Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Is Abortion Murder?

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I guess it just hurts knowing that there are people out here who belittle women for a possible a potential decision and this the saying people aren't gonna step in and actually bear that responsibility with them I'm originally from the flinging on michigan the flinging AA is a word I made up it it represents the three cities that raised me and that's Detroit Flint Saginaw so I am from all three of those cities are low-income poverty-stricken and there are a lot of just struggles that come with it and so I actually I have a lot of friends who went through unplanned pregnancies and they were faced with the opposition whether I keep it or not and so I have close friends who either went through getting an abortion or they didn't go through an abortion and they both both of those the people who either went through it they are the regretted doing it or they regretted not doing it so I have just heard personal stories from both sides I would say my most my biggest passion is Human Development and Family Studies which also happens to be the major degree that I studied at Michigan State University I'm Beth and I'm was kind of born and raised in Southern California in a very Christian home so I was kind of inundated with this Christian thoughts and and so I looked back on my life and I really do see like kind of crises that I went through to kind of you know determine is do I just believe this because I have a family that just has poured this into me or is it really something that I believe and it was true I I mean through just studying Scripture that I really started to understand that Christianity wasn't just my Sunday religion it wasn't just something I went to on Sunday to learn it really was my foundation and if I truly believe the Bible was true it was my foundation for all of my decisions and my last job as a patient Support Specialist I was doing that at an abortion clinic in Detroit and this job I interviewed women who were going to make this decision and I was able to see kind of both sides because outside there were protesters pro-life protesters and most of them were respectful but I've seen someone when they were disrespectful and they were harassing the women and I just felt bad because it is women already they already have a hard choice to make so I'm saying this because with my job I would interview the women who at decision and not only would I interview them but I would give them information act I would make sure that are you getting coerced into this is this really the decision you want to make and so at the end of the day when it come to like every woman I've talked to the beauty behind it is that they had a choice in the matter whether they went through it or they didn't I just I'm a strong believer that people in jail have the right to free will have the rights for their autonomy and however growing up I just learned that women they really don't have as many rights when it comes to our autonomy in regards to like laws put in place that will criminalize a woman for getting abortion and it's just so many different I guess levels and scenarios it's like if only I just wish to see it across the fair across the board I really believe that our people women and men should have the right to their free will to their own autonomy if the choice isn't gonna affect someone if the choice doesn't negatively or positively impact the next person I feel like this decision is solely the woman's and their partner they definitely should have a say in it as well you know the Bible makes a claim of the sanctity of human life which basically means a human life is sacred and that sacredness of human life isn't because we are in ourselves sacred but because we are created by a and who is holy which and I mean my holy butts he set apart he's a cut above us he is perfect and so beyond us and him in His Holiness creating man in His image and because of that now we are image bearers of the creator making us that sacred life in my respect for pro-lifers hat it's even bigger now because I understand that it's really on the fact that all human life is sacred and I guess I didn't view it that way I just feed it as women should have a choice because I was comparing their lack of autonomy to men's and I didn't actually think of it in the grand scheme of things that yeah all life is important and it's all sacred so that that's that's real that is we're really stuck out to me with your story um I think it's really interesting how you have dealt with this subject so personally even at the point where you've been you know counseling women about what to do and talking to them talking them through and I think that that is put you in a position to really see the advantage of having a choice and I think our culture very much has gone to we've you having a child a lot like it's our right to have a kid when we want to have a kid and I mean there's a part where there's also the I view it as it's a gift from God and so whether it's in our time we're not in our time as much as we want to control everything and I'm ranked there I would love to control my life I want plant ABCD to go exactly how I want it like down to the minute but there's really the beauty of pregnancy and having a child it's the fact that you are not in control of it and you get to you it is God giving us the gift of creating a life life begins at conception I would actually be really interested to hear what you had to say on this well I feel like I have kind of already made the point that I believe that life does start at conception I that's such a great area for me because I like I said I have strong Christian ties and I I do that stuff was like grilled into me not in the sense of you know sacred life but the scientist in me is saying as I go doesn't have a soul because it's just a compass cells but it's like in the same breath I'm a clump of cells you know so that's such a great area for me and I'm like really on the fence about it because I don't know since I really don't know and I don't I'm not into like religion like I was to actually do that that research but I do know that I have even stronger ties when it comes to science and in just the biology of it and just having those to them like I don't know yeah yeah I think I like those well Nikes I'm just a clump of cells cuz I mean technically you know cells make up tissues which make up organs which make up us so it's not I mean we all are just a clump of cells and I think that's where you looking go I mean especially you know development like everything has to happen so perfectly in the exact same time I mean you look at the science fine you're like it's amazing anyone ever gets pregnant and so I mean when you look at that like I just say well that is just proof that there is a God who formed that that person in the wound and I think it's in psalms david says i am fearfully and wonderfully made like that's a it's true it's how god like makes us and forms us itself pro-life supporters want to take away women's rights I actually did believe that I did at one point actually today I'm - like you gave me that view the viewpoint of all life is sacred and you know we're all in the image of God and I really did I I did and now after having this discussion with you I realize okay they're not all just they're not eager to just take the rights away they actually have a valid coming you know I think the biggest thing is women don't always have a voice in certain aspects and I know there's a lot of times where I just want to be heard and so I mean that's an amazing thing of this is just being able to have a conversation to be heard from both sides and I think I mean that's what we need to do as women is speak out for issues and you know speak out for each other but also understanding that this is an issue that's beyond women's rights it's we're talking about human life it's more loving to terminate the pregnancy than to bring a child into a situation of suffering I wouldn't necessarily say it's more loving to terminate because it seems just like I don't agree with that statement but I do understand that every situation is different and its involves different circumstances for example like a couple of the women that I spoke with it was they literally could not afford to just bring the baby into this world and they thought about adoption but they also understood that the the system that already that the children are in is they just didn't believe in it not necessarily believe in it but they just felt like it's already so many kids in the system that they didn't want to put their child in the system and it's not even to them it wasn't a guarantee that their child will get adopted so their option at the time was to terminate the pregnancy and they didn't feel like it was a loving decision they also they felt that it was just something deferred the entire family at the time and I've also liked it was on the opposite end I've also had conversations with women who actually did keep the child and they kind of regret that decision because it has made their life so much harder I mean I I do understand the point you know you do have situations that are extremely difficult especially when you're coming out of like abuse situations or things like that and and I mean I've I've dealt with families where like that the child consumes them and whether it's because they're dealing with an illness or financial brands like it just it seems all-consuming and something seems so hard and if you truly believe that God is sovereign and he is in control then that child is put in your life for a reason and the greater purpose you know looking outside of ourselves to our support group and realizing I think a lot of times when we're in that situation it's we get so inward focused but if they stepped out and saw look at the people who loved me how they could also love this child I'm gonna like just say as far as like I know I don't consider loving but I'm actually a product abrade my mom she was telling me that my conception was not consensual and she decided to keep me and she and it some days when I'm like oh this life is so hard why did she do it why you know but I realize I can't hold on to that that thought because I'm here now and I have to do what I have to do but I I just believe that if a woman is gonna make that decision I think that she just should have all the options and if she shouldn't take it with the lens of oh this is gonna be a loving thing if I if I terminate it it's kind of like there's gonna be so much better I look and go every life is sacred so even in the worst situations and you just can't and I mean your mom how strong of her to look and go no this wasn't what I wanted this wasn't even how I wanted I mean look at that that's throwing the right right out of there and saying this is a gift and I'm gonna I'm gonna watch I'm gonna watch this one grow if they told me they wanted an abortion I would as a pro-choice advocate I would I would what I would do is I would give them the information pretty much the same thing how I consoled the women at the abortion clinic I would just pretty much give her like okay this is what will happen if you go through with this theory these are all the options you have and abortion isn't the only option you have adoption you have we can help you take care of this child I I would still love and support them in whatever decision they make but I will give it actually also depends on how they are let me put that in there as well if they're a teenager then I don't I don't think I would force her to actually an abortion but I will give her the options and I would I think today I think I would I don't know if I would make that final decision but I would still love her I would still love my child if they decided to get an abortion I would I would beg I would plead I would pray and just I would lay out for them like this is this child though not planned was known by God God was not surprised by this situation and I mean depending on how old they weren't you know whether it was you know you put yourself in a situation you really shouldn't have been in and you know that that was wrong and yet this is on one hand a consequence of those decisions that you made but yet it is still a gift from God it's still God's plan and so and it's still a life I know women who disowned their daughters for getting pregnant at a young age and did it and chose not to get an abortion who got kicked out on the street because they chose to keep their baby so it's it's weird it's not gonna wear I guess growing up with it where I grew up and my background my perspective is I guess it is it's different because I know of women who will disown and abandoned their daughters I don't think it's right at all because I personally I wouldn't I would nurture my daughter I will still take care of her out I was still gave her I want her to have as much information as possible there are consequences to having an abortion I mean I think you I mean I think all our decisions and things that we do everything has consequences and I think in abortion you're gonna have the same thing not only I mean the physical fact of your making your body do something that it's not designed to do as well as you know now you do have to deal with the fact that there was a life inside of you that is no longer there and whether that is I mean people whether to the degree of which you are you feel over that consequence is varied but really I mean dealing with the fact that there is no life anymore and I mean I think the especially the further along especially when you're getting into like third trimesters where you know there's actually they they look like a baby and I think even some of the articles that come out they'll even call it a baby and really realizing that that the reality of what happened will hit at some point yeah definitely agree and also like along with the physical consequences there are mental emotional consequences because I feel like it's a strong sense of guilt a lot of women feel after getting an abortion to where it can drive them into like a really bad depression yeah but I mean I think though one thing is a pro-life Christian looking at this is no one is outside the love of God and those who guilt is there's guilt over sin because sin is and I think just looking for like in the church like just because you had an abortion does not mean that God cannot love you and does not mean that you are outside the love of God but yet yes we don't believe that it's right and no we don't believe that you should abort a child because it is a sacred life but yet God still forgives me understanding now that people who are pro-life Christian they don't you don't believe it's necessarily a choice because life is sacred and I think that's that's the the key difference between us right now and I was like it's actually very enlightening to hear that because like you said guilt encompasses even though I'm not religious I'm not a Christian I do feel guilty if I do something wrong because I know it's wrong you know because you're made in the image of God I feel like I want you to leave here with I guess the idea that if as the pro lifers who do protests you know abortions if you aren't going to I guess step in and help bury the responsibility of like whatever the decision that this well the woman makes then it's kind of like why force them to make a decision I mean growing up as I didn't really see community I didn't really see a village and I just Marcel saw a struggle when it comes to single mothers my mom is a single mother and she she definitely did her thing when she raised us she it's just I guess it just hurts knowing that there are people out here who belittle women for a possible a potential decision and this the saying people aren't gonna step in and actually bear that responsibility with them I think my final thought goes back to my worldview which is the gospel and I mean which is basically we have a we have God who is so holy and perfect he is above us and so amazingly incomprehensible and we are you know we say all humans make mistakes but mistakes or sins and every single one of those sins is against God who is perfectly holy so now we're left with this this problem because we cannot be in a relationship with a holy God because we are full of saying it and it's just sin in general that we do every day and there needed to be some reconciliation that that relationship needed to be reconciled and and God was the one who did that and he sent the triune God sent his son down to be truly God and truly man and to live a perfect life to die on the cross taking on the sin of all of his chosen people and then God the Father raised him from the dead to show that it was a sacrifice I was sufficient to cover all of my sin and in that now when God looks at me he sees not my sin and my past and the horrible things that I've done but he sees the righteous life of Christ and in that now I am a child of God and that's that's the gospel that's that is what informs everything because God has made a way for sinners to be right with him so it was so nice to meet you back to the pond cos I really enjoyed this discussion yeah definitely [Music]
Channel: Anchored North
Views: 207,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anchored north, honest discourse, middle ground pro life pro choice, can pro life and pro choice see eye to eye, pro life, pro choice, pro life argument, conception, abortion, womens rights, feminism, what is pro life, what is pro choice, conversation, NARAL, roe v wade, right to life, planned parenthood, when does life begin, should abortion be illegal, abortion debate, roe v. wade, anti-abortion, pro-life, pro-choice, pro life debate, middle ground, abortion is wrong
Id: Am7alPZW5fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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