Prison Guards, was there ever a prisoner that you felt bad for? Why? - (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit deer prison guards have read it was there ever a prisoner that you felt bad for why I worked in a jail as a deputy for a little under two years my County was pretty progressive in the jail was pretty nice all things considered most inmates had come to terms with why they were there and life wasn't too bad just boring I don't know of any inmates who maintained that they were innocent or that they didn't belong in jail there were plenty of people that seemed like good people that had just done a bad thing and plenty of people that seemed like they were actively trying to improve themselves I know a lot that got kids while in jail there were a few times that I really felt sorry for any of them once when a repeat offender gots a much longer sentence than he expected because he was a repeat offender the thing was he had actually misunderstood the judge he was sentenced to I think nine years with four suspended so five total and didn't really understand what that meant so he was walking around all in the rows he got kinda happy when I got to knock four years off his sentence the other circumstance was whenever I would have to notify an inmate that a close family member had died I had to do this a total of five times for some reason it always happened on my shift often they weren't able to go to the funeral service because they were incarcerated being in jail those guys had to act like they were tough try not to cry when hearing that a mom or brother passed away but of course that's always emotional it was always hard to keep myself from crying I pretty much have that as guys the key to the city unlimited phone use extra food if they wanted it unlimited rec time and I let them have a friend or two out on rec with them so they had someone to talk to chaplain on speed-dial I can't imagine having to go through that under those circumstances police officer here not a prison guard I felt bad for lots of inmates we had one guy who killed his neighbor after finding the guy sexually assaulted his young child another one was a woman who stabbed her ex-boyfriend after finding out he had sex with all three of her underage daughters I've seen lots of people commit crime because of all kinds of bad situations I even had a woman attacked me because I arrested her boyfriend for beating her severely we had to take them both to jail and I felt bad for her even though she attacked me anyways you'll be amazed at the amount of sad lives stories and circumstances most people who end up in jail maids poor choices but didn't really have much other chance that being said there are a few people that commit heinous crimes that deserve worse late to the party but I have a story I currently work as a correctional officer there's one inmate in particular I think about all the time and it breaks my heart most of us don't usually get involved with charges or how they got there we just do our job and look at everyone equally this guy was about 50 plus balding and skinnier looking he was on a suicide watch which is when they have to be checked in every 10 minutes the cell he was in was across from our desk we usually keep high risk people here I came in to relieve the day shift and took over naturally he sits in the staffs eyesight at all times all night he was reading a book watching TV and minding his own business whenever we asked how he was doing he would not and continue reading his book until he went to sleep in the morning about an hour before shift change he started crying on his bunk the soft crying turned to all-out sobbing and he was also grabbing his head and squeezing it we asked if he was okay but wouldn't even acknowledge us we kept a closer eye on him and I decided to look into his history a bit turns out this guy murdered his wife with a knife and the niece who was staying with them temporarily saw the whole thing the report said he was compliant with police and correctional staff it was odd so I did a bit of research the guy used to be a plum jolly dude and was loved in the community owns a bakery wife is the baker and family runs it not a mean bone in his body it was a shock to look at a photo of him months before compared to now after reading that the guy starts seizing we took him into the hospital and I was with him again that night he was talking and doing ok at this point but was delusional he would say things like have you met my wife she's a fantastic Baker you would love her apple fritters swing by the bakery and I'll give you guys one on the house turns out the guy have multiple cancerous brain tumors and was in the last stages his mind started to go and one night he snapped and stabbed his wife he has no idea where he is most of the time but every now and then he would snap back to reality and realize where he was and what he'd done and he would break down only to forget everything minutes later his family would come visit him at the hospital while I was working I would talk with them they explained the whole story and I let em know he was in good hands with us they even brought him and us a donut from their bakery we don't let inmates have anything from the outside unless it's searched and approved by management but in this guy's case I let it slide the family of his wife even say it wasn't his fault and they still love him yes three one killed his nieces rapist there's more to the story and he didn't kill him to prevent stop the rape but come on and yes it was proven that Denise was raped by the victim it's just my inmate got to him before the police he has been released though a year or two ago after doing 20 plus years the second guy was an inmate who was the getaway driver for three other dudes he was 16 if I recall correctly at the time of the crime he never flipped on the other three and ended up doing 40 years before finally being paroled about two three years ago he literally grew up in prison he has an amazing support system though thankfully and he stayed local to the facility so a few of my co-workers have seen him on the outside and caught up with him he's doing great it just amazed and saddened me that it took so long his accomplices had been in and out of the system multiple times they kept getting those chances and he didn't pissed a lot over cos off to that it took so long the third one he was a n Hasidic Jew from nice I think 18 19 years old when we got him very high up on the Hasidic Jew totem pole he threw a Molotov cocktail through the window of another H J's house no casualties I believe just an arson charge and he got a flat eight years bed now the reason I felt bad for him in these communities sexual molestation grooming et Cie run rampant and no one talks about it and certainly no one steps up to accuse an abuse or a lot of the times at the age of 12 the inmate was sent to live with the Grand Poobah rabbis to be like his houseboy or whatever the victim was a dude who wouldn't go to Temple where Grand Poobah rabbi held services choosing to pray with old folks at the adult home or hospitals etc this didn't sit well with GPR then this kid who was pretty much sheltered and I believe groomed all of a sudden shows up with a Molotov cocktail and now he's in prison I truly believe he was coerced forced into doing this to send a message to the victim and every higher up washes their hands of it and let him take the blame I even said as much to the inmate and his response was a half grin as he walked away I can't remember the kid's name but with the info given I'm sure you can find the articles I read the articles and it just screamed this kid was groomed and forced into this not a police officer but EMT we have a couple prisons and we respond to them one is a max prison got a call there for a 21 year old having seizures he's in segregation literally what they call it which is pretty much a room by himself no one can tell us how long he's been seizing straight up in status epilepticus a seizure without any breaks it's so bad that his airway is going and I was ventilating him on the way to the hospital he shares the same birthday as my younger brother he was admitted to the hospital and in the IQ for over a month thankfully he made a recovery but never found out the cause of his seizure I looked up what he did possession of marijuana I do contract medical work in prisons I feel bad for a lot of them many with little education who have been abused or exploited so broken they would listen to anyone drug charges for a lot of those DUIs - for murderers though I feel bad for people who are so mentally messed up they're almost not human I feel bad for them even though their crimes are heinous a lot of them never had a chance at a normal life even with the best self medication it's so sad for me to think of an existence like that then there's so many people I've met who seem like cool normal people and I look on their med sheet and they are on like 12 different behavioral meds a lot of them say they're thankful for the doctors in there because they never got help on the outside usually their mental illness led them to their crimes I feel bad for them because of their circumstances but I also think they're the ones who say I know why I'm in here and I deserve to be in here they want to take responsibility a friend of mine was a screw in the local gale not so much felt bad for bit more empathetic - she liked working with the murderers most of them were in for a crime of passion they were normal people who had a momentary lapse of judgment in a really hard to judge situation they weren't there to kill anything that moved they didn't get off on it they weren't sociopaths for the most part she had some good stories there was a riot once and three inmates guarded her from other inmates who were just going for everyone and anyone they kept her safe which I thought was really wholesome my GF used to be a therapist in a women's penitentiary near Mexico City she worked with many women who had committed serious crimes in some cases she heard of they were forced to either by someone else pimps drug dealers abusive spouses et Cie or the situation itself for example being victims for so long they murdered their perpetrators and so on women in Mexican jails are often subject to prostitution by the guards inmate violence or are taken advantage of by the authorities since they don't know their rights or legal situation they sometimes gave birth in jail and were allowed to keep their kids in there until they turn five we sometimes took them out to the fair and stuff they did not know they lived in a jail cell and just called it home let me tell you motherhood changed these women for the better and you could see they'd give their lives for their children I guess we felt bad about the that no matter how reformed these women were they would probably never have great chances when they got out and some would go right and after a few months never to see their babies again but through a glass window I worked County Jail and for a time I worked with juvenile offenders it was honestly something I enjoyed and if pay wasn't an issue I'd work with juvenile offenders for the rest of my life every single juvenile offender I dealt with all came from some broken home some got involved with gangs of young ages some thought that made them hot-shit in a champagne glass but they didn't realized they were just being used none of their homies were putting money on their books one of my good kids was named Colton all he was info blasting his Statman with a shotgun while she slept afterward he went to the local police office to tell them what he'd done he said he did so because his steadman was abusive towards him in ways physically mentally and even sexually however the court didn't care much about his claims on the basis that there was simply no evidence of her being abusive he got sentenced to life with possibility of parole in 25 years one of the hardest things about working with them is that it was hard to console them you couldn't just say to them that things will get better because you knew that they would never be able to live normal healthy lives they were doomed to a hard life and everyone in that block had to deal with that fact had an inmate who got drunk on her 21st day and her friends and Edie ditched her at the bar in another car she decided to drive home while drunk and crashed into an oncoming car she lived the occupants in the other car grandma and granddaughter died now obviously she deserved to be there but she felt horrible cried almost every night it's also something that ou could see happening especially to a young person it also didn't help that we had actual murderers in there that intentionally killed their children one who even intentionally crashed her car into oncoming traffic to kill herself but only ended up killing a pregnant mother and young son who had lighter sentences than her some of them even got there after her own before her hard not to feel a little bad for her a knot minute I just don't like the guys that honestly have sex with women who say they're over 18 then find out the women lied those people don't deserve to be in jail my boyfriend the prison guard who deals with pedophiles and murders almost exclusively Jayla detention officer here as a general rule I try not to look too deeply into what an inmate is being held for beyond what is necessary for me to do my job it's the courts place to decide guilt or innocence not mine that having been said there are inmates whom I have felt bad for it's hard to watch someone detoxing severely and not feel anything at all people who are incarcerated on clearly minor charges during particularly cold times of the year merely for the sake of survival the mentally ill etc are all worthy of a level of empathy the one that stands out the most was a military veteran we got the full briefing because he/she was potentially violent this inmate was incarcerated for trespassing at the Veterans Affairs hospital clearly suffering from severe mental illness and PTSD some chain of decision-making had decided that he wasn't entitled to the same care that all of our veterans should be entitled to and instead he should be arrested and placed in a padded jail cell for trial granted the local VA may not have been equipped to handle someone of his/her physical ability safely but still that was a particularly hard pill to swallow yeah I worked at a prison for a couple of years and just like any job you talk to the people around you and you grow to like and hate some of them the higher-ups always tries to force an us-versus-them mentally but I always blew that over to the wayside and looked at the inmates as people and yes long story short I did feel bad for quite a lot of the inmates a lot of them had wives on the outside that had moved on or kids that had passed away always seeing them unable to really do anything about it aside from a phone call or a letter I just felt bad for them I remember this one guy in particular whose wife and kid had died in a car crash and the only way he had found out about it was in a letter a few days afterwards he was a cool guy always very respectful to staff and others but once he had found out he obviously flipped out and had to be put in suicide watch poor guy broke down in pulled four hours not a prison guard my father-in-law used to be a CEO in San Quentin though he admitted to actually a few different times feeling bad for certain inmates and he also admitted there were a few times some of the inmates were assaulted or even killed by other inmates and he didn't step in immediately because he felt they deserve it ie he for example told me all the man there that had beat his roommate to death with his skateboard from what I was told this guy was around nineteen twenty at the time of the incident had been asleep in his room when his roommate came into the room and started attempting to stab him guy grabbed the closest thing to him which happened to beat his skateboard and started beating the guy in the head and face with it the man said he wasn't intending to kill the roommate he just didn't want to be killed either he then got 25 years for just defending himself my phil said he often felt bad for that guy because even though he was alive in some way he still did technically lose his life the time he didn't feel bad was they had a known child molester come into the prison he was in protective custody until after his sentencing once he got his sentencing he was moved to gen-pop his first night there his cellmate who happened to have kids according to my Phil beat the everliving [ __ ] out of him Phil said all the guards took their time getting to the fight to break it up because he felt like since the molested children he deserved way worse than he got feel bad for half of them are just too poor to defend themselves so they've cared sorry for bad english and not a prison guard when I served in the Army I was an education officer in the military prison one night my friend from the security camera room invited me to see a video of one of the prisoners in solitary confinement that completely lost it he took his clothes off pissed on the Bible and then jumped on the security guards completely naked when they came in to calm him down I refused to see the video and was informed that he went to a mantle institution near to the base a few hours later I was standing in the entrance to the base with the guard and a man a woman came to the gate they looked devastated they told me they are the parents of the prisoner they just came back from seeing him in the mantle institution they told me while crying that he was completely wiped out drooling on himself can't even speak I remember the mother said three weeks ago he joined the army a normal boy how is it possible felt bad I once had a guy who was on probation and sold some pot but the buyer didn't pay him so he called the cops to report the theft of his pot if we're talking sharpest knives and draw he was a spoon felt sorry for the dude because he needed help not prison he didn't do well in prison either didn't have the capacity to think beyond a couple of hours in the future the other guys would get him to act up for their entertainment if you don't know with the closing of the vast majority of mental health facilities most of the idiots in the literal diagnosis meaning end up in prison rather than in some places that can help them become more independent and pro-social not prison guard but former prison nurse had an inmate at my max state facility who was in for killing mom's boyfriend when he intervened on him beating her badly kid went to County where everyone goes until they are proven guilty and sentenced to a state federal facility County was a notoriously shitty facility inmate had had a heart replacement as a few days old baby and had to take rejection meds every day kid had his heart 4:19 stroke 20 years if I remember right County didn't give him his meds and he rejected the heart by the time they realized and got his meds it was too late by the time he got to us he was in full-blown heart failure only mercy release I've ever seen kid was taken to another state immediately after release like walks out of facility and headed out for new transplant not sure what ever happened to him there was that guy vain justly throw there black guy charged with murder they sentenced him to death honestly did not care much about him we really try not to initiate any personal relations there as we know that would only bring problems and effects mental health but that guy was kinda special felt really bad when they executed him he even revived a dead mouse my dad was a prison guard and I remember one of the only inmates he told me about that he didn't think deserved to be there was the guy who murdered the town rapist I don't remember too much of the story anymore but I think I remember him telling me that the guy walked in on the rapist doing the act to his daughter and well he killed him down in there apparently the guy had done so to some other people around the town but there was no solid proof of anything former CEO in a maximum-security penitentiary here I normally tried to not get into most people's background stories as it can affect the way you treat them it's hard to treat someone who raped and killed a five-year-old the same as someone who stole a car that said sometimes they just straight up tell you or you pick up on scuttlebutt I empathized with people who just made a few wing decisions and got hooked on some bad [ __ ] as someone who has had numerous addicts in my family I got it there was one guy who said to me while I was still training I'd be their first one to tell you that I did what they say I did that got me curious so I looked him up turns out some guy did some things he shouldn't have done to this inmates daughter so he beat him to death now I'm not saying the guy was right but I understood where he was coming from ro you made it to the end you're ducking beasts I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content might its free and that's a great price
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Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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