(1066) Construction Lock Silliness

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[Music] alright guys I've been shopping on eBay again and you never know what you're going to get and this is this is a good thing this I ordered this because it was a dimple lock I really didn't know I just kind of order them randomly when I see a new dealer and there's nothing really unique about this key way if we get that camera two folks come on there we go nothing unusual about it I think we've seen something like this it's a no-name but then when I took it out of the package and flip through where I saw something quite different now we have eight pins but more importantly you'll notice that the spacing between those first three and that one and then the last word that for some reason is different both sides so I don't know I quite know what to expect from that so then I opened up the package of keys and again we have some weirdness we have two keys that are red we have one key that has some little notches cut into it and then we have a normal key four of these guys so I read the instructions and for those of you who can't read Chinese I'll I'll just basically translate this to you so what I believe this says is that this would be the a key so this is a construction key you say you're having some work done on the house apartment the guys that do the work get the red keys when they're finished they get down there step two and step three you pick up the B key the one with the notch in it stick it inside of there and then you rotate it 360 degrees and at that point the a keys will no longer work and only the remaining four permanent keys will that's a great theory and so we're just going to go with it let's try it let's not reset it just yet because I want to do that well after we pick it but you see we take the red key and it does work and at the same time I'm not going to use the notched one but I'm going to take the normal operating key and slide it in there and it also works beautifully I don't want to do the chains yet but let's compare these two keys just for the heck of it so when you take a look at these guys you'll notice that almost all of the cuts except the ones on the tip are different so if something happens with that notch location to change the pinning in that last pin I don't know what happens but let's go ahead and pick it and then I'll go ahead and cut it so we'll have one side that I'll demonstrate the change on after I pick it and then we'll cut it and then we'll have one unchanged side and we can compare the two to see what exactly this notch key does to on this construction key exactly how this construction lock works all right that had a hole that we got it Chinese pins down it does still work I haven't done any modifications to it the construction key so it works and the non notched operating key obviously you still works and we're going to try to pick it using the top of the key way to keep my hand out of your way a little bit with a flat flag I'm gonna index in the top left corner of the key way and then push those pins down obviously all right so light tension see we got like pin to it'll click no speed bumps oh okay pin one reverse picking or okay got a click on him looking for there we go pin two again there we go another click pin three slight click I feel like pin 6 okay there were seven okay I'm on pin 4 on the backside of him can't pull out out good click there's like 5 oh no he went down pretty easy now 6 again takes a little more finesse with this lock and I thought I thought we could bully him but that's just not the case I haven't detected any security pins in the sky at all here we go six it popped up again there you go that was six again not used to putting the pic in quite that deep that was five I really got in light of attention here all right that feels like seven there we go wow that's a little tougher than I thought is going to be anyway there are no security pins are all standard pins we got it open and of course I've turned it so that we've the pins have now jumped up from the Bible into the keyway let me take a pic and push them try to push them down get in there and turn them back come on might not be the right pick for this let's try something with a little flatter base no curvature come on this will teach me to pay attention this gracious this is just as hard as picking it I'm gonna use a wider pick maybe that 15,000 was the wrong one to grab can't down for God's sake there we go look man that was almost stuff is picking it for real all right now let's do the change key me back out of here so we can get a good look at what we're doing this obviously is the construction key and look at that I must have picked it too I must have picked it to whatever the notch takedo because now the construction key is not working let's find out let's try the operating key in fact that's exactly what happened how odd is that luckily we're going to be able to look at the other side and see exactly what happened let's just try the notched one and see if he still works after making the change and he does so after making the change this guy still works alright let me go ahead and cut this now remember the side with the label just get him out of here in fact let me get a we grab a magic marker and let's just put an X this is the side that we've picked and we've already converted so I'm going to go ahead and just mark these guys so that there's no modification you guys don't know I'm pulling your leg here no reason to at this point I'm going to cut him and I'm going to pull this guy apart I'm going to pull that guy apart we're going to be able to compare the two and see what that knotch does on both side on the key the key way or on the core to make it a construction key nullified alright guys this has turned into quite an ordeal and investigation then actually had to destroy four locks and the best I can come up with at this point is a theory okay so let's let me take my observations first of all these are not eight pins they have eight what appear to be eight pins but that last one right there is a fake it doesn't go anywhere so it's only a seven pin lock second of all all the cores on these are skeletonized none of this is skeletonized basically for every single chamber except this last one right here and there's a reason for that the reason I'm showing you this is when you disassemble your lock make sure you turn it so that the key the open part of the key way is pointed towards the Bible that is the only position that you can safely extract the core without all those drivers popping down inside of the skeletonized then forcing you to cut the lock open basically if you do that you ruin the lock so just be aware of that all right why is it such a mystery and taking apart all four locks I found no ball bearings no nothing to drop out or anything like that and I just dissected lock after walk after walk Johnny for how in the heck this thing works well let's take a quick look I think I have it figured out this is the construction key so when the construction key slides in and it goes in about that far notice as it slides in it pushes them all up basically above the shear line until we get to that last one when it reaches the shear line is all flush except number seven now number seven as I mentioned earlier it is the only one that doesn't have a skeleton eyes cut away for something to fall away into it's solid all the way around as you can see except little cuts that I made to dissect it so there's nothing to fall into all the way around make a note though we get those lined up so they're all flush again it lines up right here and the key will then bridge that gap with me all right the operating key same kind of thing it works he slides in but now notice when we get him into the correct position everybody is perfectly flush again it bridges the gap there's nothing for anything to fall into perfect all right now let's take the construction key the one with the knotch he slides in exactly like all the others by the way he's got the same cut as the normal key the only difference is that not notice the notch now lines up with that band and something can drop in their neck so normally a ball-bearing or an extra wafer pin something would fall in there and then when you extract the key it would fall out and the operator would never notice it well I didn't find any that stuff in here so I got to looking at all the pins and I've got two of them on a tray here all the pins are in pretty good shape except notice that last one he's grungy looking or some kind of abrasive material on him and a lot of red dust fell out when I disassembled the lock I was very careful to open this one and again there's that red dust on that last guy and I believe that it's some kind of abrasive sand or some kind of very mild adhesive so that when you slide the key in it pushes them above the shear line and then we use the construction key to rotate it he lines up perfectly of course that pin just fell out but it lines up perfectly so whatever residue there was when you rotated this to get an open it's going to fall into that chamber that red dust or whatever and at that point when that red dust it frees up the pin in in chamber number seven it frees up the driver by breaking that red stuff loose when you contracted that dust falls out nobody notices anything and it says to be sure to rotate it 360 and at that point you can take the operating key and because the cuts are exactly the same you can imagine it'll it'll work just perfectly and that I believe is how this lock works I'm not saying positively because I didn't find this is the one I took apart without without finding him still frozen in place I mean when I took the lock apart and drugged the cylinder out I got this one apart correctly but when I pulled it out all of the pins did come out freely so this number seven wasn't still glued in place so I think if you do it you have to be very very gentle when you disassemble it in order to get it to to stay in place anyway guys that's my theory if anybody else has a theory after spending hours trying to figure this out I would just love to hear what you had sorry guys three weeks has passed I hate not having closure I really like to know how something works I hate guessing so I ordered two more of these things from the same manufacturer or the same seller on eBay this time I'm not even going to use the keys I'm not going to pick it I want to know what it is about pin number seven what kind of alien tech they put in there to make make this a a construction lock so I'm going to cut it then I'm going to take my razor and cut it right there right there and I'm going to very gently lift the core off and we'll get a look at chamber number seven and it's virgin like condition alright guys it looks like I spent a lot of money and maybe I should have been a little more observant check it out in chamber number seven there's a tiny little ball bearing I mean that thing is nice if I can get him one off on a magnet yeah get all those pins too but right there he is there sure enough as a ball bearing inside of there so let's go ahead and let me grab the other half of this lock and let's see if we can we try the cutout key and then I pull it out I'm going to hold my hand under see if we can't capture that ball bearing alright guys just try this again the other half of the cylinder of the one I cut in half did not have a ball bearing in it so I thought I'd tried in a brand new lock just open the package and I tried it on this side he also contains no ball bearings so even after turning it with the notched key like so doing the 360 I'll even do more than 360 slide it out and then you put the construction key back in this side it still works so maybe only one side is construction keyed so let's try this one again take the construction key does work I take the owners key it does work now I'm going to put this guy in and I'm going to turn him a complete circle and I'm going to pull them out very slowly hopeful are going to hear the ball bearing hit this if it doesn't fall out inside of one of those cutaways come on maybe I didn't turn it all the way come on he's caught he's caught on something there he goes no ball-bearing all right I did turn it so let's notify the construction key now see if he works okay he does not work so apparently the ball bearing falls off on the inside on one of these little like the skeletonized part of it let me get that man get out of there so apparently falls out somewhere inside of here when you withdraw the key so he's still inside of there and it'll be I could probably shake it and eventually he'd come out but the this ball bearing we licked the tip of my finger and get this little guy up here he's so tiny that it's really not very likely I'm going to be able to shake him out of there everything in here the lock all the pins by the way are magnetic so if this little ball bearing is steel he probably stuck to something inside there we'll never going to get them out but it does work that's how it works it is not the red paste as I originally thought it's one of these tiny little ball bearings that that falls into one of the slots and that way you can't use the construction key anymore because the only key difference the only a pinning different is a very tip of it right there and you compare it to the owners key and it would be right there so that's how that works anyway thanks guys sorry for all the high levels of frustration but we finally figured it out no guessing thanks for your time thanks for your patience stay safe stay legal stay away from these your locks geez [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 171,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bosnianbill 1066, (1066) Construction Lock Silliness, construction locks, construction of lock, lock construction, bosnian bill construction, construction lock, bosnianbill construction, bosnianbill construction lock, construction lock bosnian bill, Construction Lock Silliness, (1066) bosnianbill, locklabs naughtiest locks, lock picking, lock lab, how to pick, lock picking 101, master key. masterkey, lockpicking 101
Id: cKDBoE-kYFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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