Prison podcast - Mr wolf - Arrested for smuggling

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my safety was at risk more than it was being in the UK they pulled me out the carard trying to search me I was like I don't consent to no search you didn't even told me why you're arresting me I won't lie to you I was banking on the fact they let me out so I feel like it a psychological trick they play on to break people right in the jail house delinquent Nation prison Diaries we back got my old friend Michael owner of werewolves Entertainment also known as Mr Wolf yes what's going on my bro I'm Co my guy long time long time man we actually go back way back to I think it was whan didn't it mhm and I don't know what year that was I in Rochester as well I don't know if he was in no I wasn't in rochie I thought I thought I thought I knew from like High Point times but it was whing and I think I was in whing like 03 or 04 one of them years I don't remember but it must have been whing but I mean you you very like not you you you go across a lot of people but you someone that I always remembered you know what I mean no come on man I appreciate that and and the same same with you man you know bro there's some people in prison like you meet a lot of people in prison but there's some people that you actually connect with you're like you know this person he's a real person you know and he's got a good heart and you know there's only a certain amount of people that man can really you know say that to or say that about I know you've been to prison a few times yeah it started off around 06 I got into the drug game I was importa in class me I transitioned from that into like um hard food like selling Pebbles and stuff like that if you want something done is best done by yourself and they caught me on the wrong day on M11 coming going to Har out in Bishop stford eras so then on I think that was my third sentence so when I got arrested when I went to court they tried to give me a IP but thank God for the judge um he threw it out on the first day um of my court case end up getting 7 years 9 months packs you know what I mean still quite Hefty cuz what's that 200 PBS or something like that yeah like that and they didn't even catch it on me so it was like from the handful of people that was around me in my operation at least one of them gave me up could you tell us about your household how you grew up I grew up in hne but I'm Nigerian no so the household is kind of like strict but we're still free in certain aspects to do what we want so growing up in London is like you know following social norms everyone was doing everything that everyone else was doing in a sense so if it was rubbing will robbing depends on your circle so coming out of maybe Hackney into PLO my mom was getting scared they sent me to Nigeria a couple times but I couldn't really live out there cuz I kept getting ill so every time I kept coming back to the UK I kept getting in trouble they sent me to America when my dad said that every I stay in America I have a dead in jail so they took me back to Nigeria and then you know with the Nigerian lifestyle is like as much as there's a lot of discipline there's a lot of corruption there's a lot of illegal movements you know we let like to have fun we like to make money so I got into that Lifestyles and even though my parents tried to reform me I feel like I did learn certain aspects of like being a better person but I guess it led me into a different side of crime that I wasn't into you know and uh that's when I got into drugs and smuggling cocaine and stuff like that it's interesting you said that yeah sorry to cut you bro cuz you know I had interview with a girl I'm not sure if it's going to be out at the time of this interview or if it's going to come out afterwards but um big up in a while she kind of went through the similar a similar thing like where her parents cuz of her misbehavior over here her parents sent her back to Somalia then it was I think it was Kenya then but they also sent her to America Canada and all these places to try and pattern her up basically um can you talk a bit about that like why do um like why do parents send you back home to for your behavior I could only talk on myself in it so I feel like I was misunderstood growing up it's hard to kind especially in I don't know within nerian household you can't really be yourself in certain aspects like um there's know there's that discipline that natural like even you're older it is like are you mad yeah shut up there type attitude so even if you had opinion or you had a thought process is always weighed down in them type certain household so if I was um in intelligent in certain aspects they wouldn't be able to find it because they only want you to go in One Direction dirve they directive so I wouldn't be able to if I was a good draw for instance I was a good artist at the time they wouldn't pick up on that because they just want you to do math English and academical stuff which is all cool but I might have been the best architect or drawer if they paid attention you know what I mean and I feel like when you go I mean crime is crime in it I was getting in trouble and it's like the only way they thought they could deal with that is to send me off to someone else which I thought is like as as a bigger man now is relinquishing your responsibilities to something else and the safety I mean going back to nigera is all good but my safety was at risk more than it was being in the UK do you understand but they wouldn't know that they don't know the traverses I had to go through just to survive and because I'm a very independent person I I end up finding myself in very precarious places you know what I mean messing around not how we are in it we're not scared well we tend not to be scared at certain times of when we're younger just end up in worse situation so when they made a decision to ship me to Nigeria it was a good thought process I get it but the structures and the things to follow up they never really put in place so I like it at the same time cuz it made me where I am now but I believe there could have been different ways of dealing with my situation yeah I totally hear that man I hear both sides I guess man I've got my other brid and he's Nigerian shout flips fre flips man and he was like when he was in Nigeria that there were no gangs there were no like he wasn't involved well when he was younger yeah probably when he was yeah it a different concept of gang yeah yeah and he was like the first time he he come over to England he got stabbed 13 times you know and he was like the whole like he got involved in the gang and but he thought that black people over here was worse than obviously black people back home and stuff like that and that that was his idea of things so I guess the par obviously that comes with a lot of discipline obviously you're allowed to discipline your your children and there's less respect here for your elders because like you said yeah I when I was brought up here anyone that was older than me that was good peoples if it was a man that's Uncle this or that's Auntie that you know what I'm saying you had to show respect to that that's necessary yeah I mean to to the extent where um if you are able to express yourself as a younger person to your older is different you know what I mean like like there's no kind of and now where technology and people the the generation I think is systematic with a certain generation where they want to uphold a certain standard like not trying to be racist or anything but that that white color you know Behavior like oh you must be um a certain um person in society whereas now you could be yourself and you Excel you know what I mean so I mean the disciplines they put in place then is not necessarily bad but it kind of restricted us from actually achieving greater things you know what I mean and it I feel like it kept us following other people whereas we couldn't be ourselves I totally agree with you bro I feel like um you know um there's like a certain blueprint that a lot of parents like set out for their kids yeah like you know you need to get all your gcss you need to get all your a levels and the university whatever and but then at the same time bro I feel like what about the people that are not academically smart but they they're good with their hands like you said like artists they can get into architecture or like say for example they like plumbers yeah and um Tradesmen they get paid bread you know like you know and I don't feel like like for me anyways when I was in school if you did DNT which was like design and Technology um you was considered dumb you know like yeah you picked it DNT what score did you go by the way I went John bro shut down now the school was but I went I went J off BR and like yeah I chose I mean I didn't choose DN but one of yeah it was one of the things that that I went into and yeah you was considered to be like cuz most of the people in that class would be like it see more easy in it of a class to be in yeah yeah yeah like doing drama yeah kind of kind of thing or music but then but then as you said yeah with with like technology moving on you know um these things you can actually earn a good wage out of these things now and you can um you know but at the time it was kind of frowned upon so so like yeah I I well I'll give you a bit of um my like my my my mindset when I was younger I always wanted to get into biofuel so when they did send me to Nigeria right um I see a leaflet outside one of my houses and um it was talking about bofs and and it says turn and decomposed waste into biofields and opposite my house we had a big waste field right so I was like damn this is is one plus one makes to this makes sense and then I remember running it to one my step or so and he said if I do something like that they'll kill me in the place like Nigeria so that's kind of where I'm getting at yeah where you use blocks yeah and to say I come back to England with that energy and that idea and they say in books which I didn't know at the time but I get you have to break a bigger goal into smaller goals and then I said let me get into the cuz I'm into gemstones as well my dad's a minor so I said let me try hustle some gemstones and then I'll be able to use that money to build on that concept of the biofields and then I feel like my Society or my environment or the people I'm around kind of degradate my intelligence but I end up selling drugs getting even getting further away from that um big idea more and more but now I mean ner is a lit place to be in it is like if you could build infrastructure try and build bring back what we've learned here is dope but I feel like the process is to get to that point by the time you know like if you ain't got the right things in place the right mindset you will never get there and um being like more say into like I've wrote a book I've done so many things like being into gemstones I feel like to get to them places there I have to start within the mindset of my environment of my PS and then slowly build up to get to that stage cuz my previous my previous um sentences has Afflicted me where I can't really do much in certain places to build again and work towards it but say 10 20 years ago if I was um guided and worked alongside like even with the gemstones like I was trying to do a credited jewelry professional but the course was like three grand so I was like how am I going to get fre Grand uncle's not giving me three grand my local drug dealers gave me like half a buck and say go flip that so you just if I'm making any sense you know I mean no you totally making sense bro I think like a lot of people doesn't don't really understand it cuz but I feel that people that don't understand it is just not from that lifestyle and they won't understand it how did you get into that in the first place like foundationally all right so when I got back in in UK in 200 maybe 4 2003 so I left to n 2002 come back 20 2004 the people I met out in Nigeria there all dabbling and certain things right so I didn't want to be rubbing and stealing like I didn't want no like back in the day that was kind of our thing like you just lick off you know you you just licking off everything was just you're just licking everything and it's like I don't want to be a li I don't want to live that life you know um what other alternatives are there so one day what the group that was around the pack that I was around at the time was out in Stratford um focus big up to them man there days it was lit cuz we had a good team but we didn't have no guidance so just to talk quickly one night they was all out they want to go rob one of the Jean stores behind our spot in Maryland if you know you know so I was like no that's it felt Petty to me like I got bigger ideas aspirations like like I said I feel like I'm ding myself down just because of the people I'm around and then um they done it Whatever happened I didn't join them I was like that and then then while I was at I must have called my Uncle cuz I was like going through it mentally I was like damn what can we do like how like I'm not trying to be a leader at the point but I felt like someone needs to make a bigger decision like option for us so I called my Uncle that's out in uh that deals in C in Nigeria and he's like yeah if I got a passport I should fly down and just FYI Scarface is the big influence for that I was sitting there watching Scarface of VHS and then the ey there click in my head like ah cool Uncle with the the plugy the then um that's how I kind of got into it and then I mean we dabble on the RS little by little but it's nothing as major as like that's when I fully like got into drugs and um he said yeah get your passport so maybe a month or less later I jumped on a plane to ner um I met one of the main plugs and um so I was a mule that's what they call it but my uncle gave me the Finesse of we're going to split the bread which would have been like 40 Grand or something like that and um yeah like a fall I jumped on it I flew out there done like a week you know and then um I swallowed them oh you swall them was like and then the plug himself on the last day like oh if I take back some bags with me he'll bu me and anybody I bring he'll B me what I mean I'm not greedy guy so when I got to the airport I made the decision when I got back to the UK I see the bags that I was talking about but I made the decision not to take them you understand cuz I had my agenda I just wanted that certain piece and then I'm going to make the transition but then when we got back to the house obviously you know how most guys are they finesse you know my they're older than me so after I got the bits out and they gave me like 6K but what I managed to do is like h no you know we're all Hustlers I managed to make sure I'm okay made an extra little 3K out of it and then I I went back to hood split up with the man them gave the demand them a better alternative than Robbins you know what I mean but because I wasn't much of a leader like my right hand and my left hand at the time they like one of them started smoking food no way yeah the only other one like he's back in G but the food that you was grabbing yeah so that you never you should I know he's a liquor man he don't smoke he and then um money just started going missing so some money's coming to me but every few that was giving to my left hand he's not coming back he's like I got r i got this then the remaining bit that I had like let's whip it and try to do something with it and then it just seemed like everyone started smoking around me like crazy everyone just started smoking yeah like all the majority of the my closest ones is like their behaviors everything start changing but it's only now I'm older and I've reflected on it that I've kind of realized right and where they are now with their life thank God one of them got deported to Nigeria before and to Ghana prior to that like his life getting worse but the other one he's a full-blown smoker now and no that I do feel responsible sometimes but I I I was trying to create a quicker way out of the hood for us but I mean after that after that um situation there I mean I made a bit of money but the money started going low no like the people around me are not pulling their weight is only me trying to do the most you got to jump from the feds the man them trying to R you you know there all sort of obstacles you have to face and then um I started smuggling again so that flopped I brought weed after the cult finish theand them I think we lost all the weed in carnival the car went missing everything yeah back then it was a Madness but you know within the time I mean the timeline I'm talking about is year like maybe 2006 before I went jail 2005 2006 and then um yeah so I started smuggling again but doing little trips to abster there oh so going to them to get the pack come back yeah come back so maybe three grand trips half a kilo four grand trips just over half a kilo and that one day you know it a little pocket money you keep you surviving and um I'll be honest with you I wanted to rub the plug I want to run off on the plug that's how I got arrested and um so oh so you got a pack and you just wanted to yeah so on my third or fourth trip coming from water going water to D minutes so is on the training Euro sty that's why it was that water at the time and then um you know it crazy because the guy was begging me he's like oh don't go they're cool guys out there you know they they they used to treat us we go red La I never of the I never done nothing with but it was cool smoke some weed you chill out you know then the next day you know there's a process you know you don't just take the food you have to go you know go into a different room change your clothes then you know that I bypassed that whole process like I just got the food and and just so just to be clear yeah so you change your clothes in that what is that because they they do that test on you swabs SWS Yeah so basically when you're in when you're in one room you can't bring your the same clothing or you have to go have a shower change up this is in your stomach now and then you go on your train or your plane or wherever you go about your business so for me at that on that day it was ba I was Ming Reckless like I just come done the thing said I'm going but the guy's begging me said don't go don't go just chill like you don't have to do this cuz I was ignorant and no like there nothing that I was under some pressure at the time and it's like all the signs and the warning I blanked it out and then when I got back to the UK water it was a like nobody at the um checkpoints what do you call it the Customs people then just as I got to the gate a customs pull out on me said oh can we see your passport can we see your so and then um they done this swab thing they found the traces on me and then you know at the time I mean my heart is very strong I don't think I was scared though I was like cuz I always have in the back of my mind that if it happens it happens you know yeah like and um when it happened I think was surreal yeah yeah and then when I I think in in phel no not even in phel in where cuz he had out the packs yeah cuz I know about this process but I'm sure a lot of people don't know about this process I don't you of course not bro I know obviously I've done I've been around a lot of man and know you know what I mean but a lot of the listeners yeah are probably thinking right you you you stomached it you know you swallowed all these packs or whatever yeah how they getting it out of you I know I know certain man that's had to wait all 15 days and that like but but go talk through the process so at waterl they've done the swabs obviously they found the traces they put is like a cloth they Hoover it on your your clothes and then any particle they put in a machine will detect it so when it detected they said they have suspicion that I have drugs on my person so I said yeah while I was out there I was sniffing I was in the club he said well let's go to the hospital and determine that fact I said all right cool I said I don't want to go hospital you have to wait 36 hours or something like that and then I remember my right he's like I go crazy or go to jail so I was like let's go to the hospital there I was panicking that they're going to bust inside me so when they go to the hospital now they scan your belly and then they see all the they saw all the Pebbles then they took me to is it um there's a Detention Center down in on not one um never felt them though I've forgotten and then you sit on this big machine they lock you in some room with a camera and then every day until you sh everything out there's a machine s on the top when in they they got their hands in these gloves they washing at and just putting the packs aside counting up your packs your packs I remember there was one young girl like maybe 16 crying her eyes out every day and that's how um how bad this game is you know I mean and um cuz yeah I literally remember heard this when I was in jail one of my brends he was like yeah he got he had to swallow all these packs and then obviously like he was talking about this filter toilet like you have to sit on this toilet basically the toilet I'm talking about yeah and but he was like he was just trying to refuse you know yeah no the pets will blow up inside you you don't want them yeah that's that's true as well but he was saying that he waited like I think it was just over two weeks like I'm sure he had the 15 days but he probably even longer than that but he did not for such a long time because he didn't want but obviously he's thinking that they might let him go but they won't in it until they get the pack they're not letting you go in it as long as they know and and not only that is like you have to remember right you're carrying class A drugs on you yeah you know what I mean you're like right they want you then never going to ever leave me um I remember my sisses cuz I won't eat their food I tried the same thing I wouldn't eat my siss brought me McDonald's you know what I mean they try like they play the game as much to get me and that was cool I was I maybe had like 68 pieces I was trying to keep eight pieces I told him 60 yeah you trying to keep some bits for what when you go to jail yeah reserve some packs yeah but um yeah they got everything I mean I feel like they could count in your intestine but anyway that was a long time ago that was like 06 right and then going through that sentence I got 3 years 9 months for that I done well after that sentence to stay up you know what I mean I tried to get my life in order I think I was studying but it gave me a chance to kind of understand myself what I want to do and I kind of built my business plans and ideas like everything I'm doing now it started then in that first sentence okay had enough time because on in reality you ain't got enough Focus there too much a distraction know trying to make money whereas in the jail house they're feeding you there's electric all you have to do sit down and know what you want to do right so when I got out on that S I think I got out in 0708 I think that's where we met in that timeline there yeah I think I think so yeah and then in 08 I you know I done my best to stay out I did dabble with a couple other thing I think I built up a land Stu didn't think but I didn't do the smuggling thing I stayed away from the roads as much as I could but it's like it's inevitable you need survive you know everybody in your vicinity is doing certain road so so I was going to say um so there's some people that would be saying ra why didn't you why didn't you learn from that why what like why was that the only option cuz there's a lot of people that's going to say like why lack of guidance I guess and there like not even lack of guidance take responsibility so to cut I'll get you you know what I mean I'll say everything that I wanted to do nobody's in into what I'm into especially back then like I was doing content creation for I won't even mention their name for people with Within the Music Industry but they weren't give me the credit or bringing me along where they should have you know what I mean I mean we used to do a lot of things with the I used to do a lot in the music industry subtly and now where we are now in the industry is like ra I was actually doing them things time ago that man just chose not to bring me in so it's like I I I end up refraining back to the my old ways because it's like even when I was doing like um food prep for instance I was I was studying food prep level two I done level one in jail come out and he's like I'm cooking food but I can't eat so I'm cooking and I can't eat the food and then he's like I thought this I'm going back on the road cuz it don't make no sense I'm H then I'm finishing the course I ain't got nothing to eat I'm just out and it's taking majority of my time so I feel like if I had the right people around me guidance in certain aspects I most probably would have been able to stay out of certain left whereas that's all I knew yeah after a while like this is going to if I flip that I'm going to make a quick 10 or I'm make a quick five or then and then getting lost in the source is another problem I'll put that on myself is like when you get stuck in that um habit and consistency of shutting and or doing whatever you're doing it's hard to make them transitions you know something powerful like my last sentence and the reinforcement of not wanting to go back and have to do that you understand so maybe I wasn't Jo enough the third one done it for me I don't know what to say yeah yeah no I hear that I hear that bro um if if I'm making sense you know what I mean and uh this this third one the last sentence i' done kind of helped me structure what I actually want to do cuz all from my 20s I started going jail early before my 20s so I was like I don't think I had any breaks to kind of figure out what I actually want to do or anybody beside me to say ah this is the best way where as now have like-minded people around me I've kind of built up a a similar similar mindset around me do you know what I mean whereas technology said people kind of see what I was I was trying to do many years ago you know what I mean but at the same time you still have to show yourself you have to add value to yourself before people want to add value to you so um so your last sentence um that was obviously the most recent and they gave you what was that seven years years 9 months it's a long time for what was that possession you do half in it yeah but it's still a long time for um that that type of crime yeah cuz it was possession of intent right yeah yeah so um so you get 7 years nine months um did you go guilty for that all uh so not at first cuz they didn't like I said didn't find the food on me and is I mean I was being naive I was being dumb my my my plug at time is like he was already in J as well like just a week ago like be careful man be careful man and then he was you licking him yourself yeah I was heing them the reason why is because everyone else putting on there they getting rubbed or there's some type of Hiccup or you know like like they say I'm hands- on person like I'll I'll make sure I I'll turn a land from zero to three grand you know what I mean and he's like I can't afford for that to go to waste and then our reflection is worth it going to waste isn't it because vanity is Vanity is it equals vanity so it's like I didn't gain I've lost it it's gone now I shouldn't have rised my head but at the time is like I ain't running around like so like that and then this kid's just going to make me lose everything go sit down I'll go do it and yeah at the time when I got bag um I was actually one of the workers flying them up there and then he like you know like it was a female I know the the game we're in is is is is not the best you know what I mean we ain't it's not like I I enjoy it but you got to do what you got to do in it and it's like with her when I feel like when the pressure came she crumbled you know what I mean okay and that's the problem you know like I don't like putting people in my I didn't let cuz when the pressure comes are they going to crumble and I can't afford it but it's like I I done what I had to do and it didn't work out so it is what it is you know I did I I I Ru my bir you know what I mean um uh what's the word like you're accountable I'm accountable that's the good one for my actions you know I a blame no one is is the choices I decided to make what was your thought process like cuz then you know you you're going to have to spend almost four years bying the door straight well prior to get like anything I do like I said especially in crime being accountable for my so I've already programmed myself if I get back I get back just get ready just reinforce my brain to get used to that thought like Happ happens don't let it overwhelm me you know I meanz I've been living a precarious life growing up so it's easy for me to kind of be like is what it is you know what I mean we going head in if it Bust It bust if it not you know we try to think and then um yeah when I got that cuz I've been Joe two times before no like I've always told myself when I'm 30 I'm knocking it on the head like this Ro thing if it don't work out so I went Joe when I was 28 so I already knew in my head that uh I'm like when I get in there is all about getting my nut down you know like I call it the free um you know mental physical spiritual growth in it so it's working on those three things you know and I think from 2015 I was in there I could give you a bit of what went on it was a hard road yeah yeah definitely want to get into your prison journey man yeah and then to where I to where I started actually working on myself in all 17 and kind of go in gym and focus it was hard to get to that point even writing a book you know that's how much my discipline was you know did you start writing in jail yeah it's crazy man because I I started writing in jail I'm not a writer or nothing like that bro yeah but I started like I remember Landing in belmarsh like I remember knowing I had uh the judge gave me 10 years and I was like bro I'm here for a minute like you know let me start can I ask you what was your feeling when you got your bed bro like 10 is a lot like to hear 10 yeah to hear that bro cuz that's I always say this that's like the whole of secondary school is it you know what I'm saying it's five years you got to I spent half of it in it so I did five buto I felt rubbed out I can't lie to you bro I felt like cuz I think by the time I got sent I went in at 24 by the time I got sentenced I was 25 and I knew I was coming out close to 30 in it and I came out literally a few week two weeks before I was 30 and I said to myself yeah I was just like I'm going to be rubbed out cuz you know when you're younger you see 30 as this big age like you're a big man you meant to have kids and have a yard and you know that's how that's that was my thought process I don't know if everyone else thinks that but when I I was younger boy I was like oh you know but I'm going to come out 30 I'm just going to be I'm going to be robbed that big man no kids whatever no cuz we see we see our olders out there a lot of them that were like yeah exactly exactly so it's probably that in the back of my head as well yeah 100% the same thing and then obviously I was in a I think I was in was I in a relationship I think I was in a relationship at the time there was that and then there was obviously my my grandma obviously I was I was raised by my grandma um she was getting older and I was thinking to myself I hope she can hang on until I come out and and and things like this i' so much ringing Bells a bit Yeah so so much things was um going through going through my head yeah but at the same time I knew how to do it but then obviously I'm I'm I'm I consider myself Smart in it like maybe not academically smart but more as like I'm going to use this time to be constructive and I got into books and I got into obviously at the same time I was getting paral I was doing all the fuery but then but then on the other hand I was educating myself and I was like trying to find myself as well and you know trying to find the formula for so that I don't ever have to come back kind of thing and then towards the end that's how I kind of managed to find a way with God as well I have to put God at the Forefront of everything you know for me personally that kind of helped me to um you know you know the on there that kind of helped me to to to get to where I am now cuz now I've done a full 360 180 whatever do you know what I'm saying transitional skills yeah and it's very it's hard to transition bro because like you know from the old sentences like from when I was around you or whatnot MH you know I was still very much on the roads I I had so many different people around meet different yeah mindset was different and I thought I could make it with um on the roads I thought somehow I was going to be lucky you know um but then yeah it never works like that bro and you know like even like with what you just said as well like you had you had you had the um the blueprint bro you had like the plug your uncle you know and then things just the world just doesn't work it's not going to be that smooth as as how you plan it you know but I feel like when you're doing things the right way you have less obstacles in your way that's that's how I feel anyways bro but yeah yeah it's less I mean it's just less deenal to your your grow you cu the obstacle is not going to be like your lock up kind I mean I've done an event the other day right I put on an event the other day and um the sound guy dropped outside to cancel right and it's like I kind of way I was like imagine what I'm doing now prior to before if it was like I got bagged like I done a project in the sense of I went to the go start up in dast and I got B that I'm that's a l I'm taking for the next 10 years losing that event putting all the energy and time and it not working is it all I could afford I'm happy to take lose time and money kind of I'm still out here to do it again for real yeah and similar thing happened man when I when I when I first started getting into this film making stuff I started a short film and I had like all a lot of my podcast guests on it everyone showed up spray show up shout spray pinky a lot of them my bra's in that show up Billy Miyagi like a lot of the Mand them that was on my podcast came up for this short film it was going to be a cold short film and then one of the main characters yeah he's in Joel right now but cuz like obviously I wasn't funded or nothing like that I had a bit of funding you know I think I started a go fund me had a little bit of funding but then I used a lot of my own money and um yeah bro like making a film is expensive I didn't realize how expensive it was in it so then yeah um by the end of it like literally towards the end of the film The main character got nicked so it was like we couldn't even finish off the scenes and that and he's still in job up to this day and he was like oh that was that was a l for me but then at the same time it's TR you said like the L could have been like a few years out of my life which would be like worth a lot more do you know what I mean so I just had to kind of hold the L and and just move on like and that's just kind of like you know how how life works and it it's a good way that you put it because it's true on the RS the ls you take is taking out your years articulate it well I get you man it's a good analogy analogy yeah so um what do you call it like even with the Jing so I love what you said is like obviously you feel robbed that so that's why like when I did get S like I have to be like on my like I can't be about cuz when I do get out I don't want to be like that rubbed out guy like subconsciously I was like yeah whatever I can do to improve myself while I'm in here I'm F to do so I mean I started banging we I I I wrote the book D done over 18 qualifications but it's not like a majority of it has helped me since I've been out I mean I come out in 09 you know and um it's just coming out under the covid I don't let maybe M mechanics and it's like all right cool I've added value to myself to be able to come out in society and apply myself but Society are they ready to accept me and then Co came yeah I couldn't even do nothing yeah yeah yeah let's let's let's talk about about that so because I was in throughout Co you know through the I think I was in got released on the second lockdown and I came out into this cuz I went away 2015 came out 2020 mid mid lockdown and it was just it was weird in it cuz I come out and everyone was wearing masks you know there was rules in Shops and and and another thing that was different for me when I came out after such a long time was everyone was glued to their phones literally everyone you know everyone just like was looking down at their phones and that was something that I wasn't used to either but for you you know you went away 2015 as well right yeah so um I I went in all 2013 on my second one came out all 15 then went back in all5 so yeah not really a break or nothing like that yeah it feels like I done the whole yeah that's kind of how it is bro like you know you just have a break outside taste freedom for a bit and then yeah eat yeah yeah bro you've come out now and then they what is this when they first oh yeah you come out just before they did the first lockdown how was that like for you bro cuz no I mean big up 1010 is is my boy marot it's marot so luckily I knew him right because um I I I wasn't planning to build on redwolves as per se but it was in the back of my head like get some funding behind you you know graph do the mechanic thing wherever you can stack up then build into the brand in it and then my boy just 1010 he opened up his Studio his music studio he was like come around he was doing a music video for his new artist and it was lit you know it kind of gave me that inspiration that ra and then when they said lockdowns and no one's trying to hire nobody wear mask I was like this I got my driver license I was out and about you know so I was going to shows his Studio was active like he was I'll say a lot of the work rate that he put in in the initial stages was due to co being locked off because the RS were free everyone just needed something to do so not everybody realized that what I was trying to do at the time but I feel like if that didn't happen rare WS wouldn't exist now so Co did have his his um good things you know I mean like I I did want to um get into mechanics and that but building on my brand building on your own business is always worth than working for another man so I didn't mind having that free time to myself to work on myself and the things I actually want to do like even with the jewelry I started building on that like say within the industry like going to haton Gardens meeting people networking whereas know that if Co wasn't there I most probably would have been in a different Journey do you know I mean yeah I I can I can hear that in the sense where when I so it's all about getting the posi out of a negative situation same out of like being in jail 100% yeah and and the same thing was for me really cuz you know when I started delinquent Nation I started while I was in jail and I was getting I think I think I got more viewers because of Co cuz everyone was inside everyone watching YouTube it you know what I'm saying so K can have his positive and negative effects um how like cuz I heard obviously I wasn't I was in jail for the first lockdown but how was it like cuz I heard that no one was on the roads like it was just like a ghost town yeah at certain times it was like that but people out you know I mean police will just pick and choose who they want to arrest and if I could talk openly I got arrested once for the co thing I was going to clean my car cuz I want to go see my daughter I didn't want to put her in the car cuz Co get the car clean so they stopped me anyway I was had my drop top off I was banging music so the bully van see me they said no way guy wasn't they but um I didn't know I had something in my car I'm not going to say and I was like so they took me back to the station anyway and then when I got to the station one of the feds he's crying saying oh he's lost his job due to co uh his dad lost his job due to co like Co is and that and know that is all like his dad lost his restaurant he didn't even want to be there that is all a f and that this a policeman saying it to me at the time so that reinforced the thought in my head like so I don't think I paid attention to what was really going on I was just in my own world I was the where I was it was lit all well most of the time do you know what I mean I think at one stage during Co I did get arrested for like um having some weed on me a couple packs on me and um I think that was the only thing cuz the roads was um less busy you're more identiable scking what was your darkest moment in all through all your sentence Oh damn yeah I didn't want I didn't want to bring yeah so I so on the first so like I said earlier they beat me up um um when I got arrested the officers they pull me out the car they're like ah trying to search me I was like I don't consent to no search you didn't even told me why you're arresting me I said we could kill you right now if we want I was like what before I turn around he's bang me in the face they're stamping all over me I'm on the floor they've got me a handcuff behind my back and he's got his foot on my not like on my elbow so I'm face down and the Cuffs are like behind me in it so he's putting his foot on my elbow and pushing on and you know how D cuffs are with a black bit is just ripping up my hand and he's singing some Roman Catholic song while he's doing it that was dating that was like that was like sinister and then um when I got in cuz I didn't give my name I wouldn't say who I was obviously they even mad with me they beat me up but I was even mad as well like I ain't trying to have it and um the FED men that were there they all under covers they're like um Scotland Yard so he's banging on the table like ah what's your name like shouting at me in the office desk and I look I said I swear I know you and then he started going mad they said where' you know me from blah blah blah it was traumatizing a bit but I thought they're going to do me in the movies so country you the friends have this power that they just put you in the back and they just say there was a freak accident so anyway they picked me up put me on the um um this to scan my details and that the woman actually put me down for Saudi Arabia that I'm from Saudi Arabia which is it still affected me in the prison sentence cuz when you're moving jail they're like where you from and they're like I'm from I'm like London they're like no you're from Saudi Arabia is crazy yeah they really done number me but um when I got to pille to get to your point the worst situation the darkest moment I had I think it was like a a good moment as well cuz even I was saying even when I'm off track I'm still on track right and that moment there was is a it was a stepping it was a big point in my in my writing my book and like becoming more focused with myself and actually being conscious to my actions so basically they they they they told me I'm going home on my f so 2015 maybe November I got arrested so be yeah October so November they're saying I'm going home you know your first two weeks or whatever they say uh what there's something they call it in it is um no when they give you early release if there's I forgot what it is right but they say oh cuz I've been in for a certain amount of time I think it was 28 days that I go home or something like that and I telling them no in my case they're not going to let me out you understand but they followed up the procedures and then when I got when it got to the day the woman was smirking oh was was you in a recall yes so no when you fix term yeah yeah so when you're on a Reco they usually give no I forgot what it is I forgot I remember but they like if you're certain prisoner on a certain sentence they let you back out after 28 days or some crap like that so I know I know you got like fixed term recall which is 28 days yeah fix yeah that's what I think it is and then after 28 days like they they got to let you out but then if you're standard recall they can keep you for as long as your license is yeah so I think they thought I was on a fix ter but yeah cuz I was on a actually a red so I was already on licensed at the time so I was on a normal uh recoil in it uh I could so they fought 20 but I had another case oh ping yeah pending case so I'm trying to tell them bro you're not letting me out like I got I got two gacks on my name yeah you're not letting me out like oh you're going you're going so the anxiety from was the worstest feeling ever from Wednesday to the next Monday if they're going to let me out or not and they adamant that I'm going home and I know if they I'm I won't lie to you I was banking on the fact they let me out so I feel like it a psychological trick they play on to break people right in the jail house and then on the day yeah they got me at they uh think I have to pack all my Stu have to get my brain ready like even though I'm playing the game as well like they going to actually let me slide and then um got to the reception they're like NFA after let every everybody out here leaving me to last yeah they're like oh no not for release I started buing out you taking me [ __ ] and then um so you went all the way to reception reception pack my bags everything that's why I said that is a plan thing this is like psychological um they're trying to break you down psychologically you know what I mean yeah cuz you're doing a long bird I feel cuz I think the prison system has been around for a while so they know these things like what affects it has on people and then um anyway they said not for release I see one guy that I used to deal with officer yeah so black Nigerian guy so he's like ah don't worry my guy we're speaking our language go chill out uh I'll look after you I'll see you on the wing don't worry you're good so when I'm talking to another G come to me and try to push me back into the off into the reception I'm like don't touch me oh put your so forgetting that I'm in jail he put his hand on me again bow I banged him the another one come banged him so with yeah and then I think I wrapped up another couple and by the time they've overpowered me put me in a leg lock head lock everything they brought me down into the block this um this is you start getting sin as hell in pental the the governor has his own private block I don't know if anybody knows that so you have your normal block and then the governor has two cells concrete cells that is just his and they got me in there beat one of the officers obviously I'm tied up they've laid me out on my belly on the floor I had a big afro at the time on C my Afro what I remember he had a big dragon tatto bam whacking my face and smacking my face on the ground on the concrete so they're trying to knock me out they beat the maybe for 10 minutes doing that bam bam but I'm not knocking out so they've stripped my clothes off you know with that they got that red knife thing yeah they St me naked and unknown to everyone I had some but um some Bees Still In My from the FED man didn't bag all my food I still had some in my thing so I put in my balls hoping I could leave with it I should have left it with the guy in the cell but I was hoping that you know I make a little change while I hit the road hopefully you know I mean if not in the jail house so anyway they beating the me took my clothes off locked me in the cell they got um ac they got fans inside the cells turn it up all the way to Freez and cold and then maybe through no they got these padded jumpers so threw one of those and left me in there for like maybe a couple hours thank God to this nerian woman you know God bless her so she come to me speaking me in in our language saying ah if you're not careful they're coming to kill you they've just broke some guys's arm upstairs right I was like what the I don't care let's go and then ch word 5 minutes later there's like 12 officers at the gate at the door said uh Mr Al Michael do you want to go or you ready to call down and obviously I got blood all over my face I'm I'm I'm I'm finished you know they po me up I'm done so I was like now this I'm done like let's let's just call it quits like so they put me in a cell the cell full of Pierce cockroaches everything so the next day cuz the governor walked through the walking governor in it I think after a week or so yeah I had to beg him like yo move me out of the cell man I got Cuts all over my face D so he put me in there's like a normal cell with normal windows and a bunk bed so he put me in there no black brother he's sympathetic he knows what they done you know I could tell in his eyes he's upset like and he put me in that cell and no the remorse he had for me everyone think I'm just moving mad like it's like they me up like psychologically they try to me up and then physically they they know I'm going to move man they they see yeah so it's all a planting this was plann and then anyway when I was in that cell that's where like um everything s so I was reading some book I forgotten the name and it kind of gave me like more lucid dreams so know like when you're bored on your own you end up doing push-ups reading keeping yourself occupied is it so those were the things keeping you occupied and then that dream one dream that I had one day is the book that I end up writing do you know what I mean so it had its good would if I didn't go through that I wouldn't have wrote the book that I would have had the disciplines that I have now so there was positives and negatives to that situation you know what I mean and um from the dream I'll say that was in 05 December I wrote the book in 07 so that dream was very powerful where I still had it Vivid In My Memory you know what I mean have you have you published the book or no I was still written up so basically what I thought I would do is coming out of jail is kind of observe cuz I've been away for a while Trends are changing people are changing demographic changing like things are changing quickly um social media people's attention man less and so I have to kind of Hit the criterias of the psychology of the human race now just to get if I want to cuz the book is maybe set in the early 2000s so the concepts the wordings Everything's changed from people so I want everyone to be able to relate with it not just people setting my timeline people in the F and kind of apply things that because of the way the world is now is like inspire people through the book as well like know that little things we're talking about now when they he they say ra it's true let me fix up and focus on do you know what I mean like cuz the trials and tribulations basically of doing stuff you know what I mean let's get on to now like what you're doing now I know you're doing loads of stuff I know you're in Union now and and things like this um can yeah talk talk to me maybe first how you fully made the transition and decided never to go back and then tell me about what you're actually doing now like all the things that you're doing now well for people that are wondering there's this um there's this mask T table we're talk about that people are probably thinking what's this why why why is there a mask on the table it's for brand a pill you know redwolves entertainment was like 15 years in the making the 3 years four years in reality so I had these kids that um want to do music music so much and I was around them I was like we were in the same Hostel at the time so we come up with the name rare wolves it was rare wolves Inc at the time like coming out of jail and I was like knowing that having my business ideas written up is like like I said Co kind of pushed me um shout out to 1010 again like being around them know like they used to take me out on tours shows and stuff like that so it was like you know building on my concept and what I want to do over 15 years ago technology is here now there's certain things in place like you could kind of be yourself as well so rare wolves entertainment is for ex offenders young offenders to keep them out of crime and focus in creativity so with my first artist effing wavy shout out to effing free effing even though whatever yeah um he went against the grain but is is a pack so is having that pack mentality like I never throw him off and be like ah he's just a waste man I'm trying to grow someone you understand if he doesn't take heed like they say you take a horse to the water if they don't drink you can't force it right so I I got him to a place where people were taking him in but he didn't want to drink the water that we're offering him so he went back to jail yeah so it's like after that it's like working no like adding value to myself as I can know I've just come out of jail myself like there's a lot of trials and tribulation obstacles you know trying to feed and got kids this you know how is so just staying consistent as much as I can like so when that arst dropped off I have a a concept that I created as a podcast is um called what's the time Mr wolfes playing with the Nostalgia of um our childhood um game in school and um I used to always be the wolf you know the name Mr Wolf wasn't like chosen someone gave it to me yeah while I was in jail cuz I used to bang a lot of weight I had a wolf I have a wolf tle on my call me wolf so it only made sense to come up with the concept Mr Wolf what's your time Mr Wolf and it what is basically essentially is give the artist is a chance to perform give them a chance to jump on my podcast talk about the latest release and not about them you get to hear intimate stuff like random questions and then I'll promote them online you know what I mean try to create a a a audience a new audience for them and give them a bit of my audience and anybody know that in in intrinsic stuff I get a bit Their audience stuff like that and um you know the the University as well lccm shout out to lccm man like JD yeah they're very they're very influential on what I do because they give us um a platform to perform the platform to perform they have a event space so I let the artists perform in front of them um Matthew NOS is like the controller I'll call it of the whole organization so there's a lot of influential people which makes it more broader for them they not that they're just going to perform in in some pubs somewhere they're performing in a select with a select crowd of influential people you know what I mean and then they we talk about them and then I promote them online and it's very simplistic I use a mask uh as a uh entertainment uh prop you know what I mean just to give a bit of you know like uh entertainment value yeah you know what I mean and more focus on the artists you know what I mean I'm not trying to be famous myself so I want I I believe this SM hair is is more up to date more for where we are now I mean if I say my if you ask me like what is my what made me come up with the wolf concept and that is like having the pack mentality you know like in the positive way in a positive way you know like um we're always outcasted as that bad guy you know what I mean but it doesn't mean a wolf is a bad creature you know the wolves are always depicted as a a scary nasty creature but they're very empathetic creatures you know they're very smart intelligent creatures so I feel like I relate with them in that way and a lot of us are kind of gone through this um like traversing this Society like wolves you know what I mean no not wolves and sheep clothing no like like proper we we in the jungle like stereotypically I can't go nowhere without people looking at me like ah you know like I'm feeling way and it's like I'm the most kindest coolest persons you know that's just how it is you know and No like is a concept you know and I believe with time people start to understand know putting the focus on the artist like I got a new artist called Prince dollar you know I got an artist called Spielberg you know they they're part of the pack they they they push on the ideals of the brand you know what I mean know staying focus in creativity you know creating you know being positive like letting off you know not networking like together all of us have our own different networks so coming together we build a bigger Network you know like they say your network is your Networth so that's what is building a building a team of people that have the same ideal and goals you know within the entertainment industry and F no facts respect to that man lastly I want to ask if you have any advice for younger people that might be on the roads or you know maybe a similar situation that you was in what advice would you give to that person I mean I'm not where I want to be per se but I'm under of it and the obstacles that I face that's you know you have to stay grounded you know you can't let them overthrow you like when I was young it was easy to get influenced it was easy to get distracted it was easy now it's like there's no excuses you know and for the way the world is going now is like you have you know there's no time to waste you have to make sure you're on your like so I'll just say everything you're doing try to be consistent when you're going through like a down place don't think that's the all en entirety of your situ is going to change you know when there's a bad day there's always a good day coming you know I mean that's what my belief and um I feel like this is a good day I've gone through a whole lot of afflictions since I last saw you to say I'm actually sitting down with you again so we're in a good light if you know yeah than for br me your podcast is lit no thank you for coming coming on man I'll say look I I I'll be straight right nobody believe in my ideals or my ideas even for family friends most probably a handful do but they want to see it first like I said you have to add value to yourself before anyone will add value to yourself M to you so all all I really say is keep adding value to yourself whatever you're doing you know even if it might seem like it's not growing or it's not doing anything thing just try to add to yourself as much as you can and then with time and and and consistency it should come together I back that 100% man straight facts but yeah bro it was good see you again it's been a long time we're here now you know um thank you for sharing all that you know world of knowledge you know um thank you for giving me the space no come on my bro man anytime and like I said just shout me when you want me to come down I'll come down you know that's on the record you know and uh yeah man uh uh delinquent Nation prison Diaries we are
Channel: Delinquent Nation
Views: 5,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcast, Smuggle, ingestion, crime
Id: 8bjIGICdB2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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