Pro Chef Reacts... To Vincenzo's Plate CREAMY MUSHROOM RISOTTO!

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interesting fact you eat risotto with a fork no  with a spoon with a fork today guys we're going   to be reviewing vincenzo's plate he's going to  be making a risotto so let's see how he does i   have made quite a few risottos in my time working  in a lot of kitchens so this looks like it'll be   a good one in any case if you are new welcome to  the channel my name is james i've been cooking for   many many years all over the world and i have  plenty of other recipes on my youtube channel   not just reaction videos so let's get started hi  and welcome to big chances plate today i take you   to the north part of Italy today we're going to  risotto land today we're making the risotto with   porcini mushrooms oh my favorite i love it you  don't like mushrooms oh i'm sorry for you you   can use prawns zucchini eggplant anything else you  want but i am making love with porcini mushrooms   today what about you this is true risottos are  extremely versatile you have some classical ones   such as the mushroom risotto and you also have the  seafood risotto but you can have a pumpkin risotto   as well during the fall, you can even have a garlic  risotto now you can also add purees to risotto   we did this in London with some jerusalem artichoke or even garlic or anything like this where it does   help make the creaminess it's not necessarily  the traditional way making it but you can do   quite a few things with this dish to make risotto  a fungi porcini we need these ingredients these   ingredients can feed about four people so it's  only two of us eating but we're gonna have some   extra for tomorrow for lunch you know just make  extra it's always better so we need half onion   which I'm going to chop into small pieces if  you're using onions or shallots because you can   also, use shallots for the risotto add a little bit  of sweetness but you can add them um you want the   size of the onions and the shallots to be either  the same size of the rice or a little smaller   because you don't want big pieces in your risotto  at home it's another matter you can do what you   want but if you were to say go to a restaurant you  get a risotto that has some large pieces of onion   this is one thing to look for parsley that i'm  going to chop into small pieces so to cook the   mushrooms we need extra virgin olive oil and then  i'm using about 400 grams of porcini mushrooms   my favorite mushrooms use any mushrooms that you  want use your favorite mushrooms but my favorite   is porcini i am not a fan of dry porcini mushrooms  try to avoid them and go for fresh if you do have   to use dried mushrooms you need to rehydrate  them before adding them to the risotto you   can't just add them in dry to the risotto because  they're dehydrated they will absorb more moisture   so you need to take the dried mushrooms put them  into a bowl pour some warm water into the bowl   and then afterwards after they've rehydrated you  can take them out and dry them off because you   don't want to add an excessive amount of water  to the risotto at the end and just a little   bit of salt first most important 300 grams of  carnaroli rice to make risotto use carnaroli or   nano two amazing kinds of rice full of starch and it will  make your risotto creamier if you can't get this   rice just go for arbor your eyes it's popular  you can find it anyway you don't go wrong arborio   is probably the most common or the easiest to  find for making a risotto in every place i have   worked arborio has been the main rice that we use  carnaroli is what was the backup price we still had   it but that wasn't the main rice because you have  to have a level of consistency in the restaurants   it can't be different every time then we need  half glass of white wine today i'm using moscato   you can use prosecco you can use sauvignon blanc  anything you want if you don't want to use wine   you can use half glass of vegetable stock or you  can use a glass of water simple when picking a   certain type of wine you want to keep in mind  especially typically use white wine when making   a risotto because most of the risottos are  a little lighter in color if you're using a   dark wine you need to make sure that you're going  to be making a dark risotto so if you're making   say a garlic risotto the last thing you want to do  is pour red wine into that because you're going to   have a pink result though it's not going to look  the same and it will also impart different flavors   into the risotto if you have a sweet wine it  will sweeten the dish if you have a semi-dry   it will also affect the flavors you don't have to  pick an expensive bottle of wine to make the dish   you don't necessarily want to pick a dollar bottle  of wine unless there's a good dollar bottle of   wine when i lived in France i could buy a bottle  of wine for a euro 50 and believe it or not it was   from Bordeaux it was woof excellent wine i forget  the name but it was a very good wine 50 grams of   butter 50 grams of parmigiano reggiano which i'm  going to grate nice finely grated i'm using one   liter of vegetable stock you can also use porcini  mushroom stock you can use any stock that you like   but i recommend you to go with vegetables you  don't go wrong with vegetables as for the stock   you can use any type of stock that you want  depending on what type of risotto you're making   right if we're going to be making a seafood  risotto you want to use fumet you want to use a   fish stock for that you can use vegetable in a  pinch but one important note a homemade stock will   add a lot more flavor to making a risotto than  just buying a pre-made store-bought stock so keep   this in mind to cook the result today i'm using  this kind of wok which is not stick i'm only using   this because it's better for the video so you can  see what i'm doing and i kind of like it but the   perfect thing to do is actually to use a large  pot but the best thing to do is actually to use a   stainless steel pot the stainless steel cooks the  risotto a lot better i prefer a thicker bottom pot   that way it will be a little easier to cook and  when you take it off the heat the residual heat   will still be cooking the rice with my risotto  videos i was using a little pot my little one   from ikea which is quite tall and skinny it's not  the best part to use when having to show people   how to make something the cooking part guys needs  to be very gentle on a medium low heat okay don't   rush this please put love into it now we start  by cooking the porchini mushrooms so we put   about three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil  in a small non-stick pan and then we're gonna add   the mushrooms in there okay we put the mushrooms  in there and we gently gently cook them as soon as   the oil starts to warm up their flavors of porcini  go into my nostril let's put a little bit of salt and let's put half of the parsley that we cut in  it we need the other half for the final touch of   the risotto now these mushrooms need to cook for  about 15 minutes for cooking the mushrooms is very   important to follow a few different steps there's  different ways of cooking mushrooms as well a   different way and say the north that we use more  butter to saute the mushrooms than they do here in   the south you can use either butter or olive oil  olive oil is a little healthier for you but when   cooking the mushrooms are like a sponge  and they will release their water when heated   so when you're adding some salt to them this again  this will extract more moisture and if you have   that many mushrooms in a pan such as this this  is one thing that you want to avoid with boiling   the mushrooms you don't want to boil them i  would suggest using about half of the amount of   mushrooms adding about half to the pan to saute if  you're going to be using the mushrooms for garnish   you want a little bit of color on them it's  nicer to look at you don't want to necessarily   pour the water out if you do happen to do this  because that water has a lot of flavor from   the mushrooms but if you are using an induction  burner like he is you can crank it up to maximum   to evaporate the residual moisture so what we  do now is we stir every five minutes and at the   same time we're going to make the risotto so let's  start cooking the rice to cook the perfect risotto   i'm using carnaroli rice we start by  adding extra virgin olive oil in the pan   you can use about two three tablespoons okay and  then straight away i'm going to add the onion   now the onion needs to cook for about  10 minutes gently on a medium low heat   this is done on a medium low heat don't stress  don't rush be gentle if you're going to rush this   and put the fire on a high heat this is gonna burn  take your time please you know you want everything   to be made with love now this is right when  sauteing or cooking the um the onions or the   shallots you want them until they are translucent  you want to cook them until they turn translucent   you don't want any color on them um you don't  want to caramelize them either now a little   bit of caramelization is fine but this will add a  sweetness to the dish if you burn them it'll add   a bitterness to the dish and it will destroy the  risotto so once it's turned a little translucent   you add the rice to the pot guys the onion is  ready when it becomes golden just like this   it's not burnt it's golden it's perfect it's  full of flavors and that's what we want okay   the onion is cooked before we concentrate  on the rice let's finish the mushrooms okay   so the mushrooms are ready look at that it's  been almost 15 minutes they are ready and they   can now relax okay just put them on the side and  let them relax until they're ready to go inside   the risotto this is the moment we've been waiting  for time for the cardinal oily rice to go in   oh yeah before we add any liquid we are going  to toast the rice so what we do is we put the   rice in there we stir and we are going to toast  for about four minutes now on the packet it will   tell you how long the rice needs to cook it can  be let's say between 15 to 20 minutes that's an   average so read the instruction on my pocket it  says 18 minutes when we start adding the liquid   it's when we start counting the time Vincenzo is  correct you only start counting once you add the   wine at this point you have two choices you  can either continue cooking this completely   for the next 20 minutes and finish the risotto  and serve it immediately or you can par par-cook   the rice if you have a lot of people coming  over say for dinner or if you want to say   save a portion of this rice you want to follow the  steps like you're doing now you add the wine and   you count 10 minutes once the wine evaporates you  just add a ladle of stock at a time and once the   timmins are up you take the rice off the heat onto  a sheet tray spread the rice out thinly and then   chill that as quickly as possible because rice is  a hazardous food raw rice almost always contains   spores of bacteria and some of these bacterias can  actually survive the cooking process and if left   out past so many hours in the u.s is about four  hours this is the time frame that you can leave   any food sitting out too long before you have to  throw it this is the amount of time that they say   there's too much bacteria on the rice and it can  cause well gastrointestinal problems or anything   like this now here i'm using a non-stick pan okay  so i'm a little bit safer but if you're using a   stainless steel you need to keep stirring you  don't want the rice to get stuck or to burn okay   very important you want to toast it but not  burn it so after three four minutes that you   have been tossing the rice now we're starting to  cook the rice so here i've got half glass of wine   to put it in and we start counting the cooking  time so for me it's 18 minutes from now so at this point it's very important guys that  we don't have the rice dry we want the rice   to be moist we want the rice to be covered by  liquid okay so when the wine evaporates we need   to start adding the vegetable stock so as you  can see this rice releases lots of starch look   how creamy it is already look how creamy this  is this is how important it is to use a good   quality rice in restaurants we typically prepare  the risotto by cooking it the traditional way   until it's par cooked well ahead of service  time because you cannot be there um waiting   20 minutes just to cook a risotto it needs to  be in three minutes five minutes max per order   when it's a la carte because you have too many  things going on so we do par-cook the rice and   this allows us to finish the rice quickly the wine  evaporated into my nose and now it's time to add   the vegetable stock cooking wine it will evaporate  and those fumes can make you a little light headed   i do not recommend doing this on purpose and i'm  going to add a tablespoon at a time let's see if   it covers yet that's perfect we might not need  to use one liter of stock maybe we need less   you want to make sure you stay next to the rice be  gentle talk to the rice if you want and see here   we have covered the rice just enough you don't  want to merge the rice in a lot of water at the   same time okay you want to do this a little bit at  the time so we want to keep stirring so the rice   from the top goes to the bottom from the bottom  goes to the top it keeps moving keeps cooking   look how creamy already is look how creamy we  can't have it because the rice is a bit hard but   it's already creamy really really creamy you want  that creaminess yes so the whole idea of risotto   is to cook the rice thoroughly by adding  small amounts of hot cooking liquid of stock   at a time this is important and stirring into the  liquid is absorbed then repeating until the rice   is soft and you can just see a little bit of al  dente it subjects the rice grains to consistent   friction and rubs the softened endosperm from  the surface so that it can become dissolved in   the liquid phase and this is the phase right now  so we're still adding liquid to the dish stirring   only at the end of the cooking process breaks  the softened grains apart rather than removing   this layer and in addition when cooking in an  open pan not covering the pan we're having to use   more liquid when making this dish because the  residual moisture is being evaporated so what   does that do it condenses the liquid and adds more  flavor so if you make a homemade stock it'll add   even more flavor to the dish guys we have three  minutes to go three minutes so what do we do   we're going to put the mushrooms in the rice now  this is where the magic begins i'm gonna put the   porcini mushrooms in there and i keep some i  can use it to decorate the plates we're going   to add a little bit of stock not too much just a  little bit and we got three more minutes to cook   three more minutes with the mushrooms and the  risotto i'm making love together here we go   ladies and gentlemen this is our  risotto in porcini mushrooms   make love together this is food for at least best  oh yeah as you can see it's a little bit dry see   30 more seconds to go this is  fascinating this is beautiful this is   creamy what a cream look at that cream over there  look at the cream over there look at the cream   this is all cream guys now before we  stop let's make sure the rice is cooked it's creamy it's al dente the way i like it i  always recommend you to taste it you have to check   the rice this is not something that you can omit  you have to taste the rice to see how done it is   it's not at the beginning obviously because it's  going to be rock hard and you don't want to chip a   tooth but at the end stage of the process you do  look at this stunning risotto porcini mushrooms   risotto made in 25 minutes with simple ingredients  you don't like mushrooms i am sorry for you   you can replace it with zucchini replace it with  radicchio replace it with sausages replace it with   eggplant replace it with prawns anything  you want that's the beauty of the risotto   do not put pineapple please okay now off the stove  you do not want the pan to be on the fire anymore   all right we are ready now to put butter and  parmigiano we start by adding the butter it's   nice and soft we put it in there i've got 50  grams of butter what the butter is gonna do   is going to make this super super creamy so stir  the butter we want the butter to go everywhere   melt the butter yeah butter is still melting  it is a long process from start to finish   nice generous amount of parmigiano-reggiano you  can actually use pecorino cheese if you don't   like parmigiano i always have pecorino in my house  and i've used pecorino and it's still delicious   so like i said you continue doing this yes until  you get to the stage where you have to add the   butter or if you also have a puree you add the  puree at the end because normally purees contain   butter which will add the creaminess one reason  why they do not they say not to add butter at the   beginning stage of making the risotto is that the  fat will inhibit the absorption of the liquid with   the rice you want to add the butter at the very  end of the stage off the heat you do not want the   butter to split and it can look how creamy it is  now look at that look at the creaminess look at   how creamy this beautiful beautiful risotto is  look how creamy can you get a cream in this you   tell me if you can get a creme in this come on  let's serve our risotto let's do a nice spa delata   if you can yeah you can't do this in a pot yeah  in a wok you can you can flip it in a pot you stir   it's good watching vincenzo he's entertaining  look at his marvelous creation guys look at his   beautiful marvelous creation what a beautiful  beautiful northern italian dish amazing look at   that okay guys let's serve this beautiful pasta  oh look at that look how creamy yeah come on put   in the plate gently gently oh yes now you put a  large amount in the plate then you don't at the   end-stage and i'm talking about a restaurant i'm  not talking about the home you want the risotto to   basically be like lava not be like a soup you  want it to be a little thick but you want it to   just spread out on the plate every minute that  the risotto is on that plate cooling down it will   start to harden in the restaurants we had to serve  it within several minutes because by the time it   reached the table there was a possibility that  it would be like cement we added a little more   butter to it now a trick if your risotto is a  little too thick is to add a little bit of stock   at the very end of the process you can either  serve a risotto like this whereas the main dish   if you want to say make the risotto a little  stiffer a little dryer you add more butter maybe   a little mascarpone to it to thicken it to harden  it then you can put fish on top when you plate   and elevate the fish risotto is a very flexible  dish if you want to make it a little thick   to use as a garnish if you want to make it as  the main dish as well it's a very easy dish   there's just one thing it takes time to make  you go underneath with your palm of your hand   and you move it you shake you know you  you punch a little bit the bottom so the rice   because it's creamy the rice will be able to  move on its own you don't need to spread it   then the final touch is we add the porcini  mushrooms that we have left in the pan we put   a little bit of chopped parsley and then we're  ready to serve now you can see the difference   between when vincenzo took the risotto off the  heat compared to now when it's on the plate   um it probably took him several minutes  to arrange the cameras take photos and to   you know do everything and in that time it will  affect the difference in the risotto but like   i said just add a little bit of stock you can put  it back in the pot a little bit of stock and it'll   still be creamy interesting fact you eat risotto  with a fork no with a spoon with a fork unless   you're making a broad result and it's different  use the fork you enjoy let's see if it's creamy mushrooms flavor the results is  beautiful still a beautiful al dente   creamy and don't forget i've been taking  photos i've been finishing the video here   it's been about 10 minutes and it's still nice  and creamy beautiful parsley flavors i like it cooked to perfection the carnaroli rice oh my  god makes a big difference i've been using a   boilerizer for such a long time and let me tell  you carnaroli it changes again it's the only   way to do it vincenzo did an excellent job he  did an excellent job not just with the risotto   but also explaining on how to make it so i would  recommend that if you do want to learn how to make   a result of that you watch his original video  as well because he he explains a lot more than   what i had to interrupt and everything else  thank him for this video and if you make it   let him know as well and if you make any of  my risottos that i've made then let me know   as well in any case guys take care have a great  week and if you do want to see another interesting   video then you should click on this one here and  i will see you guys again very soon take care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 303,617
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Keywords: cooking, food, how to cook, kitchen, James Makinson, Chef James, italian chef reacts, vincenzos plate, vincenzos plate reaction, how to make a good risotto, vincenzo's plate risotto, how to make creamy mushroom risotto, risotto like an italian, vincenzo plate react, pro chef reacts to vincenzo, professional chef reacts, pro chef reacts, best mushroom risotto recipe, risotto mushroom, risotto gordon ramsay, risotto recipe, italian food, italian food recipes, italian chef react
Id: 8N76emDiKFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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