Atheists and Christians Debate Truth And Belief | Middle Ground

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Fuck that old guy. He's everything that's wrong with that generation of christians, and even the younger christians don't like him.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/loonifer888 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2017 đź—«︎ replies
and I was in an abusive marriage and my father yelled at me that I was going to hell when I walked out I'm sorry I don't believe in a God that would believe that [Music] [Music] my wife will not have a pizza unless there's pineapple on it you can try anything yeah why not fine it'sa I like the taste of the cheese the sauce in the bread that's it it's like it's like candy those like having candy on the pizza I mean I'm I'm nervous because this is a normal topic that people can usually talk about but in this climate is very touchy to even say I believer I don't believe it's funny I would think that you would feel safer in the belief category then I feel in the non belief category I was raised in a house very culturally Jewish we talked a lot about God and religion and many different religions of the world but I wasn't raised with any faith with any religious faith in the house just two years ago I hated Christians I think I was atheist bud I voiced all my doubts and skepticisms and they gave me their perspective on it that kind of opened me up and that's why I'm a man of faith today if I think if I just choose to believe that everyone is purely bad or evil then that's gonna be pretty and then you have to decide what what the definition of good it is like according to Christianity there is no one good no not one but I don't necessarily believe that if no one's good born with a sin nature yeah so that's hard is like my definition of good made not aligned with Scripture so it's hard because that's why I hesitated like I want to believe everybody's good if that's antithetical to the Christian belief is that you're born is sinful it's interesting that the three of you came who are believers in that I'm not saying people are innately good I'm saying well I just learned this other question as all people are capable of start with Hitler go from there or people you know or some people born good and turn bad I think that's what the definition of good is subjective that's why it's like each to each is own for definition we use kind of hard don't know what is right or wrong without the Bible because it's God that makes the rules without God we have you have no rules you don't you can't make a decision on your own whether it's good or bad what about Hitler he made a decision right was good and he was wrong you don't need the Bible to tell you that well you're born with that God put that in you Internet conscious as you believe that's not a belief of the past I'm an author of two books where I give the whole history of the Earth from paleontology geology archaeology published about for articles on numerous subjects including politics science meteoritic dinosaurs my mother yes I would want people to think that they have worth in value but I mean we are all ants on a big boat we are all very important the design of those things if a man were to design it it would cost several million dollars to make a human if that were possible and yet he's God has created billions of us I believe in people I believe we make our own choices I don't believe that there is a overriding being controlling those choices are controlling our situation you are important I'm so I do not think that inherently just existing gives you worth in value I think that you make choices personal choices every single day on how you live your life and how you treat people and how you exist in the world and those hold on you just made a definition about what value is but you still don't believe your valuable based on your explanation I said I'm not inherently valuable my to my being born does not judge based on your contribution to the world determines your value don't no please don't Oh Kenneth there are many people who just exist because of instinct or because do their lives have value I don't know if they find value in it sure if they don't maybe not Who am I to judge whether somebody's life is inherently valuable I am a woman of faith in belief I believe in the supernatural and higher power and a being that there's no accident and in the way we were created yeah I think anytime I have gone through hardship I have questioned not just what I believe I question my life I question my profession I question my relationship so I think you know if you believe whether you can't just jump in there if you like sign me up I agree with everything let's do that would be for you but knots not for everybody that is a believer of any particular religion people don't question anything but in your view by it by standing and saying you know I don't think there's any higher power you did you ever faced any doubt well the definition of an atheist is someone who does not believe it's not a declaration per se that there is no God I'm an atheist activist I'm on the board of atheist United here in Los Angeles and on the steering committee for Americans United for separation of church and state [Music] no I've never had a now because I can see design everywhere and you are not an atheist you're an agnostic nope you say mistake no leo tell me what I am I am an atheist an atheist doesn't I am an atheist atheist doesn't do it in the supernatural period beneath you is an egg on a stick none of us believe in a supernatural it just doesn't believe in tell to you what an atheist is you're wrong no atheist you believe in the supernatural do not tell me do you believe it is you don't need to make anybody right or wrong it's just answer the question give us a nice tuck givers nice to talk do you believe that this line of interrogation questioning furthers you I'm just giving facts Saved by the Bell I'm feeling frustrated because it's even a myths of the fellow believers like the things he says I'm just like yo I'm you know I don't want what he says to reflect what my faith is too you know what I mean I think it's sad that people are so determined to make other people wrong and I grew up in a household with a conservative Jewish mother and a born-again Christian father and I was in an abusive marriage and my father yelled at me that I was going to hell when I walked out I'm sorry I don't believe in a God that would believe that it's not and that is objectively I don't care that's conversation again we have the power to choose our response to things so I choose not to fill her I choose not to be misunderstood I think there's safety in being heard and understood you feel as if the whatever it is that you want to be understood about matters it takes energy and effort to understand someone who's different I think you know I think we're kind of as a society becoming lazy sore like over here different I don't want and people who are just oh look we all agree we all have room for food that's my aspiration on a daily basis is to be a person we're always learning I used to think at some point I would like Oh actualize into oh I've made it I made it I'm a charity and wisdom do you think when I'm in college I'll have a figure yep what are you graduating I'll have you figure out when I get married I'll have I figure it out when I have kids I have it figured out but we're always we won't reach perfection till we get to heaven down here is an imperfect world we can our knowledge is imperfect our bodies are imperfect our world is imperfect I mean I'm agreeing with you but it's all right improvement right let's stamp us you know what was the question we all believe that we have room for you yeah certainly all right ELISA I acknowledge you for keeping very very focused and not getting ever heated but staying focused I appreciate your honesty and the way you stand up for what you believe Nancy you have a presence of self you have a very still very centered quality to you that is um very admirable Christine I acknowledge you for not running out of the room when you were in a controversial conversation I acknowledge you for standing your ground for believing what you believe and you've got a lot of fight in you Jeremy I acknowledge you for being unwaveringly firm and what you believe and not caring whether its controversial or difficult to say what you believe that is the sign of passion Peter I think you're growing and I think you're a wonderful guy and your marriage is gonna make it grow even more you just seem like a very comfortable guy who's willing to learn and grow and that's a lovely lovely quality exactly Rissa you have this ability to take stock of yourself and make decisions like when you said I choose not to be hurt and so I'm not hurt it's just it's an amazing quality and something nice to me sir yeah [Music] you
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 5,170,102
Rating: 4.8859625 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live for something greater, blind devotion, atheist vs christian, love language, christians, atheists, christianity, atheism, debate, discussion, religion, beliefs, common ground, unity, division, politics, is god real, does god exist, losing religion, losing my religion, christian, atheist debate, atheism debate, christian vs atheist
Id: 3SjuC0PYscU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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