Claire Saffitz Home Kitchen Tour | Dessert Person

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can we uh get a tour of micro zone 4b

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/ks1645 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

"I don't buy any kitchen tools that only do one specific thing"

"so this is my egg topper..."

👍︎︎ 132 👤︎︎ u/slangwhang27 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

At the beginning of the pandemic, her kitchen looked like a typical tiny NYC apartment one, but then the angle opened up and it was’t so small after all.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/mrpopenfresh 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hope Felix is ok! No update this episode. :(

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/theworldtonight 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

OMG it's the Father of Mike's Child!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/chancehugs 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don't even especially like cats but the cat face-rolling at the end is funny lol.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/OLAZ3000 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought the theme song said "These are her sons" as a reference to her cats, but this was the episode where I understood it was "des-sert pers-son".

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/RedSnt 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Awesome, but.. why does NO ONE who decans their food into their own containers put the expiration date on them??!! o.o That's one reason I never take food out of their containers, so I know when they go bad.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/Cannonfury 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kewpie mayonaisse supremacy!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
what am i saying kitchen tour take one all right kitchen tour take one that was great clear fantastic i'm a pro at slating and that's a cut hey everyone i'm claire i'm in my home kitchen and normally i'm here making recipes from dessert person but today i'm going to give you a little behind-the-scenes tour of my kitchen so this is where i do all my recipe testing i'm not in a studio we shoot all the videos right here and it's not a big kitchen i'm in an apartment in new york city but i like to stay very organized so i've divided my kitchen into different zones and so i'm going to show you zone by zone how i stay organized and where i do all my recipe stuff [Music] keep going i'm gonna go facing my closet that's my car that's my coat closet i'm gonna go that's 12 o'clock i'm gonna go clockwise and we'll start with zone one which is the fridge a cultural touchstone during my youth was mtv cribs people always opened up their fridge like most people for some reason had only beverages that were all lined up mine's a little different some people have asked for a tour of my fridge it's possibly not as exciting as you think but i will show you i wouldn't exactly call this organized but i'll show you sort of a bunch of the stuff that i always have around oh although this is not food but i keep my jade roller in the fridge it helps with lymphatic drainage when i told my dad that he laughed in my face and was like you were sold snake oil these are my gold snail hydrogel eye patches which i also keep in the fridge what is it they're eye patches that you put they like stick to your under eye i don't know gal they just make it look better those are the only non-food items everything else is food so you'll see i have a lot of squeeze bottles i decant a lot of condiments into squeeze bottles for easy access and sort of one-handed maneuvering this is one of my favorite things of all time this is cupie mayonnaise it's a japanese mayonnaise made with rice vinegar and it is so delicious i put it in a lot of stuff and it comes in this really fun soft squeeze bottle my favorite little aperitif delicious sometimes on occasion i'll have a little glass with ice in it and then i have to lay down sorry it's going to do that beef when i've had the door open for too long so this drawer i don't know why they label them i don't know what a fresh drawer means i have generally like cheese and herbs in this drawer i mean this is just i have like a bunch of random hunks of parm because i never remember if i have any and then i buy more here's a piece here's a piece i like an aged parm that has little crystals i don't know why i have all this random beer in here which i never drink which is why it's been in there for a long time and then down here i have a bunch of like pickling projects and also white cloth because i went through a phase last summer what can i say covet has made us do different things i have obviously a lot of thanks for baking so i have eggs i usually put the eggs in a quart but i have a lot of kerrygold butter that's kind of my supermarket butter of choice i have my sourdough starter which i've had for like six or seven years this needs to be fed this is like my most prized possession i see i haven't named it put the name suggestions in the comments i suppose oh my god i know i talk about it a lot but grady's cold brew just the best i for some reason have three things of heavy cream in here that's a mystery i've left over chinese food this is i love this this is halva from seed in mill chocolate halva so delicious on the off event that i don't have dessert around i'll eat this for dessert this is a great nut butter this is almond butter from this company in new zealand called fix and fog they make delicious nut butters uh bass condiments these are by the chef and cookbook author hassan delicious i actually i got into the habit of doing like a you know a little scrambled egg breakfast taco in the morning and these are so good with eggs this is some well this is cat food but this is like some kale uh kale pesto that i made just to have around i've been eating pasta this kind of murky liquid with random stuff in it is um your ramp this is ramp kimchi from way back okay um the last thing of note is in here i have this is some poached quince that i made quite a while ago nothing's happening to it i haven't decided what i'm gonna do with it i mean the three things that i'm never without in my fridge are milk for coffee eggs for eating and for baking and butter you want a freezer freezer's a disaster you guys oh god i have no idea what moringa leaf powder is that's something that harris ordered don't know what it is i've never tried it so the freezer has a lot of nuts sunflower seeds sakona almonds pumpkin seeds hemp seeds flax seeds more hemp seeds everything bagel mix rye flour almond flour hazelnut flour coconut frozen cake layers a lot of chicken stock a lot of shrimp stock don't pay anything to those like weird frozen desserts because i that was against my will frozen dumplings batch of pie dough banana bread uh maybe some frozen like chicken in the back frozen pineapple frozen corn more coconut frozen peas frozen raspberries and frozen pita more dumplings this is a frozen cookie dough that is a log of pistachio pinwheels which is the recipe in the book actually the freezer is a non-bad shape i did stock the freezer a lot sort of this time last year right as covid was starting and then i've spent the last six months like eating down all the stuff i had frozen yeah let's go to another zone this zone is the pantry zone we don't have a an actual pantry in this is in a one bedroom apartment so we've devoted like these upper cabinets this lower cabinet and well i'll stay here because this is actually another zone um i should say this is this is my dishwasher which i love it's not it was a lot better organized you can see i've used my label maker i don't i mean i just did this because it made me feel good i don't really stick to this system but i have a ton of greens and flowers that i keep here a lot of it's for bread baking a lot of it is just for eating cooking i have a lot of rice a lot of different kinds of corn i have masa harina polenta cornmeal oats fancy whole wheat flour chickpea flour you get the idea well then i i mean that's so that's upper pantry then i have down here which has i have like a pasta drawer and rice i have to be careful with these drawers because i installed them myself and they they fall out sometimes so i hold them from the bottom um this is a brand of pasta that i also really love spolini which i think is made in new york and then this is sort of like snack zone i am not a snacker sometimes harrison keeps pretzels and we have matzah down here these are like these little potato crisps that i eat but don't think are that good this is something i always have around and i'm down to my last little bit of it this is dried mango the greatest snack ever i love it this is the area where i also just i like do like this and hope that it doesn't all spill out when i open it up again that's the end of pantry we don't have to go far for the next zone the next zone is my little baking corner [Music] so i created this area because i was tired of like reaching in the cabinet and having to dig around for the baking items that i need all the time so i have my flour and sugar containers light brown sugar dark brown sugar confectioners sugar vanilla and then like all manners of chocolate this is sort of like the items that i reach for constantly and it's convenient to have them out so above the baking shelf it's not really related to baking but this is where we keep all of our oils and vinegars of which there are many and in most cases we've put them into squeeze bottles so that you can just like if you're cooking something and you need a little bit of well not agave but if you need a little bit of amaretto i don't know why you would um or vodka like you're making vodka sauce you just take a little you can just one-handed put a little squeeze in the saucepan or something but yeah that's my bacon corner and it's also near some other baking stuff like my parchment paper and baking sheets and all that [Music] so zone four i've recently learned that i can sit on my trashcan as a stool uh so that's what i'm doing zone four is my coffee corner my husband harris lived here before i did and i moved in and it was like reminded me of a line in my favorite movie father of the bride where frank the wedding planner comes to their house where they want to have the wedding and he drives up and he looks at it and he goes oh it's very nice we changed it all though and that was my attitude that i moved in so i made this a little tea and coffee corner so this drawer has all of our different teas jasmine oolong green milk tea chocolate mint chinese black tea matcha tware a bunch of herbal teas and then paris occasionally likes an espresso which is why we have an espresso i'm not an espresso person that's not my preference i like good old american drip coffee so i have a chemex we used to have like a bigger coffee maker but the footprint was too large and we're only two people so now we just go chemex a coffee grinder this is a very handy little breville electric kettle that also is a tea steeper so we do our water for coffee and we can do tea in there as well it's a very functional area this we added this um pot rack up there because we had so many pots and pans and nowhere to put them and then also it's nice to have these hooks here because one utensil crock was not big enough that's the coffee and t-zone this is the cat area i guess this is a micro zone don't even look in there okay right so this is sort of like one big zone that's this half of the kitchen and this is like the active cooking doing making zone so i try to keep this counter space relatively clear for all the baking stuff i have going on we've added this little kitchen card for even further counter space and storage i used to keep my big electrics out and it took up too much space so now we throw them on that cart and like this is where we have more pot and pan storage these cabinets were originally just like big shelves and you couldn't get anything in them so we added these pull out drawers so now we can store you know i have cake pans and cookware a little heavy for knife storage i really do like this knife holder where it has like little cork boards so you just stick the knife in and it holds them upright and they're easy to grab so i really like that this drawer is the drawer of stuff where it's like i've tried to organize it about 50 000 times and it never there's no point i've given up this is just like i have to search around here to look for the thing i need but i can usually find it here's my pizza cutter am i looking at it i'm gonna use this i can't find my pastry cutter it's hard it's hard in such a small space this little tray this is just a quarter sheet tray this is where we keep those things that we need all the time so squeeze bottle of olive oil vegetable oil a little spray bottle of water which i use for the cats is not actually for the cats it's for cooking chili oil red pepper flakes and then our salts so out we keep kosher salt which i refill periodically this is like a gray sea salt that is good for pasta water and then flaky salt finishing salt like mine grabbing it's the little thing with the blue yeah i don't know why this works so well for garlic but it does so i keep i use this for keeping garlic and like shallots often so just keeps your garlic in a cool dry spot there's ventilation oh yeah i should say mike my friend mike who's right over there all right get your tour take 2. who made the fantastic theme song gave me this ornament which is a croquembouche which i am obsessed with and so i keep it right here there are so so there's some sentimental touches there's that there's my picture of julia child i have cake pans that used to be my grandmother's which i still use they look very flimsy but actually they bake great everything comes out really even and level i love these if there was a fire and you could save one thing from your kitchen on your way out oh god is it like as much as i can carry or it's one thing maybe my rolling pin i mean i could i could replace everything but that's something that i've grown attached to i also have grown really attached to my flour and sugar containers because they perfectly fit five like a five pound bag of flour and i've had them since i moved into my first apartment i bought them at target in brooklyn it's kind of weird but i and oh my vanilla oh and my starter i forgot okay yeah my vanilla and my starter because those are like a lot of time has been invested in those things and i would be devastated if they disappeared generally speaking i don't i will not purchase any kind of gadget or appliance or anything that doesn't do multiple things so like even my rice cooker it sounds like it only makes rice but it makes all sorts of different grains um and like has multiple functions so i do use the rule of like multiple functions oh my god my favorite thing ever you guys my egg topper this thing is the most fun there's a spring in here and you like pull the spring and release it and then the vibrations break the shell along this part so so that's one tool that only does half of one of them voila i'll use this egg for something but like you can save the shell right and then you can clean it up a little bit and like wash it save it and then you can serve something in it if you want to be super super fancy where do you use your mushroom cleaner oh leave me alone about the mushroom brush it's a good little brush look you can clean your hands with it your nails often though like with bread dough and really sticky dough i get stuck in my nails you can give it a little brush i don't know what that does okay all right so i thought a lot about kitchen organization because i have to because i've always lived in relatively small spaces and what i've learned is that you have to use a kitchen and have the kitchen adapt to you this is it's not perfect but it works and i know where things are and like this is what i'm comfortable with so the key is really just to adapt it to your use but i spend the most time in my kitchen so i also make sure to add little touches that i really really love like having a bowl of fruit and lemons and you know having my picture julia child and really enjoying my cup of coffee in the morning so i love being in my kitchen it's my happy place and i hope that if your kitchen isn't that for you that over time it becomes that so thank you for watching and like and subscribe [Music] uh
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 494,136
Rating: 4.9696589 out of 5
Keywords: claire saffitz dessert person, claire saffitz, claire saffitz makes, bon appetit, claire bon appetit, food, gourmet makes, fridge, fridge tour, kitchen tour, what's in my fridge, home tour, home kitchen, inside celebrity home, inside claire saffitz kitchen, claire saffitz home tour, dessert, pastry chef, celebrity home tour, tiny kitchen, home kitchen tour, claire kitchen, claire saffitz home, small kitchen organization, kitchen organization, kitchen organization ideas
Id: AGG2lac9OWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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