Pro Chefs Bake Muffins without Measuring Ingredients | Test Kitchen Talks | Bon Appétit

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The fact that Chris and Sohla both used the muffin tray as measuring cups

You can tell why he hired her

👍︎︎ 242 👤︎︎ u/jp4464 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hope Sohla gets her own series soon, she's so much fun to watch.

👍︎︎ 262 👤︎︎ u/bittersinew 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Delaney’s streak of overperforming in these challenges finally found its ceiling 😢

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/amyadamsinjodhpurs 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

We needed a reverse Delaney Drink Drop when Molly came to help out Delaney.

Baz's Brew Break?

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/Rated_PG-Squirteen 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ayyyyyy que lindos!

Protect Gabby at all costs

👍︎︎ 123 👤︎︎ u/steveofthejungle 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how the correctly executed recipe compared to their results.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/likebudda 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wish they didn't give them the recipe. Maybe like just the ingredient list.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love how Brad is always like “I hate when things are too sweet” and then just goes and pours WAY more than a quarter cup of sugar into his mixture.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/teddy_vedder 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I admire their resourcefulness but it was cheating to use the bowls, the scoop and the muffin tin to measure ingredients. I think only Brad and Carla got the right idea.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/narsmews 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello hi what do we do Cory we're going to make our recipe following the measurements like we don't get cup measures no teaspoon measures anything Wow oh just no measuring spoons yeah great [Music] can I use the muffin tin so I whoa it's one of our recipes looks like the old-time J's like back in the day they like a cup was a cup and people's cups were different and then you had to like figure it out so this is gonna be fun well we're baking much different it's kind of the one time you do kind of have to be precise with certain things I'd hold my freestyle but I spend a forty hours a day measuring things on a scale forty hours a day week the last time I baked something was maybe like five years ago i I do not bake ever okay so I used to have a job where I had to measure I had to weigh out cheese hurt cheese plates at a restaurant and you had to measure out like one ounce portions of each cheese and there was like a soft a semi-soft and a heart and by the end of it I could weigh that to the gram essentially without the use of anything so let's hope that serves me in some way today all right so today we're gonna make some cornbread muffins with maple butter first up remote I don't like coffee skipper the maple butter we can do that after we throw these in the oven which I'm assuming we're gonna do preheat the oven to 375 we got a guest that too I put my hand in there or something my oven is preheated to 375 is the oven Artie on very important to read the whole recipe before you start cooking not only when you are being challenged to do so yes so I'm just gonna eyeball this together here I'm thinking I'm gonna use the the muffin tin just as like a good rough indicator it's not cheating I'm using the tools that were given to me the dry ingredients so it's 1 cup of yellow cornmeal sift cornmeal need a sifter okay whoa I hate it all right so I need a cup so one thing I'm terrible at is spatial relationships and volumes I have no idea how much this actually weighs but it looks pretty close to a cup no early no 1 cup I'm going to say this looks like about a quarter cup so I am gonna use four of these I think these are each half a cup so I think that's about one cup I hear more about the ratios of things like I care more about the ratio of dry to liquid then I do about like measuring to a cup that works like this okay flower Oh one cup this is great this is how we should do it all okay equal parts formula and flower so where does a quarter cup of sugar this kind of looks like a quarter cup so we're gonna go with that this is salt oh my god quite a cup put that little landing zone right there little quarter cup yeah right there we're just going to guess maybe show that hunch one two and 1/2 1 tbsp added quarter teaspoon salt so I'm just gonna do one little pinch BAM this I don't care as much about and it should just taste good and that's all our dry stuff whisking dry ingredients actually takes longer than you think this is a common thing people mess up but give it a minute there first we'll do the mixer then we'll do the sifter don't really want to sift these cuz I don't you know they're not gonna be perfect they're not gonna be perfect so I'm gonna put that off to the side and we're gonna do wet ingredients alright so I got one egg egg butter milk 1 cup okay a cup of buttermilk oh there was this shake shook and shaken use the shake buttermilk you know there's measurements on the side of the buttermilk which really has a cup measure on the side I don't know if anyone spotted that yet oh yeah I mean this is great if you find yourself camping and you want to make muffins and you only have a muffin tin for baked goods I tend not to eyeball cuz you know why and bite failure you know so I'm just gonna oh wait a minute I didn't mix do I need to yeah well it's all ready so we're just gonna keep going alright those are supposed to get whisked in another Bowl that's what happens when you don't read a recipe and you're not used to reading recipes so this is just gonna all get whisked together right now whisk in melted butter alright alright so we want five tablespoons here Oh five tablespoons butter I was ready to dump that whole thing right in just clean the microwave okay and now we're ready to combine ingredients one other way to slowly just not to clump in okay just to incorporate do not over mix that's the single most important thing to keeping a muffin tender and not tough tough little muffins mm-hmm a tough life it came out tough later I don't know years not never yes I've baked things but like not oh sorry this is dry my god tells me that these needs more liquid if it looks a little dry then add a little more wet seems a little loose but he'll do I know oh don't over this I mean basically you can I boil a baking dish that you done a million times so you kind of have like a rough idea how it looks like I think this is muffin consistency I don't make a lot of my friends at home tbh how far I'll off my oh yeah all right Molly they're not gonna be great put these in the oven I'm prey oh here we go nah man we supposed to make here I'm just hoping that we reach 12 I might run out of battery I don't know if I have enough the batter does seem a little bit scam we're not gonna reach 12 I'm gonna make it work I know like one or two I could definitely pull pull something Otto we have to rob Peter to pay Paul all that all I think we're gonna steal I'm looking like I don't think probably a little empty here I don't think I ever make my fence in my life I read the recipe a little bit more in detail it says that one muffin cup is 1/3 of a cup so I am totally off yeah this isn't gonna be good yeah this might not work out boys and girls just give them a leg up they're gonna be a funny shape I'm not fixing the divot that I took out of each of them for no apparent reason except I am lazy salt you know I'm gonna disregard that last step two empty cups okay I'm gonna pop them in the oven I guess I must have bees don't look at this one so start your timers 15 minutes timer hey Siri set timer for 15 minutes muffins will be pale we'll see about that cool rack to 10 minutes great serve with maple butter all right let's do that okay maple butter 3/4 of a cup one and a half sticks unsalted butter room temperature one and a half sticks of butter I got this one it's like you have to wonder about a recipe that's calling for that much butter that much maple syrup calling for unsalted butter but no salt I just like you know I put some salt in there sweet and salty it's gonna taste better so we started small we'll start with the winning three and a half we'll start with the half so I'm gonna eyeball it you seen this oh but I need don't have any this is no easy I don't really think this syrup measurement matters all that much in terms of precision so good if I had flake you thought I would at it pretty good mapley great all right that looks very nice I love a corn muffin yeah utterly adore them in the butter might be fine but the muffins rest in peace all right cool so it's been 15 minutes we're gonna go see how these little muffins turned out okay I can't lead those okay they look okay okay not bad we got two weird ones look at those I'm not making anyone proud with these they're very even so like great job mate that guy's a little small these muffins are not very cute but whatever osama's Linda bizzy's what are we looking for there wasn't a lot of batter in it we had a poll what's the matter well don't start here but okay so if this is our best-looking muffin we know we're in trouble they're brown on the undersides that's good it has a really nice crumb super fluffy I think in terms of the like integrity of the muffin and the ratios of things like this looks pretty correct to me what do I know they have a nice little like press on the bottom they're not as tender as I would like wait no no way very good still pretty good I can live with that thank you guys can't eat them why not be peace okay my final thought is that this is a properly baked muffin that sucks that is NFB I'm sorry that's just as good as Brad maybe even better yeah there you go there's a half a muffin there's butter Bon Appetit shut it down shut it down bye
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,265,102
Rating: 4.9517765 out of 5
Keywords: test kitchen, test kitchen talks, gaby melian, sohla el waylly, alex delany, christina chaey, molly baz, carla lalli music, andy baraghani, chris morocco, recipes, recipe, brad makes, gaby makes, sohla makes, alex makes, christina makes, molly makes, carla makes, andy makes, chris makes, brad leone, eyeballing a recipe, cooking without meausiring, muffins, bake muffins, baking muffins, how to muffins, corn muffins, how to make muffins, muffin, food, bon appetit
Id: pnoLbyhgdts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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