I played Trackmania CUP OF THE DAY Twice in a single day

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so i want to do a video segment on this so i'm gonna i'm gonna introduce it to the youtubers hi no that was bad wait wait wait wait okay okay okay we're gonna we're gonna yeah wait wait okay hi my name's virtual and i'm about to do something pretty stupid today this timer here is going to go for 24 hours i'm doing a 24 hour stream and in this stream i'll be doing among other things an experiment with the trackmania competition cup of the day this is a competition that goes every day and i'll try to play it twice in one day to see if sleep is bad for your driving so how will my result differ from the first cup of the day when i'm feeling pretty fresh ready to go to the next cup of the day in 24 hours in just one gaming session well that's what we're gonna find out it's gonna be fun i hope at least the first one's gonna be fun the second one i'm i'm really not too sure here we go he's not gonna make div one let like imagine it's a nascar track imagine it's a nascar track the day i'm testing the scrappy that'd be really bad it looks like a full speed map it looks oh is this full speed yeah i think this is uh full speed dirt okay i might do better after 24 hours just because of the map here because i'm not too good on full speed we'll see though i'll do my best wait okay that's a forced camera i actually like the new cam 3 more than this it's weird then it goes uh oh here and then it goes up into oh that's the steep wall ride wow really weird track oh magnet okay panic uh where do we go no uh this map is difficult well jesus christ man is that the finish that has to be right okay so you essentially want to speed slide that entire thing makes sense and then go low get a speed slide up here oh that's well right i see i missed the gear again it's still faster though that's a very bad line what i just took go high here so you can go low here there's a magnet to pull you down then you go here then you go upside down oh it's awkward and then this is so difficult i'm already losing two seconds okay i'm screwed where am i losing two seconds maybe higher here so i can go yeah like this oh that's so much more speed okay that was big time save because this speed is gonna snowball just gotta keep my car on the road no no no okay i can see a little bit i see a little bit i wonder if you intentionally gear down the first so you pick up the second one no maybe oh maybe oh that's so fast okay top seven i'm one second behind the full speed players but that's to be expected like scrappy if you can hear me what what checkpoint once are you getting scrappy because i think i'm hinting on my way to checkpoint one hmm your first checkpoint what scrappy how wait wait wait scrappy scrap scrap shift shipper discord we gotta go discord for this you gotta explain this to me thank you what is this how how do i get point four why why am i being called i thought someone is recording it doesn't mean i know i do i do i just i'm using you for help right now so if you could wait yeah turn in the action keys oh my god cheater so there's no slide until third gear or but you eat the gear in the nose slide yeah you need to you need to be nostalgic yeah you need to no steer in the nose like really quickly to get up you know for both gears yep ah okay i actually think i'm in with this time yeah i think we're in scrapping yeah i think i'm in two because i'm barely losing places yeah same that's like a good sign someone chats that mata is regularing 39.99 i got it i got a sniper stream i caught a sniper stream yeah yes but there's not much to snipe it's the best what are you gonna snipe he's just doing no no scrappy listen this is a strap you're gonna snipe everything he does oh wait he didn't even know slide doesn't he make does oh what is that line yo no what what he just do in the version oh there's not much to snipe he says that's that's probably it already a little bit of it okay wait join the server go for consistency yeah i'm obviously trying oh no you can't hear gears oh it's going to be so bad what okay they're doing 53 starts my sweet lord what the [ __ ] you had a 0.4 earlier yeah but it's so hard to do well i have a great start this round okay so you want to go very left on the magnet uh what no oh like you you don't want to slide that one platform after no okay yeah then i'm done i'm with you pb i'm second whoa make sense goddamn okay no knockout round so every round from now on the four slowest participants are eliminated and you gotta not crash to be in here pretty much and let's see how far you go all right i think we know where we have to be saving scrappy the ending is uh everything here finalist mode enabled i love that you call it finalists when it's like the opposite it's really good absolutely no way mother loses this i mean he has to [ __ ] up it's in his hands right like how much did he win that round by point three point two this one every round by point three point four thirty knots okay please stop bming the entire cup of the day use the best of s driver and drag mania chat in case you didn't know so they re the thing is before in the olden days of this game people didn't play multiple styles they only played one track style and mara only played full speed tracks for a solid like four or five years so now when you have a full speed track he's just the goat point eight i'm doing such bad starts now oh it's bad i'm dead last oh no i had a really bad start oh oh my time is soon chat my time is soon i can't keep this up i mean top 20 virtual unless we get last in this round it's not bad for them it's really not bad anything from here on out is a bonus okay i got a good gear for now for the first time in two years no i'm lost oh that's oh no any gum oh no oh it looked like i was in but i'm the last one out and i lost to the swede didn't i yeah oh you did the sweetest driving 46 okay i got 18th not too bad 18th in uh the world on full speed today i'll take that this is uh good for the track style honestly okay first cup of the day of the day done are you going to play the second one as well scrappy yeah i think so it's a special occasion they're doing two cup of the race today i heard so i'm staying up yeah yeah yeah yeah sure yep well um hi ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and it's done oh my god that is a great feeling that's a really great feeling i'm tired i'm tired and now we're gonna do something very interesting because i am very tired we're gonna play cup today and see if i can play as good as when i am not we're gonna see how i stack against my previous results was watched which was 18th place the pencil on the map depends a lot on the style of it but can i even compete can i even come close is this going to be a division 3 run who knows hello yo hello how are you doing i'm doing fine oh nice you ready for a couple of day number two oh grass tag lovely whew oh that's my [ __ ] oh it looks like it looks very aggressive yeah okay i'm not too uh shabby on this i think it's okay it looks like we should have decent fps looking how the map looks like i think we should have no problems today yeah 140 okay that's good uh i'm having a little lag but yeah my computer's been overcooked for like the past past the day so yeah oh yeah this is i mean as you said it's grass like this is pure grass tech yeah oh you you oh i didn't unbind the horn let's keep up i like it it's a lot it looked shorter [Music] then oh that's penalty grass where to go now oh okay what now wait this is long enough yeah kind of although i think it's i will i mean i'm not at the finish and i missed two jumps so oh the start is gonna be such a bad trickster dudes you're gonna have to grip on the black line there instead of driving on the grass you're gonna have to two wheel it this is really complicated i'm struggling with this start already don't spend too much time on it though it's probably not worth it oh it definitely is that's going to give you so much time i don't really see it but i mean sure i mean you don't see what i mean or no i see what you mean i i got it in this room but i don't see like the point of getting that absolutely perfect wait they already have a 45 holy sh they're what maybe they go even faster though so i'm already feeling my just precision is worth scrapping it's really bad feeling the effect yeah yeah i know that feeling all right 44 8 we're first whoo i hit the last checkpoint of 44. you're crazy oh but i'm 64th okay i need to go like 0.7 boys i think that's gonna be the cutout seven it's not gonna be enough you think so yeah it's not gonna be enough might be division two for me scrappy my parlor ways here you kidding oh i clipped i have minus 0.4 scrappy of my 97. i'm getting 25th with a point 51. 59 29th i think i should be in guys i am running on fumes 24 hours of playing if i get in here it's [ __ ] knife 50 second with 20 seconds to go 53rd there can't be more attack players please not on this day 55 shocked over 43 okay 43.99 man all right we made it top 64 asn what's your goal scrappy minus my minus answer just to try to get top 18. if i get top 18 while being sleep deprived i'll be hyped i want to get top 10 i don't know if i can i have a feeling i'm going to clip the the edge on the start in the start and fail but yeah or fade on no slide after the edge that could also be it but right now i'm driving 75 start and everyone is behind me i got 78 so we're doing good and now i'm getting overtaken by tech players you love to see it stay behind you filthy tech players there's no passing here i don't have a pace for top 18 i'll be honest it'll be take a miracle just run yeah here we go don't crash grab it yeah i see a lot of potential crash corners so that'll be a bit risque i have like 20 fps boys this is so unplayable i don't know if you see it but it's if it's look like this on stream and it's lag that's also what it looks like on the screen and i don't know if it's my eyes or if it's actually the game you can never truly tell on stream uh i think they could tell this what i can is it's so bad i i hope they can talk i hope something i wasn't going because i have 25 fps scrappy when i check but that is so impossible how is is your checkmania using the wrong graphics card or what's going on yeah i don't know that is way too low to be true like what it should be smoother but it makes absolutely no sense i can't no i'm going to go out this this is actually inflatable i have powerpoints i mean it was pretty close for me to send but uh yeah i'm i'm gonna go out but it's okay no you need to prove to your chat that you're a god but scrappy it's not it's not i hope you understand what i mean when i say it's not playable it's really nice yeah i know what it means to play on 20 fps remember i did 1v1 with a disadvantage of having 30 fps horrible [Music] that's release in an action key to not man oh i'm trying i'm totally comfortable what's up uh my time has come scrappy bad time it's better times it's bad time come back oh i can't wait a pillow a soft pillow oh gods like oh oh yeah you need to preach for two extremely oh please don't crash just let me go let me fade away no let me drift into the sunset oh it's over it's over it's finally over that just being spammed in my chat for you hallelujah no i can't play like this not with the lag not with the sleep preparation the phone on the last one what did you get yesterday on efs again 18. oh 20 positions worse and there are loco who's gonna win if local wins this i'm losing my mind man this guy is just crashing every round and getting through with it so and i should take this very easily that's a bold move that's a ball prediction i feel like you're going to jinx your own room please make the turn oh my god he's full sending logo with a bad line okay that's a 0.10 gap at least that's a bad line by enter oh yeah it's probably gonna be even here oh look it's funny inside he's slow he's slow he touched the grass anna with the advantage oh you're right definitely upper gear i don't know if loko gets it or he barely got it bad line by loko here oh he's done no no and anna has it and it has it see guys i knew it oh gr find one that's insane dr from all the voice cup of the day version two day two yeah and we're done [Music] you
Channel: WirtualTV
Views: 331,825
Rating: 4.9606333 out of 5
Keywords: Wirtual, Trackmania, Shortcut, World Record, Highlight, Best, Pro, Player, Tricks, Tips, Tutorial, How To, Coaching, Cup of the day
Id: E8d4JULU4vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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