Priscilla Presley Recalls the Day Elvis Died (Flashback)

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I got a call I was I was going to an appointment and meeting my sister and I saw my sister and she said you have to go home I have chills even talking about it instantly I knew something was wrong I didn't quite pinpoint it yet because Lisa was supposed to come home that day he was going out on tour and I raced back home and I think I ran every red light there was trying to get to my house and um the phone was ringing and it kept ringing and it kept ringing and it's in one of those horror movies where you're trying to get the key into the door and you can't your hands are shaking so badly that you can't find the hole to get the key in and and uh praying that the phone doesn't stop ringing and I get to the to the phone and it's um Joe Esposito and I will never forget this and he says to me you know um Cilla and I go what and it seemed like it was forever you know for him to tell me and I'm going what and he goes it's Elvis and I mean I knew I knew right then and there that something horrible had happened and then when he told me that he was dead it was like waking up from a a nightmare and hoping to wake up from a nightmare and saying this is a joke and I broke down and I just I I couldn't believe it I dropped the phone and I I just couldn't you know believe that that he died and I had such mixed emotions Lisa was at the house at the time which for a nine-year-old what a devastating thing to go through right she was um actually out on the golf cart driving around with her friend and I remember looking out the window and thinking well is that normal is that something that I have to be concerned about is you know seeing her with her friend and just driving all over and then I realized you know that was her way of escaping because the house was filled with such mourning such disbelief I had my own golf cart that my father gave me and it might the key with a tag with my name on it it's worn out completely and it was kind of my um key to Terror Freedom that key was my life and I had such mixed emotions I remember being on the playing his playing going back to Memphis and feeling such anger you know feeling so many emotions of how could you do this you know how could you do this how could you leave us how could you you promised you know it's just something you never feel that was ever going to happen to him he he just never felt it and hearing his father literally howling you know for his son I can't even describe I can't even go to where it took me again it was it's like walking in a a maze by yourself and in disbelief and feeling this spiral of going downward and never feeling you could come out of it because Elvis was always there you just never thought that was going to happen he was so young 42 years old and I think that's the other thing that you you look at you realize how young he was to leave us you know and I think that was the day the whole world mourned there was such a an emptiness I think I felt for for months after that [Music]
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 261,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Priscilla Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley
Id: TTStf2msMM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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