How To Make Authentic Puerto Rican Arroz Con Gandules - Party Rice

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[Music] hi today we're going to be making a house call gondolas also known as party right I've been asked over and over how to make this rise so what better way then doing it like this I'm also going to be showing you everything that we're going to be using okay [Music] you green pigeon peas also known as gondolas bear this we're going to be needing two cans that's what we're gonna be using today we're also going to be using four cans of tomato sauce also known as salsa de tomate a we're also going to be using six envelopes of sazon it's also known as culantro yet shorty make sure that you have the one has a shorter because that gives it all the good coloring okay and then we're going to be using the hemp flavor envelopes these evening two of these okay it's us sabor de jamon okay we're gonna be using those and then another one that we're going to be using today's con toda poyo in powder okay so you're gonna need an envelope of that chicken powder okay we're also going to be needing a slab of ham okay this in particular is Center sliced smoked ham looks like this some people use to I prefer one because you can get more rice in the pot if you just use one okay we're also going to be using one jar of olives green olives then we prefer to stuff ones because if you get two stuffed peppers or juicier okay we use the whole jar including the Jews we're also going to use one teaspoon of adobo all-purpose adobo just a teaspoon of this okay and then I usually like to buy black pepper we need black pepper try to get the one with the grinder it's fresh it tastes better and you get about half a teaspoon that's all we're gonna need now last we're gonna be using ground cumin which is also known as calm you know all we need with this is a pinch of kamino that's it this is very strong opponent now we're also got here one tablespoon of salt table salt is fine that's all we need with that okay so now we're going to be talking about the sofrito which is also known as moledo some main ingredient to all of our cooking you can choose to make this homemade fresh from scratch and I'll tell you all you need is one small yellow onion you're gonna be needing one green pepper bell pepper you can use a medium sized bell pepper four cloves of garlic and about this much cilantro and the reason what can I say that it's because you don't really need a whole lot and you're also gonna need a half a cup of water to help you blend that in the blender okay you're gonna blend it so just so that it's got this kind of consistency which is kind of thick and some people may want to add what they call a hisses deuces which a lot of the Latinos know a lot of the Spanish people know what he supposes are but that's optional so yes that's the next step for this we're also going to be needing 16 cups of medium grain rice I prefer go John you can bite you know you can use any rice that you prefer and we're gonna be needing oil today so it just shouldn't you know we're gonna be using a little bit of oil and you're gonna be needing a nice big sturdy spoon just so that you know so you can start cuz it's a lot of rice to stir you're also going to be needing a half gallon of water you're also going to be needing it cast-iron pot this big this was about 15 by 5 you can purchase this either adding on Spanish foot stand or you can get this at Tony's or any of those all supermarkets that I may have on you could just check and see they're not easy to find so you do need a nice size window for sure cuz it's a lot of rice so what I'm doing right now is I'm cutting the ham in little squares and then I'm just gonna throw them in a frying pan and fry this okay and I'm going to show you how we're gonna do that we're gonna be using that 1 and 1/2 cup of oil that we're going to be using for the complete rice okay so yeah that's part of it okay so next we're gonna start by pouring our oil we're gonna need about a cup and a half so let's get that and this is what we're gonna be using for all of our rice including frying the ham okay which we're gonna start with it's gonna have some nice ham flavor and then we'll use this for the whole pot of rice okay so now we're gonna go ahead and turn the fire you stay here okay we got to turn it up on high and then we're gonna go ahead and pour one and a half cup of oil and what this is gonna do is we're gonna fry this so that it's nice and brown so we can start a rice okay so this is all gonna pick up some nice ham flavor and we're gonna start alright so now we're gonna keep this on high for a little while till they're Browns and once it's Browns a little bit we are ready to start our rice [Music] okay so now this has been on here for about five minutes and it's ready as you can see it's nice and juicy and it's nice with a lot of ham flavor it's ready for the rice so now we can just go ahead and turn it off and get that going okay so the next step it's gonna be we're gonna take our sofrito and we're gonna go ahead and dump it this is hot again this was about two cups of sofrito also known as moledo like again you can make this at home or you can purchase it however you want to do it then we're gonna go ahead and pour our four cans tomato sauce again I prefer using go job it's thicker richer and just taste is better that's my preference again you could use what you want to use okay sauce here okay so now we're gonna go ahead and use they're gonna do this so I already opened up to tens of Kondylis again it's gonna go inside the pot just like this I want to mix everything together I feel that it makes it easier so that you know that you've got all your ingredients in and you've got everything that you need again now we're gonna go ahead and open up the jar of Olives some whole jar of Olives with all its juices going here too because that are nice delicious taste then we're gonna take our adobo about half a teaspoon I just throw you know just a little there we go then we're gonna use our cumin comeno just a up there that's it little batch of that and again the black pepper I can start crossing my own it's just fresh and it chases better I found that you can do this a couple times it gives you about a half a teaspoon and oh my god what a good taste all right so now we're gonna mix all of this together let the simmer all together really nice once you mix all of this together it picks up a lot of good flavors and again this is for the rice I'm gonna put this in the big pot of rice just start cooking with it you know when I take one tablespoon of table salt and that's the last of it for right now let me just go ahead and get the other little sessile we got sauce on and we also have the ham flavor powder that's also going to be going in here then I've got one this chicken flavor will leave it or not it gives it a really good flavor this is my own invention I'm telling you I created that when I no one else busts that one okay so this is that's a song we're doing six of these envelopes you and there we're gonna start stirring all this anger together see how nice so this is going to be doing this together really really good you use more ham is totally up to you I prefer why I get more rice in the pot but it's nots of your choice then after that I'm gonna go ahead and pour our mojo that we mix a little earlier this is all there gondolas and all that good stuff that we put together that's all gonna go in here too okay and now we're gonna be mixing this all together now we're gonna have to let this sit and boil let it come to a boil for about maybe in about three minutes turn it turn it mix it well and what you want to do is let this simmer once it starts to boil then it's ready for the water okay now that it's warming itself ready you just came to a boil so now we're ready for our next step which is at the water so I've taken a half of gallon of water right here and I'm gonna pour the water and the rice needs a lot of water okay so now we're gonna let that simmer together put it on high this is getting nice and hot let's go start boiling pretty soon and this is what I'm going to take a couple of cilantro's that I've caught from the little bunch that I have there this just gives it extra flavor couple pieces of cilantro fresh cilantro Theon is always earlier so now I'm gonna get ready to pour the rice I'm just waiting for this to lime up a tiny bit you know we've got everything cooking together sewing together this is all very tight so now we're going to take the 16 cups of rice that have got set on the side already and we're just gonna pour so now we're just gonna go ahead and turn this again those 16 cups of rice you can cook less if you want to this serves about 25 people as long as you have some side dishes okay 25 people can actually eat out of this so that's why we call it a party rice usually we cook this for festivities and our you know nice gatherings and family gatherings and so yeah this is a way it's gonna turn out to turn out really nice and I'm just gonna go ahead and cover it and this is when we're going to be using our foil because it's a lot of rice it's good to cover it so while he's moving on high you just go ahead and once level foil on one side [Music] here's another grab the top [Music] ten minutes and in ten minutes I'm going to come back and just stir it we're going to continue to live at throughout the next hour hour to have okay so it's been boiling for about five minutes so it's time to lower your flame learn about media you don't want to keep it on high while it's boiling all the way because it needs to cook slowly so it's been about five minutes we kept a cover so we're gonna come back and uncover this and about another five to eight minutes I'll let you know employee for about ten minutes it's a medium flame just remember not on high is it a good burn we are going to turn it for the first time okay this is going to be the first turn so turn our rice and we have to do that every so often so that it doesn't burn okay so we're gonna start turning it you you want to scrape that make sure that you get every bit of it the first time around it is going to stick at the end and that's okay but for right now you want to make sure that when you turn it you turn it really good make sure you get everything from the bottom off okay again this book on the medium flame I'm gonna call them how you gonna cover it up for about 15 minutes before you come back to it again okay alright again yep now we're gonna time it for about 15 minutes on medium flame okay then we'll come back to it it's been about 15 minutes since our last turn it's time to turn it again we have to pick the windows it's a lot of rice and we have to try to make sure that we keep stirring it because it's not it sticks together too much so yeah so now we're go ahead and see how nice oh my god this looks beautiful see the whole idea of those sauce on envelopes it's because you need that the food coloring so it's got our talking about RIT rice this is rent rice you know it's brown rice red rice yeah so now you got to turn it from the bottom up this is where the trick is that okay that's why you need a nice big spoon and if not you won't be able to do it so yeah gotta make sure that all that rice you turn it from the bottom off okay then you start stabbing it a little bit with the spoon make sure that all that steam comes off I like doing it I like stabbing it a little bit make sure all this thing comes up to the top but that's what's gonna help quote now the top divisive you know falls on top so yeah okay so we're gonna cover this back up and we're gonna lower the fire a little bit it's gonna go now it's a medium right now we're gonna cover it back up for about 20 minutes now okay the next time around will be 20 gets longer and longer so the next time around we turn to right for 20 minutes and you can't have it too high so a little bit less than medium okay not too low but little less than medium that's it now we're gonna do this for 20 minutes and then we'll come back and we're gonna turn it again okay and that'll be it for a little while ok so it's been about 20 minutes since our last turn now we have to turn our rice again so we just have to take the top out and just apply you remove the foil it makes it so much easier then you could just rest your top on the side ok turn this again it's like just gotta cut into the rice because it's a lot of rice so I know it's not very easy to turn but believe me when it's done it's so good ok so we're gonna just go ahead and a good turning and turning you goes to the top now we're going to lower the fire and it should be done in about I'm gonna say another 20 minutes okay so we're going to cover it up for 20 minutes and then look over a pickup for 20 minutes and there next time I run should be all done ok so it's been about 20 minutes and it's done it should be pretty much done so now we're going to remove the foil okay no longer need the foil that's just a whole distinct so we could actually get rid of the foil we're done and we're gonna go ahead and turn our rice just a little bit but it's ready it's ready to serve it's ready to if you're taking it somewhere you can actually serve this on one of those aluminum foil eating trays and just carry that with or if not if you're having the party at your house you can actually serve the rice at your house again it serves about 25 people long as you have some side dishes with it it'll go a long way if not about 15 so you know you can pretty much use your own judgment on that again this is local gondolas and it's ready ready to serve just going to cover it without dog oil here we go we are all done you can actually turn off your stove now with this video for today walking at Hobart is helpful and stay tuned for an upcoming video in at about two weeks I've got a new recipe and if you have any comments or questions just leave them myself come section thank you you
Channel: Carmen Felix
Views: 3,028,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, arroz, arroz con gandules, gandules, cooking, rice, party rice, thanksgiving, meals, home cooked, cook, how to make, prank, vs, challenge, delicious, gourmet, pan, pot, puerto rican, puerto, rican, boricua, authentic, recipe, good ideas, sofrito, puerto rico, rico, food, guide, step by step, chicago, new york, miami, dubai
Id: ty28Ujv_vZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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