I tried finding the best Soy Sauce in the world.

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in this video we are doing a deep dive into the world of soy sauce which is one of the most used and love fermented liquids on the planet but it's a liquid that comes with many questions this includes how is soy sauce actually made why does it make food taste so good why does so many countries have their own soy sauce variations and how different is a Japanese soy sauce versus one from Korea China Thailand or Taiwan and what about low sodium versus regular soy sauce and ultimately what's the best soy sauce that I should use at home well as someone who bought over 20 bottles and got truly lost in the sauce smelling sipping and tasting all of them I'm happy to say We'll answer those questions and many more this isn't soy sauce 101 or 2011 by the end of this video you'll have an honorary soy sauce degree so where do we begin well it all starts with the soybean quickly though let me tell you about my favorite cookware from today's sponsor made in in later in this video I'll be doing a fried rice test where I make five small batches of fried rice with five different soy sauce and it's all going to be done in the carbon steel walk that I've been using for all of my stir fries noodle dishes and fried Rices for the past 3 years so you may wonder why is carbon steel so great for stir fries well the simple answer is it heats up super fast and is very responsive meaning you can sear proteins and vegetables at extreme Heats on all home stoves including induction Gas and Electric carbon steel also Seasons nicely over time leaving you with a basically non-stick surface and they're very light and easy to maneuver but still very durable as these will last you a lifetime I'll also be using two carbon steel frying pans for one of the tests later too so if you want to check out these pans head to the link in my description and thank you again maid in for sponsoring this video but now Buckle in grab a drink and let's learn about soy sauce and this was a very fun one to put together to understand the history of soy sauce How It's Made and why there are so many different soy sauces today you have to understand the importance of the soy bean and soy products in East Asia as noted in the nomag guide to fermentation as with almost every ancient civilization China's early existence hinged on the domestication of nutrient-rich crops what Ma was to meso Amica or chickpeas to the Middle East soybeans were to East Asia now what's crazy about soybeans is that they have twice the protein of most other legumes like Pinto or chickpeas and on a per hectare basis they can actually yield 20 times more protein than using the land for grazing cattle or growing fodder soybeans are also one of the few plant-based foods that contain all of the nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce on their own now while it's absolutely packed with nutrition there are a few problems when it comes to cooking and eating soybeans for first they can develop unappealing flavors when they are cooked secondly it's almost impossible to cook them soft for example mature soybeans have a low starch content that makes them impossible to render creamy or soft even if you soak and cook them for a very long time and lastly since they are very high in fiber they can be a little bit hard to digest resulting in gas okay so they don't taste great when cooked and they don't have a good texture but they are nutritionally dense so the ancient people had to find some way to unlock the nut nutition of soybeans in more enjoyable and shelf stable ways so they came up with three main Solutions solution one was eating them before they mature like me you may be shocked to realize that edamame are in fact just immature soybeans edamame means stem beans in Japanese and when you pick the soybeans while the Pod is still green the beans inside are sweeter more palatable and easier to digest whether eaten raw or steamed also for years I've kept AMA in my freezer as a great high protein source and never realize that these are in fact soybeans now while edamame are delicious as is things start to get a little more creative with solution number two which is extracting the protein by crushing the soybeans into the milk and curds this solution leads to more products you probably know like soy milk and tofu whether soft firm or extra firm it's really just made from the curds of those crushed soybeans and lastly with solution 3 the soybeans are further transformed through fermentation fermenting soybeans leads to many more digestible and more flavorful Goods this includes bean paste or Bean curred condiments from China or Korea or miso paste from Japanese Cuisine and in fact the ancient salted fermented soybean paste known as jangs in China and then later miso paste in Japan are what led to the Discovery and industrialization of soy sauce as noted in the nomag guy def fermentation the first Shou was in all likelihood a happy accident some Chinese Cooks fermenting a batch of bean paste noticed a dark liquid pooling at the top of the container they tasted it and were no doubt Blown Away by what they had found now while soy sauce began as a liquid byproduct from a soybean paste you may ask why are there so many variations of soy sauce today and you have to keep in mind the industrialization of fermented soybean paste and soy sauces happened over a thousand plus years and in many different countries and cultures in Asia again from Noma when Chinese monks brought jangs to Japan in the 6th Century jangs evolved into misos and the liquid that pulled on top of miso became known as tamari now what's interesting is that miso is typically made with 100% crushed soybeans so the resulting tamari which I've been seeing a lot more at the grocery stores recently can actually be gluten-free and in theory it should taste fairly different from most other soy sauces which are typically made with a mix of of soy beans and wheat for example think about how coffee can be roasted and prepared in many different ways or how a beer made with some percentage of wheat tastes completely different than an IPA that has no wheat at all so what we're going to do is figure out just how different some of these soy sauces actually taste by doing a variety of testing this includes a straightup taste test a fried rice test a dipping sauce test and testing on Sushi because no home cook should be expected to have 20 different bottles of soy sauce on hand depending on the recipe before testing though let's cover these two questions one how was modern-day soy sauce made and secondly what are the flavor components that make soy sauce taste so good because this information will allow us to start evaluating the flavor of these different soy sauces today soy sauce is made in various different styles and different recipes however the five core ingredients ingredients are typically soybeans wheat coji mold also known as aspergillis salt and water now before we get lost in the sauce trying to explain differences between Japanese dark soy sauce Chinese dark soy sauce or Thai black soy sauce let's run through the two methods that are used to transform soybeans into the liquid that is loved by billions of people around the world at a high level there are two methods used today to make soy sauce first traditionally brewed and secondly chemical hydris to explain the traditional brood method we created this graphic of how a Japanese soy sauce or shy you is made from on food and cooking and this is probably the most common style that you'll find at the grocery store in the US first the soybeans and wheat are cooked and crushed the soybeans being soaked and steamed and the wheat is actually roasted to develop toasty Aromas secondly the crushed soybeans and wheat are then mixed and inoculated with coji mold before being fermented for 3 days at 86° F now coji is its own complete rabbit hole for example in the nomag guide to fermentation there is a whole chapter dedicated to explaining Koji and how to make it with a different variety of ingredients and all the different ways that Koji can be used and there are actually specific strains such as aspir Gilla soj that is the preferred strain for many soy sauce factories so you may wonder why is Koji so important well as noted in on food and cooking during the initial brief fermentation the aspergillis mold produces enzymes that will break down wheat start into sugars wheat and soy proteins into amino acids and Seed oils into fatty acids and these enzymes are the Catalyst for creating hundreds of new Aromas during the longer fermentation to get there after those 3 days the soybean wheat Koji is then mixed with a saltwater brine that is generally 20 to 25% salt and this soupy mixture is known as a moromi in Japan and in the traditional way it's actually done in giant Cedar barrels though most of the soy sauce today is done in stainless steel kind of commercial Vats I did buy a 4year ag soy sauce made from these Cedar barrels we'll see shortly how it tastes the moromi is then mixed occasionally and left to ferment anywhere from 6 to 3 years or more where over time those enzymes from the Koji produce hundreds of unique flavor and Aroma compounds such as the roasty smelling pyrro and fruity smelling Esters after fermentation the moromi is pressed leaving us with raw soy sauce before going through the final step of pasteurization in this step the raw soy sauce is pasteurized at a relatively high temperature of 180° Fahrenheit which actually creates more flavors by encouraging more Browning reactions it's then filtered or clarified for bottling and ending up at the store and the result is a liquid that's Salty Tart sweet Savory and has a rich Aroma several hundred Aroma molecules have been identified in soy sauce with roasty compounds sweet maltol and a number of other meaty sulfur comp compounds among the most prominent ones now remember we just walked through a typical Japanese soy sauce the reason why there are so many different soy sauces is because there are countless variables in this process that can change from region to region and Country to Country for example one of the biggest variables might be the ratio of soybeans to wheat tamari the soy sauce made from Japanese miso or this Korean soup soy sauce are typically made with no soy beans at all and Chinese soy sauce are said to use some amount of wheat but not as much as a Japanese style showyou which is typically 50% wheat and 50% soybeans other variables can include the salinity of the brine the length of the fermentation and added ingredients such as sugar or aromatics and those are just the variables for brood soy sauce so you can see why there are so many different styles of soy sauce from country to Country Now 20 of these bottles were made using that more traditional Brewing process but there is one more method of Brewing soy sauce that completely skips the need for that long fermentation starting in the 1920s producers realized they could take chemical shortcuts to the fermentation process first they start with a defatted soy meal and break it down with a chemical modification process known as hydrolization or adding hydrochloric acid to the mixture for 8 to 10 hours this breaks down the mixture into those amino acids and sugars now because the stuff is so acidic from adding hydrochloric acid it has to be neutralized with sodium carbonate same thing that baking soda is made up of to make up for a lack of developed flavors from the skipped traditional fermentation period this chemical soy sauce is typically flavored and colored with syrups caramels and salt the ultimate result for a quick chemical soy sauce is said to have a very different character from the slow fermented version and it's usually blended with some of the fermented soy sauce to make it more palatable my question is though can you actually taste the difference and what is the magnitude of that difference so this is where we turned to the testing and I gathered up all 20 plus bottles and decided to just start tasting them in order to figure out what bottles were similar and what was different now me sharing my observations of this first test are completely pointless unless we understand the fundamentals that make up the flavor of soy sauce which as I started tasting the over 20 bottles I realize just how different some of these sauces can be God dang this it feels the most balanced to me it's not dominantly salty it's there's a variety of things going on here this this is very interesting so what is the flavor of soy sauce well at a high level these six qualities make up the flavor of food taste Aroma texture sight physical and the human element and when it comes to evaluating the flavor of over 20 different bottles of soy sauce we do need to understand each of these elements and if I ask you to describe the flavor of soy sauce the first word that pops into your head is likely salty or Umami but as noted in this chemical and sensory analysis of soy sauce it actually has all five tastes present which may make you wonder how does soy sauce taste sweet sour or bitter well let's just go through all five as a reminder the salty taste comes from the Brine and the final liquid in the soy sauce bottle ends up being around 15 to 17% salt and in fact when I put all these into a table I found a wide range of sodium content from a as low as 290 mg per 15 mL of the Thai black soy sauce all the way up to 1480 mg of sodium per 15 mlit in the Chinese dark soy sauce now you may immediately think that a soy sauce with more sodium must taste saltier and while that may be true in many cases as I quickly found out with the lecho soy sauce which is made the chemical way that can also not be the case that is salty holy smoke o this chemical soy sauce has 70 mg less sodium per serving but you could have told me it has double the amount and I would have believed it it's dominantly salty God dang what really matters when it comes to the taste of soy sauce is how does the salt balance against the other four tastes so after salty Umami is typically the next dominant tasty note we perceive and the Umami in soy sauce is produced from those Koji enzymes that snip proteins into several different types of amino acids and organic compounds one of which is glutamic acid this is the same compound found in other Umami rich foods like seafood Tomatoes cheeses and fish Umami aside as I tasted these different bottles I realized that the sour taste while much more subtle is definitely important too the sour taste in soy sauce comes from the organic acids that are produced during that long fermentation of soy sauce for example as not put in the chemical and sensory review one of the compounds responsible for sour taste that is found in soy sauce is lactic acid and this lactic acid tends to be in higher concentrations in tamari which uses all soybeans after sour a very subtle sweetness can be found from the wheat starches that break down into glucose and in fact most soy sauces have 1 to two grams of carbohydrates or sugars that occur naturally from the soy sauce making process now 19 of these 22 bottles had less than 2 G of sugars and to my taste I would say these do not taste sweet in the conventional sense at all however that changes with the three bottles at the far right of the graph these bottles have over two grams at 5 14 and 14 and these legitimately taste sweet so much so that for the Kapa mani and the Thai black soy sauce I think you could literally bake with these whoa this is really like dark brown sugary Mass assis honestly like this too I legit think you could add these to like baking or like cookies or something and people would have no idea that these are like some kind of soy sauce type thing finally our fifth taste is bitter and a slight bitterness comes from the naturally occurring alcohol that is typically in the form of polyphenols and for example in my initial tasting two of the tamari side by side was noticeably more bitter than the other I mean these two even are different for sure this is much much stronger bitter note in this one that kind of lingers on your tongue now keep in mind while the bitterness may be noticeable if you're using a soy sauce as a garnish or a dipping sauce this bitterness will likely cook off if used for a stir fry how much exactly well that's one of the tests we'll be doing shortly remember every soy sauce will have a different taste profile and it's an amalgamation of salty Umami sour bitter and sweet sweet now taste is just one of the flavor components and similar to coffee it's actually the aroma of soy sauces that can add a ton of complexity for example here's the difference I smelled between the Korean regular soy sauce versus the one specified for soup these smell very different too this this is like a deep like almost a it almost reminds me of brownies like brownies and alcohol this one I'm I'm getting like a hint of truffle products so you may be wondering then what do soy sauces smell like well as noted on on food and cooking here are some of the Aromas found in soy sauce quote soy sauce is particularly rich in various volatiles this includes alcohols acids Esters alahh ketones phenols pyosin pyrones and sulfur containing compounds and many of these have been linked to the main odor quality of so soy sauce namely multi caramel likee cooked potato like floral alcoholic sour Smoky and fruity and in my first tasting of these I had two observations one some soes have insanely different Aromas for example the Korean soy sauces were very different but a couple other highlights include the Chinese soy sauces kind of had a deeper roasty quality to them the whiskey age soy sauce had this crazy fruity almost bubble gum Like Liquor Aroma and the 4-year age one may have been the most complex and interesting of them all my second observation is that some soy sauces have very little Aroma the chemical soy sauce which I mentioned earlier was just dominantly salty but it has no complexity and Aroma Additionally the Tamaris both had a balanced taste with a nice sour to them but I wasn't getting much in terms of Aroma now when it comes to Aroma I'm able to pick up on differences when sipping them plain but will I be able to still pick up on those differences when using them on Sushi or dumplings or fried rice since Aromas are very volatile they can easily be changed or Escape through cooking before we get to those tests though let's speedrun through through the other four components of flavor in terms of texture soy SAU can differ in the thickness of the liquid or viscosity light soy sauces tend to be thin and watery while darker soy sauces may be a bit more viscous or in the case of sweet soy sauces with sugar added they are heavy and syrupy next we have color and some soy sauces are very pale While others can be almost black and can completely change the color of the dish for example Chinese dark soy sauce is mainly used for the color and using just a tiny amount can give a beautiful deep brown color to anything you add it to while light soy sauces tend to give a light brown and are more used for dialing in the seasoning fifth we have physical and this deals with the physical reaction our bodies go through typically this is thinking of like a spicy pepper and in soy sauce the salt Umami and sour taste will trigger salivation making our food mouthwatering good and lastly we have the human element and this is really a reminder that we experience food not just with our physical senses but but through our emotions Nostalgia and cultural associations as we learned earlier each culture in country has their own soy sauce recipes where the key variables can be changed such as the age of fermentation the soybean 2 wheat ratio the salt level etc for example we are about to do a blind fried rice test with soy sauces from five different countries and if for example I had someone here from Thailand they may be biased towards the Thai soy sauce because that's what they're most familiar with in terms of taste Aroma texture and color for me I'm going to have my own biases as well for example in that initial tasting I think I like soy sauces with a little bit of more sour taste to them but I won't know until I actually do some testing so let's do just that so how can we evaluate the flavor of all these different soy sauces well I decided to run through three main tests first a sushi test where I'll only be using soy sauce brushed on the fish secondly a fried rice test where I use five different soy sauces and lastly a dumpling test where I made three dipping sauces with a couple of soy sauce variation and in some of these there was a clear favorite and in other cases there wasn't as much difference as I thought no I got it wrong oh my gosh so let's do the sushi test okay so for this first test I have some assorted Sushi and what I'm going to do is run through a couple different soy sauce parings and I think I'm just going to start at completely opposite ends of the spectrum to start so this is the leoy which is the hydroly soy protein so like the chemical one versus the 4year age Japanese soy sauce so I'm going to spread it on these blindfold up spin them around and see if I can tell which one's the same and which one's different for this test I use ngiri and brushed on the soy sauce before cutting them in half and making four samples and picking three to Gest from Remember The Chemical soy sauce tastes much more salty raw but will I be able to pick it out when Fish and Rice are added to the equ equation one three put one away tasted pretty good like Sushi's good that one maybe felt a little more balanced for me let's see when we get to number three though I feel like one and three the saltiness came through a little bit more but now that I'm rethinking through this I wish I had like another bite of each I'm just going to stick with my original guess I think one three are the same and two is different no I got it wrong oh my gosh so the two these were the the age one this one was the um the L Choy so I continued testing with shashimi and brush on the kikoman and the very unique Aroma of the whiskey barrel a chy sauce but this time I did pick which one was the same and which one was different got this right this time let's blindfold up see if I can tell a difference but after after that first T man it it's hard to do in like a single bite here pretty solid that unique Aroma that I was getting it's I mean it's like salty Umami Savory still it's just hard to pick up on that Aroma that that is so obvious when I'm sipping them it's hard to pick it up once it's on the fish in a single bite if I had a guess I let's say one was different and two and three were the same let's see did I say two and three were the same and one was different if that's what I said I got it right I I need to go to the tape I I don't I don't remember what I said so after reviewing the tape I did say one was different two and three were the same so this was the smoked one versus the kigan one and if I'm theorizing on why I guess that it's that this this one I think the saltiness is a little bit more prominent in this versus this is feels a little bit more balanced and I don't know if it's the aroma or kind of like how everything's balanced in there it's just it didn't quite taste as intense as the kikoman like me trying to guess this in a single bite is is pretty tough this one is Funky Man like ultimately I did try even more variations with the sushi but I'm not sure that this is the best test to be doing like I can taste these and take a sip of them and say I definitely prefer one over the other but then when I get them onto like a piece of sushi like this is a this is like a spicy tuner Ral and I can I can sip this and say yeah like that tastes pretty interesting like nice flavor nice Aroma and then I can put some kikoman on this and in the context of all the other ingredients like it's hard to pick out singularly which soy sauce is which but what I'm really interested in now is what happens when I start cooking these with Rices and the soy sauce is spread evenly throughout the rice am I then able to tell a difference between them so let's do that test right now for the fried rice test I weighed out 70 G portions of cooked jasmine rice and then paired that with equal amounts of soy sauce from five different countries the Korean soup soy sauce because I thought it smelled very interesting the aged Japanese soy sauce the Thai thin soy sauce the imported Chinese soy sauce and the hydrolysis soy sauce and as you can see these all have very different colors so I added some oil to my walk and then fried and broke up the rice portions before adding the soy sauce and mixing them to combine and serving them in separate bowls so this is interesting already because visually the one made with the Japanese soy sauce to me looks the best it's nice and Darkly colored looks nice and roasty whereas the Thai soy sauce is definitely the lightest of all of them but I believe the Thai is the highest in terms of sodium so while it may not look super flavorful this may actually be the most salty tasting um but we ultimately have to taste test to find out shuffle these up don't know if I can fit these all so as I begin tasting these all of them are just pretty solid fried rice that one's really good nice and like roasty quality that is something that is you got to nail with fried rice is like you actually do kind of want to fry the rice and get a little Browning on there that one that one was good number two and three fairly similar for me let's go to number four and of the first three nothing really stood out to me but that changed when I got to bowl number four M I think I think this one might be my favorite of them that kind of like roasty deep like it's almost like a chocy nuttiness really comes through that one I would say was more similar to two and three I'm going to go back to one and four real quick so this was really interesting the only one that really kind of I think stood Out Among the others was the one from Japan the 4ye age and what really what really popped out to me was this roasty like dark chocolatey flavor that it's hard to describe but it is very very intoxicating and this one looked the best and for me I think Aroma wise had the best Aroma when I'm thinking about taste though I think the saltiness levels of the um the leoy was actually probably my second favorite because none of the other ones really left off the page in terms of Aroma but the leoy did have that nice saltiness to it which I like but just no complexness in terms of Aroma whereas this one from Japan that had the only Aroma that really came through and for me I found totally totally interesting yeah you really that you really get this like deep roasty chocy Aroma that comes through it that is really really good that being said all of these are successful fried Rices like I would have no issues eating any of these it's really about balancing with soy sauce you are going to use and making that taste good to you so with test number three I made three different dipping sauces and asked myself if we add other ingredients besides soy sauce can you still pick up on any differences or are they going to be washed out by the Aromas and tastes of some of the other ingredients so for this I made a dipping sauce with soy sauce sesame oil and mirin and used the kikoman the 4year AG soy sauce and lastly some coconut aminos now this is not soy sauce but it's typically used as a soy sauce alternative of course I cook some pot stickers to get them nice and crispy on the bottom to use for tasting so we've got the dipping sauce test again more ingredients at play here we have our three soy sauce varieties let's see if there are significant differences here or maybe not let me give these one final Shake too when it came to sauces one and two both just taste really good a nice amount of saltiness balanced with the Sesame Aroma and sweetness from the mirin try to get one bite with like where the sauce kind of goes in as well maybe a little saltier on that one maybe a little more sour too I'm not sure let's go to number three now when it comes to the third Bowl I was definitely able to pick up on a very different taste profile I would say number three is the most different three is definitely the least salty and the most sweet but that might be the mirrin coming through I'm assuming three is probably the coconut aminos it's so good it's just a very different profile number two and three are just both really good and they they taste very missed they just wiping the board three is obviously very different but it still tastes good I mean it's still good dumplings it's just a completely different flavor profile so let's see what one and two are here I assume three has to be the coconut aminos the coconut aminos are a very different flavor profile but it tastes good in its own right um for me in a dipping sauce like I'd rather have it with some like soy sauce but if you were making like kind of a dipping sauce you could add salt to this do something with it um but yeah for my money these two and I I really couldn't I couldn't tell you which one was which again the the sesame oil kind of overpowers it I really couldn't tell you which one is which here other than the coconut aminos is definitely a very different taste profile so after going through this you may be thinking the sushi test wasn't super conclusive the fried rice test I had a clear favorite and in the dipping sauce test it showed that coconut aminos are pretty different taste-wise but it was hard to tell a difference between the two soy sauces so what soy sauce should I actually buy from the store for example is that $40 bottle worth it or should I get a soy sauce from Thailand China or Korea well here is my biggest takeaway after doing all of this testing you won't make better food by simply purchasing the best soy sauce you'll make better food by mastering the soy sauce you have and to round out this video I want to challenge you to an experiment that you can do at home that proves this concept step one go to the store and pick up two or three soy sauces based on any category this could be different price points two different countries three different sodium levels or the chemical versus a long age one step two is perform the raw sip Tas and ask some questions what does this taste like is it salty is it sour is there a bitterness what's the aroma is it roasty and chocolate is it alcoholic is it fruity what's the color like is it very light like the Thai soy sauce dark like the Shou or very dark like the Chinese style dark soy sauce and what is the texture is it thin or thick and lastly do you have any human biases for example do you eat a lot of recipes from a specific country soy sauce such as Thailand Korea and Japan and lastly step three is make a dish and troubleshoot from a fundamental level for example the lecho soy sauce was generally pretty salty with very little aroma so can I balance that with a little sprinkle of sugar and then since it doesn't have a strong Aroma maybe my fresh garlic that's in the stir fry will shine even more or say I want some more sourness in my dipping sauce should I use a soy sauce with a more sour taste profile like the tamari or can I just add a bit of ponzo rice wine vinegar or Citrus if I want a deeper color on my stir fry I've got a couple of options I could use a single darker colored soy sauce like the Japanese one or I could use a mix of a lighter colored soy sauce sauce with the Chinese style dark soy sauce now I will leave the table with all the different soy sauces I used and tasty notes linked down below but remember one of the hardest things to learn as a home cook is knowing how to balance taste Aroma texture and color but using soy sauce is the perfect way to learn in some cases the differences in using soy sauce will be very big and in other cases they may be very very small and if you're looking for some recipes where you can experiment with soy sauce we'll have them linked Below on my new website cookwell where in the ingredients we actually call out when a soy sauce like a dark soy sauce is primarily used for color such as in this Padu recipe and remember there are no rules in the kitchen so you can use a Thai soy sauce for a Chinese dish and you can use a Chinese style soy sauce for a Thai Dish but really what matters most is understanding the fundamentals of the flavor of your soy sauce so you can make the most out of it anyway that will wrap it up for me in this one and hopefully you enjoyed that this soy sauce was absolutely fascinating I learned so much myself about different types how it's made and the history is really cool too but anyway that will wrap it up for me in this one I will catch you all in the next one let us know in the comments down what deep Dives you want to see for the rest of the year and we will catch you in the next one peace y'all
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 593,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, japanese soy sauce, best soy sauce, soy sauce, kikkoman soy sauce, types of soy sauce, different types of soy sauce, soy sauce recipe, how to make soy sauce, chinese soy sauce, chinese cooking, soy sauce chicken, soy sauce review, best soy sauce for sushi, soy sauce fried rice, best soy sauce for fried rice, best soy sauce brand, best soy sauce in japan, soy sauce recipe for rice
Id: hGzM3VQcsb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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