College Admission Officers Share The Worst Reason They Declined A Student? | AskReddit

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College Admission officers what is the worst reason you chose not to accept a student just graduated college last summer worked in the undergraduate admissions office for four years as a student ambassador tour guide shadow host et Cie and as an admissions counselors assistant worst case I've seen is a kid openly admit in his application essay that he was a habitual cheater throughout high school but had taught him how to become resourceful and think outside the box I've never seen an application get denied faster one of my friends wrote her application essay to Harvard about how she really really loves ice cream it was a longshot she wasn't trying to be deep just figured she would write about something she likes art and she got in I'm not a college admissions officer but there is a scholarship in my area provided by our business it's an amazing opportunity and I never thought I would get it well lo and behold I get it the organization has a representative at my school so I asked her why I got picked she asked me what I wrote my essay about and I told her I was at Camp one year and I helped a girl with some serious problems she then told me that both scholarship people and colleges have gotten to the point that they will turn you down if you write about how the mission trip you went on changed your life they're sick of it freaking everyone goes on a mission trip sees starving children and suddenly their life is changed she says that they totally support missions and the things they do but she also said if you write about the mission trip you went on you may go to heaven but you won't go to have it obligatory not me but someone I know I work in another department at a college but I've heard some great stories from our admissions counselors my favorite is one girl who was actually admitted then the department's social media person followed her on Twitter her profile picture was smoking a blunt in front of a pile of coke scrolling through a very graphic picture of her fellating someone yeah that acceptance letter got pulled real quick headed to add another one I just remembered the person who submitted a handwritten essay from jail throw away account for obvious reasons I used to work at a college admission office and most applications with Asian names go into another pile regardless of grades anyone who tell you there is no discrimination going on has their head in the sand not admissions but I work in an office on campus that gives out most of the financial aid benefits to students not in need students but those applying for scholarships and fellowships and things of that nature I've literally had to make two piles of applications one for whites and Asian's and one for everyone else the white and Asian pile is immediately thrown out because our office assumes they have gotten money from other sources other than our aid I've thrown out loads of great people to meet a quota I'm not saying it is right or wrong but racism exists throughout the education system for all races it is just part of the system here's a fantastic story for you that ruined my feeling for colleges overall when I was 18 I had just earned my private pilot's license and wanted to pursue the career of becoming an airline transport pilot license doing the logical thing I applied to embry-riddle Aeronautical University about three weeks later I received an acceptance letter and was enthusiastic to the enth degree about this I started planning my move to Florida to attend and what I was going to do being so far from home but making my dreams come true a little more than a week later I received a phone call from the admissions office informing me that a mistake was made and that I wasn't accepted due to my math scores I'm not great at calc they told me that there probably wasn't anything that I could ever do to get into that college and that even attending a community college to improve it wouldn't matter they would still reference this I told the lady on the phone that I would still show up with my acceptance letter in hand and that I would gladly pay the yearly tuition in September she laughed at me like the rude person she was and said that's not how this works and told me to have a good life and hung up what a [ __ ] I remember being completely pissed off and decided that if this was how a career in aviation slash College was going to be I was just going to pursue my other passion it's end of story [ __ ] you Embry Riddle I'll keep my passel gladly and wrap up my networking degree in a year or so I've actually made it a point to share that story with anyone who has wanted to attend Embry Riddle and made it a point to make sure they don't attend thanks for pissing in my cheerios guys do - someone's mistake I was in grad school and grad students have a huge say in who get admitted into this particular program we have the perspective students stay with current grad students so we can do some social things and fill out how they are as a person I got this kid from a top-flight university on paper this kid was a stellar candidate but he was such a pretentious [ __ ] and a straight-out loser nerd that is saying a lot this being grad school admissions after he left I sent an email to the head of the admissions saying so in slightly ever so slightly nicer words got an email back that said yay that guy seemed like a dick we didn't accept two people that year that guy was one of them for being a loser in grad school I'm a teacher one of the students I work with just had his acceptance to Stanford rescinded he's a low-income minority student with an excellent GPA and ACT scores on paper he's a score for schools that value talent and diversity so he got accepted to Stanford when he got the letter he tweeted at Stanford saying something like [ __ ] iere I got him that prompted them to click on his Twitter and they saw all this fucked-up [ __ ] about misogyny and drug use they called our school and told us that they no longer were interested in admitting him as a student I know some schools will reject people if their grades are too high they have too many extracurriculars etc the thought being that these students are basically perfect and will probably get into an Ivy League school what is the point of accepting them if they aren't likely to attend my cousin attended sports science his grades we're all very good but on the physical exam it was stated that branded clothes weren't allowed they had to wear a white t-shirt and black shorts without her brand he didn't know and was wearing an IKE t-shirt with the logo showing very small on his shirt he got sent away for disregarding the rules my aunt was there and would get another t-shirt in the store immediately but they didn't approve so he didn't attend that University I not an admissions officer but this happened to a kid in my school when I was younger seven kids applied to Harvard and all were qualified a rat came into town to interview them all at once one kid gets a question if you were stuck on a desert island and all you had was a power outlet a TV / VCR I'm old and seven videotapes which do you ask for the kid replies truthfully like an idiot seven poorness he was the only one that didn't get in one of the professor's on the admissions board in my graduate program told me about a guy he interviewed who seemed very intelligent and looked great on paper however he noticed that there was something kind of off about the guy mentally he just didn't seem like he was all there in the head the professor begged the rest of the committee to reject him and they agreed since this particular professor was well-versed in new ro science and psychology that student went on to become a PhD student in Colorado where he opened fire on a full theater during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises killing 12 I'm an admissions counselor for all of our Chinese applicants so you can imagine I get a lot of interesting essays many of which look like they're either straight from Google Translate or they paid a consultant to write something for them one essay I read recently was from a girl who wrote about her experience volunteering in a nursing home I thought this would just be the typical I'm awesome because I made a difference to say but in fact in turned into softcore porn the girl began writing about giving an old woman a bath whom she called her pet she described in detail how she rubbed the skin back and forth including the floppy crotch floppy crotch just imagine that visual I have a story from the other side of this just finished high school my grades were pretty met that I had gotten good scores on my SATs Aksum had received a fewer woods for speech and debate so I figured I would be okay send out six applications in April wait for the responses first one comes back rejected not enough English credits second one comes back rejected not enough English credits same story with all five only got accepted to one that was out of state and had different requirements I guess my school had [ __ ] me and hadn't given me a curriculum that fit my States College requirements and I was going to have to apply to Community College take one class for a term and transfer in the winter which sounded all kinds of terrible I focused in on the college I really wanted called them up and asked which credits I needed then I went to my high school advisor and asked them why I didn't have it and what I would need to do to get it he was adamant I did have it so I called up my school this continued for several days me calling up the same academic advisor at this college and trying to find form she wanted with my high school adviser finally she just gave him and waived the admissions process and got it accepted on the spot the funny thing was I was the only kid I had met at that school who had such a terrible high school GPA and my sad and acts were well below the average at the school's admission page if I had already had my English credits when I applied I almost certainly won't have gotten in I pretty much annoyed them into accepting me TL DR annoyed the admissions office into accepting me into a much nicer school once one of those college speakers at my high school told us this story when explaining letters of rec to us one teacher wrote a letter for an extremely good student she was kind hard-working got good raves and she also babba stood for the teacher so obviously this teacher had no shortage of good things to say about this student however later on after the letter of rec had been sent in the college got a call from the teacher who took back everything she said in the letter and told them to not consider the student why because she caught the student stealing from her house the worst reason the student was rejected or the way the question is worded the worst reason the admission officer chose to reject someone the latter take pile of applications separate into two piles throw half away those were the unlucky ones when I applied to my college I went in as an animal science major I wrote my personal essay on how one day while working at a spay and neuter clinic a man came in demanding I help his dog however we were not a regular vet so I denied him he begged so finally I went out to find his female pit bull biting her back right leg off before she lost feeling in it turns out his six other dogs were biting it too immediately I called the doctor and we took her in I was also allowed to watch her leg get amputated when I went to get the man's information he left you to the fact that he was scared of being arrested for animal cruelty I took the dog in taught her how to walk with three legs and then found her a foster home now besides that haha this girl in my high school stole my essay and sent it to her schools because she wasn't thinking she sent it to the same college I applied to admissions office called both of us and I proved I wrote it she was denied acceptance to every school she applied to needless to say write your own stuff and you have a good chance of getting in not a conscious decision but it mattered I worked in student recruitment for a university the student recruitment software did not handle non-standard names on an Us address as well I had to run a bunch of SQL queries I had cooked up that caught all the out of format applicants then try to rewrite their data so it wouldn't get thrown out if I didn't essentially hand comb the database for these applicants usually with non-anglo names they would not get university communications worked in a graduate admissions office in college we once turned away a woman who would call the office every day to ask us questions about the program that we were not able to disclose average GPA slashing mat of class accepted so far job placement rate this was a brand new program the first class hadn't even graduated yet for this year etc eventually we rejected her because her resume wasn't as built out as some of our other applicants I guess this is different for grad school though we did look at her application with a slight bias she flipped a switch and actually came into our office to scream at us I'm not an admissions officer but a girl with perfect predicted grades way higher than the course she applied for a quarte from my school was applying for new ro science and was rejected from her top uni because she didn't take maths which was a required subject turns out that this was the first year that the university had started asking for maths as a compulsory subject and this piece of information isn't even included on the subjects page on their school website we had a trustee visit campus with his son his son was a nice kid really well-mannered but just didn't have the grades it's a really competitive school only accepting about 25% of applications and academically he wasn't even in the top 50% the dad knew this and asked to meet privately with the Dean about ten minutes later we heard shouts from down the hall coming from the trustee as he stormed out cursing the Dean and saying he was embarrassed to be an alumnus the president's office was in the same building and he sprinted up the steps and marched right into the president's office about 15 minutes later he was escorted to his car by campus security the Dean told us later that he had offered to pay his son's full tuition outright in addition to making a dollar sign 500k donation to the general fund if we'd accept him he was removed from the board of trustees by the end of that week we had to mark his son as a never in our databases which means we can't ever consider an application from him again [ __ ] I'm just so glad I can go to university in Germany all you have to do is enter your name and grades in an online format Geron fun facts for most large universities admissions officers aren't making decisions they punch your grade / GPA / test scores into a computer and it generates an admit / deny / waitlist recommendation automatically it's called a recommendation because parents would cry if they thought a human wasn't personally reviewing their precious child's application but the reality is that 95 percent of applications are only seen by the data entry crew basically what I'm saying is that you shouldn't be terrified of offending admissions and getting denied on a whim just have good grades
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Id: 0r_9ta4H18w
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Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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