Principles of Divine Lifting - Rev Lucy Natasha

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[Music] [Applause] the bimah says rejoice not over me my enemy the bow I fall I will rise though I sip in badness the net will be my lighter sums chapter 75 verse 6 to verse 7 for promotion comes later from the east not from the West not from the south but God is the judge he puts down one and exerts another my god job chapter 22 and verse 29 job chapter 22 and verse 29 when they cast you down and you say exaltation will come then he will save the humble person the last verse I want to really sums chapter 3 and verse 3 but you our Lord are my shield my glory and the lifter of my head father I bless the reading of your word in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit and so in this next half of the year I believe with all of my heart what you are not able to accomplish in the first half God will give you the grace to accomplish in the remaining half of this year it doesn't matter how long you've been down hallelujah some of you are like how can there be a lifting and the way I have fallen down so many times the Bible says a righteous man will fall down seven times but the Bible says he will rise again the Bible says rejoice not over me my enemy people fall I will rise though I sit in darkness the net will be my light I came to announce to somebody it doesn't matter how it seems up there is going to be a lifting and the Bible says promotion comes later from the east or from the West but promotion comes from the Lord he is you a looter and a looter of your hair tubs and I prophesy tonight under this anointing I stand and diviner carretera circuit Asia rocket days hmm I profess hi there shall be a lifting in your finances in this next half of the year let there be a lifting in your spiritual life let there be a lifting in your business let there be a lifting in your career we are lifting in your calling I declare a divine lifting in the name of Jesus I release the anointing that will push you in the mighty name of Jesus even when men said there is a casting power I declare there shall be a rising up in this next half hour yeah I see you rising in the name of Jesus somebody prophesy to yourself you are a prophet of your own destiny in the name of Jesus can you take 10 seconds and prophesy to yourself somebody say I'm rising I'm rising up arising arising in the name of Jesus I want to look at esta and I want to look at few principles of divine lifting from the life of Esther and because of time I am NOT going to read the verses I will only mention them you're right and read them live and read them later number one the first principle of divine lifting behind every lifting you'll need a destiny helper there is no promotion without a promoter look at your neighbor's a neighbor there is no promotion Napa if you look at the life of Esther you will see Mordecai you will see hot guy that was in charge of all the ladies in the palace and she found favor with hot guys she had favor with her uncle Mordecai behind every lifting there is a destiny helper behind every promotion there is a parameter my god I want to prefer somebody in this next half of the year make or connect you to your promoter in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth every man and women that has gone up they have gone up because over testing a helper every promotion has a promoter I profess somebody here in this next half of the year the month that will lift you up everyone that will lift you up may God connect you to them this week I said may God connect you talked to them this week [Music] in this any help if you talk to any woman they are people they can refer to but what instrumental in their childhood cretinous esse for hot divinely lifting to take place she had help somebody say help us so behind every lifting number one they are right there needs to be a helper number two there is something called timing look at your neighbor tell them timing somebody said timing I want to read a class this chapter 9 and verse 11 I returned and saw that under the Sun the rest is not to the Swift no butter to the strong bread to the wise no reaches to men of understanding no favor to men of skills I promise I'll cut a shiragiku's as Esther came into her time you have entered your time you have entered your season my god Daniel chapter 2 verse 21 says and he changes the times under Caesars it is God back tick-tock - times and seasons Daniel - 21 and he changes that - under seasons he removes kings and raises up kings it this is this is [Applause] this is my this is my this is my this is my and this is my time it is care that determines times and seasons and I just heard the holy verse a your time has come you our son has come somebody shout I received number three behind every lifting they are in favor somebody's a favor somebody self favor in this next half of the year I declare by divine favor you will fly on the wings of divine favor somebody say I will fly and the wings of divine favor save what is the matter of Destiny favor is the golden key to your destiny essa was favored hallelujah I decree and declare in this next half of the year may God qualify you where you are disqualified Shama Cardoza regard Asia ragged days favor is divine assistance favor is the goodness of God and being expressed in a man or a woman's life favor is the undeniable hand of God in a man or a woman's life saver is heaven helping you in this next half of the year receive divine assistance receive divine health I say please soup divine help in this life you cannot walk you cannot work hard enough for everything you will need in this life that is why you need favor tell your neighbor you cannot work hard enough for all you will knit in this life you need favor somebody say favor and some of you are working so much heart you have Leppa without paper which is struggle I am praying for you from today may favor begin to speak on your behalf may God show you his favor somebody said I receive so behind every lifting there is favor lift your hand say Lord in this next half show me your favor show me your favor and I pray for everybody here that is trusting God for employment may God give you favor favor on your certificates favor on your series anyone that is trusting God for business capital I prayed that favor will speak on your behalf that God will touch their heart of your helper God will raise a helper that will give you business capital I prefer somebody here that is trusting God for a promotion favor will speak on your behalf and prayer for somebody here that needs a visa that as you go to apply for that visa rules will be suspended rules will be suspended when favor is that what natural laws are suspended I wrote across will be suspended when the favor of God is at what you will go to places you never dreamt off less says you never imagined you will dine with kings and queens Kings will be your foster fathers Queens will be your nursing mothers somebody say I receive somebody self favor I am singing the next half for somebody here it will be like a dream this next half of the year he will give you double for your trouble you suck typing the first half em but when God gets a little visit you you know when God shows up we - no - show up he shows up and shows off even those that were asking where is your God those that was saying you are brain you're fasting you realize we expect Columbia I are in a tire iron are you ready to go to the next level are you ready to go to Nationals I see you going to nation tell your neighbor the way it does catch feelings that is all you will be catching flags say business in Dubai business in China this it's to the Holy Land [Applause] sit down for one minute I'm giving you the last one and then I pray for you every lifting makes you to be celebrated tell your neighbor every lifting makes you to be celebrated in estas time of lifting she was celebrated as a queen i prophesy in this next half of this year she will be celebrated I said you will be celebrated touch your neighbor tell them you will be celebrated you will not be tolerated winsome - mama - will you are you - Angela I see somebody here before the end of the year Jesus sit down I give you the last one oh my god so every lifting makes you noticed uncelebrated God will distinguish you among as the multitude even in your own family [Applause] somebody shout I receive every seat sit down I give you the last one and then I pray every lifting in every lifting there will be celebration I see you celebrating what you could not accomplish in the first half you will accomplish in the second half you will celebrate a new job you will celebrate a new promotion you will celebrate a new relationship human celebrate a new house oh my god tell your neighbor I see celebration salami ham tamale I smell celebration salami ham - probably I smell oil catchment i smelling a graduation I smell my wedding I see posting for the promotion I see you celebrating for a visa [Applause] this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody say hallelujah I've given you I've given you already I've given you behind every lifting you need a help but there is no promotion without a promoter note that number to every lifting is attached to time because our God is a God of times and seasons somebody say Amen number three behind every lifting days favor somebody say favor and number for every lifting mix want to be noticed and celebrated please note this because it is going to happen in the next half of the year and number five now listen to this is always good to know as you hear the positive there is the other side of the coin every lifting attracts enemies interpret envy jealousy and hatred you know there are people that do not sleep just because you are doing well but tell your neighbor the devil is a liar lost three more powerful for your success when God looked at Esther and she became she became queen and this was the people of Esther Kadesh but can i prophesy prophesy oracle decree and declare no amount of jealousy no motive envy but we'll stop the blessing of god [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell your neighbor every lifting comes with jealousy and with envy but tell your neighbor don't worry tell your neighbor don't worry the paper says in Psalms 23 and verse 5 that God prepares our table for us [Applause] [Applause] in the name of Jesus I will send number seven as we are all standing up number six every lifting requires sacrifice Esther sacrificed herself to seek God because for her and for her people if you read as such after four pass 15 to verse 17 it will not just happen by divine osmosis you will have to do something about it in this next half you will have to pray you will have to fast you will have to be committed and steadfast genuine neighbor it requires every lifting requires a sacrifice tell your neighbor sacrifice your printer's of God sacrifice your time to pray sacrifice to fuss is a sacrifice sacrifice your resources to come on somebody say Amen lift your hands above your head find that you give me a word that this is the time and the season of divine lifting Santa as you lifted esta lift every man and woman under the sound of my voice I declare let the next half of this year be filled with answered prayers let the next half this year be filled with testimonies miracles signs and wonders in the mighty name of Jesus I bless your life i bless your life i bless your family I bless your finances your bills will be paid your tax will be canceled Jesus I bless everything that is connected to you everybody stretch your hands to the altar yeah Caravaggio yonder bachata father in the name of Jesus as I have shared your world I decree and declare in the name of Jesus yeahso khadija ragged osa yonder bhajan day let there be a divine lifting financially spiritually economically maritally in the name of Jesus I declare where the devil said there was a casting down there shall be a lifting up I bless you total I bless everything that is connected to you I declare a girl and prosper I declare girl and succeed somebody look at your hands Shabba Cardozo yah Carabas eya I declare in the next half of this year your hands will hundred blessings your hands will hundred millions your hands will touch finances in ways you have never imagined let there be a lifting in your finances my god I see God is going to open place for people here from multiple streams of income and prayer in the name of Jesus let your hands hunter grant blessings in the mighty name of Jesus Shahla Baga terms are rugged else somebody welds your head I release flavor I declare a favour on your head somebody say favor on my head increase on my hands spit on my feet somebody's a favor on my head increase and my hands state on my feet say it three times fail bowed my head increase on my hands don't my feet my head increase on my hands speed on my feet same bow on my head increase in my hands speed on my feet somebody say I have the heart of a champion I have the mind of an overcomer I have the spirit of a conqueror in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 47,127
Rating: 4.7854891 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon, Principles of Divine Lifting
Id: _JmFsupMcrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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