Wrapping a Bumper in Multiple Pieces | BMW M3 Wrap Series

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well so and twice what are you doing put it back together all right what's up Johnny what up everybody what up guys welcome back to the vlog day number three or four working on the BMW what I'm really trying to show you guys is how long this process actually takes because in the past you've seen us wrap up projects pretty damn quick one video shows everything this time around and really trying to give you in-depth details of exactly what's going on what it took to wrap the BMW how many people who took this far just myself and Johnny on it and we'd be killing it here's what these fenders looking like right now fenders already wrapped hood it's already wrapped but I'll give you guys some good nice clean edges if you guys see what's going on here that looks great door handles done wrapped looks perfect we still have the quarter panel to wrap here we have the bumpers over there in route Johnny is working on the side skirts down there so nothing else Langsford over there Trump's going back together you guys seen in the last vlog how we did the trunk I spent most of my day doing that and showing you guys exactly what was done so if you haven't watched that vlog go back a couple vlogs and see what's going on I really want you guys to understand what's going into this BMW if you like this kind of formula of video let me know comment below let us know how you want to see these videos I told you guys one or two videos ago these videos are for you guys so we want to produce content that you guys like talk to us in the comments below we're gonna answer you guys will try to give you back the videos if you're asking for like I mentioned Johnny's wrapping the side skirt he's already got it done and other ones also already done so we're not going to show you the content on this but these things are super easy so there are flat side skirts the one thing that we made extra are made to pay after 10:00 to 2:00 is to make sure that the entire side skirts wraps even this up the parts that aren't going to be seen so if you look here this is the inside where the doors actually go but we're gonna wrap all the way in all the way around and then down here at the bottom you got a nice clean line so it's right down at the bottom you're still gonna see something great but this is all clipped into place so just don't clean another thing that we saved for you guys is that door handles or door handle with one door and I wanted to make sure that we got that on video so Johnny's gonna be wrapping these free today show you how he does it and then I'll be on these so I'm gonna show you guys all of the inlays that it takes to do these bumpers because these bumpers out of every bumper I've ever done have and require the most inlays and overlays out of any bumper I've ever done so just an example I'm gonna have to do a piece right here we'll take that all the way down this gets done in its own piece so there's gonna be seam right here so doing these things properly is definitely key because you don't want the seam to be seen so you have to do it right now to layer them properly and I'll show you guys exactly what I'm doing I hope I can show you both bumpers but these are gonna take just a few hours probably three or four hours each just getting the inlays ready before we can actually wrap the bumpers they're gonna take time I'll do my best to show you guys some nope when we get started I'm wrapping this buffer and there's a lot of pre-existent damage so I'll show you guys here there's definitely some chip marks here it looks like they may have hit something some damage there this is a little bit warped out of shape here and then the most major damage is right there so those things are already on the buffer we're going to do our best to move around them you know we're not a body shop so we're not going to do extensive bodywork on it but we will be doing some sanding on it approved by the customer to do so so nothing crazy but we are going to do some light sanding to get this thing of work how you can't just go directly over these things thanks better materials stick this is actually really bad it's might be a little bit challenging hey game you go Oh buddy fill me Oh No well back over here I've been just doing my thing total my fingers in lazy to bother me super frustrating so turn off the camera I'll catch a bug okay I'll catch you guys up to speed suit alright so before I get started on a time-lapse with me doing all the inlays on this side I'll show you exactly what's gonna be done because I already did this side so I got an inlay up there going around all of these bends all of these turns are like 90-degree bends you want to make sure that you're doing the inlays properly because you over stretch them there pull apart and look bad if you see here you don't see any seams or anything just looks good this is the damage that I showed you guys earlier some of the damage is still showing through we also got it in the all the way around right there there's gonna be a small seam in this area which B is gonna it's gonna show a little bit but it's not gonna be that big with you especially cuz it goes with spotty line all right so I spend about the last two hours laying these inlays maybe not that long about two hours I'll show you guys what it looks like the whole bottom piece all the way through is done and I think it's one piece two-piece three-piece so two three four pieces so four pieces right here and then this right here that's five and then obviously the same over here now basically all we're gonna do is wrap the front face tap it and we'll match our front piece material like where the seams gonna face backwards I talked about that in the last vlog so you're not gonna see it cuts gonna flap around the only visible seam out of everything is probably gonna be this one but I'm gonna do my best to hide it I'll show you guys what I do with it exactly so we just laid the main piece on the bumper and I wanted to address something real quick because I think a lot of people ask about it I'm gonna put johnny-on-the-spot with this also because I want to get his take on it when you see people wrap bumpers on Instagram on YouTube and different places where you're watching people wrap you see a lot of times they'll actually wrap the bumper on the car and I think you were wrapping bumpers on a car for a long time right when you were doing it take take apart all the stuff put the motor back on and wrap it on the car pretty normal right it's pretty nut oil but us over here if you guys see we constantly wrapped the bumpers off the car I bought these stepladders to paint the walls like years ago now I'll suddenly use them for bumpers all the time the reason for it in my opinion is I feel like we have better access to everything all the way around you know it's definitely a different approach but working from the top I feel like the details are always a little bit easier to get right what's your take now like because before you came in you know these guys doing it's definitely something you have to learn has like its learning curve to it but you get to get around you get to get under so you need to you know pick up the material it's definitely helpful all around you know the vo a piece of dust you have that more easier access to it not just lifting up the whole entire panel you know stuff like that it's just so your consensus you like doing it like this home yeah I mean I've learned to like it so it's like doing it the other way it's definitely useful and it's cool to be doing it on your own but do you have the you know this ability to do it like this you're gonna get more detailed work that's like this also call it job security now I just feel like this helps with the details blood gives us more access to everything on the whole bumper tour so that's why we do it this way there's no right or wrong way I'm not saying that people do it all the cars with the wrong legs a lot of times they rob this all right so you seen the footage what we were doing weird glass in the material Johnny was heating it up and I appeared to be pulling it but I really wasn't all I was doing is kind of is holding it flat there was really no pool to it I let the heat do its thing and it kind of mold right to the piece so if you looked all right here it looks like this is actually laid but it's not it was just heated and conformed to it but there's still a lot of air all throughout the entire panel so we're gonna go push it all out but what I really want to emphasize is when Johnny and I were laying this and glass in the material there was no tension I wasn't using any muscle at all I was doing is holding the material in place and letting it kind of just fall down with the heat and just conformed right to it so there's been zero effort thus far they're really easy okay so you guys seen us lay all of the inlays here's the fun part actually piecing them all together so we put the big main piece the whole panel which we wrapped up over the inlays now we're gonna make some incisions and set everything in the play and just hope that no gray shows long is that right we'll be fine so let me show you guys exactly what this looks like I'm gonna start with the powder bezel I'm gonna do is this is actually up in the air there's a big pocket of air right here so I'm gonna make an incision but I'm not cutting on the car I'm actually using this open space to cut on you'll see here just a tad bit over okay so there's using the open space up and I'm giving a little bit of that's my overage right there I'm gonna fold that in on to our inlay that we originally laid you know that's that I hold it that's cut you seen that this kind of fell into place I see gray right here but let me show you what I'm gonna do so first let me lay this and the seam has disappeared let me see here you don't see that seam at all to the tricky part so I'm gonna do is I know that this is all inlaid here so I don't need any material here I'm gonna make a cut right here giving me some extra material so I can shift this into place I got my flapper there let me give it a little bit more cut here so it'll lift this piece up and it's just a slight shift up we've got that into place for the most part if you guys remember there's a it was an L a done here on this flat side so again I'm gonna make an over cut set that in place and as I lay it you could just you should see that the seam disappears and that's because I'm facing the seam backwards the edge of the seam is now essentially back over here which you're not gonna see that so the bumper is done now show you guys what it looks like we're still putting on some of the trims and pieces some of the lights that need to go in there but it's done so we spent a good probably I spent about two hours doing all of the inlays and then Johnny and I spent an additional hour hour and a half maybe just getting everything dialed and cleaned up with the big major panel that you guys seen so let me show you what it looks like right now Anthony's taking it off the rock getting ready to mount it on the car so by the end of the vlog this bumper should be on the card it just should start to see it coming together sweet and he's like in the work mode just trying to get his part down so as soon as we start finished wrapping he'll grab it he'll start putting it back together obviously there's some wiring that needs to go back on a couple different miscellaneous trims before it actually goes back on the car so that's what he's working on now and we'll have it on in a minute alright guys met the bumper done it's getting ready to go back on the car and really now at this point once it's mounted I can get up close and really show you what all of the inlays look like when you get it on the car and you see it in its entirety none of these seams will be visible that's what I really wanted to preach to you guys is that some of the stuff we did here it's 100% necessary all those bends are 90 so you don't want to try to lay in the Tarot feed it in stretching over stretch and discolor it that's why all those endings are so necessary but yeah like I said there's one seam that's probably visible and it's right there so the super to see especially understand from here well let's get this thing
Channel: Premium Auto Styling
Views: 100,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premium auto styling, premiumautostyling
Id: Ckega9X4sV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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