SURVIVING 10 Years In VIOLENT Federal PRISONS | Mykal Hall

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welcome back to locked in with the inbik this week's episode really really really interesting because we are focusing on federal prison penitentiaries I interview Michael Hall and how he got a 10-year federal prison sentence and how he spent his time going to different federal penitentiaries and medium Federal security prisons throughout the United States in this episode we dive into his upbringing the crimes that led him to the 10-year sentence and how he navigated the federal prison system hope you guys sit back relax and enjoy this episode and please please please do us a favor leave us a review on Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you get your podcast from it helps boost our show and get it out to more people I'm your host Ian Bick and thank you guys again for tuning in to my podcast locked in thank you Michael Hall welcome to the show man yes sir I love the energy bro you're very you know for a guy that just did 10 years in prison you're you're upbeat you're excited you know ready to share your story that's great I'm like this every day bro what was your inspiration for coming on the show today I gotta ask I was watching I was watching you I watched it he sent it to me and then I started watching it hold on my bad up right now yeah so he sent me your own your Instagram and sent me like your videos and stuff like that so I started watching and I'm listening to the dude story I'm like yeah that's right yeah that's right if that happens yeah I was interested so I'm like shoot I would love to come up there and you know give me muscle work yeah I'm glad we can make it happen and excited to jump into your story uh where are you from what's your childhood like me I'm from Neptune New Jersey Neptune yeah that sounds like a whole different planet yeah yeah right exactly that's what they call it the planet yeah from Neptune New Jersey man and you know I grew up not like most people but you know some people have it hard some people have it good I grew up like in between hard good you know what I'm saying go be it go both ways I can't just say like I had it hard my whole life you know what I'm saying I made my choices what did your parents do for work right now my mom worked and like some eye doctor place you like a secretary at an eye doctor place my father in prison he'd been in jail all the time while you're growing up he was in prison yeah he in jail right now was that hard for you as a kid ah yeah because I got a father you're gonna say so I got older cousins and stuff like that that's basically misleading me honestly what about siblings did you have siblings yeah I got older sister I got three sisters and a brother three older brother or younger younger brother so were you like that kind of like the father figure in the family the role model no because he grew up in Newark he didn't grow up where I was at so he never really been too much around me like right now my little brother's earned 35 years in jail right now oh wow so the whole you've come from a family of dads in prison you end up going to prison and brothers yeah wow that that just and you're calling that regular that's like a whole different life yeah exactly did you know like at a young age that your dad was in prison that was put on you very early on yeah what are your like thoughts and feelings about that at that at that point at that point I didn't understand it because I was young I didn't understand why he was going to jail where he was going to jail for I just know he'll come home then he go back to jail for some years like five years he'd come oh I'm right so I never kind of figured it to like really 14 15 I started figuring out what jail was like I knew what jail was going to jail Street rules stuff like that like I started being oh what was going on were you visiting him as a child in prison yep because they know sometimes when he's down Baseline and does that like motivate you to not want to go to prison at that age or oh is that scary that's the sad part it wasn't even scary it was like it didn't even feel like nothing it just felt like I was going to see my dad wow so that didn't deter you at all from anything from the path you were gonna follow nah honestly no I'm I'm just like my father honestly just I'm more not repetitive like him he goes back to jail I'm not going back to jail I don't I'm not going so you guys barely had a relationship growing up even with the visits and everything like that yeah we didn't have too much of a relationship until he came home right before I caught my fair case what kind of uh crimes was he in prison for all drugs every term and same thing with your brother no my brother locked up for a murder um and like stealing cars like a lot of car thefts wow now the neighborhood you're growing up in violent good what kind of neighborhood is it it go both ways but like because Neptune and Asbury it goes like it's like I could step across the street and I'm a nasberry that I could step right back across the street and I'm a Neptune like and I grew up in Asbury like I was raised in a village Village Sewell Avenue all those places but I went to school in Neptune and then I stayed at my grandma house in Neptune like so I was always back and forth so but Neptune got an up the hill part of it where it's very nice where now you won't considered no The Trenches they won't consider you in the churches no more was your mom trying to keep you away from the same path that your father took my mom honestly she she raised me a good kid all right I was always a good kid like I've always been a good person I've never been negative or this type of like I don't I don't just come off as an [ __ ] to everybody like I'm a good spirited person when I walk in the room it's energy every time and it's always good energy I'll never give out bad energy so I get that from my mother but my mother wasn't fully in my life I was raised by my grandmother rest in peace my grandmother was a very hard person very hard and do you think that affected the path you took with your grandmother raising you yeah because my grandma kicked me out at a young age so that right there would make me go straight to the streets now I'm selling drugs in front of corner stores I'm doing all this and doing all that because she was just a hard person how old were you when she kicked you out shoot I was 16 and I came back why'd you get kicked out I just I it's always been hard for me to follow rules I've been up I've never liked rules I'm just gonna be honest right now even in prison I don't like rule I don't like the rules and she always has strict rules for no reason that she didn't follow herself so it's like I never respected the rules and she just like all right well get the [ __ ] out of here isn't it interesting that the punishment of that led you into a way worse life yeah like if someone had just like stuck with you and just like held you there and just like kept you at home it may have turned out differently that's why I would never kick my son out like you know because I know that could lead you to that yeah but we have to go through it sometimes to figure that out yeah I feel like because if I never went through it like if I never went to prison and experienced would it be like how your friends act when you go to prison how the girls that you was dealing with act when you go to prison just everybody in life period how your life stops and theirs don't yeah and I'm saying people that you love he'll be the same people that'll Turn You Back on YouTube when you're down not some real [ __ ] right there so you get kicked out where does this life of crime start what happens like what's the first crime you ever commit oh we had jumped the Mexican I remember we did I was 16. uh you're fresh kicked out I jumped if we jumped the Mexican why what's the logic we was just a drug coming back from a party walking back from a party and then just doing dumb [ __ ] but that's like out of character for you because you know you're a good kid and you just you just do it yeah I was just mad at the world yeah my grandma kicked me out yeah I was just and then we just drunk and turned up are you hanging out with a bad group of kids too like that's all yeah oh my God oh my God we was demons let me just yeah out and about going to all the parties just [ __ ] the parties up for no reason when you were doing these types of things do you do you ever think in your mind like I know I'm a good person and like this isn't what I want to do but I'm doing it to kind of fit in or like what's the mindset honestly I wanted to do it I ain't gonna lie to it it was just like I just like adapted to what was going on I just adapted to it like is this adapted do you finish high school or no so you dropped out yeah I started going to school like 11 some 11th grade summer like 12th grade I was still going but unbelievingly where are you living at that time yeah shoot at my friend's house staying at his house that house then I was staying at my friend Malcolm house he ended up got killed right in front of me man so you you started off as like your mom was trying to keep you guys all together and like this stable childhood for the most part and it just it unraveled very quickly yeah what do you what would you say is like the most traumatic thing that happened to you like before even getting arrested during your your early years that was that was what my friend Malcolm died he got killed right in front of me stabbed right in his chest bled out down the malls really and what what was going through your mind when this happened one I'm sorry for your loss that that happened but what was the mindset what were you feeling what were you thinking right that's all every time I think about it make me want to cry because at that time I couldn't processed what was all going on at that time I couldn't process it I couldn't think if he was really dying or not I didn't know I just know that he was bleeding so much and he's still talking hella [ __ ] this would make me mad cause he's still talking hella [ __ ] as he died it was just like it was blowing my [ __ ] so he ended up dying you know did that just make you bitter like Angry how to get to a whole nother a way worse person and you think if that never happened you wouldn't have traveled down the path that you went on I can't say that yeah I was still already on that path I was already on that path it's just that even enhanced it that enhanced it faster I can't imagine losing someone that close to you in your in your own arms and being in that environment that's like my little brother like I was with him every single day like every single day if you don't see me you see Michael you that was he's with me all day was there anyone to be there for you like in that moment like afterwards a support system anyone trying to help teachers friends family oh my girlfriend my girlfriend was there for me at that time my mom was too he was a lot of people still there like my girlfriend that thought who is the mother of my child now she was there for me it was a couple people that was there and it still wasn't enough to like kind of straighten things out for you no because I felt like it was my fault you know I feel like it was my fault I felt like I could control the situation to where we could have just left before it happened yeah you never say I could I couldn't control the situation and his mom believed me so it made me even more like I was going through a dark time at that time Xanax was my thing now what year is this what year are you growing up in at this time this was 2011 2012 2011 2012. so I'm a sophomore in high school while this so we're we're about the same age uh give or take so what happens next after your friend passes away in your arms where does the how does it spiral because you're what 16 right at that time yeah so by 19 you're you're facing 10 years in prison so what happens in those three years it was it was a lot I got shot you got shot yeah yeah I got shot and where did you get shot I got shot down here like my leg down here and I got shot through my thigh wow in my artery and this is because of drug dealing I got it's just some some Street stuff you know I'm saying just some some anyway Street stuff honestly which really didn't matter are you in gangs or anything or how what's what's going on me I'm just well a money dude I like to get to the money I like to you know say I like to be around chill with females I'll just be chilling so you're one of those like hot-headed young kids that are just like all over the place and I got a name everybody know me everybody know me what were they calling you back then they call me boom boom back then and where does that come from where does that stem from it take just true story y'all true story this comes from right we used to be in the mall back in the day and it used to be a group of us and we used to be around like just trying to scare people like yell behind them and stuff like that and I used to have a real little voice back then so I tried to scare the people like boom like that and everybody just started clowning me little ass voice uh these are good ladies and that's how I got my name honestly okay so they're calling you boom you're doing all this what goes down the day that you that affects the rest of your life forever I'm about to say I would really man I was a lot of my friends was dying I lost a lot of my friends I lost a lot of people like at a young age like President like at 13 I'm losing my friends so that was already like basically stirring the pot let's say that it was just already stirring the pot for madness for me yeah that's what led to a lot of things and what would you say it was like the ultimate thing it led to it led to me going to jail to federal prison and how does that happen how do you get roped up in a Federal indictment at as a teenager rich I get wrapped up having a dude that was my man's like this just dealing with him he come home I guess he got locked up for a robbery or something like that so you get locked up for the robbery whole time the robbery he's trying to go do was a Sting with the feds he tries to go rob somebody for like some money or something like that and some coke and end up being the feds so he got lined up by the feds and then start working for the feds and then line me up like trying to get me buy guns and stuff like that he's the same age as you right he was two years older than me so this is a bunch of teenagers so doing all this crime and the FEDS are involved yeah and he tried to he tried to oh he started wearing a wire on me as I'm helping them I'm just being a good dude I don't even sell guns I'm just taking them to A to B I'm just oh you need some guns I know who got him you get what I'm saying and I'm taking them to him and the FEDS orchestrated this whole thing yeah with him yeah as he wearing the wire so they gave him the guns to sell no they gave him the money to come by the guns from me and you had the guns yeah but you weren't even in the gun business you were just like what helping him out and trying to make some money I ain't even making money from it really yeah I wasn't even making no money from it I'm helping one person and helping him and this was your your man's this is my best you guys were closed for years and he did and then one day that's how I figured out he was working when he had a wire on him he came over and my man's had sold them a gun that was broke and he called back and said that like hey man the ghost was good hey yo I'm gonna try to see if I can get some more money and come see you again and he hung up and I'm like ain't nobody in there right in mind ain't gonna buy something that's broken or anything messed up of what they wanted to buy and not call you back and be mad about it and that's what it triggered to let me know he working with the feds he got to be working with some type of police I didn't know the feds at that time I just like he working with the police but at that point it's too late you already made the buys and the cells a lot of times eight different Firearms already been sold by that time so what are you thinking are you like are you [ __ ] are you trying to run what it would to your mindset that's what I knew that at that time I had no guidance I know he working with the feds y'all it did a big up a brand plot to Rob them your plot this is what you're like this guy's a federal informant my best friend and I'm gonna Rob him that all the things so how does this go down hey this has to be a very stupid day about life so I'm gonna give a gift this was a very stupid day as I really think about it I chose to Rob him no one that he's working with the police what was I picking drugs leave them alone y'all here you go right here leave Xanax all that [ __ ] leave it alone do not have anything you're on drugs while you're doing this yes heavy okay Xanax and and lean Percocets all that [ __ ] is was my choice of drugs at that time okay so you're on the drugs what do you do so something oh man he working with the feds so I'm like you know what I know what I'm about to do I'm about to sell them some fake guns again I'm saying try to get them for the money like that that's what I try to do so I baked I put actual concrete bricks in a laundry bag No Cap I put actual concrete bricks in a laundry bag and I walked them out as I'm meeting them and I put them in the trunk he like all right all right good I'm trying to look at them real quick so I'm like oh no you can't look at them you can't look at them I was like his camera's there his camera's this yeah I've tried to scare butt Wyatt he like now I gotta look at them so as he said he want to look at him my co-defendant come walking up as he could walking up he like I'm like hey yo you just give the money to him you get what I'm saying and he the one with them you know what I'm saying you just get a breath to him Tay [ __ ] like that's how it was you're gonna say when I try to do that he wanted to go look at him after that it just he still wants to look at him and went sideways they put him in the trunk held him in the trunk he was with a federal agent the federal agent tried to get off the car and like hey hey they ended up robbing him too he's a federal agent yeah your boys are off the federal agent yeah so did they swarm the place or what happens you guys get away what goes down next oh we made them we made him get back in the car yeah they got out of there skirted if you would have seen the video of like him he was crying he was going crazy I'm talking about you would have thought he got shot he I'm telling you they put a 45 caliber I'm like I ain't never got it well he didn't even see that's how good it was that's how he good I can't believe you guys robbed the federal agent yeah right after as soon as we was robbing him he got off the car we robbed him too got ten thousand off him ten thousand you knew it was a federal agent no we didn't know that okay but we thought that was his he said it was like his girlfriend cousin or something like that had you have been sober would you have ever went to that deal no you would have been smarter and pulled away you know I would have probably already tried to go somewhere else the police all right so how long does it take for them to wrap you up when do they like kick down your door or arrest you they locked up my Cody the next day raided them no he's so this is how smart my Cody is after he does that he comes back on the Block the next day the police come and get him lock them up for some weed or something like that and let them go came back as soon as he came back to the Rock they came back around and locked him up next thing I know I got a call saying that he was going to Trenton to court so he threaten the court for court so I'm trying to think [ __ ] is he going to Trenton why was he going to Trinity Court and then that's when they said it oh yeah they said that the feds he got locked up by the feds I'm like oh no so I ran to Lakewood I went to my sister house of liquid that we just had brought we go to my sister house in Lakewood he locked up and they going to my mom's job they're going to they kick down my apartment that we already had down there in the little projects we were staying at where we used to be at they kicked in that house they looking for me like crazy they going to my mom job every day I'm talking about so much that my mom can't go to sleep like she's crying insanely like she's calling me I just can't take it no more got me ready to turn myself in I don't never want to turn myself in because you know it's coming you know what you're facing at this point about the mother about child she's pregnant I'm about to get ready to have a son it's just it was a lot going on oh my gosh that was like one of the stressful moments ever right there how long are you on the run for before they get you just a month yeah oh so you do make it a whole month I made a whole month is that is that like mentally exhausting being on the run from the FBI yeah it's very exhausted because they've got to stay up all day all night I'm at the window looking trying to see so when they finally came it was like a relief kind of I ain't gonna lie it's like a relief I'm sitting out the window smoking my blunt and I see a green tank I swear to God has a green tank with a water hose on the front I stood up like oh my God I tap a little cousin a little say I'm like say you see that he like oh we about to run I'm like I'm not running no more but yeah I'm just tired I'm tired I could I was done my mom called me every night crack didn't do it no more so they came out you already know they pull up they got the tank look and [ __ ] they got 12 black Tahoes they got Lakewood Police Department they got the state troopers I swear to God they hop out the when I cut they they when they uh thing rolled up on someone to the lawn they said Residence at 181 Lynn Court come out with your hands up now I swear to God I come out with my hands up man I swear you would have thought it was like a movie or SWAT associate like that when they jumped off the car they jumped out the car with the guns a little bit the AR-15s or whatever [ __ ] this was they like get down [ __ ] get down that's over how do they find you oh to this day I don't know really I don't know all right were you like using burner phones or are you playing it safe everything like that yeah because like yeah it was a brand of phones like oh yeah all my phones I use was burner phones not even trying to play a safe though that's the funny part is just at that time that's what we sold drugs also already and you're 19 years old yeah dude I just like want to give you a hug man you had you experienced all this trauma at like a young age people dying around you getting kicked out of your house and and then this that's so much yeah it must have taken you years to like process all of this and and sit through it I mean like I don't think you probably weren't as well spoken and like mature about the situation back then to really analyze this no but I mean now you are you're able to analyze and talk about it and stuff but that that's just so much in like this small period of time yeah so they arrest you they drag you out and where do they bring you oh they took me to Red Bank New Jersey they bring me to Red Bank New Jersey like their little headquarters yeah they bring me in there they yeah you get 25 years we got this cell we got this gun we got this but we know you didn't sell the guns we know you was taking it somewhere would you take them to I said man y'all gonna take me to the county right now oh yeah well you're gonna they just start typing more stuff down like I don't care I could slap down the world like take me to the county I don't got nothing to say to y'all so you knew right off the bat you weren't snitching or taking an idea hey no question no never where does that mentality come from is that just how you're raised or the streets yeah I'm my grandma raised me like that like you tell if we come and tell her something she's gonna smack us about it so what's your opinion of guys that are in your position that do end up snitching and that are part of that life that are raised your way but end up folding like what's your thoughts on that like your best friend that snitched on you yeah like just don't fold if you I feel like if you knew what you was doing literally if you was committing these crimes and you was doing this and doing that in the streets as a man just take your time because you was doing it it's like with people like I don't understand this a personal a really shoot somebody right and risk the trials of all these people saying they saw him shoot him an earth and he'll really go to trial nowhere in his heart he shot the person knowing he guilty yeah like I feel like and that searches in that kind of situation I'm not wishing you to go to jail but hey bro I'll if I was you you're guilty I'm guilty of it let me get my time out the way I'm not about to risk this in trial and then get 30 years knowing I did it I think some people do go to trilo because they hold on to hope that something could happen and don't they get 100 years they'd be thinking like damn they just gave me 100 years for this no you did it it's like I don't understand you knew you did that I would have took my little plea did my time they came home like you know what was your first phone call with your mom like what do you saying because you're sober by this point right so what are you saying to her I'm just like Bob man I don't know what's going on like they they defends ain't telling me nothing I'm just waiting to go to court so now at this point I got jailhouse lawyers in my head and what are the jailhouse lawyers saying yeah can you explain what happens when you go to a county and all the other inmates are trying to help you oh they took me to FDC Philadelphia this is where I was at Philadelphia too I did a month there I was at Six South they took me down FDC Philadelphia first thing they said to you when you walk in FTC Philly they say welcome to Philadelphia right there I started saying you know what my name is Mike nobody my name and everyone's just trying to give you advice about your case yeah and I feel like some people trying to jump on my case though I feel like some people trying to talk to me trying to really jump on my case honestly yeah hell yeah so what year is it that you got there to FTC Philadelphia 2013 2013. and your first meeting with your lawyer what does he say to you and do you have a public defender or a paid lawyer no I had a public defender and what does he say to you a public defender just was like he made me wave off all my rights I could have got bombed he made me read my rights to my bond what I don't know but I think at that time were they really gonna let you out though I mean you were on the run for a month and at that time Fez wasn't giving no bombs like now like feds will let you out on a bracelet back then he was again I don't know bracelet unless she was telling Cove had changed a lot yeah cool it changed a lot and yeah so I don't know I was praying you know what I'm saying I had a house my grandma's gonna put the house up for me to get out I don't know but he waved my rights and at that time I was mad at him but when I figured out what he did but then I thought about it like now I was happy because it counted towards yourself I stayed in and if I would have been out it wouldn't have counted and I'd have been so mad to do all them years more but yeah I think about that sometimes to like the two years I was out it would have saved me so much stress and gave me some peace if I had just if I knew I was gonna get that because you would have been already into the bid yeah but we also don't know we don't at the time when we're going through it yeah and how long are you in holding for a detention center before you're actually take could deal and sign a deal or that's mostly like nine months ten months and I finally took my plea and you took the first offer they gave you nah I didn't ever even this you might as well say it was the first offer because they never my first lawyer I fired them because he used to speak of a plea that he never will bring to me like right so if I had now I got the jailhouse lawyers go to trial they ain't got nothing go to trial I'm telling you and I'm oh I'm about to go to try that they brought they superseded it dated me three times they had three different superseding indictments for the same [ __ ] I've never seen this in my life the same charges but broken down more and it's all just over these gun sales exactly but broken down war is that still charges and are you hearing like what's going on with your co-defendant and with um your friend that set you up at the time or you shut off on the road the friend that set me up never went to jail never never yeah that's so dirty that's how good he told he's still working he probably in Nebraska but in my Cody he never told he stood he stood stood up with Cody he good man he never did nothing but I didn't know what he was doing now because he was still in my county jail and they took me all the way to FDC Philly now what's a process like when you're in prison and holding and you don't like your lawyer and you want to fire him how does that work do you have to write to the judge or what do you do man I wrote to the judge you know what the judge told me the judge told me Bob said that these saved letters that you're writing me down to your lawyer you cannot write me letters about your lord saying that you want to fire your lawyer you have to file a motion with of ineffective assistant Council or something like that and get him off your case so I ended up telling my first lawyer like man I don't want to ask my lawyer don't come back I don't want you as an alert and then he just found his own motion like all right I'm getting off your case and then they gave me even more [ __ ] and that but that's the one that gave you that got you a deal or something The [ __ ] that they gave me I said well how much time do you are you offered uh they gave me 108 most which is equivalent to nine years nine years and what are you thinking at that first deal are you like take it or do you wanna what do you what do you want like hell no I'm not about nine years how do you die I feel like I ain't doing that much you did nine years up like this you didn't kill anyone yeah he didn't get hurricanes get smacked on no gun nothing like that happen please I felt like four years four years was that's what you're thinking four years is fair fair so the what does the lawyer say no way what what happens man the Lord he came to me he said listen because I had a motion then where I kind of had the feds around the balls pause I had them I'm telling you I had them I had them with some type of motion where they didn't they didn't indict me within the 30 days they had so when this motion going on I guess the prosecutor go to him like listen if he don't go with it tell him we'll give him a plea to five years boom just to the mandatory non-24c just to announce 24c itself so I'm like all right no I ain't going for that you guys I'm about to go through with it he like if you go through with it I'm telling you now if you lose and I know you're going to lose this is what he's saying he said I know you're going to lose when you do lose they're going to supersede you and then your plea that you had is going to be more and that's exactly what happened so I spoke to you yeah no that's probably because I still went through with it I still went through with my motion and lost like he said but you didn't go to trial no no it's just the emotion that I had that I had a real good emotion that I could have really just got to 60 most and with a pen home but I did and that's how I ended up getting nine year please so you could have just took the 60 months yeah man yeah how's that how'd that make you feel after you got hit with that nine like the biggest [ __ ] in the world yeah but I also feel like you had to try yeah when you're fighting for your life you gotta try but at that time I wasn't believing what I believe in now I was guilty I was guilty I said just I was guilty I guess we always think there's like there's a better deal there's a better something to be negotiated you think there's a way out I'm thinking about getting home and seeing my son that was just born that's what I was thinking about so your son was just born at this time yeah how does it feel to be locked up and not being able to see your newborn son I seen them because they came up a visit but not to be with him every day it's very hard it was very hard were you able to hold him in the visit yeah yeah all right so you could actually touch him and and be with him yeah he was like a little puppy in my hand are you close with your girlfriend at the time do you guys have a good relationship yeah that's all and for a couple years for a couple years what did she think about what you did in your actions that landed you in prison well sure you hear about that she was just down for you she was she didn't know what I was into at one point she tried to act like she didn't know what I was gonna do but she knew what I was into I kind of lied when I first met her was she like one of those real ones that was like she was gonna ride with you either way oh yeah like most women would do when you first get locked up don't worry I'm gonna be there I'm doing it day for day lost dude yeah can you talk about that why that's a lie and and why that differs because women to even say that how do you know what you're gonna do in the next year two years three years it's like for you to even think that you're gonna predict a future is is you a bad [ __ ] from Timmy because how you know there are cases though I met some guys a woman rode with him for 10 years fifth like all the way religiously she did that bid with him my old head Muhammad from DC he did 43 years at Federal Prison his wife was with him all day his girl was with him that whole day but that was back in that type of error though no Hall Pass is nothing oh she probably did do something I don't got [ __ ] a girl go with without sex for all of them yeah she is well but the guy does it too so I guess yeah if the girl does it wow that's hard to believe yeah so this girl abandoned you pretty much off the bat or a couple times she wrote a little bit yeah she did three years with it three years yeah she did three years that's not terrible I gave it a three for her first ever doing it Three's a lot man Three's a lot to be and young too because there's her mental she was 17 at the time yeah her mental maturity wasn't there nope so I commended her for that because that was hard to do so you got this plea deal you take it judge sentences you where do you go to prison first spot Lee County and what is Lee County for those that don't know Lee County is in Jonesville Virginia Lee County is on top of a mountain Lee County is a United States Penitentiary I'm talking about at this time Lee County was okay it wasn't really like how it is now Lee County at that time had good food the yard was good it wasn't too much stabbings killings of course in the United States penitentiaries that go on but at this time it was good I was on the E unit I was chilling so a 19 year old walks into one of the toughest prisons in America Penitentiary I was 20 today yeah 20 years you're still young how do you navigate like what do you do what is your like first few days like can you walk me through that well when you first get there you know everybody want to know where you from and it's crazy because when you walk in like if I was with a Spanish dude I was with a white dude I see the Spanish dude come in all the Spanish dudes rent to own there you go I see a bag coming for him he got sweatpants he got everything coming to him same thing for the white dude when black dude come in you know what they said to me they where you from yeah I'm from Jersey oh you're from Jersey all the Jersey dudes over there like there wasn't no like you know what I'm saying like you know now that you say that it does I do see that yeah because the white guys bring a care package that the other guys bring the only ones I would see was like the Muslims would bring right like a care package but it just I don't it's something about like the black community that it's very aggressive right off the bat because you gotta think the whites and the Spanish they didn't even ask them where they was from yet yeah they just bring them the bag from the get-go they already asked him where I'm from yeah that's how much hatred was right there it's just like like you said there's just so much hatred with them blacks it's crazy so you tell them where you're from what happens next oh then they introduced me to where the Jersey dudes is and stuff like that and that was that I started they'd like yo did I get your paperwork and so I'm like well I gotta get they like sentencing transcripts book but when I was in FDC Philly everybody used to be like you gotta get your doctor she your plea agreement your PSR they didn't care about none of that are you scared like to be 20 in a Penitentiary I ain't gonna say I was scared but I definitely was nervous I was trying to fill it out because like I used to hear stories about the penitentiary and whole like in the Holdings but I've never been there so I don't know so I'm just hearing about all this telling going on so I am kind of not scared but nervous I'm trying to figure out what's going on but I know I didn't tell so I'm like shoot when I get my paperwork I'm gonna be all right you know what I'm saying and that's what happened my paperwork came and I was all right and and when you mean all right like do they start taking care of you now and how does that work well they already give you the bag to give you the speech do not take this back if you are a rat a child molester a rapist or any do not take this bag if you know you messed up if you messed up man do not take this bag because if you take this bag and we found out you messed up we're going to kill you so they already gave you the bad speech and all that so now when my paperwork comes they read it okay he good now on that note though guys do take the bag that are [ __ ] up right what happens what have you seen happen to these guys that take the bag I've seen a native Duke get stabbed through his neck I swear to God I seen a native dude get stabbed through his neck he didn't know where to run he didn't know if he wanted to try to run out the door run to the police he just looking around because he was he was messed up he was a sex offender he's a sex offender and he took the bag yeah the natives don't play I ain't gonna lie the natives don't play in the FedEx and I I've met a lot of native sex offenders not saying they're all sex offenders there's a lot and and some of them are protected because they're native but it comes to find out that they are they'll find out through a guard or anything like that this dude they got something called like the native mob like they own a little gang and a native culture and that's what the dude was and they didn't play they stabbed through his neck that was the first time ever seeing like blood squirt through people's neck I thought he was like dead I don't know if he died to this day he saw this this whole thing go down yeah I see no what in Lee County a lot of people get stabbed and I broke a new job there with a lot that's how I got shipped out you did yeah a lot all right we'll get to that point but while you're in Lee County what what other violence are you seeing on like a day-to-day basis people are fascinated with that aspect well in a Penitentiary it's like you be locked down so much that as soon as you come out something else happens it's like it's it's like a revolving door as soon as something happened we're gonna lock down a week two weeks three weeks as soon as we come out I swear if it don't happen that day it's gonna happen that week a bus going to come in somebody was hot or somebody did somebody did that to the last spot so something's gonna happen so what would you say was the worst thing you've seen and then the longest lockdown because of that oh I'm gonna say the worst thing I said was when that Riot happened between the um it really was I guess a DC Duke got stabbed or the DC dude killed or stabbed up a black can and Big Sandy at that time and it leaked over into Lee County and we had a full race ride it leaks over from another President right in the whole race riot Mexicans have never seen nothing like that Mexicans come out to the child Hall the all messed up wow and just start taking off all the black people I'm talking about New York was a bloodbath and what happens the prison gets locked down are they like pepper spraying you guys what what goes pepper spray and just what putting everybody in cuffs the whole jail was all locked down for two months two months and what happens during a prison lockdown in the penitentiary oh man you you in the cell for two days then you come out that one day to take your shower and then you go back in you're gonna come back out them two more after two more days like that and who are you settled up with yo one person or you better if you ain't gotta sell you ain't gotta silly but you're gonna be showed up with one of your people that's like from your car like so they won't put you with like someone that someone else or like is it is it was a race or is it location how does that work with cell mates yeah oh yeah you're going it's going to be really race and where you from because you ain't gonna see no whites and black person in the room or no Mexican and black person in a room like you or Mexican you hardly will see that like they have to be in the same car and that has to be like they told you you could do that yeah it's not really gonna see that now are there chomos sex offenders walking these compounds or no not them compounds so that's not good do you do some make it through accidentally no so they don't even put them on I see I see some people that read it that made it through the penitentiary yes yeah yeah Jimmy henchman Jimmy henchman was on the yard Jimmy Hitchman ran it he's only y'all and what happened to him nothing Jimmy Hitchman is a strong dude you ain't gonna do nothing really wow now prison guards are they corrupt like what kind of corruption are you seeing in these penitentiaries I ain't gonna say they corrupt because they ain't gonna do nothing for you but they definitely will watch you die they will watch you die they will watch the dude stab you up when you stabbed it they will watch it our inmates attacking the guards yeah that's regular really yeah for what though why the guy's just doing his job shouldn't there be some type of like respect level on that sense so seals all got respect so we'll always like give me a scenario I see a shoe I see the CEO get stabbed just by taking the dude he took a guy's pen they took a guy in a disrespectful way but to do her life and he had that pet for 21 years and he said that that pin he had he used to restore with ink and that same pen is the same pen he was writing his daughter for 21 years with before you take that like that's his favorite play he really took that to the heart and he kills the copper to stabs him yeah he killed the cop he killed the cop yeah and how long are you guys go on lockdown after that that was like three moves wow the cop just gets killed right there over the pen yeah I mean when you I guess when you're dealing with guys that have nothing to lose yeah they don't tell me not that that's nothing wow he'd go go to 80x do 10 years up idiots come back out and that's it yeah did you get to interact with a lot of guys that had life yeah and in the penitentiary 85 percent of the yard got life no we can never like talk to these guys because they're they're doing life what's like the mindset of some of these guys that are they like accustomed to not ever coming out or do they hold on to hope all all dudes with life really cold all the hope I ain't go a lot to you all of them think they go and I pray they do all of them thinking they had that someday somehow some some is going to come through for them to go home and they're going to go home and I pray they do I really do even the guys that have done like some bad [ __ ] like murders stuff like that I feel like everybody could be forgiven as long as I can't forgive you if like you touched a kid or something like that now that and I don't I feel like you should never come home if you did something or you just raped a woman and like really like that stuff I feel like you shouldn't come over I'm sorry that's just like out of pocket a lot of these Life Cases what are um what are they in prison for because the feds is there's not too many murders in the feds right and if it is it's bracketeer okay also being there for murders racketeering like drug cases I've seen people got life over I'll break a crack and get more races but those they're starting to try to like reverse and do good on that I've seen a lot of people get and I've seen some people give back life like after 20 years like it's like a on Route a written rule in the feds they get your life sense but after you do about 18 19 20 years they'll give you back and let you go home yeah I had guys on the podcast two brothers Lyle and Lonnie Jones which was a really good interview they got life and they got out under the first step act and they were under um crack um the crack laws and I had met guys when I was at Fort Dix that when Obama's his last days in office they had you know 20 30 years and they got pardoned down as last week it's really wholesome like seeing all those guys go home and everything so you don't do your whole bid though at this place what happens that gets you kicked out of there yeah I broke a dude jaw with a lock lock and a sock yeah yeah if he he was stealing and that's how it goes like politics when it comes to the feds you can't steal you can't do certain things on the yard like gambling and owing debts like the stuff like that so what do you do like your guys said you have to go handle this or no I just wanted to do it I was just young and just like excited to do it like they like yeah you gotta go so I'm like I'm gonna do it I don't want to do it and you know we'd meet a lot of guys like you in prison those young like the Hot Heads and when we they'd come down from mediums to the low guys are like dude you gotta chill out because you're gonna ruin it for people because they're like eager to like pop [ __ ] off so you take it and what do you do with it I put it I put the luck inside two socks it's a Master Lock I put inside two socks pull and on the way walking out before you walked out because you got to go through two uh metal detectors in the USB you got to go out through the first metal detector you got what so right before we was about to get through the first one I smacked him with the lock and they made the dude start jumping into and the police started spraying us and they took us to the shoe and how long were you in the shoe for I was gonna shoot for about like five months five months what's it like to be in chew the whole solitary for five months oh they called me the god of the shoe I did more shoot time I did more time in prison in the shoot than I did on actual combo so out of the 10 years you got how much time do you think you were spent in the show like seven years seven years I got about seven six years in the shoe bro that how does that affect you mentally man that's gotta cause I'm always into stuff man I'm telling mom always if anybody watch this right here and they comment on it they all gonna say again he's not lying I'm always into dumb [ __ ] man I was always into something stupid yeah yeah it's just dump [ __ ] now can you talk about the shoe a little bit like what's it like what's the like showering in the shoe everything and you're in a Cell all day there's is there commissary what can you do is yeah commissary do come it depends it depends what spot it is what prison you at that will give you comes there because some spots comes here come in it won't be nothing on their list like you can't get no food won't be no deodorants you're gonna say nothing like that like it's like why would you even have a Commissary list and then it's like in the shoe man like people got things called cars in the shoe where they take haul bags and they uh like basically wet tissue and put it inside the Halls bag or whatever the Milk Carton and you destroy like rip off your sheet to your to your uh to your blanket and you tie it onto the little thing you made and that's just how you get to people who sell is across from you or up from you and everything and y'all could trade whatever y'all try to do or send night uh kites or whatever wow and showers in the show how does that go down oh they so nasty too showers oh my God the showers in the shoe is so nasty but this one's like it's a little literally the shower is so small man it was in yourself yeah so some some someone will have showers in the cells and then sometimes the guards got to come and cuff you up and take you to the ones up but more likely a shower was gonna set and did you have a cellmate most of the time in the shoe yeah see me I like the episode in the shoe so you can talk to them yeah because I feel like you go crazy crazy if you don't have someone to talk yeah I rap all day I'm talking about um all day rapping I'm at the door I'm talking [ __ ] to the police throwing [ __ ] piss on all types of stuff I'm just going crazy knowing what you know now about prison and the shoe and everything do you think that the shoe is a good tactic that the prison uses hell no that's people go crazy behind the shoe I watch people literally go mentally crazy on the shoe I feel like 30 days is good enough they'd be having people back there forever sometimes yeah yeah I invested that's a that's the feds can do you dirty because they could say oh you're under investigation just keep you there yeah just come get you for nothing yeah I would see a lot of Investigations got uh guys sleeping with female staff yeah did you see that at all through your prison time uh I've never seen somebody like Max actually messed with like get us like actually [ __ ] what no or have sex with one no never seen it but you hear about it yeah I know her where thusa touched the co bug or grabbed her and a road or kite [ __ ] yeah that's crazy it's so crazy what go it's like a whole world man it really is like the stores like you could take 100 inmates and they're all gonna have a different story from prison like if they are all sitting and talking about it they'll let me get started with the people who like jerk off to the US the women all right so we have to talk about that especially in the shoe someone that spent a lot of shoe time they would do like the weekly walkthroughs everyone and inmates are sitting there whacking off in the south well what's the logic why do they do this and and what are these guards reactions I've got this right here for my DC dudes the DC dudes say that it's called being in the game that's what they call it they call it you got to be in the game so I'm like what the what is in the game so they say that when you is jerking off to a woman and if she's looking into your eyes she's in the game so I said what if they're not looking at TRS they said slim no matter what they end the game I said nah this is just creepish man this is creepiest Behavior I cannot get into this I can it's not me and they're not the only ones though everybody from every state they got people who we call them jack off artists jack off artists yeah yeah I've heard different names I have Jack of ours is the first he's a gunner that's what I've heard Connor yes snipers so do you have you ever witnessed this go down yes in your in your cell too or no no it ain't nobody gonna do that with me I'm gonna have to do something very bad to you yeah you can do that because that's very disrespectful but you like like you said in the shoot you can hear it like the girls but oh my God you create but other inmates don't consider this like sexual harassment or rape or anything like that some people do some people like you creep bro and they won't they won't tolerate that then they'll handle that yeah you guys yeah you got some people who will stand for that bro yeah then you got some like the old DC car you got some decent those DC guys are wild yeah you was praised if you do it all right so on that note about DC guys I've heard a lot about like gay for the stay and that terminology what is like what is that exactly you got so good DC man I can't do that to all them I got some good DC men that I really genuinely love like they are good dudes and they not with none of that yeah then you do got some that be on that type of time that is the truth and they will say it theyself they we they don't care they don't care they feel like if they get head from a man that's not gay but then they'll get out of prison and they'll be fine they're just they girl be fine with it like their girl or no that they was dealing with men inside prison and be okay with it when they come home I think the DC car has like the worst weapon and on the East Coast they're known for being like very vicious towards white guys yeah they look at them and you know as like Pride exactly and they're like they're those are guys that'll like you know they'll rape someone or they'll do whatever and they think it's acceptable raped I see go ahead does that make you think about things does that like scare you or like it didn't scare me because I know nobody's gonna do nothing to me but I think a lot of them DC dudes the Savages but if they if they can smell that you weak they're on you man the Hyena's gonna come for you man and they I really act like that I'd see guys like licking their lips like they're like like if they're coming down from like a medium and stuff and they're they have to hold themselves back like hey bro we're not at a medium no more we're at a low like just seeing how the [ __ ] goes down right did you uh go on Conair at all oh yeah I've been to Oklahoma like eight times all right so talk about your experience Con Air that process in Oklahoma shoot my first time being on it they took us to Harrisburg Pennsylvania I go to Harrisburg Pennsylvania and when you ride up first you just stop because it's like you go around this little Bend and when you pull up you're pulling up to like this old a bit like looking abandoned airport so you you might sit on that bus right there for like two or three hours before the plane come you'll see where the play Come and everything circle around land and when you finally go through the gate the bus y'all gotta all line up and don't talk about this a whole bunch of buses and the plane is right there and it's people coming off the plane and they gotta go to the side and stand in lines like inmates while all of us inmates are getting loaded off the buses and then they'll call us one by one to go get searched and all that to go up on the plane and when you see the fair plane I swear to God got a United States flag on like the little tale of it and one of them is no law it got a duck that's definitely not a lie that is a true story they still have it to this day yeah and the marshals they have guns surrounding the plan and you're chained up yeah I know I know the Marshall's names by Hearts They Know My Name by heart oh man are you like talking [ __ ] to them every time I get on there I start talking [ __ ] they're like oh we don't care about you all where you going now and then they bring you to Oklahoma what's Oklahoma City like Oklahoma when I got there it was a long ass hallway I'm talking about the wall hallway long with a bench on this side I used to be two benches long like that but they cut it in half for like the women on that side now but it was a long bench long hallway and you gotta sit down and you wait in Oklahoma and you sitting there until everybody could get up and you gotta walk on this like long wooden type box and they take the chains off y'all and then you go to a big room and change and there's only like one little toilet in this giant holding room too and it's like 100 people in the room and they're waiting because they have to process each person in I remember getting there at 7 and you don't get up to the units like two or three a.m sometimes you go for one room big room to another big room to another big room you just yeah people could play in like about um Airlines and waiting and cancellations and [ __ ] you have not experienced pure Airline suffering until you ride Conair and go through that Matt is trying to get up and you got to take a [ __ ] or a piss and you cuffed up and you by the window yeah and you got a cheese sandwich while the Marshalls would be chowing down on McDonald's or Burger King into playing and they they do touch it on purpose yeah so cookies you get a a water say Oklahoma on the water all right you've been to a lot of different prisons in America Federal prisons I'm sure you've seen a lot of different currencies can you talk about like what the currency is used on different yards and who sets the currency and how it works well most of the Yards I've been no mostly be like books of stamps actual melon stamps but they say in like lows like the money would be food or something like that like people that take food as the currency instead of books and stamps now how does someone convert books to stamps into actual legit money how do what's the process I mean well you could have shoe as a person I make the phone call like yo I'm trying to buy these than enough for my mans they could have cash app turn or you could physically make the person bring the people the money uh Western Union yeah cash app is definitely big in prisons now yes are you seeing a lot of cell phones too in the prison not really but you you fairton I've seen so I've seen some spots now some spots that had them maybe when you got to the mediums not so much as the penitentiaries are harder to get in yeah they real hard now back to the currency like books of stamps do people sell them in in bulk at a cheaper rate like say 10 books normally goes for a hundred dollars it'd be seventy dollars it would be 70 if you buy a bunch some people 50. did you gamble at all or anything like that I used to stay rolling dice I loved CeeLo man we had my my man's dice come on the show and he explained the CeeLo game dude you know what it was I think it was a DC car that put me on to it yeah and I would be shooting them all night and it was just dude it's there's an adrenaline I do it for hours it was so much fun yeah I love c-lo that's I'm talking about you might walk on the unit and it'll be a group of inmates sitting there rolling silos smoking whatever seal like man just let them do them dude it's it's such a fun time and it passes time and the guys love it and now smoking you mentioned smoking what is K2 and why is it so big in federal prisons oh my God because K2 is where they can't if they if they give you a urine test it's not going to come up in your urine so instead of smoking weed or like some people take some boxes and they call it being urine K2 it doesn't so everybody smokes it that [ __ ] [ __ ] you up what now like I would go to the bathroom at night and they would have a chair in the bathroom stall and I'm like what's this chair for they're like come over here 10 11 o'clock at night you'll see why what are you seeing some of these guys do on K2 yeah I seem to do so hard one time off K2 he got high I started smoking he burst out the room start running I'm like why is was he like he'd get to the middle of the floor and he just start throwing up I ain't got like orange throw up his throat was like orange then he jumped down on the ground and start like swimming through it like I'ma see where I'm in Sea World I swearing a lot I could die right there oh I was cropped up with the whole unit was crying laughing and what does the prison do when they they get these guys and there's no way to prove that they were actually on drugs right yep they took them down to Medical cleaned his ass up and broke it right back to the unit and some of these guys like when it's count time I know other inmates are trying to get them into the cell right for count because these guys be [ __ ] up yeah it's like bro get it yourself yeah like yeah cause you gonna make us get locked down or you're gonna make something happen that it don't have to if you just get your high ass in the room did you have a prison hustle at all to make money they sell cigarettes K2 I used to be selling you anybody tell you I walk around the yard I got pizza slices candies I do everything on the yard how did you um get tobacco and to sell wasn't we used to steal it from the guards they used to have spit they'll spit in the cup and we used to get it and then we'll steam it up bring it back to like tobacco break it down and sell it wait you would take a guard spit steer how would you steam it up you gotta you gotta you gotta steam the cup up like somebody makes a fire or something like that or um they make like a candle and you'll put like a cup of water under the candle and you'll put a thing of plastic over top of the cup and you poke little holes through it and you'll put the it's not the spit but it's like the little like the little like reddish glop balls that they used to have I don't know I can't explain it that comes inside the stuff and you have to pour it out and you put it on top of that and the steamed from the smoke uh dry it out this is kind of gross man yeah so how much are you selling this for I'm selling them some people buying cigarettes for um three dollars some people buy cigarettes seven dollars then you got ten dollar cigarettes do you roll it in the toilet paper tissue yeah they'd be like the not the but the thing that come inside the toilet paper like that the thing that comes yeah the rapper because that's what the guys are smoking they smoke it up I'll say I don't smoke cigarettes so it was like all profit for me yeah so what was your profit margin you selling it for three how much did it cost do you have to pay someone to roll it or are you rolling it yourself and steaming it oh no I was doing it my self-esteem in it but I give it to somebody to say like I just give it to them and they gonna roll up their cigarettes so what are like some unique prison hustles like we hear about the basic ones like having a store tattooed this what are like some uh original like creative prison hustles man it's a dude who can make remotes basically out of your watches uh I'm like I told him I'm like I don't know what you doing in prison this man made an actual remote control of his watch where he could change the channel from his watch no law and how much would he sell like a remote for what would it be used for itself remotes like 300 and what would someone use the remote for to change the channel on the team because the other inmates would break the other remotes yeah or just you or you couldn't get a remote you might not have a remote to the TV you might have to or get tired of going to the guard get in the remote together some people be tired of that now back to the uh something I I'd never asked someone about is toilet paper in federal prison can you explain that process like how it's distributed and why it's so sacred in federal prisons because they get you two rolls like every week they'll come by like the data if they do maintenance thinking of soap and stuff like that to give you two rolls some spots they won't be Petty like that so dudes just throw it out right here take it with the sub Spots You're gonna get two rolls one for you or one for your selling or you're gonna get four rules two for you or two for yourself and it's it's like it's bad especially when commissary is locked in you can't buy new ones oh my God you have to like preserve that right and I never really thought of it like I never went through the whole two rolls guys would be like yo can I get that and I'm just thinking it's like it's toilet paper sure man you're gonna have to roll a toilet paper oh Tom is really cool but some yeah some guys have like a Nat bag full of full of toilet paper under their back it's like stuff not even cop and then they would also have bags of commissary um that are just under their bag in case of a lockdown they're stocking up for the next lockdown the level be the store man dude it's it it's so crazy man yeah what about like shakedowns are they doing cell shakedowns or yes they do they do issue and you might have like a unit manager who wants to do that on a specific day every week so how does that go down what's the process um basically it's called inspection they walk around inspect your room everybody gotta stand outside their cell or just be outside they sell while they're walking around respecting they go on your cell and look through yourself see if your bed was made stuff and they'll go through your [ __ ] and whatever they find they find trust some belief you're going to the shoot once they lock that door you know up he going to jail why what do you think was the hardest thing about prison for you the hardest thing about prison for me I'm gonna say is like you'd be so out of touch with your family especially if you get sent so far and then they'd be taking like your phone like if you see Dade show when you're in the shoot they take your phone 90 days anyway take conversation you know what I'm saying so being out of contact with your family is very very like it's very hard no and especially when you're in the higher security prisons where there's no self easy access to cell phones and where is the farthest they had shipped you out to the first song I went to was Atwater and where is that California California and your family your family's in New Jersey and they're sending you to California but that was your own doing like it's not like it was your first time ever in prison they sent you right there no I'm not there no what at what point do you change your mindset and you're like I gotta get my [ __ ] together like I can't keep doing this I didn't I'm gonna tell you the truth I didn't the whole prison bed you were just yeah I didn't get no halfway house I didn't nothing I did I went to the halfway house and was home 17 days and they sent me right back looking back on it now why do you think that was and do you regret that at all yeah I do regret it I was young I just was just young and just really cloud chasing I'm gonna tell y'all just clout Chase I want everybody to know my name and the feds and all that and that's how it is now and you lost your entire 20s yeah I lost my job you think about it now like I could have had more time with my son like I could have done so many different things yeah do uh but at that point in life and that's the realest thing I could say I lost like love for people like real life lost love for like anybody that was out in the real world that didn't like I didn't care about nobody at that time in the morning nobody felt like everybody was against me why why did you feel that way because a lot of people I used to do stuff for when I was home ain't showing the same love no more to me while I'm in jail but do you feel like they owed you that and that was very selfish of me but I did feel like they owed me that because I felt like if they was in my shoes I would be going crazy for them now knowing what you know now would you be crazy for them no you wouldn't no because I know they wasn't crazy for me no but if it was different people like if the rules were reversed it was entirely different people oh yeah I'll go crazy for them if now that you've done a 10-year prison sentence if like say you have a new best friend he gets 10 years you're gonna be with them I'll be it's people I take care I'll take care about like 10 people right now in jail every day they go I need 50 underneath this or anything some people don't have anything yeah I know and I know that and that's why they call me because they know that I know how I feel to be in a situation so they know I'm gonna take care of them yeah were there ever times that you called people back home and they didn't help you and you you felt like abandoned or lost or like a empty feeling yeah and what about your mom during this whole 10 years my mom did day for day with me I love her to death you guys talked and stayed close my mom made sure she said if it wasn't fifty dollars it was a hundred dollars every Wednesday wow that whole nine years straight that that's how that's a mom right there she held you down and what about your siblings were you close with them during I know the other brother got arrested but uh well he got arrested he just got arrested though that just happened to him like three years ago that just happened he wasn't but I was already locked up with you so I was locked up when he caught that so but um yeah like what about your dad was were you in touch with him during your bed he was in jail yeah but can't um sometimes they set it up where you can communicate we was right and I was writing him and then when he had came home while I was still in and then went back in while I was doing and you probably think that that was like cool because you were clout chasing or no no you think that was cool at all I thought that was the dumbest thing ever like how you come home like you he went to jail twice while I was doing that one bit do you think that's when your mentality started to change when you saw him do that yeah like did that make you think at all about things yeah well I got to the end of my bed and because once I lost all my good time it was like I didn't give a [ __ ] I didn't care about nothing so I was like it ain't nothing can happen to me no more like I'm Invincible honestly that's how I felt I felt invisible there's nothing you can do to me I'm gonna go home regardless of this day you can't stop me how much time do you end up serving the whole 108 months and what could you have gotten out of if you if you had acted accordingly and shoot out of this seven I did like seven almost seven years eight months or something so you gave them like a free two years almost yeah lost all of it that's crazy yeah and from like what you know for cloud for cloud it's crazy like the things we do you know to appease certain people or to to be liked or fit in or anything like that so and there's sometimes I had to stay in no business though because sometimes some some of the CEOs might disrespect me then I beat up the police yeah a lot of times I don't [ __ ] the police of many prisons out of wood level work I don't fought the police just McDowell West Virginia what's like the craziest uh fight with a CEO story that won't and McDowell that when they sent me to Big Sandy and the CEO I don't know what he was on that date I guess he had got into it with the inmate I was talking to but he came in I'm talking about hot too yeah what you talking about now talking to that at me so I'm talking with they man I'm like damn you ain't even gonna say like excuse me no nothing like you just straight came and bombarded our conversation he's like what I'm like you ain't say excuse me you just came over here and just you know came right into our conversation he like what matter of fact you shut your [ __ ] ass up [ __ ] me I ain't gonna lie say he said you shut your [ __ ] ass up I said but yeah I I ain't like him I'll [ __ ] you up like that right he's like what he said man he said he's like I said man I'll [ __ ] you up he's like go down to the Lieutenant's office I started walking to the Lieutenant's office he started walking with me he like yeah yeah he's lucky I would have [ __ ] your [ __ ] ass up I'm like yeah all right you know not to say nothing I would have really [ __ ] you up and he grabbed my plate I was eating some food grab my plate and swung it I punched him we started fighting right there and he hit the button and the police came he [ __ ] me up and what's a button uh I guess it's the button they push on the side that's the code for them to make the other police come saying he in distress he need help so what happens to the police came when they [ __ ] me up they ran like a a swarm of them yeah yeah I remember seeing like when a button got hit they dropped what they're doing and they went they're all runs trained to run straight there there you go so what do they like tackle you what goes down yeah they tackled me um they were stopping on my head stopping on my neck twisting my legs and twisting my arms and doing all crazy stuff and then they finally cuffed me so when they cuffed me that's when they really started going there I felt like they was doing the rock elbows you know dude you're lucky you didn't get another charge man that you made it through this whole 10-year sentence without getting indicted again or charged or anything like that what dude I stabbed yeah yeah this makes me sick here what they got one dude that stabbed them with King and you were just like carrying around Shanks and and doing all this yeah I used to make Shanks out of the 10 khakis they give us yeah I used to be able to sharpen the shanks with them I don't know it's like the fabric for some reason you can use them and then it's sharpen the knife in the feds do they give you razors like they do in the other ones like how do you shave they give us weak razors though but you could pop them open yeah yeah that's what people be like cutting these summer dogs and all that stuff so they still give you razors does anyone get hurt with a razor in prison well yeah don't you think it's a bad idea to get to give some violent criminals some razors especially with New York news man New York dudes is like Radiologists they could just they just good slice your face wide open is there anything like you regret now doing in prison like against someone else or anything like that yeah there's a lot all the stuff I really wish I didn't do because I didn't have to do it I just was clout chasing wanting to do stuff for nothing I wish I never did it does it does it keep you up at night thinking about it sometimes yeah a lot of stuff that I went through in prison definitely keep me up like I still like get inside my shower with my shower shoes right until this day right now yeah was that do you think that was like one of the hardest adjustments coming out yeah it's like it's a lot like I still wake up early like I wake up five six o'clock wait for like it's like the doors gonna pop yeah dude what's like the terminology but behind like being institutionalized like do you feel like you are in a sense like after doing 10 years on a certain routine as I carried over I know I'm institutionalized no question about it I know it's certain things like if a person is too close to me I'm automatically like indefensible ready to you know what I'm saying and that's how I know I'm institutional laws because this is the real world people don't even think they're doing no harm to you like not wanting to be touched or anything like that like Walmart people uh hit your car or hit you on accident and don't say nothing and just keep it moving and then defend independent thing and say sorry or nothing like that you probably would have stabbed that person you know what I'm saying so yeah it is like enough respect so what what year do you get out I just got out last year you got it 2000 22 2022. what was it what do you think was like the biggest change in the real world and the Free World from when you went in my biggest change was the like I had to start getting used to really being around people like being around people again like it's like something in jail like I don't know it's like I felt I I was going so long that I started feeling uncomfortable in jail can you understand what I'm saying with that like being around with people I was around all that it's like I was comfortable it's like when I got out of jail I was very uncomfortable around people got very uncomfortable because it's like I don't know nobody no more I feel like I knew people where I was at I don't know the Bro body no I don't know nobody no more yeah yeah I was like scared to trust people because I didn't know you guys it's just so much stuff going on I just do you heal from that over time like what's how's your mindset shifted in just like the past year oh well the past years yeah it's like from when I came home to now it's like I trust more but I still move a certain way like I don't like going out and being socially involved with everybody and I don't know I just I don't like to do stuff like that stuff like that makes me feel congested like I'm just stuck so loud I don't like that feeling are you cautious now of who you spend your time with too yeah do you have a better sense of like your value of time and freedom and and people are surround myself around keeping your peace and and finding your peace I'll protect my peace at all course I think when you lose your piece like you get into a scary spot like when you're in prison you don't really have that peace and when you get out you know certain things can trigger not having your peace and you have to protect it like that's something I'm working through myself like as I navigate certain situations I'm really realizing like the value of keeping my peace and other how easily others can affect that and I want to be in control of that and not lose that and it's definitely like it's I'm very cautious about that and and who I let into my circle because we don't wanna no one wants to lose their peace the the piece is like one of the most important things you have right so what about your relationship with your kid after 10 years does he look at you differently are you guys having conversations yeah I'll talk to my son every day me and him like it's crazy because he loved me so much like I've been with them every day like I never level like that's how he act like are you making sure he doesn't go down the same path you traveled of course and I love like he wouldn't be a surgeon so eye surgery he wants to be an eye surgery so I'd be really big on him about those things so I'll like Google stuff about eye surgeons and stuff like that and I'll quiz them you know what I'm saying like ask them stuff about it and if he don't know it then I'll teach him about it because I know that's what you want to do you know say sorry I'm big for what you want to do yeah before your path spiraled out of control what were your aspirations like what were your dreams as a child growing up I wanted to go to the NBA you want to go to the NBA and and you you were that was in your heart that you wanted to do it I used to love basketball but I just was too much into the streets I used to let the streets control me I did I just didn't even care about even getting too far into it but I used to be real good at basketball do you ever think about that those early days like the childhood like I'll be with my friends and I'll reminisce about like the good days middle school high school I do that all the time before things went bad like I don't know what it is I don't know if it's the music I don't know what it is but you just can't have a good time or more yeah I'll be driving I'll just remember those days and they're like happy times and I'll smile I'm like wow man like life was just so much simpler like they just said for the Fourth of July back in day Fourth of July I used to be able to go to a cookout yeah now Fourth of July you got to ask who's having a cookout that's crazy now you were saying that in prison your mindset was still the same way before you got into prison like that you know getting into trouble that aspect when did it change when you got out and why did it change shoot because I know that if I do anything that I'm gonna go back for a long time and I'm definitely not going back to jail period I just don't want to go to jail wasn't a lifestyle that I really liked it was I had to do a type of thing do I want to do it again no do you think if you had gotten if you got that original five years would you have the same mindset you do now no I probably would have been back in jail already you needed that 10 years that's crazy to think about to save me I'd say yeah and what what do you do now for work like right now me I'm on like flipping houses and stuff like that so I got my own but I'll rap so I kind of make a little bit of money for my rapping and stuff like that and I'm just trying to put it towards flipping houses and making generation more just generating money so I could just put more into my music until finally something happened or you know I'll just be a landlord start trucking companies whatever I can do with my money just I want different Avenues is that your what you're passionate about I'm passionate about my music but I love just entrepreneurship I love it like I don't know something about being a businessman I just love it yeah do you feel like that was like your purpose your calling like everything brought you to this to do that yeah before I even went to jail I was when I was selling drugs I was thinking about getting my drug money and opening up a laundromat didn't even know why but I just went to the laundromat like I already had the game plan I can't do illegal things for too long like yeah go go to jail that I mean that's good that I think it's helpful for people to know that like that you've you've gone through this [ __ ] you caused all that trouble in prison you went through it the worst of the worst and you you're out and you have that clear mindset that you're not going back like this is who I am now and I think that's great like that's a great message now knowing everything you know now and you went back to your 19 year old self and you sat down with him what do you say to that 19 year old self I tell them do not clout chase you do not have to do none of the things that you're going to want to do you do not have to do them just go home in yourself go home foreign just go home man that's all I should have tired of told myself just go home do your bid now are you talking about my 19th self before while I was about to have to go to prison or no before before you went to prison yeah everything oh I would have told him bro it's a thing called Bitcoin it's gonna be super big when you see it buy a ball of shares those are October yeah I actually got to offer to buy Bitcoin 2013 and I shut up but I think about that too I'm like well you know as soon as it made 10th Grand I would have cashed it out so it never would have seen the billions it would have been worth anyways good would you see a little bit of growth you just have to be like oh I'll take it yeah that's like at the casino you know and you keep pressing it until you until you lose it and you're done what's the next like five years look like for you are you are you planning into the future are you thinking about what's next for you yeah I'm gonna be I feel like I'm gonna be a multi-millionaire within the next five years I think within the next two years that's how I feel I'm putting a lot of ground a lot of work right now and how do you get back like how do you how do you make peace with like some of the actions you've done like in the past what's your plan to like get back to the world because money and stuff is great money power and all that yeah like I want it like me I'm big on homeless I don't like homeless people like I don't like seeing people homeless like that okay I don't know something about me every time I see homeless people if I got it I'm gonna give them money because I could be there I could be in a situation I just feel like there's so much people with all this money they could come through come together and at least get like an apartment complex and how's the homeless people yeah yeah about all these apartment complexes yeah but y'all can't put none of these homeless people up and just come over it's not that hard let them do whatever they do in their house that's on them but at least put give them somewhere to live do you also ever think about um the people that were close in your life and how that affected them doing those 10 years with you do you think about that and and their feelings and emotions of course how does that make you feel it really I I really feels like bad for myself because I was putting them through a lot of stuff I used to just call and lie about stuff I'm about to do just so I can get some K2 and I really might have probably went and did the stuff I was about to go do just because they thought I was playing around I mean you're a poor mother you're probably telling her to do stuff that she's like what is he getting into and like they're out I know how I made my dad feel when I'd call him for stuff I used to make my mom cry for real and it hurt that hurt me like so much because it was the drug the drug was so addictive and I felt like if I did smoke at that time like I'll like I said I'm gonna do something yeah wow just offer a little attitude or somebody rubbed me the wrong way or I'm about to stab him yeah yeah so I've spoken K2 heavy to keep myself calm Michael thank you for coming on the show man this has been great a great conversation thank you yeah definitely like different uh it was really interesting diving into like the prison stuff um on the penitentiary level and then hearing your experience man and I hope you reach those goals that you want to get and stay on that path man and keep doing your thing and I'll be sure to check out your music you want me back bring me back where could uh people find you at uh you can find me all everything YouTube Twitter Instagram uh what's it now uh Tick Tock yeah yeah all of it broad day Boom the real broad day boom just type in Broad day boom you're gonna see me light skin dreads tattoos You're Gonna Know Who I Am cool yeah we're gonna put all your information in you and then the bio of the episode and people will definitely check you out man check me out on Spotify all in that type of really Federal my EP is up there what's the best song you would recommend for a first time listener oh I'm gonna tell you go listen to napkin napkin is a very good song I love napkin on that EP napkin you're gonna like napkin that's a very good song awesome man thanks for coming on the show on uh safe travels back yeah thank you foreign
Channel: Ian Bick
Views: 278,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ian bick, Police, Locked in
Id: zd2r-C6dK0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 39sec (4719 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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