put thoren's company biffer the other biffer just goes one spot above him oh 100% that's what I was about to say as well like it's it's it's I think what like 20 points difference for uh for an extra three defense or something like that yeah and like just both got the free heroics it's yeah I will say the one thing that I think th's company biffer has over claim reclaimed biffer is uh he's got a spear yeah he's got his four spear yeah it keeps him out of combat uh until he's needed which is quite nice cuz he's only defense five so like realistically like in terms of like you know if he would have throw if he would to throw those guys into a list like I think there's actually an argument to be made to take Ty's company just on the fact that like you can keep him safer but that being said d8 I mean like [ __ ] d8 d8 d8 d8 yeah but no I think man this is tough I feel like this whole [ __ ] thing is tough this is going to be rough I do feel like he goes btia with the uh arable reclaimed one going a I actually I an a ands honestly it's that it's a free it's a free hero move yeah look you're not entirely wrong oh [ __ ] and you know he does have two let's not overthink it let's not overthink it yeah just we've got natural gut instincts we're always right we're always right what are you going to do tell us in the comments that we're wrong get a grip um yeah cool are you sponsored by um are you sponsored by gamer Subs um so um [ __ ] fimble fimble fimble is an interesting one because man it it is really hard to go past a [ __ ] 60 point hero with three points of M and strike 60 point mounted hero three strike that difficult to R not only that he's got [ __ ] fail sight on his w f sight on his W expert Rider as well [ __ ] he can pi [ __ ] up like on the way through and that kind of stuff man yeah I mean incredible he is he really quite is um I think he's like easily at here yeah absolutely whether or not we Shu him up on I know I think let's put him 80 for now I think yeah well look well we can we can always we can we can readjust we can re-evaluate a 90 points for [ __ ] fight six [ __ ] strength four two handing three attacks father of [ __ ] giml rolling ones [ __ ] this dude is a beat dick how like he also he also really just like throws a like glaring light at at at gim's issues yes absolutely this is what G this is what gimy should be yeah man for 90 points he is always two-handing he [ __ ] rerolls ones he yeah look man I think easily easily ate here he's a he's a [ __ ] good boy he's he's a solid solid boy this is the problem right all these heroes are good yeah yeah man um yeah all these heroes are good but I think this is where we need to be quite judgment in the sense of like are they in the a tier of s tier yeah that is that's yeah look I think we we're we're slowly figuring out the the new meta of this that's it in saying that our next one cesa is she oh uh no she would be a and Tom actually honestly think that she's like quite a lot worse than Tom I don't know I don't know actually yeah they're both pretty [ __ ] they're both [ __ ] yeah they're both pretty [ __ ] good you're right I'll be honest I want to put them down lower solely on the fact that like one they're not in their own Army and two they can be in every army they can be in every Army but they kind of like mess things up a little bit they are a bit they're a bit [ __ ] they are I also can I can't remember yes you can only have Goldy if Tom's in the list so I think she's always going to be wor lower down than Tom take Tom are you going to spend 140 points on her as well probably not it's difficult I Reon let's let's do be here yeah let's go first be here fair enough yeah and then and then yeah we you might as well do Tom now I think I think he's 8 here yeah uh yeah look I think that's yeah like men they're they're incredible they are oh my God but if they're run by a [ __ ] they're not incredible oh my God if they're if they're if oh my God don't don't I don't want Masters no one's going to Masters anyway so it's fine we move on move on toch SC pink SC how good I don't like him he's fine I think the thing is like fire Ball's [ __ ] like eh whenever I verse kadou and people like I'mma use Fireball I'm like sure by all [ __ ] means the flea doesn't you know it's not it's not incredible but it is like a little bit of nice threat that they could put out I I think the thing with kardish though that I really quite appreciate is like man like you could have an orc Shaman for 50 points or you spend 10 points more and that Shaman can suddenly throw Fireballs out and about there is keep you yeah can also keep your ring race alive which is nice keep your ring race alive yeah [ __ ] don't get me wrong he is very good and I do raid him but when I'm looking at him uh with all of the [ __ ] we've got around here I I do I do I do agree I do I don't think he's I don't think he's a I don't think he's S no he's he is B yeah he's mid he's mid he's mid do you know who's not [ __ ] mid though halbrad [ __ ] halbrad but he's not s tier either he's not s tier no that's that's yeah look I I think it's low I'm just going to say it right now I think it's low low a I love hell but I will gladly run a Rangers list without the dude that's the thing I actually was thinking even even be just purely on the fact that like yes okay yeah 6in Banner is incredible but it does cost you like 110 points he's also really [ __ ] frustrating to write list swis yeah because he [ __ ] doesn't he sits at the wrong not he's yeah [ __ ] be 100 points or be 125 points yeah absolutely so I honestly think he goes low end of a all right you know what just cuz he can be mounted yeah I'll give you that a mounted 6 in B could you can be mounted that would bro if this dude came mounted he would be [ __ ] hty no no so the reason I say that is because if you Ally him into things at a mounted 6in Banner with with three might is pretty [ __ ] good all right Mr Rangers player anyway uh we [ __ ] The Herald the heral of the dead he's a [ __ ] model I don't think about often the check the [ __ ] hole [ __ ] off oh what does he what does he do bro the last time he can give m to the king of the dead or some [ __ ] you can use his will will can be used for moves oh no it is just March oh March I mean M um just him off uh yeah yeah you know what yeah cool uh well well we if you're running Army of the Dead take it yeah that's about it okay that is that is about it um if he gave a banner effect bro Chuck him in the stf but he doesn't he's holding a [ __ ] banner and he doesn't give it Banner effect I'm mad I see more people run this dude as an army of the Dead Banner than as a [ __ ] heral that is actually true yeah all right we got our big boy rumal roomy our big boy rumor talking about banners this dude's anti Banner yeah man I mean look it's it's pretty hard not to put him in s TI I'll be honest yeah he pretty hard not put this is a a conversation that I've really enjoyed having over the past few months is what of the Three Brothers do you take and in most iterations rumel is there for everyone yeah R is R is there with one of the other two I I I totally agree because man like it's hard not to take a D7 fight six hero that can go oh monster [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off sad yeah man he's he's pretty hard even just like [ __ ] with actual like proper Heroes as well like [ __ ] hell the attack is rough yeah but like he doesn't need extra attacks like yeah it's just it's just that ability like he will almost always win the fight like you just have no like and like on the worst case scenario like you come up against something that's you know like strength seven or whatever and you're like oh actually I don't really want to lose I can her defense and just sit there like [ __ ] you like he's an incredible roadblock he is such a roadblock [ __ ] it's my boy it's the unsung hero the unsung hero of every game I play with Gondor what a boy I love this dude I do too speak of speaking of roadblox bro this guy turns your whole front line into a roadblock man inold inold is great inold is fantastic Chad you don't like inold I don't know what's wrong with you like man like just no backing away basically d8 the whole [ __ ] time he's got three points of Might to strike to really [ __ ] with people he's got heroic defense to just sit there and live for a thousand years if and that's the thing holy [ __ ] if you're using him properly his might's not there to call heroic moves cuz you don't care about moving you want people to crash into your wall absolutely his might is there to like oh a big hero charged me cool I'm fight four I'm a strike are you going to stri going strike back are you going to strike back fight six oh you're not okay I'm fight six now we fight seven [ __ ] you it's or oh you you did strike oh that's a point of M thank you yeah it's incredible oh now now Bor me can can [ __ ] you up later he is is one of the best [ __ ] might drainers in the game in my opinion just Oh that's oh you're trying to try to kill me with [ __ ] aogo Aron I'm going to H defense [ __ ] you yeah here's a big [ __ ] roadblock for you you big [ __ ] dude a Chad I'm look I want to put him in s tier but I'm very biased when it comes to him so I'm going to leave this one to you baby I never played him and I'm biased for him I love I love this dude I love this dude a lot let's go I think he's easily ass here all I can leave now I'm happy to see you yeah honestly [ __ ] what a what a dude what a [ __ ] dude dude it's just a dude rashu dude him in the rash this is Liam's dude no well actually no the next one's my dude but I do love these two these two together are are are like in every time I make aniz and guard Army it's these two [ __ ] um I I I do strolling down the street with Dum boys yeah with with with rashu and and uh gorov around either shoulder we're all holding hands as we walk down the street um look no vashu like I do love vashu I don't think he's s tier but a strength four three plus shot that he gets two of is pretty [ __ ] good pretty nice it's pretty [ __ ] good behind it like sh and odds are he's sitting in the back not doing much so he's going to spend that three M on shooting is nice or my favorite scenario is someone comes in like oh I'm going to deal with these crossbows and like are you are you actually no you're not no you're [ __ ] not cuz I've got fight five strength four five [ __ ] two attack model here that's going to [ __ ] you the [ __ ] up there is no [ __ ] doubt on my mind a brilliant back I think he's s he sorry that one yeah i' I'd put him a do you know who I want to put s to here yeah I do I do are you a hero I'm going just heroic defense for free [ __ ] it's fine he's D5 n man I'm I love how I love how much of this I love how much of this S2 currently is just roadblox it's it's just [Laughter] Roblox D9 road block d8 road block [ __ ] road block yeah look it's yeah it is hard to just kind of like for 70 points like even if he's not coming into Heroes and hero defensing he's still [ __ ] fight five straight 53 attacks just carving stuff up like oh boy if he loses a fight to troops like I tend like I don't play him but I would use his might to win fights against troops just in case I'm losing against them that's what his there only he's only default Liv it's like okay cool like I don't really want to lose fights cuz I will get injured cuz he's only like and shooting he [ __ ] oh my God hate that um but like it's as soon as he's in combat it's like okay cool like yeah I'm either fighting troops and killing them or I'm fighting a hero I might not be killing them but on the off chance that I win a fight I have uh I have free piercing striked because I'm [ __ ] hero defensing anyway and so I'm three attack strength six I'm I'm a little troll that it's gonna [ __ ] you that yeah this dude's [ __ ] cooked I think he goes s i I look I don't I I I feel like there's going to be I think there's going to be some some push back on that but I'm not absolutely I think there's going to be push back on both him and inold because there was push back on inold in the previous video from memory so uh well [ __ ] him oh we've got we've got little we got little we got a little slingshot himself do you know what well yeah I do I I really do like in this tier list for a reason yeah I do like he doesn't really belong no um I mean being able to wound Sauron is very funny he is a hilarious little funny boy uh and like he also you know he gives might will and fate back uh if uh if [ __ ] hero and monsters die which can be really good why though it's over now um but yeah look I think the problem like one of the biggest problems I have with with AI is that like especially well in thoren's company is like I love that he's got his sling shot it's fantastic like two attacks when he's not moving on and trying to like fish for Sixers to wound models in stly fantastic I love that so much but the problem is is that now you don't want him to move and so you're not actually getting the [ __ ] what you [ __ ] what up what up boys what up what up n Nation what up n nation is the problem is is that now you're not being within 3 Ines to get the [ __ ] Chronicle or which is really quite annoying um yeah look you know um wow look at this dude look at this just updating the disc yeah join the Discord I'm like really [ __ ] popular in the Australian YouTube scene I was filming with Jacob this morning and now I'm filming for the nudes just call me Paris Hilton and I'll release a sex tape oh oh well threaten me with a good time um I think I think you're right though be I I think he goes lower I do I was gonna put him deter deer put deer de yeah I was no no [ __ ] way he's in D [ __ ] way he's in D look I'll give you cing like let's compromise let's compromise best I do best I can do is see here Christ just I don't know when I look at everyone else that's coming up I don't know give me cigaret and [ __ ] Tia over No actually that's a lie God no I mean where are they going to go I don't know oh man really Palace G Captain [ __ ] phenomenal yeah the thing is okay like right now uh this this is this is the palace Guard Captain this isn't this isn't the fight seven trol Palace Guard Captain this is just a fight six to attack uh like granted a fight six Captain but like it's an elf Captain so like all elf captains are fight six you're not saying any words put him in the hall ooh uh spicy I mean yeah the reason he got to S Tia was because in our th Hall list he was next to thand Daddy yeah and you're not taking th's Hall without thel but like again we're doing this we're doing this for some reason um and like again like even when he is fight seven you compare him to a lot of the other Lads on here and I still feel like he only hits like maybe C or B tier anyway like yeah it's like yeah he's fight seven which is fantastic but like he's not doing anything with that fight seven really no and there's so many like Heroes if we could mix and match all these Heroes there's so many Heroes I'm taking over he's not even in contention no I think yeah that's the other thing like I think he's still only hitting like maybe C or B2 at at fight at most yeah I think actually let's put him in D you fill out fill out a little bit of that D here yeah he loves the D he loves the Percy I quite like Percy I do I like him because he's got the name of my dog [Laughter] yeah um I mean like look the the the rolls rolls ones to hit is nice enough um but it's like a cheeky little three M for 50 points pretty nice that's that's why from memory that's why he got into s tier in the first place was three M for 50 points not because he had other [ __ ] to do with the uh like Bowman and [ __ ] in late I think like the the I think the one of the other reasons was like he's another like he's a hero of fortitude that like yeah you get the cheeky to three mites that you can fill with 12 [ __ ] 12 archers like I think like that's a [ __ ] barely even over 100 points for it's cheap as [ __ ] chips I think it's like 100 maybe 130 points for that like it is pretty [ __ ] cheap ooh sorry there's some slow cooking butter chicken on right now and it's smelling really good godam it's hit it's hit that point it's hit that point I I B yeah b b he's fine he's fine but I don't think he's I don't think he's broken anything ah [ __ ] old old arsonist they the all the old arsonist uh look as much as I want that I dude's going to sit de here the only thing he has but Sean think about how funny it would be if he's against the [Laughter] SS the Uber s tier models and it's still Rowan thistlewood oh God I want it so badly um I don't it's you're right you you are absolutely right like he's not there he's he's D tier at best the only reason he's not in the hole is because you can set [ __ ] on fire set things on fire exactly like which is just the funniest rule in this game there's nothing I love more than him just walking up and going that's on fire it's beautiful man I think honestly if his [ __ ] fire roll wasn't a roll and it was just like I set things on fire yeah I think it' actually be higher oh absolutely but also I wish he could set three things on fire not just one set like D3 things on fire like on the roll of a six the entire table is engulfed in flames every bit of terrain is is on fire good oh my god um this [ __ ] Goblin scribe look at this little ball sack little [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate that I know where he's going to go and I don't want him there I don't want him there either but he has to I mean does he though like if you think about him I'm not putting him in s I'm not putting him oh I don't think he I don't think he does yeah you know what thinking about it putting just genuinely actually some thought into him outside of go actual just you know what put it my brain cell one brain cell to use here um put him in the Hole uh I think he's still really good is the problem it's just like yeah I just bring models onto the board uh that that is that's that's why undoubtably really quite good yeah um free models are great I think I think he's a tier yeah like he it's like you know Alfred you know that kind of support her yeah support hero tier oh Bo Balo toen pen oh man this guy can wound saaron a roll of a six we just put we almost put Ari and deed here thank you I I just like to point that out I just like to point that out as as as a as a similarity between the two models um hear me out he's a hobbit that's worse no look I don't think he has though like he also does bring traps which are really quite good no no no okay this is my thing with the traps all right I [ __ ] hate the traps oh big time because they're phenomenal but if it's only eight traps [ __ ] whatever I think the thing is like he's dude's cooked in the legendary Legion when he can take 16 traps yeah eight traps is like sure whatever it it does open up at least like the like to be able to make a list without the legion that kind of stuff is like okay cool I still got a bit of traps still got a bit of funk little pizaz a little bit of little bit of I would like to point out right so they're both both 40 points uh Ai and Balo AI has uh an extra strength an extra defense uh an extra might I'm pretty sure an extra courage and an extra inch move and you can give might will and F back I think Balo Dr like Balo is not better than him Balo I think he sit D no think he sits D the traps are fine but it's just yeah eight traps are not great they're annoying 16 traps is phenomenal but eight is me and that's really why you're taking him for the traps I mean at that point yes absolutely um this is this this is an interest the troll Chief the beefy chiefy this is an this isn't even the beefy chiefy is the problem right oh no it's just the because it's just chiefy it's just it's the beef chief it's not the master chief it's it's it's uh what's the what's what's the dude from Halo 4 um Kevin I can't remember the guy who Chas him James dur Jason dero pit the worldwi worldwide Jacob has been talking about the tri Chief and how he actually doesn't rate the TR Chieftain I think the beefy chiefy is a different matter the beefy the beefy chiefy absolutely the troll Chief is fine but and and this is the thing the only way you'll see me take like a troll is if it's one of these all the beefy chy but even then I'm not sure I'm taking one of these no there's just better options for 140 points two his d8 he [ __ ] hits like a truck it takes a bucket load of Might to get rid of him you you sneeze at him with magic and he's and he's suddenly paralyzed for the rest of the game like yeah or you just [ __ ] magical Breeze stiff stiff breeze you you feed him once to two troops a turn cool he might combat or he might bar bro your base is so big base is massive and also like you're still only three attacks like you're not getting monsters charged you're not getting any knockdown or anything like that like the amount of times I've seen the amount of times i' [ __ ] off [ __ ] [ __ ] the bears oh my God the amount of times I've seen a troll Chief just roll like [ __ ] threes or twos to wound and it's like cool you needed fours like I guess sorry buddy sorry you only have three [ __ ] dice send him into SE here for chiefy C for chief C for chief oh this this dude me and Sir J hansome uh were having an interesting conversation between whether you take the Shag Lord or if you take this bad boy and it was a tough choice we decided always the Shag Lord we decided on the Shag Lord solely because of the knockdown well that's the it's it's the other big thing though is you also get um might back as well yeah Blood and Glory that was the actually that was the one thing that we kept forgetting about when we were having the conversation was blood and red like it is what another it's what like 30 points or there abouts is it is is gorov 80 points and the Shag 115 if you stock him up true so 35 points yeah yeah and that and that's where the conversation came in do you take the Shag Lord or old mate and just fill out troops but the answer I feel like it's always got to be the Shag I mean now I'm now I'm looking at it though it's like old mate's got Bly strength five the B he's got that rule where he can just like just grab a boy and not die he can just pull off a boy he just pulls off his mate just pulls off boys he supports his brothers you know the hammer pulls him off um but that being intimate relationship with this Hammer yeah that being said like for that 35 points you get uh two more will uh two more fate you get an extra wound an extra attack uh Blood and Glory and knock down knock down yeah it's pretty [ __ ] it's pretty [ __ ] good plus actually man he's a [ __ ] hero of fortitude that can Hur out challenge oh oh I'll be h only reason I'm taking old mate over the Shag Lord is if I just want to bulk out troops yeah like it's it's an extra like four five troops something like that it's pretty good yeah will make that up I think he sits beat here I think he sits B I think you're right I think and then the Shag Lord I'll tell you where he sits basically top of s tier yeah look I mean yeah look just let's let's get the Shaggy out yeah look I I think like it's hard to go past him for for like as especially as like one of the only evil models that actually has three [ __ ] fate um man it is really hard to go past him and like when you throw him into the [ __ ] Legion and he gets a plus one to wound oh baby my God yeah uh top of yeah actually yeah I I think you mve the dwarf King down to the end like he's I think he's worthy of best here but I think he the end I think look if we're going to if we're going to order this I think oh oh that's there there's a bit of contention there yeah's better than Eng Gold's not better than shagrat what are you talking about I know I know I got excited watching him move up the very quickly um anyway um uh sick uh this little Goblin dude grobby well I love grobby I actually gen loveby okay so Arguments for grobby he's 50 points he gives you three he gives you three might that he can use to strike or defend yes he can increase his own fight to fight four and then strike and is on with with old gold it's pretty good in terms of terms of being able to drain be M Block drain M that kind of stuff like that's pretty good he's a little buff to his boys I quite like him I Bo buff he he Buffs his he he he he pulls off his boys supports his brothers supports his brothers you know I I actually quite like Robie for for what he does I think he's genuinely quite good yeah no no that's fair he he is solid once again this is why he is in s Tia he's in the s videos um is he in the S tier of s tier though that's questionable the reason I say no is I respect that it's similar to ingold but he has to roll that four plus to get he does have to roll the four plus but he can still strike and even coming from fight three like that can still it can still do damage that can still you know spook an opponent who might not have otherwise struck struck um but I have I will I have seen him run away too many times and this is very anecdotal but the game's [ __ ] the amount of times I've seen this dude [ __ ] just run away once the Army is broken he's devast the big thing though is like you can have him in a list and like again instead of being a roadblock with strike he's a roadblock with defense the fact that he's [ __ ] a 50o model with three points of Defense just the son of a [ __ ] it's pretty [ __ ] good um I rate him in I rate him in 80 all right I've made I made I tried to make the argument but you're right no no no no and I respect I respect your decision I respect where you're coming from I respect the list I don't think he s you you right you are correct um who is s though absolutely it's in their name SD andd and silder um look the only reason they're in this list because B is because they buff his they buff his dad so [ __ ] hard yeah um they don't they they're in the oh [ __ ] me what one is this what is this this is the Slayer of man this is this is uh D3 wounds boy [ __ ] actually no is a D3 wounds boy no I think it's uh I think it's two Bly boy two hand boy let me double check he's [ __ ] uh got to remember should have checked this didn't Bly boy two hand mace Bly boy uh pretty good two attacks barely for 75 points that comes back to life it's very good it's pretty good I'll be honest I would take him in a in if if I could take him in any list yeah like I think I think he's like a solid slot cuz like oh oh I'm dumb I'm dumb the hero b see oh uh well that's why I take him in any list you she doesn't even go here doesn't she doesn't even oh you're right actually that's exactly what this um excellent all right he'll be back he'll be back uh Slayer of man will be back and we will make Arguments for him later um oh I really like that oh it's spectral CU he he's not here um it's fine he'll be back um another hero that I I'm genuinely surprised is only [ __ ] fortitude is is [ __ ] tarel after your blunder with the Slayer of men I was going to question whether tarel was Valor or fortitude I I checked she is fortitude son of a [ __ ] oh I don't man I mean look I have a love ha relationship with her same I I totally I totally agree cuz like men like she on paper phenomenal oh good holy crap like she should just kind of just be [ __ ] spinning and [ __ ] like BBL through an army [ __ ] doesn't she just [ __ ] doesn't and I don't understand why she only rolls a three ey but she does also very otal but man what the hell was on here I'd be saying the same thing how how often does she actually get her blade mistress rule not that often cuz most times she's only charging two models and your opponent's not going to send any more into it unless he confident going to kill him yeah it is still it is still nice to have though like just just like the threat it's fun that it doesn't have a limit but it does yeah but it does like that that's it like it does stop your opponent like the amount of times I like seen her in the battlefield and be like okay cool I'm going to have to kill her with a hero or [ __ ] nothing else like there's I there's no way I'm [ __ ] just ganking her she's do you want some anecdotal evidence on how [ __ ] yolked she is yeah sure so a game against jarck my merkwood Ranger legendary Legion with like 29 shots and his just thandel H [ __ ] he had Tel I sent 29 shots at tarel and I did no wounds heel [ __ ] let's go Um can shots every game oh no I do actually think she's pretty [ __ ] high though cuz like fight six strike three might with three attacks that she can [ __ ] she she's like Mah for me in the sense where when she pops off she pops off she's better than Mal though that's but when she doesn't boy howdy does she just do nothing and she just disappears so she's definitely not s TI she's definitely is with her is that she's still only D5 and two wounds like yeah oh yeah you're probably right yeah uh speaking of s though top of s tier shut the [ __ ] up top of s tier 50 points [ __ ] the [ __ ] God if you take four of them like I did you're a [ __ ] yeah you're you're an absolute [ __ ] you are you are the [ __ ] scum of the Earth but we need to talk about the barite no not really no that's the bar baby that that is that is where they belong if you have played this game for any amount of time if you vers the bar white you just know that but you just know you know have you ever played a bar at 200 points because they yoked at 200 points they're so good at 200 oh my God 200 points with a barite is f coins barite beefy chiefy Easy E no no no no no no no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah 200 points a barow a wag Chieftain that's that's what I that's oh sorry I said beefy chiefy not W Chie I did mean wag chiefton okay right yeah yeah cuz W Chie is the real beefy chiefy W Chie is the ultimate beefy chiefy W Chie was the beefy Chief is there anything we would change here I'm having a look um I think I kind of want to slot Tom Bombadil down and Goldy down oh we that one no look um genuinely like the only thing the main one I I'm questioning is uh the [ __ ] Hunter dude uh I can never remember the names fimble part ofy wants to move him up no I don't h no I don't think so I think if we're moving him up tel up as well I think he needs to at least go like there is no he's where he's where it belongs he's where it belongs okay I think I think I think I think groy I mean like if you think compare grubby and him like other than grobby can't [ __ ] be mounted they're very similar fair enough fair enough although he is fight four so never mind you're right actually he's fight five I think even he's F five he's good he's Sol yeah he's really good you're right um but yeah I don't know what I'm I'm still thinking about Tom and gold briy I think they're where they belong because I think they are good but I also don't want to put them as here oh you just managed to disappear yourself it's the invisibility fuing Harry Potter Harry Potter's invisibility clo oh look no I think I think this is it I think this is it I think like there's no one in a here that think I'd bump up like even GL is I think gl's close but I don't think he's going GL and the hunter dude they're they're tickling my fancy to move up but I don't think we want to move them up I think what's that seven dudes in s tier is is good enough yeah cuz I'm just thinking like you know compare glowing to the lads up there like honestly pretty on par with shaggers realistically like yeah like I think he oh who I mean he's he's only got the two two wounds one fate but he's d8 oh Liam you have 47 seconds to decide Jesus I do um I have a minute and 47 seconds actually let's just wait it out we need to save um oh you know what he's gone he's gone yeah Co put him up there put him up there he's going up done no no no no no no no now that he's up there I don't like it okay fair enough now that he's up there I don't like it I feel o ick o no no no I think like anecdotally she should she belongs in a but I think I I think she might be S here I don't I don't okay all well well well get out it in the comments boys let us know how wrong sha specifically was uh don't say that I expected this from Shawn but not but not you Liam really hurt my feelings Liam is uh very good at theorizing this game I am not I go off pure gut instinct and it has served me well uh anyway uh thanks for this video shout out to the non-existent patreons uh we love you uh Discord guys you're pretty cool check out the link hello get in the comments tell us why we're [ __ ] and why we're not [ __ ] also just don't because we're right we are right objectively we are always right you cannot tell us otherwise we said this from the start well we know we're right anyway bye
Channel: The Last Alliance of Noobs and Men
Views: 1,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The last alliance of noobs and men, MESBG, middle Earth, lord of the rings, tier list, Warhammer, Games workshop, the hobbit, rings of power, Tolkien, LOTR
Id: Y8b2NF7RR30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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