Cut Paper Effect in Procreate Tutorial

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today we're gonna be making this cut paper effect in procreate pretty easy to do let's get going hello my name is Brad I review tech for creative professionals and usually at this point in the video I thank my sponsor or I promote my online courses but this week I'm doing something a little bit different because things are different because of health concerns many events and conferences that artists and illustrators rely on for their livelihood have been canceled or postponed in the description of this video and in the comments of this video I'm going to link to a Twitter thread where many artists have shared their work that they are selling online if you've been thinking hey I would like some cool new artwork or some awesome t-shirts to wear this would be a good time to support other creatives in our community and if you are a creator who has been affected by this of course add yourself to the threat all right under the tutorial this is pretty easy to do before we get started I did want to show you what the end product would look like so let's create a blank canvas and get started first thing I want to do is find a nice color palette there's a million ways to do it you could make it up yourself for me I just went over to color Adobe comm and grabbed one so from this I'm just gonna use my iPad to do a screenshot I'll just move these in so I can grab this color come up to here and I'm gonna say copy and once that's copied to my palette there I'm just gonna jump back to procreate three fingers swipe down paste that thing in so for now I'm just gonna take this and I'm gonna shrink it way down I just needed as a palette to pull from as I go so we've got layer one and what I want to do is just some random shapes in here using the various colors so the background color that I'm going to use is going to be my darkest color so I'm just gonna come in here to my background tap and hold to make sure that I get that darkest color so my next step is to create a bunch of abstract shapes on this layer so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tap and hold to grab that purple color and I'm just gonna come in here and sometimes I might have to come in with my pencil and clean things up but I'm gonna just make some nice I guess bean shapes is probably the best way to describe it varying shapes just getting some different contrasting sizes and things like that and once I get a couple in there I can just drag my color from the upper right hand corner and fill these in and of course I do want to make sure that they're completely filled in and there's not too many ragged edges here and there once I got those blobs in my next step is to create another layer and grab another color and then I'm going to make more blobs with my brush tool kind of like that and I'm just going to keep adding and adding things as I go [Music] all right now here we have our blobs I move pretty quick and there are some ragged edges and if you get some of those it is gonna look a little weird so it's not a bad idea to go in at this point and just make sure that these are as clean as possible I like to just kind of go in and do that the other thing I want to look at here is contrast and I'm seeing this this this dark red and this purple together there's not quite enough contrast so I think I'm gonna darken up that purple which is pretty easy to do at this stage I'm going to go in and alpha lock that I'm gonna pick a slightly whoops darker shade of purple and then when I tap on the layer and I fill that layer it's gonna fill with that darker color you don't need my color palette anymore so I'm just gonna turn that off so our next step is to add some depth to it to add some of those drop shadows in order to do that we're gonna be using something called Gaussian blur so let me start by swiping to the left on my layer and duplicating it I'm gonna start with this bottom layer and in fact for now let's toggle off all our layers except these two bottom layers and then I'm gonna take this very bottom layer which is the only layer I have turned on and I'm going to fill it with black so I'm going to select black for my color I'm gonna go to my layers I'm gonna turn on alpha lot because I want to fill just the color that's there with black and then I'm gonna go ahead and say fill that layer now I'm going to turn that alpha lock off because our Gaussian blur is not going to work if your alpha lock is still turned on and then I'm gonna tug along the layer above it so you can see that layer 3 is still purple and the layer below it is black so I'm on the black layer the very bottom layer I'm gonna go up to this magic wand I'm gonna go to Gaussian blur and now I'm gonna swipe and the more I swipe the more of a shadow it's gonna leave now you can play with this and see what kind of shadow you like I'm gonna stick to maybe around 10% because it's an easy number to remember and there we go so so that's looking pretty good and now we're gonna rinse and repeat so we're gonna go to lare which has our red blobs on it I need a swipe over I'm gonna duplicate it good to go to the layer under it which I want filled with black I'm gonna toggle that on going to alpha lock that going to then tap on it again make sure my black is selected whoops and then go fill layer so it's filled with black then I can turn on my red layer above it now I can turn off alpha lock and we're gonna go ahead to gosh and blur again and again we're gonna swipe up now the reason that it's important to remember what your blur setting was set to and it tells you up here 10.1 is because you want it to be consistent from layer to layer that's just gonna give you a better effect and there we go so I'm gonna go through the next two layers and I'm going to do the same thing I'm gonna duplicate both of these I'm going to alpha lock the bottom layer I'm going to fill it with black and I'll see you back here in a second all right so we are back and as you can see we are getting a nice paper effect here and it's starting to look the way we want it to look the thing is is we're using that black as our drop shadow and depending on the colors you choose it's going to look too intense so there's a couple things you might want to do here and I like to just kind of use my judgment on what kind of shadows look good so sometimes I'll go into each layer where my shadow is and I'll dial down the opacity and I kind of make a judgment call on each layer and try to make them look equal so I'm dialing it down to like 60 right now 60 percent opacity maybe a little bit more maybe a little bit less on darker colors I might keep the shadow on a little higher than I do on some of the other layers so for example the layer that's above this darker purple I'm keeping that closer to 80 and I might keep this layer you know closer to 80 as well but you get the idea now we have our cut paper effect now if you think about the way light works if the light is shining directly down on the paper that we're gonna get a shadow like this but oftentimes you want to offset your shadow like if the light is coming from the top coming from the side you might want to shift your shadow I like to do this after I get my shadows in here because that way I can swipe to the right on all of my shadow layers at once grab my arrow tool and then move my shadows as I need to so if I want to move them and do kind of an offset shadow type thing I'm going to move them all at the same angle at the same time so that they're uniform as I go and after I do this I'm also gonna see some of these shadows are darker than I want so again I can always come in here and adjust the shadows down or up a little more just to make it look better now that we have this section looking pretty good let's go to the next step which is gonna be adding some text to this and then cutting it out so first things first we're going to go up to our wrench we're going to go to the add section and I'm going to say add text and I'm going to type cuts paper and then on another line of text I'm gonna say effects so I'm going to highlight that I'm going to go to edit style and one thing that I want to be careful of here is that a very narrow font when we do this cut paper feel isn't gonna show up too good a bolder font a thicker font is gonna look much better so let me find one that looks pretty good usually Futura has yes it has condensed extra bold333 marshal good enough all right I'm gonna tap done and now I'm gonna just move these around and make sure they look pretty good in fact I might select them both at the same time grab my arrow tool and just go ahead and position them where I think they're gonna look pretty good so I want to cut this out of a white background so below my text layers I'm gonna go ahead and create a new layer I'm gonna tap on my color I'm gonna grab the color white and I find often it's easier to grab a perfect white from my classic color picker than it is from the circle I'm gonna go ahead and just drag it in there now I'm gonna cut this text out of that white so let's do that I'm gonna go ahead and grab the word effect get a tap on it again I'm going to say select and then in my layers I can toggle that off and I don't know if you can see it on the camera really well but that is clearly selected gonna go to my white layer here and I'm gonna tap on that again and from there I'm gonna say clear now it's not just gonna clear all the white it's just gonna clear the area that's selected so I say clear and now we can see our text under and we're gonna repeat that go to cut paper we're gonna go ahead and select that I'm gonna go back we're gonna toggle that off go to our white layer tap on it again hit clear and there we go we've just cut that out of the way but we aren't done yet because I want to add another drop shadow to this white piece of paper so let's go back to our layers and I'm gonna go ahead and just duplicate this go ahead and duplicate and then on the bottom layer underneath the white I'm gonna fill this with black and add another blur like I did before on the other layer so let's go ahead let me let me choose the color black first that's definitely gonna help me gonna tap on that layer we're gonna fill it oops I did an alpha lock that's what happens when you don't alpha lock people so let's helpful lock that layer first then we'll tap on it then we'll fill it then we'll unallocated so that looks good let's go to our little magic wand let's go to our gosh and blur and let's just scrub over and get a nice drop shadow going on that there we go now here you can play with your drop shadow a little bit I have it at 10 because that's about where I've been with everything but you don't have to do that you can actually go less and it's probably still gonna look pretty good in fact I might try that might go down a little bit and I can always take my arrow here and I could move this over I don't like to do it too much but if I try to get into kind of the same angle as what I was doing before it gets gets a nice effect going so there we go let me snap in there is my cut paper effect in procreate if you want to check out my out bro Creed tutorials there on the screen right now just go ahead tap on and as always if you have any comments or questions let me know down below in the comment section thank you for watching and I'll see you in a couple of days [Music] you
Channel: Brad Colbow
Views: 642,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, technology, art, illustration, drawing, wacom, ipad, apple pencil, procreate, review, cut paper, effect, tutorial
Id: -8Vz_iO2IEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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