What Happens When You Send NUDES To The WRONG PERSON? (r/AskReddit Top Posts)

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people who have accidentally sent nudes to the wrong person what was the aftermath it wasn't a nude but a sext I wanted to send the screenshot to a friend that sent it to my family group chat I deleted it but five minutes later mom asked me what the pic was about I managed to convince her I had no idea what she was talking about and it was probably a virus my boyfriend and I was spending the summer long distance so snapchat nudes with sexual frustration savior's one night I was sexting him and a pretty illicit boobs and undies pic gets sent to my coworker yes coworker mail no less and new to my office we had traded snapchats to be friendly as he liked to share a lot of stories of his car but now I had just sent him four shots of my naked breasts not exactly the precedent I wanted to set for a work relationship I snapped him and immediately begged for him to ignore the pic and forgive me I explained they were meant for my boyfriend and that I was an idiot thankfully coworker was an awesomely chilled dude and we never spoke of it again we were pretty good friends until I moved States either way for months I used a new snapchat with only my boyfriend as a contact because I was mortified at the thought of sexting anyone by accident ever again thankfully boobs have been safe ever since accidentally sent a nude to both parents in a series of photos of my kids they laughed hysterically I made some awkward jokes at my own expense and now I triple check to make sure I didn't accidentally clicked anything weird while scrolling to send pics I accidentally sent my mate one over snapchat lost my head when I realized what I'd done sending about a hundred messages telling him not to open Google in ways to delete unopened snaps etc obviously being a great bloke he screenshots it and continues to show people even now on nights out we go on together with the reply I've got dirt not quite the same but early on in our friendship like four days of knowing each other a friend was trying to show me a dick pic a guy had sent her and instead held out her phone to show me a picture of a well shaven vulva and vagina it took me a few seconds of puzzlement before I asked um does he have a vagina she looked at it and instantly turned beet red she had accidentally shown me the picture she sent him in return she still feels mortified over it but I found it hilarious reassured her she has a nice-looking pretendin she shouldn't be showing other people's nudes I don't get that at all if someone sends you a nude show some respect and appreciation by not showing your friends op has put accidentally in quotations but I legitimately sent a picture of my boobs to the wrong contact on my list a platonic friend he replied thank you and it was never spoken of again one of my best friends entered into a long-distance relationship in college as a result that involved a lot of naughty messages and snaps back and forth with her boyfriend I got one of those messages one day she was topless in the bathroom taking a picture of her in the mirror wearing a black thong no boobs or anything just her and her butt in a thong showing her back with some cheap I did what any guy in my position would strip down to my black boxes wedged it up my butt and recreated her picture as best as I could and to my credit it was damn close it wasn't an accident but a prank that my friend and I thought would be funny to pull on another mutual friend the prank was to send a picture of your balls to mutual friend but make sure they didn't know what it was so I take a close-up of my balls making sure that I shaved beforehand with the perfect lighting and send it to the mutual friend the next day he asked why I sent him a picture of a beige rug my brothers in their hockey team were having a drink in a bar when one of them received a dick pic from a number he didn't know the poor op received twenty dick pics from 20 different people within five minutes we now call this event the virtual [ __ ] I accidentally sent a pic of my tits to a co-worker instead of a friend I was either process of tattooing him hence why a friend was supposed to get the pic he was always happy to see me after that this was before snapchat was soon the popular so I'm sure he has it saved recipient here in the Nokia days of the early 2000s I received a one-word text from one of my hockey buddies sex I knew it was for his wife but I replied okay but I am pitching laughing face he laughed still remind him to this day not nudes posh a but I think it still applies my family has a weird tradition that started with cameras and moved on to cell phones where we steal the camera phone and take a close-up picture of the crook of our elbows looks like a butt crack bonus points for lots of hair and sometimes a finger in the elbow but the tradition moved on to sending random elbow but texts to cousins I have a cousin named Mike and met a guy named Mike on ok see I didn't use last names for some reason and sent a hairy elbow but finger text to Mike on ok see instead of my cousin he responded with a WTF not thinking I say dudes that was for my cousin after I hit Send I realized sending a picture of what could be mistaken for a finger in my hairy butt to my cousin would be just a little weird to the guy's credit I never heard back from him after that I started using last names and using OKC as a last name for people I met online after that I'm calling it a win not the sender but the receiver this was 2 to 3 years ago let me set the scene it's nighttime I'm chilling at home playing Dark Souls Here I am having a good time when suddenly my phone buzzes obviously I check it it's a text from an unknown number but a local area code I open the text it's a pair of tits with the picture is a message how's that for an olive branch now not only do I not know the number but I don't remember getting to the point of a relationship with anybody in which an olive branch was necessary so I kindly message this person you probably shouldn't text that kind of stuff to total strangers got a reply fine be like that so I tried leaving well enough alone but the local area code on the number got my curiosity piqued I do a Facebook search we have three mutual friends iMessage one of them asking if she knew the number friend yeah that's my mom why do you ask law she wasn't sending nudes was she I didn't actually sent it but my father-in-law at the time has seen a dick pic of mine on the regular without me knowing during my relationship I studied abroad for six months my ex and I saw another like once every month or six weeks ish after about a month of not seeing each other we started sending each other dirty pictures as you do she loved pictures of my gentlemen's parts to be honest I did shoot some nice pictures quality stuff you know not the oh let me whip out my schlong and get a quick pic no quality stuff right lighting an angle nice background the works I had nothing better to do anyway so I sent her one that I think is my best piece so far judging by her reaction she agrees she installs it as my contact picture so whenever I call her my dick shows up a little tacky maybe but I never complained because ninety-nine one hundredths times I called she would be turned on huge bonus skipped forward about a year or so we are still together having dinner at her parents house she still lived at home during this time she's saying how she wants a new phone which one she would want etcetera her dad calmly swallows his food puts down his fork looks me in the eye and asks do you think she will install a new contact picture for you as well accidentally sent a pic to a friend that was meant for the guy the first was dating he replied I assumed this is meant for other guy it's cool but before you send one to him toned down the lipstick a bit and saw to muss up your hair so it looks like sex hair uuh okay thanks was sexting with a buddy and talking to a new friend I took a pic of me naked and the new friend messaged as I was about to tap back to the other conversation so I ended up on his conversation instead should have looked more carefully but I didn't so I sent the pic he said haha okay nice dick I didn't send it but I was the recipient a friend from college sent me a pic of her in her underwear where she was pulling down the front of her panties quite a lot while sitting on her bed was meant for the guy she was seeing at the time I didn't make a big deal out of it she was mortified I told her not to worry and that I didn't save it or anything and that mistakes happen was quite the sexy photo sent to my older sister who proceeded to tell my mother which earned me six months of being grounded that ladies and gentlemen is why you don't date a woman whose name is the same as you sister the lexer and Alexandria my sister being the latter I was sending nudes to a friend girl to pre-approve which ones I should send a guy the first was seeing accidentally sent it to a male friend with the question is this hot he responded yeah I guess once I realized I up I kept apologizing he found it funny and sent it to my friend I was supposed to send them to with the message bring the doughnuts wants to know if this is hot we're all pretty good friends too in the end we just had a laugh about it a year ago I had the day off work thought it was a good idea to send my girlfriend a dick pic because I was bored at home and wanted company anyways I sent the photo via social media and accidentally sent it to a group chat that she started with two other friends whoops they all thought it was hilarious and still laugh about it running joke now is they regularly send me pictures of themselves holding penis shaped items in at sexy pose did this a couple of weeks ago got a frisky pic from a girlfriend saying she was horny felt the same so I took a dick pic wrote I feel Yaran sent it to my ex from two years back realized my mistake sent a new text with god damnit see no evil monkey emoji got a message back haha good thing it was me seen it before smiley face thumbs up didn't learn anything and sent a new one to the girl it was intended for you learned that your ex was a really cool person didn't you obligatory not me but one of my best friends had a snapchat account and he didn't understand it very well he and his girlfriend now his wife would send each other sexy videos well he only had two other friends besides her and he forgot to make this post private those other two friends were his uncle and cousin he took a video of himself jerking it in the shower and sent it to his uncle and cousin accidentally they came over for dinner that night which had been planned for quite some time he said it was basically just silence the entire night for like two hours until his cousin called him a jerk-off the whole table erupted in laughter as he died inside I accidentally shared a dick pic on snapchat with one of my best friends it was intended for my girlfriend my friend knowing full well I had sent it to him by mistake sends me his own dick pic out of solidarity saying it's only fair if I show you my dick now I was super embarrassed about my mistake but found it hilarious at the same time especially since he was so cool about it still wish I hadn't seen his dick though he probably feels the same way though you should probably return the favor with a bro job as a sign of gratitude not a nude but I accidentally sent a link to a sex wedge to my child's fourth grade teacher it wasn't even from a site that it could have been passed off for medical purposes it was a straight-up sex shop she never replied so I don't have a great aftermath story but our next encounter was super awkward I was a nude model for a time I brought my portfolio into work one time to show a co-worker that I was good friends with then was a total idiot and forgot it at work I closed that night and opened the next morning so it shouldn't have mattered except one of my managers started an hour before I did and she found the portfolio and looked at it she left a note in the book saying something like I told you not to do that except it was pretty light-hearted and we laughed about it together so nothing really happened except a bit of a laugh and a bit of embarrassment my friend accidentally revealed an aspect to me so I just flashed her to make her feel less embarrassed about it oh something I can actually share this was a couple of years ago but I was at home exchanging sexy photos video with a girl and met the night before and in the middle of all the sexiness I get a snapchat from my best friend with just a random funny lucky photo and I carry on with the girl and she wanted a direct photo of my dick and of course as a gentleman I'd do as she wants and take the picture and just click the first in the list on snapchat and press send the moment I do so I see that it was not sent to the girl but my friend I panic and tried to get a hold of my friend text him on every social media I can think of saying don't look at the snap I just sent to you it wasn't for you but of course my idiot friend opens it anyway in a couple of minutes later I get a video of him laying on the floor crying of laughter so either he is a really good guy or I got a funny looking junk quite a few years ago I was in high school and was using my mom's iPad as a means of communication because my phone was broken during this time I thought it would be a great time to take some dick pics and send them to my girlfriend over kik well I did that deleted the photos and I didn't think much of it afterwards fast forward a few days and I get my phone back and then I see I got a text from my mom what is it it's my dick pic so I'm embarrassed I see somehow I must have left my pictures on her iPad and now it was awkward I went and explained to my mom what happened and apologized and all that kind of stuff then she tells me how she got it so turns out it wasn't really my mistake I did delete the picture from the iPad what had happened was it saved to the cloud when it synced and then my little sister synced her iPod with the account and got my dick pic on her iPod showed my mom and said what's this yeah it was a super embarrassing time whole family found out but now I can joke about it live and learn I was in the shower after a fun day with my boyfriend and decided to snap him a picture it was actually pretty innocent just me smiling and my boobs the thing was I had forgotten that I had opened a snap conversation with my best friends of over 8 plus yr s on the drive home I wasn't really paying attention and swiped to the camera to take a photo I assumed it would allow me to choose who to send to but it directly sent it to that conversation I was completely mortified and immediately sent SOS do not open that snap but were all pretty active on that chat and immediately someone opened it before the messages were sent a friend immediately sent a WTF and I immediately called and we just had a laugh about it and my friend went on to tell me to be careful and gave good advice about nudes in general I called my other friend to warn him and they told me I was dumb to send nudes over snap why didn't I do it the old-fashioned way through text I was embarrassed but I got over it pretty fast and I told my boyfriend and he had a good laugh too so eh it wasn't a big deal sometimes it depends on the friend me and my best friend send each other our nudes to make sure they're up to scratch before we send them to the person we took them for if I accidentally send nudes to my friends they just probably rate it hey it's me your friend illusion 100
Channel: Reddit Master
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Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, /r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, funniest posts, top post, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny reddit posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, reddit cringe, karma, comment awards, meme awards, dankify, updoot, updoot reddit, toadfilms, chill, memes, reddit master
Id: R1bm8oubeE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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