Pro Chefs Make Their Favorite Egg Recipes | Test Kitchen Talks | Bon Appétit

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Sohla was really impressive with her directions. Super specific. I did believe in the myth about pre-salting the egg. Time to salt it up!

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

"How much butter should you use?"

Amiel: "Yes"

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/LKnodecaf 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Isn't the Molly egg just a sunny side up egg?

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/spidersVise 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Two French omelettes!

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/BobaFettCat 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

The BATK chefs really love using that butter. I have never been able to properly peel an egg without huge chunks of white coming off, I assume the ice bath is what I need to be doing?

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/maculae 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Now I want to see Sohla with Chris...

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like that all the chefs use the same terms like "jammy" and "craggy jaggy." I can't imagine those are techincal terms.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nobody did what is clearly the best egg variation: deviled eggs...


👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/adacmswtf1 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Priya, you’re dead to me.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/ifornia 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
today in the test kitchen we're showing you our favorite ways to make eggs you can put it in your your own natural way that was my natural way [Music] oh god i'm nervous [Music] that's the best way to make an egg eggs are one of my favorite things to eat i probably eat like eggs practically every day eggs are nutritious delicious just so versatile instant meal such a quick and easy way to have like protein fat they're very important to me in the morning i want my eggs i want them quick and i also want them in a breakfast taco i'm gonna do really high heat scrambled eggs simple easy you can do it half asleep in the morning as i do slice some scallions i like just a little bit of scallion because it gives you like sharpness next up avocado be careful when you do this let's get our eggs gone i'm just gonna do two eggs when you're stirring your eggs you wanna make sure that you are being firm but gentle all right we're looking good if you're making scrambled eggs salt goes in there first that way every single bite is seasoned and it tastes delicious get this pan over medium heat actually we're gonna go medium high heat a little bit of olive oil in there and then the scallions that i was talking about we're not going to caramelize these just get them cooked through sweat them out a little bit let our pan heat up to a really high heat and then throw our eggs in in the meantime we're going to toast a couple tortillas direct contact to the flame i want like a nice char on them so that pan's super hot this we're gonna be constantly stirring but like big broad strokes the eggs are gonna be ready in probably like 15 seconds all right take it off the heat before they're finished let's see look we have those like big folded curds instead of those tiny little soft curds this is going to go right in there and then we're going to do avocado a little bit of lime juice and a little bit of cholula green because that's my favorite hot sauce not dry at all super quick cooked eggs creamy texture fat acid it's all there i'm gonna make these for breakfast tomorrow morning so i'm gonna make really really really soft scrambled eggs the way that i grew up eating eggs my dad's not french but it's like a very frenchy sort of uh just really low and slow a lot of stirring non-stick pan which is really important for eggs like these i'm going to put this on just really low heat we're using three eggs you want to beat these eggs really really really well so they're fully fully incorporated you don't want to see any streaks of white or yolk in there like a pinch of salt in there gonna take about three tablespoons of this butter it's a lot of butter that's a tablespoon per egg and we're gonna put a little bit more into at the end and so we're just pretty much gonna wait until this butter is melted and just when it starts to foam so you know there are like different schools of thought when it comes to scrambled eggs some people like a hot and fast scramble i prefer kind of like a almost like a cottage cheese texture to my eggs so it's by cooking it really slowly and just stirring it constantly you get kind of curds all right so we're seeing like a little bit of bubbling i don't need this to get like totally foamy but i'm just going to start this process you can kind of see that they're curds starting to form i don't want at any point the entire bottom to firm up we're getting close i'm going to turn the heat off now just kind of let the residual heat cook them the rest of the way then i'm going to take this last bit of butter break it into a few pieces let that kind of melt in super soft just just until the butter melts kind of looks like polenta almost and then i just want to take a little bit of flaky salt on top these can take a fair amount of salt just because they're so buttery a couple of chives soft scrambled eggs texture is really really soft really silky tastes like eggs and butter it's not eggs cooked with a little bit of butter it's eggs and butter together i'm gonna make something you know a little i like doing it it's like a mashed tree it's like a little i find zen in making it's like a buttery french omelet slightly custardy in the center that's we're gonna go for three eggs into the bowl and you're just gonna make them nice this come up real nice feel good about that and so i'm gonna make sure my pan's hot i put it on a little a little low medium-low i'm just gonna start melting a little butter in there and then we'll adjust turn the heat up a little bit nice all right butter's our friend okay like the bang it kind of pops some of the air bubbles i don't know if that does anything but it makes me feel good so i like to start high and then turn it off to low all right here goes nine huh no turning back now oh god all right we'll do a nice little cookie cook in the middle right off the bat i'm seeing a little bit of of white still not ideal but i think we're going to be all right it wouldn't be the first time piss the french off you know so you want to get this nice and jammy and then i like to just swirl it around too that's my trick i like to swirl it around the outsides like a weird little crepe helps it cook quicker too you know i'm not fooling around using the pan to cook it oh god i'm nervous and then we'll finish it with a little butter too to kind of help everything go nice well it's just not just a quick little release on the outsides okay off the heat put a little butter underneath it oh god oh god you know i'm into it i don't know if the french would be but it's gonna it's gonna work out just fine it's gonna be tasty boom there's your brad omelette yeah i'm gonna just do a little bit of salt on it maybe a little pepper i don't care the moment of truth yeah i'm all right with that you know it ain't perfect but neither am i but look it ain't overcooked it's not burned by any means no browning custardy uniform oh i love poached eggs i always have always will people think they're hard they're not hard there's no frying there's no splattering there's no sunny side upping you just get like a beautifully cooked situation i'm gonna crack two even though i might only need one doing more than two in the same pot of water though is kind of a challenge i have a pot of boiling water over here this is extra but i'm gonna make a vortex which when you drop the egg in it's just gonna help it have a nice round shape so it'll hit there and kind of swirl around instead of just sinking flat this will be pretty effective with the first one but a little bit harder to pull off for the second i'm gonna get the other guy in here you can see all of those strands of egg white is normal the egg white is setting and it's just a different texture and consistency than the yolk it's not a big deal it's not going to affect like the way your egg tastes but it will affect the way that it looks so i would get rid of any of those strandy bits kind of gives it this like octopus vibe i don't put vinegar in the water i don't think it's really does what people say that it does and it also can give your egg kind of a sour flavor which i don't really care for i'm taking these out so i just put it on the paper towel the best way to enjoy a poached egg is on an english muffin everybody knows that and then here's my egg okay this is my perfect poached egg an english muffin see perfect yolk runneth over but my ideal thing is to basically you know it's it's a fried egg so you get to set those whites into kind of lacy crispy edges that really kind of makes the egg for to me as delicious as possible so when you guys weren't looking i cranked the heat on this thing so that we'd walk over to a hot skillet so this is olive oil i'm using a generous amount see how it's smoking that's exactly what i want like all the best cooking there is a little bit of an element of danger here you know the water content of the white is going to throw off you know some sort of spattering this is more of a back pocket spoon kind of deal you want like a big spoon to baste with and at this point i like to kind of separate the two eggs just so that we have like two distinct eggs as opposed to one mono egg see how like already that laciness is starting to happen i'm just gonna use a little bit of oil to baste the white to make it set i find like this can go so fast that i don't even bother to lower the heat i just take the eggs off of the heat yeah so this is it the whites are incredibly crispy lacy and set the yolk is still plenty oozy and jammy this is the kind of egg that i want most of the time frankly i'm all about this like you know all that crackly crispiness i'm here for it you can't argue with that i just want to say that emil stole my favorite way to make eggs which is soft scramble so then i had to go with my second favorite which is a medium boil so i love a medium boil because the yolk is not dry but it's not so hard to control and like running all over the place all right so this water is boiling i like to plunge them in room temp not only because it gives me a better idea of how they're going to cook but also because they're less likely to crack when they hit the water i'll kind of gently place them in like that and then that's it come back in seven minutes it's really like six minutes for a soft boiled egg and upwards of eight nine ten minutes for a hard-boiled egg depending on how dry you like the yolk so i think seven minutes is like a good sweet spot and we have a minute okay let's just stand here for a minute silently 30 seconds 40. [Music] ice bath sometimes i just do it in the sink under cold water okay so these are still hot but crack them to peel them i like to crack all over and then i like to get a little bit of water in there after i crack it because i feel like the water gets kind of under that membrane so pretty good looking egg it's really i can feel it it's very wobbly actually that's pretty good that's pretty nice it's somewhere between a medium boil and a soft boil and then just a little flaky salt so the yolk is set everywhere except for the very center where there's it's a little bit runny so i actually really like this doneness it's a there's a ring where it's dry on the outside i like that you get all those different textures and most importantly the white is set because i never really want to eat an egg if the white isn't set it's the world's best breakfast i'm gonna make something that i call the molly egg which is basically a fried egg that gets cooked so gently in the pan that you don't develop any color or any sort of crispiness so it's sort of like the anti-crispy fried egg i made that name up because i used to work at a restaurant in brooklyn called allswell and we had a mushroom toast on the menu there and it was this like thick slice of bread that was really crispy and was fried and then we had mushrooms on top of that and i always used to cook my eggs super gently on top and so it became known as the molly egg there okay so you could use any kind of fat really i'm not going to use butter just because i actually don't want the milk solids to brown because that's going to impart flavor and color into the white so i'm just going to do a little bit of olive oil heat it up a little bit but i'm not looking to get this oil ripping hot by any means cracking right into a still relatively cold pan i'm over medium-low heat i'm gonna season my egg with salt and just let time do the rest you'll see it's very slowly beginning to turn opaque this is different from a fried egg because the pan is never gonna get hot enough to develop any color on the egg or any sort of lacy crispy edges i can see it starting to sputter a little bit at the edges so i'm going to turn it down the end game is a very liquidy molten yolk so we're done and then a little bit of pepper the molly egg so it's cooked all the way through but it's quite floppy and really soft the white is very nicely cooked because it doesn't get hit hard in the pan very pleasant on the palette there's time in a place for a crispy egg and there's a time and a place for a molly egg [Music] i didn't like eggs for the majority of my upbringing i thought they were really gross basically when i was a kid my mom discovered one way to prepare eggs that we all really loved we realized what we didn't like about the eggs was like was the yolk like the yolk just tasted so like intense and eggy to us i know this is gonna sound blasphemous people because they're like oh my god runny yolk it's so great i'm just gonna say it i think runny yolks are totally overrated if i could only eat eggs one way for the rest of my life it would be chopped up whites with salt and pepper say what you want come at me this is just how i feel you're just gonna bring your water to a boil add your eggs the beauty of this is because you don't really care about the yolk you're scooping it out you don't have to do that like crazy intense like i'm gonna time this for six and a half minutes to get a perfectly runny yolk like it's okay you can do six minutes you can do eight minutes all right so my water is boiling i'm gonna put these in [Music] be careful and yeah maybe like seven minutes we'll say seven minutes so eggs are done so we're just gonna take them out put them in an ice bath for like a hot second until they're easier to peel oh my god this is this is such a throwback i don't like i usually eat yogurt for breakfast like i'm not much of an egg eater but i'm like i'm so excited to eat these eggs okay i find peeling eggs very relaxing wow these are beautiful all right so now we're just gonna have them and then you just scoop this part out i was this close to making scrambled eggs but i was like you know what a lot of people have opinions about scrambling you know people don't have opinions about this dish that my mom i guess made up and probably doesn't exist in real life and now we're literally just gonna chop these up now for the peppering it's like pepper with a side of eggs is the strategy here and then salt oh my god this is so good it just got like a nice pleasant bounce but it's not like gelatinous this is a great way to get like kids to eat breakfast but also me to eat breakfast so the way i'm gonna cook these eggs is i'm gonna fry them in bacon fat this is the kind of the more of the special occasion egg in place of a poached egg so like if you're gonna make a salad this is a way to kind of like dirty it up a little bit so i've got the heat on i've got this pan on high you really need this pan ripping hot i'm gonna use a decent amount of fat the egg isn't going to absorb the fat um you'll probably get some of the the fat in the little craggy edges and the the egg will bubble up okay so we're we're smoking so i'm going to just crack this move it around a little i'm going to turn that way down i'm going to turn it off now and all these little craggy bits will be a little bit crunchy which i kind of like i'm kind of swooshing up some of the oil onto the uh the unset white just to kind of give that a little helping hand i've still got like nice runny yolk i mean who wouldn't love this breakfast i mean it's just bacon and eggs very simple but it's just a beautiful crispy yet runny egg just give it a little sprinkle of salt crack a pepper my really simple but really delicious eggs fried in bacon fat it's amazing how much of the bacon flavor actually comes through with the eggs it just holds onto that flavor it's a really great way to use up the drippings in your pan if you're making bacon for a crowd just drop some eggs in there and it takes literally about a minute so i'm gonna make a classic french omelet i think it's the best way to have an egg because it really it's like an entree egg you know it's a great meal you need at least three eggs to get it to properly roll up for you and i'm gonna be doing it in a six inch nonstick skillet don't even try this if you don't have a nonstick you're just gonna make yourself sad contrary to what old chefs tell you you definitely want to season your eggs first it's the only way to make sure it's like totally seasoned through it's not going to make them tough that's one of those lies make sure you mix it really well the salt makes the proteins uncoagulate so it actually makes them more tender you don't want any streaks of white this takes longer than you think so i'm using a six inch non-stick skillet about a tablespoon of butter you want to start it on like medium medium-high and melt the butter and once it's foamy i'm going to turn the heat down to low and put the eggs in i also really like this tiny spatula this like angle here is going to really help us get underneath the eggs now our butter is nice and melted starting to get a little foamy now i'm going to turn the heat down and add our eggs so if you can do a nice soft scramble you can do an omelet because an omelette is just a scramble that you set a little bit further once you get your eggs in there you just want to vigorously move so we get nice small curds the good thing about a french omelet like this too is it's so creamy that you don't need cheese or anything if you make it right it tastes like there's like a lot going on but it does take a little bit of practice just to know when the eggs are set but you know even if you don't get it perfect it's still good and their eggs it's an easy cheap technique to practice but you can see it's getting creamier and thicker and almost like custardy that's just what you want so now we're getting thicker and thicker now we're almost at the point to stop stirring now you want to spread it along the bottom of the pan all right i think we're there time to turn it up now we're going to roll it up start from where your handle is because you're going to use the pan to help you tilt it out because it is so fragile and so delicate and then once you get it rolled up two thirds of the way and tilt it out of the pan and here's my french omelet it's like totally tender just barely set no color at all a classic french omelet you want no color when you cut into it it should be really creamy on the inside check it out it's almost like there's like cheese in there but it's just from the egg being nice and saucy so it's super tender it's the perfect egg the perfect entree egg all you need is a salad
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 4,845,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: test kitchen talks, test kitchen, eggs, brad leone, alex delaney, claire saffitz, amiel stanek, priya krishna, chris morocco, carla music, rick martinez, sohla el-waylly, egg, egg recipe, make eggs, making eggs, easy eggs, how to eggs, how to make eggs, scrambled eggs, omelet, omelette, best egg recipe, easy egg recipe, low and slow scrambled eggs, soft boiled egg, fried egg, hardboiled eggs, scrambled egg recipe, easy scrambled eggs, french omelet, food, bon appetit
Id: BW1x6F63F80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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