Professors Read Reviews About Themselves (r/AskReddit)

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professors have readied what did you read about yourself on retama professor you get really nervous but you shouldn't be because you teach statistics and no one really cares about statistics this was after my first semester as a graduate teaching assistant best professor lets me skip every other class I have no knowledge of this I have no idea who it is it sounds like something I would do though I don't wear my seat belt driving to school because I want to die before I can make it to class my calc 3 professor told us on the last day about some of the stuff he has read about himself the one I remember him talking about most was he is very oddly shaped and flails his arms about to try and depict third shapes his response was even though I do flail my arms I believe I'm not oddly shaped just look at me this is 100% math bond right here my father is an organic chemical professor at my college he's told me that he never reads written a professor he said he would be nervous to get a bad review and have that throw him off he has a 4 6 rating though and according to our MPs Tanner he's the type of professor who will extend office hours and work individually with students who need extra help even though he could retire at this point he actually genuinely enjoys teaching the subject of chemistry and doing research within the labs I'm reluctant to comment here until this year it was my custom to start each semester by projecting a slide of my worst reviews from the past semester and explaining my plan to address complaints in the coming semester evaluations are anonymous but this year one student complained to the Dean of science that her friends might recognize her distinctive sentence structure thus violating confidentiality this triggered an investigation by the chair of my department he understood my reasoning and agreed that I had not acted with malice toward the student even so it seems imprudent to quote any of my students in this public venue I had chosen reviews that reflected badly on me not the students who wrote them I also explained that I had deliberately posted the complaints verbatim so that nobody could accuse me of tampering with the results for the record I'm not a professor but as an instructor I received evaluations too my wife got hot peppers all hot peppers and that she's very passionate about her subject but too strict and tough she thought it was fair mostly she thinks her students are lazy [ __ ] who relied too much on their knowledge of a similar language sorry I'm not a professor but I did have a professor once upon a time who liked to pick favorites I had her again a year later and I thought it was strange that she suddenly didn't play favorites anymore a few weeks later she mentioned that she had searched herself on retainer professors before the semester and was devastated when she saw what was written I guess she took it to heart kinda relevant my mom's a teacher at a high school so I looked her up one time out of curiosity apart from all the she make me read book complaints there was one author that said something to the effect of and she keeps talking about how proud she is of her kids leaked the chestful I don't care made me smile for a long time I had a criminology professor in college who was an old hippie that fought in Vietnam he had to have facial reconstruction surgery after being shot in the war and he looked pretty weird his face wasn't symmetrical he had a creepy glass eye that never looked where it was supposed to he always wore Hawaiian shirts cargo shorts and pulled his long hair into a ponytail with a barrette anyway everybody loved him and he got lots of Chili Peppers on retainer professor not because he was actually hot but because he was cooler [ __ ] another professor of mine it was a small liberal arts college was decent looking but super creepy and always eating on and sleeping with undergrads he was furious when he found out mr. one I had a pepper and he didn't my dad was a chemistry professor that passed away when I was in seventh grade once I got to be 15 I I fully knowing I could learn my dad was a terrible teacher check whatever professor calm it was filled with reviews of how my dad was a wonderful teacher approachable and willing to help in any way as long as you didn't give him BS kind more about who he was in the world outside my middle school life my father is a professor one time my brother and I were eating though his retina professors call together and one of the students called him a beast we now call him that all the time because it's hilarious in general though my father apparently isn't an easier simply because you have to attend his lectures to pass apparently his midterm was so hard one girl cried he really prefers working with grad students so he can connect more with him I should specify what some students were struggling with was the fact that they had to attend his lectures and take notes to pass the class a lot of people who gave him overly negative ratings were the ones who skipped a lot and were surprised they couldn't handle the midterm and final test before I took this class I had a cactus and a girlfriend I spent so much time doing HW that my girlfriend left me for an art student and my cactus died from neglect I'm more neglectful than a desert not a professor but a team student our teacher for Thermo 1 & 2 is notoriously the hardest teacher ever one of the smartest people in the department provides instruction that develops a deep understanding of thermodynamics however he assigned somewhere around 15 to 20 hours of homework a week all of it incredibly challenging the Exum's are often on things you have never seen before or only loosely covered in lecture as he stresses understanding the fundamentals and expects you to be able to apply them to new things on the fly the class is insane the finals are always two giant problems one computational and one conceptual the first problem on our thermo one final was a giant proof we had never seen before you just can't study for his excerpts I have never been happier than when I was finally done with his classes this was before RMP but they still had student writings I was teaching a class to first-year grad students in medical physics called computer application in radiation therapy this was back in the early 70s when this was cutting-edge stuff I set up a class project to write a computer simulation of intersecting radiation fields actually pretty simple stuff that I could have written myself in about a week but I distributed the work among the students coached them on the Fortran and the physics and at the end of the class we got it published in a good journal with every one of these previously unpublished grad students listed as an author one of them wrote a derogatory rating saying that I was using his students to write programs for him law my parents are both professors and for whatever reason I mean I can probably guess but students do not like my dad poor guy has a 1 4 out of 5 that being said neither of my parents or any of the other professors I've talked to put much stock into what's said on retainer professors because it's mostly just a place for students with strong opinions and a bone to pick to wave their junk around my university offers course evaluations of its own which are taken more seriously mine are divided as are my formal evaluations students who truly want to go into the field love me say they've learned a ton and that I deal out of my way to help them find internships and jobs I really love my field so if they are passionate for it I'm happy to help students who hate me complain that I give too much work I don't give enough positive comments and that I take off for stupid things like getting facts wrong oh and I'm fat and ugly which is true but if that makes it hard for them to learn they are going to have fun in corporate world because not all bosses look like Cameron Diaz I'm not a professor slash teacher but here are some gems I found about teachers at my school from raid my teacher rate my professors sister site paraphrased of course my seventh grade science teacher uses articles from the 90s and doesn't check homework the eighth grade French teacher makes really bad crepes librarian has no purpose and relies on the mean library eggs the social studies teacher who I was supposed to have head looks like a lemon one of the seventh grade math teachers is such a mom not a teacher / professor however I looked up my girlfriend she has five stars and everyone says she's a great teacher but a couple kids said she screams way too much and it's too loud if you knew her you would never believe it she is very soft-spoken and usually rather shy my mom is a professor people tend to love her or hate her she got a couple terrible reviews from students over the years and she really took them to heart when she started teaching in a new town a couple years ago I was taking college classes my senior year of high school and had the opportunity to take one of her classes i anonymously wrote the first review from the new college full of positive comments I really do think she is a great professor she came home a couple days later absolutely beaming saying that she got her first review and that she already felt more welcomed at this school I never told her it was me but it was such a good feeling when I saw the reviews of all my former teachers and professors pretty much all of them were bad reviews even that one teacher who one day said out of the blue [ __ ] work come on class we are going to Dairy Queen almost all of the people to go to those sites and make reviews our students who are doing bad in the class and they blame the teacher so that is their way of getting revenge Nicholls my boyfriend is an instructor and I just looked up his profile besides a bunch of normal mostly very positive comments someone randomly commented on the visibility of his nipples I didn't want to quote it because his profile could be searched that way I assume they were referring to the idea of Sea bump slash indications of a person's nipples under their shirt I haven't noticed anything unusual about my boyfriend's nipples but I guess they think he has particularly erect nipples I found it hilarious and enjoyed mentioning it to him this was written about an English professor I had in college professor is a poisonous man-hating [ __ ] with control issues do not take this class if you have a penis you have any beliefs or opinions whatsoever you could beat her in an argument you aren't on the debate team you prefer the phrase guys and girls to guys and gals you tend to say bless you after people sneeze you have literally any other option she is quite literally half-dragon half hour and 1/2 giant dildo which makes our old gigantic [ __ ] putting my penis through a meat grinder might have actually been a slightly more enjoyable experience than this class being male of course meant that I was automatically [ __ ] although I tried to kiss as much ass as possible and it seemed that she liked me I still got the shaft on every speech I gave and of course the amount of time I spent on her class was far more than any of my major courses I feel no shame in saying that I literally cried blood because of this class she made my eyes bleed blood from inside of my body half way through the quarter I literally started smoking crystal meth to numb myself to the pain I felt every Tuesday and Thursday morning I began cutting myself but not with razor blades like a little emo [ __ ] with my own teeth I would sit in class and literally pull out my own teeth to make knives to cut myself with because the emotional trauma I suffered because of this class was so intense I cried at least once a day and not just angry man tears these were the little girl afraid of the dark I want my mommy type of [ __ ] tears I became a broken man I'm still trying to regain my sanity in my testicles which both mysteriously disappeared around the fifth week of the quarter she literally spits poison and breathes fire please spare yourself the pain of taking this class if at all possible I had a professor who came in the first day and during the bit where he introduces himself he pulled up his retainer professor scores and read us a few positive and negative he then complained that his hotness score was only in the low sixties and asked us to honestly rate him on everything else but to police say he was 100 percent hot it worked last I checked his hotness was rated at 95% most of his other scores are pretty high too because he's hilarious in class I get some pretty colorful stuff on my retainer professor as well as on my legit in-house course evaluations my wife who teaches in the same Department get some pretty funny stuff as well I get mostly encouraging reviews and my teaching observations come back as superior so I must be doing something right as far as how retentive professor scores make me feel I don't really see it as an honest sample teachers with the Chili Peppers get rated higher the students who want to complain can feel like they are getting something out of it it doesn't bother me college isn't for everyone some of the most memorable are below when asked what my strengths as a teacher were a student responded man weaknesses everything I once had a student write about two paragraphs about how there was no parking and the pavement in the parking lot needed to be fixed as well as the lawn lights apparently my core 7 is just a general venting session sure I'll just bring some asphalt from home to fix those holes for you sometime between biology lectures my wife once got this verbatim she loves in a mall and she know about them another favorite was a student complaining about how they had to drop the class in the middle of a semester my fault obviously while simultaneously claiming that there was no review for the final if the student dropped how would they know there is review [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 251,521
Rating: 4.8620157 out of 5
Keywords: ratemyprofessor, rate my professor, professor reviews, review, reviews, professor, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: tRjK6F8MMq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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