Pro Chef Reacts.. French Chef's AUTHENTIC CARBONARA (Chef Jean-Pierre)

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but I made a paella recipe the way the way I Make  It in America for the last 30 years 40 years okay   it's not the traditional paella I knew that but  mama you should have heard them I have the whole   country of Spain after after me I've gotten a lot  of requests to review Chef Jean-Pierre and today   we're going to do so if you are new welcome  to the channel my name is James Makinson I've   been cooking for many many years in the United  States and over here in Europe in England France   and Spain there are plenty of other recipes on  my YouTube channel as well and reaction videos   so hopefully you will enjoy this one and if you do  then please be sure to give it a like and if you   haven't subscribed yet then be sure to do so as  it helps my channel out greatly it means a lot to   me and you will not miss any upcoming videos now  let's get started alright friends let me show you   how easy it is to make this spaghetti carbonare  this is a traditional way to make the carbonara   not the way the French people would make it okay  remember I'm hot French half Italian I left the   French outside today okay it's back in France  We're not gonna do it the way my mom used to   make it okay this is true this was going to be a  French carbonara then we would be adding cream or   some creme fraiche to us now I have made a pasta  dish with cream fresh before on my channel if you   guys want to check that out you can see the video  I'll leave a link down below and it's a very easy   and delicious dish that you can make at home  the dishes with shallots white wine mushrooms   prosciutto if you don't have prosciutto you have  to substitute pasta and creme fraiche and if you   do make it at home then let me know how you  enjoy it because it is delicious first thing   we're going to do we're gonna cook some spaghetti  and I like the big spaghetti get the biggest one   you can get my mom's got his spaghetti you can  get this or you can get the uh the bucatini   also the big they're like they got a hole in it  they're very nice right now in our last review of   Vincenzo I mentioned bucatini and I got a lot of  flack for it now what I didn't say in that video   and I should have obviously was the very first  time that I saw it was actually Gino D'Acampo making carbonara with bucatini and he's Italian  put them in a water like this okay and and and   don't be out there breaking them okay just take  your spaghetti and put them right in the water and   don't worry about it leave them alone okay that's  it oh in the water all you got to do in the water   folks is put salt the salt I did I put some salt  earlier okay don't just don't be afraid to put   salt a lot of salt my friend little water that's  all you need to do make sure your water is rolling   boiler put it the water in there and I told you  don't be out there putting some oil in the water   okay you need like this they'll shoot you if you  do that okay so now this is very simple and then   the the uh you know I hate to have a dirty stove I  Gotta Have It All organizer chef jean pierre is quite the character   isn't he I'm like this too in the kitchen I like  to have everything nice and orderly and the one   thing that really gets to me and obviously it  gets to uh as well it's like when you get all   these little grains of salt on the cooktop  now after working in the kitchen for so long   and depending on the place obviously you work a  lot of places do enforce this like necessity to   keep yourself organized to keep everything clean  it's like the military I mean they really drive it   into you especially in the old French kitchens  the downside of this is that you may actually   develop the habits of actually having to clean  absolutely everything if you see anything in the   sink you have to clean it you can't leave dishes  in the sink you can't leave things on the counter   um it happens and uh matter of fact  I can't believe it I don't even have   a kitchen rag I can't I can't cook  if my kitchen is not clean you know this is the uh the chick of the of the pig it's  got a lot more flavor than the than the regular   bacon and regular bacon is smoked anyway we  don't use it to make this dish okay if you   know if you can eat a pancetta which is skew bacon  and standing Bean smokes it doesn't have the Smoky   flavor pancetta is okay or guanciale which is the  cheek of the pork and it's got a lot more flavor   a lot more flavor a lot more Porky it's got a lot  of fat in it so what we're doing we're going to   take the guanciale we're going to put it in the  pan and like I said if you don't have this use   pancetta and if you don't have the pancetta then  use the bacon the good thing about carbonara is   that most of the time can't say always but most  of the time everyone explains the difference   between guanciale pancetta and you know you know  the difference depending on the size that you've   cut the guanciale or the pancetta you  can cut them into lardons like Chef Jean Pierre has   done today or Cubes but personally I would say  cut them just a wee bit bigger than what they're   cut here because it is fat and they will render  down and they will shrink on you don't tell them   I say talk yeah there was the Italian police  I got enough trouble with the Spanish police   with my paella Mama me I don't think you guys  see that but I made a paella recipe the way   the way I Make It in America for the last 30  years 40 years okay it's not the traditional   paella I knew that but my mama you should have  heard them I have the whole country of Spain   after after me anyway uh we're gonna have fun with  this one okay you know it's a funny thing living   in Spain the Spanish are actually quite friendly  they really are I don't know why but if you're a   very famous chef and you make a paella the wrong  way for some reason you get the attention of uh   Spain like quite easily I mean people here like  pay attention to this and again you know people   think that if you put chorizo in the paella it's  Spanish we have a lot more things in Spain other   than chorizo like a lot we have a lot more  sausages as well now overall I think this   has to do with the fact that people in general  have a better understanding of Italian cuisine   other than Spanish a lot of Italians immigrated  to the United States. there's many more Regional   dishes here in Spain that are very tasty like  felewa and phillywa is not paella it's like a   because instead of using the Bomba rice or rice  we use pasta noodles or little filios they're   little noodles here's something different  you don't cook it quite the same because it   doesn't need to be cooked as long but it's  something that I haven't made for YouTube   I've made quite a bit of it but I should make  that dish sometime so guanciale is very very   fatty very very tasty so we're gonna cook it we're  gonna do it slowly my friends because what I want   is I want the fat the Melt with that bruising the  delicate meat the delicate the lean part of it so   we're gonna let it in the pan like that with  nothing and you don't put onion you don't put   nothing okay and what I want you to do when you  get the guanciale only with the guanciale you   can get that you can only can get that in Italian  Market you got to remove the skin because the skin   is very tough you gotta remove it okay do it peel  it off very very fine knife you know so you don't   take too much of the fat okay so that is if you  can get the question if you're at a pancetta you   don't need to do anything pancetta you don't need  to do anything see right here starting to melt you   see in a minute it's going to melt slowly here  sometimes you will get the uh pancetta with skin   and you need to cut it off it is very tough and  then what we're gonna do we're gonna make a cream the cream then we're gonna make  today is a little different it's egg   pecorino romano and Regina parmesan and pecorino  Romano is very salty cheese so we're not going to   need to put any salt in there no salt at all and  uh and you'll see there's enough salt in there   and uh Parmigiano-Reggiano if you're going to use  Parmesan it's the only parmesan to use eh we're   gonna put those two in there we're gonna create  what is called a cream now the egg there's a lot   of uh politics around is it correct to put a uh  and we're looking for a four I think somebody's   gonna have to go give me a fork here we go thank  you very much I got a fork because what you want   to do my friends you want to break the egg like  you're about to make an omelette hey you want to   break the egg nicely yes sometimes we do use forks  in the kitchen not all the time but we do and then   you're gonna put your pickerina romano and your  Regina Parmesan cheese except that was a different   order okay all right we're gonna make that cream  that's what I call the cream right there and then   we're gonna add a little bit of pasta water and  we're gonna make a cream with this okay your   mix those two together and the only thing you're  gonna add my friends you're gonna have a little   let me heat that up a little bit more you're gonna  add some black pepper that's all you're gonna do   I had a very fresh black pepper and this  is a cream we're going to use my friends let me tell you this is very simple and  it's not difficult okay all we got to do now   is wait for the fat to melt slightly and it's  just gonna happen as soon as the stove got going   it's gonna happen I think Jean Pierre is cooking  the guanciale so slow because it is quite   thin he doesn't want to overcook it so this is  why I say to cut it a little bigger because if   it Cooks a little further it's fine but if you  want to cut it small at home because you like   it thin that's fine cut it how you want it and  make it how you want it that's the important   thing let's check out the pasta let's see how  we're doing the pasta we don't do nothing huh   we don't do nothing at all you see we just let it  go the only thing you put in the water is faster I   don't understand if you're putting oil in there  you know then the oil and the water don't might   don't mix so what are you putting it in the oil in  there for it makes absolutely no sense salt is the   only thing you do and don't be breaking the pasta  you see the paper on the breakfast don't break the   pasta okay put it in there leave it alone if you  do this in your own house you know because your   pot's super small you don't necessarily need to  it'll cook down so you don't need to do it you   need to get a bigger pot and that would help but  if you're gonna have a few Italians over it's not   a good idea to break the spaghetti in front of  them you know everyone's not going to be upset   but Italian friends that I have no it's a big  No-No and it's a No-No for me as well but it's a   No-No it's just something you don't do because  the pasta is cut already to a standard length   so there's no need to break it any smaller  it's already a standard length and less of   course is for kids then you know you may need  to cut it up and everything for the kids but   um it's a No-No pasta takes about 10 to 12 minutes  depends the brand you buy and uh and they take a   little bit longer we want them as Dente which  means firm to the bite but we don't want to end   the cook you know sometimes you go to Italian  restaurant and you eat a pasta and it's raw   and and the other day I went to this wonderful  restaurant I said sorry about the pasta is not   cooked in the world sir it's called Al Dente I say  we'll call it whatever you wanted dude I call it   not cooked it was raw it was raw pasta al dente  means to a bite meaning you have to have a bite   you have to feel the pasta so it's not mushy  but on what our purpose doesn't mean we have   to overcook it yeah that has happened to me as  well and everyone has a different preference on   how Al Dente they like their pasta but normally in  a restaurant when you serve it to a guest it needs   to be perfect because if it's overcooked it's not  good if it's too underdone you can't really eat it   because then it will stick to your teeth and then  you know you're gonna have to floss afterwards   and it's just it's raw but if you undercook the  pasta depending on where you are a lot of the   people are not going to be happy in Italy I don't  know because I don't live there but I scooped   a little bit of the pork fats I'm gonna put it  here and then what we're going to do we're going   to take a little bit of that pork fat friends  and we're going to put it on top of the pasta   all right so now we're good all we're gonna  do now we're gonna get that pan we're gonna   take a little bit of the pasta water salty  pasta water we're gonna put it in a pan   very simple process okay very  simple process then we take a pasta   and we'll take the pasta out of the water  and don't worry about draining it okay   do not worry about urania one little tip in the  kitchen that Chef Jean-Pierre is doing is a very   good practice to do at home anytime that you have  two containers or more and you want to put one   thing into another container a pan a bowl whatever  it may be you want to put them as closely together   as possible so you don't have spillage because  otherwise if you drop something or if it drips   it's just another thing to clean up and it's  a mess putting water in there we like a little   pasta water in there okay put it right in there  mix it up really good you'll get back in there   all right let's cook this a little bit so now  at this point friends this is a crucial moment   of making this into a wonderful did I forget  some pasta in there no oh here you go one this   is a pretty obvious thing and I don't need to  mention it to a lot of you a lot of the time in   the kitchen we don't use any plastic tongs and  anytime that you need to use metal it's not a   good idea to use them on non-stick pans now there  are some non-stick pens that they say you know you   can use tongs and everything or metal on them and  it doesn't scratch that may be but it's just good   practice not to now this is a The crucial moment  my friends is when you put the pasta in there   you put the the cream the egg and the cheese  and you gotta move it fast if you don't move as   fast you're gonna have scrambled eggs now my mom  would always say it's okay if you have a little   bit of the scrambled eggs in there because  it's it's kind of like the real traditional   way of doing it I don't really like for it too  much so you know what I do I don't cook it too   high the heat right now is not very high at all  otherwise you will definitely get scrambled eggs   see so my heat is really really low right now and  this is really really simple this is how you make   a beautiful creamy carbonara and don't be afraid  to put just a little bit more pasta water now you   could use the ball as a bay Marie and thicken the  eggs or temper them like we do with hollandaise   to where they are perfect and then mix the pasta  and the eggs together so you don't run the risk   of scrambling them so depending on the method you  still need to be careful and quick with it now I   do get asked a lot by a lot of people who don't  eat pork what can you use to substitute the pork   with and you can use veggies you can use chicken  as well it's not going to be the traditional way   or just leave it out because in the end it's  not going to have the same flavor as using the   guanciale or actually using pork and this is the  cream that we're talking about right there friends   with all your beautiful cheese in there mix it  up really nice and voila this right there friends   is a beautiful carbonara I like to put even maybe  just a little bit more water just a little bit   more now normally when you're in a restaurant  and you have dried pasta on the menu you prep   all the pasta before service so you cook all of  it off al dente you chill it and then you either   put that in a gastro or you portion it before  service and have that ready for service and then   during service when you have an order you take  your little saucepan which I used to keep all my   saucepans hot so I didn't have to wait for them  to come up to temp to keep them hot on the stove   you put the sauce into the pot put that over  the heat to heat it up really quickly and then   you would take a portion of the spaghetti or the  pasta drop that in the little pasta machine or a   little pot with water just to reheat the pasta as  quickly as possible not to cook it just to reheat   it and then you would take that out add that to  the saucepan when everything is hot give it a   couple mixes and then serve it and all this can  be done in less than a minute or two maybe even   30 seconds depending on how quick you are now the  problem with making your traditional carbonara for   service is that you can prepare or prep all the  mise en place so the spaghetti you can prepare the   guanciale all this beforehand this also  needs to be made (à la minute) meaning last minute   now you could possibly temper the eggs and keep  them a little warm so they won't scramble for a   while kind of like we do with hollandaise if you  want to keep them hot but it's best made and we're   going to take it right there friends I want to  take it right there and right there right there   right there right there right there right there  right there right there we're going to take a   little bit more pecorino Romano at the end very  simple a little more pecorino Romano but at the   end and you know what I like to do I like to  take a couple of pieces of one chili for right   there on top organizing nice and pretty and  oh Mama Mia look at this I said nice employee   and I grab another piece right there let me  clean up my plate yeah right there my friends   you have yourself a beautiful  spaghetti carbonara very simple   I hope you enjoyed it remember subscribe to  the channel don't forget to give us a thumbs   up and don't forget to ring the bell so you  get a notification every Thursday when we do   a new video we'll see you next weeks thanks for  watching make the carbonaris fabulous well guys   overall this was a good little video very good  little tutorial overall Chef Jean Pierre is quite   entertaining I have to admit um we're gonna have  to see more videos of his if you're going to be   making a traditional carbonara it's a very  easy recipe it may be a little difficult to   perfect but it's simple I should say it's quite  simple um it's not a recipe that you have a lot   of imagination or you can't think outside the  box if you're making it traditional you can   change a few things but if you're making a  video on it you can annoy quite a few people   unlike the paella for example the paella people  seem to have a lot of imagination with it if you   did enjoy this video then be sure to give it a  like down below and if you haven't subscribed   yet then be sure to do so so you don't miss out  on any content and it means a lot to me as well   be sure to stick around for this video coming  up next if you want to see another interesting   video and I will see you guys again very soon  until next time take care!
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 247,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, James Makinson, Chef James, spaghetti carbonara, vincenzos plate, chef jean pierre, chef jean pierre carbonara, pro chef reacts, pro chef reacts to carbonara, italian chef react to, carbonara alla romana, carbonara alla romana cremosa, how to make carbonara, making carbonara with eggs, making carbonara, making carbonara sauce with egg, chef jean pierre sauce, pro chef reviews, pro chef react to chef jean pierre, pasta carbonara, pasta, pasta recipes, french carbonara
Id: 770YZ2_YmY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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