Prince on Muppets Tonight |

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voters shoot he's gonna excuse me excuse me excuse me any no what can I do for you I'm get started on the show tonight uh-huh and your name sure this is gonna be fun I'm the artist formerly known as Prince hmm and I'm the bear currently Nona's not amused my name has no sound its unpronounceable what's on this kind of monkey business might have kept you out of the draft but Jake gonna pull me no how would your name appear on my list here like this oh okay dr. Rorschach I'll play along I see my mother and a butterfly doing the Mambo on an orange check the list could be mounting for a guy with no name okay let's see we got railroad crossing that yin-yang sign we got thank you boy security in this place stinks [Music] Muppets tonight with our very special guest started the artist formerly known as plants [Music] [Music] hey everyone listen up the artist is on his way up the elevator boy this is it guys let's give him a big Muppets tonight [Music] it is killing me you are oh thank you [Music] [Music] Wow oh thank you both you've managed to put another hairline fracture in my cranium oh yeah we'll just for that mulch our Carnival Cruise is cancelled and that Three Stooges convention is looking mighty anything [Music] anyway anyway tonight's main numbing feature is even Kings Town House of Wax by the way look for Leona Helmsley in apamea as Edwina the painting that we have to go to the nurse mulch bro the film here is for the completion of another great season of tales from the vets our whoops whoops whoops and I just wanted to say you're the best grill I've ever had we're the only crew everyone go easy on this eggnog [Music] [Applause] and I didn't sell nothing shock for the Christmas time and you just [Music] did you get a video tape me Jamie Jamie [Music] you freeloaders [Music] there your mo see my mochi come here coming well I'm back from the nurse's station how about that town House of Wax pretty spine-chilling stop eh what you play what you play Christmas party 93 I have no idea what you're talking about I wasn't even at the Christmas party in 93 I was young it was the eggnog duct tape I was just trying to fit in [Music] so you're supposed to be pressing my pants what are you doing over here I'm studying Johnny studying uh-huh since when do you need a book to be a pants irony this is the correspondence course I'm learning to be an osteopath you know bone doctor well that's that's great so but first of all a bone doctor is called a bony ologist second of all you know I support you when all you intellectual pursuits but call me old-fashioned I need my pants to perform onstage Thank You Johnny first let me adjust your back for you I don't think don't worry just relax take a deep breath right no hey Johnny huh almost good I just [Music] oh boy yeah and it feels pretty good so hey everybody here's some trivia before was known as he was known as Prince but before he was known as Prince he was unknown and like so many other unknowns made his first TV appearance with us on a show we called it because it's easier than doing [Music] [Laughter] see Jen yes man you got the ugliest dog I ever did see what do you call it well the forward pain and brown and blue tears on it we call them alligators [Music] ha ha ha ha hey seed ban with old pickin and grinnin for y'all the bear tracks right yes why well let me know bear tracks name no there's Gator tracks [Music] Oh no current what's wrong with your neck oh it's actually an old Muppet whoo-ha injury ever since that sketch I seem to have a stiff neck hey hey did I hear you got a stiff neck yeah I can cure that you know I am trained in the fine art of Osteopathic since when since I got this book so what happened to the book oh I broke it spine anyway let me show you the way this works wait a second so I don't know just relax and take it no sir sell this route really isn't necessary think of butterfly butterfly butterfly screaming flying around can you see them well yeah I do yeah yeah well are they man sound what happened what did you do the car I mean I made him feel better now excuse me I'm just gonna go study the chapter on pop-up pelvises you'll kick her you know the truth is my neck actually feels better you might be asking what you're writing they're pretty I mean I'm writing ideas for songs really that's cool ideas for songs I can get them anywhere even here yeah right here in the commissary you must be in songs about food you know songs like I want to hold your ham another one bites the crust not if I could kill you first I'm serious guys what yo see more what's on the menu well we've got swordfish eggs and coffee just pancakes maple to see it up and change yeah I could write a song about that here oh really I can't I just need a better set [Music] Oh [Music] and the second prettiest chance but different kinda thoughts sometimes I wonder makes one lunchbox [Music] you know Jam [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right so you made a song from the breakfast menu but I'll bet you five bucks you can't do it again I'll take that bet yo Seymour yeah what's for dessert raspberry sorbet [Music] and you find in a secondhand store I don't think he's your fine bucks [Music] stay tuned Muppets tonight we'll be right back Sal you are good thank you I think I think you forgot my left foot there nice forearm it hatching time okay you got yeah you think thanks Sal that's the best 50 cents I ever spent Danny you gotta kiss a busted give me a little nudge Oh Hey hey so what's going on here you so have an iron in these pants oh oh sorry general you know I've had it up to here self no that would be your clavicle John II don't care what it is you you're becoming a pain in the harassing vertebrae all right all right look that's it no no Johnny this is it listen to me you're a gentleman's monkey mm-hmm and your job is to fulfill my needs and right now I need to get my payout siren right Johnny I'm sorry I guess I was just trying to be something I'm not yeah well that's right you you're not a bony ologist you're a pants irony that's right pants are right Johnny I'm a pants irony that's right that's right all right yes special delivery for sell Manila oh thank you you're welcome oh thank you very much thank you it's my Papa book of acupuncture and needlepoint hey my headache is gone but chitin is killing me hi I'm cow and bubbles come out of my head [Music] [Music] thank you hey whole nerf look at that the show is ten times as big yeah too bad it's 1/10 is funny hey let's see what else is on hand me that remote wait a minute guys my name has a very spiritual meaning right alright so what do you want to do that I just want to go out on the stage sit at the piano do a nice little simple number with the help of a few angels [Music] and to turn you hard to a tale of sheer delight some of adulation loving [Music] often better no one better sacrifice she gave her range that some [Music] don't go ahead [Music] they waited like an arrow moving she gave [Music] not in June to me [Music] watch to shooter [Music] she gave her Peters that's um [Music] [Applause] yeah you made me feel all warm and gooey inside like a nice breeze let's say are you hungry yeah yeah can we do another sweet tender song like that I got a better idea right let's go crazy [Music] not on that with a monkeys done at this time he ruined my slacks over here know what now all right Bobo this is the last one you ready [Music] Feliz uchi good that means it's working no I I think it means you skewered a few fleas how long it to you you know take these things off take what out get your needles that book doesn't come till next week so what right so this is my first day even though I don't know who you are I agree with all of it can you speed that up in the edit [Music] what's your back I promise nothing like that will ever happen again [Music]
Channel: Rogers Nelson
Views: 624,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prince, princerogersnelson, paisley park, prince muppets show, the revolution, prince and the revolution, npg, newpowergeneration, muppets show
Id: t_Xq-mUlq5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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