Pro Chef Reacts... To Omar Allibhoy's Spanish Paella! (Jamie Oliver)

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and we are let it cook on the highest heat for  10 minutes then we will lower it down for another   six minutes approximately until it's ready  today guys we're going to be reviewing Omar's   Paella Valenciana i got quite a few requests on  doing another video and specifically reviewing   his paella so today we're going to be doing that  if you are new welcome to the channel my name   is James I've been cooking for many many years  all over the US and Europe and well, i've been   cooking for quite a few years here in spain and  i've made quite a few paellas myself so if you do   like the video then don't forget to share like and  subscribe and let's get started hola futubas i'm   on my rally boy i'm a chef well Jamie does have  a Spanish chef making a paella so this should   be good and i've been cooking spanish food  since i was a little boy today i'm going to be   cooking the world famous Spanish national paella  valenciana if there is a dish in Spain that brings   family together it will be paella i'm putting my  reputation on the line because Valencianos are   very particular with this recipe like Napolitanos  are with their pizza that's very true paella is   from valencia, it's taken very seriously so  when people see it messed up like the pizza   they can get a little upset you don't need to over  complicate things but there are some ingredients   that you should have you can substitute a few  and the most important thing obviously is the   method of making it which is the most important  so i have a quite a lot of ingredients here   uh artichokes green beans proteins as you  can see chicken and rabbit the two main meats   the real heroes of this dish the saffron this  is just fundamental to the recipe essentially   so let's start okay i'm just heating up this  beautiful pie japan that's not your typical paella   pan that he's using if you have a thin bottom  paella pan and it's dinted you don't want to be   using that because then the dish is not going to  cook evenly and you're going to have you know some   burn there you're going to have some on the rice  not cooked there and i'm going to start preparing   the saffron okay Spanish saffron is the most  expensive in the world the crop is very small and   it's difficult and hard to find outside of Spain  what makes it different is that it is toasted   as opposed to sun dried saffron is a very  expensive spice it's one of the most expensive   in the world you have to pick each one of those  threads individually and then on top of that   they have to separate the threads between being a  good quality a higher quality and a lesser quality   so it's very important to know that you're  buying from a reputable dealer and not buying   fake saffron because some of the fake saffron  is made out of unedible ingredients this from   another country and toasted ourselves okay so I'm  just going to fold it in a kind of an envelope and I'm going to put it into this hot pan just for  a few seconds and that will give extra fragrance   and it will be easier to release all that  beautiful aromas and smokiness into the stock   so this is a very good little trick that Omar is  doing you can toast the saffron in tin foil and   this will release it will heat up saffron and help  release some of the aroma the fragrance from it   you can also put it directly into the pan as  you're sauteing the sofrito and the rest of the   ingredients this will help release a lot of the  the fragrance as well or you could also add it   to warm water but toasting it is a very nice touch  i've had it for about 10 seconds on each side that   is enough okay i have the chicken and the rabbit  and first thing a generous amount of salt Omar is   using what looks like salt maldon which is a flaky  salt is a much bigger salt than fine table salt   so you have two choices when searing and cooking  proteins you can either add the salt directly to   the meat first by seasoning it and then searing  that meat or you can add the salt to the pan   with some oil and then sear the meat there is a  lot of ingredients going into that pan good olive   oil extra virgin always and for this you want  to use olive oil yes extra virgin olive oil with   fried rice that's a no-no with paella it's a must  you don't want to be using any other type of oil   if you're making the paella this will add flavor  to the dish you see how it's crackling the salt   the pan is really hot and we're gonna go  with the meat have a couple of chicken thighs   with the bone and the skin cut in half and sort  of like a quarter of a rabbit approximately   but again if you cannot get rabbit and you don't  like it just put more chicken or shampoo grip that   will do like omar saying if you need to substitute  the chicken or the rabbit if you don't like rabbit   you can add more chicken or if you don't want  either or if you want to supplement the rabbit you   can also add pork paella is not necessarily a dish  that you have to follow every single ingredient   if you go to a restaurant obviously you expect  what it should be or what is should be considered   a paella Valenciana if you're making it at home is  another thing and the old paellas in the old days   the farmers used what they had so it's not  necessarily something that you have to have   these specific necessary ingredients you can  supplement not with everything but with some   things you can we need to cook this meat until  it's really dark and that's the color that you   want in the chicken that beautiful nice golden  brown color this high heat has given the meat a   really nice brown caramelized color and flavor i'm  just gonna make a little bit of a space for the   veggies i have some runner beans already prepared  and some broad beans all right now for the beans   you can use broad beans runner beans you can use  green beans another bean that they use for the   paella valenciana are lima beans or specifically  called garrofon which is a very large lima bean   if you can't get it which more than likely you  can't then you can substitute it for another   bean or use what you have if you have broad beans  use those if you have lima beans if you have green   beans use them and i want this to get really brown  again at this point i need to add the artichoke   very fundamental ingredient in the paella take  the outer lips from the bottom of the flower   if you're using the artichokes i would suggest  getting the baby artichokes as the babies will   cook a little faster they're easier to handle  as well and if you don't want to go this route   with cooking the artichokes and i would say get  the pre-cooked can artichokes if you don't want   to deal with it and if you are cutting a lot of  artichokes you may want to wear gloves because   they will stain your hands gonna cut the stock  peel this stock you can do it either with a paring   knife or with a peeler cut the artichoke around  here fill it with a paring knife on the outer part   and leave sort of like a diamond shape like  a mushroom cut it in half cut it in quarter   and this inner hair which is inside which is not  edible we just need to remove it Omar's doing   very good you can use a paring knife or you can  use a potato peeler to prepare the artichokes a   parry knife you need a little more skill with is  very easy to do after you know 50 100 artichokes   if you're using baby artichokes it won't be as  big of a deal by removing the hair it's easier   than say having the massive artichokes and they're  also easier to peel the little ones than having   the large artichokes and i would suggest that if  you are doing this like him and you are going to   be adding raw artichokes in that you add them  first before you add the beans because the   artichokes will take longer to cook than the beans  i'm going to add a couple of artichokes in total   so that it all browns nicely this is not a recipe  that needs a lot of stirring actually otherwise   juices will be released and it will start poaching  and bowling now that's not what we're looking for   i'm gonna go with the next ingredient  garlic very important in spanish cuisine   i'm just gonna finely chop it a couple of  garlic cloves for this recipe will be sufficient   i've put the heat down give it a little stir and  i'm not going to leave it there for too long maybe   just about a minute or 30 seconds even depending  on the heat garlic is a very common ingredient in   spanish cuisine you will literally see that they  add it not to everything but to a lot of dishes   gambas alejo to paella to sofrito to a lot of  things pimenton smoked paprikas the world knows   it that's what gives fantastic flavor to a lot of  Spanish recipes give it a little stir and pimenton   or smoked paprika is again one of those very  common ingredients that you will see in a lot of   dishes here you can get sweet you can get spicy  or you can get smoke but if you don't want that   spiciness then you can get sweet pimenton dute and  it will still taste very good and i'm going to add   straight away the grated tomatoes i have two  grated tomatoes over here and i think i'm only   going to use half put the heat right back up  and now it's time for a stirring so the tomato   is the base for the sofrito or for the marker  find the ripest reddest tomatoes that you have   the juiciest ones that you have you grate them  on the cheese grater or if you want to be quick   about it take the core out cut them into slices  put them into a little cup and then blend them   and then well it's done in a second instead of  standing there for like five-ten minutes grating   tomatoes with juice going everywhere as well this  tomato will cook in about two minutes no more take a look at this really nicely browned  loads of color loads of depth you know even   the veggies they are no longer green this is  not an al dente good looking type of thing   all those reds all those bronze meat means  flavor i have a stock here i'm just gonna   pour this chicken stock and he's also adding  hot stock to the dish this is something that i   always say because it's true with risotto  with paella you always want to add hot stock   to it and not cold or at room temp  because then you drop the temperatures   and it's very important when cooking that you  cannot drop the temperature when making the paella   give it a little stir let's go back to the saffron  gonna use about half a gram crush it a bit so that   it spreads out a little bit more let's bring this  to the boil and add the rice and now with the rice   okay i'm going to be using about 250 grams which  is half of this package but if you don't find a   spanish rice or something that is called paella  rice just use a short grain rice okay never use   basmati adjustment or long grain in general is one  of the rices which absorbs most water take a quick   look the most common rice that they use for paella  here is bomba rice it has a wonderful ability to   absorb large amounts of liquid there are several  other types of rice that they grow here for paella   not just bomba if you cannot find even bomba  though then you can substitute it with a boreal   or you can substitute it with a similar rice  look at the color i'm just going to add about 250   grams of this rice give it a little stir and a  good rule of thumb i typically stick around 50   to 60 grams per person because when you're making  this it's one thing to keep in mind it's not just   going to be the rice you also have the chicken the  rabbit you have vegetables as well you have a lot   of other things going on so unless you're super  super hungry 50 to 60 grams of rice per person is   a good standard and you do not want to rinse the  rice this is something that we do not do these are   not asian types of rice and we do not rinse them  at all they go directly into the dish otherwise   it's not going to be the same and especially for  risotto make sure it spreads quite nicely just   leave it for a couple of minutes so that the rice  flattens and evens and then we'll just let it be   okay this is getting back up to the boil last is  turn and we are letting it cook on the highest   heat for 10 minutes then we will lower it down for  another six minutes approximately until it's ready   now unlike the risotto where you're continuously  stirring this we want that to be creamy right   because the more you store it the more starch is  released and the creamier the risotto is with the   paella it's the opposite you don't want it  creamy you want a little on the dryer side   the result of that is when you leave the paella  to cook for so long without stirring it the starch   and everything reduces and it creates on the  bottom what's called Socarrat this is all the   starch and all the juices i've reduced the fats  and they become very crispy and if you make it   perfect it's very tasty because it is starchy you  can run the risk if you're cooking a little too   fast or your you have the heat up too high that  it can burn very easily you can see here that this   part the water is below the rice and that one is  just over there it's very important that you don't   steer your paeda at any point after the beginning  because otherwise the rice will release the starch   and it will become study we are going to add the  rosemary three sprigs we are gonna create a little   bit of a lead and adding the rosemary is a very  important step as well it's common to add rosemary   to this dish and adding it like this at the end  and then putting a lid on it will infuse a lot   of the aroma from the fresh rosemary i'm going to  lower down the heat because this rice will still   need about five minutes on a low heat and another  five minutes resting and i think that will be   the perfect rice with the perfect soccer rat  underneath which is the crispy bit that forms   through all that oils and fats that goes down and  a bit of the starch of the rice and how it crispen   up at the bottom that's the most tasty part it's  been resting for about 4-5 minutes so now is the   time to unveil it smells beautiful the rice looks  like it's perfectly cooked you can see a bit of   the burnt bits on the sides that's exactly what  i was looking for i have to say and the Socarrat on the bottom normally you just take the rosemary  off put it into one side and you serve a mix of   the top the bottom the side the center just  so that everyone gets a bit off this part a   nice piece of meat a little bit of the rice mixed  with a soca rat always scrub scraping the bottom it looks very good it looks like he  did an excellent job when making this   and it looks like a very good recipe in many  families they like it with a wedge of lemon   they will put it on the side and just squeeze it  yourself okay so we'll never squeeze it all over it's amazing how tasty this rice dish can be every  aroma every fragrance of spices vegetables i mean   it's all in and there you go paella Spanish  national dish if you want me to make any other   Spanish recipe please say it on the comment box  below and i'll do my best omar did a very good job   with making this video it's an easy step-by-step  video very easy for beginners especially because   it's in English and he is a Spanish chef i would  say though that if you're making this at home   instead of following this exactly is to prep all  the ingredients before prep the artichokes prep   the beans prep the sofrito the tomatoes prep  everything that way it'll save you time when   you're cooking and you're not gonna be your  attention is not gonna be elsewhere while   making it so either watch his recipes or watch  mine and if you did like this video then let   me know in your comments down below or if you  have any other suggestions and be sure to share   like and subscribe and if you are interested  in another easy and tasty recipe or another   interesting video then be sure to click here and  i will see you guys again very soon take care!
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 147,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spain, Barcelona, James Makinson, Chef James, paella recipe, spanish paella, paella valenciana, jamie oliver paella, Omar Allibhoy, paella omar allibhoy, spanish chef cooking, spanish chef, spanish chef paella recipe, how to make paella valenciana, how to make paella chicken, pro chef reacts, How To Make Spanish Paella, living in spain, spain travel, tapas barcelona, spanish food, spanish cuisine, valencia, bomba rice, barcelona spain, spanish paella recipe, paella rice
Id: M0VT64B0Vmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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