Primitive Kingdom Versus ALIEN Kingdom

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welcome back welcome back to Lemon Island get it it's shaped like a lemon and it's full of lemon trees and lemon people yeah that's pretty funny so today we're doing Island versus Island but for the first time ever it's going to be the usual some fresh primitive humans versus an advanced alien species look at them look how scary they look zag Gad look at that Alien Blaster 600 health does up to 40 damage and my gosh he's huge look at this dude with the flat head but look out he's got a legendary Blaster this guy could become the leader of the aliens with this thing but yes obviously there is no alien race in this game so I just placed a bunch of aliens and a bunch of uh buildings that look kind of alien-ish to me like what the heck is this supposed to be you know looks like a melted old Game Boy this looks like a cage for dragons and this looks like cat ears but yes these aliens aren't going to expand their Kingdom or anything they're just going to live here forever until they die that's right they're Immortal so someone's going to have to come kill them and that's where our primitive friends over here come in as advanced as the aliens are they don't know how to make boats they know how to make spaceships but they don't know how to make boats space travel easy peasy sea travel what the heck is this stuff they never seen water before I guess they'd love to go to Lemon Island and give it a try try some of the lemons but luckily for these guys those aliens can't get out here to try the lemons so basically what we're going to see is can the humans eventually destroy all these aliens I think it's going to take a lot honestly I think they could get over here and start killing a few here and there but I think it's going to take a long time so we're just going to go ahead and let it run for a while cuz I don't think they have the slightest chance of fighting the aliens for a long time not only do they need boats but they need a lot of armies let's give them time to advance shall we all right let's see how they're coming along 340 population looks like they've covered their Island pretty well they look a little primitive still looks like wood weapons all around they took over lemon Island though that's cool hopefully they asked the lemon people first is that okay with you buddy oh sorry I don't speak lemon he's over a thousand years old jeez Louise he's seen this world go through ages bro all right I did see some explosions over here I think that the humans did land at some point yeah they must have dropped some people off it's going to be rough man just killing one alien is going to be rough but the thing is aliens don't come back right we're not going to spawn more they don't like give birth to more or anything they're not advancing in technology so once you kill one that's one less alien forever all you got to do is kill one like uh 200 times or something so yeah oh man some boat just got blasted before it even hit land that's rough oh it might have just been a fishing boat that went too far dang can't even fish over here huh all right how's their army looking we got wood swords some strong people in the midst but this guy knows no matter how strong he is his wood sword ain't going to beat an Alien Blaster we got some wood axes we got a wood sword although right here it looks super bent oh wait that's just grass okay I was like wait no is it the grass is not there anymore but yeah they're coming along oh they got a second Army over here ooh send this guy guy in jeez Louise put him on the front lines he'll be fine he could block a few alien blasters while the rest of you get in there oh look at that they're trying look at that they even tried building a bonfire right here on the beach very brave of you here we go let's try again oh my gosh fail strangely enough I feel like the first couple alien kills are going to be friendly fire uh Friendly Fire as in them shooting each other and also the fire that their Blaster makes does a lot of damage if you can catch an alien on fire uh that might kill him it's going to be rough for a long time they're going to keep wasting boats and soldiers over and over again but eventually they might clear part of the island and actually get to set up camp and that's going to be an exciting time here they come again they just send like three villagers oh we got an alien on fire oh alien dead maybe it's the first one hard to say oh they just blew up a fishing boat that's so rude I don't know how many are here but I'm going to say there's something like 150 or 200 or something there's definitely a lot of aliens so if they kill one or two here and there eventually that number is going to get smaller and smaller and I think they could eventually win I think they're going to need armor and stuff though because I think currently they can get killed in like two shots from the Blaster and you're going to need to be able to survive more than that if uh there's currently 10 aliens shooting at you all at [Music] once oh my gosh there's actually people on here there was a couple people that actually set up bonfires look at that three different buildings that were started I mean they didn't get very far but I bet an alien got killed in there huh dang they just keep trying oh there's a bunch of fire over here I just saw an alien die another one down I feel bad rooting against the aliens so hard but um that's kind of the whole point of the video I Wonder Why the humans like this particular spot the most they have not bothered with the rest of the island yet oh my gosh look at all those people oh my goodness they sent like 20 people right there an alien has to have been killed in that one right look at the beach is like becoming clearer and clearer I mean it's still like a disaster abs absolutely but it's looking pretty good alien on fire he's running for the water but he's not going to make it another one down bro I mean I wish we could keep track of their overall population cuz it looks like you know they've killed a few for sure but it looks about the same it still looks like 200 aliens with blasters I'm just surprised they can still find people to volunteer to jump on the boat like that I don't think I would be down to go to this island after we shipped hundreds and hundreds of people that never came home I'd be like you know what I don't know if I do want to see the new island I think I'm actually happy here here oh look at that we got some Stone weapons in here that's good no armor yet but I think they'll get there here we go again man so many people just getting instantly flung into the water I really can't tell if any of these aliens are dying there's lots of them on the beach here that have low Health this guy's got 94 this guy's got 154 this guy's only got 62 now they do heal slowly but with how fast the humans are sending poor innocent people to get obliterated I think they actually are going to slowly take these aliens Health down I don't think they're going to outou heal that Pace it is funny that the main strategy to defeat these aliens is to make the aliens defeat themselves The Blasters are so powerful it makes sense to make them use them on themselves I think eventually once uh the humans get like armor and bows I think they might have a chance you drop like 50 people here and you know some of them get some arrows off while some other ones get some hits in I think you can actually make some progress oh look at that they're up here trying to set up camp too all right I can't tell if it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I feel like there's visibly less aliens not by much but I think that you know I'd estimate maybe 10 to 15 have been killed so far look at this boat running for his life that's right get out of there boys go home what a hero do you see how he was driving that thing sheesh how about you you going to do the same thing look at them Thrill Seekers oh and they're gone it's just constant boats that one dropped off one guy who got obliterated I feel like the only way they'll make progress is if they keep sending boats with like 20 to 30 people on it feels bad for those 20 30 people cuz obvious they're all going to die but whenever there's that many people they actually do kill some aliens you got to get those fire spreads going there we go one guy again I wonder if they're just struggling on population or something here we go we got a copper axe here that's good hopefully this person knows how to use it okay they're up to a th population here I'm seeing some different colors of weapons in here oh mithil mithil spear let's go dude okay they're on their way still no armor that I can see I think that's going to be the big difference high damage weapons are nice and all but I really don't think they're going to get to hit the aliens very much you know bows maybe bows will be helpful but um armor you got to be able to take a couple hits there we go bows mithil bows this is it we are on our way here we go boys get in there drop them off come on oh my gosh oh jeez okay that was a big army too and it just pretty much got deleted I can't even tell if they killed any aliens there I hope they did that's rough let's go dude this is it this is the big one oh they blew up instantly never mind that was not the big one okay this is the big one I can feel it this is it for real come on why do they go all the way around to the back it's so ineffective come on guys no oh we got some bows happening maybe a couple arrows hit all right I don't know okay okay now yes I can see it there's some gaps I think they're actually doing it look how few aliens are up here now there's I mean yeah like there's still like 20 but like look how there's like two on the beach okay there's like eight I don't know I can't tell I know that they've definitely killed a lot of them but there's still a lot left left okay how we looking still not a lot of good metal weapons here unfortunately yeah you think by now they'd have more okay this Squadron has lots of mithil oh and some armor finally look at that okay cool plus 10 Armor Plus Eight armor nice okay we are on our way I think that that will help them survive just a little bit longer each time they go to the island I'm hoping they keep just sending like five people at once though unfortunately and that's just not going very well come on guys you got this okay I definitely saw at least one alien die I want to say probably two oh another boat instantly destroyed alien on fire this panicking running around he's dead okay I had a thought so I have animals spawn off right now because if the animals spawn the aliens shoot them and that just makes their world chaos I turned it off which means this mob's number is mostly the aliens it also includes the lemon people and any animals that are still here from before I turned animal spawn off I don't know if there's any left but this number is probably pretty close how many aliens there are and it was at 300 earlier it's at 187 now so I mean look at this I feel like not even my mind playing tricks on me this this upper area has been thinned out for sure they're doing it come on guys you got this dang look at that 185 did they kill two aliens on that attack so I mean you know we'll keep an eye on that oh my gosh 181 178 oh my gosh they're doing it look how many people they sent quick build a bonfire I don't know what that would do for you but I just want to see if you can actually build it 177 Build It Build It Build It come on you got this setup Camp conquer these lands yes that's huge progress it's going to get destroyed probably but that's the first time they've done that they successfully built a bonfire that was crazy they sent like three groups back to back 177 mobs left they're sending in a bunch of boats look at them go we got some bows on the beach look at that they got like a couple soldiers guarding all the villagers I mean these people are being kind of cowards oh my gosh they got alien guns wait don't go back on the boat stay here fight with the alien guns I forgot about that if they kill aliens they can take their guns look at that 167 they killed like 10 aliens in that one that was crazy there was like three guys on the beach with alien blasters it looked like some of them were going back on the boat though I wonder if anyone back home has alien blasters now not the worst tactic you know get some blasters go home heal up and then come back yeah look this person right here and this guy and over here as well dang they're doing it they're actually doing it I was a little worried that I gave them an impossible task but they're actually doing it look at this it's the craziest thing to watch where the whole strategy is just getting the aliens to light themselves on fire look at that another one down I at least saw two die right there we're down to 163 they're definitely focusing this bottom part of the map again they were sending everyone up here for a while but they decided to give up on that and now they're back here again it's crazy dude this is wild alien on fire look at him go you're going down buddy nice the Villager just like uh should we start building or should we just stand here come on build Build It come on you got this look at this villager with the bow here dang blasted 155 I think like eight aliens got killed on that one holy smoke she's got a gun she's going crazy get a couple more kills if you can dang this is actually really fun to watch no don't gather berries right now you've got a Alien Blaster use it there you go wow dude that's crazy I feel like she's got so much range look at that she's like sniping them she's got 40 health over here she would die if she gets hit once but The Bravery is astounding come on fight back oh she killed this guy's got four kills this guy's got nine kills five kills four kills seven kills this guy's got 15 kills and these guys have it easy but I bet they're getting a little nervous at this point like look at how many times they've attempted to build bonfires here and they've actually succeeded once now how's it looking over here still got some alien blasters back here you guys got more armor yet it's like some of them have a little armor but nothing too crazy it does take a long time to get them armor but uh if they could all get fitted out with some really good armor they're on capable man the aliens are weak now especially on the bottom half of the island you know they're all hanging back now and shooting from a distance which makes it a little tough but look at this guy you got this bro he just killed an alien oh he got killed it's honestly awesome watching them take alien guns and then shoot a couple aliens before they get taken down they're truly fighting back the villagers are so brave all right guys get in there punch them oh man see if they can just clear this area out and actually build they could start making armies on the island then they could just keep pushing them further and further back until there's none left I think them all getting dropped off on a boat in a big group is rough because it just takes one alien shot to just blow all of them into the water and then they're all dead pretty much it's really happening 139 on the mob's counter come on build it this guy's got an adamantine sword wa dude okay we got some bows over here we could really use oh they're all going home never mind they got scared okay we got some villagers here someone with a bow dang they built another bonfire come on send more people in here no don't kill them no no no no no wait don't do it don't do it don't do it oh it's so sad you caught their fire on fire look at all these boats dude it's crazy how hard they're trying I feel like they're getting really close to actually setting up a village out here there's just a few aliens that keep wandering just close enough to shoot them come on guys I believe in you dang mobs are down to 101 yeah the aliens are thinned out big time dude I just want to see them get a proper Village here that'd be so cool build the bonfire you got this set up camp Oh big person's here it's it's over all right build one tent that'll truly impress me oh my gosh dude this is ridiculous this is ridiculous down to 97 the bonfire still stands the Glorious bonfire and new people have arrived oh man they're still within range come on guys get some tents going no way it's happening we got tents they're all hiding in the tent I don't know if that's really going to stop the aliens but it's worth a try this jerk over here is just totally racking in some kills he got 16 kills someone's got to take him down dang okay well it's happening they actually at the Village down to 93 mobs looks like there's actually no aliens close by I mean there's these ones but they've got a lot of room up and down that looks safe so as long as the aliens don't wander too much they should be able to keep doing this just keep dropping people off this is actually awesome I'm having a great time watching this I didn't think they were actually going to be able to do it I was worried they were just going to get killed forever or like it would just take too long to be worth it you know but this is like not that bad I mean granted it's been a couple hundred years they're definitely not primitive anymore they're about as advanced as they can get but uh yeah they are definitely doing it they just killed an alien by fighting him no fire needed for that one nice dude mobs down to 89 their alien population is dropping so fast oh man the house got destroyed and the other tent there's just a few more pesky aliens that are too close how's it looking back here you guys got armor yet wood axe come on man there we go some mythal armor not a lot of adamantine armor yet though not a lot of adamantine in general but I guess it's a lot more rare if it was possible for them to get just everyone adamantine armor and weapons and send them all in I think they could do it and one more big push aliens are down to 75 just from like villagers fighting them and the bonfire still stands the Glorious bonfire got a new Village up here but looks like it's gone already so never mind forget I said anything it's like they're building more down here nice we got a proper house two proper houses they're building a dock that's crazy I don't know what that's going to do for them in the long run for this they could throw fish at the aliens dang they're setting up a farm this is crazy crazy there's like aliens right here and they're like quick grow wheat fast before we get blown up there's pretty much no aliens down on this half of the island though except for this one guy over here threatening but the rest of them are all up top and there's not that many left there's probably like 40 left maybe 50 nice dude we got some army dudes over here we got a guy with a blaster the crops are like on fire from the Alien Blaster but they're still working hard look at them the bravest farmers of all time you never would have thought farming could be so dangerous but here it is is growing crops like 50 ft from aliens that want to kill you oh this alien's on fire look at them go they got them nice okay they got a lot of blasters I see like five different people with blasters right now mobs are down to 67 the farm is being rebuilt for the 100th time and look at this it's like a proper Village after all that hard work the probably thousands of people that died just to secure this beach it's inspiring kind of another alien on fire he's dead they're still trying to set up camp up here but it's not going out as well I think their best move is just to take over this entire bottom half here ship some armies over get some more local armies and then just keep slowly spreading their way upwards mobs are at 52 there a lot going on up here dude this is just endless violence now there's like people getting shipped safely over here and then they're like choosing to attack which is nice 46 they're like successfully attacking and killing the aliens one at a time they're like hunting them down all right let's watch in superp Sonic Speed let's watch those Kingdom lines move [Music] upwards no way they conquered the top of the island there's like just a few aliens here on the edge I think that's all the ones left three aliens left no way One's On Fire I think one's dead I think two of them are dead the last alien he's on fire and he's gone wow they did it dude they actually did it took them around 300 years total from starting with nothing they managed to sail across the ocean and defeat an island of like 300 aliens at the beginning I feel like it would have been easier for them if it wasn't all with boats too so they kind of had it on hard mode where they had to drop people off like 2T from Aliens and just dying instantly but even that they were able to push through excellent work I don't know if this King should be proud look at him he's all dripped out he's got so much armor he's got the he got a legendary Alien Blaster but he has no kills he didn't help fight he just kept stealing all the loot while sending like ships full of people to go die over and over again that guy is ruthless but you know what they've claimed Victory and it looks lovely thanks for watching guys hopefully you enjoyed that pretty unusual concept for a video I think definitely something I'm only going to do once I just wanted to see if that was possible and I'm glad to say it is don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't yet and I will see you guys next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Gorg
Views: 85,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox huge war, worldbox long, worldbox timelapse, worldbox big map, worldbox fantasy, worldbox races, worldbox biomes, worldbox, simulation, tabs, mellon worldbox, simulated worldbox, fantasy world, worldbox battle, world box game, world box mod, dangerouslyfunny, totally accurate, battle simulator, versus, aliens
Id: iRisc3enNuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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