Priscilla Presley’s last words to Elvis before he died

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you you split from Elvis and you get divorced from Elvis but you have this little girl Lisa Marie and she's your child that you have with Elvis His only child what was that relationship like after the divorce between the three of you what did you say well I because when I left I wanted I you know I he adored her and I never wanted to take that away from him so I made arrangements that on Christmas or holidays or EAS that she that he it was a point that that I would send her to Gracin of course the nanny was there with her I we bring her there that that he had time alone with her so even in in uh Las Vegas the same thing I I wanted them you know to be close which they were and be was he a good father despite all the problems he was having he was as good a father as he could be you know he was never around children and you know it was he you know growing up so so he really honestly when he was she was smaller he didn't quite know what to do with her um but as as she got a little bit old and a little bit older and then she could travel you know to visit him and be with him for at least two weeks you know when it was um Christmas or Easter or something then he became closer to her his death was something that shook the entire world but for you and your daughter it must have been a particularly seismic shocking moment devastating to get a call absolutely devastating I had just talked to him the night before actually and I um no two nights before and it to get that call um Jo bazito actually called me and said s um Elvis is dead and he was already emotional and I just yelled you know I thought he was kidding you know you you just never imagine that we would joke around all the time and then when I found out that you know it was true and I just went to my bedroom and just stayed and Joe said you send the plane for me the private plane and I just stayed in my room and couldn't believe it and cried and I don't know it's it's interesting even now this is 50 years ago pretty much nearly yeah but it still has a profound effect on I can still hear Joe Esposito's words so oh this is dead and that was like I couldn't I just couldn't imagine him ever you know especially you know his age and all being so still so young and wanting to do so much and had so much planned and not having him him not having him not talking to him um not having him be the father of our child and what you know my big fear was Lisa you know and how do I how do I tell her and she was only nine at the time I have a daughter of 11 I can't imagine a harder conversation to have right how how did you tell her well I just told her we're going to Gracin and where we're going to go see Daddy but Daddy won't be you know that he will be resting and she just asked me and she goes well what resting I've never actually told this before cuz it's been hard but um I said well he's going to go to sleep for a while and she goes will I be able to see him and I said yes you'll be able to see him you'll be able to see him and then she sees him and uh I don't think she really quite got it but uh because she went out in the golf cart and started uh she had a little friend and driving in the golf cart and all all around the backyard of graand so I don't it didn't really hit her until later I can't even imagine because it was such a huge story for the rest of the world but for you this is just this is real life this is your man that you loved still loved still loved today still loved today yep he was like I said he was unique he was um his personality was Unreal he was caring um he cared for people he had um he wondered why him um and when I mean there's stories about him I don't know if you ever heard the story about a there was a black woman who was um looking at a car and Bill Street uh a car dealership and he was looking and he was just driving around and he saw her looking in the and the windows at the new cars that were there and he said told Charlie to stop the car he stopped out he went over to the woman and he goes boy those are nice cars and he said oh yes sir they're beautiful look at that and she goes what one do you like and he she goes o I like that black one right there no that blue one right there and he goes really yeah I kind of like that too so then he takes her in and they go in see the car and she he says what do you think oh that's a beautiful car you'll be good in that car right he goes well just a minute he goes and gets a Salesman he says give me the keys to that car getting it and he gives the keys to her and that's was a beautiful blue Cadillac brand new that's him that's what he would do anyone in trouble he'd give them money anyone who had you know a problem with anything really you know and they couldn't afford it even with some of the guys who needed uh medical care he'd pay for it when you've watched Elvis the movie and our Priscilla and it's made you revisit all of these times that you had with him do you have any part of you that thinks if only I'd done this this or this things could have turned out differently you know I don't know I don't think so because I I really um you know I gave my all to him I I you know I couldn't I couldn't change his mind I mean he was strong minded well I think he he loved you and you loved him till the day he died I that's clear yes it was an extraordinary love story he would call me all the time and it was so funny because whoever he was with he would usually go into his bathroom to make the phone calls do you remember your last conversation with her my last conversation yes was when Lisa was coming home that she needed to come home because school was starting and Lisa Lisa was there during that time yeah it was it it's very I mean it's it's very poignant for me to talk to you who's in the end you're you're a woman that had this extraordinary life and had this extraordinary relationship with this man but here we are I think he died in 1977 M and here we are in 2023 and I can see the effect he still has on you just on a personal human level there's nothing tabloid or anything about this this was a real visceral love affair between you I miss him I miss him very much yeah I miss his words I miss his love I miss his laugh I miss his energy I miss the fun times I think you know you don't really realize the fun times that you're having until you go back and you look at your albums and your pictures and you go oh my God we had so much fun we did so much and uh you know it's still it's still there
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 20,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6340408246112, fb, msn, opinion, piersmorgan, yt
Id: gbfiHH8Ehu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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