FESPA World Wrap Masters Wrap Training Workshop: Cutting Down On Cutting

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so for this one what I want to talk about is as I mentioned cutting and you know for me it was really simple is you know for this contest right now everyone's doing a fullprint wrap all right so for fullprint it's very simple rules it's black and white you're going to cut on one side and fold the material to the other side always so you know the system that I have for it is what I call empty solid so for the hood right here my blade goes behind the hood and on this Edge it doesn't go behind so does the reason why it doesn't go behind is because the body continues here so I call that solid but here the manufacturer just makes a very thin Edge and just takes it back and there's nothing back here so for full print wraps you basically have a sheet that's going to cover the hood to this front piece and you're going to take it off and you're going to always always always cut on the empty side and the reason why you cut on the empty side is you simply just want to there's nothing behind it to wrap so here I get the material set up here I run my finger take my safety box click my blade pull it nice and short and then I'm going to cut on the side of the hood the reason why is there's nothing behind the side of the hood so I cut it on this side here run my finger around so it rounds a little bit take my squeegee and Seal Seal done very simple so that's what everyone's doing the competition right now is they're cutting on the empty side and not wrapping behind the edge because you don't want to leave this empty you want to cover it so empty solid simple very black and white but what was interesting is starting I would say around 2008 in Europe and probably around 200 America's color change wraps really came on board and color change wraps are interesting because you want to change the color of the car with fullprint it's a moving billboard keep it simple clean lines wrap it get it out the door both with color change it became really murky and so what I want to do is show a lot of different te techniques of how to WAP with color change film to Great high quality and what was interesting is I would say about four years ago I was an Ireland teaching a workshop at a really Innovative company called sign in digital really cool company and after I did the workshop the owner said I have these guys wrapping 10 mini coers and they're really struggling it's they're just they're taking these black Mini Coopers and they're making them yellow and I said what's the problem he said two guys and they're good installers have taken around 16 hours to wrap these cars I said oh cool I'll I'll come check it out so I went to the worksh workspace where they're working and I watched how they wrapped and here's how they did it is basically and if I'm going to come over here to the edge so you guys can watch on the camera up there is when they got to let's say an empty side on a door right here so they're wrapping the door here is they would take the material pull it off squeegee it on and again what's interesting about color change is with full print you got a whole sheet for the side but with color change you always have this excess material here so what they would do is they would then open the door right to here they'd run the material around the edge and then they would start wrapping the material behind the door taking it behind if it wrinkled here they'd use some heat they'd take it behind work the material in around every Edge they'd work it around this Edge they'd work it around this Edge and they'd even try to work it around that edge so what that means is they would take it back about 1 centimeter right here and then they' take their blade and they' cut it off for me the problem is even if you're you know there's a lot of great installers at this show today but if you're cutting right here what's the chance of you cutting the paint really high also this is a really it takes a really long time to wrap that material around the chance of overstretching is really high and so for me I was watching that I was like aha that's where they're losing their time so what I said is you know let me show you a couple tips and tricks for these type of areas and let's see what happens and that's what I want to show you now all right so for this what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the material away and I'm going to close the door again and I'm just going to show you different options so here I'm going to take the material right to the edge to the top and down to the side here so now the door is done so option number one is this I run my finger here I take my blade and notice that I'm always using a plastic knife I like a plastic knife because if I touch the car with a knife I'm not going to scratch it so I have my blade here and all I'm going to do now is angle my blade as far away from the side of the empty Edge as possible my blade is actually running alongside the edge but it not on the empty side just on the I mean not on the solid side but on the empty side and what that gets me now is about an eigh of an inch of material or about say about 4 mm so then what I do is I run my finger from top to bottom and when I shut the door from the side from the side over here you're going to see red you're not going to see the original color of the car so that's step number one and you can really do that on a black car but let's say you have a white car where you can't do that so I want to show option number two option number two is getting the material on locking it down here and then I'm going to do the same thing open the door again and the only difference is I'm still going to cut on the empty side of the door but I'm keeping the door open instead of close and with the door open I can now take my blade almost at 180° angle top to bottom and notice my free hand is pulling up as I cut down so it doesn't get any kind of chatter marks and by doing that the material wraps around just a little farther then I shut the door and from the side it looks red so I'm getting the quality and I'm getting the speed without having to wrap 3 cm behind and cut on the car but sometimes you get like a really thick Edge for example all right so what I'm going to do is option number three where I take the material and you can't do this with full print but you can do it with color change is I'm going to run my finger from top to bottom all right but in this case what I'm going to do is I'm going to have my blade out just a little tick because I don't want to cut inside the car and this time I'm going to cut on What's called the solid side the driver I mean the back door my blade is pushing towards the cameraman towards the left and then I run my knife down keep it at a 45° angle remove the excess film and the only difference now is I can open the door run my finger around do my angles first maybe add a little Heat come down here do my angle first then I do the flat area always work away from the Angles and then work towards the top and what this does is it gets me almost like a full centimeter of material that wraps around the edge done so it looks exactly like the same as me taking it around two in but what I'm avoiding is cutting on the car so it was really interesting that I do this let's say on this section of the door here I cut on the solid side on the door down on the rocker panel right here I'm just going to use I'm going to cut on the empty side and then for here I'm just going to angle my blade away it still is going to look red or in those gu in the case of the guys from Island it still look yellow but they didn't wrap farther than they needed to and so for me that alone that technique for them on that car took them from 16 hours to 6 hours so they were spending an extra 20 hours on that car of man hours wrapping too much and that's when the light bulb went off when I saw that people were wrapping too far so for me these are good options for you on empty Cuts I also want to show you a couple extra tips for empty cuts and one now involves TR line all right TR line is really interesting where let's say I want to do a color change on This Hood and for me for the I teach the I run the Avery Denison uh certification program in North America and part of that program is uh you have to wrap the hood for the certification test so what Avery requires is that you have to wrap around the front of the hood about a centimeter the reason why is it's a high grab point if I cut the material to the edge of the hood and the customer goes to change their oil you might pick up an edge so Avery wants you to wrap farther but what I see a lot of people do what I just mentioned earlier is they'll get the material on the hood to here they pick the material up pick the hood up and then they wrap about 2 cm under the hood and then they cut it away but a lot of people have failed the certification test because they cut on the car because one of the criteria is if you cut the car you fail just like for the rapc contest if you cut the car you fail even if you have a lot of points same thing cuz if you cut the car you fail for your customer so one option for this one here is obviously you could take your blade super short and here I'm just going to cut on the small piece take the material away and now I got my perfect almost 1 cm run my finger and slide it under and now I got the wrap around without having to cut directly on the car this is easy because I got a nice good solid line to guide my blade but what about when you got something like this all right when you have something like this where you got a hood and you have like no direct line to cut on how do you make that line straight all right I actually picked this tip up from Michael Myers uh one of the early videos I had on the rap Institute I was at Olay shop in Denmark and O and Michael Myer said I picked up this really cool technique for hoods for the top of the hood I take TR line and I line one string up here wrap the hood have the excess material here and you pull the third string out and then it wraps around the top of the hood and I thought oh that's cool but I never really used it much because I always thought if I angle my blade far enough away that I don't need to use that so I tabled it for a long time but then when I kept on seeing people cut the front of the hood of the car what I started doing now is this instead of using it on the top of the hood I'm now using it at the front of the hood so what I do is I'm going to come here and I'm going to take TR line you can use 6 mm it comes in 6 mm and also comes in 9 mm so it doesn't really matter which one you use so what I'm going to do is I'm going to line the TR line here all the way across and what I really want you to pay attention to is I try to make that string as symmetrical as possible and as high as possible here then before I let's say wrap the hood what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick it up and I'm actually going to cut away the inside two lines what that does is it frees the makes the third line almost just like their Design Line so here I can pull the the string and then imagine imagine this is on the fender so I lock it on the fender with a pre-release then I wrap the hood like I normally do so I come back here for the hood wrap take my squeegee now lock it in come down get it in place so I'm over the try line here and all I do is I run my finger so the material kind of goes this way so then what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back to the line pull and it cuts it away perfectly where now if I pull the rest of the tri line out I can run my finger and you can see what I get I get a perfect quarter inch of material or let's say half a centimet material that I can now get that you know if you're trying to work with Avery Dennison or let's say this case hexus now I get that wrap around without having to cut on the car awesome stuff so again try line for me is a really cool technique so this is what I like about you know let's say the rap Institute or traveling across the world is I can pick up techniques where one person is using at the top of the hood where I can use it at the front of hood and I get super good quality without having to cut on the car so again lots of different options of creating that quality and speed do I spend a little money on Trine sure but do I make money because I'm home quicker yes very good technique for that so cool thing for here so now what I want to also talk about is again different ways to get in inside this area without using your knife all right so there's a really cool tool from knifeless tape or from yellow tools sorry so yellow tools has this cutter and what it is is a blade that has a a beveled Edge right here on both sides and it's a live blade it's constant so the trick for this one is is I can use this on a vehicle between the gaps so let's say I'm right here on the hood pick the material up lock it down and let's say here I don't feel comfortable let's say if you're a new installer this is this tool is particularly good for people who are beginners is you know a lot of owners don't let the beginners cut on the car right away because they might cut the car so even an installer here might be cutting here and they might jump out and you cut the paint so a very safe way to do this is using this bevel tool from uh yellow tools okay Sasson cutter so basically what I do is I put it in here and it can roll back and forth but the blade is only out let's say about I would say half a centimeter so there's no chance of me cutting inside the body where now I can just roll it I'm pushing towards the car but there's no chance of it coming out I pull the material away and now I got this perfect wrap around that slides under really cool tool so for me it comes in different widths for different types of cars but I can use this anywhere I can use it even between the gap between the front light I don't want to cut here I can use it alongside the fender and the hood cool stuff so lots of different ways I can use this knife without cutting on the car so for me it really really I mean it's an investment maybe cost like 20 or 30 bucks but for me it pays off because you save time you get the quality you get the wraparound and you get that you know price point for me which is making money in time so here we got this so we got the cutter from yellow tools so this is kind of what I think about for empty cuts and on this car that where are your empty cuts on this car the hood doors maybe the back of the trunk or the boot if you're from England so those are the what you want to do for empty Cuts now where it gets very interesting for me is solid cuts for color change all right so for solid Cuts what does that mean is it means inside the body so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pop open this Hood so you guys can see what I'm talking about so I'm going to pick the material up lock it down and let's say we're wrapping the fender of this car so I'm going to pick it up lock it in to here now where it gets interesting when you're wrapping cars is if you're wrapping the fender piece here the actual manufacturer takes the paint all the way to here so you got all these bolts and what I see on Instagram a lot is people will be like okay I wrapped this Fender in like hexus red and they wrap these bolts and they wrap down here and stuff like that and when I see that I I just get sad right the reason why I get sad is that just tells me they took a long time to wrap the I mean to wrap this stuff it's cool and it's Stony and it gets you a lot of likes on Instagram but for me it doesn't get you home at 5:00 I mean unless the customer saying I want this red and they pay for it co cool but if you're doing it as part of your wrap you're going to lose time and money all right so the problem is when you're coming in with the material here is once you're bringing the material here where do you cut all right with what I just showed you on the empty Cuts you could cut on the side of the fender you could use the tri line you could use all that stuff but here where do you cut and most often times you're going to cut on the body So to avoid cutting with your knife what you're going to use is knifeless tape so instead of cutting here you're going to come in with in this case 3 m Design Line and you're going to run Design Line most likely right here on the body line on the outside so you're going to run it there beforehand pick up the material feed it in cut it out very simple and you're going to do it let's say on the back door you're going to do it on the front door the gap between the front door so this is pretty standard everyone knows this all right but what I want to show is little tips and tricks that maybe you don't have to do that all right my goal is to in some ways turn color change wraps into fullprint wraps what do I mean by that I'm going to go back to shutting the hood come down here drop it and I'm going to grab a piece just for demonstrations make it a little Tiner to here and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick the material up lay it on the fender and I'm going to run my finger here and take my knife now and I'm going to cut it on the side of the hood treating it like it's a full print release the excess material here run my finger take my squeegee and seal it now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pop open the hood again so you can see how short I came so right now I'm trying to cover farther especially if this was a white car you'd really see it lock it here and you can see that the material now didn't reach the point that I wanted right to here all right I wanted the material to come down here but if I be cutting with the hood closed I come short how do I get around that how I get around that is Maybe by being a little creative right this is a really cool tool from company in America called ex Excel right this is what's called a dual cutter what they use this for is for creating stripes on or cutting a gap on window perf so you have your window perf and they want you to cut it away from the molding that's cool if you were into that technique but I never thought of it for that what I thought it for was this so I'm going to take this over here and I'm going to walk over here if you don't mind and you can make adjustable widths so I can I can make this wider or Nar narrower and then what I can do is I can take a scrap of material and some most of the time I use carbon and I can make my own stripes on location so by doing this now I could do it in the same color I'm wrapping with or I could use it in let's say carbon and I'll come back over here and what I what I can do now is I can lay this on either before or in this case I'm doing it after because I'm working with Matt film and I can lay this in as a stripe and for me what I like about this is generally I'm going to use carbon I mean if I use carbon customers like it because it's you know an exotic film but for me imagine every time they open up the hood they saw a little sliver of carbon they would actually pay extra for that but what I know in my head is it's quicker and I'm using a dual cutter to film and I'm using scraps and in a way I'm upselling my client scraps but I'm saving a tremendous amount of time because I don't even have to use knifeless tape anymore I just use that piece I could do it beforehand again with with gloss cuz gloss on gloss sticks really good or I can do this or there's even a a tool out there called mold and hold which is a pre-cut strip cuz what's right here inside the car molding all right and this molden hold looks exactly like molding if I put a strip of molden hold right there the customer wouldn't even notice it so again I'm trying to save a lot of time by doing that on cars is different types of tricks of putting little stripes on these sections that get me home by 5:00 as opposed to 5:00 in the morning really interesting so for me cutting down on cutting is one of the biggest things that people do is instead of overwrapping and wrapping inside all these areas or wrapping deep inside here why not put a stripe here or cut it on the side of the hood and wrap under and let the material and the car kind of guide your blade and get you those time-saving techniques so lots of little tips and tricks out there with the knifeless tape the try line the Dual cutter that tool from yellow tools by having that in my toolkit I mean if you notice that Tadashi he was in the second round I mean his tool bag was the biggest tool bag you've ever seen in your life I mean he has every tool imaginable in there but because he has those tools and he has the right tools for every situation that he gets in he saves a lot of time and money and that's why he's one of the leading uh installers in Japan so it's really cool cool when you have the right tools and you open into it and you go online you see what everyone's doing and you can purchase them and that's why yellow tools has a great stand there 20% off really cool stuff so uh does anyone have any questions on what I just did in terms of material all that kind of stuff and I do the same thing for Chrome do the same thing for carbon do all that kind of stuff so even here imagine like a chrome inlay right there every time the client opens up they say Chrome lots of cool time-saving techniques and I really particular like the one with the try line here that saves a lot of time that comes from Michael Myers so really cool stuff that you're picking up really cool tips and tricks tools from America tips and tricks from Germany all that good stuff so that's the name of the game today is saving time and money creating that quality without ever letting your knife touch directly on the car let it go alongside the car so hope you enjoyed this demo tomorrow's demo will be more about relief cuts and how to relax the material onto the car without using a heat gun which for me also saves a lot of time and money and keeps the material intact so thanks for watching Justin p all
Channel: FESPA
Views: 476,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printing, trade, video, wide, format, FESPA, Digital
Id: 3mqDbNU-bd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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