My Cheap Plane | Piper Cherokee Overview

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when i tell people i have my own plane the typical response is are you nuts and cheese that must be expensive they couldn't be more wrong first of all i'm not nuts i'm just an entp personality type second of all aviation is cheaper than you think what if i told you you could get a plane for the price of an entry-level tesla electric cars are cool and all but does your tesla fly i don't think so in this video i'm going to go over how much airplanes cost and how i bought this beauty for 35 000 while still a student pilot i'm also going to give you a tour of my plane so you can see exactly what 35k and oftentimes less buys you on this channel i mostly talk about real estate investing in my other businesses but today we're talking about affordable airplanes in general aviation i buy five thousand dollar homes in italy and thirty five thousand dollar planes in america my name is carl pierre and this is entp life so here's the back story back when i was in college i had a professor by the name of dr reincy he's a physics dude and like most physics dudes a bit of an oddball so of course i liked during an office visit i saw a bunch of airplane paraphernalia and asked him what's with all the toys he told me that he's a pilot and then started selling me on why should become a pilot too one thing he said that was to get a group of friends together buy an airplane and learn in that plane to save a bunch of money naturally i said buying an airplane as a college student and he responded while eating trail mix you can buy an airplane for less than a fully loaded honda accord and that line i'll never forget my first flight ever was in 2007 10 years later i was in flight school paying 200 an hour and thinking back to dr reinstein's theory of buying my own plane so the search began after reviewing my options i was dead set on buying a cherokee 235 it's a high performance airplane with a big engine and long range after a few weeks of searching i came across this baby a 1963 piper cherokee detailed number in november 8623 whiskey and because i like whitski and i like the price it was a plane for me okay okay okay i know what you're thinking 1963 is freaking old but i prefer to think of this plane as a vintage collectible also airplanes are held to higher standard automobiles for it to stay airworthy so even old planes still are good to go either way me and my trucker had flown down from new york to kokomo indiana bought the plane and flew it back almost got wiped out in the thunderstorm but that's another story i flown this plane from new york to florida when i moved down to florida and i plan on flying her all over the caribbean this year my chief airplane is my personal travel machine and one of my dreams come true now that you got to check out the backstory let's go check her out so we're going for a flight baby [Music] do [Music] the piper cherokee 235 235 horsepower high performance got a recently overhauled macaulay prop [Music] i'm not sure if you can see the coloring but aviation gas is blue so now i'm gonna walk you through the uh the avionics and uh what all this means you see here this is your speedometer and this essentially or your speedometer this is your air speed indicator which functions like your speedometer so it lets you know how fast your your plane is actually moving in the air this is not the speed that you're doing over the ground but the speed that you're actually doing in the air this is your attitude indicator which is kind of like your plane versus the horizon this here is your navigate one of your navs this links to your radios and can point you in the direction of a vor or radio station and you can actually fly along the radio stations and know exactly where you are and this also has a glide slope so it's not only uh directional but also uh like the the slope that you're flying down to a runway so it could be used for for uh instrument approaches another vor uh device here's your heading indicator and this is kind of like your compass but i have a vertical card compass here and essentially you have to sync these two up manually this is your turn coordinator here this makes make sure that you're making turns smooth and it doesn't feel like you're dragging along and then here you have your vertical speed indicator so this is how fast you're climbing or descending so it's 500 feet a minute a thousand feet a minute 1500 2 000 um you're rarely over here if you are something strange is happening these are just your fuses hopefully they're all working intact or something is not going to be working here you have your landing lights your rotating beacon this is for your fuel pump and this is here is your master power switch you have your radio master a few more fuses this is your gas your throttle this here is like the mixture which is the ratio of gas to air i got four gas tanks on this aircraft holding a total of 84 gallons which means i could go almost believe it or not a thousand miles or so oil pressure oil temperature fuel pressure and uh the amperage of my multimeter so my i forgot what this one is called honestly i'm not the the most technical the most technical pilot out there here you have your tachometer which is pretty much your um your rpms this is how how you know what your power setting is at all right so based on how many rpms you have and i have a fixed pitch prop so some other aircrafts have a throttle a a prop lever which controls the manifold pressure and the prop angle and then they have a mixture so with that uh that's called a variable pitch prop you're able to have a little more control but you have a manifold pressure so it's a combination of the throttle and that blue lever that dictates your power settings on this aircraft since it's fixed pitch this is my power so how many rpms i have hitting uh the engine hitting the propeller dictates my power here i have my radios and my transponder so these two here are my radios i am able to tune those to uh the the nav aids and also to the radio stations and air air traffic control and any kind of air to air communications so i have a primary and a backup um you definitely want to have two just in case one radio stops working you don't want to be out there with just one radio so a lot of the systems within an aircraft are redundant meaning that there's the primary and backup so these are my two here and this here is your transponder this is kind of like your radar device it sends your plane's position to all the radar systems and mine also has what's called adsb which is linked to the satellite system so now my aircraft is you know it's by law all aircraft have to have the adsb connection point which i've referenced and this is what kind of controls that so essentially you're flying on typically uh one two zero zero that's like the standard um pin for your plane and then when you're in contact and getting flight following or you're in busy airspace they're going to give you a unique or discreet code and then that way they can distinguish you and your plane from all the other planes so they give you a unique number because they're tracking you following you giving you communications advice that sort of thing so that's typical with an aircraft and now this is your afd um they don't really use this anymore it still works on my aircraft but it gives you like your distance from a certain radio and it also has its own inputs but i've honestly never used this here is like my intercom splitter so my microphone and headset there's only one input on this aircraft remember it's a 50 year old plane six zero plane so there's only there's only one input so to split that signal between four people i have the splitter so this feeds into my master system and then it splits out two here and if we trace it further back we have another two right there and my cushions are dying so you see all this little debris that's the sponge from my seats falling apart this is my new addition to the aircraft it's my headset these bose headphones cost about a thousand dollars and they're actually much much better in quality um than let's just say these hundred dollar sets now these hundred dollar sets are reserved for passengers they're not bad um actually they have some staying power i had another pair of headsets the light speeds that died i would never recommend buying another set of light speeds again for 500 headsets they don't last that long and uh these 99 dollar ones have lasted me years and actually still work so i would i would recommend that you use these like a rugged air any they're always 99 bucks amazon and some of the other aviation sites carry them i have my daughters it's not a headset but it's a noise canceller so when she flies with us she puts this on and at least we protect her ears this is monaco set and then i have another set there for any more passengers it is a four passenger plane so i have four headsets so we could all stay in contact and keep everybody's ears safe when i'm flying people always ask me what is this that i'm turning and this right here is uh my trim now the trim best way i could put it is poor man's autopilot but essentially it takes the pressure away from having to put elevator inputs right and also rudder inputs there's another rudder trim here if you look down there so if the plane is kind of pushing left to right up down you could set the trim to kind of control that so that you're not having to put it in by hand because that gets a little tiring it's not that hard but if you're holding an angle that you're going to be holding for an hour or two it starts to hurt your shoulders so you can use a trim to take that pressure off as well as control your air speed another another conversation but that's what this wheel is for you turn it left and right for nose up and nose down um and that's not here's my vent and climate control system there's no ac in this so when it's hot the only thing that you can do is open up this little vent here and let a little cool air in when you're when you're climbing up your few thousand feet in the air the temperature gets really low so you could easily control the the heat inside the aircraft when you're in the air by opening these vents but when you're down low you're pretty much opening with your with your door open another thing i have for each passenger in the airplane is an inflatable life vest this is just in case we crash in the water if we're doing over water flight or fly into the bahamas or just over any length of water you're going to want to have flotation devices even in the airlines each seat has a flotation device in the event that there's a water landing so i have the same i just stole them right under my seats and before we do a briefing we indicate that you know where these are and how to use them so that if we have a water landing uh all the passengers know what to do and for all of you guys thinking where's my gps it's right here on my ipad i use an app called for flight and it gives me all the information that i need so right here i'm just kind of researching other flights but i'm currently based in fort lauderdale i have one flight plan to tampa but essentially i could track myself my flight get all the airport information and if you for those of you who who don't know this there's tons and tons and tons of airports within the united states if this is just southeast florida look at this you got west palm pompano uh no not even pompano this is the airport at boca raton this is pompano this is fort lauderdale executive then fort lauderdale the class c airport which is fll which some of you guys might have flown into in the past then you have miami airport in between that you have hollywood and uh what is this one opeloka tons of them all of these airports within like 10 15 miles of one another so you're really not that far from any airport you're going down to the keys there's an airport there's a few airports along the way so it's so many points where if you ran into trouble you could glide or get to um but for flight i love it it gives me everything i need the distance from one place to the next so let's just say i was flying to tampa 162 miles is going to take me an hour and a half they got some headwinds there now and or in route and it's gonna burn about 22 gallons of gas and this bad boy is a gas guzzler but look at all these airports on the way so now you see it's totally realistic to buy an airplane instead of a new car if you're interested in buying your own travel machine and getting your private pilot's license drop me a line write in the comment section below also if you're in the fort lauderdale area reach out to me because i'm always looking for company looking for people to fly with me most of the time i fly alone till the next time make sure that you subscribe so you get notifications of our next video like this video and leave whatever comment you want in the comment section below thank you for joining me here at entp life see you soon
Channel: ENTP LIFE
Views: 242,002
Rating: 4.9022593 out of 5
Keywords: piper cherokee, piper cherokee 6, piper cherokee 140, piper cherokee 235, piper aircraft, piper airplane, private pilot license, airplanes, airplane review, piper cherokee review, piper cherokee 180
Id: DPywv6XA7Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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