The Authentic Tortilla Española | Spanish Potato & Onion Omelette Recipe

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[Music] so today we are making what is considered to be the most iconic dish at hales from spain we're talking tortilla spanila the famous spanish potato and onion omelette now there's a little confusion out there between tortillas and tortillas tortillas is the one that has onions to it and tortilla the patata has no onions just potatoes and eggs anyways i've made this omelet before here on spanner fork years way back in fact it was one of my first videos so this is an improved version that's a little easier to make and has some more flavor to it folks there's a lot of recipes out there for tortilla espanola but the way we're gonna make it today is the authentic way that it's made and served here in beautiful spain this is your first time here don't forget to smash that subscribe button and click on the bell icon that way you can get notified when i release new content and to become a part of the spain on the for kitchen to all my return subscribers welcome back so to make this tortilla espanola i'm going to use a non-stick fry pan the size of this one is 24 centimeters which is about 10 inches now the beauty of this pan is that it's specifically made for spanish tortillas as it comes with another pan that's the exact same size that you hook on the side and then you place it on top then when you have to flip the tortilla and cook the other side it makes it a complete hassle-free experience you'll find a link where you can get this exact same pan in the description box below anyways i'm going to heat the pan with a medium heat and i'm going to add in a generous half cup of extra virgin olive oil which is 125 milliliters now the olive oil i'm using to make this tortilla espanola is from the georgetown olive oil company this is their extra virgin spanish olive oil made with the pequal olive truly one of my personal favorite spanish almost super high quality and it takes the spanish tortilla to the next level greatness you'll find a link where you can get it in the description box below while the olive oil is heating i'm gonna grab one large onion as you know i always like to remove between one to two of the outer layers as they're not as firm as the inside ones that when you cook the onion it gives it a better texture and it also makes it so much easier to cut and i'm gonna roughly chop the onion once the onion is cut i'm going to add it into the pan with the olive oil we'll give it a quick mix that way each piece of onion is coated in the olive oil while the onions are cooking let's move on to the potatoes i'm going to peel three medium sized potatoes now these are new potatoes you want to use potatoes here that are more waxy than starchy that way when you cook them they don't get mushy and they keep their shape i'm going to give the potatoes a quick rinse under some cold running water and then pat them completely dry and to cut the potatoes i like to cut each potato to four evenly size quarters cut the cord right down the middle and then into quarter inch thick pieces which is a little over half a centimeter once all the potatoes are cut let's move back to the pan with the onions they've been cooking between five to six minutes and the onions are slightly translucent you don't want to brown them at this stage for the next step i'm gonna add in the pieces of potato into the pan and we're going to get in there and give this a gentle mix that way each piece of potato is coated in the olive oil and you don't have to mix this continuously just get in there every two to three minutes or so that way all the potatoes in the onion are evenly cooked while the potatoes and onion are cooking let's get our eggs ready i'm gonna grab six large cage free organic eggs and crack them into a large bowl of course you can use regular eggs here but the higher the quality ingredients that you use the better this tortilla espanola is gonna taste and i'm gonna whisk the eggs together until they're well combined after frying our potatoes between 20 to 22 minutes and they have a light golden fried color they should be perfectly cooked once again i've been mixing this around every two to three minutes that way everything's evenly cooked and you know you can always tell your potatoes are done just pierce them with a toothpick and if it easily goes in they are ready to go i'm going to remove the pan from the heat and i'm going to transfer the fried potatoes and onion into the bowl with the whisk eggs making sure to reserve some of the olive oil in the pan then we'll season everything generously with sea salt and give this a mix that way all the ingredients are evenly mixed together and let it sit at room temperature for five minutes that way all the flavors can come together after leaving our mixture rest for five minutes let's start cooking our tortilla espanola i'm going to grab the same fry pan that we cook the potatoes and onion on and as you can see there's a little bit of oval left in the pan this is not only going to help flavor the eggs but it's going to ensure that the tortilla does not stick to the pan i'm going to heat it with a low medium heat very important to use a lower heat here if you go any higher the eggs are going to brown too quickly on the outside and not fully cooking the inside and i'm going to add our egg mixture into the pan and you want to give this a quick mix just to make sure everything's evenly distributed and that everything's in a single flat layer after about 2 minutes i'm going to run a spatula to the outer edges of the tortilla this is just to ensure that the eggs are not sticking to the pan after four to five minutes it's time to flip the tortilla to cook the other side of course you can do this the traditional way by placing a plate over the pan and then flipping the pan into the plate and then sliding the tortilla back into the pan i'm using the double pan method here which makes it super easy and totally hassle free i'm going to grab the top pan hook it into the bottom one then firmly grab the handles and then once with move flip the bottom pan into the top one and remove the top pan and seriously look how beautiful a tortilla looks you gotta say using the double pan method is the easiest way to flip the tortilla totally hassle-free for the next step using the back of a spatula i'm going to start compacting tortilla from the outer edges towards the center this is what gives it that classic rounded edge after a total cooking time of nine to ten minutes which is four to five minutes per side this tortilla espanola should be perfectly cooked i'm gonna remove the pan from the heat and we'll slide the tortilla into a serving dish our tortilla espanola's done super easy to make simple ingredients you can serve this either warm at room temperature or even cold it'll hold in the fridge between four to five days either way the flavors are always going to be mind blowing delicious let's give it a try and see how it turned out now this is what spanish food is all about here we go here take a bite it is so good wow first things first everything's perfectly cooked the eggs have a beautiful texture to them the potatoes just kind of melt your mouth and all those onions like i told you earlier the secret here use the highest quality greens that really takes it to the next level you saw this one of spain's most iconic dishes easy to make simple ingredients right at home and take an instant trip to beautiful espana real quick before i go a shout out to one of my patrons terry k clean once again terry thank you so much for being a patron of spain on fork it's thanks to you and the rest of my patrons my spanaforc continues to move forward if you're not a patron consider becoming one it really helps with ingredients and equipment to continue making videos like this you'll find my patreon in the description box below and i card above if you enjoyed today's video hit that like button leave me a comment below if you're not subscribed you know what to do smash the subscribe button till the next time you
Channel: Spain on a Fork
Views: 223,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authentic tortilla española, authentic tortilla española recipe, spanish potato & onion omelette, spanish potato omelette, spanish tortilla, spanish tortilla española, tortilla de patatas, tortilla de patatas recipe, potato & onion omelette, potato omelette, how to make tortilla española, easy to make tortilla española, how to make a spanish omelette, easy to make spanish omelette, spanish tortilla recipe, spanish omelette recipe, tortilla española, video, spain on a fork
Id: 5mKyaTcf9FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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