Priscilla Presley Breaks Down 15 Looks From 1960 to Now | Life in Looks | Vogue

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even at graceland he would be dressed up coming down the staircase no pajamas hi vogue i'm priscilla presley and this is my life and looks this is an important day yes this was the day that elvis was going back to united states he had just finished his his duties in germany i dreaded this day very much because i didn't know actually if i was ever going to see him again one request that he asked that i not be teary-eyed so you see me smiling here where there are other pictures where i am down and looking away and knowing that i may never see him again so that was the beginning that's a pretty big hairdo i have this was the style that was my hair not all of it i had a little bun underneath and then my hair went on top of it and i did this especially for elvis he had gone away to do a movie and i wanted to surprise him well it's a lot of teasing in this hair a lot of teasing that was huge in the 60s so i think probably about an hour and a half is how long it took and the problem was is trying to keep it that way for a week because we just got our hair done once a week that was the deal oh this one here i'm at the memphis international airport i'm getting ready to go to california dressed up with leather gloves leather bag you know people back in the day dressed up and i mean really dressed up because being on an airplane and flying was quite the thing and you never saw anyone underdressed at all i loved capes at that time i still love capes elvis had gifted me with this darling little poodle at christmas time in 1962. i named him honey and i traveled with him everywhere uh this is a big day for us this is our wedding day now the story about this dress and finding it is uh charlie hodge who worked for elvis i had asked to go with me to find a wedding dress and why is that is because i would go into stores people would recognize me and of course then know that there's a wedding ahead this was such a well-kept secret because we wanted it to be our wedding with our friends and not to be loaded with paparazzi so charlie harge went with me and i found a beautiful beautiful shop all wedding dresses they had no idea who i was i came in with glasses actually on i went to the dressing room i'd come out with a wedding dress and asked charlie what do you think darling do you like it people thinking that he was getting we were getting married anyway i found this dress there and it was something that i liked because it was very feminine very lightweight not too heavy and it matched very well with elvis's uh his suit so those were great days so this was after a wedding getting on the plane going back to palm springs it was very natural that elvis and i kind of blended together i always picked out things that were very dressy and it always seemed to go exactly with what elvis had this is frank sinatra's plane frank had offered us the plane so that we could keep everything low-key and keep it again private it was very gracious of him to do this because it helped a lot because after the wedding the paparazzi definitely was after us we were saying goodbye to some friends that were there in vegas and getting ready to get on the plane it was a nice treat for us we're in palm springs right after the wedding we always dressed up elvis never liked that feeling or look as being too relaxed look this was his natural outfit that he would wear at the house either in la or here in palm springs he always dressed and liked to dress up and so did i always had this idea that always looking good for each other always making sure that that never lapse the fact is we cared for each other loved each other had fun with each other but never to get so relaxed that it was kind of sloppy kind of like i don't know and you know i liked you the way you were before ah this is of course the birth of lisa marie i got this beautiful dress here at neiman marcus in fact in the movie elvis this was duplicated for olivia who plays me this is the happy dad he's looking at her like oh my gosh of a child what do i do he was so afraid to hold her i think a lot of men feel that way but he was so frightened that he would drop her i didn't know how to hold her so this was a really happy time oh boy this is one of my favorite favorite photos i i love this photo because i love this dress bill baloo designed this dress for me he did a lot of elvis clothes in fact bill blue did all of his jumpsuits and for las vegas and i'm going to cut a little bit of a transition right here my eyebrows a little bit different i'm wearing lashes my hair is a lot longer and i'm starting to free up a little bit and being a little bit more actually you know more sure of myself ah here here we have elvis of course with his cross on he always had across the tcb i actually designed the tcb necklace we're on a plane going to memphis one day and he said to me that he wanted to have something for the guys that made it just for the guys a piece of jewelry for tcb especially and he wanted something designed for it and as we're flying it started to rain and as rain a lightning bolt came across the sky and i looked at it and i drew a lightning bolt and then i put the tcb right on it and then i said to him is this what you mean and he looked at it and he said oh my god this is it this is what i want and the rest is history who who knew that it would be as big as it is i mean truly and i'd be darn i don't have a patent on it so this dress was designed by me and my partner olivia olivia biz yeah i look back at these days and i go gosh i wish i had that again i think i sold it this right here of course this is our store bison bow uh it was actually in the corner of little santa monica and i think bedford and denim just started coming in denim jeans and in fact they were huge and we designed this actually we had some couple of outfits that we had put rhinestones on of course the ties also got the rhinestones on it and i look back and i go wow we were kind of ahead of our time on this we had a lot of celebrities that came to the shop we had cher we had barbra streisand we had victoria principal i mean really we had a wonderful line of celebrities that that would come to bissembo so it was great well here's jenna wade and dallas this is actually my first my first scene which i thought was great and i had fun because of look at the dress i get to wear and being my first scene i tried so hard making sure that i got everything right and i was afraid that i was going to have to do the scene all over again because there was a lot of dialogue and i did it my first take so i was very proud of that on the set of dallas you can pretty much choose your own look i mean the designers will get the feel of what you like every one of us had a different look on dallas so it kind of had to go with the characters somewhat jenna was a little bit she was very classy she did have her own little style but she was a newcomer and trying to fit in of course in dallas everyone dressed up so i love that i love dressing up [Music] wow okay this is probably one of the most favorite photographs that i had taken with my daughter and of course my granddaughter this was a real honor to be on the cover of vogue and of course to be dressed by the designers for vogue we had a lot of fun on this set and all of us got to pick the dresses that we wanted of course they all had to blend in together it actually did very well we were very very pleased to be a part of it here we go dancing with the stars that was a big challenge this dress was designed for me i found it very unique as you can see the top here is started here with all kind of glitter and it was very comfortable but what i liked most about it was when we danced everything flowed it was like a picture my parents went to this i had my parents go to all the shows so they were always so proud every time i finished okay baslerman oh my gosh and this is a prada outfit as you can see started here are little cuffs and i believe it or not here's the tip of my shoe down below and that's the same as the cuffs here the high cuffs and the dress also has little bones here actually that keep you straight you can't bend over and i look at bows and i go my gosh look at you and he goes no this is nothing he's so flamboyant really really so yes this was the beginning of the film let's see anyway so here we are this is the premiere to the movie elvis the gatherings are unbelievable filled with um cameras total cameras i mean they're they're shooting pictures all over the front of you back of you so you know that's a little nerve-racking um the dress is prada beautiful i like this dress because it kind of matched the color of my hair i'm usually dressed in black so this was a different for me but i love it and i got to keep it too so i'm really happy the experience was really really great that was my first time going to cannes people were encouraging so that excitement kind of left us all up and thought my gosh you know i think we have something here although we did anyway because austin did an amazing job playing elvis unbelievable so unbelievable it was frightening both my daughter and i were blown away and baslerman did a great job totally great job very unique and it tells the story of the ups and downs of the relationship that elvis had with his manager colonel tom parker never been told before so it's a new movie never been told [Music] i just want to thank you for taking the time to to learn a little bit about the movie myself my taste my choice and colors and designs and i've had a lot of fun sharing this with you thank you so much [Music] you
Channel: Vogue
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Keywords: elvis movie, elvis presley wife, life in looks, priscilla, priscilla presley, priscilla presley 2022, priscilla presley boufant, priscilla presley elvis, priscilla presley interview, priscilla presley life in looks, priscilla presley life in looks vogue, priscilla presley now, priscilla presley outfits, priscilla presley vogue interview, priscilla presley wedding, priscilla presley wedding dress, priscilla presley wedding to elvis, vogue, vogue life in looks
Id: VKKe82ggaD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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