Priscilla Presley Opens Up About Her Relationship With Elvis | The Jonathan Ross Show

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[Applause] danny's going to speak more slowly a little bit make it easier to understand i'm i'm totally baffled i have no idea what was said you were a different person back there when i met you i was petrified of you that's why before i met a little bit but he's uh but you can understand him when he speaks like that okay when he speaks slowly yes and when he can speak english he was speaking english he was just a vernacular it was idiomatic english i wasn't i was to watch easterners but easterners easterners [Applause] which channel is easterners okay so we mentioned halloween early on of course very very different the level it's celebrated in the usa to the uk uh but i read somewhere i think it's true that you and elvis you did go out in special costumes one year yes yes we actually as a joke because i had i had a couple of wigs and and at that time i had a granny outfit and and he had this idea that the two of us could go to his father's house who lived right on off of property and um pretend we were older people so he had a cane i had he had a a wig i had a wig on and he dressed in overalls and we went around to the front of the house and we rang the bell we had little bags and he had glasses on i had glasses on my nose i mean we were we were really characters right so he uh rang the bell and uh his dad opened the door and of course he was way down and you know couldn't really see his face and his father's looking and he says you know something like what are you two old people doing here trick-or-treating you know so of course that that you know cracked all this up and um he says will you stand up so i mean he wasn't really into to halloween and he was gone most of the time but that wasn't really a tradition that that he kept up in any way no you obviously you've been asked about him all your life you know you you were with him when you became a young woman you married him and uh you were only with him for six years man and wife yeah but we were together way before that we you know i was with him when i was well 16 17 18 19 and then married at 21 and on and but since you divorced i guess you still people have always asked you about him uh other things that you haven't said much of the things we still haven't heard what things about his personal something you could share with us so maybe people don't know about him yet oh my gosh i think that they know so much about him um i was thinking about that one of the one of the things that elvis did first of all when he was young he never liked to go to people's homes or eat because he didn't like eating other with other people's silverware so he would take his own silverware and he didn't like drinking out of cups that other people had drank out of even restaurants or other homes so when he drank he would drink where the handle was so knowing that no one would ever drink it that side so he'd have that we got a couple so he'd have a cup like that when he looked at the top of that well he did it it looked better when he did it let's do the back here i want to see how elvis struck with the mug so this would be the mug so you'd give this 12 this so say you came to my house i go elvis here's your two you asked for yeah so he'd take it okay and he got to take a sip and he'd hold it very politely you know and then we would take it he would stick it like this but would he wait till you looked away because you might say what's wrong with the mother nobody would pick up on that really so you'd always drink that way oh yes yeah but wouldn't you burn your lip i'm imagining you about your lips oh you burn your lip if you get the other one you go oh i'll burn my lip balm [Laughter] how does it feel for you this is what i'm curious about priscilla because you're a person in your own way you've had a career over and above your time with elvis and yet still to an extent and this is on us not on you he defines you in our eyes we think of you and we think of him always so i'm not saying you're in his shadow but it must be a peculiar experience knowing that whenever people talk to you most the time they want to get to talking about elvis as well is that how has that been for you well at first it was very difficult because i you know to always be associated to someone you start losing yourself and who you are um and um people always wanted to know and still do actually um want to know about him and i do understand it a lot better now than i did let's say when i was younger i was kind of lost really in who i was you know early in my life i really didn't have a teenage years i you know i learned so much about him and with was with him so much that i thought the way he did i you know i i knew what he liked what he didn't like i knew his thoughts i knew everything as far as what you couldn't possibly do and you lived together at such a young age so i think that's really why people you know ask me so many questions and i'm much more comfortable with it now because i am my own person on my own right now so i'm able to share that you you were close after divorce i understand obviously you had a child together so that's going to be well we were close to because we liked each other yeah so in the final years when we saw him he was a clearly a bit of a lost soul you know he was a i don't know if he was on his way back to finding his way back to who he was but for us to watch that and i was a fan and i think you know that so many as well but that was a hard thing for us to watch it must have been almost impossible for you to see him in that state it was difficult elvis did get a little bit lost lost and basically he felt he was getting older had a lot of issues that he was dealing with he became more isolated um and it was it was it was it was difficult yeah did he reach out to you did you reach out to him in that face yes we talked in fact we talked a few days before he passed um which was very hard uh asking if he was okay and if he was able to you know if he was excited about going on tour um and he was he he loved work um but he was dealing with a a lot of um issues it was it wasn't easy and did you you must have had a sense in something was still wrong i did i did but elvis was um he you know he he felt he was okay he wasn't someone that you could just say you need to you know really take care of yourself and uh please from his father you know you need to take care of yourself son um it it was hard for anyone to do anything because ultimately it was his decision and he felt he was fine but well you i mean it is it's weird because when someone's in the middle of that it's they need to sort themselves out really don't they because you had a few last years didn't you danny i mean before you settled down with joanne you were busy by last year well you were a bit of a mess weren't you for what yeah a bit of a mess uh yeah rip the ass out of it for a bit yeah easy live life to the voice i'll translate yeah is that a mess though i mean i think you must have felt you weren't happy were you danny uh you thought you were you're young you're young you just you got discovered you know your way through life and uh your parameter took a bit of a mad path by some [ __ ] good times as well though john i mean he had he enjoyed the experience although he now looks fabulous so you've got an album here there's an album out which is called if i can dream and this is elvis singing obviously is not new recordings it's elvis recordings yesterday but it had been set on back by an actual full orchestra the royal philharmonic orchestra for the first time ever this is his voice with the full orchestra yes and is this something he would have done do you think or would have wanted to do if he had absolutely absolutely absolutely this is what he would wanted to do um and by the way this is uh still his backup band it's still the backup singers this is just enhancing and embellishing a bigger sound a full sound of which he always wanted well it is a beautiful album i mean just if you're a fan of elvis but even if you're not you know just incredible singing with beautiful backing we call it abbey world studios i believe the orchestra and you chose these tracks in particular for producer don reidman and and myself chose the tracks and it's so diverse and just these are songs that he loved that he basically chose or that he covered well the song i particularly love this song i've always loved by him and you do a version here which is just incredible american trilogy yes which i think was one of his favorites as well wasn't it yes i brought that song to him and uh said not that he liked anyone picking out music for him because he didn't he liked to choose his own music but when i heard that song driving down sunset boulevard i go oh my god this is everything he believed about his country everything he believed about the south everything he believed about his maker so i ran got the song and then brought it to him didn't want to say this is what you need to do because he didn't he didn't like that that would have not worked you didn't ever say that to him so i just said you might want to listen to this because it's it's really it's an amazing song oh joanna lumley came out to visit you john army we all know and loved you and alumni i don't know whether you were particularly familiar with joanna alumni before she visited no not not that well she came to graceland because she was an illustration back in the day and she wanted to sort of find out where he'd come from what he was and what he meant to people and she filmed with you at the house and that must be strange for you showing people around the house who want to say i know you don't do the actual tour i did i did that day yeah but you don't oh so don't go expecting priscilla when you go through great stuff because you'd be exhausted wouldn't you um but uh you showed her around and that must be strange because the memories that exist there must still resonate for you i imagine yes it does in fact she was very lovely by the way i mean she was so respectful she was funny she was so charming i i really liked her a lot uh i was also with her at ivy road studios and she was there sitting and listening to some of the music as well um but that documentary actually is coming out this coming yeah it's this it's this wednesday on itv and it's a charming very very informative entertaining it's a lot but it's a very personal kind of approach have you seen it yeah i've seen it yeah it is very personal and she asked such great questions why don't you know all about him and one of the questions i'm sure were fine uh but some of us thought they weren't as good as a professional would do okay now there's been a big uh exhibition on uh at the o2 center here in london it's on until january uh incredible artifacts from the huge i guess the huge because at the vaults of elvis memorabilia and personalized stuff i don't know how many items there are there but we have uh two million wow not not at the 02 but 2 million in the votes two million artifacts wow uh and so obviously they have genuine historical value and they also have value to the fans above that and we have something special here which i'm going to show you which priscilla has kindly arranged for us to have out here so maybe you can tell us i have to put these gloves on to handle it uh they told me it wasn't anything personal but i noticed danny was having a feel with that earlier okay let's have a look at this because this this is why i have to wear the gloves this is a gold plated is diamonds sapphires and rubies or just diamonds and sapphires wow okay so and this is considered priceless because this was worn by elvis it was a gift to ourselves yes it was a gift by the international hotel he had smashed all the attendance in all of las vegas and i think it was like a somewhere around 114 000 attended his show in 1969. and so where would you keep this sort of stuff in the house would this be on display or would this be uh tucked away in the drawer we had yes he had he had a place that he would he would have it i mean he kept it among his things he was very proud of it and um he wore it on occasion i mean it's very heavy and this will be on display actually so it's uh one of the most requested it went he needs help in so many ways that's fabulous ladies and gentlemen i think you'll agree she's a spectacular guest uh or charming company priscilla presley [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 2,371,302
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Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, ITV, Jonathan Ross, Rossy, jonathan ross, jonathan ross show best moments, jonathan ross show funniest moments, elvis presley, elvis presley cant help falling in love, elvis presley songs, elvis movie, elvis movie trailer 2022, priscilla presley, priscilla presley interview, austin butler, baz luhrmann, elvis film, elvis biopic, warner bros, colonel tom parker, elvis, film trailer, graceland tour, graceland tour 2022, graceland tour with priscilla
Id: a2Quq71FeQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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