Discussion with frogzy - he talks about shooting at police, road life and how he turned it around

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if man didn't see the jakes the man would have seen one of them in it yeah and then you might have caught uh yeah yeah and then man wouldn't have the mindset that man have now man's not here to just go joe or that yeah man's parents didn't come over here from wherever they come yeah man to just be yeah like it's embarrassing it's embarrassing i'm saying to you from that because you know i'm saying yeah you see it on mommy's face when the first time i got back her face she couldn't believe it bro you know i'm saying to you man that lives it live through it yeah yeah man come out and chat to the use say yo don't do this don't do that you know what they're gonna say my man fell off but yeah yeah yeah i'm saying that's that yeah you can't win with them yeah my man fell off that's if you're not doing it but if you're still doing it yeah and you tell them yo hey don't do what man what you delinquent nation prison diaries this is frogzy yeah scaring my brother yeah um billy told me about you i looked into your thing you had a viral case at one point i even saw that in joel i just said to you before very interesting story yeah yeah so um just want to get to know you a bit you know i mean before we get into the crime or or what happened your prison experience i just want to know your upbringing how did that how was that like for you for example like growing up in home before you got onto the roads and that and kind of i don't know if you thought about yourself here but in jail you know you do little courses in that year that yeah you kind of reflect on you actually got onto the roads you know i'm saying like what was that certain people got that turning point you know what i'm saying so like from the beginning if you can um how i got into the roads just the momentum on the area in it yeah you're saying i don't feel like man chose to get onto the roads like but obviously i had a set of friends and obviously you know how it goes man i grew up mischievous you know i'm saying things did you grow up like single parent household or well no no see my mom went with my pups but you was going back home no no no no no no she went with my pots but my little brother's in it oh their pops is in there yeah didn't it okay so you had a father figure and that so to speak so to speak yeah yeah yeah so um we would you say we just like growing up on the estate kind of thing yeah not even just the estate though no that i'm talking about primary school veterans that live kind of now i'm saying somebody checked my man on very rare weekends playing that yeah coming in late yeah secondary school starts now meeting man from that other parts are happening in it yeah i'm saying to you so now obviously you're building bonds relationships with them and wherever you know saying then yeah before you know it you just get involved in it yeah it gets like that did you feel like did do do do you feel like you could identify like a turning point so like for example for me uh i think i was a i was a child and then one of the older lots like it's a family member you know i mean north star you remember no style back in the days and i saw the kashan yeah they did the there and then it was like right and then and then i see everything basically i was like right that's how man want to be and it wasn't like it wasn't like man idolized that year but you know when you're young and then you're thinking right no i feel like man see that in that films and [ __ ] music videos and all that man's working watching [ __ ] like paid him fool yeah you know i say mr society and all of them things like oh yeah yeah yeah like so yeah these these different yeah these different things that you can influence as well you know yeah yeah yeah yeah and you know the lifestyle is good in it when you're in it you know what i'm saying obviously it's peak but it's good didn't it do you know what i'm saying oh it's only pete when you look back yeah i'm saying i'm looking back here how am i used to living my life blood that's mad mental health i remember one time i was chatting to a man and he's like actually not live like that but that's all my note i didn't know like these things are crazy you know i'm saying that's crazy that you even said that cause i was thinking about it literally the other day here that same conversation with you know normal people civilians and and when you're telling them certain things yeah they're like that's not how you even sleep in that night because these type of things will i guess give certain people mental health in it like yeah notice that traumatic things man them are though obviously man just front it off better but you're not saying that's a good point expand on that like would you would you for example you got passes yeah yeah you're looking over your shoulder in it yeah i'm saying to you and you might not even realize it one time i was walking with my mom yeah and and i literally walked on my road yeah from that man's doorstep to like like the car in it yeah but the amount of times i looked left and right yeah was ridiculous i didn't realize it my mom was like bro what are you looking for and just that that made me conscious of yeah obviously i'm like well you don't want to get caught like you're your mum yeah and it happens isn't it exactly yeah now but i i didn't realize it but so now like like bro we know what we're in and we know raw what can happen for me i've been at six months now yeah but as i told you before that i spent enough time in jail did it did it there so coming out now a big 30 year old man yeah it's like when i'm like if i'm driving my car or if i'm like little things i used to do like you know look out for like oh is that feds you know little things like brother imagine i see someone realized yeah i see a cid even today i see a cid and and just because they drove past me i noticed them but like you see them days you know every cid cardboard i'm saying like your number these are things you look out for but you see when that's bro for me it's like a weight off your shoulder bro it's like when you're out of it you know what i'm saying it's just like you know but i understand as well like for me i understand a lot of burden but i understand that there's a lot of people that that are that are in it and it's not really easy to get out of it and you know what i'm saying but yeah man so what would you say like would demand them and that and you just kind of had friends and that and then that's how yeah that's that's you know that's what everything stems from yeah yeah you know i'm saying that's man's bedroom introduced to his bedroom yeah and obviously we're all from one area and it's cool when it yeah yeah it starts happening and everyone picks their side in it yeah yeah so like you had a case yeah that would like i said it went viral like you know and it was um shooting at the police in it and what sentence did you get for that um i got a 12 to 6 12 d6 um was you on a joint enterprise yeah yeah okay yeah yeah you had to join the practice yeah because all you know was together in it but yeah that thing went viral i'm gonna pull it in right now i'll put the video in there i'm thinking about violence if i speak when i [ __ ] then vote especially done man wrong ah [Music] sprawl um wha wha what happened bro did you think it was obsolete no no i knew that you know i remember what spiff tv days you know when i was in jail tv yeah i wasn't enjoying it they couldn't have known people are hitting my my people was like right what did they know it was fed of course bro i was just not trying to get it obviously looking back now i actually took the gun charges but because you would have got half of yourself yeah but man's trying to get away from me so let off after the juice was it you no no no all right next time yeah yeah let off after them i might get away in it yeah yeah i'm saying then and man did get away i got arrested six months later bro oh was it six months yeah from i'm not saying so what was the a minute was it a thing where you was on the run or was it a thing where um just after six months they just clocked no obviously jake started hitting them use up that mom's because i was on the other side didn't it yeah and denman playing in man's direction in it yeah no way i'm certified for these lot it's them yeah i'm saying to you yeah the next day jakes was on the ends bro like it was on the ends terrorizing everything bro you know i'm saying that yeah my name was getting nicked for suits and [ __ ] yeah yeah i remember the man i'm saying you always peek on the ends so i kind of knew but after like a month or so like back to normal in it [ __ ] i mean when they come and hit me for that oh [ __ ] was going on i haven't forgot that they need me for that when i got to the station you know i was saying that you know bringing this up yeah bro it was a it was it was a it was a my thing like what was you in the end your own ends no no man was circling i was are you recirculating okay okay to me it looked like it was a cid course yeah it was it was but that man said but you know you know all the sid cars isn't it okay i'm saying i know the sid cars you get me as soon as soon as man got down yeah to the road my sword i was like oh wow the way we come from was a hill [Music] i see a man lose his bike i don't know that was man know that i went down signing my head said yo jump up and just jump up i'm like there's no way i'm getting back then these are like yeah yeah i'm not getting gripped here i'm getting away with these man because it cuts off when um for me it was a bit like across the corner you have that conversation in it like with yourself like if feds pull up here are you gonna you know what i was saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's like obviously human master just made that decision yeah right yeah yeah it's not what i'm saying hey well in any situation you're always trying to get away in it yeah you never want to get grip with it if man could have cut yeah without them yeah then obviously that you don't want to be off at jesus you know no one's getting too close too close here but i i don't know i'm just going to guess yeah i don't know but for me personally because what people might think right these [ __ ] are savages which she probably was here but i mean like for me personally if i was going to be at the jakes i wouldn't beat into the windscreen you know what i'm saying i'll probably be like do you know what i'm saying at the floor in it yeah so just to say a warning thing do you know what i'm saying okay you're not trying to burn a fed in it with china fed hopped off the bus yeah exactly exactly you're just trying to get them off you in it yeah and that's what i that's how i see that headstock yeah you need that that's how i saw it broker obviously like i said i used to i used to do certain things and did it man that live like that left would not understand yeah yeah yeah you're not trying to you're not trying to kill the fed or nothing like that you just want to get some time and that's understandable bro you know what i'm saying but um you ain't got nothing else to add to that or anything that you ain't really spoken about you know what i'm saying car for me it was like i see the video now that i'm with you now yeah it's like what more can you really say on the image and i'm saying but what yeah nothing else to see what exactly like so did they bag all you lot together could you no separately separately yes i hit my i was lost to get arrested in store hit mark two cody's first yeah did they grab him first yeah okay what was that because of man talking that's it i always saw the video i was like how did they even grab you man you know what i'm saying people man man's direction obviously like i said and i don't even know why the feds went and grew up my man to be fair i feel like they just thought it was him did you have a cad report or something that like so like you must have been thinking right that was nuts but i you know hackney man's going into the marsh isn't it yeah anymore yeah i'm saying someone's going into the marshes there's one side of the marshes then our side of the marshes in it yeah the chopper reached asthma is getting into man's side of the marshes in it but remember birds have you they can still yeah somebody's thinking blood chopper man's pissed what looking like we didn't know at the time but the fed fought man's gone a different way oh so they've gone in a different yeah the chopper's different in that direction yeah because i've had like many times choppers come out you know what i'm saying and bob when they come out it's kind of yeah yeah you're getting crap you're getting grabbed in it you know what i mean so yeah that's a blessing and then what did they do today did they get a warrant and come to your yard um yeah i got good about on feds man they coming with the things and yeah and then what did they say like did they say like so they obviously must have beated off your team what earlies yeah early bro locked off my whole road and [ __ ] it was embarrassing i'm just coming out i'm like blood you know what yeah early morning yeah so roads are blocked off i'm glad i see him as neighbors i'm thinking uh this is a joke thing from so they're thinking man's missing uh yeah i'm saying things see my next day or cup like what was that some [ __ ] you know i'm saying yeah yeah yeah they build man then fast forward what but they already had your codes though yeah but everyone we've got all got bill in it yeah so do you know i was thinking yeah so when they've grabbed like your two other codies was you thinking rahman's next or did you think right maybe nah because one of man's called these he weren't there so i'm thinking they're fishing yeah yeah you've got one person who you think's there then you gripped another person who wasn't there but you think was there yeah so what one of your cody's time for not even being there yeah you got out on the pill on that but oh yeah yeah you weren't there though oh yeah yeah so they were just fishing and just yeah you know what i'm saying to you and then obviously i don't somehow they got us the footage of mom and reels yeah yeah yeah and then i think whenever they got that is when they started looking for man yeah said closures yeah no i don't even say clothes bro no no not even so close bro yeah yeah so when they when they got that it matches the two that they've already got yeah so they're thinking yeah it must be a minute you know i'm saying to you so was it trident yeah okay yeah yeah so they must have already knew about you guys anyways you know what i'm saying so from when they caught two man i don't know how it works in your ends but like you know they know the circles and that yeah that's why they caught them too and at the time man went they weren't my every day isn't it so i'm thinking yeah they're they're pretty in them man man man slipping yeah yeah yeah yeah so bam so they've come grabbed you wherever you got bail um was it a form opting outside i got bailed dead man was getting bailed and rebuilt didn't it yeah and then when i got gripped i thought that they they just decided to charge us yeah oh because they've got all three you know yeah yeah and the charge man and but like i said the evidence was was media in it so you got bill again you wanted to hold man but the judge is like what he's not been getting rebuilt like what's what's what have you locked they have nothing so they build man again put man on tag they batman board they put man on tag yeah and man had to sign on bro oh oh that don't make sense even yeah yeah that was into you bro because man's tag was seven to seven but i had to sign on between 11 and 1. yeah i couldn't even leave in the morning go queen and come back you know i'm saying that i think that's why they do it so yeah that and i weren't allowed to leave each other a mom weren't allowed they they mapped out a place like certain bits of the ends that man weren't allowed to be like like yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so when was it like so what um so what was it when they grabbed you like you said that's what they felt like yeah that's this is it yeah obviously they grabbed my new phones and then they traveled the case back wasn't it okay so what was that at that point when you got reminded no i got reminded when they found out guilty word oh okay yeah so you've gone to try whatever yeah i was on the road for trouble oh so you're just coming there every day every day yeah you must have thought he was busting it then yeah i know oh that last case was mad bro like those bare little discrepancies in man's case you know i'm saying to you that was it oh bailey no it's probably something snes bro yeah probably violated than that you know what i mean yeah yeah those kind of bad little discrepancies in man's case man man fought yeah man can't get away with it but you know in the background man you're like maybe i said fed's in it yeah i feel like if it wasn't after the jakes yeah you couldn't beat it man yeah yeah yeah first day yeah you've gone you've been found guilty now yeah how did you feel when when they when the juries come back and they're like because you like you said there was no from the video i couldn't see in your face it was my man's bearish star quite bro the trail was weeks yeah yeah yeah yeah and we had to look we had two weeks of a child before that but i stopped and they started again the next one was six weeks so eight weeks in total in it bro they finished the thingy on friday monday was a bank holiday and come back on tuesday by lunchtime they got the verdict she get me i didn't take no longer didn't take them you know i'm saying so man's barrister like he was like bro huh was it all 12 i don't know then he's like right they got their verdict that quick it might be nice yeah yeah and then cool and just there waiting i think my kodi was first and then found him guilty oh so you know what all in all he's on the dock together he said he's the interviewer yeah you know i said is that guilty and the one that went first he went there so i was like what he did he wasn't actually there in it that from then you must have known yeah we're going here my name yep you hit my other qualities they've guilty on that yeah you know what i'm saying thinking [ __ ] then now man's thinking what bird they're going to give money mm-hmm that was are you chatting to the man i mean joe like you know what yeah and everyone's everyone's a solution yeah you know what i'm saying yeah cool that man's waiting went back i think two months after and they get my man's bird but man was happy with that car what man's was hearing that was gonna get i was hearing the madness yeah i would say would you just get 12 in it yeah bro i was happy to get a straight sentence yeah exactly so that's like an artist is also basically if i put those that don't know what the judge does like a dangerous report yeah yeah the only thing i'm an eds you know what i'm saying so like you do this and they did a dangerous report or they can give you hnp which is like just a straight life like a small one you know i'm saying and they do that for um shootings and that is all that so when they was doing up the dangerous report like how did you feel bro cause like did my dangerous report and i was just like you know i'm happy with the straight sentence but i can't do this but i don't think i don't i don't remember the dangers report you don't remember that no i don't remember it so they've probably done that within it yeah for me it was like it was like yeah they did a dangerous report and that is just literally like you said eds or if they're trying to give you life or to do it and because it was my first violence offense before it was drugs and that did not mean that it was like yeah it's cool but with yours yeah it would worry yeah even in the midst of all of that yeah i remember when i went to sign on one time the feds are in the back but imagine i'm going to sign on yeah and they're like yeah come in the back no what that what's what's scared me going in the back bro the jets are trying to rod you know this that that was thinking are they what they're trying to get you to comply or something yeah bro somebody's thinking yeah you don't really have nothing nothing cute yeah bob so boom trying to get man to comply and [ __ ] i just told them when i got guilty they come back and check me again said guilty yeah that man can help you yay know that that man knew and told him and he's like yeah monkey give them some burners bury it and make them go pick you up and i know about that so what they call tc tc's the fact that you got did i was at that point that you knew you had a 12. no this is between they've come back again to see what i'm going to see and they said oh what man give if i give them anything it has to lead to a conviction i said yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's now saying to you yeah so basically i know copperman has given them things and gots it like oh yeah yeah i know that as well especially with the robberies in that so like i think it's called tc's i'm not sure don't quote me on it but i think it's called tc's where like if you're like a prolific robber you know and you're just there rubbing up the place they will take you they'll be like all right have you got anything so they can close old cases in it and i'm saying like rag can you tell me all the other ones that you've done so they can close these cases yeah and they'll give you a lot of birds you know what i'm saying but then people always like they were snitching themselves in it and i'm saying but obviously when it comes to another one yourself though but as long as it's not like right okay yeah told me you dropped my man yeah i'm saying yeah i didn't know but i didn't know they because i know about some snitches here that i snitched and still got live do you know what i'm saying yeah but that's it i don't know if they do that in the uk like that nah bro you know it is man she went man and tell ya they're not telling after fed to say rob if you tell man's going to give you this they're just telling yeah just for free trying to get off in it like in hope that like let's say four men do something free man rush to you and but one of them stabs him they're on some listen yeah we rushed him but man didn't tell my men to stop him so they're telling before before anything they even offered him what what you're telling already man's not going to offer you that and now cause you already snitched you guys into you then boom everyone gets left off yeah yeah like so um was that your first sentence or have you yeah first sentence that was your first time you've been to prison no second time in job but first sentence so you was reminding boss question all right so bam i like being your you being fine guilty you're going back down to the chamber was it the um the court sales and that yeah was you with your codies or was you by yourself went down together so what always different yeah you went out together and did you all get similar birds though yeah 12 11 13 12 11 13. you got 12 yeah the guy that didn't actually do got 11 yeah and the shooter got 30. i just guessed that yeah yeah literally that's how they does that cool cool so how did you how did you feel going back down there like oh and just just kind of curious how did the guy that wasn't even in the area for was he what was he doing like was he trying to pressure the man i'm like bro just just you know it's kind of like yo rod help man but man's trying to appeal yeah yeah if i weren't trying to pull then you know i would have hugged you just hungry i was trying to appeal then remember we're all trying to appeal wouldn't it yeah his appeal went through so he kind of really didn't need me even before that i mean i remember they got to the man's oasis and that yeah so when they come to do that report i'm not do you talking about yeah i got convicted for that but i went there i didn't do this you know what i'm saying so man weren't trying to give them nothing yeah that i was there on that i'm not trying to give them none of that so he's like yo help man but come on china approved was in different places i'm saying bro that's where i was in it yeah yeah it's mud so yeah so so were you saying it was just a mad conversation in the cells like no i think this was when we got to jail in it oh yeah when was injured he's fighting um a pill steering man's baristas weren't trying to follow that nothing's man's trying to get an express star then i think the cco seemed to check that i'm trying to do everything yeah i know how it goes when you first get sentenced you're only trying to hug that no one is hugging it no one is especially when it's a big one yeah you go through first you know it's mad man was happy with that car what man thought he was gonna get so man got a straight sentence yeah i was kind of and you went troll yeah yeah i'm saying so i'm don't want to be in jail so i'm still trying to appeal and [ __ ] yeah it was wet with myself yeah yeah yeah when it come to admit and hug yeah cool i was there yeah i was like yeah you know three years in yeah i was saying i'm like get the cat you know i was saying yeah because it's true like if like what people probably don't know is like when you're in jail obviously you've got courses like tsp yeah yeah yeah yeah resolve when that and if you don't admit what you did even but there's still not sharing yeah he's not sure so it's like but you know what it's pete like not maybe not your situation car you know you was daring it you know what i'm saying about this but there's men that are in jail for murder right now yeah that wasn't there yet and they're like right i didn't kill him you know i'm saying yeah and it's like they can't get their d cap the card they're not admitting it you know what i'm saying it's harder it's harder for them yeah it's people now they don't even got oasis reports card that now i'm saying the thing yeah yeah and if they think it's denying but it's not actually there's you know yourself you've done all the bee cats and you get me so you know you're soft bro there's a bag of life and i'm gonna get into the general enterprise thing as well like i'm gonna get into that in a future project you know what i'm saying but there's a bad giant the first thing is mud it's mud that's their way of gripping bare man yeah and obviously remember manny clued up yeah like on arrest a lot of men aren't clued up about the law of it cardboard that that thing in itself is a mad thing bro yeah yeah you said i said it's done now though no i sold exactly bro this is what imagine i did a vid billy when i did it with billy like me and him sat down here and i said bro they scrapped it because remember you would have been in jail 2016. yeah remember it was like in the inside times and that it was everywhere like that bro see that i remember being a man yeah it was like what is appealing to you gently done you know that gave bear man hope hope yeah yeah yeah i was saying to you so what yeah and i'm like no like looking back i'm like blood that was all six that's five years ago so it's not been so basically i thought it had been changed here but it's not it's not been stopped but it's been changed and i feel like you must have heard of sj this ofb yeah this young yeah he was on a joint enterprise team as well and like he didn't do it you know i mean so they're still doing it and there's there's loads more cases in it like you know as i pull it out then i spoke to my slice and i'm like yo in the enterprise thing being scrapped he's like nah they just made that like it was scrap he said he got loads of phone calls when 2016 when i mean about it you know you've got you've got a pre yeah and it can be a message to a man in it but see when like let's say me and you go do something yeah a man blew up for you we're rushing him whatever i bought him and he dies yeah bear man don't wanna hug that ah cool i've done it i'm gonna hug this for them batman don't want to do it this is a this is a very interesting selfishness yeah i might have stabbed him or whatever but it's our beef yeah you're not saying to yourself certain man a lot of men are happy with everyone being in jail wouldn't it yeah yeah i see that with my cody when man's like bro man's not trying to admit this year other men are probably thinking no i'm not trying to admit this yeah they don't know who done it yeah yeah yeah they know them stubbornness yeah dips yeah it's a really really interesting thing that you just brought right now car i've seen yeah politics because of that and especially on the m's like if it's like the other ones i think man can hug them do you know what i'm saying but it's like i i feel like see if if if man's got man's heart set on that we're all going to drop sat on that yeah and yeah yeah but yeah yeah then cool i agree when bear you know bear man's heart say in this anyways so they're not going to hug it they're not going to hug it because they even mean to do it anyway and then within themselves they don't even want to believe that they're the ones that dropped that man yeah yeah yeah i four man pulled him we all stabbed him yeah i'm saying to you it's true what i think about joining the prize yeah and it's it's a bit mad but it's the truth i feel like if man are going to dropper you you know you're bringing what you're bringing with you yeah if you're just trying to be fugazi with it and just bring sake here to not do anything just for sure yeah then you shouldn't even be there in the first place you know what i'm saying but if if if we're all writing that and you know we're trying to really catch somebody do you know what i'm saying i believe that everybody's guilty you know what i'm saying can't manage raising that but um if like for example a lot of the times here it's like it's not mine's not riding that mine's just chilling yeah and my bridge he's got it on him do you know what i'm saying and then he's gone and done that yeah i didn't know he's gonna do that but the prosecution will prove that you knew you was weaving for the whole day how you didn't know you had a thing on him that's that's for him now to set the responsibility like bro hug it yeah yeah but there's no point bro really speaking there's no point both man being in jail there's no point keep it a buck there's there's no point both men being injured um because you said that yeah like i told you that there was a few the things that i had about four counts for eight counts but four serious ones yeah and a few of them i didn't actually do but like i said because i was i just thought it was a blessing anyway because this is all they giving me this is all they're charging me with yeah it's a blessing but the other ones was my bedroom jeanette i'm saying he was left-handed i'm right-handed you know i'm saying they're saying oh the firearm it was in a it was in the left hand so i'm saying well i'm right-handed so did and then it was all in belmar and i said he was on 36 counts yeah mine's only on eight counts you know what i'm saying plus four of them counts ain't even man you know what i'm saying so i'm like bro you're on a helicopter it's all going to be concurrent to one team for when you hug two the jury's gonna be like well two ain't him yeah yeah so the rest of it what i'm saying and and it's it come like you didn't know how to get in it you know what i'm saying yeah you didn't hug it so that's that about my code you can argue man didn't as well wouldn't it it's true i hope you're saying the man that did it should really hug it but when it comes to your life bro like you're going to spend the rest of your life here everyone's going to fight for their life in it regardless of other minorities but this is what i'm saying this is when this team [ __ ] comes into play and and and hierarchy within my squad so yeah i'm saying i don't really do this thing properly bro yeah yeah yeah like you found me it's like oh really speaking one man hugged that we're all out here we can look after you everyone's in jail yeah that won't make sense yeah you know what but then that leads into my next thing there's a lot of man like there's a lot of man that like i don't know how it was for you bro because i got another brother from her new year called littles yeah he's doing a live sentence he's from fields i think he's shy littles he's my these bridges have got him do you know what i'm saying like he's done the old plate since he was like 16 and he's bridging his veterans have got him but for a lot of man yeah they're like you know say like say a man didn't hug it there's a lot of man that will forget that you know i'm saying yeah no and that's what you're risking yeah i'm saying and when you go to joe i don't know i don't know how it was for you bro when you go to jail there's certain man that you're like you can bet your life that they won't they won't forget you you know what i'm saying and then before you know it but that's that's that's that's that's giving man's life to this thing in it car you might not realize it but once you step out or you're actively involved here man's giving us left to this thing bro yeah you're going to agree degrees left this thing whether man lose it for the l plate or man lose it on the road yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah until you make that constant decision say your man's out of this now yeah man's life and that's a fact though like i remember hearing that when i was at you and thinking la wait do you know what i'm saying yeah it will be easier for you to say ah cool i've done this yeah yeah and as of as as far as of everyone remembering or forgetting what was you doing it for yeah so everyone can remember you that little piece of fame only last couple years yeah and then after that the only time man remember you is on your birthday yeah yeah and i was saying yeah free my free my man yeah and then you know i know a hella man that was that guy bro and then you know i mentioned what i'm saying how much times yeah you'll hear a man that's lived this and tell you the roads is alive be at times but it's come like bro it's coming i don't want to hear it bro you know some stories someone don't want to hear it do not i say what i say to the youth stem cover i did my thing you know what i'm saying yeah and i can tell you now i'm fully you know off yeah i'm lynched you know what i'm saying like and i came out and i had them phone calls like bro i've got this i got that x y and z then i said you see the thing with that now is here that that's cool a man that lives it live through it yeah yeah man come out and chat to the use say yo don't do this don't do that you know what they're gonna say oh my man fell off but yeah yeah yeah i'm saying that's that yeah you can't win with them yeah my man fell off that's if you're not doing it but if you're still doing it yeah and you tell them yo hey don't do what man bro for me bro i was in it early early early early and i was actually doing my thing like i didn't work underneath nobody i had my own things running to the damn fault like i was that guy here but then like something did like you know when i first ever got back whatever i thought i felt like i knew different i had be a big man telling me like you know give me the right advice you know i'm saying yeah and i felt like i knew better but i think it was when i went to jail and then i bought big plugs and then i started thinking about pablo and escob and what's the other use name from mexico chapel yeah and all these men and you can get to that level but eventually that there's only two options bro you know what i'm saying it don't matter how successful you are and i was everyone thinks they're smarter than yeah you think you're smart the next one but you got a man that basically ran a country at one point yeah that still got that still ended up dead or another man that still ended up in jail it's like there is no way out of it so it's for me like for me it's like if you are making bread of the road feel it bro don't hurt you feel it bro you're gonna feel it yeah yeah and i would never tell like i'm not saying to you like come off the roads because like who me you might have told somebody come off the roads but at the same time because you know when you're if you're struggling and your mom can't pay your bills and then you can't get a job because x y and z you can't tell a man come off the roads but at the same time you can tell a man where that's going to lead you it's one of two ways you know what i'm saying like remember making money and being on the wall there's two different things in it because there's many a man that are hustling and they're not that's it another interesting point you can you can tell a man i just what's clever and what not what not but the feds are going to be on you you know i'm saying to you that but when that like i said in it there's this man that this man that just tossed one of those they ain't involved in no passers yeah i'm saying to you that they ain't really involved in no passes in it but then it's like okay so there's a lot of man like that and for me bro i understand that like because you know gangster is is is doing making money and being able to defend your money you know what i'm saying you know but they can defend it because remember like you see this this the word gangster and how to be a gangster is i'm saying car if you're just doing badness yeah don't really really make you ganks no no no no no no if man's forced to defend my thing yeah he's going to defend defender and obviously there's men that in that position where they're locked luckily enough not being put in that position where they have to defend they have to finish they're just hustling and cutting through yeah you feel me from so but when you're just you're trying to be the hustler you're trying to be the banger well you're just barely [ __ ] on you bro um i get that but then look at this like okay so you everyone got to stop somewhere so say like you start with a line whatever whatever that man says right my my my man frogs he's a money man you know because you know you've got money money you've got real [ __ ] whoever he's a money man but you know you can jerk me i don't know if you had these conversations yeah no but there's dead there's men like that and they understand their thing there's man that's got the kidnappers money ready yeah yeah i'm saying to you they give it up bro they got the money ready but then obviously there's a flip side there's a man you jerk him and he's coming back for you yeah yeah okay i guess if if you're gonna get jerk and you've got the money to just pay for it yeah if that's the case here then then fair enough if you can afford that then you know if you can say yeah 10 quid then they're going to leave me fair enough yeah but i feel like we demand them that maybe eight on that level yeah that's maybe trying to cut through on this yeah no no that's obviously you didn't go out looking for trouble in it you have to defend your thing in it yeah i feel like for me yeah i said i had the conversation on the other day i said for me anyways when i got into the life yeah i expected man to try and rob me you know what i'm saying i just expected that so i i had to be on what i was on kind of thing so that's how i came into i didn't come into it like i'm gonna cut through and did it to the car there's that now and then there's your circle of friends in it if you're thinking yeah you're just coming if you're yeah sorry to cut you but if you're you're right if you're a money man and your brethren's are are cheated up here then they can defend you you know what i'm saying and you can feed you know i'm saying we're working hand in hand kind of like with a lot of men that bear man a lot of men start making money after they're involved in this thing in it well if man's got bread i'm beef's the last thing on my man bro i got bread that's all true man started getting bread after man's beef and then and the beef don't just go away because you've got money yeah exactly you're still there you don't go away because you've got money in it and that's that's that's where it plays a factor in it i know i know i know a man that's basically made it legitly you know in this music team i want to say his name you know what i'm saying but i know his man that's made it in this music thing legitly and started doing shootings afterwards yeah because he no joke car yeah this is this the kite i'll tell you after you get me back like this guy made it in this music thing like you know he's gone and he started keeping up [ __ ] afterwards you know what i'm saying like to keep up but what was that opening about was he wrapping that's true in it so you get it you start wrapping it now there's light shed on you now in there yeah yeah yeah it's my you know the game is man's gonna test you in it yeah you're gonna have to do whatever you you have to talk about do what you're talking about exactly come off of that yeah exactly what i'm saying but man like that bro there's man in the game that's trying their hardest to get away from that yeah you got it and you're going that way bro you're not saying i'm gonna catch a case what's he gonna do exactly exactly he's gonna feel it that's when he's gonna feel it quite this [ __ ] what's he he does exactly and this [ __ ] has never been to george and i'm saying so yeah i feel like there is two type of guys like you've got the fugazi one that's doing it for the class and then you've got people that's actually you know what i'm saying and they're trying to come out they're here but see when you're in it like when you're in it you don't realize it's mad but man look back boom i look back on man's left yeah i like black that time like well mine's had so much chances yeah come to the point like one of my chances gonna run up yeah fool me and i don't want to run out of chances in it so you might as well do a uni now in it because yeah when you're trying to run up you have a dead dog that's gonna you know you can't do that and after that you just gotta be unlucky one time bro you know you could be on your you could be on your [ __ ] like you know i remember chatting to a man he might eat dinner man he got arrested and went in the cell that night in the cell traumatized him he didn't want to go to a cell ever again he's flipped and not flipped as in but he's turned his life around and done the good thing yeah see with us now yeah that didn't tear us in it all right so that was our first chance yeah you get on saying that's that's you do it do it again yeah you got a second chance now yeah and then you've gone joel your lab vlog i'm not trying to use jolting but when you get out you still gotta make that choice i've got another chance now what am i gonna do yeah you still go joe yeah how much chances do you want you gotta say if you carried on doing what you was doing what do you think your next sentence was gonna be yeah it's just gonna keep increasing then you're gonna be in joel i should have stopped actually you get me from that we get better chances not realizing that we're getting all these challenges how much times man get nicked i ain't got nothing on man we're thinking we're being smart bro that's just another choice that's that's real [ __ ] you know i don't think i've even heard it on this but i believe it completely guys like it's it was my story that's that's basically obvious in every man's story you get me that you're in it and then you have x amount of chances like there's a lot of man you don't look at it as chancellor you don't look at each other you think of it like yeah mom got away i was smarter than them but you're not thinking you know maybe it could have been a higher power you know i'm saying that like it definitely is it is yeah it definitely is i'm not yeah i'm not trying to push anything you know and anyone you know but that's what i believe in it definitely is and i've got this man don't want to it definitely is bro you gotta put it this way man he's not here to just go joe or that yeah you feel me man's parents didn't come over here from wherever they come yeah man to just be like it's embarrassing it's embarrassing i'm saying to you from that because you know i'm saying yeah you see it on mommy's face yeah when the first time i got back her face she couldn't believe it bro you know i'm saying to you robot again they want to visit man all the time bro but i'm like no because i know what they they got to get searched by dog scotland yeah yeah yeah you know what dogs yeah but in my head i don't want him to go through that yeah likewise bro my gran my grand old school jamaican you know i'm saying like old lady and that i don't want it to get sniffed up by dogs and get pat down by this and then it's a long journey bro yeah and then it's a long journey and then we're not i mean and then two hours and then and then she's having to see some some loose you over there maybe yeah you know what i'm saying yeah and then she's like and then she's thinking and you know what i think this is just for the the youths out there like you see like but when you're when you're thinking about if you are thinking about doing this road thing and that you have to think about your mom or your grandma or like your girlfriend you know or anybody that that really does have real love for you but yeah do you know what what i think it is anyways yeah i think my name i'm more concerned about demanding do you know what i'm saying obviously but that's where it is though you see because see my man come up this year how much times your mom told you to get in now yes not even caring about what's going on at home man so invested in man's friends and friends yeah yeah nah and paul man's mom used to tell my brother these friends of yours blood brother and it's true yeah you're only realizing joel because they'll tell you uh these friends and then even about my ex it's all like certain goals that in your life will tell you about your friends like they're worthless you know what i'm saying you see it in it whatever whatever in the thick of it but you don't like you don't see yourself do you yes you know what's mad you might see it but how you love that brother it's unconditional yeah yeah you overlooked that and then you go to jail and then for me anyways i go to i went to jail and there were certain people that certain people was telling me ah look at like yeah you don't need these people they're not going to be your friends inside and bro might have to go for the struggle like i said i've done a lot of burdening so a man just wasn't there and it was a surprise for me and then then all of a sudden things started coming back into my head like uh you know conversations with grant like yo loud them people to do and then with your ex whatever you whatever misses you might have yet i might tell you all your friends are rob that you know i'm saying like these are these ain't people are actually good for you can you your heart might be in this thing and you might be a real guy your heart's actually in this thing but there's ain't yeah they're just with it you know what i'm saying and then you end up being a victim in jail certain [ __ ] ain't even ever going to jail bro but they're on the roads but they they're pretending for time like they've just yeah they've been tested bro yeah yeah yeah you're taking that test you've gone saying to your car you know that how it goes in it man how much times you say oh if this happens man's gonna do it this way or if this happens one's gonna get this way and then let it happen to you you freeze up for something yeah you know what i'm saying to you bear man like obviously everyone thinks they're smarter than the next man you think if this happens i'm going to handle it this way if you're with a man if you know a rat's a wrap he's that he's got no room to be around you in it but we don't know whose rats until they're put in that position to wrap exactly even in school in it how much time do you say oh i know my study i know that tests but you don't pass that test until you take that test that's wrapping and crumbling and whatnot yeah they don't know that they're gonna come back until it happens and that's when they start but then like i'm saying it's too late it's too late yeah by then that's your code yeah yeah yeah you're in the cell stressing that mama's telling you yeah yeah i've seen it it's never happened to me personally i've never been on an m charge but or any of them type of charges where your kodi could move funny but it's like you know it's it it must be mad because i've seen loads bro you know if you knew dude was going to do that you wouldn't win you went i went with him do you know what i'm saying but my name read i'm talking about six man so like you know if you're riding that with six man more time them six men are your brethrens you know cause you can't ride out with her yeah yeah that ain't your bedroom's not i'm saying but we're all part of what i'm saying but in i've seen mine that it's like six to eight man they're all like tight the circle within the circle like we spoke about before and then bro i've seen the same man like you know as soon as trial started yeah mine get moved to different wings you know like that no man are trying to find each other and joe the one where man's not even in a jail with them yeah yeah yeah you're not even in the same joe and then then you know you have to all send a kite over to yeah you get me in and what i want to use to know yeah like car man's done this thing you know what i'm saying you have as well but what i want you to know as a big man is like bro like you can go out there and ride that with your bedrooms but if something gets dropped you know trust me certain man and are going to think about coming out 40 50 years old and it's going to hit them that's when their mom's going to hit them yeah and he's going to like real life yeah it you know what i think what people weigh up is like should i should i be a rat and get labeled a rat but i don't care come free or even this day and age direct things don't even bro now yeah man but yeah and people know yeah people know that it's it's uh man you're rap bro but for whatever reason this the way the game is these days it's not what we've done it's probably done yeah what a dancer that don't stop the next man from right now [Music] but this is what i'm saying like i said before how much man has got to come on let's say these platforms or whatever announce the thing say blood it's not what man think it is you film that before man actually takes it in yeah and realize like this and obviously they're always gonna take the side of the guard that's looks like he's doing good like for example that brother that you said that raps that don't know nothing about nothing yeah but he raps and obviously he's made it yeah his influence is more than man's influence and that's that is the one of the main reasons why i started doing this thing car you know i started doing this car like i was in jail you would have been the same because we've done like similar birds you know i mean um you know when there was that prison thing on itv coming out and then you had ross kemp going into prisons and come out like you know there was like a week of it but there was someone itv3 someone on channel 4 and i was like you know i just want to give the man them a voice here to just say how it actually is because you know there's people that are like you know when people used to say post code wars and things like this that might be fully fugazi ones yeah but for me it was like my brethren's growing up you know what i'm saying like we're all friends and then it just ended up being like this kind of thing here but there's a lot of man that like when they when they push their narrative it's like they push it as uh you know this post code don't like that pause code but more time if you are if you are really involved in it you know what is over you know like your bridge has been touched do you know what i'm saying there's so there's there's more factors than what they tried to push out it's what you gotta understand yeah you see that if something only happens in man's yard no one else ain't gonna know about it they can only hear about it and talk about what they hear yeah yeah i'm saying to you so for example with what's going on these media people don't know what's going on they hear it and then they can only paint the picture of how they've heard it so it might look like oh man's postcode banging yeah but realistically speaking there was an altercation that happened yeah my bridging got wetted out yeah you know yeah that's my friend your friends are you know i'm saying to you ma'am don't deal with police so you have to do it yourself we're not clearing up their narrative yeah but there's no you don't want to believe that's what you're doing they're not clearing up their narrative so they're going to run with that narrative no yeah you're right it's not that bad a man was like no we're not paul scored bran we're banging because of yeah yeah but if that's what you don't want to believe that's what your man but then i think it does like it does make man looks like some clowns or something like that do you know what i'm saying like this whole life is that yeah it's it's world life isn't it it's that is that yeah i'm saying i heard that but for example like you know men are really dying and then you know when you're a kid anyways like i said my 30 now so it's far from that but when you're a kid and you don't know any bell and you're bridging being stabbed 20 times he was almost dead and then you're like next time like you know if they men are riding that again i'm gonna have my thing on me because i'm not trying to be like my mind and furthermore i'm going over there to catch one of your laws i'm saying you don't do it with the plea and for me bro it's like i understand it but at the same time yeah of course i get it yeah yeah you get me you might understand it by the same time i do denounce it because it's like what for example there's a brother shout out jj from edmonton like you know i'm from tottenham so he's even aware that we was even talking yeah but he was in belmont together this year was like this you got run up on one day yeah the man named i think tottenham use i don't know if he was the youngest or whatever i think they ran up on him and he was it was in it was i think i don't know what his story was but he was in the yard in it so they've run up on him he's ended up getting one of their things and and poking one of them in the back just one time he's popped one they've that's out of the yard and he's poking him once in the back but he's caught him in his heart in it you know what i'm saying and this little you i remember him he was 18 so he just made it into bell marsh and he got um i think he got 24 or 23. you know what i mean someone was people know his case what i'm saying but like as soon as that happened jay was like brother this was a good life no disrespect but he was a good dude you know what i'm saying like he was yeah he didn't step out he didn't he wasn't like that type of yeah he was in his yard i'm there man violated and you know and he was he was young so he would have been probably 17 you know 16 at the time of the case to the eighteens when i bought him in bulma and you know i think he got like something silly like 24 for 18 year old or 25 year and like this young he was like no homer was a good looking new you know what i'm saying like he's just done this and you can understand and now he's doing like life you know what i'm saying and and then the first thing he's saying is like bro i ain't having to mind him brother this is the edm and tottenham i don't know what it was bro yeah why they poked him up he was the youngest that did it yeah but it was the um and why and why they ran up on him and then he ended up but it was the you know what i'm saying he was like huh you know but this shoot was no offense bro if you're watching he's just suicidal but yeah he's brought he was broken the wing the man name on the wing had to help him out the man him on the ends wasn't helping him yeah the man him on the wing was helping him did it i don't want to end what helping him and he just did 25 years here or 24 for the ends do you know what i'm saying so what what for what i'm saying is broth the ends is fugazi bro don't what i'm saying like how much times man's got to speak on this and say raw it's a liberal and then that's when hindsight comes into play it's like see if you could see or let's say i might listen to my mumsy and say right these friends of yours yeah you're risking your life for yeah cool yeah get a bird now yeah how much money yeah i'm saying how much man chet man's little bros how much man gold checked my mom's yeah yeah you don't know what man was doing from what my household you could have been would know that um yeah so right how much of them has gotten seen as little brothers and give them a change like you don't know this in it i'm saying to you obviously man pledge allegiance to this thing and think think about sturdy you think everyone's got you you think everyone i'm tall man's gotta live through this this not saying you gotta live through the towns yeah and you figure it out my friend my birth you know what's mad man had a a bedrooms yeah from man's estate yeah and they're not road no man's when i was on tag for this thing yeah i'm staying away from the mandarin now i'm i'm getting letters on postals you know that from these man brother yeah yeah yeah these men bro remember them they did their little thing but they're not the greatest but they all ran up a piece between them and their bills two bills yeah so you know what are you getting all these little well these letters coming from frog and i'm telling them man's team yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna send that frog yeah they even got bankrupt you know what i mean it's like like not to just remind them my fingers yeah this wrote thing and that the kind of level of relationship that man had with these men that's real love that man around squad that man you could argue man stepped out for and got the bird for mm-hmm i went seeing that and i remember that bro i get it now from course them as bedrooms bro you know i'm saying to you i don't see that that might not be the same for everyone but i reckon it's for the majority kind of yeah it is real life bro like [ __ ] but brother i can relate and furthermore yeah people can relate because i've had the same comments i've been doing this for 10 minutes so i might have the same conversation different people yeah and bro you see the legit you see the ones that like didn't choose this roller yeah man would say they're nerds dude but their mutes that had the night of nine to five did it like they was doing more why they do more because they're more empathetic they're more empathetic yeah you're right as a savage man yeah he's good man yeah did you know that's like you know when you get older and you think about like we spoke earlier and we was like when you think about what the things you was doing i do that as well i think about the [ __ ] that i've done i look back and i'm like right that was not this kind of thing yeah you know that's borderline psychopathic you know that earlier you know it is psychotic because like there is no empathy you're thinking i need to get this bread but then you know you're not thinking about what you had to violate to get that bridge you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying you know what i was saying but then like with these these um legit people that like you keep it like i told you for me it was like old school friends that yeah chose a good life and then me i went left you know what i'm saying i went i went that live because more time i feel like i had to do you know what i'm saying but but the man them was like yeah he's in jail he's good he's with so and so that's how because i've been guilty of thinking that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah man's in jokes and men don't think to actually check up on them caught we just feel like because of the way we live we deal with this [ __ ] and because man dealt with it i feel like yeah i'm saying to you let one of them man go to your good use exactly i'm going to check on them same way i know rod like ain't vote for this and obviously you gotta remember yeah see this bad boy man don't carry this bad boy at everywhere in it man you only act that way to [ __ ] so when i'm around them man they don't see this whatever they have on the streets so they see man in it they don't they see man without the mosque right i'm saying but bro that's deep you see what you just said yeah it's deep and it's real honest bro that car certain [ __ ] just won't even be honest and say that yeah but that's because men feel like they've got to play this for so long we got to play this facade but everyone come from our house i'm saying everyone come from a baby do you know what i'm saying i want born gangster you know i'm saying so it's like man this [ __ ] you learn that [ __ ] and it takes you places in the ends but you know when you like eventually them things you can't buy things with that you know what i'm saying like you can't you can't do it so it's so true bro like then things there you you can't you can't really take anywhere like you know and i think they used them should should take that in you know what i'm saying well that's but that's what i'm saying from that bear man feel that they gotta live up to this persona yeah to this facade and i was saying and then when you meet the real ones like you know the amanda actually yeah they're the calmest guys the most humble guys the mother actually sitting down like you know i've met you must have done this wrong so also oh yeah man yeah that yeah steppers bro yeah yeah yeah so i'm serious steppers tail man this is long but the some man like i know some man that steps and they had to and they hug their yeah yeah and then there's the real stuffers that stepped out of love dropped sat on that and then didn't receive that yeah all of that squash now yeah oh that's the worst one yeah though you can see the pain in that bro man drop setting up for my man because of this and that and now we squash yeah yeah yeah and and and you don't even chat to dude yeah he stepped out for yeah yeah yeah come on bro you know he rejected and that's what he do you need to know like you know you can there's too much variables to this thing yeah there's way too much there's so much moving parties you can't control everything but you have to be like us man like you have to be like you have to gone through it and then be able to like you said the hindsight and then no right that was that is madness you know i'm saying that like but then i think this podcast is like it's brilliant car for people and for kids to be like right these are some you know i'm saying people will research your thing and be like he's a real one do you know what i'm saying and he's saying it's long do you know what i'm saying obviously we've been we've been this ad let's put this right here all right let's let's let people outpour them and yeah yeah man followed their thing yeah apple went on reddit bro yeah yeah yeah yeah that was from painting for winning yeah but you go and listen to these man's um because you've got interviews and [ __ ] yeah i've seen all of them yeah we know he got the but that didn't stop man yeah you know what i'm saying let me just stop man thinking nah man like you get bear these things remember it's glamorized so much yeah that the bad is overlooked yeah no i'm saying you can't look every let's say super gankstar or super chopper that we could think of ended up in joel yeah yeah minimal at them switched their life around and the ones that did switch their life around is undocumented that they told didn't it yeah exactly now as a big man looking man would see there's no exit out of this thing there is none but as a you it's glamorized so much yeah yeah that's what my that's the way man is going to go and i said man pledge allegiance to it man's prepared for whatever whatever happens yeah yeah you think that you're prepared for that outcome but you're not i was just about to say that like you think you're prepared car you say you know what you pledge allegiance some people don't even consciously do that they're just like you know what yeah man's in this now and you know i'm saying you know what you know what you've got to do in it you know i'm saying even i think my sister said it like that come on that i don't know you know they're pushing what you didn't do shoot that yeah i'm not bro i was in it so it was cool you know what i'm saying and then really and truly it's cool because there was bad things that you didn't get back from what i'm saying 22 so i'm growing so to speak in it yeah but not to say man would have told if i was younger but a lot of things would have went through my mind yeah you know that that's certain by certain mantel anyway yeah the parents are leaning on them yeah right that happened yeah i see um there was like there was enough it's another set of qualities in the m a man said like you know my mum forced me to do it like you know yeah i've seen that no man's snitch well he was young he was young don't get involved bro do you have to say he's young don't get involved educate yourself now yeah yeah yeah thinking that man's ready for this thing yeah there's there's there's no preparation for that how you prepare man to do life in jail there's no preparation you just have to you have to you have to just adjust your preparation for that bro and how you prepare a man to to die in it yeah yeah i'm saying to you there ain't no preparation for that from what i was saying but if man if you saw the way you was gonna get out of this thing would you get into it of course not of course nobody's gonna say it now you ain't looked at it that way yeah it's making you look at it that way now obviously no one looks at it that way in the time only i've only looked at it yeah looking back in it it's true so with the chance to think like and on on top of that i want to get on to like black people you know in general like for people that don't understand but you know like this goes way back like into willy lynch times here and this was like this was like it was it was meant to happen because it says in the book this is what he did like this was the result but like for me for example yeah if i was to walk down this road and see a black you like and not a not not a goody blacky but a black maybe he's got a puffer jacket on yeah you know he looks a bit you know looking like you might look at like he might be looking at you you might look at him yeah and it's not even like you're well grand brother it's like who's gonna who's gonna screw each other up you know i mean what are you looking at was she someone tweeted he said um they said i need to learn more to see a fellow black brother and make them feel um welcome as as opposed to threatened so so with billy um you know obviously you know billy that's how me and you linked up me and billy like after we did our interview it was going back but we went back by a train and it got the quickest way we sat on the train and it was like you know there was a bag of like different cultures on the train yeah but then there was a black you that just come on like you know and we was on this side there and there was on a completely other side but it was on the same carriage that makes sense and then these black cubes come on and me and billy's looked at him yeah and then carried on talking and we got into it and he's like why is it that you know why is it that we're worried about this this you who is he we might have made him feel uneasy yeah uncomfortable and he might have nothing to do with this lifestyle do you know what i mean but you know where that is it's because man's our own competition isn't it and but i think we're the only race that i like that bro like in england anyways or america yeah because like you know black hues and i feel like it's from willie lynch because he kind of did it like rap put them against each other kind of thing yeah and now it's like you know the people that don't actually like us yeah we're not we're we want to accept them twice bro we're losing twice we want to make them feel comfortable yeah you know i'm i'm not going to rob you bro you're not saying that onto my man yeah i'm on to my mind i'm on to the guy that you're onto what i'm saying like for me bro i'll be wrong i'll come out of joe yeah and then obviously i'm seeing little [ __ ] and then they're looking at man and i'm like obviously i've got a five-year license i'm not trying to get drawn out over a staring contest you know what i'm saying but i'm like bro why are you look why do you want this to happen yeah like and you just see me you might have just thought to yourself like maybe you know maybe like he looks like it but you know i think it comes from i think it comes from because man's got like you know the b for you so if you see black cubes right now yeah you're like it's ops so then any black you that you see from now on you and that you don't know automatically it's a freight like right because you see your bedroom get burned did they do the door or you might it's the other day i was in the area and my brother's like bro you man from me man i'm not broke mm-hmm that's a big man yeah yeah because like i said in it man's our own competition that's why you're asking that in it no i'm saying but like how do you think that can get how do you think that we can fix that like you know i i don't think it like i think this has been going on for free 400 years but i don't think it fits in the day but how can we like you know man's got to learn to love each other man love each other in it and stick together when you see the asian use you know they put their bread together they get their shops and they they put their bread together to get their houses and start renting their houses cars start building up business and that and then even the somalian youths bro they stick together i don't i don't know if you shot in food here but the somali is at one point they did a thing and they but they all work with each other you know i mean the wallet shoots and that like there's somalia that's gonna say a man fighting two battles because we're we only compete against ourselves we don't see no one else's competition yeah so if you don't see no one else as a competition men don't even care what they're doing yeah they're saying we only see each other as competition right what demand match that works yeah that's going to go yeah that man's got that that much lands yeah mine's going to be another phone if we only see ourselves as competition we're only going to go over here that's that's that's that's that's why i'm not losing i reckon yeah we're going to get oh imagine there was no beef and all the numbers together now i'm saying let's say lions or whatever businesses or whatever like oh man be gone claire bro there was a point in the ends where the man name was all differently had their own lines everyone was like hustling differently i used to say i say like right you know if we put our bread together we can get we can do mating you know if you can put that but my name is like i guess this is just how it is and it might have to accept it until something changes but my name is competition we're like if i'm doing if i'm if i'm going to tenerife somebody's going to 11 a reef you know you know what i'm saying bro is this how it is bro like it's just what it is bro you get me but yeah differently bro i want to get into like your prison experience now yeah um so you know you've got your um 12 to 6. you know you've got you know you're doing this bird because you come from the road so you know you're doing it now how did you feel would you you said you banged that rimsey in it so that was that was the beginning in it yeah he got shipped out man different gels in it but oh so when when you go off in the ville it was together you both went back to the view together from court yeah was you both in the same song yeah i was banned up with someone before that but within two days you got in the rooms yeah so like how was that like how was you guys trying to figure out i know you trying to appeal but like how would you guy like was you like what was the thought process that's when i feel like lit like well in the beginning it was like cool we're here at least we're together and i'm saying my other cody was there as well that was together in it yeah [ __ ] man's gonna go through this together whatever in it and then [Music] that like i said that's when he's he's i'm getting letters from my [ __ ] and that's i feel like from there that's when reflection starts yeah like black man's hair you know i'm saying and then obviously you know we're having about things that scan on the roads on the ends and i'm saying i might not been happy with certain things or i'm saying so but we're just dealing with it in it man's got to deal with this man block all of that [ __ ] out man you know i'm saying that man's we've got to do his birth that's just burning it yeah so did you see that so what how did you when you got bit bagged 22 22 yeah so you saw it in your heart that like right 28 man's coming out yeah i remember even i remember you know they just caught you got found guilty for four charges and they just he's just reading off sentences he's like yeah you're ganjo early 20s coming at late 20s i'm going to be about 30 anyway you get it so that's all it was in it yeah do you know what same thing happened with mania they just started wheeling out charges and i even said i was 24 when i got nicked and i come out 30 do you know what i'm saying so i was like he was like yeah i believe that you'd come out more mature so you started talking like that yeah i was like yeah this is going to be a this is going to be i'm going to spend the next and i'm going to come out and i'm afraid but that like you said this is the first ever sentence you've got here so what was you thinking that was you like optimistic were you thinking like i'm going to bust case anyways like you know they ain't got enough evidence i'm going to appeal this thing like how is the footprint you know when you get joe and and well that 25 percent of man win appeals in it yeah so i would say less than that bro i would say listen really have that much faith in the appeal thing but man try it same way and then when my code ease appeal went through i was thinking oh but like the way things was panned that his thing i don't even know how i don't know about that when we went joe that it's like the whole streets took to his side like right he went there anyway you know that comments and now what the [ __ ] do you don't know that man's trying to comment remember like i said his thing kind of took long so i think two two years later he's touch road but two and a half years probably all right bro man's halfway through this yeah it's time to go yeah yeah yeah but yeah off the back of that so just honestly you know do you feel like you did did you feel like you deserved to be found found guilty for that um now obviously you've done the bird you've done it already obviously i know you didn't do the shooting yeah use right denial if you want to ask that i don't feel like i felt i i i deserved to get found you for that but i needed a timeout yeah 100 yeah you get me card if man didn't see the jakes the man would have seen one of them in it yeah and then you might have caught uh yeah yeah and then man wouldn't have the mindset that might have now so maybe we could look at it as a blessing yeah yeah not always it's always a blessing for you anything that you go through and can come out of it it's a blessing it's a blessing a hundred percent it's just what you do with that experience in it yeah i'm saying you go through things you you gain knowledge from it in it i'm saying you so what you do with the knowledge you gain from it there's another thing in it but yeah anything you go through and come out of is a blessing blood oh yeah yeah i believe that so you spent six years in change behind the door yeah like what are you most proud of like in that whole time um keep him and sunny yeah yeah many a man they turned tapped especially the ipp a lot in that yeah yeah yeah yeah and the people yeah that just got bigger and just to get through it man they ain't come back robbed on that and they ain't come out you know what i'm saying yeah you lose you lose your head bottom you know like that's another reason why i did this thing called like they're trying to push this narrative that jail is is easy yeah yeah but that's because the persona and character man's got man don't come out and say jail's hard yeah because you don't want to show weakness yo like what it was like you know you kind of visit and see your people them and then you're just walking off to visit and they're going home and then you you know and then there's like you know there's there's a lot of time for reflection as well and you're like that's that's that's one thing about joe if you don't if you don't sit and reflect yeah then i don't know what you're doing in it you gotta that's the whole point in it yeah yeah what was your your darkest moment in jail darkest moment i don't think i had i don't think i had dark moments man like harry don't i don't feel like i had like times that one gels pissing my mouth is like depressed like no i'm not even depressed but missing [ __ ] that ain't gonna happen again like a couple of my cousins got married when i was in jail oh wood yeah you know i'm saying milestone birthdays you know i'm saying that yeah yeah yeah yeah i won't call them darkest moments it was just like flat therefore yeah yeah did that make you reflect a bit and make you think like you know cut what's important is you see for anti-social use like as a you i think like that well i think the prison system is wrong car for certain man like you said you're you're bridging before he went joe and he's i don't want to see a soul again yeah but from for me anyways yeah like oh you know i don't know if it happened with you but i used to get beats when i was younger yeah i'm saying yeah come on brother you know what i'm saying the beast yeah you know what i'm saying you get beats and then and then but you don't learn from them beats about it i think the man that i've learned from it i are the people that are social about that i need social so where they're using it and i'm saying but for people that didn't learn from beats or they didn't learn from discipline or whatever how are you going to put man in a cell and in a cell with other criminals yeah and just back i think you can have them would you think it's going to happen yeah conspiring and i'm saying so i feel like the prison system is is flawed in a way that like you're trying to discipline you just that don't don't respect discipline you know what i'm saying yeah from you from young as well yeah yeah you don't respect your mom's discipline so you're gonna listen to yourself you're not gonna respect your discipline you know what i'm saying so you know i've done a bit of research into it and you've got people like like sweden holland these type of prisons yeah it's all it's pure rehabilitation it's not it's not really focused on punishment obviously your punishment is you lost your freedom in it but they more focus on how to rehabilitate you and their reoffending rate is the lowest in europe you know i'm saying that but that's the thing see if you're a guy in joe and learning something you know what i'm saying it can act as a deterrence isn't it yeah but when man's getting joel one man's in there with beard amanda yeah yeah yeah not even man's mandarin but bear like man you guys exactly you know i'm saying that you kind of takes away from the punishment anyway you know it's like a youth club depending on how long you're there for that a man that gets six months you're not gonna come back yeah yeah look no i'm saying to yeah a lot of time it's the man that but then there's men that do the birds and still come out and they yeah i know man that's gone got birds come out and rap back to it bro yeah well come back again i'm saying to you some men just don't learn in it yeah yeah and those are the ones that are gonna have to fill in it exactly yeah and i just feel like obviously for people that asked are any social that don't really learn how you feel how do you think the prism system can do it differently do you know what i mean because obviously right now in the roman prison it's 23 hours a day you lock up and then if you get to a sea cat you might get 20 hours a day lock up we might be out for like you know two hours in the morning twice in the afternoon but like you know for obviously for you yourself you've done a big bird and for myself i've done a big burden for me it was like you know i was touching 30 yeah it was like this is long i spent my whole twenties now i was saying it was just long but you know and that's how that's kind of the conversation you have to have with yourself like this is this is just that's that should be the deterrent yeah the loss of your liberty should be the deterrent like i don't want to go for it so i might see libya so i might see jail as a um as a strike if that makes sense like i'm respecting you know i'm saying so i think that's where a lot of men are getting it wrong if that i'm saying that's coming from people that have done big birds you know what i'm saying but yeah differently moving on from that then what was the worst injury you've seen in joke have you done a lot of injury yeah i know you must see something especially suicide i know he's a bad joke you know the first one was one of my bedrooms oiled up you got owed up yeah it's always the oil ones that are the worst ones in it just you know oh it was mud still was it black yeah you went pink yeah yeah yeah yeah that was one of the worst ones and i know and even for him someone just now was in they wouldn't even thought that it was yeah yeah yeah nothing to do i'm from he's just sitting down one day and just got he's walking on the landing someone just not saying it was really just that's what water you know he had a scream yeah usually i don't know like usually that's hot watered him he's already in his soul he's done it and he's cut back to his soul like you know what i'm saying and you're just like right there's water squirting oh you got a neck shot in it you got it with a spike i don't even know what man joked in me but i insulted him with somebody like oh yeah i never saw it but he got three wets in his neck yeah and he's just a ambulance in that i think you got airlifted you know oh yeah it's yes it's pete like that's what i'm saying like even the reason why i started this thing i was watching certain documentaries and people are trying to make out like it's a holiday camp like you know memorize it in it yeah they glamorize it and as well a lot of men that are they they want to feel like they're still relevant so they they they put like they're in joe and they're living good mama's doing it as well though i was one christmas man put up it's on youtube bro yeah i put on my gram and someone's took it you know and then people take it and say oh i'm prisoners living lavishly yeah they slapped it up from now i'm saying what's it called just for people um do you remember just for people to search christmas in belmont christmas that's what save man when the governor's in that see it kind of saw it i don't think they could have come from man because what it they're trying to say yeah yeah yeah but the cops see it and then the next christmas they're like oh what are you going to put up on youtube but i didn't even realize how big i was to the govs yeah they used to call me frog bro not my name and then one time this one they [ __ ] me up imagine the esso yeah i just got my c cap yeah i just seen the opposite that's the scene i just got my c cap yeah this isn't swelling at my bedroom he i think he got i don't know if he got denied or he was waiting on his paperwork in it yeah and you turn the chat to there so in it i'm like blood you gotta be like me model prisoner you get me and then how the [ __ ] did you get your thing i said well i'm a model prisoner he's that yeah right clapton's finest and that was my instagram at the time yeah i'll catch the phone that's what obviously explains why i used to get bear spins in it yeah yeah yeah like you think man's mystic or man think man was mystic up on posting up bare pictures i didn't realize that i didn't know that well the guy called me my instagram name the instagram i couldn't believe it bro what same thing happened with me like i used to get the screws and even the nurses like i'm like what you delinquents doing you get me those watching it and trust me i used to get spun but from saul said i couldn't i used to get one like yeah and then when you're done by the governor in the adjudication room no they never used to fire before the bands i got gripped yeah when they've done the nighttime run-ups yeah bro that night time run up yeah i couldn't even believe it bro yeah yeah yeah yeah i couldn't believe it same thing happy with me the one day i got caught sleeping here one day bro i was doing i didn't inclination [ __ ] i was in i was recording people in jail getting their prison experience i'm passionate about you know yeah and then one day you already know you got a holder someone that you're not on a wing you can hold your phone and then he's probably not going to get spawned so i used to have this holder so i used to get him and then one day they they come for me in it night time bam they spawned me and i was nice and i was like yeah i ain't got no match today yeah yeah yeah but i had a sim card and it was it was a sim card that was just hidden somewhere they took it i'd even know it was there they took it and when i was down the block like with the adjudication speaking to the coffin or whatever it was like all right listen they didn't get the phone they was like listen just just stop uploading to youtube you know i see it uploaded from them oh he's uploading bro yeah i was uploading and it was it was like just can you stop uploading we got the sim card it was like because these times like i said i've done a 10 never got d cut and then i had six months left and they was like you know you you get dk every six months yeah and it was like right you can like i had my d cap coming up but then i was doing this delinquent nation [ __ ] i was putting [ __ ] out and they knocked me back from my d cap so then at that point i was like listen i've got a straight sentence i'm going home now i've done five already do you know what i'm saying so i'm putting this [ __ ] out i don't i don't care what the government is saying they can move me about it i'm still putting out you know what i'm saying i carry them putting that and that's yeah that's how they dealt with man i was just like yeah just stop putting it out please in my head i was like cool you can geo ed me you could do whatever when i'm back on any wing i'm getting yeah i lose my phone that night morning yo hey as soon as i lose my phone yeah you know i'm thinking i'm thinking about on oh he owes me peace on the road at night time in the morning any any any morning spin in south side yeah and my phone's in the sailboat not once because by the night time you put it in a good spot yeah yeah i'm saying i was only getting gripped at night so boom now i remember going down for the adjudication and i think that man's nicknames were that even months apart if that mm-hmm i'm saying the governor's like oh yeah like these extra days are going to add up i'm not bro i've got years yeah that's 30 days it's not it's not yeah yeah get me furthermore i've got not when it was time for my review yeah i was like oh i could have got my reviews but these extra when you start a big one i agree when you start a big one yeah at the beginning man was not paying like comfort is more important you know whatever it costs you're paying for the comfort you can i don't know i was doing up the netflix and i was like i was getting nicked for phones down to my last six months but yeah i did not care yeah i was into it i couldn't do this boredom [ __ ] yeah i was saying i didn't have a phone and i was i might read up on certain things but even with my i'm reading i'll read something and research it on my phone yeah and educate yourself yo do you feel like um you know like you said you educate yourself like for me like when i came out of prison i forgot about all that stuff you know i mean but i was still focused but it's like you know when you're in jail when you're like you're reading certain books and there and you know your mind is focused and then you come out and then you've got all these different distractions because in joel you don't have these distractions in it you know what i'm saying it's i feel like it's what you hold there to you in it you know what i'm saying see if you if you research on something and learn it you're not going to forget about it if you if you apply that to yourself and yeah you know what i'm saying to you so it's like oh see there's certain things i was i learned and i was like for example i used to read up on bad documentaries and [ __ ] and that made me stop eating meat in it yeah until today i haven't eaten meat i'm saying to you all right quickly what we can get on to i've had a few comments about this they want to know yeah and you've done a lot of birds so you can like you can you can put your input in that but a lot of people don't know about religion in jail so like we can talk about that quickly yeah like um so obviously the obvious thing is yeah a lot of men go on time muslim yeah they're converting it they come to term muslim because like a lot of joys are actually muslim run yeah i'm saying like like it's easier yeah so it's easier to cut through into the obviously like i said i i was raised i was raised um christian i just never because i just kept it wrong inside as well the accused accepted man and there's all bridges anyways all the rule guys in the wing regards the region religion yeah they're veterans anyways but a lot of fugazi yeah i'm not there's a lot of people that do it just for um no but you know what the right reason as well some men convert yeah because let's say they're under pressure for whatever reason that's a muslim a next muslim ain't gonna watch yeah brother being touched yeah so they kind of he's a brother from yeah i i had a password over that over there a man took a man's phone me and my [ __ ] and jumped new to him whatever but he was it was my brother and everyone was trying to go to dude's rescue like yeah man's honor because obviously this brother thing you know i'm saying to you but the brother whose phone he robbed he's like bro i'm a brother and he robbed my phone yeah and my brother just defending my team yeah forget all of this but it does happen yeah it does it does it does give some sort of benefit i feel like it's a benefit in bro it's crazy but the same exact situation like but then you could argue because some men like the long the high securities in that year you speak to brothers and yeah there's some there's some good brothers here that can that can teach you something most of my bridges was brothers you know what i'm saying but like they'll er they'll educate you and it's up to you if you want to take home me see that from growing and my views on religion as a whole i went hearing in it yeah bro now i'm saying that i feel like i'm so out of touch with religion and because of bare things that men know and i used to watch things like hidden colors and that and all that what they like you know i'm saying yeah yeah like they've come and they bought it so i i was i was on that i was on this revolutionary place yeah i was saying to you so them it's not like i was like bear brothers used to chat to me and i'll take it in but deep down i'm like i'm hearing you yeah but i'm not hearing it you know i'm saying to you i get it and very rare because that's what i know i know a lot about do you feel like so like when i i've done a lot of jails yeah and i used to notice you know i know it's this year like it's kind of like a miracle like you know you've got the pool tables like you got the the brothers and the man them like you know black hues you know asians whoever using one pool table then you got like the white yes using the other pools but it wasn't those like if we're being honest yeah obviously like there is a mix here but there is also uh separation between certain guys and certain guys but then if you got to go up north and then it's like you end up being a separated one because you've got like over there you're a minority over there but then when you when you're the majority in like london joel there's certain people that you might you know like so do you do you feel like you know there's certain and what's the word groups of like religions in that like and you feel like for someone that's a atheist or someone that's like not the minority religion do you feel like they can there's multicultural um rooms for each that remember that was the church yeah then the jews had to go where they was getting the seats and going there again and obviously the muslims were over there so like on the wings i won't say [ __ ] was separated but when it's time to go and do worship yeah yeah i was i was i was getting both man used to throw your attack come on church on sunday and what's going on friday yeah but i'm going to but the money money you know i'm saying to you guys a lot of people people don't know like obviously being there i'd i would take in what's being said but i just weren't conforming to all this yeah you weren't like yeah i wouldn't yeah yeah but i would learn like i would learn i called that's not saying those things i was learning that was enlightening to me and it's likewise bro my mind learned and respected yeah that's what it was i respected it but that's for you lord i'm gonna do mine i'm saying but some things i i i kind of incorporate in my lifestyle anyway but that's because it's like a like you said you stopped eating like yeah you know what i'm saying yeah that's just it's like it's i held that there to me in it and i agree with that like you know real guys and a lot of them are like close friends in it you know i'm saying they could learn they could teach something that is religion baseball yeah yeah yeah for work in your life yeah 100 100 yeah but yeah a few people's artists like how is religion and that enjoys i thought now sometimes it plays a factor in it what original are you are you atheists or just people but i believe in god didn't it yeah you know i'm saying to you none with religion man there's just so much technicality yeah i'm saying to you so i won't i don't i don't write off religion also man grew christian and but men grow up to learn that bro the biggest lad they've told man is jesus was wet bro yeah you know what i'm saying my mind was blown when i found out he looked like man in it yeah i was saying so like the the the intricacies of religion yeah may like um contradict each other yeah there is uh uh there's things that you mentioned yeah exactly a message and a deep aware left that you can follow and use yourself in it but as of as as as of following a religion and following yeah i didn't really not saying so how did you feel like how did you find it not have no not like you know because like as you know like like all that keys like this together but we might all be in the wing together you know you're bridging might be putting on his commission his hat for the fridays you know what i'm saying but you're not going but you're all when he comes back we're all all in the window how did you find it car like being with like you know where this might be majority run by by the axia like did you feel like did you fall under pressure to like maybe no no no no that's my thing you know that see if you sit and chat with me you know you understand man and the way i'm thinking so when certain brothers was coming and telling me or trying to teach me where i'm gonna question their thing and yeah they're like who i am as a character and certain morals that i have and then that but look what you're saying is with men respected my thinking and my character and i respected theirs at the same time in it and this always recognized yeah you should say brother you're a good brother just you're gonna all right yeah but obviously yeah a lot of people didn't want to know about you know religion that my perspective is like the main two groups is like muslim and christian obviously yeah and then obviously you've got all the other ones and you know but i think more joels are run by the action i'm saying yeah but it's not to say that these acts are bad people they yeah they're some serious good brothers good brothers yeah and they move right you know what i'm saying and you know if there is a narrative out there that you know joes are run by muslims but they're bad people did it no no they're good people do you know what i mean [Music] what are you doing yourself now bro like what like you've come out of joe you've done a big bird and a big respect for doing that and you know coming up you're an intelligent brother yeah just from this conversation and conversation where before like i can tell you you articulate yourself well you're very you're you're intelligent you know you're not uh you're not what people might think you know what i'm saying the tips there's no stereotype yeah so you know you've been out for what couple years now or two two years here what you what you've done with yourself like music thing man yeah yeah yeah yeah i've already seen it the way i'm like where i'm rapping now is on some not glamorizing it but just saying it for where it is just just and hopefully you can take it into you know anyway obviously there's some lyrics i might have that may seem that man's glamorizing it but i'm just rapping in it you know i'm sure make it sound nice you get me yeah if you listen to what man saying on on on a deeper level you're taking yeah yo i believe that like you know if you've gone through it yeah you can rap about it you know you're not a hundred that's what i'm saying then it goes with the let's say for example what man's repping i'm not rapping what man's actively doing right now i'm saying you might rap about it yeah so i'm actually rod i might talk about a throwback to a man that don't know what you've done that yesterday yeah i'm saying that i'm just telling you bro that you know i'm saying i'm just rapping in it man i just gotta speak the rules because the narrative of a rap these days is both it's mad yeah a lot of these yeah i think with what was what's known as serious rap yeah i'm saying so man just i just i just i just tell my story you know everyone's got a story to tell yeah i'll just tell my team for me uh if you've got a youtube channel have you got any uh yeah froze the official proxy official yes that's the youtube channel there's a couple of yeah that's all that's [Music] dropping on sunday not on my channel though it's a freestyle and speak you're real speak the rule yeah yeah but this i think just come come out after that and yeah this yeah but what um what what's the plans then like what um trying to go through this wrapping thing yeah yeah yeah you know i know like you've changed your life around you know and you're trying to do better and you've given a lot of advice as well for like you know for you it's like we just spoke about like you that might think yeah i can finish it i can probably get away with no finesse i think that's what i'm saying like that's that's why i get real guys on you know what i'm saying so people from your bits can be like right that's the oldest and yeah he's saying and like he said a lot of people be like all right he fell off but then it's like you're probably not even doing half of the things that mine's dying yeah you know what i'm saying and you're talking about my foot off enough i've just i've just seen the the way you imagine what i'm saying but it's this car you said man used to tell me man i was saying that until i had to go through it to learn i remember my mom was telling me this then and you think about that in the cell isn't it but off the back of that what advice would you give to the use do you use the alright maybe in the same situation that you might have been in like before like you you know you you've come into high insight and you understand you know what you was doing was good till man tall man bro just get your bread and get out in it you're burning yeah and and and don't don't live for friends yeah no i'm saying it's all to speak because man's living for the wrong people right here and then as well without even like friends yeah friends but then what should you call your friends in it because i'm on our acquaintances certainly you have to have to use them like the same way that they're using you know what i'm saying a lot of times you don't clock your heart is real in it i believe that everyone that's everyone's problem in it come on we'll meet someone and judge them by did you think he's on what i'm on in it so you think he's as far as you yeah until naturally and he shows you who he really is in it exactly what i'm saying um i think you've given usually i go through all the questions and that and that the time you spent in prison you know um i think i've got a bit of you anyways but i think you've given like big advice and like we had like some deep deep chat about you know and we spoke like we had a little break as well we spoke as well yeah um a lot of it is just you know a lot of people just ain't real with it and just because because then when because like for me anyways brother i used to i used to be real with it like i took it seriously you know what i'm saying and then like you look at other people and you know like other people doing this thing and not a lot of people are honest enough to say you know what this ain't hot it's gonna go like it's gonna go like this you know i'm saying if you're gonna be in it make your bread and come out of it and get out of the hood you know what i'm saying but a lot of people don't really do that they just glamorize like their lifestyle and act like they're making up the breadth but that's that's the thing though when you win you win in it but when you take your l's you don't show the elves you don't show it so people are only going to see you winning yeah and not see the you know see the bad times and not see and that's not time trying to shed light on the bad times but make my understand and there's good there's bad exactly what i'm saying to you well there's upstairs downs in it like there's anything in life in it like you know and there's a lot of things that actually like things might go left like you like was riding out that day and then the beds yeah the first come here get us in and thank god it went the ultimate left but yeah it went left still in it it could have been yeah i've had a conversation i could tell you a sense of brother you know i mean and i feel like now we can like you can give life do not mean to have other youths and that you know what i'm saying because like you said it could have been you could have that day man could have dropped a body and the dirt and the man could have been in jail for 25 if it was a fed but you're looking for your plastic yeah yeah of course so me would i be the conversation right now i feel like both of us i'll just be another man on the books in the on a boxing that man in my screaming free and free my man but then you ain't got no bread yeah you know they're just saying free you know i mean just a legend that you did your thing one day and then you know one man i'm in like 20 years time be like uh yeah that frogs he was involved tomorrow now it's led legends that man heard of hell played it off right yeah that man done not saying this but then to him he i never met a left foot that said it was worth it yeah of course you honestly didn't even but i would say like you know when you was talking about the chances you've done your 12 i mean you're 12 to 6 you know you've done your six years behind the door have you seen this as a chance like yes of course no but this is it's for me to identify it as a chance yeah you get it like i said whilst we was getting the little chances for example to getting arrested that's a chance we come back yeah you turn around from there yeah then the little remind him that's a chance you don't see it yeah it's even then the fact that even the six years that you've done is a chance it's incredible i've tried it as a chance in it a lot of men don't identify their chances as chances in it yeah you just see it as i've done my videos okay right bro i'm in jrc man go and come back i'm on the same bed i'm the same bird same for me it's like don't you enjoy your liberty exactly but like i said in it it's it's easy to fall into what you was doing you know what i'm saying to you from god that's that's all man knowing it for example how hard would it was it for you to come out and start this and you know for me or on you just saw the back of that i started while i was inside didn't it so like you know you have you had the vision and division here i'm not trying to go back out and do whatever i was doing you know i'm saying to you so you you you've built your bricks from in jobs set the foundation from there so for me it was easy when you get out yeah okay you weren't doing this what would you be doing bro oh boy i'm saying yeah exactly bro you know you know what man probably would have had to go to you because it's like ice man getting my breath that's another untold story and people don't people people just don't understand just like get a job how you know what i'm saying man just i just did a madness yeah what job's going to employ me dude i'm saying but like i said i started doing this in jail um and i feel like my name just got to channel the energy the right way man there's a lot of smart brothers out there in it like you know what i'm saying to you smart yeah bored a lot a lot you're one of them even yeah there's a lot of knowledgeable brothers out there and because of what we grow and exposed to we put our energy in the wrong places no i'm saying to you so i feel like my name is realized there's more to left man than cut bro i i used to think the only way to make peas was shutting food yeah likewise no i'm saying that was what that was the only way man you get that's how you learn in this yeah until you mango jungle my [ __ ] fruit we spoke about the crypto thing before we did this recording but brother like you know on the road you're making plenty of money do you know what i'm saying unless you're thinking like if you put that 10 quid on the crypto thing you know 10 years ago and i was getting involved in this team yeah we don't remember we don't know that growing up that's not what we're exposed to in it yeah i feel like a lot of men just got on the road sit down and and and and think right now say take a little time out think and just know what you want to do in it yeah i'm saying come on all gotta do something that's laughing it know what you want to do for me now where does i speak advice bro and you know i like this interview broke i used real you know what i'm saying like i know a lot of men that might come on they might be like trying to put them on their character i can tell you a real guy bro no man not me and they say recognize rule and i definitely recognize you you know i'm saying your whatever you said the uh was real broad you know what i'm saying you know and god willing everything goes on in the future i i i urge everyone to check out his music you know support his team you're trying to do better you know i'm saying and thank you for coming on bro and telling your story my brother you get me but yeah this is a frogsy um have you got any so you've got the youtube channel um frogsi official yeah instagram frogs the official twitter frogs official yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna put all that in the description everyone check that out support his thing he's trying to do different you know he's trying to do better for himself supporters think this is like this is a sick interview you got a you got a right mind i can tell you one of the real ones you know i mean delinquent nation prison diaries uh come on
Channel: Delinquent Nation
Views: 70,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Police shooting, prison podcast, frogzy, delinquent nation, Police shooting, prison podcast, frogzy, delinquent nation
Id: 6iFIKroAp0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 3sec (7083 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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