Pro Chef Reacts... To The WORST Paella! | Epicurious

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in spain also they will kind of yell at you  if you put chorizo in it too chorizo is like   one of my favorite things to use in cooking today  guys i got a request to review this paella video   so let's see if they do a little better  than joshua weissman in my last review   or not and if you do like the video guys  then be sure to like the video down below   subscribe and share with others as it helps  the channel out greatly so let's get started hello i'm monica and i'm a level one chef hi  i'm daniel and i'm a level two chef i'm frank   i'm a chef instructor at the institute of color  education and i've been cooking professionally   for 24 years since frank is the instructor and  he's been cooking for 24 years a decent amount of   time i'm going to hold them to another level than  the other two i love paella because it's not she   pronounced it correctly paella not paella that's  good it's rice on steroids today i am making a   shrimp and chorizo paella it mixes a little bit of  the surf in a little bit outside of spain there's   like this idea that chorizo goes into paella turf  brings it together into this awesome dish finally   today i get to make paella paella is one of those  dishes that everyone thinks is extremely difficult   but it really is a lot harder than you may think  i mean you can make it easy but it takes a while   to make it today i'm using frozen squid from the  supermarket and mussels i've got some fresh shrimp   and spanish chorizo i'm a huge fan of using  fresh seafoods frozen's okay but it's not the   same you don't need to do all this cutting and  prepping and prawning you could just get you a   bag of squid and keep it moving girl today i'm  making a meat paella i'm using rabbit and more   sea morsi is super smoky and delicious rabbit  is lean but has a great flavor rabbit like like   bunny rabbit rabbit is actually really easy to  find i see it in my supermarket all the time   so what frank looks like he's making he's trying  to make the paella valentiana but instead of using   what he should be using it's like chicken and  rabbit he's using thea la morphia is a bootyfara   or as an impudido in spanish putifaren catalan  is a blood sausage it's a pork blood sausage   it's not that calm well i shouldn't say it's  not that common it's not something that you   can go to say macadam in the grocery store and  buy it at least in catalonia but i wouldn't be   putting that in the paella usually it would  be just a separate rice dish it has the same   texture as chicken so i'm just gonna make a slice  so we have these little pieces that not only easy   to eat but they'll cook a little quicker i think  that if you have any problem with eating a rabbit   just use chicken back home in the u.s i know that  rabbit's not as common at least in the northwest   it's not that common here in spain rabbit is very  common i can buy a whole rabbit at the grocery   store for only a couple euros uh the only problem  with rabbit is like he's saying is that it's   extremely lean so you can overcook the thing super  easily because it doesn't have a lot of fat on it   to get a really good paella you do not need all  these crazy exotic meats so these are regular   mussels that you'll get from the supermarket  you just want to make sure that you clean them   because they have like this grit on them and you  do not want the grit and just get in there you   know put your muscles into your muscles the whole  seafood paella thing is like a later invention   um it is the most famous but it's not the say  traditional because seafood is obviously a lot   harder to get or it used to be harder to get than  normal say meat and while paella used to be a poor   men's dish it was meant to feed the family so you  would make a massive paella and the pan by the way   is also called a paella they make a massive paella  the dish and then they will serve this normally on   weekends on sundays and people still do this  but it can feed if you make a big one it can   feed an enormous amount of people and for the  most part in spain you won't find people mixing   meat and seafood in spain also they will kind  of yell at you if you put chorizo when it too   so is like one of my favorite things to use in  cooking but what the chef's talking about that   paella mixta is not common at all in spain no  it is common i mean it's not as common as you're   going to see like seafood paella but they have  it um but mixing chorizo with that is a big no-no   yes you mix chicken or rabbit with the seafood  it's cured like salami almost i think it adds   a ton of flavor without adding too much work  i'm basically going to cut my chorizo there's   different types of chorizo now you have mexican  type chorizo which is different than spanisho no   chorizo here you can buy cured you can buy raw so  you can cook it he's using cured which if this was   just for another dish i wouldn't use cured to cook  with anyway because it's too tough i'd actually   use the raw chorizo and also you can take it out  and cut it to shapes or whatever you want to do   and make little cherries or meatballs whatever  into thin little circles little discs like that   so my muscles are clean my squid is defrosted look  at it and we're ready to go let's work with our   marcia murcia is a blood sausage it's made with  pig's blood ground pork if you're making a seafood   paella it's a good idea to cut the calamari up  instead of leaving it in big chunks because if   you cook calamari if you overcook it and then  the paella you will it's going to be very tough   so basically it's like putting a rubber band in  your mouth i mean some sort of binder like rice   or bread crumbs and spices and it's usually smoked  so it's absolutely delicious my chorizo is done   and now i'm going to season my shrimp just putting  some salt and pepper on both sides i'm just going   to turn all the shrimp over and do if you want  a delicious booty farrah or type of booty farrah   here in catalonia is very common i didn't like  it at first but fwet is a very common type of   sausage that they eat cured and then another  one i forget how to pronounce it in catalan   it's a white type of sausage but it's absolutely  delicious so now it's time to get my veggies ready   i'm going to start with my onion i prefer using a  sweet onion just because they don't make me cry i   have a nice white onion here white onion is always  the best flavor for me traditionally people will   cut onions and go kind of now just looking at the  method that they're actually prepping everything   i would strongly suggest to prep the vegetables  first because you have to make what's called the   sofrito or la marca as we call it in the kitchen  and that will literally take you at least an hour   to make ahead of time if you're going to make  that separately or if you're going to make   it per dish or per paella i follow these  lines and then i do this cut but i always   get a little nervous with that because i don't  like cutting towards myself so whenever we're in   a restaurant we want to go as fast as possible we  take the onion we get the lines we cut across the   lines not all the way through go up and over  the rainbow and then the onion will separate   along its natural that's the first time in my life  in my professional cooking life that i have seen   anyone cut an onion like that garlic the only  thing i don't love about garlic is getting the   peel off i'm just going to take them give them a  little whack with the side of the knife just to   kind of get the skin off just going to mince this  down so i want this really really small pieces   i just kind of rough chop my garlic  because the more you process it   the stronger it gets now if you're going to add  garlic with the paella and this is mostly for   the professional kitchen not for the households  but we make what's called achoparhil is garlic   parsley and olive oil that's blended together into  a little sauce that we add to the paella first and   i'll explain a little later on as we go on to my  bell peppers there's a red pepper and a yellow   pepper i chose a red bell pepper for this you  want to use a yellow or an orange pepper that's   fine but i usually stay away from the green ones  i think they're a little too sharp for this dish   you paid good money for that pepper don't throw  away the tops in the bottom i just cut them in   half i get my garbage bowl and then i pull out the  seed pod right and if there's any ribs in there or   any extra seeds i just tap them out and get rid  of them now i have a full you're going to make a   sofrito the common pepper or bell pepper to use is  a red bell pepper they're the sweetest it doesn't   just give these flavor that sweetness to the dish  it also helps color because the marker needs to be   or normally it is reddish in color so i'm just  going to process this by cutting it into long   strips and i think that these add a nice a color  and b crunch to the dish i'm just if you're going   to be using a chef's knife safety tip never do  this with the chef's knife you can cut yourself   i'm gonna dice it from here one of the vegetables  i do want you to see my finished paella is hot   pepper i'm using italian long hot peppers in my  paella i'm going to cut these into rings so you   can see them in the finished hot peppers don't go  in the traditional paella yes the paella the dish   is not like spicy and as a matter of fact there  are very few spicy dishes here in spain itself   it's not like in mexico where you have a lot of  spice here they use a lot of pimienton which is   paprika but it's not always the spicy paprika it's  sweet paprika the only dish that can be really   spicy one of them there's a couple but one of them  is like patata bravas which if you would like a   delicious potato bravos i do have a recipe a video  on it so you can click here if you want to see it   ditch if you have not cooked with jalapeno i don't  know what's wrong with you this takes everything   to another level i don't mind if there's a little  bit of seeds in there i want the seeds in it and   everything just looking at the ingredients of what  she has cilantro doesn't go in paella and lime   doesn't go in paella if you don't have lemon  then okay you can maybe substitute but it   has a completely different flavor to it than  lemon in the paella today i'm using fava beans   and fava beans are a very seasonal product in the  springtime you see them in all the restaurants but   this is something you'll see in paella's in spain  as well lava beans come in this nice pod and then   you just have to basically break it open you pull  the string out and then you just pop it over if   you don't have gaurovo which are lima beans which  are typical for the paella and thiana it's okay if   you have to substitute one or the other but if  you do use fava beans it's a good idea to also   peel the fava bean skin off the beans it makes a  big difference and you also have to saute them you   have to cook them a little bit or blanch them open  and the beans kind of just pop right out you can   eat them like this this outside husk has a little  bit too much texture for me for the paellas i know   a lot of people talk crap about cilantro but i  am cilantro's friend it gives it another flavor   and i want to leave a little bit for garnish  now i love cilantro don't get me wrong but for   my paella as far as a garnish parsley is the  way to go we're going to blanch our fava beans   for a couple of reasons one of the reasons is that  we want to get this outside shell off we want to   par cook them so that they don't take that long  to cook in the paella and we want to preserve the   color my water is at a full rolling boil i'm going  to hit it with a little bit of salt and then i'm   going to dump he's doing right for the beans we'll  see for the rest of the dish dump my favas in   i'm going to give these like two two minutes three  minutes i just want them to kind of cook a little   and skins get loose all right i think these are  good to go into our ice bath and i let these cool   all the way now all we really have to do is peel  them what i do is i usually just get my thumbnail   i'll be very honest they're an absolute  pain in the you know what to peel   peas or worse fava beans are definitely a lot of  work but i find that they're totally worth it so   now i'm about to get to work on my rice so i have  my water boiling and i also have my paella in a   box i know you're like what so you can buy this i  don't even know this is something you can buy it   is like heaven in a box so once the rice is in you  want to stir it up and then you want to add all   your little seafood goodness from this little can  assorted seafood and vegetables for paella what   they already did it for me nobody's gonna know  and then cayenne pepper you know you always want   no cayenne the heat because your spanish man is  coming over remember the real spanish guy not the   guy from williamsburg that pretends not that guy  i use arborio rice for my paella i personally find   that it gives like sort of a creamier texture to  it we don't want a creamy paella we want uh each   individual rice grain to show we don't want this  to be creamy so this is bomba rice it's a short   to medium grain rice that has the ability to  soak up a lot of liquid and that's what we want   the head chef he got it right he's using bomba  and that's the correct rice that you use for the   paella this is the common rice to use bombar ice  but if you can't get it or if you don't have it   then you can substitute with arborio okay so now  i'm going to add my hammy seasoning it's going to   give it that robust flavoring without the pork so  when you're using box things you have to make sure   that you clean up as soon as possible nobody's  going to know unless you leave your stuff out   so now it's time to saute everything starts with  olive oil so i'm just going to do like a couple   tablespoons of olive oil because this is a spanish  dish they will fry stuff an extra virgin and i   think that kind of stays true to what we're doing  we used to cook a lot with extra virgin olive oil   until the prices went up just to give you guys an  idea in december it costs like a euro 50 per liter   and now it's more than seven euros at least in  catalonia per liter for extra virgin olive oil and   we make it here so right now everybody's a little  tight with the oil doing today so what i'm going   to start with is my butter and then just a little  bit of oil keep it greased up and i know that she   doesn't know how to make a paella but you don't  add butter to the pan because this isn't french   cuisine i mean we still cook with butter we do but  we don't use butter or mentakia as much as they   do in the north in france and england now it's  time to cook my sofrito the sofrito is the base   of my paella we're going to add our onions i love  the way onions smell i always season my onions at   this point i just want to get some of the moisture  out maybe hit a little bit of pepper always fresh   crack don't use that stuff in the jar it's dead  this is alive at this point i'm also going to add   my saffron notice that it's not a lot he's making  what we call sofrito or marker in the kitchen   now this is the base element to the paella  and to many other dishes in spanish cuisine   the whole purpose of this is to cook it down with  the peppers and onions and tomato sauce to cook   this down and pimienton or paprika sweet paprika  not spicy but to cook it down into a sauce and   the sauce will add a creaminess add a richness to  the paella it's not going to be like the risotto   but it is going to give the paella a signature  color and it'll add a lot of flavor saffron has   a really nice earthy kind of grassiness to it and  it gives a nice kind of base flavor to our paella   it's also very strong and can overpower your  dish so you just need a little pinch i'm going   to add my bay leaf as well and you'll see like  the oil starts to get kind of nice and yellow   we can add our garlic and our peppers right now  too just a little more salt and just let this cook   until the veggies start to break down possibly the  best part about making paella is that it all comes   down to one pan so for this i have a heavy bottom  stainless steel pan everything goes in this which   makes for easy cooking and easy clean up this  is a traditional paella pan it's not super heavy   and what he's using if you don't have the  paella dish because it's a specific pan   just to use for making this you can use another  saute pen it doesn't have to be super deep but   having a little bit of a thicker bottom i  prefer because that way it doesn't burn as   easily instead of having a thin bottom pan  and even my paella pans are thick bottomed   so i can use them on the induction burner if i  need to part of the reason for that is because   people would carry this on their packs they'd  bring it out to the field with them but this pan   is going to give you the best result the goal here  is to have this crunchy crispy soaker rot on the   bottom of course soak right soak up somebody's  you know what i'm talking about it's going to   be like fluffy and nice on the top chocolate now  this is what you want to try to get on the paella   but if you do get it it's best to get it perfect  than to brown it too much to where you burn it   the real gauge of what a good pie is  is that you have that nice crispy bob here the people will literally flip the paella  people do this for fun uh you know when cooking   for the family and with the big paella pens i  don't mean with the little one for two people   i mean the big one enough for eight people they  will flip them it doesn't always go well sometimes   well just i don't know what people  think sometimes but sometimes   they don't think and well all the paella goes on  the floor first thing in the pan is our rabbit   we're going to let that sizzle away you want to  get it a little bit brown a lot of the fat is   also going to like seep out of these things as  they cook it's the flavor base that i'm talking   about so that everything else that gets added to  the pan after just soaks up all this like fatty   delicious smoky flavor i grew up in a spanish  and hispanic household so everything that my mom   cooked for me in the kitchen started with onion so  i would assume that he knows and if he grew up in   a spanish household not just this not the hispanic  but the spanish household that he knows that   chirizo is a big no-no that you don't put in the  paella you can do what you want to own but he's   doing this for tv you know thousands of people are  going to watch and spaniards are going to watch   this it's like if you want some hate mail this  is a perfect way of getting it so add my spices   high-end cayenne always just does the trick it  just gives everything the extra i've got oregano   and last is smoked paprika so the rabbit is done  i'm going to add just a little more oil to my pan   and then i'm going to put my morsia in if you  look at his pan right now it's already burnt   that's a big no-no because if you burn the pan  yeah you will make everything taste like that that   is the strongest flavor in the pan is the burnt  flavor the best way to do this is to take the   paella pen off and either get a new one or clean  it and then start over again and i want to just   get this lightly brown here's my cherry tomatoes  look at my babies you want to take these muscles   and we're just going to stir this up this is last  but definitely not least but you don't want to   overcook these right so remember i said pemdas  orders of operation i'm going to add my peppers   if you're making not just a paella but even a  risotto the thing that you want to do is you   always want to add a hot stock to the dish why  because if you add a cold stock or cold liquid to   it it's going to drop the temperature and it will  increase the cooking time just gonna like just get   these lightly cooked and then we're gonna add our  rice so i kind of toast the rice or parched the   rice a little here rice is toasty i like to  dry it out a little because it usually gives   you a little more soaking up power it's looking a  little crispy on the bottom my heart is fluttering   right now with the possibility of getting a nice  crispy sucker at bottom rice is cooked perfectly   it has this beautiful yellow coloring the order of  operation to make it and i'm going to give you the   professional operation not the stuff at home if  you have the marca de sofrito pre-made you're   going to add the ajo peregrine the oil to the pan  then you're going to add the calamari you're going   to fry the calamari a little bit then we're  going to add marca de sofrito tablespoon of   two tablespoons or more and then you fry that for  about a minute or two once it reduces then you're   going to add the rice you fry the rice you heat  the rice out you're going to add hot stock you   don't want to add it cold give it a good shake and  the moment that you start seeing the rice absorb   the stock this is the moment that you will add  say a little more stock to it if it needs more   you give it a good hard shake for the last  time because you want the rice to lay flat   if it doesn't lay flat then it's going to cook  unevenly and then you can decorate it with the   mussels and clams all the way around the shrimp i  cook separately because it's very easy to overcook   shrimp and either you finish it on the fire or you  finish it in the oven and at this point it's only   going to cook for about 12 to 15 minutes more or  less depending on how thick you make it i'm going   to add my can of diced tomatoes my bell pepper and  then we're going to add our stock if our stock or   broth isn't seasoned well our paella is not going  to have a lot of flavor to it it's going to be   kind of bland so i'm going to add some salt and  pepper all my ingredients are in the pan i'm gonna   throw this medium low heat i'm gonna cover it  don't cover it just allow the water to evaporate   okay once this comes to a simmer and everything's  placed where it needs to place stop stirring if   you stir at this point you're not going to get  that really nice brown bottom leave it alone so the paella's been on for about 20 minutes  now and you can see a lot of the stock has   been absorbed in that time i was watching and  monitoring i added a little more stock if i needed   it because i want the rice on top to be cooked  and not be chewy oh smells good i'm not going to   stir it because i don't want to disrupt the bottom  so i'm just going to take the shrimp and put them   around the top that doesn't look half bad right  cover goes back on to allow the shrimp to cook   hi beautiful how are you you look amazing at  this point i want to add my peeled fava beans   and just going to sprinkle them over the top so  they get warm i'm going to put a little more of   this finishing oil on top so i want to make sure  that i get that nice soaker rot so i'm going to   turn the heat up and i'm going to listen you okay  how you doing okay good and once it starts to get   that kind of like slightly burnt smell i'm gonna  take it off you don't want a slightly burnt smell   if it has a slightly burnt smell it's burnt then  finally a nice light sprinkling of finishing salt   and we're done now we get to  eat it and this is my paella   and this is my paella and  this is my paella [Music]   the moment of truth we're gonna see if i got the  silk rod i'm really hoping that there's a crispy   bottom on this i guess we're about to find  out my rice is looking beautiful look at her   she's the prom queen wait a minute i got it i got  it okay that there is a little bit of a crispiness   on the bottom there maybe not as crispy as i would  have liked i probably could have done like another   minute oh there's some crispiness look at that  if you look at that that's not the booty farrah   he burned it crispy bottom i did it so  i guess it's time to taste let's see hmm girl you would slap your umuella i mean  you're probably not because your uncle's   probably kill you but you would want to  slap them it's perfect this is perfect   this is good the flavors are all great the  rice cooked perfectly you get the seafood   so it's like a lot of shrimp flavor but also  the spiciness and smokiness of the chorizo   they sort of marry together in this perfect  little blend i am very happy with this and   i'm excited to try it again next time i couldn't  be any happier a little bit of spiciness from the   peppers rabbit's not overcooked and dry and the  rice is on the money there's lots of different   layers of flavor here and saffron is just one  of those layers absolutely delicious it takes   a little time to get down to perfection right  i'm going to pat myself on the back for that one   let me know guys in the comments down below  what you think of their paellas and if you   would like me to review any other videos then  let me know in the comments down below and i   will be happy to do so if you did like be sure  to hit that like button share and subscribe   and if you do want an authentic recipe an  authentic way of making paella then i would   suggest you click on this video here and i will  walk you through it step by step take care [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 427,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spain, Barcelona, cooking, food, how to cook, kitchen, James Makinson, Chef James, pro chef reacts, paella, epicurious paella recipe, epicurious paella chicken, review videos, review videos on youtube, how to make paella seafood, how to make paella chicken, how to make paella valenciana, uncle roger epicurious, 4 levels of paella, cooking video, Pro Chef Reacts..., chorizo, chorizo in paella, spanish paella recipe with seafood, spanish paella recipe
Id: 44hUujBvHuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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