Pro Chefs Make 9 Kinds of Pantry Sandwiches | Test Kitchen Talks @ Home | Bon Appétit

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by the way sorry like I'm Brad it's waving a knife around for no clear reason so my kitchen goggies kitchen I'm confident that I'm rolling today I'm going to be making a pantry sandwich sandwich other things that one might have lurking around in their pantry or refrigerator or their fermentation stations okay so the essence of a pantry sandwich is that you want to just kind of lean on the stuff that like chances are you have like a can of chickpeas and some bread I mean that's really the essence of what this is I had some nice salt packed capers that I soaked overnight because the salt packed ones are salty like you need to get that salt out of there I'm just gonna do a quick rough chop on this they're so good they're almost sweet Wow ooh mmm caper town you know here we go so I have some celery and diced up you know just those clean pops of texture let's get a spoonful of Greek yogurt in there let's get some olive oil I want to start to season this with some salt solid humble black pepper is also definitely your friend pinch of chili flakes so about a tablespoon of lemon juice so I want to kind of make this into a bit of a dressing with some of that celery and caper business in there now I have a 1 can of chickpeas just drained and that's it some a little bit of something in there the hell is that you don't want to have like any of that liquid from the can that's just kind of in there but not really contributing anything and then making this mixture a little bit too loose so everything looks nicely dressed now but we're not done my trusty cocktail muddler we've been using it as part of our night time clapping for health care heroes kind of 7:00 p.m. kind of deal here and this is one of the kids banging implements we're just gonna give that a little rinse so I want to kind of smash apart some of these chickpeas it's just gonna make this mixture a little thicker and help it hold together in sandwich form also gonna throw a few celery leaves then it has a very assertive flavor but for something like this where you really want your flavors to pop it's a great way to go man it's good definitely have to like chickpeas but oh so good done I'm gonna toast some bread all right hang tight we're just waiting on the bread a little bit olive oil just to bring a little additional richness to the sandwich I try to keep pickled red onions on him they work for literally any virtually any dish gonna close this up but I'm gonna wrap it you guys know me you know I love a wrap sandwich wrapping it really goes a long way get into it boom what do you think here we go taking a bite going in mmm I think you have a lot of options to play around with but I think this is a slammin sandwich you can make just with kind of pantry staples and stuff you have in your fridge ready to go mm-hmm a couple bites lost one chickpea no big deal wrapping really helps with that I have not really been making lunch and mostly I've been surviving on a dried mango which I'm on my second five-pound bag of that during the day but occasionally I do get a craving for tuna salad and I like to make sure us out and then have it as a melt and today I'm going to be making it on matzah because it's Passover this is tuna and olive oil to drain it uh-huh one thing I love is like one of these grippy things because I'm bad at opening jars because I'm weak hands oh I got it oh okay Oh dripping hold on okay I might you know what I'm gonna drain it into the trash because I don't like to pour oil down the drain or you could just like put into a grease jar which is like a thing my parents have the good thing about tuna salad is you're adding so many other flavors and textures that it kind of you know you don't have to use the fancy stuff for this cutting celery is so easy if you want to practice your knife skills celery is a fantastic thing to use to learn and you can just make a whole bunch of tuna salad then shallot any kind of raw onion E or garlicky thing like that I would be pretty moderate because you know it packs a punch I'm gonna do a very fine dice so that's like I don't know a tablespoon maybe these are bread and butter pickle chips great for hamburgers love these I'm just gonna chop them up into the bowl now I'm gonna finely chopped fresh dill dill its divisive to me there's very specific things that I want Dylan tuna salad potato salad ranch dressing that's for sure or ranch dip a bunch of black pepper because why not a couple dashes of hot sauce Mayo this is QP could use whatever your favorite kind of mayo is Dijon mustard I love the innovation of the squeeze bottles right so much better than the jar okay so let me just mix this all together and see what it looks like and then I'll correct by sight I need more mayo you know I don't want to dry tuna salad sorry I'm at the end of this bottle also a wedge lemon I'm also mashing it because I like when the tuna breaks down so then you have this really uniform mixture I don't know if you can hear this noise that's the noise it should make I actually might want to add a little olive oil I think it has enough Mayo but it could use just a little more richness just making it a little fancy so here is my tuna salad I'm very very very happy with that if I had my pick of cheese options in the store I would probably pick the pre sliced cheddar just cuz that's so much easier but here I am just cutting planks from a block which will be fine thank you to the palace diner in Biddeford Maine for inspiring me they serve a big thick wedge of iceberg on it and so now I serve a big thick wedge of iceberg on it because it's so delicious so I have my matzo I don't know maybe not the preferred vehicle but it is Passover as I said matzah is a unleavened Jewish bread I shouldn't even really call bread it's really a cracker eating around Passover really it's a blank canvas for whatever you're gonna put on it so I just did a layer of the iceberg and then tuna salad generous layer then my planks of cheese this whole thing goes onto the tray there's a little preview of the before you can see that and then into the toaster till the cheese is melted and then it's ready I'm gonna take it out of the toaster because the cheese is melted I mean nothing is really cooking you just want to melt the cheese like a blanket over the tuna and there it is looks I think quite appetizing and delicious great news is it's lunchtime and here's my tuna melt on matzah crunchy iceberg on the bottom creamy tangy crunchy tuna salad the middle and melty cheddar cheese on top what a great food a cat is literally watching me eat it it's so mad right now mmm throw the mop tub who's not bringing a lot to the table but it's a good base I would say we're not a bagel you know the sandwich that I'm gonna make for you today is a play off of grilled cheese and tomato soup because my mom made me that when I was little and I love love love love love grilled cheese sandwiches um there is actually no Campbell's tomato soup here in Mazatlan so it's gonna be a jalapeno popper grilled cheese with a salsa chile de árbol kind of dipping sauce so the first thing I'm going to do is make the salsa and I'm gonna put in 3 tablespoons of olive oil I didn't show you that to you but that's the empty container of olive oil this is chile de arbol I just chopped them up and then I grated some garlic I think I have 2 garlic cloves and 3 chile de árbol which are super super hot so if you don't like hot don't use as many as I did I want to slowly bring them up to heat if you put this directly into really hot oil or into a really hot pan you're just gonna burn everything and things are gonna get stuck to the bottom now everything is starting to sizzle these are whole Tomatoes from a can I'm just throwing them in there I'm also going to add some water to this that'll help the tomatoes just break the salsa I have on high and I'm just gonna cook this down until the tomatoes are really tender so now I'm gonna work on my sandwich regular slice sandwich bread this is I think it's like multi-grain or whatever that is what guess what you well it looks like it's a really good melting cheese an equivalent would be like Munster or Monterey Jack I feel like it melts a little bit better if you grade it but also I'm gonna add some pickled jalapenos if you can find carrots in your pickled jalapenos I would definitely use them they just add a little bit of sweetness they're gonna Nestle into all the little empty space where the grated cheese is which is exactly what I want put the lid on it all right I'm going to turn this on so that's about a tablespoon of butter and I'm just gonna let this melt if you want a really low and slow situation I'm also gonna sprinkle a little bit of salt on the melted butter because you get a really nice hit of salt and butter on the crust and we're just gonna drop it down it's not super hot at this point and it's totally fine I'm gonna set my timer so that I don't forget 3 minutes is the perfect amount of time to give us a nice golden-brown crust you come with me crazy salsa the audible and look at that that's what you want to see like cheese just oozing out the side I'm gonna drop another pot of butter in there now the pan is like super hot so we got to go quickly it looks so good it's super crispy which is what I also really really like I'm gonna keep watching it because I don't want it to burn that is the absolute worst when you like are babying a grilled cheese sandwich and then it [ __ ] burns whoa all right I'm just gonna go ahead and move that off heat and let that sit and just smash myself so to break up the tomatoes so my sandwich needs about another minute just so I don't like burn my mouth off when I take a bite I'm gonna add just a little bit of salt it tastes like a really spicy tomato soup which is kind of what I was going for grilled cheese and salsa de arbol there it is oh yes yes look at that look at that look at that that oh yeah is a cheese pull ah it's just it's comfort to me all of my friends and my family are 2,200 miles of and I need something that reminds me of home and this is doing it right now so make this sandwich do the name for the sandwich should I give it a name oh where are you guys in the names I sort of name your name I ain't there yet it's gonna have to happen organically you can't force that [ __ ] Cory today I'm gonna make one of my faves okay something I riff on you know it's an open canvas it's real nostalgic for me I grew up my mom she made meatloaf you know sometimes for dinner that's just what she did you know and I don't know what kind of meat she used I made a meatloaf yesterday out of elk and venison so we slice that up and we're gonna put it on a white bread cold ice cold but if we're gonna judge it up a little I got a little fermented this is cucumbers and scallions and garlic and some spices and this is a fermented radish and garlic and some scallions she gonna mince up a little bit a little bit of mayonnaise and then we're gonna put it on the white bread then we're gonna slice the well meatloaf put it on there boom that's it forget it it's a home run you got a little bit of white bread nice okay soft nine Alison I hope I didn't throw them away sorry everyone hold on one second but by the word Griffin he says sandwich some how Swami I want people in jail homages anyway I'm a strain a little bit of the other ferments this is exhausting we're gonna get a little bit oh it's fragrant and this one is fantastic it's so good I should sell it no chop that up you know I'm gonna do a little fine okay beautiful colors - I'm really on to something with this perfect we'll put that back in the bowl so let's do it a little bit of mayonnaise a couple teaspoons start small all right let's get let's get a little weird I'm just gonna add a little Jota of ketchup and we'll do a little bit of black pepper let me taste it this would be so good on a burger which is basically what we're having like a cold burger plowing forward let me get the meatloaf so I love those wild game meats I kind of dig it a little thin like that okay on the bread all right take some notes here this is very complicated elk venison some of the best meat in my opinion a little bit of ketchup just a little bit on top it's nice and a little bit of black nice you put that bad boy back on like that okay and there she is all right folks yeah come on you can't beat that hey that's your sandwich perfecto that's it I think a bite I really do like the crunchy little sauce okay hope you enjoy it use what you got you know whether it be some ferments there's some good old mayonnaise huh okay that's it have fun okay just have some fun huge fan of sandwiches you know I think for the most part everyone should know how to make a passable sandwich I'm talking about something like a little bit a step up from a grilled cheese no hey I'm sure it was amazing so I'm making a breakfast sandwich it's a classic bacon egg and cheese with hot sauce I'm gonna throw some scallions and my eggs because I feel like it I also I'm going to use a homemade English muffin it just so happened that I had everything to make them so that's what happened there so I'm gonna take the cut sides of these and I'm going to butter them with some unsalted butter and then I'm going to toast these in a cast-iron skillet just until they're kind of crisped up in the meantime I'm going to open up my bacon I'm just gonna tuck them into my muffin skillet and if I'm lucky they will render out some of the bacon fat which will run off into where the muffins are toasting okay so I have a small nonstick skillet heating on the front burner I'm gonna drop a little bit of olive oil and a little bit of butter and let that melt meanwhile I'm going to take two eggs them into a bowl season these with a little bit of salt and cracked pepper you're more kind of going for a flat egg that you'll then fold up oh no what you would call that like bodega style maybe I'm doing that rather than scrambling it because I just feel like it's a slightly neater eating experience in the end you know what I need chopsticks I have to say I am such a fan of cooking anything with chopsticks but especially bacon but in the meantime my eggs are you can tell like they're already setting up in like a flat pancake and a situation at that point I'm just going to like lift a corner of the cooked egg and then I'm gonna let the runny egg run underneath just to let it keep cooking this is exactly where I want them to be there are patches a bit there that are still slightly runny but the underside is totally cooked I'm going to fold the egg in half and then I'm going to fold that half in half again like that and then I am going to turn down the heat to low one sheet of American cheese right on top and then I am going to pop a lid on this it's just to trap the steam and quickly melt the cheese on top in the meantime my muffin is about to burn very nice my bacon is also about to burn really everything is about to burn I am going to drain my bacon briefly on a paper towel I think my cheese is melted that's like the weird thing about American cheese is you can't really you can't really tell when it's melted or solid but I can tell that it's melted I'm going to slide it on to my bottom muffin I did not really give consideration to the size so we'll put scallions on top of that and then my bacon and then some hot sauce close it's a little unwieldy but I think it'll do I mean that's basically what you're going for I just have a very soft spot in my heart for the egg sandwich whether it's from the corner bodega or from like kind of a nice brunch spot so buttery in the best possible way good I didn't have to go out and get anything for this frozen shrimp is something that I always have on hand in my freezer back in New York my parents had some in the freezer here to me it's one of those things you can just keep around to use for soup pasta you know any kind of stir-fry or maybe a shrimp salad sandwich let's get to it you may notice that there's been a camera change here I've recruited my little sister Claire to help film so there are now two Claire's in the BA Cinematic Universe come here salt water with a whole lemon cut in half squeezed in there and that is boiling now so what we're gonna do is take shrimp that I have defrosted and I do veined them and taking the shells off except for the tail we're gonna turn the heat off the thing about poaching is that you want it to be a gentler cooking that keeps things tender and we're just gonna cook these for like three minutes and you're gonna keep it covered in the meantime we are going to toast some bread for this I like any kind of soft bread I don't like this on sourdough or anything you have to like chew through this is just some butter melted in a cast-iron the thing here is I'm only gonna toast one side of the bread soft side allows the shrimp salads like sit in there and stay in the sandwich these shrimp they looking nice and pink so we're just gonna drain them in the sink bread nice and golden toasty okay so we've got our bread and our shrimp and now I'm gonna put the camera back on the stand so Claire you are relieved of your duty okay well Delaney here you might notice that the words that I'm saying do not match with the words that my lips in this video are saying that's because I messed up the audio so without any further ado I'm gonna dub this video clip I'm taking my chopped shrimp you want the shrimp to be about the size of a nickel or a dime not super big not super small you want to be able to scoop the shrimp salad and I'm mixing it with mayonnaise and olive oil and then I'm adding salt Chipotle for a little bit of floral heat a little bit of Dijon mustard onion and garlic powder just for a deeper sweeter flavor black pepper to brighten the whole thing up even more after that I'm adding some capers for a little bit of braininess and then I'm taking my whole salad putting it on the toasted challah and adding some thinly sliced white onion and iceberg lettuce on top I just like a little bit of crispness to my sandwiches and both of those are really good in the texture apartment I'm kind of bummed that the original audio wasn't there I was baking good jokes you guys would have loved it I promise you it was top-notch material but we still have the shrimp sandwich and damn that is a good-looking sandwich look at that shrimp salad killer time for lunch okay looks like my mic is working again I'm back it's a nice transported sandwich being in a dock during the summer in like Maine somewhere in New England but in reality I'm in my parents kitchen in South Jersey I just lost some shrimp okay look you can make a sandwich out of literally anything it is the most democratic food in the world two slices of apple and a slice of cheddar cheese cheddar sandwich on Apple bread two slices of cheddar cheese one slice of an Apple Apple sandwich on cheddar bread make one one of my favorite sandwiches of all time is egg salad and I eat it usually more as like a Tartine but I did happen to make focaccia and I'm gonna make an egg salad sandwich on this focaccia today I have six boiled eggs here and I boiled them for nine minutes which is almost all the way hard-boiled with a little bit of a jammy Center no gray egg yolks in my egg salad please some people like to chop their eggs and I like to tear them because I think it's prettier little bite-size by 1 inch ish pieces but if you like it finely chopped finely chop it I don't care okay cornichon which are my favorite kind of pickle if you don't have cornichon I've definitely made this with just like a kosher dill pickle and is quite all right corney's in and then capers egg yolks are pretty rich mayonnaise is obviously pretty fatty I'm also gonna add olive oil so it's nice to think about things that will kind of break that up so a rough chop on the Cape so we're just doing this to taste so if at the end we decide we want a couple more capers or put another couple more capers and then I'm doing a mix of both Dijon and whole-grain mustard just because I love mustard I'm just gonna do like a generous tablespoon of mayonnaise but I'm really not looking for like a mayonnaise II egg salad well get it we'll give it to it we'll give it to two big tbsps and once it starts to combine a good amount of salt just using these eggs up this is where rat okay it's not totally there it's a little dry looking and that's when I'm gonna start drizzling in olive oil and then I have a bunch of herbs in my fridge I have cilantro and mint right now and also parsley so whatever you have use it and just sort of tear the herbs chives also awesome an egg salad I'm gonna do all right cut him in lemon in half giving it a squeezy I sometimes add lemon zest also okay she's looking nice and saucy I'm gonna taste it it's great focaccia serrated knife and cut it in half split this in half here we go see how many it makes it makes two I can tell that's good cuz there's two of us here I'm giving it some fresh herbs for you because you deserve it all right there shoes bar she blows the egg salad pantry Sando in there oh it's pretty open-faced okay I'm gonna cut this in half to make it easier mmm so Dennis yeah that sound like Julia Child so like right now that we're all inside you know most of us have a few extra ingredients in the pantry that we shall collected over the years or stuff that we always have you know handy I found two no one but two kinds of particle carts in my pantry that we're sitting there for a while they're not expire so I'm gonna cut them in eight basically this takes a while you know we have time we have nowhere to go so here I go doing my bear claw I'm gonna chop the parsley not a great sandwich for the first date because you're gonna get all that parsley in your teeth so I have these piquillo so they came in a jar reserve they're kind of on the sweet side cut them in long strips come back in the bowl so I have my artichokes where I'm gonna put a little bit of salt black pepper tiny tiny bit of red pepper flakes and some dry oregano I'm gonna use a neutral oil and then I'm gonna finish up with olive oil I also want to add some lemon juice to put a little bit well you know what I should be nervous I'm gonna spend my last olive oil there you go I have my bread in the oven I didn't want my bread to be completely toasted I'm turning to a heart thing I should basically warm it up for a few minutes I'm gonna just put a bunch of these guys here it's messy it's not something that you're gonna be able to eat sitting on your couch but who cares if you leave a long like I do nobody's watching a little bit of these peppers I'm gonna shave the permission a little bit if you don't have permission you can use any other hard cheese that you like last but not least just gonna put some lettuce to make it fresh and crunchy and then you top it with the other piece of bread that's my sandwich well let me flush the fluff it up a little bit because I have one of these he needs one more artichoke on this side so oh [ __ ] cheese down sorry ah what about now here is my pantry sandwich I'm so proud of these can I open the wine now voila there you go ready mmm oh my god guys when we get back to the kitchen I'm gonna make you this this delicious Bon Appetit hello everybody it's me a meal and I'm here in my home kitchen like that alright so we are gonna make a pantry sandwich right now the neighborhood that I live in has a couple of really good Bangladeshi like little corner stores with freezers that are just full of extremely special groceries and one of which is these frozen Carranza's buttery flaky flat breads and they're actually like fully raw right now this is like a double smoked Hungarian kielbasa which keeps for a long time so I almost always have some of this and can I put ramps in the sandwich this is like very showy but I've been doing a lot of wandering in the woods which I would encourage anyone who can do to do and I've got this gigantic bag of ramps and then I'm just gonna take this kielbasa and slice this into a few pieces this kielbasa is like already fully cooked so you're really just like heating it up browning it a little bit of sauerkraut I'm just like my back pocket vegetable we got this hot cast-iron pan I've been preheating it for you know three or four minutes take our frozen paratha we don't need any oil or anything like that just because there's so much butter already in this and we're just gonna slap this we're just gonna wait until this starts to turn kind of like translucent a little bit and that's how we're gonna know that it's time to flip it it's starting to like bubble a little bit and I wish you could smell it it smells so buttery and delicious like my one painted nail I like it really nice and brown almost like a little bit burnt now that this is pretty much done get that onto our plate right there I'm just gonna get a little bit of olive oil in here and then get our slices this pan is like smoking hot right now mmm so I'm just gonna transfer all that back to our platter and then we've just got a little bit of fat left over in the pan which we're gonna use we're gonna throw our ramps in just got a little heat on them and then just gonna throw our sauerkraut on so don't really need to cook this so much just heat it through so that it's pretty much done and then we're gonna take all this back to the table and build our sandwich I refuse to eat a sandwich that doesn't have mayonnaise and then we got some mustards nice grainy Dijon mustard mix that together gonna add a little bit of black pepper make it feel like it's more of a thing paratha just add a nice swipe of the sour che gonna lay our pieces of kielbasa in there a little ramp ebusiness on top sandwich a kraut beautiful no do you want me to bite it not Brad just so good mmm buttery and flaky me too how I have a hotdog button everyone's pantry is different this is what I got going on in mine and there's my pantry sandwich does it look like this is me spreading my legs does it look weird like that's straight up what's natural could you be any more handsome please thank you
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,489,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: test kitchen, test kitchen talks, gaby melian, alex delany, christina chaey, molly baz, andy baraghani, chris morocco, amiel stanek, brad leone, claire saffitz, rick martinez, sandwich, pantry, pantry sandwich, bon appetit sandwich, sandwiches, sandwich recipe, make sandwich, making sandwich, how to sandwich, how to make sandwich, sandwich recipes, best sandwich, pantry sandwich recipe, ba sandwich recipe, tuna melt, shrimp salad, food, bon appetit
Id: hIMLa4cVt2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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