Pro Chefs Share Their Favorite Kitchen Tools | Test Kitchen Talks @ Home | Bon Appétit

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I suppose that this is very similar to a what do they call it like a when you spackle spackle knife I tell you guys lost time I really hate favorites but you know and then you guys tell me well what what are you really into right now and that kind of works because I go through a lot of different I just go through phases I get into a little bit so I've been really digging the microplane you know garlic ginger fresh turmeric nice put it in a little sauce or something or you know just disappears into things dips yogurt it's nice so micro Plains are nice because they're they get it's a real fine cut you make like a mousse on you know real mushy almost you know alright so we're gonna do a little garlic okay cuz it's nice I mean it's pretty self-explanatory I keep it sharp I use I have to the red handle one is for garlic okay and the black handle one and I get more and more I gotta jump through them I use for ginger and like tougher a horseradish more Rudi things cuz they they beat them up you know but I like my ginger one like a razor just you know I'm a three-finger pinch kind of guy okay and then I usually start like I'm a little bit of a biased like I am shhh okay and then I bang it out look at that yeah they're great micro-planes everybody loves them hi so I am at home in case that wasn't obvious and sorry every time I raise my arms now I think of that like stupid meme with like me being the night king not sure if it's a compliment or not I'm just gonna kind of roll with it but yeah every time I do this I'm just like oh God you know easy there there is no more important ingredient tool mineral anything in cooking then salt one thing that I've noticed and a lot of people's kitchens I'm not trying to call you out mom and dad but what happens is people kind of stored their salt you know in the box or whatever that it came in up in a cabinet I think maybe my wife got this for me just because I would always have salt out like in a little dish she got me this B house a little salt holder it's got a hinging wood lid it's got like these lovely grooves not sure what those are for but you can just roll the achey off of them or whatever you know you need your salt to live out free-range in your kitchen so that you can always be reaching over and grabbing a pinch whenever you want or need to hey everyone its Kristina this is a Dona Bay it is a clay pot this one was made in Japan it's pretty small and because I'm often making things just for myself or for me and one other person this was like the one that spoke to me what's cool about this pot is that it is just so beautiful that you can bring it right from the stove to the table and that's often what I do even if I'm making dinner for myself okay so this is just a quart of dashi that I made yesterday it is a fundamental Japanese stock made out of kombu seaweed and bonito flakes and this is like more or less going to be the base of the soup I'm just gonna pour this into my joe nabe and then I'm gonna bring this up to a simmer on the stove okay so you can not really my broth is at a simmer and now I'm just gonna drop the wontons into the pot all right and that's really it I mean it couldn't be simpler and you can sort of see it's really just want ons and greens in broth and I'm just gonna drizzle a little bit of sesame oil on top of this and call it a day hi guys this is Gabi again I'm here in my kitchen Gabi's kitchen when Dan proposed favorite tools I had a funny comment and I was like define tools believe it or not something that I love love love to have in my kitchen and you can see it actually right here I have my Big Ben with all my tools and then I have a little one with all my spoons because yes we all use two spoons not only Chris Morocco I have this one that is pretty special to me it's a slotted spoon it means has all these little holes you know I don't have like long arms and you know like I think it's my perfect size this is Boone was given to me by one chris maraca it was part of his collection and he decided one day that he wanted to part ways with it and so he gave it to me as a present with a spoon you can do almost everything else you can do with like any other you turn so you can cut things if they're soft you can obviously scoop things out you can steer you can like eat with a spoon I mean what's not to like I don't know what else we can use it for hey I'm Priya I am NOT in the Test Kitchen I am currently isolating at my parents house and Dallas as you can see their kitchen is far nicer than mine in Brooklyn maybe like like is it as nice as the Test Kitchen it's like hard to say but it's definitely a very much nicer kitchen than what I'm used to I've talked about the free kitchen tool I'm talking about one that I feel like a lot of people love to hate cuz it only has a single use it is the garlic press so I love my garlic press but I want to note that not all garlic presses are created equal most garlic r-really they don't actually extrude the garlic they don't extrude the juice they don't have like the right pressure but this vintage Zyliss susi garlic press that my mom has had mom how long have you had this for like decades this is like this is this is like a some vintage stuff in here now I really want to try pressing other things my mom can have a separate sub segment called will it garlic press [Music] okay okay got it I got it but look at that this is like the worst the worst shop shop it ever because you can't even buy this so we're at my apartment kitchen well actually my favorite tool is a tiny specialist but someone took that I don't know who someone took that I can't do that but this fish press so it's a really heavy stainless steel press it's made by the chef in Australia Josh Nylund he's known for all of the cool stuff he's doing with fish right now so he's designed this to help you get like a perfectly evenly cooked crispy skin fish and what's great about this is this also retains heat really well because it's got a nice thick body I really like it for just like doing crispy smashed potatoes it's really remarkably amazing for all vegetables like you want to get a nice sear on some asparagus or something just pop this on top and you'll get like a nice char it makes the best grilled cheeses because it's it's heavy enough to like smoosh it down but not so heavy that it just like squishes everything I think it weighs weighed I have a skill it weighs four pounds that's as much as my cat I think how much does it cat weigh right now I'm gonna just show you how to make a grilled cheese all right yeah this goes in and then we just smush her down let me get a teaspoon no no cheese pull sorry yo Alex Lynn here coming at you from my parents kitchen I obviously am NOT in my kitchen I can only bring a few things down to Jersey from my place in New York and this knife was the first thing on my list it's from a knife shop in New Orleans called coutelle EA it is a Japanese chef's knife I'm pretty picky when it comes to a large chef's knife whether it's like a seven or an eight inch knife I like a long blade but I also hate a heavy blade a blade that feels like a brick in your hand it's an all-around perfect chef's knife in my opinion to show you how much I actually love this knife I'm gonna make a really quick chopped sliced veggie salad using just this knife just gonna easily go through them root ends charred broccolini fennel parmesan mortadella salad using my trusty Japanese chef's knife Bon Appetit okay I was asked to talk about my favorite equipment in the kitchen I think a few of us probably chose our knives right off the bat which is an essential tool my 12 or 14 a mortar and pestle I chose my third favorite tool which is I think hopefully a lot of you guys have invested in a microplane you want to be changing these I would say your microplane every four months it really depends on how much you use it I use it a lot and we do go through a lot of them in the Test Kitchen so I would say they're not too expensive so buy two or three make sure you use the entire blade I think some people get stuck using just the center area of the blade and that's the first part to go dulls and then with citrus I think like whether it's like a Meyer lemon over here or grapefruit lime or orange you get just the fragrant rather like floral zest but you want to go all around rather than just sticking into one spot I kind of do this and I know Morocco does the same thing where I roll the citrus so you have this nice it's like you'll get these spots this will be news to no one but my favorite tool in the kitchen is the offset spatula I have one that I like better this one see how it's kind of tapered I don't love this one it's my least favorite but I don't know where the other one is so I'm gonna use this one so an offset spatula there's multiple sizes I like this size the best this is a small size the blade itself is only like maybe four or five inches long and it's has this bevel right here so you can see where it kind of comes down and then angles I would guess that there's probably no video where I don't use this at some point it is the toy I reach for most frequently there's just so many uses for it it's it's just really kind of lets you do detail work I like to put I position my finger right here you get a lot of control that way it feels like sometimes an extension of my hand I just can't really do anything without it basically so I have a piece of toast you could just use a butter knife for this but I think it's particularly useful for spreading things just spreads more efficiently this is that's quite difficult so it spreads the butter out very easily and then I go in this is this incredibly delicious fantastic Sicilian mandarin orange marmalade it's so good I love it so much it's also really good for getting a super thin layer on things because of that little curve and angle in the blade it's just the perfect spreading device and I love it I mean this is like a real tough one I feel like there are a lot of things in my kitchen that we're vying for my favoritism but you know this little stab mini dutch ovens sort of thing is really kind of like when I think about it is the thing that I use you know almost everyday you know just like a regular stub it's got kind of that lid like a nice heavy lid with those little kind of bumps in it and then has like a you know it's like a sturdy enameled cast iron I don't have a microwave so I do a lot of reheating in pans and pots and this is kind of like for super stew for two people it's really great for you know heating up broth honestly what I use it for almost all of the time is it's my perfect little rice pot I'm just gonna go ahead and make some rice I guess cover this we're gonna bread it bring it up to a boil drop it down to the barest simmer cover it let it cook for 18 minutes and then take it off the stove wrap a towel around the lid and let that sit for like ten more minutes there you have a fluffy beautiful pot of rice hey guys it's Carla I am here in my home kitchen today and I'm going to talk to you about my favorite tool I cannot live or cook without my scollay digital scale a lot of us in the Test Kitchen have digital scales that we use we don't all use the same one I have gotten into a friendly debate with one of my co-workers who shall remain nameless Molly Baz she likes a different model that has like a tray that pulls out and a whole extra set of buttons this has been my ride-or-die for about 16 or 17 years I just replaced this so this is the second one I've ever owned so that's a pretty good life cycle on a really simple piece of equipment what I love about it is its small its lightweight and for baking I just find that it's so much easier and more accurate than measuring stuff out but I use it for all kinds of things including like grain beans pasta liquid measurements you can actually make a cocktail on top of this and measure out your ounces of liquid down on the bottom here it's got the on/off and that's also where you zero stuff out so if you have something on the scale but then you want to go back to zero you can just hit that button without having to empty the bowl and then over here you can toggle between grams and ounces which is really convenient again for baking for example if I need it like recipe calls for half a pound of farro I keep that stuff in a jar like this and instead of having to get out a measuring cup I can just weigh it out on the scale and that way I know I didn't have to use anything else and it's in the bowl that it's gonna be in it's super compact it's really simple it's on/off it's grams it's ounces that's it you don't need anything more than that sorry miles hey guys it's Molly um today I'm gonna show you one of the most valuable kitchen tools that I have with me right now I'm not in my home kitchen so I don't have my all-time favorite kitchen tools we'll save that for another episode but one thing that I am relying on all the time is this pair of Cuisinart kitchen shears I have a pretty small cutting board here which means that I have to be really picky about what takes up space on the cutting board if I don't want to be back-and-forth washing the cutting board a million times throughout the course of my time in the kitchen so I've started using the kitchen shears for things like chopping herbs so that you don't get little sprigs of dill all over your cutting board in your counter and you can actually literally just chop them right onto your salad or onto your roast chicken or whatever you're garnishing the herbs with and it also doesn't bruise them as much as it would if you were using a perhaps dull knife the other thing that I've been using them for is snipping the ends of green beans same thing just cutting them real quick it's actually a lot more efficient than trying to line up all the green beans in your hand get like an even row of them to snip the little buds on the end normally I wouldn't grab them but I'm finding it super useful for a lot of reasons today hi I'm Rick and I am coming to you from mazatlán Mexico this is my Mexican kitchen so I want to talk to you about my favorite kitchen tool this is something I grew up with my mom had one my grandmother had one I actually broke my mother's molcajete when I was probably in college this is something that pretty much every Mexican family has that likes to cook what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a salsa molcajete ala which is basically just a salsa made in a molcajete if you don't have one you can actually just use a bowl and a potato masher or you can use your mortar and pestle you have first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to smash my garlic in here when you're doing this you're actually smashing all of the oils and getting all of the flavor into the molcajete so that everything that you do from now on is gonna have the essence of garlic into it because you're grinding it up with lava rock you don't have to take off the skin so a lot of times when you roast a chili or a tomato you have to pull this the skin off because it kind of has that sort of plasticky feel to it but in the molcajete you're just pulverizing it so there's no really no need to do that but this sort of really nice chunky homey texture is really only achieved if you use some type of mortar and pestle to Smasher your salsas Wow oh nice so good oh my god now I'm gonna go grill some fish so I can like have something to put my salts on [Music] what I don't know was it called yes you could probably use it to speckle that's what I'm saying but or just buy something separate for that
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,240,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: test kitchen, test kitchen talks, gaby melian, sohla el waylly, alex delany, christina chaey, molly baz, carla lalli music, andy baraghani, priya krishna, chris morocco, amiel stanek, brad leone, claire saffitz, test kitchen talks at home, kitchen tool, kitchen tools, microplane, brad bon appetit, chris bon appetit, donabe, kitchen spoons, garlic press, home kitchen tools, kitchen essential, kitchen essenials, chefs knife, spatula, claire bon appetit, food, bon appetit
Id: GIizF9v126E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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