How to Midjourney for Product Design (Pro Tips!)

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welcome back so lately I've been trying to design products with artificial intelligence and the results haven't been very good the images all come out sort of interesting but as products they wouldn't be easy to use they don't really have a modern aesthetic and they would be pretty much impossible to manufacture but being the stubborn person that I am through a lot of trial and error and a lot of youtubing I have finally found a way to consistently get mid-journey to create high quality product designs most of the time so today I'm going to show you how to use the text to image generator mid-journey to create a high quality product designs and the best part is it's super easy [Applause] if you don't know mid-journey is an artificial intelligence tool that generates images from text prompts and other images to start using it you need to create an account on Discord and then connect through the mid-journey website if you want a more in-depth tutorial on how to sign up I'll leave a link in the description below one pro tip instead of using the Newbie channel to generate images with everyone else which is super hectic you can invite the mid Journey bot to your own server and then you can design in your own space without being bombarded by everyone else so as you can see I'm on server I invited the mid-journey bot and we can start designing some products the first thing I'd recommend playing around with is the Imagine tool and the text to image generator this is the easiest way to get started it is a super fast way to generate some ideas let's try designing a security camera so to do this we just typed in slash imagine and then give it a prompt so a security camera and voila you have some images of security cameras these are definitely really good images of cameras but if you want to design new products you have to give mid Journey a bit more context so it can come up with something new so let's add some details some adjectives some materials and some context so we'll type in slash imagine a designer security camera premium materials in the Navy and tier design as you can see we're starting to generate some ideas of products that don't actually exist yet which is really cool and great for product design and with that you can just start playing around with different adjectives and changing things around and seeing what comes out so let's try a modular home security camera made of high quality materials with Japanese interior design and with that we get some other ideas the only limit here is to your imagination wow cool if you want to increase the realness and image quality of your Generations there are a couple of generic words that you can throw in the end of basically every prompt to increase the quality there's a lot of these propped enhancers and this is a really deep topic but here's a couple that I like to use pretty much most of the time so let's just copy that same prompt say slash imagine paste it in and we'll add in a contract fast hyper realistic redshift 4K nice looks pretty realistic if you want some more tips on how to create repeatable results with prompts I found three really great resources that you can check out one the National University of Singapore has a great series of videos explaining their research on designing products with mid-journey and their videos only have like 500 views so definitely go check them out two I found when you start creating some images you can go to the mid-journey website and check out images that look kind of similar to the ones you created then you can explore the prompts used by other creators to create images three there's also a ton of other videos explaining prompting on YouTube especially if you want to have a specific art style or photography style I'll put a link to one I like below so we're gonna move on to the next tool which is the blend tool when trying to generate product designs I really felt like I could only go so far using the text prompting alone in the case of the security camera I just felt like mid-journey kind of had a couple of archetypes in mind that I kept referring to like this globe thing or a box it'll play around the details and composition but won't necessarily change the product design all that much so that's why I like using the blend tool this allows you to merge two or more images together to create one New Image I found that this really quickly creates high quality product designs it makes it very easy to control the design language so to do this we just type in slash blend and then we drag in some images just make sure the images have similar camera angles and backgrounds wow that's really cool so as you can see we can really quickly generate a high quality product design images it's really fun to play around with different images and see what comes out [Music] also don't be afraid to open Photoshop to flip the image remove the background or play with the colors you can also put in more images if you like but I found just putting in two images keeps the results random enough while still being very controlled so moving on to blending images with text this is getting into the really advanced stuff but still pretty easy which is basically combining text prompting with the blend tool this seems to work pretty well to create exactly what you're trying to while still being pretty low effort to do this we first have to pick out the images we want to combine and generate some links first so it's pretty easy you just drag and drop them into mid journey and then we just click on the images and open the browser and it'll generate a link from that like before we just type in slash imagine then we just paste in the links that we just created make sure you put spaces in between now we just give it a prompt it doesn't really need to be that complicated since we gated so much context and information from the images we just got to tell what we want so we'll type in a home security camera so these are some pretty great concepts for cameras that would have taken an expert weeks to come up with and as you can see we're able to deviate from the mid-journey archetype of the home security camera and create something new that was pretty much in line with what we were trying to do once I'm done screwing around I like to go back and look through all the concepts I created and regenerate prompts that seem interesting do variations on interesting Concepts and upscale all the concepts that I think are the most promising and there you have it these simple tricks you can start creating dope product designs without doing any real work who needs creativity when he got mid-journey am I right no I'm just kidding I think this is great because I think it frees you up to focus more on being creative rather than being stuck in generating images I think it's also important to note that none of these designs would really work right away they all have issues with proportions details usability manufacturability but I was able to find some cool design details that I thought were really interesting and I might not have come up with on my own so that's it for today I think in the future I might do a video on designing with AI and the whole product design process so if that's something you want to see let me know in the comments till then stay wavy and uh don't let the AI overlords take you out okay thanks bye foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: some gray things
Views: 24,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Industrial Design, Design, Product Design, How To Design, How To Design Products, Trends, Industrial Design Trends, Product Design Trends, AI, Artificial Intelligence, MidJourney, MidJourney Product Design, MidJourney Industrial Design
Id: elEXmowNlB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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