Sesame Street: Elmo's Songs Collection #4

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[SOUND] >> Okay, Elmo. What's next on our bedtime routine? >> [LAUGH] Bath time. Bath time. >> [LAUGH] That's right Elmo. It's something we do every night before bed. >> Yeah. >> So. [MUSIC] Come on, let's get your body all clean, as part of our bedtime routine. Let's do the bath time bop. >> Bop bop. >> Scrub-a-dub-dub, make those bubbles. >> Pop, pop. >> Play time doesn't have to stop when you do the bath time bop. A bath can be a joy. >> Elmo can play with his toy. [LAUGH] >> You'll have a bubbly blast, until you're clean at last, when you do the bathtime bop. >> Bop, bop. >> Scrub-a-dub-dub, make those bubbles. >> Pop, pop. [MUSIC] >> Let's make sure you're nice and clean before you head to bed and dream. Wash your legs and your toes. >> Rub-a-dub-dub. >> Now your face, neck and nose. >> Scrub, scrub, scrub. >> Remember your arms and your hands. >> Scrubbidy, scrub, scrub. Now Elmo understands. Elmo scrubs it once, scrubs it twice. >> Hey, now you're smelling pretty nice. >> Do the bath time bop, bop, bop. Scrub-a-dub-dub, make those bubbles pop, pop. >> It's a bubbly blast. >> Now Elmo's clean at last. We did our bedtime bath. [MUSIC] Bop, bop. >> Yeah, [LAUGH] bathtime was so much fun, Elmo can't wait to do it again. >> [LAUGH] We'll be back here tomorrow. Bath time is part of our bedtime routine. >> [LAUGH] >> Now, let's get you out of the tub and into some PJs. It's time for your bedtime story. >> Yay. [LAUGH] Lots and lots of puddles at last. Yay! [LAUGH] Elmo's jumping in puddles on a rainy day. Jumping in puddles when the clouds are dark and grey. [MUSIC] Elmo's splishes and splashes and Elmo's yellow shoes. Elmo's jumping in puddles today. [MUSIC] [LAUGH] Look, Gordon, puddles. >> Yeah, looks like fun. >> Yeah, Elmo's splishes and splashes in Elmo's yellow shoes. Elmo's jumping in puddles today. [MUSIC] Hooray. [LAUGH] Elmo loves the rain. >> Hola, Elmo. >> Hola, Miss Gina. >> So I have a really great idea. >> What's your idea? >> I want us to do the ABC's in Espanol. >> The AB, Miss Gina? >> Yeah? >> [SOUND] Elmo doesn't know the ABCs in Espanol. >> That's okay, I'll teach you. >> Really, you would? >> Yes, I'll do it once and then you'll do it with me. >> That's a great idea. >> Okay, here we go. >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] Yeah. >> You got that groove? >> Uh-huh. >> All right. >> [LAUGH] >> [FOREIGN] Yeah. >> That was cool. >> Awesome, are you ready to do it with me? >> Let's do it together. >> Okay, here we go. And one, two, three, here we go now. [FOREIGN] Great job, Elmo. [FOREIGN] >> [FOREIGN] Miss Gina. >> There's music all around. There's music everywhere. >> In every little sound. >> Just listen and you'll hear. >> Listen. >> Listen. >> Listen. >> Listen. >> To the rythm of your footsteps walking down the street. The woodpecker tapping a brand new beat. >> The busy honey bee just buzzing on by. >> The little red robin singing to the sky. >> Music playing for free, every little sound in harmony. Music all around us, playing so true and it's playing for you. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. Listen. >> Listen. >> Listen. To the tripping of the grasshopper having his say. >> The hummingbird humming on a sunny day. >> A little green bull frog croaking with a friend. >> Pine trees listen in the summer wind. >> That's music playing for free, every little sound in harmony. >> In harmony. >> Music all around us, playing so true and it's playing for you. >> La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. >> That's music. >> Thank you, mommy. Hi, sorry. Elmo just needed to have a water break. So refreshing. Elmo wants to know, do you have any pets at home? Elmo has a goldfish named Dorothy. Do you have a doggy or a kitty cat or some fish or a frog or a turtle or anything like that? Elmo wants to sing a song all about animals. It's Old McDonald. Do you know Old MacDonald? Well, let's sing it together. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O. With a moo, moo here and a moo, moo there. Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo, moo. Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chickens, E-I-E-I-O. With a bawk, bawk here and a bawk, bawk there. Here a bawk, there a bawk, everywhere a bawk, bawk. Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O. With a [SOUND] here and a [SOUND] there. Here a [SOUND], there a [SOUND], everywhere [SOUND]. Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. [LAUGH] Great job singing everybody. Now it's time for snack time. Yeah, Elmo's mommy is making Elmo something good to eat. So first, Elmo has to wash his hands and make sure they're clean. See you later everybody, Elmo loves you. [MUSIC] >> [APPLAUSE] >> Thank you, thank you. Okay, everybody get together, you ready? [MUSIC] Elmo had four ducks. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Four birds of a feather. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> To waddle with. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> And quack together. >> Quack, quack, quack, quack. >> But then one day One swam away. Gosh, gee. Elmo just had three. Elmo had three ducks. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Three birds of a feather. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> To waddle with. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> And quack together. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> But then one day, one went- >> Achoo. >> And off he flew, so Elmo just had two. Elmo had two ducks. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> Two birds of a feather. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> To waddle with. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> And quack together. >> Quack. >> Quack. >> But then one day, one had to run to get some sun. Then Elmo just had one. Elmo had one duck. >> Quack. >> One bird of a feather. >> Quack. >> To waddle with. >> Quack. >> And quack together [LAUGH]. >> Quack. >> But then one day, it spun and spun and got so dizzy. [SOUND] Elmo now had none. Elmo had no ducks. Not even a feather to waddle with and quack together. But then one day Elmo hear a- >> Quack. >> Gosh, gee, Elmo's ducks came back. >> Quack. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Thank you, very good, ducks. Thank you [LAUGH]. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Thank you. >> [SOUND] Daddy. >> Is everything all right son? >> Elmo feels all stuffy, Elmo cant breathe through his nose. >> Let's see, you feel warm. I think you might have a cold. >> A cold? No, Elmo is sick? What's Elmo gonna do? >> It's okay, son. Daddy's here to take care of you and help you feel better. You know, everyone gets sick sometimes and soon it goes away. So tell me what you're feeling and I'll make sure you're okay. [SOUND] >> Elmo's got the sniffles, sometimes a little sneeze comes out. When Elmo blows Elmo's nose it makes a soft and funny sound. And Elmo is feeling a little tired, Elmo doesn't want to play. Daddy would you please help Elmo have a happier day. >> Aw, you gonna feel better, you gonna feel better. There are many things that we can do, it will be okay. I'll take care of you. Son, I'm gonna tuck you in until you're snug and comfy. Then I'll take your temperature, while you will take your lovey. I'll bring you lots of healthy foods and water through the day. I called the doctor, and she she said- >> Guess what? Elmo is gonna be okay. >> You're gonna feel better. You're gonna feel better. They're many things that we can do. It'll to be okay, we'll take care of you. >> Gonna feel better, Elmo's gonna feel better. It'll take a little time, but soon Elmo will be playing outside. >> That's right, now it's time to close your eyes. >> [SOUND] >> I'll be here when you wake. Get some rest to help your body work to make you great. You're gonna feel better, gonna feel better. It will be okay, you`ll make it through, I`ll take care of you. >> It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game. Come on! One thing to do is to try your best, that should be every athlete's aim. Sometimes you're first, sometimes you're last, sometimes you're slow, sometimes you're fast, you just keep on trying. >> And you go! [MUSIC] >> Wait, I think I get it. The most important thing is to play fair and do your best. What really matters- >> This is a musical, Mr. Enormous Athlete, sing it. >> Got you. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game. >> Play the game. >> The thing to do is to try your best. >> That should be every athlete's aim. >> Sometimes you're high, sometimes you're low, you just keep on trying. >> Keep on trying. >> It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game. [MUSIC] >> [LAUGH] I love visiting the farm, there's so many cute animals. >> Yeah! Elmo wants to see a chicken, and a horse, and a- >> Moo. >> [LAUGH] >> What about a cow? >> Yeah, Elmo loves the sound a cow makes! Moo! >> Moo. >> The animals on the farm make all different types of sounds. Hey, that makes me think of a new animal song. >> Come on, sing with us. >> The cow on the farm goes moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo. >> Moo, moo, moo. >> The cow on the farm goes moo, moo, moo, all day long. >> Time for me to move along. >> Here's another animal on the farm. >> Where? >> The chickens on the farm go- >> Bawk, bawk, bawk. Bawk, bawk, bawk. >> Bawk, bawk, bawk. The chicken on the farm goes bawk, bawk, bawk, all day long. >> Wait, you forgot your egg. >> And now for our next animal, a horse. >> Yep, here he is. Wait, where did the horsey go? >> The horses on the farm go neigh, neigh, neigh. >> Neigh, neigh, neigh. Neigh, neigh, neigh. >> The horses on the farm go neigh, neigh, neigh, all day long. >> [LAUGH] >> One more time. The cow on the farm goes, moo, moo, moo. Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo. >> The chickens on the farm go bawk, bawk,bawk. Bawk, bawk, bawk. Bawk, bawk, bawk. >> The horses on the farm go neigh, neigh, neigh. Neigh, neigh, neigh. Neigh, neigh, neigh. The animals on the farm make lots of sounds all day long. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And there. >> [LAUGH] >> Hi Rosita. >> Hi Elmo, what's going on? >> Well, Elmo just practicing how to write his name. >> Yeah, see, Elmo's daddy Taught Elmo a song to help remember the letters in Elmo. >> Really? Show me. >> Okay, there was a monster who had red fur. >> Wait, I know this song. And Bingo was his name-o. >> [LAUGH] >> But Elmo? >> Yes Rosita. >> His name is not Bingo? >> No. Elmo's daddy changed it just for Elmo. Does Rosita want to sing with Elmo? >> Si, si, si, I would love to sing your song with you. >> Okay! Here's how it goes. There was a monster who had red fur. Elmo was his name-o. E-L-M-O, E-L-M-O, E-L-M-O, and Elmo was his name-o. >> Yay! That is a good way to remember all the letters in your name. >> [LAUGH] Here comes the really fun part. Are you ready, Rosita? >> Ready! [LAUGH] There was a monster who had red fur and Elmo was his name-o. [SOUND] L-M-O, [SOUND] L-M-O, [SOUND] L-M-O, and Elmo was his name-o. There was a monster who had red fur, Elmo was his name-o. [SOUND] M-O, [SOUND] M-O, [SOUND] M-O, and Elmo was his name-o. There was a monster who had red fur, Elmo was his name-o. [SOUND] O, [SOUND] O, [SOUND] O, and Elmo was his name-o. There was a monster who had red fur, Elmo was his name-o. [SOUND], and Elmo was his name-o. That was so much fun! >> That was fun! >> E-L-M-O, E-L-M-O. >> Did Mr Dog like Elmo's song? >> Liked it? I loved it. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna tell the farmer to change my name. >> You are? >> Yeah, Elmo's so much more fun to sing. E-L-M-O, E-L-M-O. >> Wait a minute, was that- >> Bingo? >> Bingo. [LAUGH] >> Hi. That's a good doggie. E-L-M-O and Elmo was his name-o. >> Okay, so that's one valentine for Big Bird and another valentine for, [LAUGH]. Hi, welcome to Sesame Street. Elmo made a bunch of paper hearts to give out today because today is finally the day that we give valentines away. Happy Valentine's Day. >> Happy Valentine's Day. >> It's a day to let friends know that we really love them so. Happy Valentine's Day. >> Happy Valentine's Day. >> When you give a valentine, you're showing love, you're being kind. You let someone know that you care, so make a bunch of valentines. Share, share, share! Happy Valentine's, happy Valentine's Day. Yeah! Elmo's riding his tricycle. Hi Big Bird! Hi Elmo. Elmo sure loves riding his tricycle. Riding a tricycle feeling so proud, riding a tricycle laughing out loud. Riding a tricycle easy to do, try once or twice-ickle, you'll do it too! Hi Maria. >> [LAUGH] Elmo's feet push the pedals like this. And the pedals go round, you see. Then the pedals move the wheels, and the wheels move the trike. And the trike moves Elmo, wee! Elmo's riding a tricycle, rolling along. Riding a tricycle singing a song. Riding a tricycle happy to be feeling so nice-ickle, feeling so free. >> Just riding a trycicle feeling so free [LAUGH]. >> We can make a difference, we're going to change the world. We're gonna change the world, we're gonna make this world a better world. Here's my wish of what the world can be. A place of fairness where anyone can be what they want to be. You know we're gonna change the world. We can make a difference, gonna change the world. We're gonna change the world, we're gonna make the world a better world. >> I can be a doctor, absolutely. Take the patients I see, I'll help the sick become healthy. >> We can make a difference, gonna change the world. Gonna change the world. We're gonna make the world a better world. >> I can be a judge. Yes, I rule and support. Yes, I'm happy to report, I can be a judge who serves the court. >> We can make a difference. Gonna change the world, we're gonna change the world. We're gonna make the world a better world. >> We can be astronauts. >> We'll travel real far. We'll reach for the sun. >> We're gonna be the first people on Mars. >> We can make a difference. Gonna change the world. >> We're gonna change the world, we're gonna make the world a better world. >> Nothing's gonna stop us. >> Nothing's gonna get in our way. >> We're gonna make a difference. >> And we're gonna start today. I can be the president, yeah, I'm positive. In the White House I'd live, I'd make an awesome chief executive. >> We can make a difference, gonna change the world. We're gonna change the world. We're gonna make the world a better world. >> I can be anything. >> You know that it's true. >> I can be anything. And so can you. >> You can be anything. >> Let's all make this world a better world. [MUSIC] [CROSSTALK]. >> You're so silly! >> It's ridiculous! That was ridiculous! >> Hola! >> Hi! >> Hi! >> We're learning a new dance. >> And it's gonna be so much fun. >> Yeah, it's sort of like Simon says, but with singing. Would you like to play with us? [LAUGH] Yay! Okay, okay, okay. It goes like this. Listos, ready. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. [SOUND] If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. [SOUND] If you're happy and you know it, and you really wanna show it. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] >> That was great, Rosita. >> Gracias, Elmo. >> Let's do it again. >> This time, let stomp our feet. >> Come on everybody let stomp together. If you're happy and know it, stomp your feet. >> If you're happy and know it, stomp your feet. >> If you're happy and know it, and you really want to show it- >> If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet [LAUGH]. >> Okay, what should we do next? >> Elmo knows! >> If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray. >> Hurray! >> If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray. >> Hurray! >> If you're happy and you know And you know and you really want to show it. >> If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray. >> Hurray. [LAUGH] >> This is so much fun. >> Sure it is. Hey, I got a really good one. >> Yeah! [SOUND] >> If you're happy and you know it, flap your wings. >> [LAUGH] >> If you're happy and you know flap your wings. If you're happy and you know, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it flap your wings. [LAUGH] >> Okay, okay [FOREIGN] I know exactly what we should do. [FOREIGN] If you're happy and you know it. >> Do them all. [SOUND] >> Hurray! [SOUND] If you're happy and you know it. >> Do them all. [SOUND] >> Hurray! [SOUND] >> If you're happy and you know it. >> And you really wanna show it. >> Let's show it! >> If you're happy and you know it, do them all. [SOUND] Hurray. [LAUGH] >> We did it. We did it, excellente. See you next time, amigos. >> Bye bye. >> We love you. >> That was really fun. >> That was amazing. >> Let's do this again. >> The monster on the street. The monster on the street. Hi-ho, the derry-o the monster on the street. [MUSIC] And the monster brings a friend. >> Hey. >> The monster brings a friend. >> Hey. >> Hi-ho, the derry-o the monster brings a friend. [LAUGH] >> And the friend brings a bunny. >> Hi. >> The friend brings a bunny. >> Hi >> Hi ho the derry-o when the friends bring a bunny, [MUSIC] And the bunny brings a bee! [SOUND] The bunny brings a bee. Hi ho the derry-o the bunny brings a bee. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> And the bee brings a dog, the bee brings a dog. >> Hi-ho the derry-o the bee brings a dog. [MUSIC] And the dog brings a cat, the dog brings a cat. Hi-ho the derry-o the dog brings a cat. [MUSIC] >> And the cat brings a mouse, the cat brings a mouse. Hi-ho the derry-o the cat brings a mouse. [MUSIC] >> And the mouse brings some cheese, the mouse brings some cheese. Hi-ho the derry-o the mouse brings some cheese. [MUSIC] And the friends share a snack, the friends share a snack. Hi-ho the derry-o, the friends share a snack. [MUSIC] The monster on the street, the monster on the street. Hi-ho the derry-o, the monster on the street. [LAUGH] Boy, boy. Hi, it's time to sing the alphabet and Elmo's waiting for his friend, Ruben. He sings the alphabet better than anyone Elmo knows. Ruben is the best. Elmo can't wait to, there you are. >> What's up Elmo? >> I'll tell you, this is Elmo's friend, Ruben. Elmo wants you to meet all of his friends. Elmo tell them all about how great you sing the alphabet. >> Elmo, thanks, man [LAUGH] >> No, really Reuben, you're Elmo's alphabet idol. >> [LAUGH] >> Come on, do your thing. [MUSIC] >> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y and Z. >> Yeah. >> Now I've sung my ABC's. >> Yes, you did. >> Next time won't you sing with me? >> Okay. >> Come on, Elmo, it's time for you and all of your friends out there to sing along with me. >> Come on [LAUGH] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y and Z. Now we sung our ABCs next time won't you sing. >> Sing. >> Sing, with. >> Me. [MUSIC] [LAUGH] Thank you Ruben. >> Thank you, too, Elmo. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> Pretty. >> Boy, Elmo loves looking at the night sky, dont you Julia? >> Star? >> Hey, yeah. Boy, look at that star twinkle. >> Twinkle twinkle little star. >> Yeah. >> How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. >> That was so good, Julia. And if there's one thing Elmo likes as much as looking at the sky. It's singing about the sky, let's sing together. >> Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. >> Gee, it's nice to sing with a friend. [MUSIC] >> No pizza. >> What box? Pizza box. Pizza box. >> Where do monster's get the pizza box? >> Pizza box dance. >> Whoooh! >> Pizza box dance? [MUSIC] >> Yep, yep, we get. >> Yep, yep, here goes. >> Yep, yep, move arms, yep, yep, open close. >> Yep, yep, that close. Yep, yep that rocks. Yep, yep, let's groove, yep, yep, pizza box. >> Hey, that's fun, come on, let's dance along. Yep, yep, groovy groovy, [INAUDIBLE] this dance is groovy, Yip, yip, dance. >> Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yip do the pizza dance, yip yip yonkie yonkie, yip yip, near the moon, yip by the sun. Yip yip yip yip. [LAUGH] >> Yip, yip. >> Yip. >> Let's see, where are they? [LAUGH] hi, everybody. Look Abby, look. Our friends are here to play I Spy with us. >> Where, I don't see them? >> Abby, over here. >> [LAUGH] hi everyone. Well, now that we're out here, let's play I Spy. >> Today we are looking for things that are the color blue. >> Yeah. >> Come on, help us look. >> Okay, I got it. Let's look closely and keep a good pace while we find something blue in outer space. [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] This picture is out of this world. Get it? >> [LAUGH] >> Out of this world, out of this world? >> That's good, Elmo. Now remember, we're looking for three things that are blue in outer space, like this. [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] Wow, Elmo's blue. >> And that's the color we're looking for, blue. Zippity zap. >> Blue is the color we are trying to see. Look around, where could it be? Do da do da doodly dee. >> Come along and find it with me. >> Do da do da doodly dee. [MUSIC] >> l spy with my little eye something spinning for me and you, a little planet that's bright and blue. [MUSIC] >> One thing blue we did see. Let's find two more to make it three. So give it another try and play I Spy! >> Blue is the color we are trying to see. Look around, where could it be? Do da do da doodly dee. Come along and find it with me. Do da do da doodly dee. >> Elmo spies with two little eyes someone walking on the moon, a blue astronaut dancing to a space tune. >> Sesame Street, we got the moon walk. >> Two things blue we did see. Let's find one more to make it three. So give it one last try and play l Spy. [MUSIC] Blue is the color we're trying to see. Look around, where could it be? Do da do da doodly dee. >> Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, uh-huh. >> I spy with my little eye a spaceship soaring around in flight. >> With a blue martian who yip yips day and night. >> Don't do things one, two, and three. Do da do da doodly dee, thanks for playing I Spy with me. >> Hi Norah. >> Hi Elmo. >> Whoa, what's the matter Norah? >> I was supposed to meet my friend today, the letter of the day, but he never showed up. >> Norah's friend is the letter of the day? >> Yes, the letter Y. >> [MUSIC] >> I waited til I sun, I don't know why Y didn't come. I thought we'd meet and have some fun, I don't know why Y didn't come. We had great times I won't forget. >> That's great. >> Spelling words like yarn and yet. But now the Y has gone away. How I yearn for yesterday. I don't know what to do. [MUSIC] >> Do you see what Elmo sees? >> I can't even spell. I can't even spell you, not without him. >> Norah, Norah, the letter Y! >> Yeah, the letter Y. >> But, but- >> We used to spell great words together. >> But there- >> We had a lot of fun. We spelled yogurt- >> Yeah, but- >> Yodel- >> That's good but- >> Yarn. [MUSIC] Now I can't find him, I miss him. Something had to make him run. I don't know why Y didn't come. Now I'm feeling sad and glum, I don't know why Y didn't come. Don't know why Y didn't come. I don't know why Y didn't come. >> But Norah, Norah, Norah, hello? The Y did come. >> He did? Yes. >> Yoo hoo. >> Y, you're here. >> Yep, I'm sorry I'm late. Can you forgive me? >> Yes. >> Yipee. >> Yay! >> You think we can all play together now? >> Why not? >> [LAUGH] >> Hey, you wanna yodel? >> Sure. >> Yeah, let's yodel. >> [SOUND] >> Elmo had a farm with some animal friends. >> They'd quack and cluck and moo. [MUSIC] >> Here's what they like to do. >> Get loose like a goose. >> Honk, honk. >> Do a jig like a pig. >> Oink, oink. >> Move now like a cow. >> Moo! [SOUND] >> Shake your tail around. >> Like a duck, get on down. >> Quackety quack, at Elmo's farm. At Elmo's farm. >> Hi, do you know what a hero is? A hero is someone who is kind and helps people. Yeah, in your neighborhood there are all types of heroes helping people stay healthy and connected. Hey, let's meet some of them. You know what? Elmo's friends want to meet them too. >> Hi. >> Hello, Internet friends. >> Hi Abby, hello Grover. We're meeting some heroes in your neighborhood. >> And what are we waiting for? Let's meet some heroes. Hit it, Elmo. >> Who are the heroes in your neighborhood? >> In your neighborhood? >> In your neighborhood? >> Say, who are the heroes in your neighborhood? The heroes that you meet each day. Wow, look at all these heroes. Now, who is this hero in your neighborhood? >> They wear a uniform, they have bandages, and they drive an ambulance. It's an EMT. >> Elmo, this is a hero in your neighborhoods not letters of the alphabet. >> No, Grover, an EMT. An EMT is a person you see, when there's an emergency. Ambulance with sirens and lights, they show up to help you day or night. Cuz an EMT is a hero in your neighborhood. >> In your neighborhood, in your neighborhood. Yes, an EMT is a hero in your neighborhood. A hero that you meet each day. >> Aw, what a great hero. Look, here is another. >> They have fruit. >> Veggies. >> And meat. >> Elmo knows who it is. >> Me too. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Yes, the grocer is Benjamin's superhero name. [LAUGH] The grocer sells the things you eat, like veggies, fruit, and meat. If food is what you're looking for, you get it at the grocery store. A grocer is a hero in your neighborhood. >> In your neighborhood, in your neighborhood. Yes, a grocer is a hero in your neighborhood. A hero that you meet each day. >> Okay let's look at some more heroes. Well these heroes are, these heroes are. >> Let's see. They wear jackets, gloves, and masks, and they use a stethoscope. >> Yes, a steth, whatever you said. >> They're doctors and nurses. They help you when you are sick. If your throat's sore or you feel ick. Doctors and nurses work the whole day long to help you feel well and strong. Doctors and nurses are heroes in your neighborhood. >> In your neighborhood, in your neighborhood. Doctors and nurses are heroes in your neighborhood. Heroes that you meet each day. >> Hey, look, look, here comes one more hero in your neighborhood. >> They have medicines and they work at the pharmacy. It's a pharmacist. >> Yes, of course it is. What is a pharmacist? >> Are the doctors when they're really glad to help you when you're feeling bad. The medicines they give to you will have you feeling good as new. These are the heroes in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood. Yes, these are the heroes in your neighborhood. >> They're the people that you meet, helping everyone on our street. They're the heroes that you meet each day. >> [LAUGH] Sorry about that. >> Thank you to all the amazing heroes out there helping and caring for others. >> Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. [MUSIC] >> Thank you everybody, Elmo loves you. [MUSIC] >> Elmo? [MUSIC] >> So you're happy with your wings bop bopping and you legs jumping up in the air. You're looking forward because you want to go outside but you don't know how to do get yourself there. Listen let me show you how, if you follow Elmo now, pretty soon you'll be getting to play. With your friends once more and we'll show you to the door. All you've got to do is hop this way. You've got to hop this way, hop this way. >> Just give me a hop. >> Hop this way, hop this way. >> You don't stop. >> Hop this way, hop this way. >> Just give me a hop. >> Hop this way, hop this way. >> You don't stop. >> Hop this way, hop this way. [LAUGH] Hop this way, hop this way. Just come on and hop. [LAUGH] Hello, everybody. Elmo just finished video chatting with his friend, Julia. Julia's doggy Rose kept sticking her nose at the screen while Elmo and Julia were chatting. It was really silly. [LAUGH] Hey, that reminds Elmo of a song about a doggy. Let's sing it together. There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o. B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name-o. There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o. [SOUND] I-N-G-O, [SOUND] I-N-G-O, [SOUND] I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name-o. There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o. [SOUND] N-G-O, [SOUND] N-G-O, [SOUND] N-G-O and Bingo was his name-o. [LAUGH] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name. [SOUND] G-O, [SOUND] G-O, [SOUND] G-O, and Bingo was his name-o. There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o. [SOUND] O, [SOUND] O, [SOUND] O, and Bingo was his name-o. There was a farmer who had a dog, and Bingo was his name-o. B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o. [LAUGH] Yay, great singing everybody. Elmo can't wait to ride his tricycle, daddy. >> Yes, I know but I'm gonna keep my eye on you, you understand? >> Okay, daddy. >> Now, don't go too far. Which way you gonna go? >> Elmo knows the path to take, winding all around the lake. >> Yes, but helmets on for Elmo's sake. >> Cuz Elmo's riding. Catching leaves or rocks in trees. >> Rocks and bones and buzzing bees. >> Elmo loves exploring bees when Elmo's riding. Elmo's riding. >> Riding in the park, riding in the park, riding in the. >> Elmo's riding, riding in the park today. Elmo path down the glides. Elmo's feeling glad inside. >> What a day to take a ride, when Elmo's riding. >> Lots of happy boys and girls. >> Flapping birds and skipping squirrels. Every turn's another whirl, when Elmo's riding. >> Elmo's riding. >> Riding in the park, riding in the park, riding in the. >> Elmo's riding, riding in the park today. >> Elmo. >> If you hear a distant bell. [SOUND] That's the way that you can tell. [SOUND] >> Elmo's doing very well. [SOUND] >> Elmo's smiling. [MUSIC] I wish the sun would never fade. >> The friends we met, and all the games you played. >> Uh-huh, thank you, Daddy, cuz you made Elmo's day in the park. >> I didn't do anything. You did it. Go on, son. >> Riding in the park, riding in the park, riding in the park. >> Do do do do do. >> Come on Elmo. >> Riding in the park today. [MUSIC] >> I got my eye on you, son. >> Do do do do do. >> Come on, everybody. >> Riding in the park today. >> [LAUGH] Firefighters to the rescue. >> Grab the hoses. >> Hoist the ladder [LAUGH]. >> Hi, Elmo, Gabrielle, and Grover are pretending to be firefighters. >> Yeah, firefighters help keep the people in your neighborhood safe. >> They wear special hats. [SOUND] Hey, where did everyone go? >> [LAUGH] And uniforms like this. >> Don't forget about me. [SOUND] >> The fire truck. >> That's right, firefighters ride around on me, helping people. >> And they sing their favorite fire truck song while doing it. >> Yeah, come on, sing along with us. The wheels on the fire truck go round and round. >> Round and round, round and round. >> The wheels on the fire truck go round and round, all day long. >> Here come the lights. >> The lights on the fire truck go flash, flash, flash. >> Flash, flash, flash. Flash, flash, flash. >> The lights on the fire truck go flash, flash, flash. >> All day long. >> Dance break. >> [LAUGH] [SOUND] >> Here comes the siren. That means the fire fighters are on the way. [SOUND] >> The siren on the fire truck goes woo, woo, woo. >> Woo, woo, woo. Woo, woo, woo. >> The siren on the fire truck goes woo, woo, woo, all day long. Yay, what comes next, firetruck? >> We can't forget you all, the firefighters. The firefighters on the truck shout help is on the way. Help is on the way. Help is on the way. The firefighters on the truck shout help is on the way, all day long. [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] [SOUND] >> What does that sound mean? >> Someone needs our help? >> There's a cat stuck in a tree? >> No, it's lunch time, come on! >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] Elmo's got the moves. Have you got the moves? Elmo's got the moves. Anytime, anywhere, on the floor, in the chair, Elmo's got the moves. Show Elmo what you got. When it's cold, when it's hot. Elmo's got the moves. Take a tap, a tap, a wiggle, and a jump. Elmo's got the moves. Me, I got the moves, me, I got the moves, yeah. >> Abby's got the moves. Have you got the moves? Anyplace, anywhere, on the ground, in the air, Abby's got the moves. Show Abby what you got, when it's magic or it's not, Abby's got the moves. Now twirl, twirl, flutter and a flex, Abby's got the moves. We all got the moves. We all got the moves. >> Show me. >> Show Elmo. >> Show me. >> Show me. >> Show me. >> Show me. >> Show me. >> Show me all your moves. Show, show, show me all your moves. >> Big Bird got the moves. Have you got the moves? Got the beak, beak, the waddle, and the wink. Big Bird's got the moves. >> We all got the moves. We all got the moves, yeah! >> Play, play, play. >> Sure, we can play some more. >> Can I play with you guys? >> Elmo too? >> But of course, we can all be friends. >> [LAUGH] >> We all have our own special things that make us who we are. >> And everyone's important. >> We can all shine like a star. >> Yeah, we may all be different, but that's something that's worth praising. >> It's who we are and what we do that makes us each amazing. We can all be friends. >> Yeah. >> We can all be friends. >> It feels a little better when we all play together. >> We can all be friends. >> There's another thing you have in common, Big Bird. Julia loves to sing >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> We can all be friends, we can all be friends. It feels a little better when we all play together, we can all be friends. >> [LAUGH] Elmo's space pizza. >> Number ten, large. >> You wanna number ten, special delivery to Mars? >> Yep, yep. >> No problem. [MUSIC] We got a number ten pizza, better check it again. So let's count all the slices and make sure there are ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. [LAUGH] Come on pizza astronauts, let's take off for Mars. This ride will be so much fun, but first we need to count down from ten to one. Come on [LAUGH] let's count from ten to one. >> Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, blast off. >> [LAUGH] >> Bon voyage, Elmo. [MUSIC] >> It's time to do the Elmo Slide. [LAUGH] Everybody flap your arms. Here we go now. >> Flap, flap, flap. >> Flap your arms. >> Flap, flap, flap. >> Flap your arms. >> Flap, flap, flap. >> Flap your arms. >> Flap, flap, flap. >> Flap your arms. Slide to the front, slide to the back. Slide to the side, slide to the other side. Jump one time. >> One. >> Jump two times. >> One, two. >> Turn around. Turn around the other way. Get down now. Get up now. Lift one knee. Lift the other knee. The Elmo slide, the Elmo slide. The Elmo slide, the Elmo slide. The Elmo slide, the Elmo slide. The Elmo slide, the Elmo slide. Stop, stop, here we go again. Let's get to work. Flap your arms, everybody. Flap your arms. >> Flap, flap, flap, flap. >> Flap your arms. >> Flap, flap, flap, flap. >> Flap your arms. >> Flap, flap, flap, flap. >> Flap your arms. >> Flap, flap, flap, flap. >> Slide to the front. Slide to the back. Slide to the side. Slide to the other side. Jump one time. >> One. >> Jump two times. >> One, two. >> Jump three times. >> One, two, three. >> Yeah, come on. Turn around. Turn around the other way. Now the other way again, and the other way again. Again, again, again, again, whoa! Get down now. Get up now. Tap your toes. Now touch your nose, that's the way it goes. >> The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. The Elmo Slide, the Elmo Slide. >> Elmo Slide. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Grandparents are a special part of a family. >> They know what Mom and Dad were like when they were young like me. >> They always have kind words to say. >> They always understand. >> They're the parents of our parents, and that's what makes them grand. >> Let's hear it for our grandparents. >> Yay! >> They are great. >> They love us and we love them, that's why we celebrate. Let's hear it for the grandparents. >> Yay! >> We think that they are great. They love us and we love them, that's why we celebrate. [MUSIC] >> And when we're not together we know we're on their mind, cuz they're showing off our pictures to everyone they find. >> Lets hear it for the grandparents, we think that they are great. They love us and we love them, that's why we celebrate. They love us and we love them. >> That's why we celebrate. >> Celebrate! >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> [LAUGH] >> Boy, Elmo, those cookies of yours really look delicious. >> You know what, Ernie? >> Hm? >> Your milk looks very refreshing. >> Hm. >> Hm. >> Hm. >> Elmo's got some something that you want, Ernie's got some something that Elmo wants. >> Mm. >> Put somethings together and share. >> I'll take my something that you like, you take your something that I like, then put both things together and share. >> Yeah. >> One for all, all for one, sharing every everything for fun. Maybe one something is little, maybe one something is bigger. >> Hey, what else can we figure to do? >> That's true. >> Except to share all my every somethings with you. >> [LAUGH] >> Hey Ernie. >> Hm? >> Elmo's got it all figured out. >> Good. >> Now, listen. >> Mm. >> Elmo has cookies and Ernie's got milk, right? >> Right. >> So Ernie gives Elmo milk, then Elmo's got both milk and cookies. [LAUGH] >> Well wait a second, Elmo, that doesn't sound quite right, in fact it sounds all wrong. Well what do you think we've been singing about, Elmo? >> Well, Elmo doesn't know. >> We've been singing about sharing. >> All for one, one for all, sharing every everything and having a ball. >> I've got more something than you've got. >> You've got more something than Elmo's got. >> So what? >> We're sharing it all equally. >> Because the best thing we've got to share. >> The best thing we've got to share. >> The best thing we've got to share you and me, me and you, you and me. >> Dooby, dooby, dooby, doo. >> Me and you. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] Sharing forever. >> Share, yeah. >> Is it good? >> Very good, cookie? >> Mm-hm. >> Yeah. >> La la la la la la la la la la. Do do do do do do. >> I can sing high. >> Elmo can sing low. [LAUGH] >> I can sing fast. Diddle, diddle, diddle, diddle, diddle, diddle, dee. >> Elmo can sing slow. >> We can sing soft. We can sing loud! >> Yeah! >> [LAUGH] >> Loud as a drum, rum a tum tum. >> Or soft as a cloud. >> l can sing low. >> Elmo can sing high. >> Musical two-some. >> Happy as you-some, and l. [LAUGH] >> We can sing melody, and harmony, and do doodle-ee doo. We can sing anything when Elmo sings with you. Do do do do do do do. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. >> I can sing opera, ha ha ha ha. >> Elmo can sing scat, buzoo ba da do ba do. >> I can sing this, do do do do do, do do do do. >> Elmo can sing that, do do do do do, do do do do. >> I can sing gruff, raw ra raw! >> Elmo can sing sweet, deedle-ee dee! >> I can sing jazz. >> Or razzamatazz. >> Or a rock and roll beat. Boom bop boom, boom bop. >> We can sing high, we can sing low. We can sing two together, two wherever we go. We can sing melody, and harmony, and do doodle-ee do. >> I can sing anything. >> Yes, we can sing anything. >> Cuz we can sing anything when Elmo sings with you. You, you, you. You, you, you. You! [LAUGH] >> Bye-bye Binky, Binky bye-bye. >> Bye-bye, Binky, Elmo will try. When Elmo was little and could only babble Binky was a special friend to comfort Elmo in the dark, or on a car ride through the park. When Elmo was blue, only Binky would do. >> So now you're ready, ready to do grownup things like tying your shoe. >> Monster sleepovers and preschool. >> Standing at the sink without a stool. And if you fall and scrape a knee. >> Elmo doesn't need a Binky. >> So bye-bye Binky, Binky bye-bye. Bye-bye, Binky. >> Elmo won't cry. >> Your days together were grand. >> But Elmo wants to talk so people understand. >> Thats right, Elmo. >> Binky, you should know Elmo loved you so. But Elmo's not a baby, so maybe Elmo thinks today is the day To give up that binky. >> Really? >> Can give binky to Chris. >> You sure? >> Elmo's sure. >> Okay then. >> Bye bye binky, binky bye bye. >> Happy, happy. [LAUGH] Hi, there. [LAUGH] Elmo was just practicing the Happy Dance. Do you wanna learn the Happy Dance with Elmo? [LAUGH] Okay, Elmo will show you. Okay, first put your arms out like this, okay? Then step one foot out, like this. Step it back. [LAUGH] Next step to the side then next step to the other side. And here is Elmo's favorite part where Elmo gets to wiggle his entire body, like this. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, and hop, hop, and pose. [LAUGH] Yeah, now it's time to put it all together to make the happy dance. Are you ready? Let's do it. Hit it. Step one foot out step it back like this. Then back back. Yeah you've got it. Again. Step one foot out. [MUSIC] Step it back like this, hop, hop. Good job, you're doing it. Now, step to the side and step to the other side. Then wiggle. Yeah, then hop, hop, and pose. [LAUGH] Great dancing, let's do it again. One more time. Come on, happy, happy, dance, dance. Happy, happy, dance, dance. When we learn something new, we do the happy dance, dance. Let's see your happy dance. Yeah, cool! See you next time, keep learning. Elmo loves you. Happy, happy, dance, dance. Happy, happy, dance, dance. When we learn something new we do the happy dance, dance. Yay! Grow, grow, grow. Boy. A plant needs lots of care, cuz it just sits right there and can't go anywhere. They'll start out as a little seed, but Elmo knows what all plants need. A little water, a little sun taking care of planty is so much fun. Right now he still might be very small, but one day he will be big and tall. Apples, and then there will be apples, lots of delicious apples from the tree that Elmo grew. So with a little water, a little land, that's how sunshine is coming from up, up, up. Then one day there will be [INAUDIBLE] and give lots of apples for one and all. Please try to grow a little faster planty. [MUSIC] Please. Boy. Okay, Abby, Elmo spies with his little eye. [LAUGH] Someone to play eye spy with [LAUGH]. >> Elmo, I don't see anyone. >> Abby. >> Turn around. [LAUGH] >> Now I spy them too. >> We're playing I spy, and you can play with us. >> Hey Elmo, what color should we look for today? >> Honestly Elmo would like the color [SOUND] colour pink. >> That is a nice choice. [LAUGH] >> Okay [LAUGH] >> Okay, let's look together way up high for things that are pink in the sky [SOUND] [LAUGH] >> It's the castle from Jack and the Beanstalk. >> [LAUGH] I Love that story. >> Yeah. >> Hey and remember, we're looking for three things that are pink, okay? Like this, zippity zap. [SOUND]. [LAUGH] >> Elmo's pink just like Abby >> Yep, you sure are. And that's the color we're looking for, the color pink. Zippity zap [LAUGH]. Pink is the color we're trying to see, look around, where could it be? Do-dah, do-dah, doodly-dee. Come along and find it with me. Do-dah, do-dah, doodly-dee. [MUSIC] Elmo spies with his little eye being chased by a goose, a pink egg is on the loose! [MUSIC] >> One thing pink we did see, let's find two more to make it three. So, give it another try and play I Spy! Pink is the color we're trying to see, look around where could it be. Do-dah, do-dah, doodly-dee, come along and find it with me. Do-dah, do-dah, doodly-dee. [MUSIC] l spy with my little eye a bean stalk up it grows. A pretty petal leaf pink rose. [NOISE] [MUSIC] >> Two things pink we could see. Let's find one more to make it three. So give it onc last try and play I Spy. Pink is the color we're trying to see. Look around, where could it be? Do-dah, do-dah, doodly-dee. [MUSIC] Elmo spies with his little eye something bigger than Elmo and you. >> A giant with a big pink shoe. >> Fe fi fo, you found me. >> Found pink thngs, one, two, and three. >> Dah dah, dah, dah, do-dah, dee. Thanks for playing I Spy with me. Bye. >> Wow. >> Listen, sometimes feelings send you reeling, you feel mad or sad or strange. But a feeling's just a feeling, feelings pass and feelings change. >> Feelings pass and feelings change? >> Yeah, so whatever you are feeling, scared or worried, blue or low, here's the secret I'm revealing, feelings come and feelings go. >> You mean if Elmo's feeling grouchy, Elmo can change that feeling? >> How about by getting like crazy or jumping around or singing a song and love the sound. La la la la la la la la. >> [LAUGH] >> Taking some time, just a moment of quiet to watch the clouds roll by, it works, you should try it. La la la la la la la. But the best thing of all which I must recommend feeling blue, get a hug from a friend, or many, many, many, many friends [MUSIC] So whatever you are feeling, scared or worried, blue or low, here's a secret we're revealing, feelings come and feelings go. Yes, it's really great to know. Feelings come and feelings go, yes it's really great to know. Feelings come and feelings go. >> Cookie, Abby, Elmo has a special surprise for you. >> Is it a cookie? >> Or a game or a puppy. >> Or maybe a cookie. >> No, it's even better. All the way from Australia, it's the Wiggles. >> Hello. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Always so excited to be here with you all. >> Yeah, and we've brought Cookie Monster, something special all the way from Australia. Delicious biscuits. >> [LAUGH] >> Or as you call them, cookies. >> Boy, boy, boy. Cookie! Sorry. Biscuit. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. Thank you. >> Well, that's not all too. We've also bought, our favorite song, Do the Propeller. >> Yeah, in this song, we get to dance, like the propellers, that make helicopters and planes move. >> Elmo gets to pretend to be a helicopter? >> You bet. Do you want to sing and dance along with us? >> Sure. >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can come and sing and dance with us too. [MUSIC] >> Do the propeller, do the propeller, do the propeller around and around. Do the propeller, do the propeller, do the propeller around and around. [MUSIC] We're going up and up and up and up. We're going down and down and down and down. We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. >> And now we stop, freeze. >> Woo. Do the propeller, do the propeller. Do the propeller, around and around. >> Do the propeller, do the propeller. Do the propeller, around and around. [MUSIC] We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up up. We're going down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down. We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up. >> And then we stop, freeze. >> Do the propeller, do the propeller, do the propeller, around and around. Do the propeller, do the propeller, do the propeller, around and around. Statue, statue, statue, propeller. >> [LAUGH] That was fun. Let´s show Wiggles about Sesame Street. >> Yeah, and I just know how can we get him around Sesame Street. >> Do the propeller, do the propeller, do the propeller. >> Yeah, me going to propeller to more cookies. >> [LAUGH] >> Sorry, biscuits. >> [LAUGH] >> Do the propeller, do the propeller, do the propeller, around and around. >> Elmo never ate a kiwi before. Elmo doesn't know if he will like it. >> Well, there's only one way to find out. Well, there's so many tasty food, it's true. But trying something new can be so hard to do. You may not love it at first sight. But to know for sure, you've gotta take a bite. >> Try it, try it. You may just find you like it. >> But if at first you don't, well, then you've gotta try it, try it, again, and you may like it. >> And if you find that you don't try, try again. >> Maybe Elmo will try a little bite. [MUSIC] >> Well? >> Elmo doesn't think he likes it. >> But you only had a nibble. Sometimes you have to try things more than once. You may like it, you may not. But to know for sure you're gonna take another shot. And you may find the food that you love so. But if you never try again, you'll never know. >> Try it, try it, you may just find you like it. But if at first you don't, well the you got to try it, try it >> Again and you may like it. >> And if you find that you don't, try, try again. >> Okay, Elmo will try again. Elmo likes it. >> Yay. >> Elmo tried it, tried it and Elmo really liked it. Elmo didn't like it at first but then he went and tried it, tried it again and then he likes it. Elmo promises that try, try again. [LAUGH] Elmo really loves kiwi. Thank you. >> [LAUGH] >> No need to thank me. It is all in a day's work for Super Grover. >> Elmo was talking to the super foods. >> Well, looks like I'm no longer needed here. I will just look elsewhere to do my super deeds. Up, up, and away! Up, up, and away! What is going on here? Elmo, will you give me a little push? >> Okay, okay Super Grover. >> Up, up and away. >> [LAUGH] Wow, Elmo loves kiwi. [SOUND] >> Elmo's potty. [LAUGH] >> Okay, that's right son. This potty is just for you. Now, let's see, where do you wanna put it? Let's figure out where we're gonna put your potty? Okay. >> There, there, there, daddy, there. >> Okay, now let daddy just turn a little bit. Just turn around. [LAUGH] Now that's a good choice, son. >> [LAUGH] Elmo's potty. >> That's right, it's Elmo's potty. Now son you're getting bigger. Yes, it's really true. And soon you will be ready to do something kinda news. >> [LAUGH] >> So here is your new potty when you have to pee or poo. It's where you sit to do what you gotta do, do. Cuz it's potty time. Gotta get down low. It's potty time, just let it go. It's potty time, yeah, go with the flow. It's potty time, you can do it, I know. Now, you might like your diaper, cuz it's what you've always had. >> Mm-hm. >> But using your new potty can make you really, really glad. >> [LAUGH] >> Yes, it may take some time but down the line, I can tell, that you will do that poo poo that you do so well. Potty time, got to get down low. It's potty time, just let it go. It's potty time, yeah, go with the flow. It's potty time, you can do it, I know. Well, all right. [LAUGH] Here you go boy, let me help you out of the way there, your hand is kinda small. That's it son, you're doing fine. You put your body on the potty cuz it's potty time. Potty time now Gotta get down low. >> Low. >> It's potty time, just let it go. >> [LAUGH] >> It's potty time, yeah, go with the flow. >> Flow. >> It's potty, potty time, you can do it, I know. >> Yeah. >> Potty time >> [LAUGH] >> It's potty time, it's potty time. >> [LAUGH] >> You can do it, Elmo. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] That's good, son. Now, where did your mother put air freshener? >> It's so good to see you again Whoopi. >> You too Elmo. [LAUGH] >> Hi, this is Elmo's friend, Whoopi, who came here to play with Elmo. >> That's right. >> Yeah. >> So what exactly are we playing, Elmo? >> Well, Whoopi you have a choice. >> Good. >> The drums or the violin. >> You mean that kind of playing? >> Yeah. >> But you know, Elmo, I've never really played either one of those musical instruments before. >> It's okay, Whoopi, the important thing here is to play. >> I see. >> Okay, look Whoopi. See that, Elmo will play the violin and Whoopi, here we go, yeah, Whoopi will play the drum. >> All right. >> So just listen to Elmo and do Whoopi's own thing. >> All right, Elmo, you're on. >> Hit it. [MUSIC] Whoopi has come to play, Whoopi has come to play today. Whoopi has come to smile the smile, and sing the song, it won't take long. Whoopi has come to play today. [MUSIC] >> I kinda like that Elmo. >> See, Elmo knew Whoopi had it in her. >> Well, I'm just warming up now, watch this. >> Okay. >> Elmo has come to play. Elmo has come to play his way. Elmo has come to rhyme the rhymes and laugh the laughs. >> [LAUGH] >> It won't take time. >> Yeah. >> Elmo has come to play today. >> Now let's do some la la's. >> La la's, okay. La la la la la la la la la la la la. >> There we go. >> Thank you. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. Elmo has come to play. Elmo has come to play today. Elmo has come to rhyme the rhymes, to laugh the laughs. It won't take time, Elmo has come to play, today. La la la la la la la la. [LAUGH] >> Hey, we're pretty good team Elmo. Let's do this again some time. >> Yeah, and next time, Whoopi can play the violin. [LAUGH] >> Well, I'd better start practicing. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. >> Hugs. [LAUGH] Elmo can just imagine. If Elmo had a dinosaur, Elmo'd walk him every day. So he'd get dino exercise and lots and lots of dino play. And Elmo'd give him dino food. Lots of tasty leaves to chew. Water, water he could drink. He could drink a lake or two! [LAUGH] And Elmo'd give him bubble baths to keep him dino-clean! With lots and lots of bubbles in the biggest tub you've ever seen! And Elmo'd love him very much. And Elmo wouldn't forget to hug and pet and pet and hug Elmo's giant dino pet. [LAUGH] Hey everybody. >> Hi Elmo. >> How you all you doing? >> There you are. >> Yeah. >> Okay here we go. >> Okay. >> You sing too. [MUSIC] La la la la la la la, Elmo's world. >> La la la la la la la, Elmo's world. Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayon too. That's Elmo's world. >> Sure is. [MUSIC] >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] That's Elmo's. >> That's Elmo's, that's Elmo's world. >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] Good job, everybody. >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] Hi there, come on, let's play peek-a-boo. Where is Elmo doo da di doo. Elmo's hiding some place new. What's behind that kangaroo? Peek-a-boo, Elmo sees you. Where is Elmo, doo da di doo. Elmo's hiding some place new. Underneath that bird blue. Peek-a-boo, Elmo sees you. [MUSIC] Where is Elmo doo da di doo. Elmo's hiding some place new. What's inside that giant shoe? Peek-a-boo, Elmo sees you. Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo. [MUSIC] Peek a boo, Elmo sees you, peek a boo. [LAUGH] Come on, let's play some more peek a boo. How about you hide from Elmo, like this. Peek-a-boo. [LAUGH] Let's do it again. Peek-a-boo. [LAUGH] Peek-a-boo. [LAUGH] Again. Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo. [LAUGH] Boy, that was so much fun. Come back soon and play again. Bye-bye, Elmo loves you. Peek-a-boo. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] Do you know Abby Cadabby, Abby Cadabby, Abby Cadabby? Do you know Abby Cadabby? She's a Fairy on Sesame Street. >> That's me. >> Hi. >> Do you know Elmo? >> Elmo? >> Elmo. Do you know Elmo? He's my best friend at Sesame Street. >> Aw, thank you Abby. >> [LAUGH] >> Do you know Cookie Monster, Cookie Monster, Cookie Monster. Do you know Cookie Monster? He eats cookies on Sesame Street. >> Do you know Rosita? >> Rosita, Rosita. >> Do you know Rosita? >> She plays guitar on Sesame Street. >> Yeah! >> Do you know the Count von Count, the Count von Count, the Count von Count? Do you know the Count von Count? He likes to count on Sesame Street. >> Do you know Bert and Ernie? >> Bert and Ernie, Bert and Ernie? >> Do you know Bert and Ernie? They're roommates on Sesame Street. >> Do you know Super Grover? >> Super Grover, Super Grover. >> Do you know Super Grover? He helps everyone at Sesame Street. >> Do you know Julia, Julia, Julia? Do you know Julia? She loves to paint on Sesame Street. >> Do you know Big Bird? >> Big Bird, Big Bird? >> Do you know Big Bird? He's the biggest bird on Sesame Street. >> Is it just Elmo or is it getting faster? >> It's fast. >> [SOUND] >> Do you know Oscar the Grouch, Oscar the Grouch, Oscar the Grouch? >> Do you know Oscar the Grouch? He lives in a trash can on Sesame Street. >> Hey, do you know- >> Yes? >> How to be quiet? >> [LAUGH] Oscar! >> [LAUGH] >> Hello everybody. Elmo just finished playing with his mommy. Yeah, we practiced the alphabet while making mommy's shopping list. Hey, let's sing the alphabet together, here we go. A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, Q R S, T U V, W X, Y and Z. Now Elmo now his ABCs, next time won't you sing with Elmo? Great singing, everybody. Let's do it one more time. Here we go. A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, Q R S, T U V, W X, Y and Z. Now, Elmo knows his ABC's, next time won't you sing with Elmo? Yay, great singing, everybody. [MUSIC] Let's flap our wings and fly together, little butterfly friend. Flutter through the sky together, little butterfly friend. We can fly from here to there. We can stop and smell a rose. We can flutter up and down. You can land on Elmo's nose. Hello. [LAUGH] Let's flap our wings and go together, little butterfly friend. [LAUGH] Flying high and low together, little butterfly friend. As free as a breeze on a sunny day, we're butterflying all the way. Let's flap our wings and fly! [LAUGH] Little butterfly friend. Little butterfly friend. [LAUGH] You're Elmo's friend. [LAUGH] That tickles. [LAUGH] >> Where is Elmo? Have you seen Elmo? Behind me, what? >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] I spy with my little eye my good friend Elmo. >> Yeah, [LAUGH] you found Elmo. >> [LAUGH] >> Come on, let's play I Spy again. >> Okay, okay, you play along with us. >> Yeah. >> Today we're finding things that are the color green. >> The color green. >> Yes, okay, okay, I got it, I got it. Okay, working together is not out of reach to find something green in this picture of the beach. Zippity zap! >> [LAUGH] Beachy! >> [LAUGH] Beachy, that is so good. Okay, we're looking for three things that are the color green, like this. Zippity zap! >> [LAUGH] Elmo's green. [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] Uh-huh, and that's the color we're looking for, green. Zippity zap! >> Green is the color we're trying to see. Look around, where could it be? >> Doo da doo da doodley dee! >> Come along and find it with me. >> Doo da doo da doodley dee! [MUSIC] I spy with my little eye something green moving fast, a big green ball bouncing past. [MUSIC] >> One thing green we did see, let's find two more to make it three. So give it another try, and play I Spy. >> Green is the color we're trying to see. Look around, where it could be? >> Doo da doo da doodley dee! >> Come along and find with me. >> Doo da doo da doodley dee! [LAUGH] >> Elmo spies with his little eyes, on the water Elmo sees it float. Elmo spies a green sailboat. >> Two things green we did see. Let's find one more to make it three. So give it one last try and play l Spy. [MUSIC] >> Green is the color we're trying to see. >> Look around, where could it be? Doo da doo da doodley dee! >> Surf's up! [LAUGH] >> I spy with my little eye, on that wave, she really soared. >> A surfer with her green surfboard. Found three things, one, two, and three. Da da da da doo dah dee! Thanks for playing I Spy with me! [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] What do you wanna do today, Mr. Taye? >> Well, today I was thinking maybe we could go for a drive. >> Yeah, cool, where's Mr. Taye's car? >> I'm not driving. I was hoping maybe you could drive. >> Elmo, drive? [LAUGH] Mr. Taye, Elmo's only three and a half years old. [LAUGH] >> Right, I know that. I was thinking That maybe we could use our imaginations. >> Cool, come on, help Elmo and Mr. Taye imagine a car. >> Okay. >> Imagine, imagine, imagine. [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] >> Wow, that is some good imagining. >> Come on, let's go for a drive. >> Hold up. First we have to imagine our seat belts. >> Right, good idea Mr. Taye, let's imagine seat belts. >> Okay. >> Imagine. Imagine. Imagine. [LAUGH] >> Okay, that's what I'm talking about. >> Yeah. >> All right, great job. Now let's go riding in an automobile. >> Yeah, baby. [MUSIC] >> Let's go driving in an automobile, let's take a ride in the car. Listen to the motor go, vroom vroom vroom as we travel near and far. >> Come on, drive with Elmo and Taye. >> Vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom. Vroom vroom vroom, vroom, vroom vroom vroom. Let's go driving in an automobile, let's take a ride in a car. Listen to the horn go beep, beep, beep as we travel near and far. >> Come on make a horn sound and go beep. >> Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. >> Let's go driving in an automobile. Let's take a ride in the car. Windshield wipers go swish swish as we travel near and far. >> Let's hear a swish. Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish. >> Let's go driving in an automobile. >> Let's take a ride in the car. >> Listen to the sounds we all can hear. >> As we travel near and far. Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, beep, beep, beep, beep, swish, swish, swish, swish, la la la la. >> Listen to the sounds we all can hear. >> Let's take a ride in the car. >> [LAUGH] Yeah, good singing, Elmo. >> Thank you Mr. Taye. How was Elmo's driving? >> Elmo's driving was cool too. >> Thank you. >> All right. >> You're pretty cool yourself. >> My man. [LAUGH] >> If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet. [SOUND] If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet. [SOUND] If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet [SOUND]. >> [LAUGH] I just love counting. May I join you? >> Sure, Count. >> Sure thing. >> And you can sing and count along too. If you love counting and you know it, clap one time. One. If you love counting and you know it, clap one time. >> One. >> If you love counting and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you love counting and you know it, clap one time. >> One. >> I love it. If you love counting and you know it, jump two times. One, two. >> If you love counting and you know it, jump two times. >> One, two. >> If you love counting and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you love counting and you know it, jump two times. >> One, two. >> If you love counting and you know it stomp three times, one, two, three. >> If you love counting and you know it stomp three times. >> One, two, three. >> If you love counting and you know it and you really want to show it, if you love counting and you know it stomp three times. >> One, two, three. >> Excellent counting everyone. If you love counting and you know it, count them all. >> One, two, three, four, five, six. >> If you love counting and you know, count them all. >> One, two, three, four, five, six. >> If you love counting and you know it and you really want to show it if you love counting and you know it count them all. >> One, two, three, four, five, six. >> [LAUGH] >> That was so much fun. >> Nothing like one, two, three. Three friends counting and singing together. >> [LAUGH] >> Excuse Elmo. Elmo will. Boy. >> What's wrong, Elmo? >> Mr. Romeo, there's someone Elmo wants to play with but Elmo doesn't know him. >> Don't worry, I know something you can say to make new friends. >> Really? >> When you see somebody you'd like to get know, why not just walk up to them with an hola or hello? [FOREIGN] l want to be your friend. >> [FOREIGN] >> Yeah. [FOREIGN] >> [FOREIGN] I want to be your friend. >> When you see somebody with whom you'd like to play, just walk up to them and smile and this is what you'll say. >> Do you wanna play? You might even meet somebody who's shy and bashful too. Why not give them a welcome and ask them to play with you. [FOREIGN] I want to be your friend. >> [FOREIGN] >> [FOREIGN] >> [FOREIGN] >> We want to be your friend. >> [FOREIGN] We want to be your friend. >> Hey guys, a new friend. >> [FOREIGN] >> Yeah sure, I'll be your friend. [LAUGH] >> Thanks Mr. Romeo. [MUSIC] >> Well what does the queen of Machu Picchu think of the guacamole? >> I don't like it. >> No. >> I love it. >> [APPLAUSE] >> I love it so much, it makes me want to dance. >> [INAUDIBLE] Elmo too. >> Come on let's do the guacamole. >> Guacamole. >> Shake your arms fast then shake them slowly. Come on everybody do the guacamole. >> Guac, guac, guacamole. >> Guacamole, yeah! >> Move your legs fast, then move them slowly. Come on, everybody, do the guacamole. >> Guac, guac, guacamole. Guacamole yeah. >> Shake your head fast and shake it slowly, come on everybody do the guacamole. >> Guacamole, guacamole, yeah. >> Guacamole. >> [LAUGH] >> How do we listen? >> Elmo knows how. >> With our whole bodies. Let Elmo show you how. Ears are hearing what you have to say. Eyes are watching what you do today. Mouth is closed and quiet too. Body is calm and facing you. Try it. >> [CROSSTALK] Ears are hearing what you have to say. >> Eyes are watching what you do today. >> Mouth is closed and quiet too. >> Body is calm and facing you. Join us class. Ears are hearing what you have to say. Eyes are watching what you do today. Mouth is closed and quiet too. Body is calm and facing you. >> [LAUGH] >> Are you ready? >> I'm ready, are you ready? >> Elmo's ready. [CROSSTALK] >> Hey Elmo, hi Rosita! >> Hey Big Bird! >> Hola Big Bird! >> And hi to you too. >> [LAUGH] >> You are right on time, Big Bird. >> I am? >> Mm-hm. >> Good, I'm right on time. >> [LAUGH] >> Right on time for what? >> For a game of hide and seek. >> Boy, I love hide and seek. Who's gonna hide first? >> Elmo will. [LAUGH] >> Perfecto! Okay, let's cover our eyes while Elmo hides. >> Okay. >> And you too. [LAUGH] >> Ready? >> Ready. >> Where is Elmo? Where is Elmo? >> Where are you? Where are you? >> [LAUGH] >> Behind the fluffy pillow. Behind the fluffy pillow. >> [CROSSTALK] We found you. We found you. >> [LAUGH] You find Elmo! >> Now it's your turn, Rosita. >> Okay. >> [LAUGH] Okay, let's cover our eyes. >> Okay. >> Are you ready Rosita? >> Lista, ready. >> Where is where is Rosita? Where is Rosita? >> Where are you? Where are you? >> Under the big sun hat. Under the big sun hat. We found you. >> We found you. >> Good job, you two. >> [LAUGH] Okay Big Bird, your turn. >> It is? My turn to what? >> To hide. >> Right, to hide. Okay, cover your eyes. >> Okay, okay. [LAUGH] >> Are you ready Big Bird? >> Not yet. [SOUND] >> Ready now? >> Almost, Rosita. >> [LAUGH] >> Okay, I'm ready. >> Okay. [LAUGH] Boy! [LAUGH] Where is Big Bird? Where is Big Bird? >> Donde estas, where are you? >> Here I am. >> [LAUGH] >> Right behind the book, right behind the book. >> We found you. >> You did. >> We found you. >> [LAUGH] >> That was so much fun. >> Yeah, we're all such great seekers and hiders. >> Yeah, next time Elmo's gonna hide behind the- Elmo's not gonna tell you. [LAUGH] >> Tell us! >> Great, can we play again right now? >> Sure. [MUSIC] >> Elmo the President is ready for his first day. [LAUGH]. Elmo is so happy that he gets to be, the first monster President in history! [LAUGH] Yeah! He's the youngest one ever not even age four. No one's ever seen a president like this before, no, no. >> No one's ever seen a president like this before. Elmo's ready to lead. >> Yeah. >> And he won't get nervous. >> No. >> Cuz he's got the help of his sheep with service. >> Bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah. >> The first lady just walked through the door. Elmo bets she's never seen a president like this before, no no. >> No, I've never seen a president like this >> [CROSSTALK] No one's ever seen a president like this before. [LAUGH] >> Elmo, I spy with my little eye someone to play with us. >> [LAUGH] Hi! Elmo and Abby are playing I-spy. >> Yeah, and you can play along with us. What color should we look for, Elmo? >> How about orange? >> Okay, here we go. >> Okay. >> Okay, let's look together and give a call when we see something orange in this picture of fall. Zipidy zap! [LAUGH] >> It's fall on the farm. >> Yep. And on this farm, we're gonna look for three things that are orange just like this. Zipidy zap! >> [LAUGH] Elmo is orange. >> [LAUGH] Yep, and that's the color we're looking for, orange. Zipidy zap! >> Orange is the color we are trying to see. Look around, where could it be? >> Doo-dah, doo-dah, doodley-dee. >> Come along and find it with me. >> Doo-dah, doo-dah, doodley-dee. [SOUND] >> I spy with my little eye something orange under that tree. An orange turkey gobbling at me. >> [SOUND] >> One thing orange we could see, lets find two more to make it three. So give it another try and play I-spy. >> Orange is the color we're trying to see. Look around, where could it be? >> Doo-dah, doo-dah, doodley-dee. >> Come along and find it with me. Doo-dah, doo-dah, doodley-dee. >> Elmo spies with his little eyes, in the bushes over there, an orange hat on that scarecrow's hair. >> Have fun looking for orange things. >> Two things orange we did see, let's find one more to make it three. So give it one last try and play I-spy. >> Orange is the color we're trying to see. Look around, where could it be? Doo-dah, doo-dah, doodley-dee. [SOUND] >> I spy with my little eye, in the patch with a smiling face, an orange pumpkin dancing in place. Found orange things, one, two and three. La-dah, dah-dah, doo-dah-dee. Thanks for playing I-spy with me. >> See you later, kids. >> Bye, bye. [SOUND]. [LAUGH]. Guess what, guess what? Elmo's friend, Mr. Adam Sandler is making up a song. Mr. Adam Sandler? >> Mm-hm? >> Are you making up a song right now? >> That's right. >> What's Mr. Adam Sandler's song about? >> It's about you, Elmo. >> Elmo? >> Mm-hm? >> Mr. Adam Sandler's writing a song about Elmo? >> Yes. Well, can Elmo hear it? >> I wanna play it for you, I just gotta come up with something that rhymes with Elmo. >> Go ahead, do your thing. [MUSIC] >> Petunia? >> No. >> No, okay, sesquabedalia? >> No! >> No. >> Elmo can't think of a word that rhymes with Elmo either. >> We're in trouble, Elmo. >> I guess Mr. Adam Sandler can't make up a song about Elmo. >> Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Adam Sandler just came up with it. >> You did? >> This is a song about Elmo. >> Uh-huh. >> Who likes to play and yell-mo. >> Yell-mo! [LAUGH] >> When he rides his tricycle- >> Yeah? >> He always rings his bell-mo. >> Bring-bring. [LAUGH] >> At night he takes a bubble bath. >> That's right. >> Just so he won't- >> Smell-mo. >> It's not about a penguin with a rose in his lapel-mo. >> That's good. >> It's not a song about a shrimp lifting his barbell-mo. >> [LAUGH] >> It's not a song about a banana who slipped on himself and fell-mo. >> Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! >> It's not about a parrot talking on his cell-mo. >> Can you hear me now? >> It's not about a dragon who likes to kiss and tell-mo. >> Kissed Adam Sandler. >> Okay. >> [LAUGH] >> This is a song about Elmo, >> Elmo. >> Who I don't mean to kvell-mo. >> Kvell-mo? [LAUGH] >> But Elmo here can write his name, and soon he'll learn to spell-mo. >> Spell-mo! >> When he's at the beach he always finds a- >> Shell-mo. [LAUGH] >> Elmo's favorite game- >> Yeah! What is it? >> Is the farmer in the- >> Dell-mo. Here we go. >> This is a song about Elmo. >> Elmo. >> Elmo, Elmo, Elmo. >> Elmo. >> This is a song about Elmo. >> Elmo. >> Elmo in a nutshell-mo. Now my song is over and it's time to say- >> Time to say. >> Time to say. >> Time to say farewell-mo. >> [CROSSTALK] >> What did you think? >> It was incredible-mo. >> That was it! >> Wasn't that good, wasn't that great? [LAUGH] >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was a good rhyme. Okay, bye. >> By, Mr. Adam Sandler. Boy, he's a great singer and rhymer too. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> Sing what I sing, sing after me, be my echo if you can be. Sing tra-la-la. >> Tra-la-la. >> Me, me, me. >> Me, me, me. [LAUGH] >> Ha, ha, ha. >> Ha, ha, ha. >> Hee, hee, hee. >> Hee, hee, hee. >> Pick a peck of peppers. >> Pick a peck of peppers. >> Fiddle diddle dee. >> Fiddle diddle dee. >> Be my echo. >> Be my echo. >> Sing what l sing. >> Sing what l sing. >> Follow the leader and sing after me. >> Sing after me. [LAUGH] >> Wow, Elmo, you're really a good echo. >> Thank you, Ernie. >> Hey, you wanna try another verse? >> Yeah, Elmo would love to. >> Here we go. >> Okay. >> Sing what I sing, sing after me. >> Sing after me. >> Be my echo if you can be. >> Okay. >> Sing di, di, di. >> Di, di, di. >> Doe, doe, doe. >> Doe, doe, doe. >> High, high, high. >> High, high, high. >> Low, low, low. >> Low, low, low. >> That's great. >> Pick a peck of peppers. >> Pick a peck of peppers. >> Fiddle diddle dee. >> [LAUGH] Fiddle diddle dee. >> Be my echo. >> Be my echo. >> Sing what I sing. >> Sing what I sing. >> Follow the leader and [CROSSTALK] >> Sing after me. >> Sing after me. >> Sing fiddle. >> Fiddle. >> Diddle. >> Diddle. >> Dee. >> Dee! [LAUGH] >> That was great. >> Yeah, that was fun, Ernie. >> Yeah, we'll have to do that again sometime. >> Yeah, yes sir. >> Yep. [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH] Hey everybody, look who's here. >> Hi. >> Wow, we're so glad you're here. >> Yeah, and we have a special birthday song just for you. [MUSIC] >> Start the beat, get on your feet for the special occasion. A year has gone by, let's start the celebrations. Cuz it's your birthday, what a treat. >> You're feeling great, we brought some cake. >> And decorated with a twinkle. >> We got balloons. >> And awesome tunes. >> And a cookie with sprinkles. >> Cuz it's a party for you on Sesame Street. Hap-hap-happy, happy, happy birthday. We love showing up, watching you growing up. >> Hooray! >> Hooray! >> Hooray! >> Yeah! >> Hap-hap-happy, happy, happy birthday. We love showing up, watching you growing up. >> Hooray! >> Hooray! >> Hooray! >> It's your special day. [NOISE] >> Elmo wishes hugs and kisses, let's make lots of noise. [LAUGH] Party hats, lots of snacks, play with lots of toys. Elmo got a kazoo just for you, so you can dance some more. Elmo loves you and he wants you to have a happy day. So keep on moving, keep on grooving, yeah come on and play. Now let's shout the way for turning 4. >> [LAUGH] >> Happy birthday! [NOISE] >> Hap-hap-happy, happy, happy birthday.. We love showing up, watching you growing up. >> Hooray! >> Hooray! >> Hooray! >> Hap-hap-happy, happy, happy birthday. We love showing up, watching you growing up. >> Happy birthday. >> Happy birthday. >> Happy birthday. Elmo loves you. [MUSIC] >> This is the song, La la la la, Elmo's song. La la la la, la la la la, Elmo's song. >> I like it. >> La la la, la la, la la. >> To think he wrote this alone. >> La la la, la la la la. >> Catchy. >> He loves to sing, la la la la, Elmo's song. >> [LAUGH] Always singing. >> La la la la la, la la la la, Elmo's song. He wrote the music. He wrote the words. That's Elmo's song. >> Wow, that's great. >> Yeah, I wish I had a song. >> Yeah, well Big Bird can share Elmo's. >> How? >> Well just sing Big Bird instead of Elmo. >> Great idea. >> Here I go. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] This is the song, la la la la, Big Bird`s song. >> Hey, it works. >> La la la la, la la la la, Big Bird's song. >> La la la, la la la la. >> La la la la la. >> La la la, la la la la. >> La la la la la. >> I love to sing, la la la la, Big Bird's song. La la la la, la la la la, Big Bird's song. I love the music. I love the words. That's Big Bird's song. Your turn, Snuff, old pal. >> All right, stand back. [MUSIC] This is the song, la la la la, Snuffy's song. >> Sing it, Mr. S. >> La la la la, la la la la, Snuffy's song. >> La la la, la la la la. >> La la la la la. >> La la la, la la la la. La la la la la. >> I love to sing, la la la la, Snuffy's song. La la la la la, la la la la, Snuffy's song. >> He wrote the music. We wrote the words. >> That's Snuffy's- >> That's Big Bird's- >> That's Elmo's song! Yeah! >> [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 8,334,232
Rating: 3.549469 out of 5
Keywords: elmo's songs collection, elmo songs, elmo songs compilations, elmo's songs collection #4, hour of elmo songs, elmo songs hour video, two hours of elmo songs, sesame street songs, elmo and abby songs, sesame street elmo, songs for babies, elmo video, sesame street songs compilation, elmo's ducks lyric, Elmo's song collection 4
Id: PKCTG2a90a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 20sec (7280 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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