Abandoned by our Country. Project Zomboid

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easy guys in this video I'll be setting up a custom story challenge in project zomboid using mods and debug mode then flipping over to standard gameplay to see if I can survive it the last video I made like this was one of the most liked and commented videos on the channel it seemed only right to continue with its Legacy remember if you have an idea for a future Story please leave it in the comments below and pop a like on someone else's story idea if you like the sound of it so without further Ado let's begin Sergeant James Miller crouched under the remnants of an M35 his heart pounding in syn with the now distant moans of the undead he had been left behind during the chaotic evacuation of the lab site now surrounded by the Eerie Silence of a world gone mad he would have to contact his superiors for extraction or risk being stuck here permanently the once bustling military compound was deserted except for the occasional stumbling zombie it had been a bloodbath Miller cautiously navigated the PS of corpses his rifle at the ready his radio transmitter crackled with static as he attempted to establish a connection with command command this is Sergeant Miller do you copy his voice echoed through the empty compound the static persisted for a moment before a faint reply came through Sergeant Miller this is Captain Harris where the hell are you Miller quickly relayed his coordinates and explained the dire situation I need immediate extraction Captain the compound is overrun I think I think I'm the last man standing the installation is swarming with those things negative Sergeant you've got new orders proceed to the lab site extract whatever data you can then destroy the rest rendevu at the LZ sending coordinates now exasperated Millan knew his odds of success was slim the risk of infection High we've got limited resources Miller you are our best shot at figuring out a cure we need that data Harris out shaking Miller clenched his fist and gathered his resolve this is what he signed up for his country needed him he had a few mags of ammo left but wasn't loaded out for cobot operations his rifle was noisy and had to be a last resort he could use his knife were possible but he knew there were large horde populations near sight zero he would have to shoot his way through he snuck in through the compound Gates the lab wasn't far just a few clicks West his extraction had turned into a new mission one that held the key to understanding the origins of the zombie outbreak a few stragglers remained at the gates easy enough to take care of with his knife until one became three became five became more Miller retreated to the the vehicles before there were too many damn it he began opening fire with his M16 overwhelmed at the front Gates he hadn't even steep foot in the facility this was a Fool's Mission but command had their reasons just about every infected in the compound now knew his location he pushed himself on move Soldier time was a luxury he couldn't afford there were more infected on the way in he tried to be as stealthy as possible but once again there were too many that was close his M16 was attracting too much attention so Miller made a break for it the cold rain came down soaking through his uniform his morale was at an all-time low the things he had done to survive thus far weighing heavy on his mind Miller glimpsed the massive facility surrounded by high security fences bodies lited the compound its Windows shattered and its walls stained with the residue of chaos Miller cleared the courtyard and made his way way round back it was the only viable entrance the compound was in full lockdown protocol steel Gates barricaded most entrances and exits although a few emergency access points remained most of which he was briefed on before his deployment hopefully he would still get in he was losing daylight fast he managed to make his way in through the service Corridor but visibility was low ambushed using his firearm here would be full Hardy quick swapping to his knife to finish the job Miller ventured in the dimly lit corridors revealed the aftermath of a desperate struggle abandoned lab equipment and blood stains painted a grim picture hordes of infected were trapped between the lock down Gates there was no point wasting energy on these memories of his Fallen comrades haunted him he couldn't shake the guilt of being here when they weren't or Worse one of those things the contagion had spread quicker than anticipated there had been a manic rushed to evacuate the compound that he had been sent to secure he vividly recalled the desperate moments of chaos when the undead horde breached the defenses Panic had set in and in the midst of pandemonium soldiers were separated left to fend for themselves the desperate struggle of his comrades some falling in the line of duty others succumbing to the Relentless onslaught of the undead he had made a split-second decision to save himself hiding beneath a vehicle leing even comrades friends to fend for themselves Miller cursed himself he was a godamn coward a deserter each face haunted his thoughts he was a soldier all the training and preparation that he'd gone through and he still let them die he would be Court marshal for this for sure loud banging in the background broke his self-hatred the moans outside grew louder drawing closer Miller gripped his rifle I scanning the room his training kicked in he could hear his own rapid breaths the anticipation of impending danger the lab was littered with the Dead the smell almost unbearable armed with a sense of Duty and Newfound purpose he accessed the terminal if he could do this maybe he could redeem himself no one knew what he did no one was left he needed this The Twist however awaited him as he accessed the files shocked and betrayed he realized that the outbreak wasn't a result of a failed experiment but a deliberate act the infection had been intentionally Unleashed their teams were supposed to secure it but instead Miller his Squad and the entire facility had become part of the initial test phase he struggled to process the Revelation who was responsible his own government the data was not a vaccine but Telemetry on the outbreak he was no scientist but he could recognize the security footage graphs and analytics he prepared the package secured it in a briefcase and wiped the machine he knew this was wrong but he was just a soldier he just wanted to go home and escape this nightmare this was his ticket out of here survive Miller survive he told himself it was the only way he could face the guilt of all the terrible things he played AAR in today the radio crackled to life again breaking his train of thought Sergeant Miller this is one we're on route to your location ETA 15 minutes hold on over Miller reassured himself over and over he needed this he needed this having secured the data returning the way he came the LZ wasn't too far just south of the compound providing he could make his way through the infected to his relief many of the infected were trapped behind the various security perameters they had designed this place well just not well enough not for this he hugged the walls and fences Keen not to attract any undue attention he skirmished with a few infected nearly getting himself bitten his nerves getting the better of him keep it together Miller he told himself he crept his way back to the security gate until he made it to an on-site police station he used his knife to clear what he could using a quick upward thrust through the soft tissue and into the brain carefully he cleared each infected there were so many of them when he arrived at the station he realized that blood was pooling on the floor around him had he been bitten he had no medkit so he broke into the nearby infirmary to attend his wound you idiot you're infected you must be infected he cursed himself barely able to keep things together he hastily downed a box of anti-depressants and painkillers but he couldn't stop the shaking and he only had a few minutes left he rushed to the LZ the Chopper's blade sliced through the the still air stirring the undead horde Miller Heard a Voice emanate from the swirling dust have you acquired the data package set it down on the ground turn around and step away Miller placed the case on the ground and stepped away towards the trees with his back turned he heard the figure's approach he heard the case lift off the ground and a brief verbal exchange between two individuals before the Chopper's blade spun up again The Horde roused by the Chopper's blades now surrounded it for foring it to make a hasty Retreat confusion etched Miller's face what the hell was happening his sensors screamed at him to take covering the foliage a gunshot echoed through the undergrowth narrowly missing Miller's ear he remained still that was the second time his Instinct had saved him today Harris's voice crackled over the communications pack authorative and Urgent this is Captain Harris all remaining units scorched Earth I repeat scorched Earth the realization hit Miller Like A Punch to the gut they would obliterate the facility and everything in it a torrent of conflicting emotions surged through his mind the guilt that weighed on him since the chaotic evacuation compounded with the acute sense of betrayal why did they leave him did they know he knew he was loyal he wouldn't have betrayed his country he was a good soldier he was a his Miller sat Frozen on the ground Miller questioned his own worthiness was this the end he deserved did he by abandoning his friends seal his fate to be devoured by the very Horrors they had fought against was there a way out of this could he still be redeemed through the noise of the surrounding horde a final word penetrated his thoughts
Channel: Chlorophil
Views: 3,235
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Keywords: project zomboid secret agent, project zomboid spec ops, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid black ops, project zomboid mod, project zomboid metal gear solid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid update, is project zomboid good, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid mods, project zomboid meme, best project zomboid mods, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid, project zomboid map, pz news, project zomboid build 42
Id: Tp_yPIO4sMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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